#Damiano David fanfiction
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filthforfriends · 1 year ago
Chapter 21: Brave Enough
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Authors Note
Word count: 7.9k
Read the rest here!
After an emotionally taxing conversation with his psychologist, Damiano decided to also stop smoking weed/otherwise consuming cannabis. It’d been too triggering, a reminder of all the reasons he loved coke and opioids. Admitting he wasn’t ready for parties or group gatherings was even more difficult. He loved his friends, his family, and going to Vic’s DJ gigs. He loved playing pool at bars or dancing to the deafening pulse of techno music in a club. These things allowed him to feel the hurried, bright energy of his youth. It was proving hard to differentiate between craving community, craving mania, and craving situations because he associated them with drug use. 
He also made a habit of exercising in the mornings, before treatment. The earlier he took his lithium and ate some protein, the better he tended to feel throughout the day. Routine made cravings easier to resist when he woke up with them and endorphins lessened the severity of his depressive moods.
“I’m so fucking proud of you.” That's what you told Damiano when he debriefed you the next evening, a chip to mark 24 hours sober clutched in his fist. He’d disclosed his relapse in group and sobbed, despite hardy efforts not to shed a tear. You make dinner and stroke his hair when Dami lays his head on your lap. He’s cynical, not receptive to positive affirmation. Unfortunately, this mood has become more common as the years pass. So you focus on gestures: nicely making his bed, meal prepping his breakfast, cleaning the litter box even though it was his turn. 
Surprisingly, Damiano requests you read aloud some favorite passages from the books you’ve finished since the breakup. You’d always thought of that as an activity for your sake. Of course he doesn’t actually use the word “breakup.” Dami won’t touch that terminology with a 10 foot pole. He’s grumpy and lovable, snuggled under the pale pink bed sheet as you speak.
Dami returned the favor by waking you up with coffee, which became a tradition on weekdays. He probably got up 10 minutes earlier than necessary to do so. The first morning you thought it was a glorious dream. Instead of the abrasive and occasionally rage-inducing beep of your alarm, a hand you recognized as Damiano’s was rubbing your back. It slides under your t-shirt and gently strokes your spine. You shiver and hum in delight, then scooch closer. Eyes still closed, the bed dips and you sense Dami taking a seat on the edge. The morning light pours in through the curtains – to which you have your back turned – as the scent of espresso reaches your nose. Such sensory perfection must be fantasy.
“It’s time to wake up,” he murmurs.
“Mm mm.” You object and scoot closer, curling around Damiano. He chuckles and massages your scalp with his fingertips. 
“Big stretch,” he narrates as Cheeto rouses herself by his feet. You can tell it’s not Princess, since she’d be meowing by the bedroom door as soon as she heard Damiano up and about. Finally, your brain starts to register that this might be reality, since you never dreamed of Cheeto and Dami simultaneously. You open one eye and are accosted by the bright light, confirming that this isn’t a dream.
“Hey,” you croak, squinting up at him. “What time is it?”
“A couple minutes before your alarm. I turned it off.” You readjust, head, shoulders, and arms splayed across Dami’s lap. “I don’t think that counts as getting out of bed.”
“I’d like to contest that.”
“Getting out of bed in general or if laying on my lap counts?”
“Yes,” you sigh, eyes falling closed.
“Mm mm, keep ‘em open,” he requests, affectionately. You whine in protest and pout. More than anything, you want to pull Dami into the bed for cuddles, but it’d make you late for work.
“Fine.” Awkwardly, you flip onto your back to stare up at Damiano. He’s smiling, which is good motivation to keep looking.
“You’re cute when it’s too bright. You squint so hard that you get this little line between your eyebrows.” He runs his finger along your nose, then taps your cupid’s bow. You’d very much like him to keep going, gently stroking your features. He delicately moves the hair from your face and your eyelids grow heavy. Damiano tsks, working a hand between your mid-back and the mattress.
“Sit up. C’mon.” With a sigh, you detangle your legs from the sheet. “C’mon,” he coaxes sweetly. “When you’re ready to stop pouting, there's coffee.” Your feet land on the floor as Damiano helps push you upright. After a couple sips of espresso, your pupils adapt and the brain begins working. Dami remains seated, hand on your back, and you love that he’s content to just share space. Love that things don’t always have to be full of words and amusements for one another.
“Thank you, this is so nice!” You hug Dami with messy enthusiasm, leaning some of your weight against him. Damiano embraces back and kisses your head.
“I’m happy to do it, sweetheart.” His hand resumes stroking your spine, the other moving the hair from blocking your face. “Just stay awake.”
“Okay, okay,” you groan, standing up and stretching. Dami doesn’t move, probably hoping to catch a glimpse of something. You want the physical affection to continue so badly that it hurts in your chest a little. So you give into an urge before thinking about it and sit on Damiano’s lap, throwing your arms around his shoulders. 
“Wha – hey there, sweetheart.” Aware of morning breath, you kiss Dami’s neck, hairline, and behind his ears. “Feeling a little touch-starved?” You nod. Slowly, he slides his hands under your shirt. By touch-starved, you hadn’t necessarily meant skin to skin. Damiano sneakily took advantage of an opportunity by reading into it and you certainly weren’t mad about his decision. 
Things start innocent enough, his hands rubbing your back, but then they move away from your spine. When stroking around your waist and hips, his fingertips brushed your stomach, pinky dipping underneath the waistband of your pajama shorts. Then those hands slide up, cupping your ribcage. You stop breathing, frozen with anticipation. Would he touch your breast? Would he slide his hand to the front of your chest and caress it in his warm, rough palm? Would he play with your nipples? Rub them with the callous on his thumb? Would he then slide his hand down your front and into your shorts? If he did, you’d raise your hips to give him room. Then you’d trap his hand against your pussy and grind. Did he want to tease you today or make you moan? Or make you cum? 
When you check his expression, Dami’s eyes are glued to your heaving chest and erect nipples. Knowing that he’s hard, you throw a leg over and straddle him. Then you scoot in as close as possible to rest your weight against his erection, stimulating both of you. Damiano’s eyes flutter and his hands escalate from stroking to grasping. You wait for him to make the nest move, but he doesn’t.
“If you could do anything –”
“If I could do anything you’d be underneath me and too wracked with pleasure to say anything but my name and the word please. If I could do anything the neighbors would be filing a noise complaint and you’d be on probation at work for repeated tardiness. If I could do anything we’d have already gone through a bottle of lube and half a dozen sex toys. Our clothes would be on the doormat, panties included because last night we fucked against the front door as soon as you got home. Then again on the kitchen counter and again in front of the bathroom mirror and a fourth time in the shower, which was all a preamble to what I’d do to you in this bed.” 
You look over his shoulder at the mattress cover and twisted sheet. You’d gotten in the habit of sleeping on Dami’s side. It hadn’t actually smelled like him for months.
“What would you do?” he asks.
“I…I have to get ready for work.” You try to climb off his lap, but Damiano holds onto your waist firmly.
“Did what I said offend you?” he pressed.
“No,” you reply breathlessly. The moment is deliciously intense, especially the way he’s staring.
“Overwhelm you? Turn you off in some way?”
“Uh, no. Well, maybe overwhelm a little bit…”
“In a bad way?” Dami hasn’t forced the issue in terms of sex since coming home.
“In a good way.”
“Then what would you do? If you didn’t have to get ready for work.” You pause and look down. “We don’t have to actually do it, at least not right now,” he whispers.
“I would – I want you….Um, you’d play with my nipples.”
“Mhm.” His hand slides up your chest and rests on your sternum.
“Then you’d put – push your hand down my front.” Dami obeys, his fingertips stopping at the waistband of your shorts. You stare, willing him to go further with every ounce of your being.
“Does my hand go under your shorts?”
“Yes,” you whisper.
“Does it go into your panties?”
“Yes.” His real hand doesn’t move. “Between my legs so I can…Actually, I kinda wish that I was just wearing a t-shirt so I could pull your pjs down and grind against your cock. And then, maybe…”
“Mhm,” he encourages.
“I’d take off my shirt too and rub my nipples against your chest until they were sore. Your – your sweaty, hairy chest. And you’d hold me like you weren’t worried about scaring me away. Really grabbing me, like you were confident, but also because you couldn’t help yourself.”
“Show me what you mean,” he demands.
“I – I can’t. You just have to.” Dami grabs a hold of your upper thigh with his free hand and flips both bodies. Your back lands on the mattress, arms and legs already wrapped around him. Damiano pushes you further onto the bed, so he has room to climb on top.  It would take less than a minute for you to both wiggle out of your clothes then locate a condom and lube. Probably closer to 30 seconds. It's the same sensation as the makeout two mornings ago. You wanted to say yes, but your self preservation instincts weren’t letting that happen.
Damiano searches your wide-eyed expression for decisiveness and finds nothing of the sort. He can see you thinking about it. Then he sees you over-thinking it and knows that this will not be the moment you feel comfortable enough to trust freely.
“Like this?” He’s panting, as well, and for some reason, that's unbearable sexy. Dami isn’t putting on a facade. This borderline chaste amount of physical contact has got him worked up, too. You almost kiss him, then recall your morning breath and cover your mouth.
“I need to brush my teeth.”
“Y/n, I don’t give a good god damn whether or not you’ve brushed your teeth. I don’t care!” Dami loses his cool, but quickly recovers it. “I – sorry. Sorry, let me…” He walks his hands backwards and climbs off the bed, then helps you stand up.
“Thank you for the coffee,” you repeat, taking a long sip, that way a response won’t be expected. As you slip by Dami to leave the bedroom, he gives your butt a little squeeze. It was once a regular gesture in private, but he hadn’t taken this type of initiative since getting sober. You whip around with an impish smile, the mug nearly held to your lips. Damiano’s expression is watchful, then validated. He was testing the waters and your reaction basically invited him to jump right in.
Rather than refocus on his own routine, Dami watches you assemble a lunch while still in pajamas. He stands on the edge of the kitchen, pondering something, admiring you.
“Whatever your timeline for physical intimacy, I will respect it, 100%.”
“I know that, Damia.” You wash and fill your water bottle. He leans his hip against the counter with crossed arms. 
“But if you're waiting for things to feel not scary with me, that day may never come. Our history isn’t gonna get more palatable.” You hadn’t considered things from that perspective before. “Part of a nurturing relationship is pushing each other, challenging restrictive thought patterns.” Damiano moseys over. First, his right hand cups your hip. Then, the left rubs the side of your glute languidly, before wrapping around your middle. Dami holds you casually, but still body to body, standing behind you at the kitchen sink. Each exhale ruffles your hair, a reminder of how much you’d missed this. Dami’s wandering hands and desire for closeness.
This must have been another thing you blocked out for survival, since an awareness of what once was made losing it lethally painful. You’d forced yourself not to remember and now the remembering felt like the first first bloom of spring after a frosty winter. 
You lean against Dami, let his shoulder take the weight of your head. Then you lay your left arm over his, fingers lacing together.
“And I don’t want to push past your boundaries, but at the same time…” He leaves tender kisses down the column of your exposed neck. “This definitely exceeds a hand holding level of intimacy. It breaks the no couple behavior boundary –”
“Me and my fucking rules,” you groan. Repeated back, you sound certifiable, even from an understanding Damiano.
“This certainly qualifies as sexual touch.” His pinky and ring finger dip under your waistband as he dips into a whisper. “But I didn’t ask first and I don’t have to ask now, either, because just your body language is telling me how much you like this.”
“Forgot until just now.” With an even more dramatic groan, you turn around to meet his eyes. “Ugh! I know I’m shit at this –”
“Not what I was saying, at all,” he interrupts, thumb brushing your cheek. “I was just gonna suggest using a Listen for My No system of consent instead of Wait for My Yes. But that's such a sexually aggressive thing to suggest on someone else’s behalf that I…” He makes a face, nose scrunched up.
“But I agree with you. I’d like that, I really would, but, um…” Dami’s expression goes from relieved back to uneasy. “When I submit, I can’t usually access the decision making part of my brain. Kinda the point, actually.” 
“Baby, we never do anything in subspace if we haven’t agreed to it first.”
“I know, but I’d feel –” You gesture erratically, but the right adjective never surfaces. So you settle on “shitty, I guess.” Avoidant, you stare at the floor in anticipation of Dami’s reaction. Of course, Princess is right there, biding her time for the inevitable moment that all this attention is rightfully turned to her. “Sassy Pants,” you coo. She rests her front paws on your shin and meows, so you pick her up.
