#Danny Brackett rackett x male reader
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grodak4t · 2 years ago
so could u make a danny (scream6) x shy male reader who lives in the apartment with sam and everyone and he meets danny for the first time and it's all fluff but a lil angsty and sad cuz reader's insecure and he selfharms?
Welcome to New York
Danny Brackett x Male Reader.
I forgot you asked for a shy reader so a lot of it might not include that😭 I did go back and change it up to meet your request but idk if its enough. Hope you enjoy it either way!
(Bold text means its text messages!!)
TW: self-harm
(I also don't know if Danny is Spanish or anything in the movie. I know his actor is Puerto Rican so i just went with that so there is a few Spanish words in here, i have the English beside them in brackets. The words in brackets are not apart of the story, just there for people to understand!!)
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You sat at the table that lay beside the living room of the apartment. Tara had gone to attend her college classes with her new roommate Quinn. This left you and Sam the only one's in the apartment. 
You three had moved to New York along with Chad and Mindy after the ghostface attack you all experienced in Woodsboro. The attack had left not only a mental scar, but many physical scars on you. Some by the two killers, Richie and Amber, but also yourself. You found pain was the only way to get the thoughts of what happened out of your head. It wasn't ideal, as now you only wear long sleeved shirts and jumpers, but it helps and you don't really enjoy alcohol to go down that route. 
Sam entered the kitchen, taking your phone out of your hand. "You need to get out more." she sits in front of you. 
"I do go out" You said, folding your arms over your chest. 
"Yeah for your job. I mean going out to meet new people." Sam leaned over the table. She was worried about you. You could tell. She always was. Especially after what happened in Woodsboro.
"I know I do, but it's not that easy for me. I can't interact with people how you and Tara do. I can't just talk to people normally." You explained to her. You removed your arms from their previous position and began playing with the bracket that sat on your arm. 
"I understand, you've always been like that, but you gotta break out of that shell." Sam reached over grabbing your hand. 
"I'll try." you looked up at her, smiling. "I promise" 
She smiled back, getting up and going towards the kitchen. "Actually, do you think you could go down to the store, we're out of milk." She said looking in the fridge. 
You rolled your eyes, laughing to yourself "Sure." 
You grabbed your coat and wallet and said bye to Sam as you began to walk down to the lobby. You went to the local bodega, grabbing the milk and some snacks for later. You walked back into the apartment complex, eyes glued to your phone. You were so distracted you didn't notice the man who stood in front of you. 
He had turned around to go walk somewhere when he bumped into you, knocking the snacks out of your hand. 
"Oh Mierda(shit) , I'm so sorry, let me help you with that." The man crouched down, picking up the items you had dropped. 
"It's fine, no need to apologise. It's my fault I was on my phone, I should've paid more attention" You said, awkwardly putting your phone into your pocket. 
The man stood back up handing you your items. "I don't remember seeing you here?". He looked at you with a confused expression. "Did you just move here?" 
You looked at the man. He was gorgeous. You froze for a moment, not knowing what to say. "Oh, yeah. I just moved here with my friends actually." You laughed after the sentence. 
"Oh you're the people who moved in opposite me. I was hoping to run into you guys, if you all need help getting to know the place, you could always come ask me."  
You smiled. "Thanks. It means a lot. I'll be sure to let the others know." 
"Well once you do, tell them Danny sent ya" He put his hand out, clearly going in for a handshake. 
You panicked, putting out the wrong hand to shake his with. "Y/N" 
"Y/N… that's a nice name, definitely one I can remember, especially with it going with such a cute face." He said, smirking at you. He took a pen from his pocket. He grabs your arm and writes his number on your hand. "Call me if you guys need any help or for anything else." He says his goodbyes and walks out the lobby door. 
You muttered a thanks, staring at your hand. Did he just flirt with you? He was probably being friendly, but you slightly hoped he wasn't. You began to walk back up to the apartment, thinking about the interaction you just had. 
