#Danny haunts some peps
dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
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vladdyissues · 6 months
Prepare some tea and pancakes because I'm gonna share with you my dp omegaverse au. Sorry for misprints, I try to fix them but always miss some of them.
1) Yes, halfas have ghost genders, too, because it's about a soul, not body. Dani? Well, she's too young yet, her personality isn't determinated
2) There are 3 ghost genders: alpha, omega and beta. Betas are the most part of ghosts (80%). As most people tgey exist to serve alphaa and omegas' wishes, ideas. Beta often doesn't even know what they really want or their desires are only a result of culture traditios. Examples: Bertrand, Technus, Bullet, Skulker*, Fright Knight (*hc that he is born ghost, so, he just want to survive being tge best hunter)
Alphas are the strongest gender (several alpha is stronger than several omega or beta). They dominate in a way people see it. They also barely doubt. They don't an appreciation but alphas often gather ghosts around themselves. As possible morpho feature is huge fangs. Examples: Young Blood, Pariah Dark, Danny* (at least we watched him developing as an alpha. Especially in season 3.)
Omegas dominates as well but through manipulations. This is why most omegas are demons (Desire, Ember, Spectra). They need appreciation, it's make omegas weaker. They make a cult from their persona or exist on their own. A possible morpho feature is fangs, too, but a bit smaller. One more example: Vlad.
3) Spirits is out of gender-party game (Clockwork, Valentine, Nocturn)
4) Instead of heat there's the vibrating period. (yea, sounds smutty, i know) It happens once in 4 years and lasts a month. This period is called from omegas' souls become extremely emotionally vulnerable and their core make vibrations that "vocals" all their deepest worries. Alphas of the same kind can apprehend vibrations and the scent of that omega (it's not sounds actually, they feel it by the whole body; more like snakes' bone conduction). This thoughts like a mantra sounds in alpha's mind, so, they try to help omega. Researchers-ghosts say that in the vibrating period increases the mating frequency.
An simple example of how it works on Pompous pep: Danny was 17 when oneday he started to hear in his head "Vlad needs you. He wants to get some love. You must be this one. He wants to love you and be loved by you. Vlad wants his happily ever after and vanilla family things with you. You know how much he's suffered from loneliness. What a hero would you unless you help him? At least one hug, a dinner, a kiss or just once have a..." Wherever or whever Danny is. This thought haunts him. The whole month.
And yes, omegas' emotions changes fast as a rollercoaster during the vibrating period. (sorry: they're purring. meow)
5) Fangs are for: a) mark your beta slaves; b) mark your omega (mate). Anyway, the mark means "you can't touch it, it's mine". It has the owner/mate's scent. Mated omega soul vibrations can't be apprehended by other alphas. Marks disappear after 4 years.
6) Betas lacks of gamets. Alphas and omegas are both isogamic. If they decide to make a child... they actually MAKE it. They form theur gamets and combine. Future parents watch for the egg, corrects the core from time to time. The eggs develops into the new ghost (halfa) after several months. But the child is still vulnerable. It can't survive without parents.
7) Sex? Well, ghosts can form genitals if they like too but it doesn't connect to mating or ghost born. It's like playing the ukulele. Do if you'd like to. However, I wouldn't say the same to halfas. They are half-humans after all.
That's all! Thanks for your attention and patience!
+ I forgot add to omegaverse au: Halfa born from alpha and omega can be connected to sex any way (e.g. the forming process starts a human way but after bones are ready the egg go out)
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supershot73199 · 2 years
Ok so I've seen a lot of dcxdp crossovers where Danny goes feral on someone (mostly superman) who mistreated a clone. But you know another media that has clones who could use a feral Danny fighting for their rights? Star wars that's who.
Ok so the idea I had is that Danny ends up going into a portal in the ghost zone. Maybe after a reveal gone bad or even just cause clockwork said so. But he comes out in the star wars universe sometime during the clone wars near some random jedi. I personally like the idea of it being the arc where they are trying to get supplies through a separatist blockade over ryloth.
So Danny is on this weird new planet when he sees some aliens and decides to follow them while invisible. He sees how they are hungry hurt and tired and sees this different alien and these dudes in white armor protecting these people including what's obviously kids. Now while I think the obsession thing can be interesting if done well.... I don't think it fits this au at least not a protection obsession (plus I love the idea that Danny chose to sacrifice everything he did as a conscious decision and I feel like a protective obsession takes some of the gravity out of that choice.)
So Danny is following them maybe Master Ima-Gun-Di senses him but can't tell where he is and assumes he is a force sensitive twilek. So the time comes where he and his men make their last stand and Danny sees them in real danger and steps in because these alien dudes were clearly protecting people from these creepy droids. Master Gun-Di is clearly surprised by this teen with weird non force based powers (maybe since the force is basically life itself ecto energy is the flip side of the force not dark but part of the universes balance.) Anyway Danny saves these dudes only for them to realize he doesn't speak the language and sends him to the jedi temple.
I like the idea of him spending time with obi-wan (he does not join the Jedi because he doesn't have the force.) I just think they would like snarking at people together. Anyway time passes he gets close to Obi-Wan Anakin and Ahsoka as well as all of the clones. Now this is important Danny did not know they were clones he assumed they were volunteers from a humanoid race that did not have much in the way of physical diversity and hey how's he to know how alien biology works.
So he's with the group and one of the clones mentions that they are disposable or something. Danny give a pep talk about how all the people they have saved are alive and safe because of him and the others volunteering thinking that he just was having a moment from trauma. No the clone meant it literally and explains that they were a clone army bred solely for war. Danny is livid that this is basically an army of slave and demands to know who signed of on this. He gets told it's Palpatine who Danny already does not like (he gets serious fruit loop vibes) so Danny decides he's gonna get these babies rights. (He learned they were aged at an accelerated pace)
Que Danny haunting the senate he harassed everyone who mistreated the clones. Fox and Padmé love this feral bastard. Eventually when it was just the two of them Palpatine who had not realized that Danny was live streaming his latest prank goes full sith lord trying to kill or control Danny who just bodies this wrinkly old man the moment he starts trying to shoot lightning.
Danny saves the Galaxy by being a feral rat boy who exposes the secret shadow ruler who leads both sides of the war. Danny traps Palpatine who gets a official trial. The clones get rights and maybe they wear Dannys logo somewhere on their armor as thanks. And Danny gets to explore the Galaxy and learn about all these wonderful new cultures. (Until he learns that there are slaves in the galaxy which causes the return of the feral boy)
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zonerobotnik · 8 months
Which Danny Phantom ships do you like and what do you see in them?
Uhm…oh man, there's way too many for me to go over them all and I can't remember all the names right now. Let me get the list.
So, surprisingly, Pompous Pep(VladxDanny) is actually not one of my main ones, I actually mainly ship SuperFun/PitchPearl (DannyxPhantom), Amethyst Ocean (SamxDanny), Dark Gray (DanxValerie), Gray Ghost (DannyxValerie), Teddy Ghost (DashxDanny), uhm…Jailbait (WalkerxDanny), Tyrannous Hope (PariahxDanny), Haunted Past (DanxDanny), and my personal brand of PitchPearl, Broken Heart (DanxFutureDanny). By Future Danny, I mean Grim Danny OR any version of him that isn't killed by Dan and instead survives to fight him or is held as his prisoner for years. I don't know if I'm the only one that ships them or not, but I do.
Also, I haven't given it a special Danny Phantom-brand ship name, but I also like DanNear. I think I'll just use "Quarantine Buddies".
Now, what do I see in them. uh, in order…
Pompous Pep:
Generally, when I ship them, it's because of Vlad taking advantage of Danny, actually, either because he's so broken by something (like in my fic "Are you Awake" on FF, where Phantom just completely wanted to destroy himself after losing Danny or the whole mess in "Desperate Sin") or is trying to break him and lures him into a false sense of security before hurting him. I don't think I've ever done anything with him that doesn't have him taking advantage of him in some way, though in "Are you Awake", he's at least reluctant about it and it's Plasmius that is the aggressive one. (Spoilers, that fic has them finding out that Phantom and Plasmius are absorbed twins that got turned into ghosts by the portal blasting them with enough ectoenergy and electricity to kill a t-rex.)
