#Danikairyu post
danikairyu · 6 years
Bueno esto originalmente iba ser un one shot pero termino demasiado largo asi que lo subire por partes xD, primera vez que escribo algo de shoujo kageki revue starlight, solo puedo decir es demasiado divertido poder escribir de ellas!, la versión español la subire por wattpad
Well this was originally going to be a one shot but it ended up too long so I'll upload it in parts xD, first time I write something shoujo kageki revue starlight, I can only say it's too much fun to write of them !, the spanish version will upload it by wattpad
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1mrhyde · 6 years
to u guys
to  my friend : @caincifer @just-albix @twintailwife @jackie-que-nothanks @aevumace @kiwi-ovo @sinoftangzents and welp @tomboyjessie13
to  followers : @kyoanime3  @mamaluigi2018 @phoenix-singularity @loboapache18 @verifiedcat @bravehero96 @cultureexplosion @adobo-n-shrooms @ximexian @wildfluffyappeared @vbeanlyfe @barwickles-harlivy @iota-lives-here @thedarkfawn @thisrobotbeatcaptcha @danikairyu @alycansbluemoon @six-billion-cats @starfall-and-whatnot @the-strawberry-jam @smol-strange @trash-can-with-a-plan @eruhato @datcravat @zerohasgivenupfindingagoodname @karlavelzquez @wolftail1999 @galacticcorgiocto21 @freezerburnxfanatic
for those amazing artist who aren't following me but whose art is amazing and who likes /reblogging my posts : @little-witch-diakkodemia @lydenwut @hollowrosewood @scribblehooves  @blee-bleep @silent-shanin @kira-vera @thespectralbones @diakkootp @diakko-life and @diakko-is-my-city and @aspiringsorcerer 
......thank u so much for making these year a bit better for making my life a bit more interesting i hope the best of u so i will say this loud ly ......merry christmas and happy new year guys!
and welp thanks for everything!
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danikairyu · 6 years
Bienvenidos, vengan a conocer al Escuadrón Alpha! / Welcome, come meet the Alpha Squadron
Bienvenidos todos al mundo de Transformers, en esta oportunidad daremos la bienvenida y una entrada especial al Escuadrón Alpha, que está conformado por Windblade, Chromia, Arcee y Road Rage, estas cuatro Fembots Autobots, que luchan constantemente por la libertad y paz, contra los Decepticons.    
English Version
Welcome everyone to the world of Transformers, this time we will welcome and a special entrance to the Alpha Squadron, which is made up of Windblade, Chromia, Arcee and Road Rage, these four Autobots Fembots, constantly fighting for freedom and peace, against the Decepticons
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1 - Windblade (G1)
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·         Líder del Escuadrón Alpha
·         Autobot
·         Armas: Espada y Turbinas Voladoras
·         Rango: Buscador
Windblade aparece en Transformers Robot in Disguise como en Comics, su primera aparición en los comics es en el Comic de Transformers: More Than The Eye # 26, su historia continua en IDW Generation 1.
Su historia comienza desde su nacimiento en el planeta Caminus, ya que nace desde el punto más caliente del Titán Caminus, un Titán que colonizo el mundo y por el cual se llamó así el planeta.
Ella es un espadachín muy hábil, su destreza en el combate la ayuda en los combates como sus estrategias para poder vencer a sus contrincantes, tiene una habilidad o talento muy raro que se trata de hablar con los titanes latentes, al tener esta habilidad es nombrada como Cityspeaker, en su rostro muestra la marca del planeta Caminus.
Anteponiendo el deber y la verdad, en las misiones más importantes, incluso cuando ambos son difíciles, pero siempre logrando tomar la decisión adecuada para el momento, pero cuando llega a compartir un planeta con el Decepticon Starscream, comienza a mejorar y aprender mejor el elegir entre la verdad o el deber.
English Version
· Alpha Squadron Leader
· Autobot
· Weapons: Sword and Flying Turbines
· Rank: Search engine
Windblade appears in Transformers Robot in Disguise as in Comics, his first appearance in the comics is in the Transformers Comic: More Than The Eye # 26, his story continues in IDW Generation 1.