You announced your entrance to Sam as you walked in. "What took so long?" Sam turned around from the sink, watching as you put the products onto the kitchen counter. 
"I bumped into some guy on the way up." You said, placing all the items away. 
"Oh? You finally interacted with someone? And it's a guy? Was he cute?." Sam turned back to the dishes, laughing at her small joke. 
"Oh my god Sam can you not." You said, a blush growing over your face. "And yes he was, he actually said I was cute." you added. 
"WHAT?" Sam stopped cleaning the dishes, drying her hands and dragging you to the couch, sitting you down. "Please tell me you got his number or even his name." 
"I got both actually. He told me that he lived across from us, and can help us if we need it." 
"That's amazing, oh my god. Are you going to call him?" 
You sat there for a moment. "No way. He gave me his number for help." you shook your head. 
"Oh come on" Sam's expression changed to a slightly annoyed one. "No way a guy calls someone cute and gives them his number just for help." She raised her hands on the last word, mimicking quotation marks with her fingers. 
"I don't know. I don't wanna come off weird." 
"Trust me,you probably won't. How about we make plans tonight. Tara and Quinn aren't home. We should have a movie night and invite your cute guy." She got up and went to the kitchen, heading for the cupboard that held the popcorn packets. "We can call it a greating party or something." She looked over at you. 
You couldn't say no, Sam has always been there for you and she looked too happy to say no. "Fine." Sam jumped in joy at your response. You took out your phone, typing Danny's number into it. You began to type a message. 
"Hey me and Sam are having a movie night, and she thought it would be a cool idea if you would want to join us. As a greeting party. :)" 
You threw your phone on the couch anxious to wait for a response. It took only five minutes for him to respond. You sat there for a second scared to open the phone. You pick up your phone and check the notification
"Hello. I'm guessing this is the cute guy who just moved here?" 
You sat there, realising how dumb you were to not state who was messaging. 
"Fuck, yeah sorry forgot to say that." 
You wanted to die, you were so embarrassed. 
"It's all good, no need to worry. Tell your friend I'd love to come over." 
You smiled at the message, shouting out to Sam about Danny's attendance. 
"Perfect, you can come over at around half past, that's when we're starting the movie!" 
"Asombroso(amazing). I can't wait" 
He spoke Spanish? You noticed yourself smiling at the message. You should have been able to tell from his accent. You thought to yourself about how hot he probably sounded speaking it. 
Sam handed you bowls and the snacks you had bought. "Here. Fill these up with these and put them on the table." You groaned, grabbing the bowls and began filling them up. 
"What movie are we going to watch?" You walked towards the bin, placing the empty packaging into them. 
"I'm not sure, I remember you saying you liked the Halloween series. Maybe one of those?" She looked over at you. "It is almost Halloween anyways so it'd fit the mood." You nodded in agreement,going back to the couch to sit down. 
Twenty minutes had passed before you two heard the doorbell ring. Sam turned to face you "Ohhh cute guy has arrived." She got up heading towards the door. She opened it to see Danny standing in front of it, holding a pack of beers. 
"You must be Sam?" He held out his hand. "I'm Danny. It's great to meet you." Sam shook his hand,providing him with a smile. 
"It's nice to meet you too, I have heard a few things about you so far." She began to walk in, giving Y/N a sarcastic look. 
"Oh really?" He gave you a look. You felt your heart skip a beat. He placed the drinks onto the table "I hope they were all nice things." He said sitting down in the free space beside you. 
You laughed at his comment. His leg brushed against yours and you felt your face heat up. His arm rested on the back of the couch. Sam sat down beside you elbowing your shoulder before grabbing the remote and turning on the movie. 
You all sat there in silence, enjoying the movie. Sam's jumps in fear at any slight jumpscare being the only interruption throughout the movie. "I've never seen that one before." Danny said when the movie ended. "I liked it" he added
"It's one of Y/N's favourites, he wouldn't shut up about it when we lived in Woodsboro." Sam said, picking up the empty bowls and bringing them to the kitchen. 