But, I'm sure, once they get over themselves and Danny is all grown up, maybe comes back from college all hot and buff, Vlad might hit that post-AGIT.
Much like my own ship Broken Heart, these two have the appeal of wanting to be back together, but maybe they don't want to be merged, y'know? They balance each other out, Phantom would die again to protect Danny and Danny would kill to protect Phantom. While they disagree on some things, they also can't live without each other.
Though, they have many questions on how the ectoenergy-remover split their minds, they try not to think about it. After all, they're one person, always have been…right?
Basically, this ship is either selfcest or "what if they were two different people". The possibilities are pretty much endless here, and a lot of people, myself included, have fun with the ship.
The most common interpretations for them being separate is they meet by chance and Phantom falls for him before they even meet and that he saves Danny's life after he went into the portal by giving him his own ectoenergy to heal him or he's the Ghost Prince/Pariah's son or Walker's son and he grew interested in the son of the ghost hunters that tore open a hole into their dimension--seriously, endless.
Amethyst Ocean:
While I think Sam is, frankly, a jealous Cass-level bitch at times, she does have her sweet moments and she and Danny are actually really nice together, when she's not being jealous of him flirting with other girls. She's loyal and knows him better than anyone and while I don't really like that it was canon endgame because of how it was handled, I think that they could be good together.
Dark Gray:
Who doesn't love a good rough-and-tumble enemies-to-lovers? These two are the HeroxVillain ship, and I REALLY love those, and the thought of him only sparing the city, even after destroying the barrier, because of lingering feelings from his Gray Ghost days is just…MMM! I love it. And they try to deny they've grown to anticipate those fights, and those times when people have them working together against a bigger threat…FUUCK yes!
On that note, go read Karma. It's a part of a big compilation on FF but it's being posted as its own thing on AO3 and I LOVE this story!
Anyways, seriously, what is NOT to love about this ship?
So, let's go back into the past and discuss…
Gray Ghost:
This one is such a lovable mess. Because of a misunderstanding, she got into ghost-fighting for the sole purpose of kicking Phantom's ass for ruining her life. XD While her primary target is Phantom, she also fights other ghosts, and sometimes works WITH Phantom, who she doesn't know is Danny, to fight the other ghosts. Most notably is when she and Phantom were captured by Skulker and they had to fight to stay alive, and all while not letting their flour-sack baby get destroyed. XD
And then there's the moments where they are actually really nice to each other, and they put aside their differences, and those are just so, so good. But, oh, the pain about her dumping Danny to protect him because she thinks Phantom might go after Danny to get to her and also she keeps ditching their dates to go fight ghosts, it's just SO SAD but SO GOOD and they would be AWESOME as a couple.
Anyways, I really like them.
Teddy Ghost:
Dash is hot for Phantom. This is not fanon, this is canon, he wants to be with Phantom. He and Paulina both fawn over him like CRAZY and they're the ones that notice the most that if Danny is around, Phantom isn't far away. I think that if he were to figure out that Danny IS Phantom, he would not only apologize for all the "wailing on" he did, but also ask him out.
And Danny, well, he isn't going to deny it, Dash is a LOOKER. And if they were actually getting along, I think they could grow to be a good couple.
But, it's mostly Dash obsessing over Phantom unrequitedly.
Warden. Prisoner. Prison. It's pretty cut and dry. Walker wants Danny, like, REALLY wants him, more than any other prisoner. Is it pride? Is he obsessed with the fact that he's a piece of the human world he can take into the Ghost Zone long-term without it being ruined? Is it just pure lust and sexual frustration from him escaping him so much? Either way, Walker uses other criminals and breaks a LOT of laws trying to track down Danny and it's pretty clear that, if he actually gets him, he's going to make him his prison-bitch.
Tyrannous Hope:
Is Danny actually the Ghost King? Was Pariah Dark actually defeated? Does he have true claim to the throne, or could Pariah Dark, when he breaks free again, come to take it back from Danny? A conflict of interest, a battle between Kings, they must either surrender, be defeated, or come to a peaceful compromise if neither can win. The compromise: Marriage.
This ship can be either weirdly-fluffy or so full of abuse and assault of all kinds and the range is fascinating.
Haunted Past:
If Dan can't have his OWN Danny, he may as well take the one that defeated him before. His heart beats the same, right? Whether out of obsession, attachment or pride, Dan claims Danny for his own or, (like in my fic "Powerless"), Dan breaks free and tries to fight someone stronger than him and Danny takes him in and what happens from there depends on how good or twisted Danny is.
Post-AGIT, I see him crawling into bed with Danny despite having his own body now and resting his head on his chest to hear his real, non-clone heart beat. As for the shipping part, I don't know enough about AGIT as a whole to say.
Broken Heart:
Phantom has been ripped out of Danny, he can no longer feel or hear his heartbeat, and the worst part is that it was done painfully and it was Danny's idea and he's still feeling the grief and rage that enveloped Danny before. So, he attacks his human half, and what happens from there is where things diverge.
The Grim Danny route: Phantom kills Danny by ripping out his still-beating heart and Danny, realizing that he didn't want to be a ghost, becomes a Grim Reaper and Phantom is both relieved to see him again and furious because he hates him but loves him but he feels so broken without him, I'msorryI'msorryI'msorryforkillingyou.
The Capture Route: After hurting Danny severely, Phantom takes him away near-death and uses ectoplasm to bring him back from the brink and threatens him into never leaving where he's kept, coming back after terrorizing people to hurt him in some way to punish him for trying to leave him. Post-TUE, Danny escapes and is found by Valerie, and feels a sense of loss about Phantom being gone.
The Enemies Route: Danny is severely hurt by Phantom, but he doesn't take his body because Vlad finds a weapon and shoots him and then calls for someone to get them, that Danny is seriously hurt. and they both need medical treatment. Danny then joins Valerie with fighting to protect the city from Phantom, so it's basically Dark Gray but with Danny as a bonus love-interest.
Bonus Round:
Quarantine Buddies:
Based on my in-progress fic "Tutor", where Near from the show Death Note is sent to Amity Park to investigate Danny when he's 14 during his post-Wammy training and he moves in with the Fentons as a transfer student from England and they become friends through the course of the story.
The DanNear stuff actually starts with the start of Covid19, when Near, who is horribly co-dependent and aware of Danny's true nature, calls for his immune friend to come and take care of him because his usual assist are all being quarantined. Danny agrees and as the world opens up, Danny gets Near to also open up and try new things, starting with wearing more colors, going outside more, coming with him on shopping trips instead of just staying home while Danny shops. Though he doesn't need a ghostly-buddy to care for him anymore, Danny is still here, and they gradually fell in love.
Also, Danny hates Christmas with a passion, but he will put with it for Near if Near will wear a Christmas sweater for him. Fair's fair.
And that's all of them! That I can think of right now, at least.
Also, I should note, I don't actually normally ship Phantom Punk (DannyxEmber), so I didn't include it on the list. I think I made the one fic I have with them as a request before, but I don't remember who requested it.
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What your favorite Danny Phantom ship says about you! (
All ship names except "Goth Princess"(Sam/Paulina) and "Dark Ages"(Clockwork/Pariah Dark) come from this list.
(Warning, some nsfw jokes).
Amethyst Ocean: You looked at this and said "you know what's better than one idiot in denial? Two idiots in denial."
Veggie Burger: You believe in the inherent eroticism of opposites attract.
Savant Par: You just want good things for Tucker. And honestly, who doesn't?
Everlasting Trio: You think that the best relationships begin and end with inside jokes that only the partners understand.
Gray Ghost: You love relationships built on dramatic irony and probably enjoy the headache that is the ML Lovesquare.
Pink Astronaut/Shallow Sapphire: Either you're a simp, or you love the idea of a shallow rich girl being dragged into having morals thanks to a kind love interest.
Famous Satellite: Your favorite dynamic is just gals being pals.
Tight End: Your favorite dynamic is just guys being dudes.
Swagger Bishie: You believe in the inherent eroticism of being shoved into lockers.
Goth Princess: This is the same joke as Veggie Burger, except you had an intense "I'm not like other girls" phase and now you're gay.
Pompus Pep: Either you believe in the inherent eroticism of of being literally the only two people who can ever fully understand each other, or you have a crush on Vlad and are self projecting with Danny since self-insert OCs are frowned upon. (Also obligatory "FBI open up!" Meme).
