la-scigghiu · 8 months
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Custodisci i pensieri ma donagli sempre la leggerezza la capacità di volare Sii quel mistero,che non verrà svelato. Custodisci chi sei Le tue pure stranezze Le tue naturali crepe caratteriali che rendono unici i pensieri e l’odore della pelle L’alone della tua vita.
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galaxywhump · 1 year
Wait a minute, we know Danibal is strong, but how about Berkely? He seems to manhandle Rackham pretty easily
He's reasonably strong as a ranger! But he mostly uses means other than raw strength to overpower captives, so he might tase them or punch them to disorient them to make it easier for him to push them to the ground and restrain them, and then that's the hard part done.
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loveyadanib · 2 years
Two years ago!
Dani B’s Daily Journal
Sharing love, life, and happiness
March 26 2021
I went into the gym today and did my weekly weigh in. I lost 4 pounds this week. I felt super proud. I then laughed realizing I had two rows of 22 inch extensions removed and all the weight could have been the missing hair. However, I will take it. Ha ha. No matter, being 4 pounds lighter made me feel good. I feel so much more motivated to accomplish the busy day ahead of me. Shopping to do before the trip, laundry, cleaning, getting my spring decor out, a couple of clients this afternoon. With all of these items I did not want to write this journal today. I thought “I don’t have time” but I decided I am prioritizing what really matters today. Sometimes we have to do things that we don’t want to do like going to work or waking up in the middle of the night with your child.
You may feel tired and worn down like you do not have the will power however, you have more strength than you give yourself credit. You have the will power to do whatever it is you set your mind to. For those of you today that are in a funk or having a day, where your husband is grumpy, your child woke you up in the middle of the night, you have a million other things to do and the time you need to spend on yourself gets put on the back burner….Stop what you doing! Take a 10 min stretch and do some deep breathing, and stop putting yourself last. When you put others before you and you repeat that pattern daily, before you know it, you feel like a failure. You may even tell yourself “I never have time to get the things done I say I will.” “Why am I so Tired?” “I feel ugly and fat”, “why can’t I just do this?” “I don’t recognize myself anymore.”
The reality is you create your future with each thing you do. When you put the work in for yourself, when you say nice comments about yourself, and when you do the right thing, it always comes back to you. You create your future. Your create your daily success, you create the person you are. You create the person you desire to be. I desire to be a lovely, accountable, relatable, successful joyful person and so it is. I am shaping my life one workout, one laundry load, one journal entry at a time. The simplest things in life can sometimes be the most difficult. Today, I encourage you to do that item that keeps getting put on the back burner.
The thoughts that are continually replaying through our brains, shape us! Accomplish the tasks that keep circling in your mind and you will feel so much better.  In closing, You’re stronger and have more energy than you give yourself credit for. Go and make the day great. 😘
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musicarenagh · 2 years
Dani B Unveils Her Empowering Dance Anthem "Live It" Dani B is a multitalented artist, singer, and DJ, and she is about to release her first dance single, titled "Live It." This music is sure to attract listeners. This rousing and motivational hymn inspires listeners to triumph over challenges and take charge of their own lives by urging them to do so. Dani B has created a song that will resound with music lovers all across the globe thanks to the soulful voice and joyful energy that she brings to it. Dani B, the song's composer and producer, expertly combines disco, nu disco, dance, and funk house components to create an irresistible groove in "Live It." The track's infectious choruses and driving rhythms are certain to have listeners up out of their seats and moving to the music. In addition to its unmistakable rhythm, the song "Live It" conveys an encouraging message about appreciating every moment and making the most of every chance that life has to offer. The path that Dani B has taken as an artist is evidence of her tremendous resiliency and her unyielding resolve. After beating breast cancer in the year 2020, she became famous as the "Sea Point Balcony Singer" during the epidemic and the following lockdown that followed. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRul9Cl5Scc[/embed] In spite of the fact that she was having chemotherapy treatment, Dani B gave balcony concerts in her neighbourhood in Sea Point. These performances offered happiness and optimism to the community, and they served as a source of motivation at a difficult time for many people. Dani B encourages her listeners to "choose their own route," "embrace their faults," and be their most true selves in the song "Live It," in which she discusses the life lessons she has gained through her journey and provides the important insights she has gained along the way. In addition, she stresses the need of loving oneself and urges listeners to "raise their frequency" in order to attract the kind of life they've always fantasised about living. Not only does Dani B provide "Live It" an appealing dance song, but she also imparts a message of self-empowerment and motivation that will definitely resound strongly with admirers located all over the world. [embed]https://open.spotify.com/album/5qQExWs129vSrQOQP98XYF?si=tHo7L7jtRwq1McOkFfN14g[/embed]
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alonewolfr · 2 months
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Le donne più interessanti hanno spine, cicatrici, impronte, rughe, chilometri, perversioni e requisiti.
