#Daniil Medvedev fanfic
game-set-canet · 1 year
can you do dating headcanons for tennis players (thiem, medvedev, berrettini)
Dating Headcanons
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Dominic Thiem
for Domi, it is important that you spend time together regularly, even though the training and tournament schedule is very stressful. you try to surprise each other with romantic date ideas, like picnics in the nature, bonfires, watching sunsets together, etc.
you travelling with him to all of his tournaments.
after being together for 6 months you decided to adopt a dog. although you are away a lot, but your mother takes care of the dog
you had no idea of tennis before you met him, he showed you how to play it and explained all the rules to you; now you sometimes play with him (it’s a nice little warm up for him)
he LOVES cuddling with you on the couch together with your dog. he would wrap his arms around you, your head lying on his chest, and he would run his fingers through your hair
you rarely fight. like almost never. but WHEN you fight, you REALLY fight. Shouting, screaming, door slamming – it only happened once in your relationship so far
for your first anniversary you surprised him with learning German – or rather some German. You have your difficulties with the language, but you are determined to learn it
family time is very important for Domi. You are SO SO nervous to meet his family for the first time and Domi is trying really hard to calm you down. In the end it turns out that’s completely unnecessary. his younger brother Moritz and you get along really well – you regularly go to the cinema together because you have the same taste in films. (“Again? You always go to the cinema together! I’ll go with you!” – “No, your taste in films is awful and we don’t want to listen to you complaining the whole evening!” – “That’s mean!” – “Yeah, but Moritz is right: your taste in films IS shit, my love!”)
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(not my gif! credits to the owner/creator!)
Daniil Medvedev
he loves to surprise you with lots of sweet presents. like flowers, bracelet, necklaces, and he love to buy you books! You have a very specific taste in book genres and Daniil knows exactly which books to buy and you love every single one of them!
before every match you attend live he apologizes in advance for the potential swearing he will do on court… if he yells at his box and you sit in his box, he apologizes countless times afterwards
teasing, a lot of teasing and (a lot of) playful arguments
you’re watching F1 and football with him and sometimes you even play video games with him. You’re awful in it but it makes him happy, so you’re kinda enjoying it
he teaches you how to play chess
you think his intelligence is very sexy
you don’t have any pet names for each other
you love to listen to him speaking French - even if you have no idea what he is talking about
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(not my gif! credits to the owner/creator!)
Matteo Berrettini
his brother introduced you to Matteo and it was love on the first sight
you love wearing his shirts and sweaters and he LOVES seeing you in it
partner tattoos
you have nicknames for each other…not all of them are romantic – some are just weird but still in a loving way
sharing sunglasses, caps and jewellery
you love to go shopping together! you could spend hours and hours picking out clothes for each other
he buys you flowers whenever he comes home after a tournament whenever you couldn't travel with him
dancing – you are both terrible in it, but you love dancing in the living room together
Matteo gives incredible massages
lots of (terrible) singing in the car together and you are the driver (always.)
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masonjarsmoments · 5 months
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kelloggsenthusiast · 1 year
Who I'll be writing for/ Masterlist
All of my work and intellectual properties are protected by the copyrights, designs and patents act of 1988. You can read more about it here
•Bullying in my Mailbox will not be tolerated. I will not hesitate to block you <3
•Requests are not open, since I'm at school for literally 12 hours a day.
•if you see mistakes in my work, tell me about them in a respectable civilized manner, lest I go tell your parents.
•feel free to leave smut, it's not like my family will find my Tumblr anyway😭
•When requesting, please be sensitive about certain topics. I'll respond to asks at my own discretion.
i mostly use OCs in my fanfics, so apologies if you arent used to them
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game-set-canet · 2 years
can i get a meddy imagine where he falls in love with a female player on tour and its wholesome because they can only communicate in english because she speaks another language he doesnt
It's not an easy story
Pairing: Daniil Medvedev x f!reader
category: fluff
warnings: none
author's note: Sorry it took me so so long, lovely anon! but i hope you like it 💗 also: English isn’t my mother tongue, so I apologise for any mistakes
*Y/N = your name *L/N = your last name
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(not my gif! credits to the owner/creator!)
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*** *** *** Getting to know each other *** *** ***
Andrey and Daniil are sitting at a table near the bar talking about the Roland Garros match so far when two women enter the restaurant and head for the bar.