Unidentified Flying Ship: Wes is your favorite character.
Vengeful Babes: You think there's nothing better than two ladies hunting down a man who wronged them.
Pitch Pearl: You believe in the idea of self-discovery and how better to do that then seperating yourself into two people? Also you would totally fuck your clone.
Striking Fear: This the same joke as Pitch Pearl, but you also have a daddy kink.
Family Breakfast: You believe things can be solved through communication and polyships.
Hunter's Flame: Your favorite dynamic is the "kick his ass baby I got your flower!" Meme.
Rich History: you looked at this and said "you know what's better than one lonely guy with sketch morals? Two lonely guys with sketch morals!"
Doubly Evil, Haunted Past, or Bittersweet Redemption: These are the same jokes I used for Pitch Pearl, Striking Fear, and Pompus Pep, but instead of a redemption arc you want a corruption arc.
Dark Ages: You love rare pairs and suffering for being the only person to make content for it.
McPhantom: Get some help. Please.
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sapphicscholar · 7 years
A/N: Set in S2 before Cat’s end of season return but completely ignoring a certain alien who arrived in a pod and need not be included
Chapter Text:
Kara stared at the invitation in her hand, drumming her fingers against the countertop as she tried to figure out whether it was some kind of forgery—perhaps a Mischief Night prank that didn’t involve the usual toilet paper thrown across tree branches and eggs tossed at houses. Surely—surely, Cat’s way of reaching out after so many months away would involve more than an invitation to a Halloween party signed by both Carter and, Kara assumed, a rather begrudging Cat. She could at least that it was printed on cardstock as nice as the stuff Cat normally insisted upon, though it lacked the usual CatCo watermark.
As she debated the merits of reaching out to Cat to confirm that surely she had received the invitation by mistake, that surely Cat hadn’t returned from her many months away—months where Kara could have used her guidance, her advice, her help and, dare she say it, friendship—only to throw a Halloween party, her phone trilled.
“Hey,” Alex’s voice crackled through the line, the sound of Maggie calling out a greeting in the background. “I know you said something about using your day off for cleaning, but I wanted to see if you wanted some company for lunch.”
Kara grinned. It had taken a little while for Alex to find the right balance between her new relationship with Maggie and her existing commitments—and Kara certainly wouldn’t begrudge Alex her newfound happiness now that she was out and had come into her own, even if she sometimes missed how easy it used to be for Alex to drop everything and come over whenever she was feeling down—but they’d found a new balance. Kara had learned that it was no longer a good idea to swoop in through the large bay windows unannounced, and Alex had realized that, as much as she loved Maggie, they didn’t need to spend every second together for that level of commitment to still hold true. And now that she got along a bit better with Maggie, Kara found that she enjoyed having the couple over too, relishing in the chance to see Alex taking her advice to heart and letting herself be open to love and other people, to living that full, happy life she’d promised Kara she would try to find.
“Yeah, that sounds great,” Kara agreed, figuring she could use a burst of superspeed to get the living room back in order in time for them to come over. Sure, it wasn’t the slow, methodical deep-cleaning she found soothed her anxiety when life felt like it was on just the wrong side of overwhelming, when she could have used nothing more than one of Cat’s slightly acerbic pep talks that always got right to the heart of just what was bothering her, but it would do.
“Perfect, we’ll pick up pizza and be there in twenty.”
With a quick goodbye, Kara put down the invitation to deal with at a later time and sped through the living room, distributing her newly organized piles into drawers and cabinets until the room looked perfectly clean. As she debated the merits of rearranging the furniture, she heard the sound of Alex and Maggie’s voices down the hallway. Swinging open the door before they could knock, Kara pulled them inside, hugging Alex as hard as she knew she could and letting the touch ground her in a way that few other things on this planet did.
“Damn, it looks so clean,” Maggie whistled, giving the apartment an appraising once over.
“So, what’d Snapper say this time?” Alex asked. She knew well enough from having shared a room with Kara over the years that things only reached this level of clean and organized when something was bothering her.
“Nothing.” Seeing Alex’s knowing look, Kara shrugged, her gaze dropping to her hands as she picked at her nails. “Just something about how I’m not getting better—I keep turning in the same biased op-eds when I’m supposed to be writing news.”
“Are you still covering the anti-alien attacks?”
“Yeah,” Kara admitted.
Stepping closer to her little sister and throwing an arm around her, Alex kissed her forehead. “Of course it’s hard for you to try to write only the facts when you’re this passionate. You know things and have experienced things that other journalists haven’t. And you know my offer to come threaten this bald little man still stands. Always.”
Kara snorted, shaking her head. “I should probably fight this one on my own.”
“If I know your sister—and I think I do—I know she’s not kidding about those offers. Plus, I prefer a pro-alien bias to my news,” Maggie added with a wink.
Figuring Kara could use more in the way of distraction and less discussion of Snapper, Alex motioned to the pizzas Maggie was still holding. “We come bearing food.”
“Did you get the garlic knots this time?”
“After the guilt trip we got last time, you really think we’d forget?” Alex teased, motioning for Maggie to drop the pizza off on the counter, while she pulled out plates and napkins.
“Ooh, what’s this?” Maggie asked, gesturing to the invitation left on the counter. “Got a Halloween party you’re not inviting us to?”
Plucking the invitation away from Maggie before Alex could see, Kara shook her head. “Nothing. Besides, you already have your big Halloween party.”
“Big gay Halloween party,” Maggie corrected.
“Well, I didn’t want to make assumptions.”
“No, that’s literally the name of the party. Well, party and drag show—which just makes the party better.”
“So what are you two going as?”
“We were supposed to be Danny and Sandy,” Alex began, narrowing her eyes as she looked at Maggie. “But someone decided she also wanted to be Danny.”
“Everyone knows gay Halloween is about looking cool, and leather jackets, skinny jeans, and white t-shirts are definitely the best way to do that.”
“It’s literally your outfit most days!”
“Because I’m super cool!”
Seizing the opportunity while Alex and Maggie were distracted, Kara dumped most of the garlic knots onto her plate and made her way over to the table.
“Not so quick!” Alex called out, rolling her eyes at Kara’s attempts to look innocent.
“If you want me to ignore the fact that you took most of our food, you should at least tell me who sent the invitation you’re trying so hard to hide.”
After a moment of debating whether it might be worth it to hand over one or two of her garlic knots, Kara finally admitted in a quiet voice: “Carter…and Cat.”
“Who?” Maggie asked, not yet well-versed in deciphering Kara’s mumbling.
“Cat Grant?” Alex asked, eying her sister incredulously. “What happened to her living in some yurt in the middle of the mountains?”
“I guess she came back. But I don’t know if it’s even real.”
“Well then let me see it.”
“Why? Did she write you some special note with your invitation telling you about how smart and talented and astonishing you were?” Maggie looked slightly confused, but Alex kept going, teasing Kara as her cheeks flushed a light pink. “Or does she want you to dare and dive right into her Halloween party?”
“That sounds incredibly gay,” Maggie mused, watching as Kara flushed an even brighter shade of pink.
“She just signed it. I think Carter’s the one who actually wants me there.”
“What happened to your whole speech about how things between you and Cat had really changed? I distinctly remember you gushing about getting a promotion and an office and a hug and, oh god, how could I forget, she even used your real name!”
“Yeah, well, then she left,” Kara snapped, blinking back the tears that threatened to fall. Cat had told her to dive and be brave, but she’d left her alone; she wasn’t there waiting on the shore to call out encouragement or help her know in which direction to swim. Instead she’d thrown her off the ledge and left her, and Kara didn’t feel like she was thriving and coming out a new and better version of herself; instead she felt like Icarus, launched into the sky with encouragement that melted and burned up into nothingness as Cat’s guiding hands—the words and wisdom that kept her from flying too close to the sun—vanished with barely a warning.
Maggie busied herself with finding drinks in the kitchen while Alex wrapped Kara up in her arms. “I doubt that’s what she meant to do.”
Kara sniffled, letting Alex hold her the way she had when she first made her way to the Danvers home—a lost kid without a planet, without a family, without even the mission and sense of purpose that had driven her this far. “It’s what happened, though.”
