#Darina Alster
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I Wish I Was an Ancient Sculpture
22/08/2023, Troja Chateau, GHMP, Prague / Liquid Queer Memorial - M. Kamen & D. Alster performance
I WISH I WAS AN ANCIENT STATUE is a performance piece created for event Liquid Queer Memorial by Martin Kamen and Darina Alster. The idea was to co-create a fluid memorial to queerness which would be living fluid organism. An artistic reasear of the possibilities of memorial.
In this piece I pay attention to Escapism which accompanies the queer living experience. It is a strategy of survi- val. When facing a traumatic event we create an alternative place to escape and hide from the pressures which the only thing heteronormative patriarchal society provides for us queer folks. Second layer of the performance narrative was Daydreaming of queer youth.
Youth that is fed stories of teen love and happy ever after from media all around - especially in times od digitalage. But these queer youth never get their teenage romance and all they can do about it is dream it. The third strata of the performance piece focused on the erotisation of young body in not-just queer community and theimage of being a prey and never feeling quite safe. Wanted to be perceived but also invisible.
This whole four-hour performance used the aesthetics of James Bidgood’s film Pink Narcissus. Using for example action of slow wetting a pair of satin pants to create an illusion of nudity and erotics, body oil to appear more muscular or making bubbles. Bubbles that resemble infant naivity, carefreeness but they are also rainbow, fluid, collective, free and contain ones breath, which is a sign of living. But as well as a life of a bubble is temporary so is ours and especially fragile is the existence of a queer person.
Photo by Photo by Robert Carrithers
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Czech Woman A Day (729) : Darina Alster (visual artist, performer)
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Reality stays unanswered
Darina Alster
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Theatrum Mundi 3.0: kolektivní performance
27. 4. 2019, 15:00-18:00 Národní Galerie V Praze, Veletržní Palác (Dukelských hrdinů 47, 17000 Praha) performance Samadoma & Vladimír Havlík
Vystupují: Lenka Klodová, František Kowolowski, skupina In Sáček Veritas, Kateřina Olivová, Hsu Yi Ting (TW), Tomáš Ruller a ateliér Performance FaVU VUT, Miloš Šejn, David Helán, Viktor Fuček(SK), Katarina Kadijevič, Adam Hrubý, Natálie Kubíková, Sama doma (Tereza Darmovzalová, Petra Ševců, (c) merry) & Vladimír Havlík, Mojmír Pukl, Jana Orlová, Hana Magdoňová, Elis Unique, 5D Kolektiv, SŮL aka Roza Pogosian, Tinka Avramova, Naděžda Nazarová (RU), Bára Alex Kašparová, Tereza Sosíková, Jan Běhounek, Jan Škrob, Magdaléna Šipka, Martin Zet, Vell Sv , dále studenti Duncan centre: Šárka Říhová, Jakub Kolpek, Tereza Holubová, Šimon Klus, Jolana Šturmová, Zuzana Pipková, Barbora Makalová, Anna Kroupová, Magdalena Junková. Multimediální instalace - experiment s fenoménem kolektivní performance, který zachycuje vnitřní prostor člověka a metaforicky také světa v návaznosti na Jana Amose Komenského. Skupina lidí jako živý organismus, kde probíhají různé protichůdné procesy zároveň. Konec střídá začátek v nepravidelném rytmu. Srdcem projektu je přenosná divadelní točna jako symbol pomíjivosti a cykličnosti. Situaci budou snímat kamery mobilů umístěných na tělech performerů nebo dobrovolníků. Jednotlivé prvky skupinové performance budou zároveň prezentovány jako videoinstalace v průběhu akce, a to díky speciálně vyvinuté aplikaci, jejímž autorem je Michal Kindernay a Pavel Havrda. Obsah instalace bude spoluvytvářen performery, diváky i prostorem. Projekce se stanou zrcadly svých pozorovatelů.