|| DaniB
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haakhai · 6 months
Verbraucherzentrale warnt vor „Healy"
Obwohl die Wirksamkeit nicht wissenschaftlich bewiesen ist, werben Verkaufer fur das Medizinprodukt.
Verbraucherzentrale Saarland befasst sich seit einiger Zeit mit einem Gnat namens „Healy", das am Kemper vie ein Tracker getra-gen wird. VerkAufer preisen das Produkt als bemerkenswertes Heilmittel an, das Uber indhidua-lisierte „Frequenzen"Leiden lin - dem soil. .,Sie behaupten, das Medizinprodukt wUrde turn Bei-spiel bei chronischen Schmerzen, Schlafstbrungen oder Depressio-nen helfen", wamt Theresla Wei-mar-Ehl von der Verbraucher-zentrale Saarland. Gegen solche irrefOhrendeWerbung eines Ver-kaufers sei die Verbraucherzen-trate Nordrhein-Westfalen bereits in einem Fall mit einer Abmah-nung vorgegangen.
Besorgniserregend sei, dass mitt-lerweile zahlreiche Beschwerden zum ,Healrvon Verbrauchem aus ganz Deutschland bei den Verbrauchenentralen eingegan - gen sind. Auch im Saarland gebe es sehr viele
Beschwerden. Demnach bewerben Verkaufer offenbar immer wieder die Anwendung des Gerais bei kranken Kindem, so die Beraterin.
Die Verbraucherzentralen halten die Werbung zum Produkt „Healy"fiir irrefuhrend, well es keinen Bemis der Wirlamkeit des Gerates gibt. Auch auf der Website des Herstellers finden sich diverse Disclaimer, die darauf hinweisen, dass die Wirksamkeit des „Healy-nicht uissenschaft - lich beuiesen ist and von der „Schulmedizin"nicht anerkannt wird. Trotzdem verwenden Vet-braucher das Gerat mbglicher-weise bei schweren Erkrankun-gen. „Das kann gefahrlich %wi-den, wenn dadurch wichtige medizinische Behandlungen unterlassen werden", so die Ver-braucherzentrale Saarland.
Bevor Kunden eth Produkt kaufen, sollten sie sich daher detailliert daniber informieren, indem sie nach unabhangigen Quellen
beziehungsweise Studien suchen and die Werbeversprechen der Hersteller durchleuchten, raten die Expert en. In Fall „Healy"werde immer wieder von „Harmonisierungen des bioener-getischen Feldes"gesprochen. Diese Sprache sei bereits ein India dass es sich hier nicht urn eine medizinische Anwendung handele, wie das Untemehmen auch selbst (versteck0 auf seiner Website eingesteht, erklart die Verbraucherzentrale Saarland.
Sollten Kunden das Produkt kora-Bch eneorben haben, sollten sie ihr Recht auf Widerruf nutzen, raten die Experten. „Das Wder-rufsrecht gilt in der Regel Tage nach Abschluss eines Vertrages oder dem Erhalt bestellter Ware. Um einen Vertrag zu xiderrufen, miissen sie dies dem Handler oder Vertragspartner mitteilen", erklart die Verbraucherzentrale Saarland. find dies in Textform, also per E-Mail, Fax oder Brief.
Auch nach Ende der Widerrufs-first konnten Kunden noch einen Anspruch auf ihr Geld haben. Sollten sie skh getauscht fahlen, kann
Kunden eine indi‘iduelle Rechts-beratung helfen. Sie sollten sich beispielsuvise bei ihrer Verbrau-cherzentrale beraten lassen.