“I know. And it sucks. Trust me, I’m not Cat’s biggest fan.” Kara snorted at that understatement. Alex had loathed the woman through Kara’s entire first year at CatCo, and on more than one occasion had been ready to storm in and demand the CEO treat her sister better. “But…I can admit that by the end of it, she did right by you. And I’m sure that somehow in that perfectly styled head of hers, she thinks she was doing right by you by leaving too.”
“How? How could that possibly be helping me?”
“I thought I was helping you by encouraging you not to come out as Supergirl,” Alex shrugged, her attempt at nonchalance belied by the haunted look in her eyes, her guilt still evident even now when she knew Kara had forgiven her for doing what she thought was necessary for her protection.
“I guess.”
“So, why don’t you tell us more about this party?” Alex motioned for Maggie, who was still lingering in the kitchen, to come back and join them.
“I don’t even know what it is. It’s tomorrow night at Cat’s beach house. Apparently costumes are mandatory.”
“So you’re going, right?” Alex asked at the same time as Maggie wiggled her eyebrows and asked, “So is it a date?”
“Excuse me?” Alex and Kara exclaimed in unison.
“She told you how amazing you were. She invited you to dive into her waters or something gay like that.”
“Just dive,” Kara corrected, ignoring Alex’s wide eyes.
“Still super gay. And then the first thing she does when she gets back in town is to invite you to some party at her house. And not her National City apartment, but her house out on the coast, where she totally could have hidden herself away if she didn’t want her employees or anyone to know she was back.”
“I—I don’t think it’s like that,” Kara insisted, shaking her head as if to convince herself that the suggestion was ridiculous. Had she harbored a crush on the woman for a while now? Sure. But that was only natural—she was freakin’ Cat Grant. She was gorgeous and successful and brilliant. Who wouldn’t have a crush on her? But the idea that Cat might like her back? Well, that was just ludicrous.
“Plus, Cat’s straight,” Alex added. “She’s been married multiple times—and always to men.”
“So were you, sweetie,” Maggie reminded Alex, flashing a shit-eating grin up at her. “Besides, who knows, maybe she’s bi or pan or just head over heels in love with National City’s resident superhero.”
“I don’t think she knows I’m Supergirl—we convinced her that Kara and Supergirl were two different people.”
Maggie kept her mouth shut, though she couldn’t quite disguise the skeptical expression. She couldn’t imagine how a woman as astute as Cat Grant who worked in such close proximity to Kara and covered every single daring exploit of Supergirl’s wouldn’t be able to put two and two together, but she’d learned that it was better to let the Danvers women admit to these things on their own timeline.
“But you’re going, right? Why would you give up the opportunity to see her after all that time away?”
“I don’t know…what if she doesn’t really want to see me?”
“I might not know the woman as well as you do, but I don’t think Cat Grant is the type to let someone make decisions for her—especially if she really doesn’t want to do something.”
“Carter’s always been her weak spot.”
“Still, mothers have a way of laying down the law if it’s something genuinely important.”
“I guess.”
“So you should go,” Maggie declared, smiling and folding her hands in front of her as thought the matter were perfectly settled.
“I don’t have a costume…” Kara trailed off, looking nervous at the excited glint in Maggie’s eyes.
“Don’t you worry, little Danvers. Cat won’t believe what hit her!”
The next night, Kara paced nervously up and around the block one over from Cat’s beach house. She tugged down her jean shorts and shirt, feeling like even the more appropriate version of Harley Quinn’s costume was still quite a bit skimpier than she liked—though she’d chosen it in a heartbeat over the proffered spandex Catwoman suit, knowing better than to wear anything Cat-themed around Cat. She swung the baseball bat by her feet until the wood creaked under her grip, releasing it before the whole thing could splinter and leave her with an incomplete costume. Noting a large group of guests pulling up in front of Cat’s place, Kara sprinted to catch up with them, hoping she could blend in and slip into the party relatively unnoticed. Maybe she could just go say hi to Carter and then hightail it out of there…
As she watched the SUV unload, though, she saw only a group of kids Carter’s age, followed by a mere two adults—one of whom was dressed normally, while the other simply wore a witch hat overtop of a perfectly normal, decidedly “mom” outfit. Kara gulped, feeling every bit the part of Elle Woods in a costume that suddenly felt much too revealing, even if she’d flown past much skimpier costumes on her way over. Deciding it would be better to go in alone than have to face judgmental parents, Kara waited until the kids had settled in and the parents had driven away before slipping over to the front door and ringing the bell. After a moment, it swung open, revealing Carter dressed as a bow-tied Dr. Who complete with a Tardis friend, who ran off as soon as he realized the guest wasn’t another kid from their class.
He beamed and threw his arms around her as soon as he realized who it was. “Kara! You made it!”
“Of course, bud! How could I miss it?”
“Well, I know we sent your invitation a little late…I got worried…”
“Hey, don’t worry about it. Really,” Kara insisted. “I’m sure as a timelord, you have plenty of other very important things to worry about.”
Looking bashful, Carter dropped his gaze down before realizing they were still in the doorway. “Oh! Come in!”
Kara stepped in and shut the door behind her, looking around as she took in the house she hadn’t visited in what felt like ages.
“Mom’s down in the kitchen. The games are downstairs, but it’s mainly the kids.”
Kara took a few deep breaths before finally leaning in and whispering, “Do you think your mom knows I’m coming?”
Carter shrugged. “She thought you might have better things to do, which is why she told me not to send an invitation.”
Kara nodded, steeling herself to go surprise Cat, knowing full well Cat hated surprises.
“I think she wanted you here though,” Carter added, shrugging and looking too wise for his age, as though he could see every one of Kara’s fears written on her face.
“Well, wish me luck. Have fun tonight, Carter!”
“You too!”
Figuring now was as good of a time as any, Kara squared her shoulders and marched back into the kitchen. She found Cat with her back to the doorway, sitting on one of the barstools and looking out over the ocean. “This isn’t quite the yurt I expected,” Kara managed, grateful that her voice had remained fairly steady.
With a wry laugh, Cat spun around, freezing for a moment at the sight of her former assistant in an outfit that was a far cry from the Old Navy Cardigans and ill-fitting pants she normally wore. “Decide to play a villain for a change?”
“For a change?” Kara asked with a strained laugh.
“Mm, still playing with that old charade,” Cat muttered before speaking up. “Can I offer you anything? Glass of wine? Scotch?”
“Wine would be nice, thank you.”
Cat filled a glass and handed it over before settling back down onto the stool as the room descended into an uneasy silence.
Finally Kara broke the tension. “Why are you back?”
“Is a Halloween party not enough of a reason?”
Feeling emboldened, Kara simply arched an eyebrow in return.
“Fine. There were…perhaps, a few things I’d left unfinished in National City. And before I move into the next stage of my own diving, as it were, I thought it best to come back.”
“So are you coming back to CatCo?”
“No, no,” Cat shook her head. “Those weren’t the things I left unfinished.”
“No, you just left me there,” Kara mumbled, quickly covering her mouth with her glass as she sipped her wine.
“Left you there? Kara, I left you in a job I knew you would excel at under the direction of one of the best in the business.”
“He’s hard to handle,” Kara retorted.
“So am I.”
“It’s different.”
“He’ll make you into a seasoned reporter.”
“He’s not you!” Kara finally snapped, blushing a faint shade of pink but refusing to back down. “He wasn’t the mentor I needed when everything else was already changing.”
“It’s Kara. I know you know.”
“But you’re still going to pretend like you’re only Kara?”
Kara clenched her jaw. “What do you want me to tell you?”
“The truth.”
“Why? So you can fire me again? Abandon me again?”
With a deep breath, Cat gestured to the door that led to the small balcony overlooking the ocean. “It’s not quite 40 stories up, but the view compares.” Kara followed Cat out onto the balcony, perching her wine glass on the railing as she leaned over, breathing in the salty sea breeze.
“I—my reaction was not, perhaps, ideal.” Kara bit back a snort. “I thought that, after all the time we spent together, after how I had tried to support Supergirl, how I had tried to support you, even if I didn’t always show it in the best of ways, that you might trust me enough to tell me.”
“It’s not that simple.” Kara knew the implicit admission was there, but she couldn’t bring herself to care, knowing Cat knew, knowing she was simply waiting for the confirmation.
