#Dangerous Fellows eguene
tigereyes45 · 6 years
Little Memories Death Clings Too
Ethan watches as she and Harry climb through the window. Hopefully, the gate would be safe. Perhaps she would survive all of this. He looks back at the door, shaking as the zombies push against it ever more violently. Harry liked her too, he would make sure they both survive.
“Shit! I don’t want to die!” Eugene screams over the growing alarm of the bell. It was driving the zombies mad. Looking back at the door Ethan wishes he hadn’t been so blind. He knows who set it off. The person who was causing all of this. Only they had done the experiment. Only they knew about the noise.
“Shut up!” Zion orders as he holds his weapon out. “We just have to hold them off.” Ethan looks back at them. Two high schoolers, one his age, the other so much younger. They didn’t deserve to die here.
“Lawrence.” It was Lawrence who did this, was what he had been meaning to say. Yet his name was the only word Ethan could manage. Zion clearly heard him. The redhead’s eyes grew wide. Without any need for more explanation, Zion had connected the pieces.
“I’m gonna kill that bastard!”
“No you’re not,” Eugene announces bitterly. As the last word leaves the door breaks apart.
All at once Ethan’s life flashes before his eyes. His first baseball game, starting high school, getting on the team, hanging out with his teammates, meeting her. The memories flash through his mind in between swings. Slowly they become tainted by the sight of flying flesh. Eugene shouts, and Ethan takes the risk to look over. He was hiding behind Zion. As the numbers of zombies grew. Before they were trickling through the door and that was easy enough. Now as they all push through they were a swarm.
All Ethan could smell their rotting flesh. He swings his bat wildly in an attempt to clear a path to them. He was almost there when he felt teeth biting through his pant leg. Looking down Ethan tries to shake the zombie off. Half of its face was missing. All of it from the tip of its teeth up until right where an eyebrow would usually be. He doesn’t question how it was still able to move its mouth, or what it met now that he had been bitten. Smashing the bat into’s its head Ethan jumps in front of the others.
He points to the window as he kicks another away. More flashes of better times. He recalls the sight of her face when they found her. So terrified, but not yet ready to die. Neither was he, but after what Lawrence did he doubts there was a way for him to get out of this alive. When Eugene begins to cry he notices the burning sensation of his own face. He doesn’t bother to feel it, there was no time to do anything but fight.
He tries to think of better times. The promise she made of the future. The way her smile was so warm and bright when she saw Judy. How even though she always chose Harry, she still made him feel so special. She didn’t judge him for being silent. Or for the way he always trusted Lawrence.
“Eugene, no!” It was hard to hear Zion between the bell and the zombies. Still, Ethan managed to. His sore eyes look over his shoulder just in time to see Eugene dash for the window.  His small hands grabbing the pane just in time before he was dragged back down. His orange eyes shrinking as they tore him open. The way his mouth opened just a bit before life left him. He didn’t have time to make a noise, but Zion did. He grew so angry. Shouting insanely as he goes into a frenzy. He doesn’t notice when he hits Ethan in the shoulder. Or when he falls.
Swinging his bat still, he tries to crawl closer to Eugene as Zion pulls farther away. Resting his back against the wall. His knuckles growing white from how tightly. He remembers the way her blue eyes welled up with tears at Judy’s absence, and how she rubbed his hands to keep him awake. He was so tired now, and it all hurt so much. He couldn’t move his arms anymore. His legs were on fire as they skinned them with their teeth. He never remembers seeing so much read before. He only remembers her smile as Zion screams fill his ears one last time.
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