The bartender greets them with a friendly smile: “Bonjour, mesdames! Qu'est-ce que je vous sers à boire?” ["Hello, ladies! What can I get you to drink?"]
One of the woman answers in slow French: “Juste une bouteille d'eau, s'il vous plait" ["Just a bottle of water, please"]
“Très volontiers” ["With pleasure!"]
Daniil’s gaze is on the two women, his food is suddenly uninteresting: “Who is that?”
“That are Caroline Garcia and Y/N L/N!”
“Yeah, I think she’s number 45 of the world at the moment”, Andrey tries to spear a pea with a fork and therefore doesn’t see Daniil’s little smile.
“Earth to Danya, are you listening?”, Andrey waves his hand in front of the older man's face.
Daniil is torn from his thoughts and blinks slowly: “Mh?”
“You weren’t listening. Great. I talk about my problems in life and you aren’t listening…”
“Sorry.”, Daniil can't help his eyes sliding once again to the two women at the bar.
“What were you thinking?”, Andrey follows Daniil's gaze with his eyes and begins to grin, “Ohhh, do you like her?”
Daniil hastily turns away and clears his throat: “Do I like who?”, he is quite relieved that it is not so bright in the restaurant and Andrey cannot see the light shade of red on his cheeks.
“Don't pretend to be dumber than you are: I’m talking about Y/N!”
Andrey’s grin gets bigger and bigger: “Oh, you like her! Do you know her?”
“No. Do you?”
“No, I only saw her practice once or twice with Kasatkina”, Andrey leans over the table, “So, do you like her?”
“I don’t know her but…”, Daniil nibbles at his lower lip, his gaze fixed on Y/n, who runs her hand through her hair and laughs at something Caroline said.
“…but you think she’s pretty”
Daniil hesitates a few seconds. He knows Andrey doesn’t mean it but there gonna be a lot of jokes in the next days about this. Nevertheless, he answers with a quite “Yes.”
Andrey looks back and forth between Daniil and Y/N at the bar and cradles his head on one side: “Alright, go and talk to her!”
Daniil isn’t sure whether he heard correctly: “Definitely not!”
“Why not?”
“Because that’s awkward!”, he crosses his arms defensively.
Andrey can’t help but laughs at his friend: “Everything you do is awkward”, Daniil gives him an icy look, but Andrey ignores it, “Nevertheless: go and talk to her! Parry already left!”
Daniil is deep in thoughts, already playing through different scenarios in his head: “What should I say?”
“Uhm… congratulate her on her win today?”
“How do you know she won?”
Andrey raises his hands and points to his smartphone: “I just googled her.”, he grins at Daniil, “Come on, Danya! You don’t have to marry her, just a little small talk!”
Daniil’s heart is racing in his chest because – truth to be told – he knows who Y/N L/N is. He already watched some of her matches (ok, all of her matches) this year and even checks her Instagram account regularly. As Caroline Garcia wasn’t to be seen, he takes a deep breath and closes the distance to lean next to Y/N at the bar counter: “Bonjour Y/N!”
Y/N looks up from her mobile phone in surprise: “Uhm…bonjour Daniil!”
“Comment te sens-tu?”, Daniil tries to smile at her and hopes she doesn’t notice his slightly shacking voice, “Félicitations pour ta victoire d'aujourd'hui!”
Y/N brushes a strand of hair out of her face: “I’m sorry, I don’t speak French…I…I don’t understand you.”
Daniil's facial features slip away: “Oh, I thought…”, he takes a step back, “I thought because you ordered something to drink in French and…well…”, he never felt this stupid in his life.
“I can greet and order food and drinks in French but that’s all…”
Daniil is now bright red in the face: “That’s a bit embarrassing now…I’m sorry!”
Daniil is about to turn away when Y/N puts a hand on his forearm: “No, it’s not! I think it’s really nice of you!”, she smiles at him, “Would you like to join me?”, she points to the bar stool next to her.
Daniil nods instantly and returns her smile. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Andrey nodding at him with a grin and leaving the restaurant.
*** *** *** 3 months later *** *** ***
! Your point of view !
On the stressful tennis tour, it is often not that easy to spend time together: Matches, training, physio, interviews, sponsor appearances and different tournament schedules often make it difficult.
That's why Daniil and you are always eager to make full use of the time you have together.