“After Myriad I think I understand that better. But I was hurt, and so I lashed out. I’m sure Lois or Adam or any number of my ex-husbands could tell you it’s what I do best.”
“It’s not—no, Cat, it’s not all that you are.”
“Cat, is it?”
“If we’re dropping the charade…”
“I suppose Supergirl already calls me Cat, why shouldn’t Harley Quinn get the same privilege,” Cat mused, the corner of her mouth curling up slightly.
Kara rolled her eyes but felt some of the tension ease out of her shoulders. It wasn’t just a repeat of how things were before; Cat knew—she knew and she wasn’t yelling, wasn’t firing her. Of course, there wasn’t the same charged moment of reveal—the slow removing of her glasses and awestruck expression, the soft smile and whispered thank you that left Cat close enough to touch, to kiss…
Pulling herself out of her musings, Kara shook her head. “Where’s your costume? What happened to them being mandatory?”
“Well, if you haven’t noticed, this is primarily a party for Carter’s classmates.”
“Is he doing better with making friends?”
Cat couldn’t help the soft smile; it was so like Kara to be thinking about Carter even now. “You know, his adventures with Supergirl helped to bolster his confidence. And being able to say he hugged the Girl of Steel did win him over a few admirers.”
“I do give pretty excellent hugs.”
Cat couldn’t quite help the way her mind drifted to a few other things the Girl of Steel might do exceptionally well. “Mm, yes, they were adequate.”
Kara bit back a smile and shook her head slightly. “So, if this was mainly a party for Carter’s friends, why am I here?”
“I think he likes to think you two are friends.”
“Fine, but he knew I wouldn’t be down in the basement with him and his classmates.”
“No…I think he knew that—that I wanted to see you too.”
“Just to confirm the things you already knew?” Kara asked, her voice a bit lower, knowing she was slipping into uncharted territory, knowing she could send things careening off course in all the worst of ways, but unable to find it within herself to stop. She was Icarus flying toward the sun once more, only this time, she suspected, flying close enough to its orbit might destroy her and remake her in one go in the best of ways.
“There was a part of me that wanted to know if you might tell me now—now that I’m not your boss, won’t be your boss, won’t even own CatCo anymore in a few short months.”
“What?” Kara gasped.
“It’s neither here nor there—simply part of my own diving into new waters.”
Seeing the determination not to delve into that particular subject at the moment, Kara pressed: “So you know now. Is that all you wanted?”
“If you’re still asking, I think you know it isn’t.”
“So why is it that you wanted to see me, if not just to confirm that I am exactly the person you always hoped I was?”
“You’ve always been her, Kara. It didn’t take that suit to make you exceptional.”
“So why, Cat?”
“I told you, I left certain things unfinished here. I left certain things unsaid…” Kara looked up at her expectantly, stepping just a little closer, leaving a scant few inches between them. “I can’t be the only one to dive here. I can’t be the one to push you into diving for me, either.”
Smiling softly at Cat’s consideration, Kara inched closer, nearly closing the distance between them. “Then dive with me.”
Before Cat could make a snarky remark about that metaphor becoming a bit overdone, Kara was leaning forward, and she felt herself drawn to her by some sort of inexorable pull. The soft press of lips was somehow more than she had ever imagined it might be, and as Kara let herself relax, let her strong arms slip around Cat’s small waist and pull her closer, Cat found her hands cupping at Kara’s jaw, drawing her in and kissing her deeper. The taste of expensive red wine and cheap Halloween candy mingled with something that was undeniably Kara, and Cat felt dizzy with the thrill of it all. As Kara’s tongue flicked across her lower lip, she couldn’t help the small whimper—a noise that seemed to inspire Kara as she swept Cat off her feet and into her arms.
“If you’re taking me upstairs, I want that ridiculous outfit gone.”
“Outside? Seems a little inappropriate, Ms. Grant,” Kara teased, ignoring the eyeroll and using her free hand to at least pull her hair from the high pigtails, letting it cascade into soft waves that Cat soon tangled her hand in, pulling the woman forward once more. “Is that good enough to earn a place upstairs with you?”
“It’ll do. Now come on, Supergirl, up, up, and away.”
57 notes · View notes
lunagalemaster · 7 years
Danny Phantom Pairing Names
- FrDP has weird pairing names. I’ve seen a few lists floating about but they’ve either been incomplete or not up to date. One night, we were talking on the slack and one of said lists were brought up... and I may or may not have got annoyed at the organization of said list, made my own list, and then updated it. 
This was the result of said mess. Enjoy, phandom!
(Updated as of April 17, 2018)
Organized Alphabetically Based On the First Ship Name in Each Section
(M/F) Human Pairings [25 different combos]
(M/F) Human and Ghost Pairings [24]
(M/F) Ghost Pairings [14]
(M/M) Human Pairings [15]
(M/M) Human and Ghost Pairings [35]
(M/M) Ghost Pairings [14]
(F/F) All Pairings [23]
Poly Parings [21]
Misc Pairings [34]
All Pairings With Danny [77]*
All Pairings [204]
*I may have missed one or two of the Danny pairings. Excuse me if I did. 
(Note: The first name is usually the more well known name for the pairing, and for the purposes of organization, halfas are being counted as humans. Original chart and names came from here (x). Many pairings names taken from this (x) fic. Other name changes/additions are from phandom conversations, private decisions for a new pairing name, and/or new, recent trends for pairing names).
WARNING: This is just a list of pairing names and whether I condone said pairings is irrelevant. That being said, some pairings listed may not make you comfortable. I am including all pairings for information purposes. 
If you want to add any names or if there are some alternate names I’m missing, submit them to me, or message me directly. I will not be taking names in the tags anymore. 
With that, I hope you guys enjoy!
(M/F) Human Pairings
Amethyst Ocean, Violet Haze, Fakeout-Makeout- Danny/Sam
Brains Over Brawn- Jazz/Dash
Carbon Copy Quarterback- Dani/Dash
Cloned Romantic– Dani/Tucker
Cream Cheese- Vlad/Dani
Dumb Founded- Dash/Sam
Gothic Vampire- Sam/Vlad
Gray Ghost- Valerie/Danny
Hunter Silly- Tucker/Valerie
Jock Goth- Kwan/Sam
Makeup Honor- Dash/Paulina
Misplaced Faith, Secret Disaster- Valerie/Vlad
Moronic Genius, Brain Cookies- Maddie/Jack
Phantom Satellite- Danny/Star
