#Danny Tenaglia
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fuchinobe ¡ 4 months ago
(1993, Columbia, 44 77529) Remix by Danny Tenaglia.
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daily-coloring ¡ 1 year ago
Best of 2023 - Albums
Unbelievable year ... Fallen pop stars are returning, long time not seen artists are turning up in a best possible shape, producers making music under their own names, ... First of all I really enjoyed a few soundtracks this year especially Anthony Willis's Saltburn and Arnaud Rebotini's L'lle Rouge. Surprisingly I listened again on repeat a few DJ mixes too. Danny Tenaglia's new Global Underground was a pure treasure, James Zabiela's home session just made me dance for an hour in the living room, as well as Andy Butler's energetic set did too.
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01. Roisin Murphy - Hit Parade - "If Hit Parade isn’t Murphy’s best album, it’s certainly her wildest and weirdest. Nowhere else is the scale of her ambition more evident than on the percussive and atmospheric “Free Will.” Murphy says she doesn’t believe in free will but that you should “just make believe that you can write the play” anyway. It’s yet another indelible statement that couldn’t come from anyone else." - Slant Magazine
02. Rebecca Black - Let Her Burn - "An acceptable stretch of Let Her Burn gives Black a chance to reform a persona she had never had any control over until now. As fundamental a shift as perhaps expected, Black warrants this change of pace but there is something inevitable about how these perspectives are formed and how retaliation to reactionary dogpiling a decade ago comes to the forefront. Working hard and pushing through with this half-hour debut LP is exceptional, with spotty highs and consistently solid mixes that give those electronic undercurrents a beat-worthy working. Destroy Me is a crucial highlight in getting to the core of reinvention but also in engaging with how buoyed Let Her Burn is by how much of an opposition it takes to the early works. Black has let her burn, whatever “her” was. Let Her Burn razes and destroys as much as it can, and it works as a successful, credible debut." - Cult Following
03. Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Hana
04. Clark - Sus Dog
05. Everything But The Girl - Fuse
06. Depeche Mode - Memento Mori
07. Mermaidens - Mermaidens
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08. Kesha - Gag Order
09. Anna B Savage - in|FLUX - "So as a follow up to A Common Turn, this does feel like an album where, lyrically and thematically, we are dealing with an artist who has battled some of the previous demons, accepted the daily flux of life, and found a way to focus on the moments when life feels most complete. But in a musical context – Anna also seems to have taken that feeling, that love of contradiction, into the songs. At moments explosively ecstatic, at others wrought with emotion – and filled with influences and sounds from areas not explored on the previous LP – the album brings a bunch of disparate sounds and feelings together to create a powerful and impressive whole. Most impressive of all is the fact that, after an album that sent Picky Bastards into a spin for the whole of 2021, Anna has released something as good if not better." - Picky Bastards
10. HMLTD - The Worm
11. JMSN - Soft Spot
12. Orbital - Optical Delusion - "It’s an album of unlikely collaborations. Day One features the operatic talents of Dina Ipavic, while Are You Alive, sung by Lily Wolter of Penelope Isles, floats into moodier, more analog territory. Best of all are The New Abnormal (Golden Girls’ Kinetic turned inside out) and the anti-gammon state of the nation rant of Dirty Rats." - Record Collector
13. Spelling - SPELLLING & The Mystery School
14. Future Utopia - We Were We Still Are
15. CLT DRP - Nothing Clever, Just Feelings
16. Joy Wellboy - The Ones That Got Away
17. Pierre Rousseau - Twenty - Music for Etudes N°20 - Spring Summer 2022
18. Joyce Muniz - Zeitkapsel
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19. Emiliana Torrini & The Colorist Orchestra - Racing The Storm
20. Thomas Azier - The Inventory Of Our Desire
21. Sofia Kourtesis - Madres
22. Not Waving - The Place I've Been Missing
23. Restive Plaggona - Ignis
24. Deichkind - Neues Vom Dauerzustand
25. Daughter - Stereo Mind Game
26. DaĂ°i Freyr - I Made an Album
27. Yves Tumor - Praise A Lord Who Chews But Which Does Not Consume; (Or Simply, Hot Between Worlds)
28. Surgeon - Crash Recoil - "Crash Recoil is probably about as close to a live Surgeon record as we’re ever going to get. Child views producing and performing as two disparate disciplines, which they are, and he goes about each in a very different way. This also means it’s about as close to a traditional pop/rock approach to writing and recording as you’re likely to find from an electronic producer, woodshedding tracks on the road and sharpening them to a diamond sheen. More bands and producers should think of adopting the approach as it clearly can yield stunning results, as evidenced by this glorious offering." - Spectrum Culture
29. Duran Duran - DANSE MACABRE
30. When Saints Go Machine - Rosy
31. Young Fathers - Heavy Heavy
32. Maps - Counter Melodies
33. Laurent Garnier - 33 tours et puis s'en vont
34. Benedikt Frey - Fastlane
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35. ANOUK - Deena and Jim
36. Anthony Naples - Orbs - "The New York producer once known for muscular house and techno continues to drift into the ether, channeling ’90s chillout and dub techno into his singular vision." - Pitchfork
