#Damien is also incredibly protective of them since that incident. He loves his sisters
moxtoons · 2 years
Sorry, but your new post got me thinking of a new question. But this time about the twin girls.😅
Since they got older, who helped them split their tails? And...did it hurt...?
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I'm glad people are interested in Lucy and Chancey! So the girls never really were bothered by being conjoined. They were very close and even when they would fight they learned how to give each other space despite their inability to physically separate. They did wish they were separated at times, but they accepted that it was just part of life and who they were and figured it made them stronger.
They got separated when they were young still. they hit 10 years old and started to wander the surface more on their own or with Damien. One day a group of demon hunters found them and chased them down. during this chase, one of the demon hunters swung down their weapon and severed the girls' tails. (Needless to say that hunter didn't keep his soul for long, Devil was pissed) They healed okay, and had to get used to their separation, but ultimately they enjoyed being able to do what they wanted without having to force their sibling around with them. And since they weren't born with tail spikes, like their brother, they didn't want to walk around with nubbed tails so made golden prosthetic spikes to put on their tails. Due to the bond they shared as children, the girls are still very close in their adulthood and rely on each other for everything.
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