Koncept: Darina Alster Instalace. Michal Kindernay, Pavel Havrda Videodokumentace: Michal Klodner Kostýmy: Recycle Vintage Store Spolupráce NGP: Oldřich Bystřický Poděkování: MKČR, Národní galerie Praha, Studio Hrdinů
screenshoty z dokumentačního videa (c) Alexandr Jančík
#performance#Vladimír Havlík#(c) merry#Samadoma#Darmovzalová#Ševců#Národní galerie#Veletržní palác#Theatrum Mundi#Darina Alster
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Darina Alster -XX / The Aeon 172002, z cyklu Tarrot Positions
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"O žaludečním zahradničení a trávení (v) mnohosti" // book chapter in Dělení těla. Editors Darina Alster and Piotr Sikora. Akademie výtvarných umění. ISBN: 978-80-88366-20-1
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Two opposite parts of Psyche are fighting with ego. Two strong female archetypes in opposition which is their conjunction. Inner healing proces. The tension of fight, the borderland between struggle and love of contrasting energies as the basic pulsation or the motivation of life. Transformation of fear through physical process. Authors: Darina Alster and Jana Orlová . CreArture festival, Postgallery, Kaunnas, Lithuania, 7.9.2018. Photos by Airida Rekštyte, Eligius Kniežauskas, Arturas Armonas
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Kniha Milk and Honey představuje třicet dva rozhovorů s umělkyněmi a umělci, kurátorkami a kurátory, aktivistkami a aktivisty na téma mateřství, rodičovství. Zkoumá, jak příchod dětí ovlivňuje jejich práci, profesní vývoj, postavení ve společnosti i v kultuře, také výběr tvůrčích témat i životní hodnoty a postoje. Kača Olivová otevírá v rozhovorech křehká osobní i společenská témata, aby poukázala na paradoxy života žen nejen v kontextu kreativních profesí. Před jejím mikrofonem se vystřídaly například Lenka Klodová, Veronika / Šrek / Bromová , Kateřina Šedá, Darina Alster, Karina Kottová, Sam Sráč, Jakub Adamec, Silvie Šeborová, Zuzana Štefková, Piotr Sikora, Apolena Rychlíková, Matěj Metelec nebo Lucie Jarkovská. Portréty osobností nafotilo brněnské studio Divý tvor. Publikace vychází ve spolupráci nakladatelství wo-men a AVU. Fotografie ke knize - @divy_tvor@kohoutkovakarolina @women_publishing @avu_prague grafika: @terezie.stindlova @jardala17 @mira.gaberova@darinaalster @[email protected] @[email protected]@katerina.seda.33 @silvieseborova@takacviktor @zrezbova@vero_srek_brom@dredatamamalove @stejskaltereza@jenniferhelia@whatisart_babydonthurtme@micinka_kk @[email protected] @[email protected] @jakub.adamec_@lucia_dovicakova #crowdfunding #crowdsourcing#předprodej #milkandhoney#rozhovory #umeni #art #artbook
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Accessibility Note no 4 Gallery of Academy of Fine Arts in Prague February 25th – March 21st, 2019 Curator: Magdalena Jadwiga Härtelova
photos by Radek Dětinský, Dávid Brna
Fourth in the Accessibility Note exhibition series introduces Slovakian artist Dávid Brna, a student at the New Media II studio at the Academy of Fine Arts. The artist created for GAVU a large scale installation titled How to Talk to Your Body (2019). Part of Brna's exhibition project also are four Get-Together events. During these meetings, co-organized with Barvolam, an organization for artists with „mental handicap“, visitors will have the opportunity to will discuss the topics put forth in the exhibition in the form of a guest artist-lead workshop, each focusing on one medium -ceramics, performance, video, sculpture.
In the gallery, Brna created an acutely material and, at first, unsettling environment. Indeed, the How to Talk to Your Body installation is about unease – of watching yourself, of witnessing one's own mind and body, of being seen by others in a society that still values normality and attempts to shape individuals by comparing. Figuratively and literally, Brna uses the slogan-like language of neo-liberal Internet. Through it, he comments on the contemporary discourse around mental health and neurospecificity, especially as it manifests on popular online platforms. Undoubtedly, the openness of the internet has contributed to de-stigmatization of mental illness in significant ways. However, in the same gesture, the content presented online most visibly often times banalizes neurospecificity, mixing up anxiety over job interviews with psychiatrically diagnosed, paralyzing, anxiety attacks. Browsing through this complex and ambiguous space that provides resources and platforms for discussion but also normalizes, excludes and is always, always, hyper self-observing, Brna looks at the moment of diagnosis. Doing so, by a parallel, his exhibition project at GAVU draws connection between the mechanism of diagnosing and institutionalization of art.