“Y/n, I never want you to – awe, look at the fur baby.” Damiano gets distracted by Princess, who uses you like an elevator to his shoulder. She leaps onto him and Dami winces at her claws through his thin t-shirt. “Ow, ow, ow. Thanks for that Sassy Pants, now get off.” He sets Princess back down where she stares at him in betrayal.
“I’m sorry, was having him to yourself all night not enough attention?” You sass her right back with a hand on your hip while Dami laughs. The cat sulks, nimbly returning to the couch and curling up right on his pillow. “Do you see that? She’s the real reason we practice non-monogamy. So I don’t end up with my throat slit in my fucking sleep by her murder mittens!” Hoping to have successfully distracted him, you brush your teeth then slip back into the bedroom to get dressed. In the living room Dami sings to Princess, doing a little dance with her paws. The happy sounds carry through the partially ajar door.
“So, uh…” You’d almost finished pulling on your stockings when he leans against the door frame. “Sorry, am I allowed to look?”
“Yes, you’re allowed to look,” you scoff. He turns the corner just in time to watch your thighs disappear beneath a linen skirt. His lack of objection indicates that your earlier distraction wasn’t effective. He’s not feeling playful.
“What I was saying before is that I never want you to feel bad about putting parameters –”
“Damia, it’s not that.” He’s trying to soften the determination in his expression. “If I allow my rational mind to just slip away then I’m gonna…” again, words evade you “embarrass myself.”
“What do you mean embarrass yourself?” he croons. Damiano walks into the bedroom, cupping your cheek in his right palm. Meanwhile, his left hand slides across your waist and settles on the top of your glute. Another barrage of hidden memories: the early years when Damiano spoke your self-confidence into being fruition on anxiety-ridden mornings.
“I mean grind against your lap or leg or whatever while begging you to fuck me until I sob in a way that’s gonna hurt you to watch. Zero inhibitions as I try to convince you, okay? Just babbling and clinging and tears for your cock. ‘Daddy, my heart hurts because you won’t make love to me.’ I don’t want either of us in a position to navigate that.” Damiano becomes a statue. When it doesn’t immediately pass, you decide to pick a pair of sensible shoes while his brain resets.
“Does your heart hurt for more intimacy?” Now you’re the one frozen in place. “Seems like you may have just accidentally been completely honest with yourself.” Fuck. He was right.
“Could you pretend not to know me as well as you do?”
“No, y/n, I can’t.” You’d tried to lighten the mood, give yourself an out, and he’s rejected that effort wholesale. Damiano stands there, waiting for a real response, hands in the pockets of his pajama pants. Every morning he puts them on, after sleeping in his boxers, to make you comfortable. It suddenly feels so elementary, this game of pretend you’d been playing because you were scared shitless of losing him again. 
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“For being a nervous wreck.”
“Being a nervous wreck about what?” You’re taken aback, having expected some sweet platitude like "don't be sorry, sweetheart.” Or perhaps, “You’re trying your best in a tough situation” punctuated by a kiss to the forehead. But you’d finally exhausted his patience and Damiano wasn’t going to feed you reassurances that you already knew to be true.
“About,” you gesture between your bodies “us!”
“Elaborate for me, please. What about us?” His tone isn’t hostile, just insistent.
“Our relationship.”
“Not my sobriety?”
“No…actually.” You’re even more surprised than Dami at that answer.
“Good. Why is our relationship making you a nervous wreck?”
“Because, because…” You feel cornered even though he hasn’t moved an inch. “I’m not sure.”
“Yes you are. You’re constantly reflecting and self-examining, especially recently. Some days you’re more in your head than you are in the world.”
“But the last couple days, I’ve been better at staying in the present. After our fight, I’ve been trying not to walk on eggshells.” 
“And we’ve been so much more connected, which has been fucking incredible. But you’re still unhappy.”
“I’m not…” Were you happy? You should be happy. You have an objectively good job, a beautiful apartment. You have a loving family, loving friends, loving companions. Your soulmate has returned and he’s stable. But were you happy? With a subjectively horrible job, home full of traumatic memories, emotionally unavailable parents, fading friendships, and companions who’s reassurance couldn’t make you feel adequate so you’d stopped asking for it entirely. 
“How many months do I need to go without relapse, without a crazy mood swing, without –”
“To get your dick wet?” You snap at him in anger. This was the definition of pressuring you.
“For you to trust me, y/n!”
“But sex is the way to show that I trust you? Go get laid, Damianno. Stop avoiding your other companions because you’re afraid they won’t forgive your behavior.”
“You get laid. Stop avoiding your companions because they remind you how profound our intimacy could be.” For what feels like an eon, you glare at each other in silence.
“How about we both admit that having sex with other people wouldn’t do anything to fill this…space?” It feels good to concede. Most of the tension leaves the air.
“Void is probably more accurate, yeah.” It’s just enough breathing room for reality to set in. “Fuck, I’m gonna be late for work.” You look around frantically for a hair tie to wrangle your unbrushed hair into an updo.
“Can you please just give this conversation another five minutes of your time?” There's a hair elastic on the floor, by your nightstand. You make a noise of victory, trying to remember if your travel hairbrush was still in the glovebox. “Three minutes?” he pleads. It’s too much. Mentally, you try to check out as an act of self-preservation. In your peripheral vision, Damiano snatches your phone off the bed. You can’t leave without it.
“Are you fucking serious?”
“I’m asking how long until you can trust me?”
“For me to trust you completely?” That gives Dami pause. He seems to realize that it's a pretty big question to spring on you before 9 AM. ”Check the phone you’re holding hostage for the time, please.” So begins the hunt for your purse.
“It’s…” With a strained voice, he looks at the home screen. Then his hand drops to his side. “It doesn’t matter. I am asking you – How about when are you gonna be able to at least trust that I’m not gonna abandon you?” Despite attempts to create space between yourself and this moment, it feels like being stabbed with a dull spear, right through the center of your torso. “Hey!” he finally raises his voice in exhasperation. “Can you at least fucking look at me when I’m bearing my soul to you!?” Both cats are hiding under the kitchen table. Standing in the kitchen, you turn to meet his gaze.
“I’m gonna be late for work.” 
“Then be late! You hate that job anyways!” The shock reads easily on your features.. “I – that was out of line. Sorry. But this is never gonna work right until you trust me.” Your stomach drops. You feel nauseous and something akin to the beginnings of dissociation. This is why you’d been avoiding tough conversations. What if it went wrong? And if it did go wrong, what was going to happen? The ways Damiano had evolved as a person since going to rehab were great, but it also meant that you couldn’t predict his behavior anymore. If he walked out in anger, would he walk back in?
“Baby, that was really bad phrasing on my part.” His tone shifts completely,  soft and doting in the way you’d expected it to be earlier. “Way too extreme.” Dami knew he’d scared you. That took precedence over what he so desperately wanted to achieve with this conversation. You have half a mind to run into his arms. 
“I don’t know. I don’t know what’s gonna make me feel reassured that you won’t abandon me.”
“You don’t know, as in you can’t think of anything?”
“I don’t know!” You curl your hands into tight fists, fingernails digging into the soft flesh of your palms.
“Giving me an answer you regret and take back would be better than this purgatory.” Demand has officially overtaken supply. You’d required so much patience from Dami that it’d burned through all the categorical gratitude he felt for taking him back in any capacity. He was no longer just grateful to be here, he wanted a partner. 
“If your answer is I don’t think I can ever trust you again, so be it.”
“I can trust you! I do trust you, but you’re also…” He’s hanging on to every word and you can’t even craft a basic sentence. “There’s you, but then there’s also an addict you. The first one earned my trust back more easily than I’d care to admit, but the addict you, he – it’s always there.”
“And you can never trust an addict.”
“No! But, but –” The phrase “never gonna work” rattles around in your head. “No, because…because” then we might break-up. You barely think the thought, but it's like a tripwire. Suddenly trapped under all the ways you could lose Damiano. Originally there were two contenders: freak accident and growing apart. Then fame was added to this list, then addiction. Now you had to acknowledge a fifth. Like the fifth side to a cage that can finally hold you captive, invisible to others, making them helpless to do anything but watch the light leave your eyes. He might break-up with you because you couldn’t figure out how to put the pieces back together.
“Hug me.” Damiano crosses the apartment in a few quick steps. The stinging of tears distracts you from returning the embrace, but that doesn't give him pause. The only reason you weren’t blubbering already was how secure he’d made you feel the past few days. Now that was out the window.
“Continuous hugging or do you want room to breathe?”
“Breathe,” you choke, wiping your eyes. Dami’s version of breathing room was taking half a step back and resting both hands on your hips. It was perfect.
“Be brave a little longer,” he coaxes.
“I don’t want us to…God, it’s like saying Voldemort or some shit.”
“The Phrase Which Must Not Be Named that starts with a ‘B’ and ends in the word ‘up?’”
“Yeah, I…No, I don’t even want to talk about it, Damia.”
“That's adorable.” You rest your forehead against his sternum and whine. He cups the base of your head and you loosely cross your arms behind him. “But I do need to know what made you think of The Phrase Which Must Not Be Named.”
“What if,” you resume hugging him instead of finishing the sentence. “What if I can never learn to trust the addict part of you and it happens?”
“I don’t trust the addict part of me, y/n. After everything that’s happened, I sure as shit don’t expect you to.” You pull away in order to look up in confusion. “Awe, sweetheart. I just need you to trust that this part of me has control over that shithead.”
“But relapse happens and – and you’ll always be an addict and an alcoholic. This is permanently a part of you.”
“Can you trust that I’m always gonna do my damndest not to lose control? And if I do I’m gonna find my way back?” 
“It hasn’t even been three weeks.” Dami opens his mouth, closes it, and nods.
“Yeah thats a fucking good point. Damn.” He’s reeling. It’s interesting to see it happen to someone else. “I’m over here fuckin’...demanding to know when you’re gonna trust me again when I haven’t even given you a full month of stability.” You place a hand on Dami’s cheek, trying to redirect his gaze back to yours so he doesn’t get lost in self-loathing. He turns his head, but looks down. “I’m fucking comparing ‘well, I feel this way about her so –’”
“How do you feel about me?” His eyes flit up and you think the romantic in him might win.
“I feel the same way.” Or not. “Because it's easy to fall in love with somebody again and trust them again when they’re the same person. When they don’t have all this new baggage like I do.” Staring at his feet, Damiano mutters, “Nothing to compensate or…”
“You do not need to compensate, what a ridiculous thing to say!” 
“Okay.” You watch him only partially internalize your words, in the same way he raises his eyes, but doesn’t quite look at you.
“Hey, you getting sober created new character traits that I love and am attracted to.”
“Enough to balance out the shit?” You scoff, taken aback.
“Yes! You’re not a fucking equation, Damia. You are a beautiful, compelling man who contains multitudes with this incredible capacity to create multitudes. Don’t separate yourself into these categories of worthwhile or not worthwhile.”
“It’s so linear. You’re reduced to a collection of likable traits when –”
“I’m going to kiss you now,” he announces. You allow yourself to be pulled in by the back of the head, eyes falling to his mauve, shapely lips. It’s sweet, slow, polite. It’s a gesture. It’s a this-kiss-conveys-my-love-and-respect-because-it's-not-the-kiss-I-wanted-to-give-you gesture. It’s a gesture that reveals he’s forgotten the comment you made earlier this morning.
“Lets,” one syllable and you feel short of breath. “Let's have the big scary talk tonight – tomorrow night! Let's have it tomorrow night.”
“Alright.” Damiano coaxes you back in by holding your chin and brushing his pointer finger back and forth. It tickles faintly and makes you smile into the equally chaste kiss. “Don’t forget, you have therapy today.”
“I’m only here to avoid the missed appointment fee, honestly.” You slouch, as if trying to disappear into the chartreuse loveseat. 
“Oh?” Your therapist puts pen to paper and waits for elaboration. You stare at the floor and feel the pressure of tears behind your eyes. It's been like that since leaving the apartment, as though you were one inconvenience away from crying.
“Your disposition is certainly much different from our recent sessions.” Dr. Borough gives you another chance to speak, which you don’t take. She’s wearing all beige, minus an oversized necklace of reflective black beads. The color palette certainly suits the mood.
“Is it Damiano, work, anxiety that's been weighing on you?”