37. James Holden - Imagine This Is A High Dimensional Space Of All Possibilities
38. Hifi Sean & David McAlmont - Happy Ending
39. Tirzah - trip9love...???
40. Kelela - Raven
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viciouscyclesradio ¡ 23 days ago
A Guy Called Gerald on Ice
Tonight @ Nowadays (2.8.2025)
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zeroground ¡ 7 months ago
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thebonesofhoudini ¡ 10 months ago
Kerri Chandler & Danny Tenaglia @ Cube, Napoli, Italy 1993
Dopeness 🔥🔥🔥
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kickmag ¡ 1 year ago
Amplifyd Auction House Partners With Dance Music Pioneer Danny Tenagila & More To Sell Collectibles
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Amplifyd is an auction house dedicated to helping stellar artists and music brands sell their personal hauls, collectibles and experiences. The company is backed by Instagram's founding investor and has launched out of beta mode this week. Dance music pioneer DJ Danny Tenagila is one of the first artists to partner with Amplifyd in addition to electronic music luminaries Sasha and Felix Da Housecat. These partnerships are an opportunity for fans to own rare white labels, studio equipment, acetates, rare vinyl, and memorabilia. 
Danny Tenagila's career as a DJ and producer spans more than 50 years. His name rose in music circles during the '90s after high-profile remixes of Madonna's "Human Nature," Jamiroquai's "Emergency On Planet Earth" and  Right Said Fred's "I'm Too Sexy." But his underground reputation also grew thanks to various club residences in Miami and his hometown New York City as well as remix work on seminal tracks like Dajae's "U Got Me Up" amongst others. His '90s residencies at New York clubs Twilo and The Tunnel were essential to the city's nightlife. He shared his feelings about joining the Amplifyd platform in a press statement. 
“It’s been an incredible journey to have all of this in my possession for decades, and I’ve been thinking for quite some time now that these items and records might be better served in the hands of others who will continue to love and appreciate them just as much as I have. I’m excited to auction most of my collection on the amazing “Amplifyd” platform. What would make me the most happy is if this massive record collection and various pieces of studio gear and DJ equipment can find a new loving home where they will continue to be appreciated and used.”  
Dan Willis, Amplifyd founder and CEO, was very excited to start the company and says, 
"Being an electronic music artist myself over the past 15 years, it’s an incredibly exciting time for Amplifyd to partner with artists of Felix, Sasha, and Danny's extraordinary talent and pedigree. Their contributions to the roots and infrastructure of the electronic music industry are monumental. Our collaboration promises a unique and unforgettable journey for fans and music enthusiasts." 
Fans can view Tenagila's collection and place bids now via the Amplifyd site. 
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ballerinepunk ¡ 7 months ago
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maidabazaar ¡ 7 months ago
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fuchinobe ¡ 7 months ago
(1993, Columbia, 44 77615) Remix by Danny Tenaglia
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daily-coloring ¡ 9 months ago
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viciouscyclesradio ¡ 1 year ago
Winter, 2023
(S2:Episode 02)
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s2:Ep/02 is now available.
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kon-igi ¡ 2 years ago
Il titolo non si riferisce a un proclama urlato a squarciagola per qualche lotta politica contro le sopraffazioni ma alla frase urlata dal dottore di turno dei medical drama quando si appresta a usare un defibrillatore su un paziente in arresto cardiaco.