Der „Healy"wird auch fiber ein so genanntes „Multi-Level-Marke-ting-System-vertrieben. Das werfe bei manchen Verbrauchem Fragen auf. Beim Multi-Level-Marketing oder auch Empfeh-lungs- beziehungsweise Direkt-marketing empfehlen und ver-kaufen SelbststAndige Produkte einer Firma direkt an Endkunden. Kunden sollen vennehrt liter soziale Medien %vie Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, WhatsApp-Gruppen und -kanale gewonnen werden. „Aus Sicht der Verbrau-cherzentralen ist es besonders problematisch, dass Werbeaussa-gen bei einer Mund-zuMund-Bewerbung schwer zu kontrollie-ren und somit Beweispflicht und Oberbbrung schwierigsind", erkthn Theresia Weimar-EhL
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Ukraine đã xuất khẩu 820.000 tấn ngũ cốc qua các cảng Dabube trong nửa đầu tháng 08
Ukraine trong nửa đầu tháng 08 đã xuất khẩu 820.000 tấn ngũ cốc qua các cảng trên sông Danube, hiện là tuyến xuất khẩu chính của nước này, công ty tư vấn Apk-Inform cho biết.
Theo truyền thống, phần lớn ngũ cốc của Ukraine sẽ được xuất khẩu qua các cảng nước sâu Odesa và Mykolaiv ở biển Đen, nhưng nước này buộc phải xuất khẩu qua sông Danube sau khi Nga rút khỏi thỏa thuận ngũ cốc do Liên Hợp Quốc làm trung gian vào tháng trước.
Denys Marchuk, phó chủ tịch Hội đồng nông nghiệp Ukraine, tổ chức kinh doanh nông nghiệp lớn nhất đất nước cho biết các cảng sông Danube có thể xuất khẩu 1,5 triệu tấn ngũ cốc mỗi tháng.
Tuy nhiên, hoạt động xuất khẩu qua sông Danube có thể bị ảnh hưởng bởi các cuộc tấn công gần đây của Nga vào cơ sở hạ tầng cảng.
Kiev cho biết máy bay không người lái của Nga đã tấn công các kho chứa ngũ cốc tại cảng sông Reni trên sông Danibe. Đầu tháng này, Nga đã tấn công cảng Izmail của sông Danube.
Thứ trưởng Bộ Nông nghiệp Ukraine Taras Vysotskiy nói với đài truyền hình quốc gia rằng có tới 5.000 tấn ngũ cốc bị phá hủy trong cuộc tấn công vào Reni.
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wetthandss · 2 years
Pathfinder update: Wollachia lore!
Hihi, I got this all finished tonight so here it is! It's about time I actually wrote about that one place I keep referencing and talking about how shit it is to live there to my players. Now they'll understand! Extra note at the end to my player who made a backup character who is an Ysoki that is from a Wollachian city!
Wollachia is based vaguely on many different European nations from Romania to Belgium to most obviously England, but the time period puts it pretty squarely withing the first industrial revolution in England. The Engol-Kalt split is based on both the Flanders-Wallonian split as well as the Anglo-Saxon and Celtic conflicts. The name Wollachia is wordplay between Wallachia, an early modern era principality and Wolbachia, a common genus of parasitic bacteria. Contrasting the aesthetic of olden-times European states run by despots and tyrants with parasites is the linguistic theme of Wollachia in lieu of a foreign linguistic origin like my other nations and regions. Enjoy!
The history of Wollachia is relatively recent compared to Aten, Ram, Tianguo and Shathzoh, however in terms of technological advancement Wollachia excelled due to calm weather, temperate climate, and high precipitation which made agriculture extremely plentiful. Without having to spend as much time on simply surviving, luxury technology progressed rapidly in Wollachia. Wollachia was initially 8 different city-states, which through wars, diplomacy, treaties and conjoining ideas, eventually became one nation state, Wollachia, the name taken from King Ecgherht Walhaz, the first king of Wollachia. The two main divisions between the city states- the common-speaking Engols and the undercommon-speaking Kalts- are still present in Wollachia.
The government of Wollachia is a constitutional monarchy where the figurehead monarch is beholden politically to a parliament beneath them. The current king of Wollachia is King Karles Thres Walhaz, the youngest king to ever rule yet a conservative hardliner and strong advocate for industrial progress- whatever the cost. The parliament is made up of 300 seats spread out between 3 major political parties and two minor ones. These parties are;
The Wollachian Unitarian Movement (WUM) who believe in Engol-Kalt cultural merging to create a single Wollachian identity. They are most popular among the people of Wollachia, both Engols and Kalts.