“All of the above.” After arriving 13 minutes late for work, Izolda called you into her stuffy, windowless office. She chastised you for being tardy twice in two weeks and you didn’t have the balls to point out that she’d personally excused the first instance. There were vague references to your performance review and callous comments about “allowing personal experiences to impede project outcomes.”
“Wow. So it's been a tough week?”
“It’s been emotionally laborious…So, yeah. Tough, I guess.”
“But productive?”
“Not when it comes to my job. That place is so devoid of humanity that I can feel part of my soul dying.”
“Sounds like you might need a change. Have you tried searching for –”
“I can’t handle a career change right now!”
“So what can you handle?” Finally, you burst into tears. “Oh, dear.” Dr. Borough pushes the box of tissues across the coffee table. “So what's going on in the other facets of your life? Are you and Damiano on good terms?”
“Yeah. He woke me up with espresso this morning, it was really sweet.” You wipe your face, which leaves a black smudge of hastily applied mascara on the white tissue.  
“And his sobriety?”
“He relapsed trying to reintegrate too fast. It was just booze and he’s been sober since.”
“Wow.” She scribbles on her notepad. “So that must have been triggering.”
“It…It actually made me realize how sturdy he is. Like, he got right back on the wagon and he started really acting like himself the next morning. He didn’t go back to being an asshole with a passive death wish, he did the opposite.”
“So that sounds like great news!”
“I was such a mess, such a fucking mess.” The note taking intensifies. Somehow Dr. Borough is already halfway down the page. “He was so supportive! And he basically confronted me.”
“You mean comforted?”
“No. Well, yes. He’s noticed that I’m always in my head, trying to figure out the correct or most true course of action. And he said I didn’t need to be, because I wasn’t going to ruin his sobriety. Because he was taking care of his sobriety with a bunch of people at his rehab and stuff, so I didn’t need to prioritize it anymore. I could just prioritize myself and I could depend on him because he’s gotten to a point where he can be my support and also stay sober. But I –” you devolve into sobbing.
“Alright, take a moment. Just take a moment, y/n.” Dr. Borough doesn’t look up from her notepad for several seconds. “So, that's huge! How many days ago was that? You must be emotionally drained.”
“Yeah, from not dealing with it.”
“You’re emotionally drained from purposefully ignoring emotions?”
“Alright.” Visibly processing, Dr. Borough adjusts her teal glasses and sits back. “Tell me about that.”
“Damiano just keeps pressing the issue. He wants to deconstruct and cross-examine the whole fucking situation immediately.” 
“Is this usually the case, him pursuing hard conversations and you avoiding? In the past, you’ve mentioned having great communication.” It feels like an accusation that you’ve failed Damiano somehow.
“No, I’m just not ready.”
“Ready for what?” 
“These fucking exhausting, weighty conversations!”
“What about them are you not ready for? In my experience, you can be very articulate, especially when it comes to emotions.”
“I’m not scared of talking about our feelings. We talk about our feelings all the time, anyways. I’m not even scared of conflict. We’ve fought twice this week already!”
“Oh, really?”
“But we work it out because we can admit that we’re wrong. We don’t get off on resenting or controlling each other.”
“What were those fights about?”
“This! Me!”
“Ugh!” You throw your head back and groan. “He…thinks that I’m unhappy. I’m making myself miserable trying to do the right thing or by trying to control…something, us.”
“The right thing?” She raises one thinning eyebrow. 
“What's best for me.”
“Doing what's best for you is doing what makes you happy. It’s doing what makes you fulfilled, puts you on the path to achieve your goals.” Dr. Borough pauses, staring at you pointedly. “In terms of Damiano. What are your goals? What will make you fulfilled?”
“Being together for real, harmonious, mind, body, and soul.”
“And are your current choices facilitating that?” You feel claustrophobic, fingernails digging into the heel of your hand again. “Why the anxiety?” 
“Because I can’t control him!”
“True. But that’s always been true, y/n.”
“Doesn’t fucking matter what my goals are if the other person doesn’t feel the same.”
“You think Damiano doesn’t feel the same?”
“Well, no. I know he does.”
“Alright. So let's talk about this desire to control him.” That definitely felt like an accusation. “I just watched you have a strong reaction. Why don’t you explain that to me.” Pen to paper, Dr. Borough waits while you roll your eyes and huff in annoyance.
“Before I ever stepped foot in this office, I knew that the desire to control another person was toxic. I was already taking steps to ignore that desire when I felt it.”
“So you’re not trying to control him? That's not what's making you miserable?”
“I’m not miserable,” you bite.
“No, you’re not,” she agrees. “But you are experiencing bouts of unhappiness, like right now. You also have clinical anxiety which constantly affects your quality of life. Agreed?”
“Yeah…” The section of carpet at your feet is more worn than another other spot in the room.
“Explain to me why that is.” You choose to be insolent instead of introspective. 
“It’s impossible to tack down exactly what collection of innate and external factors contribute to any one person developing –”
“Not the anxiety, y/n.”
“I…” don’t know. But Dr. Borough wasn’t going to let you off the hook. She waits expectantly. You check the clock to find that the session isn’t quite halfway done. Damn it.
“Why are you unhappy?”
“I’m at my therapy appointment when I’d much rather be taking a nap.”
“How has your sleep been since Damiano’s relapse?”
“Worse than usual, better than expected. We…”
“Don’t judge me, but the night he relapsed we slept in the same bed. Like, I slept with him on the couch.”
“‘Slept with’ as in…?”
“Cuddled.” You blush all the way up to your ears.
“And that was enjoyable.” It’s apparently obvious from your delivery since Dr. Borough makes a statement, not a question.
“Yeah and…I could hear him crying so hard. I didn’t intend to spend the night there either, but I got sleepy really quick.” A stinging sensation alerts that you’d been picking at your cuticles without realizing. “Because it felt so safe.”
“Huh. So it didn’t feel like the kiss on the plane?”
“No, not at all.”
“Then why are you unhappy?” You glower, finally meeting Dr. Borough’s eyes. She is unfazed. “Damiano has the same relationship goals and it sounds as though he may be ready to act on those goals, right?” You don’t protest, because she’s correct, but you also don’t concede. “So this should be great news! It’s exactly what you wanted, which is why this reaction raises questions. I know it’ll be hard to admit, but maybe now that you have Damiano back, you’ve realized that your feelings towards him have changed.”
“What? No! God, I fucking wish I felt more casually about him. I wish that he couldn’t read my mind and that we didn’t have this fucking soul bond and that I could have a halfway satisfying sex life without him. I want to stop watching him sleep, getting choked up when I see his bougie shampoo in the shower, huffing his dirty gym clothes, and feeling like my heart’s been ripped out because I love him so much. I want to be less in love with him!”
“No, you don’t.” Dr. Borough sets the notepad and pen on her lap and settles into her chair with a smile. There’s been some sort of breakthrough or resolution reached. “So what's the real reason you’re self-sabotaging? Do you feel like you don’t deserve him?”
“Don’t guess.”
“Deep down inside somewhere, probably.”
“So is that it?”
“You’re the therapist.”
“And you’re far from emotionally repressed.” Dr. Borough purses her lips and squints. “So are you afraid of losing him?” You swallow hard, vision blurring with tears.
“Yes, of course. Now with these fucking high stakes conversations, what if something goes wrong?”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. Anything!”
“Based on what you've said so far, it sounds like you guys would work it out.”
“What if we break up?”
“Does it feel like you’re going to break up?”
“No.” You blow your nose and steel yourself. “I need him. I’ve let myself need him again. So I can’t, ca – can’t lose hi – him again. I can’t! It’ll fucking kill me. I don’t care if you think that's dramatic, because it genuinely feels like I’d die of heartbreak. Even thinking a – about it, can’t – I ca – ca –can’t breathe!” Dr. Borough ends up talking you off the edge of a panic attack. You think that’ll earn some slack, but it doesn’t. 
“Okay, so just take small sips of water.” She uses her most soothing voice as you hold the paper cup in a trembling hand. “I’m going to be candid with you, y/n. Breaking up has always been a possibility and you’ve functioned despite it for years. Damiano dying of an overdose, however, is new. I think that’s what’s scaring you, the fact that death is irreparable.” You manage a nod. “Alright. That risk factor is never going away. So you have to decide if he’s worth it.”
“Of course he’s…” It's reminiscent of what Dami said this morning, which forces you to acknowledge that he was probably right. Putting the pieces back together was going to feel terrifying and you had to do it anyway. “I have all these rules to stop things from progressing before I’m ready. But maybe I’m never going to feel ready.”
“To stop Dami from getting too close, from things getting too intimate. I compartmentalized so damn much and I…every time I let him a little bit closer, it's like being hit by a semi-truck.”
“Reminders of his substance abuse?”
“No, beautiful memories of how our love manifested, all the ways we connected and felt at home in each other, felt profoundly understood. Memories of being joyous and intimate and becoming better people together.” Dr. Borough is noticeably moved. 
“You choose to close yourself off to that because of the possibility of pain?” 
“That’s not living.” Finally, someone had just outright said it. You should feel stunned, but you don’t. “We’ve talked about living versus surviving in terms of your anxiety. The same can happen after trauma. Seeing Dami on life support –”
“Haven’t we already talked about that enough?” Reflexively, you make yourself smaller, hunkering down to survive this horrendous topic.
“I don’t know. Based on this reaction –”
“Based on this reaction, seeing my soulmate an inch from death is still traumatic? Shocking!”
“Traumatic, absolutely.” The even tonality of her speech is an embarrassing juxtaposition to your reactivity, but you’re still unable to quell it. “And based on your reaction, that memory still holds tremendous power over you.”
“Of fucking course it does! I still can’t even think about it like a real thing that happened to me!”
“I recall you’ve been dealing with a lot of dissociation, recently. More than usual.” Dr. Borough resumes note taking.
“Why do you think that is?”
“Because I can’t handle what's happening around me,” you reply, monotonously.
“You think you can’t handle what's happening around you because a parentified, 15-year-old y/n without an emotional support system couldn’t handle it.” She pauses. In that space, tears blur your vision until the view of the damaged carpet and scuffed shoes becomes indiscernible. “But now you have an emotional support system. You are deserving of an emotional support system, which is something that your parents failed to model in your childhood.” Again, Dr. Borough gives you space to speak, but you curl into a ball, instead. She nudges the tissues further across the table with an empathetic expression. “So you’re protecting her.”
“I am not protecting my mother,” you grumble.
“Not your mother. You’ve been protecting 15-year-old y/n, shielding her. And now you’re protecting the y/n who was confronted by the mortality of her support system’s keystone. Neither of them could handle the present moment, but you can.” Dr. Borough cleans her glasses while waiting for you to say something. Maybe it's an intentional respite from being examined.
“What – How can –” your first reaction is to splutter incredulously. “I’m not, I mean I’m – That's just human development, isn’t it? Burning your hand on the stove teaches you not to touch a hot stove. Burns are bad. They scar, they get infected.”
“Y/n, you are not avoiding a burn. You are eating takeout for every meal to avoid going in the kitchen at all. You are putting on noise canceling headphones everytime someone says the word ‘stove’ and singing to yourself loudly. In this metaphor –”
“I get it, I get it.” Well, shit.
“You’ve heard me say this before: the anxiety, the trauma isn’t your fault. However, coping constructively is still your responsibility. And, yes, that’s unfair. You had to live for your emotionally unequipped parents. In reaction to that hospital visit, I think you may have done a bit of living for Damiano when he was emotionally unequipped for sobriety. Now you’re living for the versions of yourself that are emotionally unequipped to handle the present. But it won’t break you like it might have then.”
“How can you know that!? How…I just want time to recover! I want to be certain!”
“There will never be certainty and there will never be a pause button. I know that's a really hard reality to face with clinical anxiety.” Dr. Borough sets her elbows on her notepad and leans forward. “But y/n, face it you must.”
You hold it together on the drive home. Knowing that Dami will be on a Zoom call with his songwriting and production team, you don’t want to walk through the front door a mess and distract him. Unfortunately, Spotify decides to play Folklore-era Taylor Swift as you pull into the parking garage.
I knew you/Hand under my sweatshirt/Baby, kiss it better
By the time the car is parked, you’re already crying. Your first group outing as a couple was a Roma football game with most of his friends and several cousins. The omnipresent barrage of screaming made your ears ring and triggered a panic attack. You tried to suppress your reaction, for which you’d finally receive a diagnosis just weeks later. When that became impossible, you settled on concealing your emotions until it passed. Just don’t freak out. For fucks sake, don’t embaress yourself. 