Its history begins from its birth in the planet Caminus, since it is born from the hottest point of the Titan Caminus, a Titan that colonized the world and by which the planet was named like this.
She is a very skilled swordsman, her combat prowess helps her in battles as her strategies to be able to beat her opponents, she has a very rare ability or talent that is about talking to latent titans, having this skill is named like Cityspeaker, on his face he shows the mark of the planet Caminus.
Putting duty and truth first, in the most important missions, even when both are difficult, but always making the right decision for the moment, but when it comes to sharing a planet with the Decepticon Starscream, it begins to improve and learn better by choosing between truth or duty.
2 - Chromia (G1)
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·         Segunda al mando del Escuadrón Alpha
·         Autobot
·         Especialidad: Combate
·         Excelente guía y toma de decisiones al estar al mando
Chromia es una excelente soldado que está bajo el mando de Elita One, siendo la segunda al mando al mando para ella.
Es una de las Autobot más valientes que hay, dura como las uñas ante las situaciones que se presentan para poder superarlas con lógica y rapidez.
Ella apareceré en la serie animada de Transformers G1, también aparece en los comics:
Ø  Comic de Mc Axis
Ø  Leyendas cómicas
Ø  Wings Universe (Universo de Alas)
Ø  Descenso al Mal
Ø  IDW Generation 1 continuity (IDW Generación 1 continuidad) – Su primera aparición fue en Megatron Origin # 3 y en Transformers: Robot In Disguise # 25
Historia breve de Chromia en IDW Generation 1
Se dice que ella nació en el punto caliente del Titán Caminus, esta colonia fue alejada del planeta Cybertron, antes de que ocurriera la guerra, manteniendo y conservando los géneros diferenciados.
English Version
• Second in command of Alpha Squadron • Autobot • Specialty: Combat • Excellent guidance and decision making when being in charge Chromia is an excellent soldier who is under the command of Elita One, being the second in command in command for her.
It is one of the bravest Autobot there is, as hard as the nails before the situations that arise to overcome them with logic and speed. She will appear in the animated series of Transformers G1, also appears in the comics:
Ø Mc Axis Comic Ø Comic legends Ø Wings Universe (Universe of Wings) Ø Descent to Evil Ø IDW Generation 1 continuity (IDW Generation 1 continuity) - Its first appearance was in Megatron Origin # 3 and in Transformers: Robot In Disguise # 25
Chromia brief story in IDW Generation 1
It is said that she was born in the hot spot of the Titan Caminus, this colony was removed from the planet Cybertron, before the war happened, maintaining and conserving the differentiated genres.
3 - Arcee (G1)
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·         Autobot e integrante del Escuadrón Alpha
·         Excelente guerrera
·         Cybertron
·         Experta en el combate cuerpo a cuerpo y excelente tiradora (disparar armas)
Arcee puede ser confundida muy fácilmente de género al inicio, pero al transcurrir el tiempo te das cuenta que es una fembot.
Es una gran guerra contra los combates de cuerpo a cuerpo como es la mejor tiradora del tiempo, sin importar el lugar o la ubicación sus tiros aciertan sin problemas, es muy feroz en combate y no tiene piedad, esto se debe y ocurre ya que le gusta proteger a sus compañeros Autobots como a la humanidad de la amenaza de los Decepticon.
Se lleva bien con todos sus compañeros Autobot, como a la vez se preocupa demasiado por ellos, pero esto también puede ser su más grande debilidad, ya que, si llega perder a alguien, causaría que ella lo pierda todo.
Su aparición es tanto en los dibujos animados como en los cómics, estos son:
Ø  Transformers: Generation 1 (dibujo animado)
Ø  Marvel Comics Continuity: Marvel UK future timelines y Regeneration One
Ø  Sticker Adventure Books
Ø  Big Looker Storybook Continuity
Ø  Coloring Books
Ø  Beast Wars Cartoon Continuity
Ø  Dreamwave Generation One Continuity
Ø  G.I Joe Vs The Transformers
Ø  IDW Generation 1 Continuity
Ø  Robot Heroes
Ø  Unit: E Comics
Ø  Transformers Vs G.I Joe
Angry Birds Comics, etc.