"Oh really? Well I know who to go to if i need movie recommendations." he turned to you. 
"Ask me for movie recommendations and we'll be here all night" You said laughing. 
He laughed back. His laugh was cute. "I'm not complaining."
Before you could respond you heard Sam shout out to you. "By the way Y/N, it's your turn to clean the dishes. I cleaned them earlier." You excused yourself from Danny. Rolling your eyes. 
"I'll help" Danny said walking over. He joined you at the sink, grabbing a towel. "I'll dry and you wash" he suggested. 
"Ok cool" You said as you went to begin to clean them. 
Danny grabbed your arm. "Are you seriously about to wash the dishes without rolling up your sleeves?" Danny looked at you with a friendly smile. 
"Oh um yeah, I don't really mind if they get wet." You looked over at Sam. She gave you a worried look. She knew you self harmed, and helped you through it when things got really bad. You gave her a reassuring look back. She nodded and headed towards the bathroom. 
"Oh come on, you don't wanna ruin your hoodie." Danny grabbed your arm, pulling the sleeve up. He looked at it, seeing the scars you had left. Some looked fresh, others looked older. He stood there for a moment. "Lo lamento(I'm sorry) , I didn't mean to." He looked worried. He was scared he made you uncomfortable. 
"No, it's um, it's fine, don't worry." You pulled your sleeve back down. "You didn't know" You smiled at him. 
"Do you want to talk about it?'' He put his hand on your back. "I'm all ears." You turned to face him. He looked worried. 
"It's nothing, don't worry, I just do it sometimes to take my mind off of things" You said, shrugging. 
"What things?" He became more curious. 
"Just past events. The main reason we all moved here is because of something that happened back in Woodsboro and I guess the events just affected me too much. I always think about what happened too much and it affects me, so I do this to get it out of my head." 
"Oh, what happened?"
"There was an attack. A lot of Sam's sister's friends died, I had been stabbed and shot in the shoulder by one of the attackers. I don't know why but after that I've always been worried, and anxious." You felt Danny place his hand on your shoulder. 
"I'm so sorry that happened to you guys." He pulled you into a hug. 
"It's fine" You replied, resting your chin on his shoulder. He was slightly taller than you so you had to lean up a bit.
He pulled away. "How about if you ever get thoughts like that you call or text me right away." You nodded. "Don't want a cutie like you worrying over something that can be helped with talking." he added 
You laughed at his comment. "Thanks. That's like the third time you called me cute." You pointed out. 
"It's because you are. You're espléndido(gorgeous)." He did sound hot when speaking Spanish. Although you didn't understand what he said and Danny must've picked up on that. He laughed at your confused look. "I meant your gorgeous." 
"If I'm gorgeous then what does that make you?" You cringed at what you just said. Flirting definitely wasn't your best attribute. 
"Hopefully it makes me yours." Fuck. He was good at this. You stood there not sure what to say. You didn't want to sound like an idiot. You noticed him looking at your lips. 
You smirked,before leaning in. You prayed that he doesn't pull away and make a fool out of you. Thankfully he doesn't, he places a hand on your cheek,pulling you in closer. Your lips meet and it feels like pure heaven. He placed his other hand on your other cheek and you placed yours onto his chest. 
Your kiss was cut short when Sam walked back into the room. "Oh shit I'm Sorry" She covered her face with her hand. You both turned to see her standing there. 
"You're all good, I was just about to leave anyway." He turns back to you. "We'll talk later. Adiós hermoso" Giving a smile before walking out the door. 
Sam gave you a supportive look. Shaking your hair as you walk by her, you head towards your bedroom. You were smiling like crazy. You couldn't believe what just happened. You looked down at your phone seeing a message from Danny. 
"Goodnight ;)" 
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