The Wollachian Engol-Kalt Preservation Coalition (WEKPC) is a coalition of various Engol and Kaltic movements and parties that believe in keeping Engol and Kaltic culture separate, but together in friendship. Despite what the WUM claims, they do not believe in national divisions, they still support a single Wollachian state.
The Kaltic Independence Party (KIP) is exactly as it sounds, and wishes for Kaltic secession from Wollachia, as they claim that the Wollachian monarchy and parliament favour the Engol population and culture too much, and that the Kaltic people would be better to secede from Wollachia as their own independent state on the eastern side of the Danib river where the vast majority of Kaltic people are concentrated, and where many industrial and infrastructural efforts are ignored. 
Looking at the minor parties now, there is the Industrial Effort Initiative Vanguard (IEIV) who used to be quite a popular party with the king, but fell to the wayside as other governmental departments became capable of handling industrial development themselves. They’re still around, but don’t serve much of a purpose aside from propagandising in rural towns to drum up popular support for industry.
The last significant party, the Wollachian Monarchist Party (WMP), who are a religious organisation that advocates a theocracy adhering to the monotheistic deity Saint-Pierre and His prophet Francisco. Saintism is the existing state religion of Wollachia, being favoured by the monarchy for decades.  
Wollachia has a standing army, mostly made up of young men both Engol and Kaltic. Weapon technology remains made up of bows and spears, however advanced squadrons are known to wield guns, a rare ranged weapon that uses explosive powder to fire bullets from a tube at extremely high speeds and range. Despite being prone to breaking, not very accurate at long range, taking a full minute to reload a shot, and the explosive powder being difficult to obtain, these weapons are incredibly dangerous and often immediately fatal. Wollachia is not currently at war with any nation, but they remain militarised through anti-Rammite propaganda that plays on a sort of cold war between them.
Cultural traditions
Wollachian culture, as has been mentioned, is not singular but separated into Engol and Kaltic culture. Engol culture is the predominant cultural and ethnic group in Wollachia. Engol culture has always been closely aligned with and heavily influenced by the monarchy, who has always given them favour over Kaltics. The most prevalent cultural practice of Engols is that all citizens must reach two metres or higher in height, and if one is naturally shorter than this (Including the halfling monarchy) must wear stilts at all times to bring them to exactly two metres tall. Foreigners are not required to use stilts, but are still looked down upon by conservatives and centrists. Saintism is a central part of Engol culture as well, and may involve abstaining from alcohol and drugs, practice of positive necromantic magic, and manual labour in the name of Saint-Pierre. Kaltic culture is starkly different, but not so much that the two can’t get along. Many Kaltics are anti-stilt, and practise their cultural rights to not wear them, even if it affects how they interact with the world around them and draws the disdain of some Engols. They are typically not Saintists, and disregard Francisco’s words. Instead, many Kalts revere a polytheistic religion that identifies core aspects of the world and anthropomorphises them. The Kalts know they are not actually anthropomorphic or have personalities in the way that we think of them, but they believe that in the absence of mortal understanding of how these forces actually work they must rely on mortal creativity to give life and meaning to us. There aren’t many “tenets” unlike Saintism, but the typical moral taboos are considered. As opposed to the Engols strict work ethic, Kalts like to take it easy, and are stereotyped (not entirely incorrectly) as being lazy. 
The state religion of Wollachia is Saintism, a monotheistic religion that worships Saint-Pierre, a deity who created all of existence and governs all of it still. Saint-Pierre has a living prophet on Earth that runs through a bloodline, with the current prophet named Francisco. There are six central tenets of Saintism, listed below.
Consume not to stupor thyself, as your work with be shunted in turn.
Healing arts are the most holy and are to be learn’d, for you will keep thyself and thy neighbors able-body’d to produce for the Lord.
The highest of all activities upon mine Earth is creation with thine own hands, in the highest quantities, to serve your King who may then serve the Lord in his fullest.
One must not wear the shawl, scarf, ascot or tie, as demon’s grip them and will pull thee into their most gruesome murder.
The Lord’s prophet will be taken to the same degree of authority and authenticity as the King, and shall serve as advisor, the most devout worshipper who hast devot’d their life, mind, body, soul and energies unto the Lord.
The holyest number in all being shall be 6, which holds all numbers above et whilst degrading those below. The calculus cannot be witnessed for oneself, so followers all ye must have faith in the Lord.