Engilsh Version
• Autobot and member of Alpha Squadron • Excellent warrior • Cybertron • Expert in close combat and excellent shot (shoot weapons) Arcee can easily be mistaken for gender at the beginning, but as time passes you realize that it is a fembot.
It is a great war against melee fighting as it is the best shot at the time, regardless of the place or location your shots hit without problems, it is very fierce in combat and has no mercy, this is due and occurs as it he likes to protect his fellow Autobots as well as humanity from the threat of the Decepticon. He gets along well with all his Autobot comrades, as at the same time he worries too much about them, but this can also be his greatest weakness, because if he loses someone, he will lose everything.
His appearance is both in cartoons and comics, these are:
Ø Transformers: Generation 1 (cartoon) Ø Marvel Comics Continuity: Marvel UK future timelines and Regeneration One Ø Sticker Adventure Books Ø Big Looker Storybook Continuity Ø Coloring Books Ø Beast Wars Cartoon Continuity Ø Dreamwave Generation One Continuity Ø G.I Joe Vs The Transformers Ø IDW Generation 1 Continuity Ø Robot Heroes Ø Unit: E Comics Ø Transformers Vs G.I Joe Ø Angry Birds Comics, etc. 
4 - Road Rage (G1)
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·         Autobot e Integrante del Escuadrón Alpha
·         Guardaespaldas/Tanque
·         Caza recompensas
·         Conocimiento de múltiples Culturas y Costumbres
Road Rage, un autobot que huyo de la Gran Guerra de Cybertron, alojándose en un cuadrante muy lejano donde la guerra no la pudiera afectar y poder vivir tranquila.
Su enorme forma en el planeta que se hospedo le dio una gran oportunidad de volverse una excelente Guarda Espaldas como a la vez una Caza recompensas.
Sus trabajos todos fueron a cambio de energía para poder mantenerse, al pasar el tiempo su conocimiento con las culturas y costumbres de varias criaturas orgánicas fue expandiéndose, convirtiéndose a tal punto embajadora entre las especies para evitar así conflictos o guerras innecesarias.
Su aparición, ha sido en los dibujos animados como en los comics, que son:
Ø  Japón Generation 1 (dibujo animado): Masterpiece Bio y Legends Comic
Ø  Wings Universe
Ø  TransTech
Ø  Transformers vs G.I. Joe
English Version
• Autobot and Member of the Alpha Squadron • Bodyguard / Tank • Bounty hunter • Knowledge of multiple Cultures and Customs
Road Rage, an autobot that fled the Great War of Cybertron, staying in a very distant quadrant where the war could not affect it and be able to live quietly.
His huge shape on the planet he stayed gave him a great opportunity to become an excellent Save Backs as well as a Hunting Rewards.
His works were all in exchange for energy to be able to keep up, as time passed his knowledge of the cultures and customs of various organic creatures was expanding, becoming an ambassador among species to avoid unnecessary conflicts or wars.
His appearance, has been in the cartoons as in the comics, which are: Ø Japan Generation 1 (cartoon): Masterpiece Bio and Legends Comic Ø Wings Universe Ø TransTech Ø Transformers vs G.I. Joe
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danikairyu · 6 years
Buenas a todos, escribo esto para avisar a los que siguen mi fanfic de crónicas de luna nova, aviso que pronto actualizare, eh tardado porque tenia asuntos que resolver como me encontraba con una ligera laguna mental, aparte doy el anuncio de que Nova Fabullis también pronto sera actualizado. También daré esta noticia, para el día que caiga mi cumpleaños crónicas de luna nova sera actualizado por fanfiction, no hasta donde esta actualmente en wattpad, en wattpad ese día tendrá 3 capítulos nuevos de crónicas + 2 spin off de los 2 ocs faltantes (se que antes eran tres pero se agrego uno nuevo), aparte... crónicas de luna nova lo publicare en Ao3 pero en ingles, sera mucho trabajo ese día que es mi cumpleaños, pero sera divertido.
P.D: Mi cumpleaños es en octubre
Good to all, I write this to warn those who follow my fanfic of chronicles of moon nova, warning that soon update, eh because I had issues to solve as I was with a slight mental gap, apart I give the announcement that Nova Fabullis also It will soon be updated.