Se non lo aveste ancora intuito, con questo post mi appresterò a raccontarvi quanto siano sbagliati e/o inesatti i medical trope cinematografici a cui tanto siete abituati, cosÏ abituati che promettereste denuncia al tribunale del diritto del malato qualora non vi venissero praticate le stesse identiche procedure.
Non è una priorità, non è il proiettile a creare l’eventuale emorragia (cioè... lo ha fatto ma non continua a farlo) quindi tutte le scene in cui la vita dell’appena crivellato dipende dall’estrazione del proiettile SONO UNA STRONZATA. Eventualmente ci si concentra sul tamponamento della ferita applicando una pressione perché il tentativo di rimozione potrebbe peggiorare il sanguinamento, sia perché eseguito in modo maldestro con pinzette per sopracciglia o tenaglia da fabbro sia perché, a volte, il proiettile tiene chiusa la ferita.
Il proiettile è di per sÊ a bassa carica batterica (è stato sterilizzato dalla deflagrazione della polvere da sparo) quindi può essere rimosso a distanza di ore o giorni (e pure anni).
Il sanguinamento di un’arteria non lo fermi con un pezzo di ferro arroventato (se proprio tenendoci sopra qualche minuto una fiamma ossidrica) e sanguinamenti venosi li blocchi col tamponamento. Cauterizzare una ferita, a dispetto di quanto si creda, AUMENTA IL RISCHIO DI INFEZIONE perché non solo le ferite non le ‘disinfetti’ col fuoco ma un’ustione è una sede di ingresso di patogeni migliore di un semplice buco o taglio.
O meglio, lo fanno gli ortopedici dopo un Rx e dopo averti somministrato del midazolam o del propofol. Se lo fai per strada a caso, rischi come minimo una lesione di un plesso nervoso o addirittura un’arteria tranciata. E se non sapete come steccare correttamente un arto evitate di farlo e aspettate i soccorsi.
e comunque nessuno si fa distrarre da domande stupide prima della rimozione a tradimento.
I corpi estranei conficcati VANNO LASCIATI DOVE SONO perchĂŠ un pezzo di legno appuntito, una scheggia metallica e persino un coltello stanno giĂ  creando un tamponamento su qualsiasi vaso dovesse essere stato reciso e una rimozione maldestra in ambito non operatorio potrebbe creare danni emorragici in uscita che non potrebbero essere trattati in modo professionale.
perché se non sapete qual è l’origine dell’emorragia (venosa o arteriosa) un laccio emostatico può creare un danno ischemico IMPORTANTISSIMO all’arto, proporzionale ai minuti di applicazione (dopo i canonici tre). Peggio che mai se applicate una cintura o una corda. TAMPONATE E BASTA.
Se sei in arresto cardiaco, la respirazione bocca-a-bocca e il massaggio non servono a far tornare il cuore a pulsare e tu a respirare MA A PRESERVARE IN MODO FORZATO L’OSSIGENAZIONE E IL CIRCOLO in attesa di veri soccorsi attrezzati. Quindi nessuno che sia veramente in arresto cardiaco si rianima in tale modo (se succede era solo svenuto) né tantomeno avrebbe la forza di espellere con un colpo di tosse l’acqua del tratto tracheo-bronchiale. La posizione laterale di sicurezza, invece, ne permette il defluire per gravità.
E soprattutto guardandoti negli occhi mentre lo fa.
Sarebbe quasi impossibile individuare la vena senza palpare e senza stabilizzare le proprie mani sull’avambraccio e se l’ago è perpendicolare alla cute, pochi millimetri prima sei fuori dalla vena e pochi dopo l’hai forata da parte a parte.
Bonus: se pianti un ago nel collo di una persona gli inietti il farmaco in trachea, nell’esofago, nel midollo spinale o anche nella tiroide.
La tracheotomia e la tracheostomia (la prima è la manovra, la seconda il foro praticato) servono a bypassare un’ostruzione tra la bocca e la laringe. Si fa col bisturi e un taglio prima verticale sulla cute e poi orizzontale sulla cartilagine cricotiroidea. Se perfori brutalmente con una penna è facile che farai soffocare la persona nel suo stesso sangue perché non è che inserendo una cannuccia l’emorragia si ferma. E devi avere difficoltà respiratorie da corpo estraneo... se hai già smesso di respirare è inutile.