That’s way you are all the more frustrated when Daniil doesn't show up. You have been waiting for your boyfriend outside the restaurant for more than 20 minutes. You had arranged to meet here to have dinner together in this restaurant. But your boyfriend didn’t show up.
"Medvedev, you can't be serious!" you curse half aloud as you try to call him again. But just like the previous 10 times, you only get a voicemail.
Another 5 minutes passed without the Russian showing up. You even called Andrey Rublev to ask him where Daniil might be. The two had practiced together before midday and maybe they had forgotten the time. But Rublev said that Daniil had already left the training ground an hour ago. You don't know where he could be. And your frustration turns into anger.
Another 5 minutes later a Taxi stopped right in front of the restaurant and your boyfriend gets out of it. Daniil smiles at you and makes moves to pull you into his arms: “Y/N, my love! You look-”
You interrupt him, bewildered: “Where the hell were you?!”
“WHERE. THE. HELL. WERE. YOU?!”, you emphasise every word and your voice is full of frustration.
Daniil swallows: “In the hotel?” he feels visibly uncomfortable.
“Why are you so angry?” he now also raises his voice a little and makes you roll your eyes.
“Because you are late! 35 minutes late!”, you throw your arms in the air, “What were you thinking?!”
Daniil looks at you with wide eyes, he is pale: “I’m what?!”
“Late!”, you repeat impatiently, “I’ve been waiting here for 35 minutes! And I tried to call you! Multiple times! But you didn’t pick up!”
“My phone is on silent and-”, Daniil takes a deep breath, “I’m not late! You said we meet here at fifty past twelve!”
You think you heard wrong: “I said we meet here at fifteen past twelve! FIFTEEN! Not fifty!”
“No! You said fifty!”
“Why should I? I know I said fifteen!”
Daniil is silent for a few seconds: “Well, your accent is really terrible sometimes.”
“My accent?!”, you raise an eyebrow and give him an angry stare, “It’s not my fault you don’t listen!”
“I listened! I-“
“No, you were texting with Khachanov, you didn’t listen properly!”
Daniil looks at you provocatively: “So, you want me to agree that this is my fault?”
“It IS your fault!”
Your boyfriend shakes his head: “I don’t think so, but I will take the blame.”, suddenly a smile appears on his lips, “Because I know you're just grumpy because you're hungry.”
You can’t help but return his smile but you’re still a little mad at him: “No wonder that I’m hungry, I've been standing here for 35 minutes waiting for my unpunctual boyfriend!”
“I’m not unpunctual! We just had a misunderstanding!”
“A misunderstanding?!”
“I’m sorry, okay? Maybe it was my fault, I’m sorry, Y/N.”
You pull a face but reach for his hand to interlace your fingers: “Mh…”
“You still mad at me?”
“No…I’m mostly hungry now.”
You both look at each other before you start laughing at the same time.
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game-set-canet · 2 years
 I love you Daniil imagine. Can I get one where Daniil's wife gives birth shortly after his U.S. Open win and there's a complication with the birth but everything turns out to be fine (for instnce- birth canal is too small to fit the baby)
The most important things in life
Pairing: Daniil Medvedev x f!reader
category: fluff
warnings: none
Author’s Note: Takes place after the US Open 2021 🌆 I hope you like it, lovely anon! and i hope it's more or less what you imagined 🙈 also: English isn’t my mother tongue, so I apologise for any mistakes
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Daniil just won the US Open 2021 beating Djokovic in straight sets. He feels good, proud of himself and he can’t wait to get back to the hotel to his wife. He imagines his wife beaming at him when he walks in the hotel room door, kissing him and putting his hand on her big, bulging belly and telling him how proud the baby and she are of him.
But now his attention is on his coach who is rushing towards him.
“What is it? Didn’t like my speech?”, Daniil raises an eyebrow and smirks.
Gilles shakes his head: “Daniil-“, he doesn't return Daniil's grin.
“Yeah, i know! Could have said more about Djokovic and his team, he played an amazing tournament after all but-”
“No, Daniil, listen!”
Concern is written all over his coach’s face and Daniil knows immediately that something is terribly wrong.
Daniil feels panic rising inside him, his good mood blown away: “What is with Y/N?”
“Her mother just called…”, Gilles slowly takes a few steps towards Daniil and puts a hand on his forearm, “Y/N, she is having labour pains”
“WHAT?! NOW?! But…but the expected date is in two and a half weeks and…”, Daniil feels like he was run over, and every thought had disappeared from his mind, “Where is she?”, his heart is racing in his chest.