EXTRA NOTE (context at start of post):
You lived in a city. Most of the cities are in the Engol side of Wollachia, which you'll learn about if you read the rundown in the document. Cities consist of tall, narrow houses stacked side by side along two sides of cobbled roads where horses and carts ride and crowds of people walk on busier days. Ysoki housing is accounted for, although it is segregated to specific parts of cities because they must be built differently. Living in the city is a hustling life, and almost every man in the cities work in the factories, which cough smog constantly that has made the air gross and probably unhealthy to live in. The factories themselves are dangerous, and fatalities are not uncommon. Sanitation is extremely poor, because of a lack of sanitation workers, but Ysoki have been able to build up immunities to many diseases because of it. The sky is usually grey and cloudy, and it rains often. The food is plain, but individual families (usually women due to male labour preference) take it upon themselves to create unique and perfect recipes in their spare time. It contains a lot of carbohydrates and simple herbs that many people grow themselves. Whenever you leave your house, you would have to wear your stilts that bring your height up to exactly two metres tall. You got used to it over the years, and can function normally while using them, as if leg extensions are the most normal thing in the world. ANYONE (including halfling royalty!) is beholden to this practice, although if you are above 2 metres tall you thankfully don't have to be forcibly shortened. 6 is a holy number in the Wollachian state religion, so having a height of at least 6 feet is very important to Saintists and Engols.
I've really been writing all day and I'm tired now so that's it for now. I'll do another update tomorrow about developments within the Aleaza' clan post-Aleimlaq!
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flowerchild165 · 6 years
Being sick kinda freaks me out. I know it’s just a bad cold but in my head I keep thinking that it could be like my dad cold symptoms but actually cancer idk it doesn’t make sense but still
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la-scigghiu · 8 months
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Come una bimba mi accarezzi l'anima mi ami come una donna Delicatamente mi prendi fra le tue mani come un dono. Plachi il dolore e accendi ogni mio gemito Mi ricominci ogni momento Viscerale questa estasi infinita che raccoglie sguardi silenti Dove ogni fremito inizia.
🔸 DaniB
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sirwarreng · 5 years
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We started #TheSaucePodcast in 2017 as a means to be seen & heard by a world that’s determined to stereotype two queer, black, Baltimore natives as nothing more than their minds could conceive. The journey to continue to break barriers with my Kindred Sister is one I am most proud of. To Season II and beyond ✨ 📸: @arremjay #podcast #baltimore #dmv #queer #melanin #blackpodcasts #kindredspirits #kindredkids #DaniB #WarrenG #blackpodcastsmatter https://www.instagram.com/p/B3cAhkJhdPU/?igshid=v7sr75vle14v
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loveyadanib · 2 years
Leg day burnout!
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williamshamspeare · 2 years
Radlynn eyes. She sees - amii
had to ask for help on where her eyes would be
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Happy First Anniversary of Creation [March 2nd] to the Following babies:
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Talï Kanama the Demon
Lavï Kanama the Demon
Elder Nī Haruki the Elf
Vishna Haruki the Elf
Tābën Malëgda the Centaur
Ander Malëgda the Centaur
Detälï Kryvida the Mouse Humanoid
Aleena Soudém the Demon
Seline Kinter the Half-Elf
Samuel Kinter the Human
Queen Thesta Vel'ren the Human
Princess Ändra Vel'ren the Human
Ghiha Danib the Wind Mage
Luka Tenjöla the Pure Maje
Diakara Almāndra the Demon
Peitra Savayez the Altered Maje
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alonewolfr · 2 months
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Per far impazzire un uomo Basta farsi amare Tanto quanto farsi odiare. Un po puttana Un po bambina. Ma certe donne bisogna sapersele meritare.
|| DaniB
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simonwilliamsim · 7 years
Exploring Budapest is a very easy activity, the city is very walk-able and offers a fantastic metro.
Budapest was an amazing experience, it felt such an innocent and special place. It was a calm place and where you can go to relax and feel relaxed.
의회 Parliament
의회 Parliament
Shopping area
Jewish Quarter
Jewish Quarter
time to send postcards
Jewish Quarter
의회 Parliament
Shopping area
의회 Parliament
Simon and Korea in Budapest
Jewish Quarter
Jewish Quarter
Jewish Quarter
The bridge
British Pub
Jewish Quarter
의회 Parliament
My Dad and I
British Store
British Pub
의회 Parliament
Our hotel pool
A Touch of Budapest Exploring Budapest is a very easy activity, the city is very walk-able and offers a fantastic metro.
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