daringibson13 · 2 years
Strengthening the Frame of Trucks in Moscow
As the world looks to the future, it's worth noting that KAMAZ is strengthening its frame. Since 1976, more than 2.25 million trucks have been manufactured. Of these, every third truck in Russia and in the CIS is a KaMAZ. This includes vehicles with a GVW of 14 to 40 tonnes. The new cab frame plant has been built in less than a year and a half, and will be supplying the Mercedes-Benz truck assembly plant. Looking more visit Усиление рамы грузовых автомобилей в Москве.
The truck frames are a crucial part of the vehicle. They serve as the backbone to carry the load. However, they are subject to a variety of stresses and strains. These include dynamic loads, static overload and fatigue. When these load factors are combined, the frame can crack, break or tear.
A good example of this is a photo of a tire on a Pantsir S1 missile truck. It shows how a crack can start between the axles. During a war, driving requires more stress, and trucks are pushed harder.
Other factors that can contribute to the problem are the rubber in the tires, which becomes brittle and prone to tears. Also, the frame can bend. For this reason, the press and stamping plant will be building frames for K4 and K5 trucks.
According to Eddy Tschirhart, president of the Canadian Transportation Equipment Association, there are several errors that can be made in the construction of the truck frame. He discussed these errors and offered some recommendations in his presentation "Preventing Costly Truck Frame Modification Mistakes".
In addition, the Russian military is relying on trucks to transport its troops. Because of the heavy load, the trucks have to be pushed hard. Even a single mile in peacetime can take ten to twenty miles in wartime. Therefore, the military's logistics are far more reliant on trucks than in the West.
The Russian military also relies on its forklifts. These can be used to tow broken down vehicles up to 100 miles. Usually, each battalion tactical group has one light recovery vehicle. But, a number of Russian trucks are in need of repair and replacement.
In a bid to address this issue, the company established a joint cab production plant with Daimler AG. The plant will produce cab frames for KAMAZ and Mercedes-Benz trucks.
The first truck rolled off the assembly line in February 1976. Five new models of the K-4 generation have since been introduced, including the KAMAZ-6282 electric bus. A new KAMAZ-65206 truck tractor has also been produced. Approximately two million KAMAZ trucks are now in operation across the globe.
In addition, the KAMAZ OJSC has entered into a Cooperation Agreement with PALFINGER AG. KAMAZ has also signed license agreements with Daimler Trucks. Both companies will provide cab frames to the KAMAZ assembly line and the Mercedes-Benz truck assembly plant.
Although the United States has never been a major source of technical assistance to the Soviet Union, officials there have expressed a desire to get American technology. Many have pointed out that each American engineer who helps build the Soviet economy frees up a Soviet engineer to work on other projects.
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