“She is on the way to the hospital”
Daniil winces and nods first to his physio and then to his bags: “Alright, get my stuff and get it back to the hotel! I have to get to the hospital!”
“Mr. Medvedev, you still have to do the press conference-”, a young man blends into the conversation and now Daniil notices the tournament employee had been standing behind them all the time.
“I don’t care about a fucking press conference! My wife is in hospital, is in labour and having our baby!”
“Mr. Medvedev, Sir”, the staff member looks very nervous now, looking back and forth between Daniil and his coach, “You just won the US Open and-”
“I DON’T CARE!” is all Daniil snaps, already on his way to the exit.
“Sir, it is part of the ceremony, and you have no choice but to appear there otherwise we-”
“I'm not going to this conference and if that's a problem, I. DON’T. CARE!”
*** *** *** *** ***
The drive to the hospital feels like an eternity for Daniil. He is nervous, he feels sick, his hands are shaking and he is sweating. As the hospital comes into view of the taxi, he curses quietly in Russian and twists the wedding ring on his ring finger: "I'll be right there, Y/N." Gilles squeezes his shoulder in encouragement.
*** *** *** *** ***
Y/N's father rushes up to Daniil and Gilles as they enter the maternity ward.
"How is she?!"
"She's in labour and keeps asking for you.", Daniil's father-in-law leads them to a single room at the end of the hall.
As Daniil enters the room his heart stops for a second. Y/N lies in bed, her hair stuck to her sweaty forehead and cheeks, her face contorted in pain.
“Daniil…”, her voice trembles and yet there is a slight smile on her lips, “You’re here!”
“Of course I am, my love! Of course!”, Daniil sits down on the edge of the bed and reaches for his wife's hand - her fingers are cold.
"Did you-", Y/N is interrupted by a pained groan, "did you win?"
Daniil carefully strokes a few strands of hair from his wife's face, her cheeks are glowing.
“Mh?”, Daniil doesn't understand what she means at first, only then he realizes that she is talking about the match and that he is still in his tennis outfit and completely sweaty from the match, “Oh…yes. I won.”, Daniil feels like the final was ages ago. Or even in another life. The news that his Y/N was in labour had thrown him completely off track, “But it doesn’t matter now!”
Y/N lets out a cry of pain, one hand is on her belly, the other claws Daniil's left hand: “It does! Tell me about the match!”
Daniil never felt so helpless in his whole life than in this particular moment: Seeing his wife in such pain and not being able to help her.
“No, Y/N, it doesn’t matter it-”
“Tell me about the match! Please Daniil!”, her hands are shaking and her voice is unstable, “Please keep talking”, out of pain she bites her lip so hard that blood comes out of a narrow wound, “I need you to distract me, okay?!”
And so Daniil starts to talk about his tennis match. About the break points he got and the spectacular match point.
He feels kinda ridiculous because in his eyes this stupid final is the most unimportant thing ever at the moment but as long as it helps Y/N he is willing to do anything.
*** *** *** *** ***
The contractions are now coming more regularly and at very short intervals. The doctor is a very nice middle-aged woman who comes into the room regularly to check on Y/N.
"I think it's time, Mrs. Medvedeva. We will take you to the labour room.”, the doctor smiles at Y/N, who is heavy painting and doesn't seem to notice the doctor at all.
The doctor turns to Daniil: “Do you want to be there for the birth?"
Daniil holds Y/N's hand in his and feels a wave of nervousness rising inside him, but he immediately nods and kisses his wife on her sweaty temple: "I won't leave you alone, my love."
*** *** *** *** ***
Daniil doesn’t understand what the doctor and the two nurses are saying to each other, but it is impossible not to notice that the three women are worried.
The women scurry around Y/N, checking her heartbeat and doing ultrasounds on her abdomen.
"Mr. Medvedev I have to ask you to leave."
"No, i'm not leaving her, i-"
"Mr. Medvedev we have to take your wife operating room."
"What's wrong?! What-?!"
"Mr. Medvedev, please!"
"It seems like the heartbeat of the child drops too much and natural birth is too dangerous as a result. We will take your wife to the operating room and perform a C-section - it's safer for both of them"
A cry of pain comes from Y/N, a few tears run down her cheeks.
Daniil realizes that he himself is trembling.