Psycho Cereal, Obsessive Meddler- Vlad/Jazz
Restrained Romance - Danny/Pamela
Pink Astronaut- Paulina/Danny
Sibling Secrets- Jazz/Danny
Sports Satellite- Kwan/Star
Spurned Affection- Vlad/Maddie
Sue Killer- Dani/Danny
Teacher's Pet- Lancer/Jazz
Techno Smarts-Tucker/Jazz
Twinkle Techno- Star/Tucker
Veggie Burger, Ghost's Absence- Tucker/Sam
(M/F) Human and Ghost Pairings
Circus Freaks- Freakshow/Lydia
Classic Cliche- Jazz/Ghostwriter
Dark Gray- Dan/Valerie
Evil Goth- Dan/Sam
Ghost Envy- Jazz/Freakshow
Ghostly Menu- Danny/Lunch Lady
Haunting Desire- Danny/Desiree
Mama’s Boy- (Romantic) Danny/Maddie
Maternal Instincts- (Paternal) Danny/Maddie
Misery Motivated- Vlad/Spectra
Oedipus Complex - Maddie/Dan
Pandora’s Ghost- Danny/Pandora
Phantom Dragon- Dorothea/Danny
Phantom Feline- Kitty/Danny
Phantom Rocker- Danny/Ember
Pitiful Delusion- Dark Danny/Paulina
Purple Prose- Ghostwriter/Sam
Phantom Psychology - Danny/Spectra
School Spirit- Spectra/Lancer
Techno Babble- Jazz/Technus
The Freak Behind Blue Eyes, Dark Fire- Ember/Freakshow
Timely Intelligence- Jazz/Clockwork
Young Bloodthirst – Dan/Dani
Young Love- Dani/Youngblood
(M/F) Ghost Pairings
Black Cat- Johnny 13/Kitty
Girl in the Tower, Timeless Love- Dora/Aragon
Guard Granter- Walker/Desiree
Hunter's Flame- Ember/Skulker
Insane Asylum- Walker/Spectra
Melancholy Assistance- Spectra/Bertrand
Night Sky, Destroyed Satellite- Dan/Star
Packaged Food- Box Ghost/Lunch Lady
Pirate Food- Youngblood/Box Lunch
Punk Poet- Ember/Ghostwriter
Punk Rock- Youngblood/Ember
Retro Movie Do- Poindexter/Dora
Talkative Treacherous– Technus/Desiree
Traps Desired- Desiree/Skulker
(M/M) Human Pairings
Badger Cereal- (Paternal) Vlad/Danny
Go Packers- Dash/Vlad
Lance Lancer- Lancer Thunder/Mr. Lancer
Literature Lovers- Danny/Lancer
Not So Useful Distraction- Kwan/Vlad
Nu Goth- Elliot(Gregor)/Danny
Pac Man- Jack/Vlad
Phantom Fumble- Danny/Kwan
Pitched Tent, Publicity Stunt- Danny/Freakshow
Pompous Pep, Endangered Species- (Romantic) Vlad/Danny
Quacker- Tucker/Kwan
Savant Par, CyberSpace- Danny / Tucker
Swagger Bishie, Locker Bruise, Teddy Ghost- Danny/Dash
The Wrong Sick- Danny/Jack
Tight End- Dash/Kwan
(M/M) Human and Ghost Pairings
Anonymity Park- Danny/Amorpho
Boxed Phantom- Danny/Box Ghost
Callous Query- Danny/Skulker
Cosmic Cyborg- Technus/Danny
Dark Side, Control- Dan / Freakshow
Dark Times- Freakshow/Clockwork
Doubly Evil, Bitterly Broken- Vlad/Dan
Halloween Phantom- Fright Knight/Danny
Haunted Past, Enslaved Exemplar- Dan/Danny
Heroic Amusement, Great Divide- Super!Danny/Fun!Danny
Iambic Prose- Danny/Ghostwriter
Jail Bait, Ghostly Prisoner- Danny/Walker
Lactose Intolerant- Vlad/Dairy King
Locker Buddies- (Platonic) Poindexter/Danny
Lost Time- (Platonic) Danny/Clockwork
Lucky Accident- Johnny 13/Danny
Mad Scientist- Dark Danny/Kwan
New Master - Vlad/Fright Knight
Noodle Nerds- (Romantic) Poindexter/Danny
Oreo Cookie, Phriendship, Pitch Pals - (Platonic) Fenton/Phantom
Phantom PDA- Phantom/Tucker
Phantom Shadows- Shadow/Danny
Pitch Pearl, Photonegative Narcissus- (Romantic) Fenton/Phantom
Red Pearl- (Romantic) Fenton/HypnotizedorEvil!Phantom
Rich History- Vlad/Clockwork
Royal Pain- Danny/Aragon
Spaghetti and Meatballs, Hypnotic Shadows- Freakshow/Johnny 13
Striking Fear- Masters/Plasmius
Techno Geeks, PDA, Technological Advancement- Technus/Tucker
Teenage Dream- Nocturne/Danny
Temporal Trust- (Romantic) Danny/Clockwork
Tireless Dedication- Ghostwriter/Vlad
Tyrannious Hope- Danny/Pariah Dark [I don’t know if the typo is intentional or not]
White Fang- Wulf/Danny
(M/M) Ghost Pairings
All the King’s Men - Pariah Dark/Fright Knight
Blood Red Ink- Dan/Ghostwriter 
Dark Dark- Pariah Dark/Dan 
Delusions of Grandeur- Pariah Dark/Nocture
Dream Time- Clockwork/Nocturne
Electric Hunter, Sparks, Generator- Technus/Skulker
Esperanto Code of Conduct- Wulf/Walker
Goodnight Moon- Nocturn/Ghostwriter
Gun Magazine- Skulker/Ghostwriter
History Books- Ghostwriter/Clockwork
Meddling Minutes- Dan/Clockwork
Penslammeter- Walker/Ghostwriter
Science Fiction- Technus/Ghostwriter
Tricky Pseudonym- Amorpho/Ghostwriter
Unlucky Author– Johnny/Ghostwriter
(F/F) All Pairings
Butch-ers, Steak Sit-Ups- Lunch Lady/Tetslaff 
Burning Buds- (Platonic) Dani/Ember
Dora^2, Panned Doras- Dora/Pandora
Dragon Tattoo- Dora/Lydia 
Famous Satelite, Shallow Orbit– Star/Paulina
Feline Grace- Jazz/Kitty
Goth Princess- Sam/Paulina
Gothic Dragon, Medieval Gothic- Sam/Dora
Hide n' Seek- Sam/Valerie
Hot December- Desiree/Ember
Hunter's Facade– Paulina/Valerie
Hypno Therapy- Ember/Jazz
Kith Kin- Sam/Jazz
Mythical Wishes- Desiree/Pandora
Painful Desires- Spectra/Desiree
Perfect Pitch, Pitch Perfect- Paulina/Ember
Platinum Punk- Dani/Ember
Posh Scientist- Maddie/Pamela
Psycho Analysis- Spectra/Jazz
Pussycat Dolls- Kitty/Ember
Royal Wishes- Dora/Desiree
Somber Sear- Ember/Sam
Vengeful Babes- Valerie/Dani
Poly Pairings
3D- Dan/Danny/Dani
Bittersweet Redemption- Dan/Danny/Vlad
Blacks and Blues- Ember/Jazz/Sam
Enchanted Circus- Desiree/Dora/Lydia
Everlasting Trio, Eternal Trio- Danny/Sam/Tucker
Family Breakfast- Jack/Maddie/Vlad
Ghostly Time Machine- Danny/Clockwork/Ghostwriter
Halfas Just Want to Have Fun - Masters/Plasmius/Fenton/Phantom
Hourglass Chess, Chaotic Chess- Clockwork/Dan/Freakshow
Just the Right Amount of Crazy- Clockwork/Dan/Danny/Vlad
Misery Punk Rock- Kitty/Spectra/Ember
Personalized Gift Baskets- Vlad/Maddie/Danny
Phantastic Four- Danny/Tucker/Sam/Valerie
Pitch PDA- Phantom/Fenton/Tucker
Pompous Pearl- Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom/Vlad
Rebel Riders- Danny/Johnny/Valerie
Rocker's Boys- Dash/Ember/Kwan
Striking Pep - Masters/Plasmius/Danny
Technical Star Player- Star/Tucker/Kwan
Triple Blossom- Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom/Sam
Misc Pairings (Mostly Not Organized Alphabetically)
Clone Conspiracy- Dani/Wes Weston
Cryptid Hunting- Valerie/Wes Weston
Overbearing Redheads- Jazz/Wes Weston
Spy Satellite- Star/Wes Weston
Unidentified Flying Ship- Danny/Wes Weston
Employee of the Month- Vlad/Walter Weston
(Daniel Masters in whatever context whether he be from another timeline or a clone son or your choice. As long as the original Danny Fenton and him coexist in some way or at one point had separate identities.)
Bad End- Dan/Daniel Masters
Clone Wars-Daniel Masters/Dani 
Perfect Clone-  (Romantic) Vlad/Daniel Masters 
Perfect Son- (Paternal) Vlad/Daniel Masters
The D- Danny/Dani/Dan/Daniel Masters
Paranormal Facade- Wes/Daniel Masters
Ectodragon- Danny/Draco Malfoy [Harry Potter]
Ectoham- Danny/Randy Cummingham [Randy Cummingham: Ninth Grade Ninja]
Going Dragon- Danny/Jake Long [American Dragon: Jake Long]
Halfworld Royalties- Danny/Raven [Teen Titans]
Invisobilly- Danny/Billy Joe Cobra [Dude That’s My Ghost!]