Having turned your focus inward, the roar of the audience was a surprise and so inescapably loud that it couldn’t even be described by volume. The sound became a tangible force, beating you over the head. So you fled, hands clamped over your ears, tears flowing. It seemed like every person you passed chided you. 
“‘Msorry, ‘msorry, ‘msorry, ‘msorry, ‘msorry,” you repeated, voice frail and high-pitched with terror. The adrenaline at least made climbing all those steps easier. Upon reaching the hallway at the top of the staircase, you turned around to scan the field, determining it was a good time to drop your hands. That's when you saw 18-year-old Damiano huffing and puffing, all focus dropped from the game behind him. 
“Hey,” he panted, expression confused. “Hey, you just…Are you okay?” You shook your head, mouth contorted into an ugly shape. “Well, come here, baby.” Dami opened his arms like it was obviously the next logical step to hold you. The gesture revealed that he’d remembered your purse and was wearing it. You could have blurted out “I love you,” right then and there. His sparkling, empathetic eyes framed by smeared eyeliner, outstretched hands decorated by gaudy rings, and wearing his lucky sneakers which were at least a size too small. A couple middle-aged, balding men looked him up and down in disgust. Dami didn’t even notice.
“You need a hug,’ he decided, wrapping you up. 
“Thanks,” you croaked, trembling arms finding steadiness where they held him. 
“What’s wrong with her?” asked a male voice passing by.
“Nothings wrong with her! Who the fuck are you, eh?”
“Sorry, man.”
“No, who the fuck do you think you are saying that?”
“You’re in the middle of the walkway, dude.”
“And you’re in the middle of my fucking business, asshole!”
“Damia,” you murmured.
“Sorry, sorry.” You wondered if he could discern your smile against his pilling jersey. The fabric made your face feel raw after exposure to the ruthlessly cold gusts of wind that swept up the sides of the stadium. Still, you felt compelled to hug him tighter, but ignored the compulsion so as not to encourage Damiano acting like an attack dog. But fuck if it hadn’t made you feel chosen at age 18, coming from a family who’s attitude was god forbid your emotions inconvenience anyone. 
Damiano didn’t think you were too emotional, the girl choking on her own tears over a football audience being predictably loud. He stood in the stadium’s walkway, inconveniencing everyone else to prioritize comforting you. Despite not knowing what was awry, he still managed to be soothing. Dami’s inexplicably warm hands rubbed your back under the Roma sweatshirt you wore – actually his, of course. He hummed music from the radio with a cheek pressed to your head and you subsequently felt the music’s vibrations. It tickled. An unfamiliar sensation burgeoned in the darkest recesses of your heart. Not then, but eventually, you’d come to know it as stillness.
Notes: Don't yell at me I warned you! Also I'll post the next part (the smuttastic part) when this post has 40 notes hehe
-XOXO Eden
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maneskinhouse · 2 years ago
“C’mon, don’t cry on me now. Nobody wants to gangbang a crying girl,” he murmurs.
Vic chuckles wetly. “You’d be surprised.”
He shares the laugh but then unwraps her from the embrace so he can look her in the eyes. “Yeah, but this isn’t p0rn. This is a reasonable gangbang where everyone is friends and respectful of each other and knows this is just performative. No judgement whatsoever.”
Read the series by on AO3 (Explicit: only suitable for adults)
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lifeofa-fangirl · 1 year ago
Aaaaaah how cute is this *insert heart eyes*. Warm and fluffy and soft coziness! This made me smile so big!!
“Dance with me”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fluff
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The door opened with a bang! Stumbling in was a very drunk Damiano and a very sober and annoyed Ethan.
“AMORE MIO!!” Damiano shouted seeing Y/n leaning on the wall of the hallway. His eyes lit up like sparklers on bonfire night. Y/n knew the band had an after party for getting nominated for a music award and another song going platinum. Well deserved of course, but that one after party turned into three. One drink turned into ‘lets buy everyone a round’ and by the time Damiano fell into his shared apartment it was near morning. His fiance, his beautiful ‘stellina‘ was near done with his antics. Though would never admit how amused she was at this situation. Ethan nodded a goodbye and shut the door behind him.
Damiano dressed in his red coat with the gold buttons. Y/n had always commented that it made him look like some vintage protagonist. Cary Grant, Fred Astaire type. Those dashing men in clean suits and handsome faces of the by gone era made her heart grow fuzzy and soft. Damiano was one of the modern age. Bright and shiny. Ready to speed out into the world with a bolt of lighting! Energy zapping from his finger tips in everything he touched. Including his forehead resting on Y/n’s shoulder right then. His lips mumbling things in Italian Y/n hadn’t quiet learned just yet. Slurred intoxication didn’t help with understanding her prince charming either. Bolstering an arm around his waist she got him to the living room silently.
“Baby? You stayed up for me…”
    “That a question or a statement darling?” Y/n inquired more interested in taking off his shoes at the moment. Picking up his ankle he watched Y/n set his foot on her knee, her hands working at the laces of his platform boots. 
“You mad at me?”
    “No darling, I am just very tired. Did you have fun tonight?”
“You’re mad at me!!” Crossing his arms across his chest in a huff. Drunk Dami came in stages, 1. slightly more outgoing, louder Damiano. 2. Performer Damiano who got up on stages and stole mics to sing. 3. Horny Damiano then finally stage 4. Child Damiano. Where he huffed and puffed till he was put to bed. Undoing the boot from him Y/n leaned down to kiss the Italians forehead.
    “I wouldn’t kiss you if I was mad at you dear, please be patient.” Y/n rubbed her eye trying to stay awake. Taking his other foot and starting the same process.
“…maybe…..Would you dance with me?”
   “Damiano it’s almost 3 30 in the morning. The time for dancing is long gone. It’s time for sleep now cuore mia“ With his shoes now tucked under the coffee table Damiano stood up. Y/n had wandered to the kitchen getting him a glass of water, and he was sure to follow. Had a habit of following her around the house. Would end up reading manga on the office floor while she worked, or into the bathroom to continue the conversation. Little things that kept her in his sight.
And to drunk Damiano right now? She was the most loving, caring, created thing on gods green earth. On her birthday Damiano had purchased a long light blue silk nightgown and robe set. Originally meant it to be sexy, but it ended up as lounge around the house wear. Had lace at the neckline, billowy and a layer of tulle swished around her legs as she waltzed in the kitchen. For to him Y/n never just walked. She waltzed, she floated on air, or on the spare chance she was in the mood stepped on him and it was great. Right now with the fuzzy vision of too many drinks she was magic. A cold glass was put into his hand and she raised a brow at him. Seeing the water he took a drink. His other hand grabbed onto the light blue fabric. Playing with it between his fingers.
     “Dance with me love?” Damiano asked again putting the glass down.
She sighed pulling his hand in hers. “You aren’t gonna give this up aren’t you?” He grinned stumbling both of them into the living room. Putting on a playlist they made back when they were just dating it was a soft reminder of where they came from. Songs like ‘unforgettable’ by Nat King Cole and ‘Belong to me’ by Jo Stafford poured into the room note by note. His hand reached around to her waist and hers fixed itself to his neck. Rubbing small circles into his skin. The other arm extended out causing them to sway.
     “I am so glad to be marrying you….You are truly the most amazing woman I’ve ever seen”
“You are an awful flirt when you’re drunk”
      “I am, but I still love you the same.”
“And I love you the same. Till the day I pass from this earth.”
      “Now who’s the flirt?” He cut into a fit of giggles, still trying to dance.
“Oh hush you big lug”
So they danced. Her nightgown drifting over the carpet. His feet stepping side to side. The morning approaching, but on the backs of turtles it seemed. For they had forever. Like this. They would always have forever.
————————–la fin———–
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writersblockiskillingme · 1 year ago
Can you please do a Damiano fell in love with his long time friend/band mate (reader) who is the backup singer (bc their voices complement each others perfectly) and writes a song about her and sings it to her on stage, confessing his love. (the other band mates know abt it).
I’m in my delusional era
Only Angel | Damiano David
Pairing: Damiano David x fem!reader (Måneskin bandmate)
Summary: You were in love with him for a very long time, but you didn't know that he loved you back. Until he decided to do something about it.
Warning/s: pet name (angel), just a little bit of good all angst, smut +18, degradation, teasing, prising, dom/sub, few curse words, mentions of alcohol and weed, cigarettes, mentions of one night stands, grammar and spelling mistakes, Google translated Italian (sorry, please tell me in the comments if I made any mistakes so I can fix them)
Author's note: This one's been a long time coming, but enjoy!
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I saw this angel
I really saw an angel
Open up your eyes, shut your mouth and see
That I'm still the only one who's been in love with me
I'm just happy getting you stuck in between my teeth
And there's nothing I can do about it
Damiano could still remember the first time he met her.
She was the first singer that Måneskin (Back then just Victoria and Thomas) recruited for the band. He could remember it as if it was yesterday.
His hands were sweating as hell as he walked through the hallway of a "made up", improved studio that belongs to the future, back-then-still-in-making, rock band Måneskin. He remembered how nervous he was, but that nervousness compared to the one he experienced as he walked into the studio was nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not a big deal at all.
As he reached his stop, he looked up and saw a guy with blonde hair messing with his guitar, and he saw a blonde haired girl standing next to him, watching him. They didn't notice him just yet.
Damiano turned his head away from them and decided to focus his gaze on a girl sitting in a chair with a pen and journal in her hands, ashtray sitting on the armrest of the chair. She was lightly gripping the pen as she wrote and crossed and scrambled the words on a piece of paper in the journal. Her (h/l) (h/c) covered her eyes slightly. He could clearly see her red lips moving, even tho she had a half finished cigarette in her mouth. She was probably mumbling the word of the, what was probably, a song she was writing.
She was mumbling so quietly, but somehow he could still hear her voice. It was beautiful, he felt like he was falling into a trans. He felt himself freezing like a deer in headlights when he saw her look up at him.
Her face steached into a smile, cigarette no longer lingering on her lips as she reached out and placed it on an ashtray. Her (e/c) shining like the sun, her hair no longer covering them from him. She stood up and started to walk up to him. That's the moment when Vic and Thomas noticed him, too.
He noticed the grace she was carrying herself with. It was as if she was floating. It was a sight to behold for sure.
"Ciao! Tu devi essere Damiano David." [Hi! You must be Damiano David.] She said and he felt like his breath was knocked out of his lungs when he heard her angelic voice speak to him.
"SÌ. Quello... sono io." [Yes. That's me.] He stuttered for a bit and that shocked him to his core. He never stuttered before, it felt weird. He didn't like that.
"Sorprendente. Io sono (Y/N) e loro sono Thomas e Victoria." [Amazing. I'm (Y/N) and this is Thomas and Victoria.] She introduced herself, Thomas and Vic.
And so, after a few quick hellos were exchanged, they pulled him in front of the mic and they preformed one song with him and one where he had to sing alone. It turned out that (Y/N) and he sing together perfectly. Their voices simply sound so good together. However, since that day something followed Damiano. Something that he couldn't quite place for a little bit.
Broke a finger knocking on your bedroom door
I got splinters in my knuckles crawling across the floor
Couldn't take you home to mother in a skirt that short
But I think that's what I like about it
She's an angel
Only angel
She's an angel
My only angel
Over the years Damiano and (Y/N) started to get closer and closer to each other.
At first it was innocent, truly. The two of them would talk with each other more than they would with Vic, Thomas or Ethan. Everyone soon noticed how close they were. They started to become very good friends. They had a lot of thing in common. They liked the same music, the same artists, everything! They somehow never ran out of topics to have a conversation about. It was amazing, really.
They would go out to get coffee, pizza, they went to bars and local parties together. They would come to each other's houses and just watch TV and get drunk or, sometimes even, high. They would drink some shitty wine that they would find in some shitty liquor store and would fall asleep on top of each other on the couch.
They would write and sing songs with each other. They liked each other's voices, but most of all, they liked how they sounded together. A match made in heaven, indeed.
However, over the years something changed. As they grew, the band did, too and so did their feelings for one another. Damiano watched everything she did whenever she was in his presence. He practically adored the ground she was walking on. It was amazing to experience. And to watch, too.
Vic was the first one to notice, of course. She would easily notice the longing glances that they would send each other while they thought that nobody was looking. She tried to talk to them about it. They would just brush it off.
"She is just my best friend, come on, Vic!"
"He's just a friend to me. Nothing more!"