On one hand the liberal discourse around mental health democratized access to information on neurospecificity. Doing so, it challenged many of the stigma of the past around mental illness and made more widely available some resources, such as self-help tools. On the other hand, as we said, the popularity-focused content creating of the internet age banalizes many complex issues. The wide-spread self-diagnosis, often presented as a type of entertainment, may make it seem like there is no need for devising real strategies of inclusion for neurospecific people. Similarly, most art institutions have adopted the buzz words taken from feminism, post-colonialism, queer theory and other philosophies working towards radical change in inclusion, representation and power hierarchies. However, material changes are still sparse and practical implementations of the proclaimed values are mostly oriented towards those already included in/around institutions. One example for all is the exploitation of neurospecific people by the Art Market in what has been the trend of Art Brut.Brna’s exhibition project doesn’t resort to a gestural or mocking commentary on the situation. He belongs to the new generation of artists that can include humor in their vocabulary but are post-irony. He acknowledges the weight of his and others stake in the matter, acts in practical ways, share. He decided to have a, at the academy quite unprecedented, Get-Together about what is on his mind
.List of works:
How to Talk to Your Body, multi-media installation, dimensions variable, 2019
Get-Together around Ceramics, workshop with Nela Britaňáková and Kristina Haviarová, public, for free, GAVU, 1st March, 2019
Get-Together around Performance, workshop with Darina Alster and Kača Olivová, public, for free, GAVU, 8th March, 2019
Get-Together around Video, workshop with Eliška Havlíková and Kateřina Turečková, public, for free, GAVU, 15th March, 2019
Get-Together around Sculpture, workshop with Dagmar Filípková, public, for free, GAVU, 18th March, 2019
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Our monsters are masters of our power
Darina Alster
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Theatrum Mundi 2.0: skupinová multimediální performance
22.9.2018 od 15 do 18h v GASKu v Kutné Hoře.
Vystupují: Lenka Klodová, František Kowolowsky, Gaby Bila-Gunther, Martin Zet, Jana Orlová, Kateřina Olivová, Marie Zandálková, (c) merry, David Helan a Miloš Šejn, Johana Střížková, Petra Pětiletá, Markéta Garai, Ladislav Vondrák, Vladimír Havlík, Mojmír Pukl, In sáček veritas, Jennifer Helia De Felice, Elis Unique, tera&pie, Katarina Kadijevic, Aneta Jaurisová, Filip Martínek, Mariana Kuželová, Tereza Sosíková, Jan Škrob, Helena Machová, Jan Běhounek
Autorka koncepce pro Gask: Darina Alster Kurátorka Veronika Marešová
Zvuk: Anja Kaufmann Instalace: Michal Kindernay Spolupráce: Pavel Havrda
Poděkování: Studio Hrdinů
‘long distance’ - performance via Skype, (c) merry foto: Vladimír Havlík
Theatrum Mundi
Skupinová multimediální performance
V sobotu 22.9.2018 od 15h do 18h se odehraje v prostorách GASK v Kutné Hoře kolektivní performance spojená s interaktivní videoinstalací. Probíhat bude ve všech prostorách galerie, hlavně v expozici Stavy mysli za obrazem.
Theatrum Mundi je multimediální instalace a performance, která zachycuje vnitřní prostor člověka a metaforicky také světa. Chceme vytvořit místo, které existuje zároveň konkrétně i virtuálně a jehož tvar se neustále proměňuje. Obsahově se dotýkáme bezčasí, kde probíhají různé protichůdné procesy zároveň. Konec střídá začátek v opakujícím se rytmu. Jedná se o experiment s fenoménem kolektivní performance – skupina lidí jako živý organismus, jako mraveniště po vzoru Komenského.
Srdcem projektu Theatrum Mundi je přenosná divadelní točna jako symbol pomíjivosti a cykličnosti. Vystupují přední performeři a studenti uměleckých škol, dále jsou přizváni tanečníci, aby zastupovali intuici a čistou fyzickou improvizaci.