And that he is scared. Very scared for Y/N and for their child.
But he can’t help them.
So he strokes his wife's damp forehead with a shaking hand and leaves the room to let the doctors do their work.
*** *** *** *** ***
Daniil feels like he’s dying.
He never felt this restless, helpless and nervous in his whole life than now waiting for news about his wife and his child. Y/N’s mother is sobbing next to him and her dad is pale like the hospital wall behind him.
Finally the doctor comes out into the hallway and Daniil's heart skips a beat when he sees her smile. Together with her, a nurse steps up to Daniil and his in-laws, holding a small bundle in her arms: “Mr. Medvedev, the surgery was very successful and your wife will be awake in a few hours. We would like to congratulate you on your daughter."
Carefully Daniil takes over the little baby, his heart beats up to his neck. But as soon as he holds his child tightly in his arms, Daniil is sure that he has never been happier in his life.
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game-set-canet · 2 years
can I request a medvedev fic? like shes a ballerina or a figure skater
The day you agreed to marry me
Pairing: Daniil Medvedev x f!reader
Summary: You’re a professional figure skater and your boyfriend unexpectedly visits you at training.
category: fluff
warnings: none
Author’s Note: I don't know anything about skating (or ballet) so I have no idea if my descriptions of it make sense, sorry 😅 but I really hope you'll like it!! 🤗🤗
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You didn’t realise that you are no longer alone in the ice rink. You are too absorbed in your training. Concentrated, you skate your circles on the ice already thinking about your next jump.
“Three, two, one” you’re counting in your head, three: you focus on the right rhythm, two: you get in position for your jump, one: jump. The next second you’re back on the ice after a perfect toe loop jump, you’re smiling at yourself but nearly lose balance out of surprise and shock as someone starts applauding.
Someone was standing right next to the entrance of the skating rink. The man was very tall, a bit lanky and with a cheeky smile on his face.
“Daniil!” you exclaimed happily, quickly closing the distance between you, “What are you doing here?” “I just finished my practice.”, he looks down on you, his hair still wet from the shower, “And I wanted to see you!” He bends down to place his lips on yours, you slide a hand in his neck and deepen the kiss.
“But aren't you early? I thought you had practice until 11?”, you finally break the kiss, your right hand resting on his cheek while he rests both hands on the boards between you.
Your boyfriend nods, “Yeah but Andrey got injured.”, you make a worried expression and Daniil immediately tries to comfort you, “Nothing serious! But we didn’t want to risk anything.”
You raised an eyebrow, tilt you head and smirk at him, “And in the whole trainings centre wasn’t a single tennis player who you could train with instead?”
Daniil snorts quietly, “Well, Tsitsipas was there but we all know that I’d never ever ask him, and he’d never ever agree to practice with me.”, you can't help but laugh as Daniil continues to talk, “Also: Why are you asking? Don’t want me here?”
“Don’t be stupid, Medvedev! You know I love spending time with you!”
“I’m not stupid.”
“Shut up and kiss me!”, with these words you pull your boyfriend closer to you again.
*** *** *** ***
After talking about the various topics for a few minutes, you finally come back to your training and look at Daniil with wide eyes begging, “Well, since you’re here, you can help me with my training.”
“I’m not sure if I want to.”, Daniil grimaces, not at all excited by your idea.
“Well, the thing is that you have no choice: you’re here and Peter isn’t, so it’s your turn to practise with me.”
“I don’t have a choice, do I?”
His expression shows his disapproval, but you know you have won. There is a triumphant smile on your lips, you shake your head and nod at your bag on the bench right next to Daniil, “No, the day you agreed to marry me, you agreed to act as my guinea pig if I want to try something new.”
He knows exactly what you mean, reaches into his bag and pulls out a pair of skates, “I know that, but I'm still not very happy about it...you know, I'm always afraid of hurting you, because I have no idea what I'm doing here...”, slowly he puts on his skates.
“Daniil, all you have to do is to skate a bit and look pretty. I’m working on a new choreography, and therefore I need a partner.”
*** *** *** ***
Daniil struggled to keep up with you as you made circles big and small on the ice again. You glance over at him from the corner of your eye: your partner Peter always says that all of Daniil's movements are extremely unorthodox. Maybe that's true, but you love everything about it. Before you met him, your life was all about sport. Every minute of your life was focused on skating, but now there was a second point in your life that was even more important than skating: Daniil.