Of course, Vic wasn't stupid, and neither were Thomas and Ethan. They soon figured what was up, too. The three musicians really tried everything in their power to get them to know what the other was feeling, but it felt like it was impossible to do that.
The problem was that Damiano and (Y/N) thought that the other didn't like them like that. And so from one problem, another one was born.
One night stands.
They both thought that if they see other people they could push their feelings away. However, when did that work out?
Damiano could still remember it. He walked down the hallway of the hotel that they were staying in because of their performance in New York. He watched her and some random guy practically eat each other's faces as she started to push him into her hotel room.
The last thing that he saw were the stains of red lipstick before he started doing it two.
I must admit I thought I'd like to make you mine
As I went about my business through the warning signs
End up meeting in the hallway every single time
And there's nothing we can do about it
Damiano had officially had enough. Watching her bringing guy after guy in her hotel room, him bringing girl after girl. It was too much. He couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't just stand aside as he watched and heard everything those guys did when it should be him doing it to his angel.
So one night he gathered his courage and knocked on her door so hard he almost got splinters in his knuckles from the wooden door. The moment she opened the door he spilled his feelings to her and so this is how they ended up there.
Damiano was quick to notice a bruise in the corner of her neck. Her pathetic attempt to cover it with her hair was not doing it. He felt anger fill his body to the brim. He knew that he had no reason to be angry, she wasn't his. Perhaps that was what angered him.
"You seem angry." (Y/N) was quick to point it out, her face forming a concerned look. "Why are you mad?"
"I'm not mad." Damiano spat out, proving her point. "I just think that you can choose better people to share spit with, angel. That's all."
"Excuse me?!" (Y/N) couldn't help but to yell in his face in the middle of the hallway. "What the hell is wrong with you, Damiano?"
"Was it worth it?" He asked her, his voice dangerously low. It send shivers down her spine.
"Is you hating me right now your new personality trait?"
She knew that that wasn't justified. She knew how bold of her that was. She knew that he didn't actually hate her, at least she hoped that he didn't. The truth was that she grew nervous under his gaze. His gaze, his tone, sudden realization of what he was talking about... it made her nervous as hell. She didn't know what to do.
"Was it worth it?" He kept his voice low and she knew that she couldn't avoid the topic any longer as much as she wanted to.
"I don't know what to say, Damiano."
"Oh, don't bullshit me, (Y/N)!" Damiano's voice rang in the hallway of the huge hotel in the middle of New York. He didn't give a flying fuck that it was night. That her "neighbors" were probably asleep. He didn't care about anything but his angel.
"Watcing you with so many guys who can't give you what I can... it draw me crazy." He finally confessed as he watched her in science of the hallway, frozen, confused. "You still don't get it, do you? It's because I love you."
"Now I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't feel the same way." Damiano told her as he pinned her against the door of her bedroom. Her breath getting stuck in her throat as she listened to his rough voice speak. "Just then I will leave you alone."
"I can't." She whispered, feeling so small compared to him right now.
"And why is that, angel."
"Because... I'm not even gonna lie, I'm just so fucking obsessed with you, you have no idea."
That's all he needed.
Told it to her brother and she told it to me
That she's gonna be an angel, just you wait and see
When it turns out she's a devil in between the sheets
And there's nothing she can do about it
Hey, hey
His lips felt so familiar yet so unknown to her. His breathing had become more strained.
"Damn it all to hell, if I don't get to have you tonight then I'm never going to be able to have you."
"Who says it has to be that way." (Y/N) said as she gasped in pleasure as he started to suck the skin on her neck.
His muscles tensed with every thrust. She finally allowed herself to sink into the mattress, into her pillow. She finally allowed herself to have him and for him to have her. She felt his hands flattering against her spine as he drew her closer to him as if that was physically possible.
"Arch your back for me, angel."
She felt herself gasping in pleasure as she did what he asked her to do. It was hard for him to contain his own sounds, too, as he pumped his thick throbbing cock into her at a constant pace.
"Please..." she was getting overwhelmed with him continuously hitting the right spot deep inside of her.
He grabbed her ankles and lifted her ankles to place them around his waist. She was practically screaming as he continued to split her wet pussy at rapid speed. She continued to shudder as he sped up his pace.
"Bet you they don't make you sound like that, do they, angel?"
"Ah- I-"
"Do they!?"
"NOO!" She barely gasped. "They don't... only you can do- ahh- this to mee!"
She openly moaned, screaming as Damiano's cock started swelling and stretching her tight pussy even more then before. And as her orgasm hit, she began to cry. He didn't care, he continued to thrust repeatedly, no signs of stopping or at least slowing down.
"I want you to remember everything fucking seconds of this."
She was overstimulated, but the tears of pleasure continued to flow.
He suddenly pulled out, erotic sound of cum mixed together filled the deafening silence in her room. He's fiery kisses started to trail down to her soaked pussy. Soon he started to suck her clit, but he moved away when he felt your hands on his head. He removed his tongue as he repositioned himself near your ass.
"Mhh!" (Y/N) tried to gain her voice back so she could speak again. "Don't! Too much!"
"Shhh... my beautiful angel." He cooed to her. "I'm sure that you've got one more in you. Will you be a good little angel and take what I have to give you?" His words were mocking and teasing at the same time as she nodded her head as much as she could before she pushed herself further into her pillow.
"Good girl."
He slowly began to enter her again, he was lubricated by her dripping juices. The thrusts began to increase again as she screamed his name, shaking. However, soon she found herself moving to meet his rough, pleasurable thrusts, which synchronized.
She was drowning in pleasure, she couldn't comprehend what was happening anymore. However she knew one thing, every time that fat cock hit her cervix, she got closer and closer to her much needed release.
She's an angel
Only angel
She's an angel
My only angel
She's an angel
Only angel
She's an angel
My only angel
Wanna die, wanna die, wanna die tonight
Wanna die, wanna die, wanna die tonight
Wanna die, wanna die, wanna die tonight
The stadium was big. The light were truly blinging (Y/N). The adrenaline was pumping through your veins. She was so happy, so full of euphoria even tho her throat felt so sore from all the singing and her muscles were hurting her.
On the other hand Damiano felt like he was going to faint. Yes, he was euphoric and happy, too. He was so happy and excited for the even bigger future of Måneskin, but he felt nervous.
For years he was in love with this girl. He always gave his best to express it as best as he possibly could. But nothing felt good enough. His angel deserved the world, even more so. He loved her so much the fraze "to the moon and back" simply couldn't cut it.
So he decided to express his love for her in a way that he did best. He wrote her a song. And so with a deep breath, and Victoria's pep talk before he went on the stage, he stepped forward.
"How are we feeling tonight, LA!?" Damiano shouted and his shout was followed by screaming and clapping of the fans.
"So tonight you are going to hear a song you have never heard before!! You excited!!??"
Damiano had to cover his ears a little because the screaming of the fans became a little bit too much. Still he found himself laughing with excitement. Like he always did. He looked a little to the side where (Y/N) was standing so he could take a little peak at her face. Confused was not a good enough word to explain the look on her face when she heard what Damiano had said and Vic, Thomas nor Ethan didn't say anything. He wrote a song? Without me? (Y/N) though to herself.
"This song I will sing alone." Damiano said and (Y/N) got even more confused.
"You see, I met this girl a long time ago and I felt like I loved her the moment I saw her. I wanted to express my love to her and to the entire world so I wrote this song for her." Damiano continued.
The crowd was already loosing their minds as Damiano stepped took the microphone form it's stand, but when Damiano said the next words and started singing all hell broke loose.
"This song is for you, (Y/N). My only angel."
She's an angel
Only angel
She's an angel
My only angel
She's an angel
My only angel
She's an angel
My-my-my only angel
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pjisskullourful · 3 months ago
·.★·.·´¯ 🅱🅰🅲🅺🆂🆃🅰🅶🅴 🅳🅾🅾🆁🆂 ´¯·.·★.·
🚪Damiano × reader
18+ readers only! 🔥 very explicit feral schenanigans, shamelessly dirty& degrading
° Damiano David/female reader insert
° Everyone wants to fuck him. This wasn't a brand new concept to you. But tonight the knowledge came with some extra weight. -- watching the audience lust after your boyfriend puts you in a proactive mood
wordcount::: 3,185
° anon request: Y/n giving him a blow job after a show and he's all sweaty and panting and he's making the best sounds and is just loving it- thankyou for sharing your ideas with me 💋 requests are soo open! but commissions get priority, secure your spot in my priority list here!
° lyrics stolen from michael jackson
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she waits at backstage doors for those who have prestige
This wasn't the first time you had watched a Måneskin concert, in the six months that you had been dating Damiano you had seen a bunch of their live shows.
But you were still surprised by how the crowd responded to him. He could keep them so consistently excited, they were captivated by every move, screaming with complete abandon. From your spot backstage, you could see some signs being held up, and most of them were explicit in nature. Then the bras went flying at him, launched through the air to land at his feet, unprompted. How much had those bras cost?
It was a strange notion to think that yours wasn't the only bra he would touch tonight. This intimate act was offered so freely to him and by a large number of people (you imagined there were more pieces of lingerie that hadn't been thrown hard enough to make it to the stage). They were willing to part with their possessions for a shot at intimacy with him.
Everyone wants to fuck him. This wasn't a brand new concept to you. But tonight the knowledge came with some extra weight. Your fingers curled into your palms until you could feel the nails pressing on the skin as you wondered what they were doing to him in their fantasies.
You had the rest of the gig to move away from this jealousy. Eventually you could keep your eyes off of the crowd, instead watching for the fun little subtleties in his performance. You kept reminding yourself that you were the only one who got to have him. But simply thinking it didn't feel good enough after a while, you needed to act.
You were upon him as soon as he got off stage, coming into this private area, covered in so much sweat that his bare torso glistened. Usually you greeted him with a bottle of water, but that wasn't going to cut it tonight. You threw your arms around him, feeling like you had been waiting days to kiss him. He didn't resist, his arms moving around you as he kissed you back. He didn't prioritise catching his breath, just letting you enjoy his mouth. The activity of so many people backstage carried on without any input from either of you.
“It was a good show?” He asked, stealing more kisses in the quick pauses between words. “Did you have fun?”
You nodded, dragging your fingers over his scalp. “Uh-huh. But the real fun is just starting.”
He had gotten his breath back, but his cheeks were still filled with a bright blush. “What are you talking about?”
You grinned, sparing only quick glances to either side to make sure no one was close enough to hear. You moved in, speaking into his ear. “I wanna blow you.”
He was looking around to see how much privacy you currently had, a nervous smile on his face. He put his hands over yours, gently guiding them away from his head. “We should be able to leave for the hotel soon.” He kissed the palm of your hand. “Real soon.” He kissed the other. “There's no plans for the rest of the night ‘cause we have to be up so early for recording and…”
“I don't think you understand.” You said with a little extra firmness of tone. “I want it right now. I've been thinking of little spots that we could sneak off to. 'Cause I'm not gonna be able to think clearly until your cum is in my throat.”
His eyes grew very wide and for a moment he was just frozen, seeming like he didn't know how to process this. He looked all around the two of you again.
“Oh, are you shy now?” You asked with a teasing smile, interlacing your fingers with his.
“No, not shy. You’ve really caught me by surprise, that’s all.” He said.
“Do you want to hear about the private spots I’ve found, or do you want to wait until we’re back at the hotel?” You asked.
He relaxed enough to show you a smile. “Let's go hide, my little fucktoy.”
A strong heat coursed through your veins at hearing that and you grabbed him to give him more kisses. But you didn't let yourself become distracted by this indulgence. You pulled away before too long and started off, away from this main hub of activity.
You held his hand as you led the way. He kept up with you, only occasionally slowing so that he could speak to someone as you were passing, quickly telling them that he would be back in five minutes. No one questioned him for more details, so you didn't have to give any attention to them, they were just part of the scenery.
You took him down a hallway, past the door to his individual dressing room. You left the carpeted floor, no longer hearing the conversations of others, in addition to seeing no other members of the Måneskin entourage. You walked down a small flight of stairs, turning left instead of going through a double fire exit door. You sought out the shadows beneath the stairs, going into this grimy area.
You turned to face him as you backed up to the rough concrete wall. He allowed you to pull him in, but he wore an unsure expression.
“I’ve definitely seen more romantic places.” He said.
“I didn’t say it was gonna be romantic, I said it was private.” You said.