E per concludere, ripetete con me:
né alcun’altro tipo di farmaco, soprattutto se sei in overdose da oppiacei. 
Capito Quentin Tarantino?
Grazie dell’attenzione e dell’eventuale gentile reblog medico-divulgativo.
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p1325 ¡ 1 year ago
Here's the list of the mixes I used:
Janet Jackson - Young Love (12" Dance Mix) Janet Jackson - You'll Never Find (A Love Like Mine) [Cozzie Re-Work] Janet Jackson - Say You Do (Special Remixed Version) Janet Jackson - What Have You Done For Me Lately (Gianni Firmaio Bootleg) Janet Jackson - Nasty (Dutch House Mix) Janet Jackson - Control (Extended Mix) Janet Jackson - Pleasure Principle (Danny Tenaglia Legendary Club Mix) Janet Jackson - Rhythm Nation (1814 Extended Club Version) Janet Jackson - Escapade (Shep's Good Time Mix) Janet Jackson - Love Will Never Do (Without You) [Extended Mix] Janet Jackson - Any Time, Any Place (D & D House Mix) Janet Jackson - That's The Way Love Goes (CJ FXTC Club Mix 12'') Janet Jackson - Because of Love (David Morales & Frankie Knuckles Club Mix) Janet Jackson - Throb (Morales' Badyard Club Mix) Janet Jackson - You Want This (E-Smoove's House Anthem) Janet Jackson - If (Brothers In Rhythm House Mix) Janet Jackson - Together Again (VB house mix) Janet Jackson - I Get Lonely (Janet Vs Jason - The Club Remix) Janet Jackson - Doesn't Really Matter (Jonathan Peters Club Mix) Janet Jackson - All for You (Thunderpuss 2001 Club Mix) Janet Jackson - Someone To Call My Lover (Unknown Club Mix) Janet Jackson - Just A Little While (Peter Rauhofer Club Mix) Janet Jackson — All Nite (Don't Stop) [Low-End Specialists Main Mix] Janet Jackson, Nelly - Call On Me (Tony Moran Club Mix) Janet Jackson, Khia - So Excited (Junior Vasquez Club Mix) Janet Jackson - Feedback (Moto Blanco Full Vocal) Janet Jackson - Rock With U (Ranny's Miami Mix) Janet - Make Me (Ralphi's Martini Remix) Janet Jackson – No Sleep (With You. Remix) Janet Jackson - Dammn Baby (Miguel Campbell Club Mix) Janet Jackson, Daddy Yankee - Made For Now (Eric Kupper Extended Club Mix)
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graemepark ¡ 6 months ago
Well I don’t know about you, but I had the most fantastic Bank Holiday Weekend in Glasgow, Brighouse and Stockport despite the disappointment of two short notice cancellations at the start of the extended weekend.
Firstly, my Thursday gig in Cardiff got cancelled in the morning due to the weather and Storm Lilian. I was supposed to be DJing at the Bay Series New Order afterparty at Clwb Ifor Bach but because the main show got cancelled, the afterparty did too, so apologies for that.
On the Friday I was supposed to be performing with Haçienda Classical at Crooked House Live in Lichfield as well as DJing at an afterparty. However, the event got cancelled on the Wednesday but I can’t apologise for that because it was through no fault of The Haçienda whatsoever and completely down to the promoters who announced that the cancellation was “due to unforeseen circumstances”. This was not the case at all and we are all quite angry about not being able to perform as advertised. The scores of people involved in the show both on and offstage were now unable to work and, like me, had probably turned down other offers due to already being booked. I know you were angry and disappointed too based on the feedback received.
However, things got completely back to normal on the Saturday as I made the train journey to Glasgow for STREETrave 35 at SWG3 where I DJ’d in the TV Studio after CJ Mackintosh. Other DJs on the bill included Paul Oakenfold, Darren Emerson, Michael Kilkie, Jon Mancini and more and it really was a fantastic event with such a great atmosphere throughout this magnificent multi room venue.
On the Sunday I returned to England to DJ at the Our House event near Brighouse for a short afternoon set before heading to Stockport to DJ at the wonderful Moovin’ where I played in the Mini Moo arena to such an up-for-it crowd.