Ocean Spirit- Danny/Moana [Disney’s Moana]
Spooky Nerds- Danny/Jimmy [Jimmy Neutron]
Spongeboo- Danny/Spongebob[Spongebob]
Ghost in the Shell- Danny/Jenny [My Life as a Teenage Robot]
Robot Techie, XJ-PDA- Tucker/Jenny[My Life as a Teenage Robot]
Green Ecto Splat- Danny/Lee Ping [Detentionaire]
Cold Hands, Ice Ice Baby, Phantom Frost - Danny/Jack Frost [Rise of the Guardians]
Pastel Corpses- Danny/Lars [Steven Universe]
World Wide Web- Tucker/Peter Parker [Spider-man]
Spider Phantom, Radioactive, Friendly Neighborhood Phantom- Danny/Peter Parker [Spider-man]
Delsa, Frozen Core- Danny/Elsa [Frozen]
Fourth Wall Portal- (Platonic) Danny/OC
Ghostly Touch, Phantom Kiss- (Romantic) Danny/OC
Cream Soup-Danny/Fenton Thermos
Love Sucks- Ghost Weasel/Fenton Thermos
Pink Pearl- Danny/His Pink Pants
Technical Difficulties- Tucker/His PDA
All Pairings With Danny
3D- Dan/Danny/Dani
Amethyst Ocean, Violet Haze- Danny/Sam
Anonymity Park- Danny/Amorpho
Badger Cereal- (Platonic and/or Paternal) Vlad/Danny
Bittersweet Redemption - Dan/Danny/Vlad
Boxed Phantom-Danny/Box Ghost
Callous Query- Danny/Skulker
Cold Hands, Ice Ice Baby, Phantom Frost- Danny/Jack Frost [Rise of the Guardians]
Cosmic Cyborg- Technus/Danny
Cream Soup- Danny/Fenton Thermos
Delsa, Frozen Core- Danny/Elsa [Frozen]
Ectodragon- Danny/Draco Malfoy [Harry Potter]
Ectoham- Danny/Randy Cummingham [Randy Cummingham: Ninth Grade Ninja]
Everlasting Trio, Eternal Trio - Danny/Sam/Tucker
Fourth Wall Portal- (platonic) Danny/OC
Ghost in the Shell- Danny/Jenny [My Life as a Teenage Robot]
Ghostly Menu- Danny/Lunch Lady
Ghostly Time Machine- Danny/Clockwork/Ghostwriter
Ghostly Touch, Phantom Kiss- (Romantic) Danny/OC
Going Dragon- Danny/Jake Long [American Dragon: Jake Long]
Goodnight Moon- Nocturn/Ghostwriter
Gray Ghost- Valerie/Danny
Green Ecto Splat- Danny/Lee Ping [Detentionaire]
Halfas Just Want to Have Fun - Masters/Plasmius/Fenton/Phantom
Halfworld Royalties- Danny/Raven [Teen Titans]
Halloween Phantom- Fright Knight/Danny
Haunted Past, Enslaved Exemplar- Dan/Danny
Haunting Desire- Danny/Desiree
Heroic Amusement, Great Divide- Super!Danny/Fun!Danny
Iambic Prose-Danny/Ghostwriter
Invisobilly- Danny/Billy Joe Cobra [Dude That’s My Ghost!]
Jail Bait, Ghostly Prisoner- Danny/Walker
Just the Right Amount of Crazy- Clockwork/Dan/Danny/Vlad
Literature Lovers- Danny/Lancer
Locker Buddies- (Platonic) Poindexter/Danny
Lost Time- (Platonic) Danny/Clockwork
Lucky Accident- Johnny 13/Danny
Mama’s Boy- (Romantic) Danny/Maddie
Maternal Instincts- (Paternal) Danny/Maddie
Noodle Nerds- (Romantic) Poindexter/Danny
Nu Goth- Elliot(Gregor)/Danny
Ocean Spirit- Danny/Moana [Disney’s Moana]
Pandora’s Ghost- Danny/Pandora
Pastel Corpses- Danny/Lars [Steven Universe]
Personalized Gift Baskets- Vlad/Maddie/Danny
Phantastic Four- Danny/Tucker/Sam/Valerie
Phantom Dragon- Dorothea/Danny
Phantom Feline- Kitty/Danny
Phantom Fumble- Danny/Kwan
Phantom Rocker- Danny/Ember
Phantom Satellite- Danny/Star
Phantom Shadows- Shadow/Danny
Pitiful Delusion- Dark Danny/Paulina
Pink Pearl- Danny/His Pink Pants
Phantom Psychology - Danny/Spectra
Pitched Tent, Publicity Stunt- Danny/Freakshow
Pompous Pearl- Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom/Vlad
Pompous Pep, Endangered Species- (Romantic) Vlad/Danny
Rebel Riders- Danny/Johnny/Valerie
Red Pearl- (Romantic) Fenton/ [Hypnotized/Evil] Phantom
Restrained Romance - Danny/Pamela
Royal Pain- Danny/Aragon
Savant Par, CyberSpace- Danny / Tucker
Pink Astronaut- Paulina/Danny
Sibling Secrets- Jazz/Danny
Spider Phantom, Radioactive, Friendly Neighborhood Phantom- Danny/Peter Parker [Spider-man]
Spongeboo- Danny/Spongebob[Spongebob]
Spooky Nerds- Danny/Jimmy [Jimmy Neutron]
Striking Pep - Masters/Plasmius/Danny
Sue Killer- Dani/Danny
Swagger Bishie, Locker Bruise, Teddy Ghost- Danny/Dash
Teenage Dream- Nocturne/Danny
Temporal Trust- (Romantic) Danny/Clockwork
The D- Danny/Dani/Dan/Daniel Masters
The Wrong Sick- Danny/Jack
Triple Blossom- Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom/Sam
Tyrannious Hope- Danny/Pariah Dark
Unidentified Flying Ship- Danny/Wes
White Fang - Wulf/Danny
All Pairings 
3D-  Dan/Danny/Dani
All the King’s Men - Pariah Dark/Fright Knight
Amethyst Ocean, Violet Haze, Fakeout-Makeout- Danny/Sam
Anonymity Park- Danny/Amorpho
Bad End- Dan/Daniel
Badger Cereal- (Platonic and/or Paternal) Vlad/Danny
Bittersweet Redemption- Dan/Danny/Vlad
Black Cat- Johnny 13/Kitty
Blacks and Blues- Ember/Jazz/Sam
Blood Red Ink - Dan/Ghostwriter
Boxed Phantom- Danny/Box Ghost
Brains Over Brawn- Jazz/Dash
Butch-ers, Steak Sit-Ups- Lunch Lady/Tetslaff
Burning Buds- (Platonic) Dani/Ember
Callous Query- Danny/Skulker
Carbon Copy Quarterback- Dani/Dash
Circus Freaks- Freakshow/Lydia
Classic Cliche- Jazz/Ghostwriter
Clone Conspiracy- Dani/Wes Weston
Clone Wars-Daniel Masters/Dani
Cloned Romantic– Dani/Tucker
Cold Hands, Ice Ice Baby, Phantom Frost- Danny/Jack Frost [Rise of the Guardians]
Cosmic Cyborg- Technus/Danny
Cream Cheese- Vlad/Dani
Cream Soup-Danny/Fenton Thermos
Cryptid Hunting- Valerie/Wes Weston
Dark Dark- Pariah Dark/Dan
Dark Gray- Dan/Valerie
Dark Side, Control- Dan / Freakshow
Dark Times- Freakshow/Clockwork
Delsa, Frozen Core- Danny/Elsa [Frozen]
Delusions of Grandeur- Pariah/Nocture
Dora^2- Dora/Pandora
Doubly Evil, Bitterly Broken- Vlad/Dan
Dragon Tattoo- Dora/Lydia
Dream Time- Clockwork/Nocturne
Dumb Founded- Dash/Sam
Ectodragon- Danny/Draco Malfoy [Harry Potter]
Ectoham- Danny/Randy Cummingham [Randy Cummingham: Ninth Grade Ninja]
Electric Hunter, Sparks, Generator- Technus/Skulker
Employee of the Month- Vlad/Walter Weston
Enchanted Circus- Desiree/Dora/Lydia
Esperanto Code of Conduct- Wulf/Walker
Everlasting Trio, Eternal Trio- Danny/Sam/Tucker
Evil Goth- Dan/Sam
Family Breakfast- Jack/Maddie/Vlad
Famous Satelite, Shallow Orbit– Star/Paulina
Feline Grace- Jazz/Kitty
Fourth Wall Portal- (Platonic) Danny/OC
Ghost Envy- Jazz/Freakshow
Ghost in the Shell- Danny/Jenny [My Life as a Teenage Robot]
Ghostly Menu- Danny/Lunch Lady
Ghostly Time Machine- Danny/Clockwork/Ghostwriter
Ghostly Touch, Phantom Kiss- (Romantic) Danny/OC
Girl in the Tower, Timeless Love- Dora/Aragon
Go Packers- Dash/Vlad
Going Dragon- Danny/Jake Long [American Dragon: Jake Long]
Goth Princess- Sam/Paulina
Gothic Dragon, Medieval Gothic- Sam/Dora
Gothic Vampire- Sam/Vlad
Gray Ghost- Valerie/Danny
Green Ecto Splat- Danny/Lee Ping [Detentionaire]
Guard Granter- Walker/Desiree
Gun Magazine- Skulker/Ghostwriter
Halfas Just Want to Have Fun - Masters/Plasmius/Fenton/Phantom
Halfworld Royalties- Danny/Raven [Teen Titans]
Halloween Phantom- Fright Knight/Danny
Haunted Past, Enslaved Exemplar- Dan/Danny
Haunting Desire- Danny/Desiree
Heroic Amusement, Great Divide- Super!Danny/Fun!Danny
Hide n' Seek- Sam/Valerie
History Books- Ghostwriter/Clockwork
Hot December- Desiree/Ember
Hourglass Chess, Chaotic Chess- Clockwork/Dan/Freakshow
Hunter Silly- Tucker/Valerie
Hunter's Facade– Paulina/Valerie
Hunter's Flame- Ember/Skulker
Hypno Therapy- Ember/Jazz
Iambic Prose- Danny/Ghostwriter
Insane Asylum- Walker/Spectra
Invisobilly- Danny/Billy Joe Cobra [Dude That’s My Ghost!]
