#Danny and Wes are really not helping the secret relationship allegations
dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
Hey, if you’re doing requests, can you please do another part of Alfred’s boy? Maybe a rogue attack at the opera?
Wes warned Danny three times that the doors would not open from the outside as soon as the show started. This meant that if he got up to use the bathroom, he would not be allowed back in until intermission.
Danny nodded along each time with a little half-amused and half-tired smile. Jason watched them from the corner of his eyes, and then a quick glance at his other side showed his siblings, who were rapidly becoming angry that Danny wasn't even looking at them.
Tim, in particular, was fuming. He had apparently called off a grave undercover mission to go to the opera with them—why that meant he had to dress as a giant duck, Jason will never know.
Thankfully Jason and Dick were sitting between the two groups as a solid buffer- with Dick purposely being placed before Jason as a human shield- and he had made sure Danny winded up with a wall on one side so that the little urchins couldn't claim the other seat.
If that didn't make them burn, nothing else would.
He was having the time of his life. Jason should come home more often; this was like one of his favorite novels.
Suddenly, Danny stiffens, holding a hand over his mouth with a slight gasp. His face crumbles into a grimace, and he shifts his eyes around as if worried someone noticed. Jason thinks he has some mints he can offer the kid.
Bad breath on a date is honestly so embarrassing. Mentally, he cringes at the thought of Katy Moon. She never let him live it down- that was until he died a year later.
Jason watches as Wes immediately snaps to attention at Danny's action, glancing around the room with an intensity he had not previously seen on the teen. That was.....a very odd reaction.
Was it not a case of bad breath?
"Bathroom. Excuse us, we have to hurry before the show starts." Wes tells him, grabbing Danny's hand and quickly descending the aisle. He sidesteps his siblings, who are all pressing their legs against their seats to make the path a little easier to pass through.
Jason is happy to notice that he is not the only one who senses the urgency in their movements. Cass, who had just been on her phone taking selfies, is now also searching for whatever danger the boys have noticed.
She makes a hand motion that tells the rest of the Bats the area is clear. Jason relaxes a smidge as he, too, has failed to find any danger.
"I'll accompany you," Damian announces, standing up from his chair. Danny gives Wes a wild, quick glance that has every bell ringing in Jason's head. It's not fear, exactly, more of a glance of someone who doesn't know how to politely decline an invitation.
Wes shakes his head with an easy smile that Damian does not like. "Sorry, but I want to spend some alone time with Danny. You understand."
Steph's hands curl into claws in her seat as she hisses, "Alone time?"
Cass pats her hand softly. "Alone time is very important. Have a good time Danny, Wes"
"Thank you for understanding, Miss Cass." Danny chirps as he hurries out. Through the door of the box seat, they can see that he glances around rapidly, but instead of heading toward the restrooms, Danny races in the opposite direction.
Wes for some reason, pulls out a lipstick stick from his pocket running after him. Why would he-Oh.
Oh. Danny, you sly dog. Jason shares a knowing look with Dick before they both have to stop the rest of the brats from going after the two teenage boys.
Not dating his ass.
They wait for about seventeen minutes, where Dick and Cass have to stop the rest of the brats from going to search for Danny. Jason also does the same, but his word isn't nearly as compelling as Dick's own or Cass's immovable blank stare down. The lights dim, and he just started to worry himself when Danny and Wes stumble back through, apologizing to the usher, who was in the motion of locking the door.
Danny's hair is in dismay, his clothes are rumbled, and he has a bright flush on his face. Wes is sweaty, has an equally red face, and has a swollen lower lip.It does not take a genius to guess what they were getting up to.
"We made it! I was so scared we would miss the curtain call and have to watch the show from the hallway's TVs." Wes cheers, hurrying to his chair. He seems blissfully unaware of the poison the younger Waynes are attempting to glare into him. Wes would go home in a casket if any of them had heat vision.
"I'm sorry, Wes," Danny whispered in a soft, small voice. Jason only heard him because he was right in front of him on Danny's way to his seat when he did. "I didn't want you to have to do deal with this when you were here."
"Are you kidding? I get to the full Phantom of the Opera experince," Wes laughs, nudging Danny. "Best seats in the house too."
Danny's face blooms into a bright smile, lacing their hands together as Wes settles for the show. He barely notices when Danny's head comes down to rest on his shoulder, allowing the other boy to press closer as the performers take their places and the live orchestra starts up the first few tunes of the music.
Jason stares at the pair for a moment, wondering what Wes was talking about. They're here to watch Orfeo ed Euridice.
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