He still didn’t appear impressed, checking around over his shoulder. “Are you sure? If someone goes looking for me ‘cause they think I’m having a smoke, they’re going to check out that door.”
“We can go back to your dressing room. But that’s the first place anyone is gonna look for you.” You said. “If they see that door is shut, they’ll assume you’re getting changed or something, they’ll wait, which gives us more time.”
“Getting blown in a dressing room is kinda basic.” He said, smiling again.
You used both of your hands on his arm, tugging like it was a length of rope. “So basic and my daddy isn’t basic.”
The look on his face told you that no further convincing was required. You had made use of his private nickname at the right time and now he was on board, coming even closer to you in this unremarkable space.
You put your hand to his cheek, which was still a little moist with sweat. As you kissed him, you wrapped an arm around his shoulders, gripping his body to you. His hands went to your back as you eased your tongue into his mouth. You worked the front of your body against his, working towards your goal of getting him to forget about the existence of everyone but you.
He was starting to show you how receptive he was, leaning into you more. But you broke off the kiss, rather than letting him settle into a rhythm. His hands gripped your back harder, clearly wanting to pull you in. Instead you lowered yourself down and his eyes got a little wider as he watched you progress to the ground.
Your dress didn’t protect your knees, but you didn’t care to consider how long it had been since this section of the floor had been cleaned. He side-stepped further under the stairs, barely any light touching him as he put his back to the wall. You turned to face him, kneeling directly in front of his feet.
His hands began to play with your hair as you reached for the waistband of his pants. There was a quiver in your thighs, you were so excited to get to just concentrate on your desires (they kept multiplying).
You saw the way he was smiling before you lowered your eyes to what was directly in front of your face. Your hands went to the buckle of his belt. As you started to undo this you leaned in, your mouth open. You dragged your tongue along his happy trail, collecting some of the sweat that remained amongst the hairs. This gave you a taste different to what you could draw from his mouth - saltier, more primal. You heard him let out a sigh as he curled some of your hair around his fingers.
You got the belt and pants open, pulling them down about an inch. You took his underwear down a little, pulling the waistband away from his body so you could reach inside. His fingers tensed around your hair as you secured his length in your hand, freeing it from the confines of his clothes.
He was already stiffening, maybe his mind was racing just as much as yours. You licked your lips as you kept your fingers loosely wrapped around his cock. You slowly stroked up-and-down, just feeling how warm he was getting as more blood flowed to this area.
You took your hand down towards his base, using this to hold the shaft steady. Then you opened your mouth, extending your tongue. This time you applied it to his head, feeling even more heat. His desires were becoming clearer as he slightly pulled on your hair, holding the strands taut now, a long way from causing any pain yet.
Your tastebuds were graced by this intimate flavour as you worked your tongue up-and-down his tip. You progressed to spreading your saliva all over the crown of his dick, twirling your tongue all around the bulb.
As you teased this concentrated area, you applied your unoccupied hand to his balls. You held them firmly, your fingers conforming to their shape.
You wrapped your lips around his tip, taking this sensitive part into your mouth. Rather than sucking, you continued to play your tongue against the head. This was coordinated to how you began to caress his balls.
“I’ve been trying to listen out for footsteps or whatever.” He told you, his voice containing none of the power that he had used to command the entire audience from his stage. “But you’re making it hard to care if someone’s coming or not.” He chuckled breathlessly. “Amongst the other things you’re making hard, baby…”
He had grown to the state of being fully erect, the firmness was impossible for you to not notice. You slipped your tongue under him and parted your lips a little wider. Then you moved and took more of him into your mouth, his shaft so hot as it almost filled your mouth.
You set your lips into a firm ring around him and started to work yourself back-and-forth. You established a rhythm, not rushing or trying to guide him into your throat yet. Even though he was moaning quietly, you knew he could get more worked up for you.
You gradually eased yourself back, until his dick slipped out of your mouth with a little pop sound. You hovered your mouth just above his cock and made a new sound as you spat onto him. He gasped and flinched, you loved how it felt to surprise him.
You used your hand to spread this new moisture across his length. You stroked him, faster than before. As you maintained this different tempo you leaned in and started to kiss his skin, exploring the area above his crotch.
He rubbed his fingers against your scalp, the other hand keeping your hair held taut. “You just have to make a mess, don't you, dirty whore?”
You kissed your way up, stopping about halfway between his crotch and his navel. At this spot you began to suck. You worked the skin between your teeth, not letting your tempo on his dick falter. He gasped in more ragged breaths.
As you were sucking on his skin, you were thinking about what he would be wearing on stage tomorrow night.
It was already picked: a pair of black, vinyl pants, which were very low rise. This area you were ravaging would be uncovered by the pants. Every audience member tomorrow night would be seeing your hickey. And he was too dazzled by your stroking to tell you to stop marking him.
“You really missed Daddy this much?” He asked. “I wasn’t even gone that long, but it’s turned you feral.”
You didn’t disagree with his perception, instead keeping your mouth occupied by creating a second hickey. You moved lower, and a little to the left this time. Closer to his cock, you sucked harder, feeling like you were getting away with something.
At the same time you were starting to give his balls brief squeezes, repeatedly tightening your hold then relaxing. You also showed him more intensity by going faster on his length. Occasionally you passed your fingers over his tip.
When you started to feel extra moisture and heat on his tip, you detached your mouth from his skin. Tasting his precum felt more important than making a really dark hickey.
You held your hand still on his cock, feeling it twitch in anticipation. You rubbed the flat of your tongue slowly across his tip, thoroughly collecting what was beading up here. You wrapped your lips around the head and he tried to stabilize himself by reaching a hand back for the wall.
“That’s good.” He quietly whined as you sucked on the tip.
Your hand on his dick went back into motion, stroking up-and-down his length while you kept your lips secured around the tip. He rocked back on his heels, now needing the complete support of the wall.
“Please don’t stop, please toy.” He said amongst other strangled noises.
The hand on your head gripped tighter, his fingers pressing firmly against your skin. You lifted your eyes, taking in the sight of him with his head tossed back. He was desperate now - all worked up and all yours. You savoured this view of him that only existed for you, because you had helped to create it.
Pride and lust combined inside of you, joining to create something more powerful. It was a cocktail that went straight to your head, inspiring you to stroke him faster.
“Fuck, you were right, you were so right, this couldn’t wait until we got back to the hotel.” He said. “I’ll never doubt you again.”
You relaxed your jaw and powered him into your mouth, delivering him quickly to the opening of your throat. You had been moving too fast for him to keep up with. Once he realised what had happened he made a surprised sound, not unlike a squeak.
“Oh my God, that’s good, that’s so, so good. Daddy’s girl knows exactly how to treat that cock.” He said, the compliments only adding to your current high.
You began to work your lips back-and-forth, sacrificing full lungs in the pursuit of hearing more private and needy sounds from him. You didn’t struggle to find a rhythm, establishing a motion you knew would keep him reduced down to just his primal desires. You clenched your thighs together, his passion so prevalent that it was affecting you, too.
Occasionally, you would end a pump by plunging him into your throat. You could give him brief but sharp increases in intensity. Each time this was greeted by him stringing together some curse words as you felt his dick pulse in your throat.
“Goddamn.” He groaned. “You’re going to be the… uh, ah- end of me.”
You knew that you were making a complete mess of your face. Your lipstick would be smeared beyond recognition, probably on your chin, thanks to his balls repeatedly making contact with it. The sporadic way your eyes started to water would be ruining the concealer placed under your eyes. Then there was the sweat and the adrenaline-fuelled blush.
So you had to make sure this was worth it. You bobbed your head at your fastest pace yet, your slicked lips keeping every movement smooth.
He desperately rasped. “You said you needed my cum in your throat and… yuh-you are gonna get it.” He snatched up a handful each of your hair. “Oh God, you’re gonna… I’m guh-... this load is going straight down your fuckin’ throat.”
Your heart was hammering, so high in your chest, as if his anticipation was contagious. You were thoroughly invested in getting to that moment where he fell apart for you.
Your scalp stung when he began to pull on your hair. He tugged the strands, controlling you to take him back to that deep point again-and-again. But the hints of pain didn’t distract or bother you. In fact, it only added to the keen heat between your thighs.
You guessed that now was the time to try for the big finish. You hollowed your cheeks around his length, sucking determinedly. You plunged his head into your throat at the same time. As his hands pulled on your hair, you kept yourself like this, uninterested in easing off.
“Oh, you little slut, you fucking slut, you… oh g-God.” He babbled and you could feel his legs were shaking.
Your lungs were burning for air. The pressure in your throat was treading up to the territory of being too much to take. Your throat involuntarily spasmed, but you didn’t quit sucking, even when tears beaded in the corners of your eyes.
All too soon another spasm was happening. Feeling your throat clamp around him made you want to cough.
But before any action was required from you, he reached the orgasmic peak. You relaxed your cheeks when you felt the prize of his thick cum sliding into your throat. You eased yourself back ever-so-slightly as he continued to hold your hair taut.
“Oh my God, oh God, oh God.” He was moaning as his body stilled.
You opened your eyes, studying his reactions as you swallowed everything his cock shot out. Immense relief was flooding into you as you drew in deep breaths through your nostrils. Watching the tension snap for him gave you a sense of release - surely miniscule compared to what he was experiencing. Nevertheless, there was satisfaction for you to enjoy.
“Wow, baby. You brought out my feral side.” He said as you gradually eased his cock out of your mouth. “I guess I needed that more than I realised. You have a power over me like that.”
You were smiling as you used both hands to collect the moisture around your mouth. “And I didn’t have to try to make it romantic.”
“I can’t believe we didn’t get caught.” He said, hurrying to pull his pants up and conceal his dick again.
“Yep, the whole thing went down without a hitch.” You said.
He offered you a hand and you started to stand up. Once you were high enough, he made an attempt at smoothing your hair. “Are you okay? I wasn’t too rough, was I?”
“Uh-uh.” You said with a shake of your head. “And you better still have more of that feral energy, because it’s my fuckin’ turn when we get back to the hotel.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««  
🍑  taglist: @floral-recs - @gr8rainbowpunk -   @idyllicbutterfly - @maneskindiva - @maneslut - @saschenkaaa   -   @slavicgoddess13 - @elvirabelle - @maneskintifoso     - @thegeminisgirl     - @ha-la-ansia - @butkutee   - @ursulalurks - @itsmaneskinbitch -   @icarodamiano -   @crwnnjules - @paralianeyes - @fand0mskullfa1ry -   @lizzylynch1 - @kammerstx - @myleftsock - @tellmesomething01   -    @adoredamianos - @vittoriaisfuckingpathetic - @gay-for-victoria-de-angelis - @shinshans - @lonnybunnys - @lyricalliz - @lifeofa-fangirl - @chemical-killjoy [join here!]
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hollywoodroses · 6 months ago
Divinity School for Girls: PSA | only on Netflix
A Damiano David fan fiction blurb
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a/n: The fictional Divinity School for Girls is a university, every student is 19 years of age and older.
a/n #2: This is just an introduction to the story, written as a commercial of a Netflix film. Enjoy!
warning: mention of satanism
oh hi, my name is Anna and welcome to the Divinity School for Girls. Located just outside the Vatican in Rome our school is run by head nun, Sister Mary Ragazzi with our medical team lead by youth therapist Dr. Damiano David. Be careful what you wish for as Dr. David is secretly the son of satan, sent to corrupt all the school girls. Applications open for our Fall Semester! [screen goes black] releasing October 31
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lifeofa-fangirl · 1 year ago
How cute is this blurb?? It hits home at the moment (iykyk) and yet I couldn't stop giggling. Wish I had a Damiano to help me back up and make things better. So cute, Laura!!!
can i get a 49 with damiano?? eventually with vic
congrats on 500 followers!!
“You owe me a kiss.” + Damiano
You couldn't remember how it started. Some stupid bet on a drunken night, probably, something harmless and fun, something that had long evolved into a competition between Damiano and you, constantly sizing each other up to see who would pose the next challenge and who would fulfill the dares. It was silly, really.
Bet you can't get Ethan to smile fully with his teeth.
Bet you wouldn't dare put your hand between Thomas' legs on stage.
It usually ended with little forfeits, doing the other's laundry, picking up coffee every morning for a week. You weren't prepared for him to up the ante.
"Bet you don't dare to run on stage like a crazed fan that escaped security and kiss Victoria in front of everyone."
"You severely underestimate me, Damiano. What do I get out of it?"