I will also give this news, for the day that my birthday falls nova moon chronicles will be updated by fanfiction, not where is currently in wattpad, in wattpad that day will have 3 new chapters of chronicles + 2 spin off of the 2 missing cs ( that were previously three but a new one was added), apart ... chronicles of moon nova I will publish it in Ao3 but in English, it will be a lot of work that day that is my birthday, but it will be fun.
P.D: My birthday is in October
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danikairyu · 6 years
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Estoy feliz! logre comprar un libro que quería desde hace tiempo y el que sale en la foto, un libro de latín enseña la gramática del latín, como escribir, pronunciarlo y etc, y aparte tiene ejercicios, soy demasiado feliz ya que el latín es un idioma que me gusta demasiado y aparte que lo implemento en el fanfic que escribo de crónicas de luna nova que actualmente esta en español, pronto capaz cuando lo tenga terminado lo pasare a ingles :3
I am happy! I managed to buy a book I had wanted for a long time and the one that appears in the photo, a Latin book teaches the grammar of Latin, how to write, pronounce it and etc, and apart from exercises, I am too happy because Latin is a language that I like it too and apart implement the fanfic I write chronicles luna nova currently in Spanish, soon able when you have finished what passeth in English: 3
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danikairyu · 6 years
RULES: tag ten followers you want to know better!
Tagged by @bittertomato
TAGGING: I do not label anyone, since I do not have anyone to tag :'c
NAME: Daniela
Ai otsuka - Cherish
Faun -  Federkleid
Red like roses -  Jeff Williams and Casey Williams
Oonagh - Orome 
“The contact that awakens us may be that of a son, brother, relative or close friend.” -  Only Love is Real by BRIAN WEISS
I do not think so, and if they have done it because I feel they would not give them to me
Oh the last time was 5 years ago already
Uhm this is too hard for my XD, but it would be Laura Pausini
HATE: I completely hate the sound of loud thunder as it gives me too much fear, all the while I hate the styrofoam sound being cut off, or rubbed against another
LOVE: I love the sound of the rain, like the song of birds
If I believe in ghosts
Not since I've never driven in my life
Only Love is Real By Brian Weiss
Uh ... I had so many injuries in my 23 years of life, I think the worst injury but injury were wounded, it was a fall that I had recently, I came to my house with a dog that they took me to the canine hairdressers the next day, I went to look for it that was a Sunday, it was raining and came almost running to my house, the dog got between my legs causing me to fall and my face kissed the street, I had a wound on the forehead and all what is the septum of the nose, I had nosebleed until 11 pm and a horrible headache and face pain for three days
Little Witch Academia, Rwby and Steven Universe
If I do it and that sometimes bothers me, but I can not help it
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danikairyu · 6 years
Rules: answer the following 20 questions and then tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better.
Tagged by @bittertomato , I'm loving answering these questions post
Nicknames: Daniela, Dani, Alexa, Danielita, Danita, etc
Height: 5′5 
Orientation: Bisexual
Nationality: Venezolana
Favorite Fruit: Banana 
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Flower: rose and sunflowers Favorite Smell: The smell of earth and grass wet with rain, chocolate, freshly laundered clothes and the smell of new books Favorite Color: my favorite colors are white, black, blue and pink Favorite Animal: Wolves, cats and dogs Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Coffee and Hot Chocolate
Average Hours of Sleep:  8h
Cat or Dog Person: I do not currently have any pets
Favorite Fictional Character: Ruby Rose
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: I sleep with a blanket because it is very hot, but when it is cold I sleep with two, I feel that when I move from home I will have to sleep with two constantly Dream Trip: I would love to travel around the world! but where I want to go first is to Mexico, since I was a child I always wanted to know the Mexican culture as well as the Spanish culture! Blog Created: Oh this year create this blog! a half year down for me but at the same time very good! Random Fact: Uhm, something random I think it would be the time I burn in the most idiotic way possible, is that I grab a special pan to make a meal here called arepa, my niece had just used it and I did not remember, grab the pan and I was burned by idiot that I had to throw the frying pan into the kitchen once in a while I let it go, thank goodness I did not have food in that frying pan xD
Tag 20 People: I do not have anyone to tag :'c
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