“Try to skate faster.”
“Faster?”, he shakes his head, “I'm already at the limit of my capabilities, you know I'm not very good at this. I'm going to break a leg."
"If you don't get injured on the tennis court, you don't get injured on the ice, my love. You’re doing good but I need you to go faster.”
After some time and when you were sure about your ideas for the next jumps, you start to try them out. You stay close to Daniil's side, imagining in your mind what Peter would do at the same time. Sometimes you lean on Daniil or let him pull you into simple transitional moves.
Daniil doesn't like to admit it, but he can skate - not so well that you could really try jumps with him, but well enough to try very simple show elements. Of course, this is something he would never admit publicly.
Now your thoughts are on the very first time Daniil was on the ice with you, you were a bit unfocused and therefore a bit unclean in your jump. You lose your balance, couldn't find it again and prepare to charge on the hard ice. But the impact did not happen. Instead, an arm wraps around your hips and pulls you back up with a jerk: Daniil had really managed to break your fall.
"You caught me..."
“On the day you agreed to marry me, I promised you that I’d catch you if you should fall…”
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game-set-canet · 3 years
Sleepover weekend! Tell me about your favourite ships in the tennis fandom and if you want to, add one or two headcanons about them while you're at it. Tell me why you love those ships and what's the best part about their relationship. Bonus points if you include Fedal :D
oh, I love this!! 😍😍
let’s start in a classic way: I love Roger/Rafa! but let’s be honest: who doesn’t? it’s not very hard to ship these two with each other - I mean, they even ship themselves! 😄
-) Roger always wakes up before Rafa in the morning and he enjoys the chance to see his boyfriend like this: relaxed, deeply asleep. Often Roger would just lie there and watch Rafa for a few more minutes, letting him sleep in while he got up to prepare breakfast
And although I LOVE them together I couldn’t think of any more headcanons at the moment…but I’ll think about it 😂
*** *** ***
Stefanos/Daniil – I have a thing for this “enemies to lovers”/”hate to love” kind of fanfics and who would be better for that than the two of them?
-) neither of them has ever said "I love you" out loud. never. they show it through gestures.
-) Daniil would never admit it, but since they are together, he can't really fall asleep without holding Stef in his arms, without feeling his soft hair against his cheek and hearing Stef’s yawned "good night"
-) Stef loves to take photos of Daniil - his phone is full of photos of him. Serious ones, goofy ones, really really beautiful ones and some X-rated ones. Daniil has only a handful of photos of Stefanos, each one special. His favourite one is a screenshot he took from a facetime with Stef, where Stef fall asleep: facial expression so soft and relaxed, lips twisted into a little smile - Daniil loves this photo
-) “So, is it just sex?” – “You really think I would spend my day with Daniil Medvedev, who can be so cocky, sarcasm and know-it-all like no one else just for sex?” – silence - “So, is it love?” - Stefanos turned his head away, he didn't say a word, but Nick understood the silent answer, grinned and began to hum the wedding march to himself, but loud enough for Stef to hear. Stefanos blushed.
*** *** ***
Nick/Jack – I mean, I don’t even know if there is someone shipping them and although I adore their friendship so so much, I can picture them as a lovely couple as well
-) Jack had never thought that anyone could love a person as much as he loved Nick and yet he knew that Nick loved him even more and Jack doesn’t understand this since he was nothing special, average and yet Nick looks at him like he is the most beautiful, amazing person on earth.
-) Nick would be lying if he said the latest article about him didn't hurt him; the journalist wrote a lot of disrespectful stuff and although Nick never let on, the hatefulness hurt but he never told anyone that he does care about those headlines. "I've already talked to our lawyer," Jack said that without further explanation and Nick gave him a questioning look, "What?" - "I said I've already talked to our lawyer. We're suing this journalist. Those are all lies he's spreading." - "Why are you doing this?" - "Nobody writes something like that about the man I love and gets away with it. Nobody." And Nick couldn't put into words how much this meant to him.
*** *** ***
thank you so so much for this!! It was great fun and I hope you like the headcanons 💜
sleepover weekend!
If you like my headcanons, feel free to send me pairing requests (Tennis, MotoGP/2, F1) and I’ll try my best 😊🤗
edit: i won't write about kyrgios again. this was written and published before the domestic violence allegations against him became public and I believe Chiara.
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