"If you do it, I'll do whatever you want for a whole day, any day of your choosing. Your personal little slave." You almost blushed at his words but managed to keep your composure. "If you lose, I get a kiss. Not a peck. A real one."
You didn't know what had possessed him, and your mind was spinning with the possibilities that this challenge brought you. A way out of the grey zone, to finally cross the line, to admit what neither of you would say out loud. So you agreed.
You were prepared to do it, too. Standing backstage, watching the band play from the side, you waited for your perfect moment. The beginning of I Wanna Be Your Slaved presented an opportunity, Victoria wasn't playing yet, but distracted enough by the audience, mouthing along to the song. One deep breath, and you ran across the stage, passing Thomas, who looked at you wide-eyed, then Damiano, grinning through the lyrics, and -
You stumbled.
You weren't sure what your foot had gotten caught on, a cable, a water bottle, a towel, but it didn't matter as you felt yourself fall, only just managing to brace yourself with your hands. The music ceased, excited murmurs going through the crowd, camera flashes, and a pair of hands hoisted you back to your feet. You would have rather stayed down, face to the ground, instead of seeing everyone stare at you. Damiano couldn't stop laughing, pressing a hasty kiss to your forehead before pushing you offstage.
"Guess we're going to start that song again!"
The dressing room seemed to be a good place to lick your wounds.
Until the gig ended, that was, and Damiano burst in, still all smiles and amusement.
"You owe me a kiss."
"I don't owe you shit. I would have done it, but you removed me from the stage."
"That was for your own good," he grinned as he plopped down onto the couch next to you. "Maybe a kiss to make it better then?"
"In that case, I should be asking you then, not the other way round."
He was all up in your face now, leaning over, a daring look in his eyes. He had apparently taken a shower right after performing because he smelled divine. It was clouding your senses.
"Maybe you should be asking then."
A look passed between you. His breath on your face. You couldn't find a reason not to.
"Kiss me, Damiano."
Right when his lips met yours, you decided you'd go through any dare he'd suggest if only this was your reward again.
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malina-33 · 2 years ago
Femme Like You - Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Summary: You are the new tour manager for Arctic Monkeys during The Car era. You are practically the only girl in the team, also younger than the rest (27 y.o.), so your skills are immediately called into question. In particular, by the frontman who is not used to being led by a woman.
Word count: 10,2k
Warnings: swearing, emotional swing (is it even a warning?), kind of voyeurism (slight), age gap
A/N: Dear friends, hi!! I know, I know that I've promised you to update the fic every 3 weeks, and the disappeared for 1.5 months, but I spontaneously found a job, so there was very little time. But the chapter is much longer and with some interesting collaborations ;) I'll hope you enjoy them!
And write down what do you think if I make a description of not only the whole work, but also the chapter before each new part? Or is it better to keep the intrigue till the end?
In any case, I look forward to your feedback, it's soooo much important for me. I won't promise to return before the end of September, but I'll do my best not to delay. I already have an interesting plot for the next chapters, you should like it💔
*guys, English isn't my first language so if I have (and I know I have lol) any grammar/logic mistakes don't hesitate to tell me :)
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The first week after meeting with the group flew by unnoticed. You dealt with the documentation, understanding how necessary it is, no matter how much you hated it, phoned the representatives of Ashton Gate stadium, made sure that everything was okay and confirmed the presence of the group and even tried to check the weather since the gig would be held outside. However, it turned out to be a little more difficult with the transport company. Apparently, James forgot to warn them about the temporary removal of his duties, so you had to spend time clarifying the situation and explaining who you are. It seemed that your hands-on approach was excessive, because you were trying to control everything in one time, but only due to the feeling of extra responsibility.
Steven, as promised, sent the contacts of the guys and important people from the technical crew, so now your phone had the names of Jamie Cook, Nick O'Malley, Matthew Helders and Alex "dickhead" Turner among others. 19 years old you would definitely envy yourself. So when you got a message while cooking pasta for dinner on Saturday night, you already knew it was from the drummer and not from an anonymous online scammer.
Matthew Helders: "good evening, Miss Y/S! I hope you aren't busy. We'll wait you on the soundcheck on Monday at 2 pm in Domino, need your advice :)"
You almost overcooked Carbonara bacon rereading the message. "Do they really need my advice?" you whispered, furrowing your brows "About what?". But the only answer was:
You: "Sure! Do I need to take some 12% cider?"
Matthew Helders: "you better not show up without a package lol"
Immediately followed by:
Matthew Helders: "just kidding! We are waiting only for you, but in the company of cider it will be even better)"
You chuckled, surprised at how quickly Matt went from formal Miss at the beginning of the conversation to smiles and lols at the end. To tell the truth, you still didn't fully understand how to behave with them. On the one hand, you are their manager and have a certain influence, as well as subordination. Steven and James don't have it, although they are "higher" in position, but they've been friends for half of a life, and you are a completely new person. On the other hand, in this area there is no place for strict formalities, especially since the guys don't look like those who would comply with them. After all they were big kids no matter how mature and pretentious they could look on stage, and you clearly felt it. Maybe your company will help them to relax even more, so there won't be any awkwardness and you will naturally find an edge where all of you will feel comfortable and which no one will cross.
With those thoughts, Carbonara and Rosé you spent your Saturday night watching your favorite series "La Piovra". You got used to such calm and quiet evenings. The era of parties until the morning has passed in the university years, and it’s not that you don’t go to clubs now, it’s just that the older you become the better you began to appreciate moments of silence. Not to be bored alone with yourself is the most valuable skill that you have acquired in your life. Having lived first with your parents for a long time, then getting married early at the age of 20 and having lived with your husband for 3 years, you were essentially not left alone with yourself. Having discovered over time that you feel absolutely nothing for the person whom you said "yes" to in the registry office, you were horrified and frightened to say at least. You thought that you get married once for a lifetime, but it turned out that happy endings exist only in fairy tales. That period of despondency, depression and eventual deepening into work gave its results. Major labels began to notice you, inviting you to musical projects with famous bands such as Maneskin. You worked with them for 1.5 years, leaving after their heyday at the Eurovision, realizing that you can’t give them more. That was your second decision to leave, but unlike the divorce, it didn't bring you much suffering. You understood that you and the group gave each other a lot, and although the parting was bitter, everyone understood that it was necessary. You still remained friends with the guys and periodically wrote off to meet. You planned to go to their concert, but couldn't find the time. And after your assignment to the Monkeys it became even more harder to shedule.
After the divorce you didn't have a serious relationship, instead you had a dream job, money, a car, a country house and even a corgi Grapes. You weren't afraid of the future, loved the time in seclusion and found inner peace by meditating on the production of cider, which was your unusual but very tasty hobby. Were you fully happy, though? Wouldn't you like to cross the threshold of the house and be met not by a dog's barking, but by a warm kiss on the forehead and a quiet "how was your day"? You probably wanted to, but it was hard to admit, especially considering that the fear of intimacy sat somewhere deep inside, not letting you forget the disappointment that you experienced when you removed the engagement ring from your finger. Although you remained friends who didn't hold evil against each other, the bitterness of your marriage was almost impossible to remove from the memories.
But for now, your head has been occupied by the sudden question of where to put Grapes for the duration of the tour...
Monday morning was sunny and peaceful, you woke up in a surprisingly good mood, put on your make-up, put on your favorite lime flared jeans, loaded a case of apple drink from the basemеnt into the car, patted Grapes and drove off to the studio. The road took about an hour, so during this time you managed to phone your father. You haven't talked much lately due to your workload, and now was almost the only time of the day when you were relatively free. You put the speaker phone mode, listening to the slightly hoarse voice of the man, without being distracted from the road.
"Hello my dear! How are you?"
"Hi daddy, I'm fine, going to work right now"
"My busy bee, James has already told me about your progress" you could hear him chuckle, coughing a little. You could only guess what Ford said to your father, because you spoke to him only once in these 2 weeks, when you recalled him after meeting with the group. And not that your story was very colorful. Therefore, the guys or Steven contacted him, and from this point of view, you couldn't imagine what they possibly come up with towards you.
"He assured me the boys liked you"
"Oh, really?" you said on the exhale, squeezing your hands on the steering wheel tightly.
"Yes, James is pleased with you. Well done, babe!" you melted under his words. It felt like you were a little girl again who drew a family picture that was hung on the refrigerator, even though mom and dad looked like monsters.
"Thank you daddy, I'm very happy to be with them actually"
"Of course, in such a company of men. Should I be jealous? 'Cause I looked through their photos on the Internet" dad said proudly, to which you burst out laughing, stopping at a traffic light.
"Dad, c'mon, no! They're too old for me" you laughed.
"10 years are not a big deal. Anyway, your choice. Just don't forget to eat please, I know how tough you work now. Otherwise you'll get drunk on your cider. God, how did you even manage to get into this alcohol sphere..." the man groaned in prostration. You rolled your eyes, but still smiled without answering. You got used to your father's fast flow of different thoughts.
"And don't roll your eyes, little naughty one! I care about you. So if they hurt you, you know who to call, right?"
"Oi, who will offend whom first" you retorted defiantly.
"Okay okay, I won't interrupt anymore. Kiss Grapes for me. I love you"
"And I love you very much, hello mom"
"I'll pass it on, bye!"
You turned off the call, fully focusing on the road. After talking with your parents, you always felt warm in your soul, so up to the studio you didn't leave a smile when you sang songs from the radio under your breath.
You arrived exactly at 2 o'clock, as agreed with Matt, but when you saw a few more cars in the parking lot in addition to the familiar Cadillac, you realized that the guys had been here for a long time. You must have looked a little ridiculous in a business suit and heels and a wooden box under your arm, but you didn't have other choice. Holding the car key in your mouth and trying to press the button at the same time, you clumsily closed the trunk with your leg. A purse was still dangling somewhere on your shoulder, and sunglasses had slipped from head to the bridge of your nose. "Must be an amazing picture to observe" you thought tiredly "Oh, if only Matt were here".
But before you had time to think about it, you heard a soft laugh behind you. You turned around sharply, noticing the frontman smoking alone near the entrance. You spat the key into the box, finally pressing the right button, and shouted
"And how long do you look?"
"I came exactly at the most interesting moment" man smiled, taking a puff.
You heavily crossed the entire parking lot, approaching him. Turner, having finished smoking a cigarette and throwing it into a nearby trash can, silently took the box from your hands.
"Hi, Y/N" he greeted you wheezing nicotine in the lungs.
"Hi," you frowened a little, but slowly added "Alex".
Calling him by his first name was... Unusual. A week ago the appeal to him was exclusively Mr. Turner, but today he was the first to break this line. "Well, apparently, we will both have problems with the boundaries of what is acceptable" bitterly flashed through your thoughts.
You both entered the building - Alex with a box in front, you behind holding the door. The way was silent. You wanted to say something to break this crystal quietness of his, but by the time you mustered up the courage, you stopped at the door 13A. The vocalist pushed it with his left shoulder, squeezing the alcohol forward, and you trotted along.
As soon as you and Alex entered the sound studio, you were immediately greeted with whistling and loud hooting.
"Look who's here, Miss Y/N"
"Hi, guys! I'm here with gifts as promised" you smiled broadly.
Alex at this time put the box on the table and immediately took one bottle for himself.
You noticed that there were Tyler and Tom in the studio as well, so you mentally praised yourself for taking bottles with a margin. You didn't know them personally yet, but was willing to change it. Turner introduced you to the men, and surprisingly you didn't hear his usual sneer in the voice.
"So, welcome Y/N Y/S, she's our manager for the summer before America starts and James gets back"
"Happy to finally meet you!" you were the first to extend your hand to Tyler, which he shook gently, smiling affably, and then to Tom. But he intercepted your hand, kissing your knuckles and making you laugh.
"Mutually, Miss" Rowley said enchanted.
"And she makes her own awesome cider, get one" Matt ordered businesslike, raising his voice from behind the drum kit.
"Yeah, there is enough for everyone, don't hesitate to take"
Evidently you arrived during the break, and before that they had already rehearsed a bit. You were wondering what kind of advice they need from you. The thought that they just needed cider you pushed back with a grin. But Alex, as if reading your thoughts, leisurely started speaking leaning on the table and holding a drink.
"Well, thanks for the cider, but that's not what we called you for. Since you're such a big fan of My Propeller, we discussed it here and decided that it's possible to put one on the set list for a couple of times. So listen to how it sounds, maybe have some ideas or whatevah" he was trying to sound casual, not attaching importance to his words for you.
