#Daniel gets him to use some slang wrong much to his delight
sburator · 1 month
The painting is striking. Its presence alone takes Daniel's breath away, not just through its remarkable beauty but also the fact that it's been deemed to be lost for more than half a century, and now it's right there, in their living room. Daniel approaches it with reverence, respect and all the care of a man who's just woken up and is still having his first sip of coffee of the night.
Armand is engrossed in the details, looking at the painting in the way he does, with eyes soft and pensive, managing to be even more beautiful than the art itself.
“I’ve wanted to have this one for so long,” he says, barely taking his eyes away to look at Daniel. He smiles a small, nostalgic smile. “I like surrounding myself with old things.”
Daniel fucking chokes. He hardly has enough time to turn around to spare this priceless piece of art but the warm coffee's already spilling out his nose, making his eyes water. He spits whatever coffee he didn't get to swallow because between the laughing and the shock of having liquid up his nose he forgets how to breathe and his body panics.
“What?” Armand's beside him with the gentle taps on his back that don't help at all. Daniel is almost doubled over with laughter, whatever's left in that cup spilling on the beautiful carpet because he's shaking so hard with it. “I did not mean— Daniel,” says Armand, needlessly stern, which makes Daniel laugh even harder.
“No, you said what you said,” Daniel manages, as soon as he can talk. He wipes his nose on his sleeve, hands Armand the cup, then turns around to find some tissues or something.
He's in the bathroom, full of mirth as he's wiping the coffee that spilled down the front of his shirt. He can hear Armand knocking twice.
“Are you alright?”
He comes out a minute later, still smiling but looking and feeling less gross.
“You can be the most unintentionally hilarious person I know. I love you,” he states. A fact. “Please tell me I didn't get any coffee on the painting.”
“No, the painting is fine. What I wanted to say is that for someone like me—for a lot of us, I think—art from when we were younger, maybe even living, is a tether to our past. It's comforting, maybe there's a sense of schadenfreude there, at how the subjects in the painting are forever trapped in that moment while we roam for centuries, the world a whirlwind of change around us. Or perhaps it's kinship, how we both, art and ourselves, remain unchanged, fixed points in time, each of us suspended in our own way.”
“Mhm. You like surrounding yourself with old things,” repeats Daniel, in the precise tone to rile Armand up further.
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silvermp · 7 years
Okay I’m sorry but I have this reoccurring plot bunny that has a stranglehold on my brain about a Danny Phantom/SG-1 crossover
And like, maybe a bit where he becomes a host, but the moment the snake gets curious and transforms, the ectoplasm EATS the parasite because it’s not part of the Original Form, and That’s Not Supposed To Be There (kinda why all his wounds vanish. The transformation resets him) 
And Danny nopes outta there and jumps into the tech of the ship (because he can go into video games and interact as if he’s software, so why not a ship? Skulker and Technus prove you can be ‘one’ with the tech) 
So just, Danny being in control of this alien ship for a bit, and doesnt want to kill them all because damn that’s mass murder, and I know they’re parasitic assholes and stuff but he’s got a moral code. 
So Danny is all like SPAAACE and I guess I have hostages now?? Also aliens are real that’s neat
And he completely cuts off communications and navigations and all the hacking in the world won’t do them any good, and I should research if they had interplanetary or interstellar communications that wasn’t ship-requiring. 
Just Danny having fun in space with nebulas and moons and stuff, collecting a shitton of data in the hopes of delivering it to NASA because omg space is the best and I’m a ship now. 
(I think the hostage situation could be resolved by the willing Goa’uld being put in a nutrient holding tank, while the hosts go free and get to choose what they want done with them. (Assuming the ship has some sort of scanning system that can detect the parasites~) 
So he/the ship is just tickled pink to have REAL HUMANS IN SPACE!! (This is assuming it’s been quite a while being a ship, having humans that wanna stick with him because they think he’s some sort of diety that the ‘False gods’ couldn’t compare to.  And I mean, they’ve kinda got a point with no other reference. Goa’uld might be able to have cool tech and gold, but Danny can LITERALLY walk through walls and possess people. Actual Spirit. 
And so they think Human!Danny is just a ‘host’ to the greater spirit (Phantom) and so when he tries to differentiate himself between Fenton and Phantom, they’re like ‘oh that makes perfect sense because you call yourself ‘Phantom’ when the spirit is fully manifesting but the body is still Danny, yeah? 
And he’s like...... well, you’re not wrong.... 
So he drops the ones off who can remember vaguely where they came from, and others want to ride with him through space, which is totally cool with him. Still not sure what to do with the snakes so he just keeps them contained and feeds em and stuff. And like, they’re Sapient Aliens which is Rad, but they’re also homicidal genocidal little ego machines, which is less rad. 
So they get to a planet to restock or w/e and SG-1 warps in ready to go guns blazing but the crew is just chillin’ like new god, who dis? 
All perfectly happy passengers on an interstellar ship piloted by their god/spirit/ghost Phantom. And Danny’s in perpetual ‘Woah cool’ and ‘I guess this is happening’ about the whole spaceship/keeper of the people thing. Cause like, he gets to protect people, practically keep them like a dragon hoard, so his ghost side is Very Happy. 
But eyyyy actual humans from earth! He runs up all excited, casually phases through bullets and puns the hell out of them. Utter delight that he can FINALLY use wordplay again, because stargate universal translation and stupid puns don’t play well and he misses english 
And Daniel(SG1) is like ‘Dude you’re using earth slang’ and Danny’s like ‘Bro I know I’m from Earth!’ and they’re all like ‘woah!!! oAo’ and he brightens up and is like ‘Dudes my dudes I have SO MUCH stellar information for NASA!’ (and jack is like ‘hell yeah america), but Daniel puts a stop to that ‘cause they’re not supposed to introduce alien tech to Earth until it develops it themselves. 
Danny: =( 
When they ask about ‘Phantom’ he casually drops that he got all these spooky powers from another dimension and no seriously he actually did grow up on earth, and ended up in space via dimensional portal on total accident. 
So he kinda wants to get back to earth, but he also likes his little colony of people. Who, as we learn moving throughout the story, his human side might empathize with, but his ghost side thinks of them more like possessions which isn’t great at all D= 
some other stuff happens, Phantom starts ‘claiming’ the team as they work through danger together and he gets to protect them, and they get a firsthand look at how ‘ghostly’ Danny actually IS.  (You know, regrowing teeth overnight level healing, eyes flashing when he’s tempermental, having the room drop in temperature suddenly, vital signs don’t quite read what they should, etc.)  - do they REALLY want him back on earth? In their base? With all this space alien sensitive knowledge?
And ohhh at some point they actually ask the crew how long they’ve been here and like, some of them were teenagers when they were freed from being hosts, and they’re straight up adults now. It’s been YEARS, but Danny’s been so swept up in SPACE and having a solid target for obsession (protect!), he didn’t notice the years passing. 
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