V Gasku vycházíme z expozice s názvem Stavy mysli. Performeři se vztahují k jednotlivým stavům i protikladným emocím, jakož i k všeprostupujícímu proudu vědomí, paměti a imaginace. Točnu umístíme uprostřed sbírky. Performance se zde budou kumulovat a zároveň se budou paprskovitě rozpínat po celé budově i vnějších zahradách původní jezuitské koleje..
Situace bude snímána kamerami mobilů umístěných na tělech performerů nebo dobrovolníků. Jednotlivé prvky skupinové performance budou zároveň prezentovány jako videoinstalace v průběhu akce, a to díky speciálně vyvinuté aplikaci, jejímž autorem je Michal Kindernay.
Obsah instalace bude tedy spoluvytvářen performery, diváky i prostorem instalace. Projekce se stanou zrcadly svých pozorovatelů.
fotodokumentace Theatrum Mundi: Petr Procházka
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Tarot Lab: Unfolding at GASK. Personal /food/ futures now. Card reading performance with Darina Alster.
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Tension Relay Posthuman tension, Invasion of Love, identity research, reclaiming emotions, reinvention of love, Army of people, we are all heroes, our feelings are political ... Darina Alster in cooperation with PXS, Jakub Ra and Army of people, Ida Elastic, technical support Andrej Boleslavský. The internal invasion of love manifests itself externally through action. There is no place for fear. We create our next body from our present emotions. Our love is love. Performance is a common prayer for civilization. The Power of Chaos Recovering Life. Part of the live set Idy Elastic as well as the totally exhaustive performances from PXS. The Army of People, through movement, ritual, words and various subjects, will symbolize past, future and present identities. For Darwin Alster, the pattern is repeatedly crafted as a slow prayer for preserving a lively nucleus that has the ability of self-renewal even after any crisis or disaster. Performers and gallery visitors will be part of this figure. They can also circumnavigate the labyrinth in its circumference. We build Magic against the collapse of the world. Magic is everyday. There is no chance of fear. We love life and experience love. Fear generates hatred. Love interconnects. We humans are also spiritual beings. Entering the soul into the body is a transition from 5D to 3D space. Time is a tool of the body. Gender limits us. With the strain in society, we balance ourselves with art. Love on the edge of pain spreads our souls to the whole world. Gallery space now becomes shrine and darkroom
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photos, day 4
Ilze Mazpane [LVA]
Paul Regan [IRL]
Joey Chin [SGP]
Jasmin Schaitl [AUT/POL]
Jenny Abouav [FRA]
Darina Alster + Kateřina Olivová [CZE]
Aleš Hnízdil [CZE]
Henrik Koppen [NOR]
Al Yakubovska [BLR/CZE] + Alois Yang [TWN/CZE]
photo: Mirek Buddha
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Theatrum Mundi - collective performance Karlin Studios Prague Saturday July 23 2016
curated by Darina Alster and Jana Orlová
performance (c) merry: During the six-hour performance, on an endless roll of paper size of which was adjusted for fitting the ancient type-writer by the dimensions of art magazine Art + Antiques was transcribed the favorite book of the curator Darina Alster Naked Lunch by William Seward Burroughs on curator Jana Orlová's mechanical typewriter without using the perforation tape. Text dictated by theorist Lenka Střeláková.
thanks: Lenka Střeláková, 2046, Jana Orlová, Darina Alster, Sš
text: Naked Lunch (William Seward Burrroughs) voice: Lenka Střeláková
editing: Alexandr Jančík
(c) merry 2017
Theatrum Mundi Karlín Studios, Praha sobota 23. července 2016
kolektivní performance pod kuratelou Dariny Alster a Jany Orlové
performance (c) merry: V průběhu šestihodinové performance byl na nekonečnou roli papíru, jejíž formát byl adjustován pro potřeby starožitného psacího stroje dle rozměrů časopisu Art + Antiques, přepisována oblíbená kniha kurátorky Dariny Alster Nahý oběd Williama Burroughse na psací stroj druhé kurátorky Jany Orlové bez použití barvící pásky. Text diktuje teoretička Lenka Střeláková
poděkování: Lenka Střeláková, 2046, Jana Orlová, Darina Alster, Sš
text: Nahý oběd (William Seward Burroughs) voice: Lenka Střeláková
editace: Alexandr Jančík
(c) merry 2017
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