My DJ sets from STREETrave, Our House and Moovin’ will be available on Mixcloud soon and you can fond out where I’m DJing in the coming weeks and months by visiting my website Gig Guide.
Thanks to everyone who came along to party and for your support. I’ll see you in Nottingham this Saturday for Haçienda Live at Wollaton Hall alongside Soul II Soul, Ulta Naté, 808 State, Rowetta, K-klass, Danny Tenaglia, Roger Sanchez and Smokin’ Jo. I’ll also be DJing at the afterparty at NG-One alongside Ultra Naté, Tom Wainwright and Atari Safari.
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randomvarious ¡ 2 years ago
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Today’s mix:
Back to Mine by Dave Seaman 1999 Downtempo / Trip Hop / Ambient
Back in '99, UK DJ and remix label DMC started what would become a long-running and highly popular mix series called Back to Mine, which would bring in popular DJs and electronic acts to craft mixes that were perfectly suited for an after-party environment following a long night out of joyous clubbing. I imagine the name for the series comes from a hypothetical conversation between a group of people who had just left a club and were trying to figure out what their next move should be:
Person 1: "Alright, so where to next?"
Person 2: "Well, we could go back to mine."
Person 1: "Yeah, that sounds good."
And then when they got to Person 2's place, they would all unwind themselves with one of these Back to Mine mixes 😌.
So, it seems like with the first three releases in this series, all of which came out in 1999, Back to Mine was set on casting world-famous DJs in a different sort of light; ones who weren't known at all for playing chillout tunes. Nick Warren, Danny Tenaglia, and Dave Seaman were all heralded as masters of the packed dancefloors, but not so much the comedown rooms that adjoin them.
But as this excellent second volume shows, Seaman could certainly hack it in a setting such as this. In this hour-plus of downtempo, trip hop, and ambient bliss, the former editor of DMC's very own biblical electronic music monthly, Mixmag, starts out with a collection of total immersion and engrossment before branching out into heavier, more head-nodding fare, and then finishes off with Lamb's "Gorecki," a remarkably sublime tune that manages to simultaneously satisfy both categories.
But the journey to that capstone is well worth it too, as Seaman supplies us with a steady stream of tracks and remixes that seem to be done by some of electronic music's most dynamic duos: Global Communication provide some epic ambient, Kruder & Dorfmeister remix some mid-90s Depeche Mode, Paul Oakenfold & Steve Osborne strip out the vocals from Sneaker Pimps' trip hop classic, "Six Underground," and load up on rock guitar 🤘, and then the aforementioned Lamb takes us home with "Gorecki." Plus, there's also a somewhat lesser known pair from Liverpool called Desert, who deliver a sweet trip hop groove with a dusty snare break and nice breakdown in "Sonic Boom."
"A soundtrack without a film. Lie back. Close your eyes. And watch the in-flight movie on the inside of your eyelids," said Guardian critic Alexis Petridis in a review of this mix from a near-quarter-century ago that seems to still ring true to this day.
A terrific selection and sequencing of tunes here done by one of UK electronic music's brightest lights and foremost evangelists, Dave Seaman. A guy who's evidently not only just capable of bringing you out for a night of dancy hedonism, but can also take you home and tuck you into bed at the crack of dawn with some phenomenal chillout as well.
Listen to the full mix here.
Craig Armstrong - "Weather Storm" Genetica - "Future Past" Sasha - "Baja (Port Douglas Mix)" Global Communication - "Epsilon Phase" Depeche Mode - "Useless (Kruder & Dorfmeister Remix)" Sneaker Pimps - "Six Underground (Perfecto Dub)" Desert - "Sonic Boom" Lamb - "Gorecki"
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rhythm86radio ¡ 2 days ago
Joseph Capriati teases Global Underground mix with new single
Joseph Capriati has been confirmed for the next instalment of Global Underground’s ‘city series’, with GU47: Montreal set to land on 21 March. Ahead of the release, Capriati has unveiled a new single, Meandri, which is available from 28 February and can be downloaded/streamed here. Capriati follows on from the likes of Danny Tenaglia, ANNA, Joris Voorn, and Amelie Lens – as well as many others…
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