Jail Bait, Ghostly Prisoner- Danny/Walker
Jock Goth- Kwan/Sam
Just the Right Amount of Crazy- Clockwork/Dan/Danny/Vlad
Kith Kin- Sam/Jazz
Lactose Intolerant- Vlad/Dairy King
Lance Lancer- Lance Thunder/Mr. Lancer
Literature Lovers- Danny/Lancer
Locker Buddies- (Platonic) Poindexter/Danny
Lost Time- (Platonic) Danny/Clockwork
Love Sucks- Ghost Weasel/Fenton Thermos
Lucky Accident- Johnny 13/Danny
Mad Scientist- Dark Danny/Kwan
Makeup Honor- Dash/Paulina
Mama’s Boy- (Romantic) Danny/Maddie
Maternal Instincts- (Paternal) Danny/Maddie
Meddling Minutes- Dan/Clockwork
Melancholy Assistance- Spectra/Bertrand
Misery Motivated- Vlad/Spectra
Misery Punk Rock- Kitty/Spectra/Ember
Misplaced Faith, Secret Disaster- Valerie/Vlad
Moronic Genius, Brain Cookies- Maddie/Jack
Mythical Wishes- Desiree/Pandora
New Master - Vlad/Fright Knight
Night Sky, Destroyed Satellite- Dan/Star
Noodle Nerds- (Romantic) Poindexter/Danny
Not So Useful Distraction- Kwan/Vlad
Nu Goth- Elliot(Gregor)/Danny
Ocean Spirit- Danny/Moana [Disney’s Moana]
Oedipus Complex - Maddie/Dan
Oreo Cookie, Phriendship, Pitch Pals- (Platonic) Fenton/Phantom
Overbearing Redheads- Jazz/Wes Weston
Pac Man- Jack/Vlad
Packaged Food- Box Ghost/Lunch Lady
Painful Desires- Spectra/Desiree
Pastel Corpses- Danny/Lars [Steven Universe]
Pandora’s Ghost- Danny/Pandora
Paranormal Facade- Wes/Daniel Masters
Penslammeter- Walker/Ghostwriter
Perfect Pitch, Pitch Perfect- Paulina/Ember
Perfect Clone-  (Romantic) Vlad/Daniel Masters
Perfect Son- (Paternal) Vlad/Daniel Masters
Personalized Gift Baskets- Vlad/Maddie/Danny
Phantastic Four- Danny/Tucker/Sam/Valerie
Phantom Dragon- Dorothea/Danny
Phantom Feline- Kitty/Danny
Phantom Fumble- Danny/Kwan
Phantom PDA- Phantom/Tucker
Phantom Psychology - Danny/Spectra
Platinum Punk- Dani/Ember
Phantom Rocker- Danny/Ember
Phantom Satellite- Danny/Star
Phantom Shadows- Shadow/Danny
Pink Pearl- Danny/His Pink Pants
Pirate Food- Youngblood/Box Lunch
Pitch PDA- Phantom/Fenton/Tucker
Pitch Pearl, Photonegative Narcissus- (Romantic) Fenton/Phantom
Pitched Tent, Publicity Stunt- Danny/Freakshow
Pompous Pearl- Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom/Vlad
Pompous Pep, Endangered Species- (Romantic) Vlad/Danny
Posh Scientist- Maddie/Pamela
Psycho Analysis- Spectra/Jazz
Psycho Cereal, Obsessive Meddler- Vlad/Jazz
Psychotic Sues- Danny/OC
Punk Poet- Ember/Ghostwriter
Punk Rock- Youngblood/Ember
Purple Prose- Ghostwriter/Sam
Pussycat Dolls- Kitty/Ember
Quacker- Tucker/Kwan
Rebel Riders- Danny/Johnny/Valerie
Red Pearl- (Romantic) Fenton/ [Hypnotized/Evil] Phantom
Restrained Romance - Danny/Pamela
Retro Movie Do- Poindexter / Dora
Rich History- Vlad/Clockwork
Robot Techie, XJ-PDA- Tucker/Jenny [My Life as a Teenage Robot]
Rocker's Boys- Dash/Ember/Kwan
Royal Pain- Danny/Aragon
Royal Wishes- Dora/Desiree
Savant Par, CyberSpace- Danny / Tucker
School Spirit- Spectra/Lancer
Science Fiction- Technus/Ghostwriter
Pink Astronaut- Paulina/Danny
Sibling Secrets- Jazz/Danny
Somber Sear- Ember/Sam
Spaghetti and Meatballs, Hypnotic Shadows- Freakshow/Johnny 13
Spider Phantom, Radioactive, Friendly Neighborhood Phantom- Danny/Peter Parker [Spider-man]
Spooky Nerds- Danny/Jimmy [Jimmy Neutron]
Spongeboo- Danny/Spongebob[Spongebob]
Sports Satellite- Kwan/Star
Spurned Affection- Vlad/Maddie
Spy Satellite- Star/Wes Weston
Striking Fear- Masters/Plasmius
Striking Pep - Masters/Plasmius/Danny
Sue Killer- Dani/Danny
Swagger Bishie, Locker Bruise, Teddy Ghost- Danny/Dash
Talkative Treacherous– Technus/Desiree
Teacher's Pet- Lancer/Jazz
Technical Difficulties- Tucker/His PDA
Technical Star Player- Star/Tucker/Kwan
Techno Babble- Jazz/Technus
Techno Geeks, PDA, Technological Advancement- Technus/Tucker
Techno Smarts-Tucker/Jazz
Teenage Dream- Nocturne/Danny
Temporal Trust- (Romantic) Danny/Clockwork
Tricky Pseudonym- Amorpho/Ghostwriter
The D- Danny/Dani/Dan/Daniel Masters
The Freak Behind Blue Eyes, Dark Fire- Ember/Freakshow
The Wrong Sick- Danny/Jack
Tight End- Dash/Kwan
Timely Intelligence- Jazz/Clockwork
Tireless Dedication- Ghostwriter/Vlad
Traps Desired- Desiree/Skulker
Triple Blossom- Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom/Sam
Twinkle Techno- Star/Tucker
Tyrannious Hope- Danny/Pariah Dark
Unidentified Flying Ship- Danny/Wes Weston
Unlucky Author– Johnny/Ghostwriter
Veggie Burger, Ghost's Absence- Tucker/Sam
Vengeful Babes- Valerie/Dani
White Fang- Wulf/Danny
Young Bloodthirst – Dan/Dani
Young Love- Dani/Youngblood
(Again, if you want to add any names or if there are some alternate names I’m missing, submit them to me, or message me directly. I will not be taking names in the tags anymore. Thanks for going to the bottom of this long list! See ya next time, dudes!)
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