"I'll do my best!" you almost jumped from such news.
Jamie chuckled audibly, running his fingers over the guitar. You sat down on the couch as Matt tapped the rhythm with his sticks and the melody began.
Seductive. The first association that came to your mind when you heard the intro of this song. It was your favorite from Humbug for sure and one of the band's all time favorites. Alex never told in any interview what was the secret of the lyrics, and probably that was the reason it attracted you even more. The guys played it selflessly, as if there hadn't been those decades that they hadn't performed it. You liked how they gave themselves to the process, even if it was just a rehearsal. They were in simple t-shirts and Matt was proudly wearing pineapple shorts, but you could swear, a real concert was unfolding right in front of you.
When Alex started singing you tried to hide the goosebumps as best as you could, but it hardly worked out well. His voice flowed melodically, not betraying a hint of wheezing or breaking, which could arise due to the age. He closed his eyes, tightly gripping the microphone stand, and moved his feet to the beat, slightly ridiculous, but at the same time gracefully. Throughout the song, you didn’t take your eyes off the group for a minute, sometimes singing along to the words, pulling the last syllable of
 Coax me out my law
And have a spin of my propeller
When the song ended, you clapped and Nick even made a mock bow.
“I don’t know how objective my assessment will be, because apart from the words of delight I have nothing to add” you honestly admitted. It seemed to you that you heard Alex's quiet "As I said", but Matt was quick to interrupt him asking you "Actually, we have already decided to play it in Bristol, but the question is where to chip in. We'll definitely not start with this one, and the outro is already completed, so..."
You thought a little, trying to understand what motives My Propeller reminds you of, and then the penny dropped.
"Pretty Visitors!" you exclaimed louder than you should have because your words echoed through the silent studio.
"Smooth interlude from Pretty Visitors, yeah, not bad actually" Alex quickly developed your idea, turning to Matt, as if asking "Do you mind?", but the drummer only closed his eyes approvingly. It seemed that they didn't need any words at all, they could understand each other with guitar riffs and drum brakes. Their connection, it was amazing, honed to automatism for past 20 years. They were like scientists in a chemistry lab mixing potions together in an attempt to make a new elixir. It was magic to come true and watching this process was so intimate that you involuntarily felt the heat on your cheeks, as if you were engaged in voyeurism.
The hours in the studio flew by. Fortunately for you, the guys decided to surprise fans with the return of Mardy Bum which will be the opener. The exact setlist for Bristol was confirmed at the end of the rehearsal, bringing back Teddy Picker and The View From The Afternoon as well. So looking at the perfect 21 songs, you could only imagine what they would save for London. Originally you were going to visit their concert in your hometown, you bought tickets as soon as sales were announced, but after James's call you easily gave the ticket to a friend, saying that you had won a jackpot.
Tom and Tyler have already left and the five of you are left. You were sitting on a soft chair, moved from the corner of the room, and the guys opposite on the sofas. The boys had laid down their guitars and you were leding a peaceful conversation about life, since the studio rental time ended only in an hour. You told them about your career in the industry, Maneskin and the part time projects you've been working on lately, omitting the details of your divorce because you thought it was too early for them to immerse themselves in such personal aspects of your life.
"By the way, Vic is your big fan and Alex in particular" you giggled, remembering the way drunk Maneskin bassist told you that she would like to sleep with Turner. Those were the carefree times of your youth you warmly remembered.
"Really?" Matt raised his eyebrows as he sipped his seemingly endless bottle of cider "You still have their contacts, right?"
"Yeah, sure, we even text each other occasionally" you quipped.
"And you didn't say you were working with us?" Heldres was surprised.
"Actually, somehow it didn't seem possible" you lowered your gaze, "I mean what would it look like? "Hey guys, look who's here, I now manage the Monkeys btw?" - so what?"
You could tell by the Cheshire smile on Matt's bristly face that this was exactly how he thought.
"Oh no, Matthew, don't you-"
"Oh yes, darling, dial FaceTime, you'll show them our doll" the man neighed, turning to Alex, who had been sitting quietly on the couch until this moment, and fidgeted in place after the suggestion.
"For God's sake, Matt, what a kindergarten behavior" the vocalist howled irritably, rolling his eyes, "I don't even remember their names".
The idea of making fun of Turner a little for the morning case with the box and taking revenge seemed to you unexpectedly delightful. Your hand automatically sank into your pants pocket, deftly pulling it out into the light and finding the right WhatsApp chat.
"Don't worry, you just have to say hi to Vic, I'm sure you'll be fine" you sang sweetly, glancing slyly at Matt, who chuckled approvingly, glad that you supported his idea.
Alex only cursed at this and ran a hand through his hair, smoothing it. Either from nerves, or putting his hair in order before the call.
You moved from your seat to the couch between Alex and Matt, gesturing for Nick and Jamie to join. You put your hand in front of you so only your face was visible in the camera frame, waiting for one of the guys to take the call. It might have been a little ill-advised to call like this without warning on a workday evening, but anyway it was already too late, as the beeps trailed in a string of sounds. You hoped that they didn't have a concert today, in any other case, one of them would definitely pick up the phone from you. And by a happy coincidence, it was Vic who ended up on your screen.
"What the hell, Miss Boogie, are you really occasionally calling after all this time of silence?" despite Victoria de Angelis's accusatory words, she sounded playful. She was a little disheveled and with a bright blush on her face. People were walking randomly with the string interruptions in the background. Apparently, the guys were at the soundcheck at one of the venues, and Vic recently finished playing.
Four pairs of eyes openly stared at you with undisguised interest after hearing the nickname, demanding an answer, but you just mouthed "later".
"Awww, sweetheart, and I'm happy to hear you again too!" you said with an ironic smile.
 "I have a lot of news for you, and I will definitely call you in private soon"
"Are you not alone? Who's with you?" the girl even moved closer to the camera in an attempt to see something.
"Well, I have a little surprise for you. Actually four surprises, but one of them you'll find really special" you said conspiratorially, looking around at the guys who were still out of the picture. Alex sat to your right, trying to portray the most distant look, as if everything that was happening was nothing more than baby talk for him.
"Darling, if you have a group orgy without me, then I will be offended and drop the call" the bassist said threateningly, wiping her forehead with a towel that was hung on her shoulder.
You just burst out laughing "Ok ok, I'm not languishing you anymore. I hope you're ready. Boys, say hi to Vics" and you finally moved the camera further so that Matt, Nick and Jamie, who were sitting to your left, got into the camera frame, Alex's appearance you saved for a dessert.
The musician's reaction exceeded all your expectations. At first she narrowed her eyes, bringing the phone even closer to face, and then she widened them with a loud squeal, jumping up from her seat.
"What the hell, Y/N! What the actual fuck, you're a shitty mutherfucker!!!" she covered her mouth with her hand, chaotically moving the phone in different directions. Apparently, other members of the group came running to her scream, as you heard the voice of Damiano asking what happened.
"What happened?" she repeated "The fucking Arctic Monkeys are sitting next to Y/N!" answering a question off-camera and stabilizing the phone. Now you could clearly see the vocalist leaning over her shoulder, Thomas to the side and Ethan slightly behind.
Finally, the men next to you decided to introduce themselves "Hey, guys, what's new?" Matt said smiling to the camera, Jamie and Nick just waved their hands in a friendly manner.
"Oh my God, what's going on" Vic, still dumbfounded, spoke with a face of complete amazement. Damiano, who quickly figured out the whole situation and realized that Vic was unlikely to be able to communicate normally now, carefully took the phone from her hands.
"Hi, Y/N, long time no see! Hi, boys, how fresh you are" the frontman winked. The words "for your age" were suggested mutely, but David left them behind the scenes. The men next to you just laughed quietly at this remark and saluted the Italian boy.
"Vic, that's not all yet, look who's next to me" wanting to finally finish off your friend, you moved the camera to the side, revealing Alex's presence, who was already sitting with a polite smile on his face, leaning on the sofa armrest.
"Hi, love" Turner murmured hoarsely, turning on his usual charisma. You were surprised how quickly he went from "fuck off everyone" to his stage persona. Indeed, a skill acquired over the years.
De Angelis, after looking at the camera for just a second, squealed even harder than the first time, which you even grimaced a little, because in a quiet studio it sounded deafening.
The camera was still held by Damiano, but the girl in the frame could be seen doubled over, holding back cries of happiness. Her guys just laughed out loud at this, knowing full well what a strong fan of Alex she was.
"Y/N, I'm going to fucking kill you, I'll strap your ass so you can't sit still for another week, what are you doing to me?" Vic didn't let go of expressions, which made the men next to you shamelessly laugh, even Turner smiled predatoryly.
"Holy shit, you're real" the girl muttered in one breath.
Her adoration entertained Alex. Celebrities fangirling celebrities wasn't an unknown story for Alex, so the way Vic behaved didn't annoy him, but brought a feeling of sincere pleasure from what was happening.
"It would be strange if I wasn't, mhm?" the man grunted, changing the position - now he rested elbows on his knees, bringing the face closer to your phone. You could smell his light apple scent from the cider you both drank and the cigarette halo that soaked into all of the frontman's clothes.
Damiano finally decided to take control over the situation by turning the camera completely on himself.
"So, Y/N, if you wanted to surprise Vic, then you succeeded 100%! But we are now at soundcheck, and we don't have much time, and she" nodding towards the bassist "still needs to be brought to her senses. We were extremely happy to hear from you, babe. Call us when you are free and tell us everything in detail. Miss you very much!"
"Guys, me too! Love ya, see you at Glasto!"
"Wait! Take a screenshot!" Vic's desperate exclamation came from Damiano's left side.
He made a focused face, looking for the right buttons, while you and the men simultaneously smiled at the camera.
"Send it to the chat" you asked, ending the call and blowing a virtual kiss. You obviously cut off Vic's "I love you" without being entirely sure it was addressed to you.
The studio immediately froze in deafening silence. You put your phone down on the coffee table, still smiling.
"That was a real buzz, they're cute" Matt said leaning back on the couch. The mood of the guys clearly improved by this little conversation. You were glad that you could somehow diversify their evening after a productive and exhausting day. Even Alex stopped keeping his always compressed lips and frowning eyebrows.
"So, Miss Boogie, right?" Jamie began slyly, reminding you of your infamous nickname.
An approving "ooooo" reverberated around the room, from which you hid behind your palms.
"Damn, I was hoping you'd forget" you muttered from your hiding place.
"C'mon, we're intrigued already" Nick reached out to you through Matt, gently taking your hands away from your face.
Jamie suddenly started chanting your name, encouraging you to reveal this terrible secret, and Matt whistled as if Sheffield FC had just scored a goal.
"God, okay, just shut up please" you gave up.
The four men took more comfortable positions in anticipation of your story.
"In fact, there is nothing special in this story, it's just stupid. When Maneskin was approved for Eurovision, we went to celebrate, how can we not. It was in Milan. We got very drunk in a bar and went for a walk around the city. It was about 3 in the morning, and to entertain ourselves we played Truth or Dare. The most banal thing that could be, but nothing better came to mind. And I chose Dare, 'cause everyone else only cowardly told their secrets. So Vic asked me to dance for a minute on the street to any song that a passerby would name. Well, since at such time you are unlikely to meet any adequate passerby, we only found a beggar in the square. I don’t know how old he was, but the first song that he remembered was Boogie Wonderland" at this point you made a dramatic pause, "so yes, I had to dance to this song at night in front of other poor people who came up to us. Since then they call me Miss Boogie. Everyone is satisfied now, having fun, huh?"
You intentionally crossed your arms in insult, surreptitiously watching the laughing band.
"I bet there's a video" Matt said cheekily.
"Yes, there is, but you'll never see it!" you retorted quickly, glaring at the drummer.
"Your hot cheeks make me want to see this video even more" Nick teased tapping Matt on the shoulder.
"You know what," Alex suddenly announced, "choose any song you want. We play it, and you show the video"
You could swear your jaw was somewhere on the floor.
"Woah, did you decide to go all-in?" Matt asked, also not expecting such a generous offer "Be careful, otherwise you will have to play a Taylor Swift song"
"Ouch, why do you think I like her?"
"Who doesn't like her?"
"Your truth" you nodded approvingly.
"I meant our song. We'll perform it at the concert" Turner interrupted your dialogue, looking at you testily from under his eyelashes.
There was a slight silence, which you broke with a heavy sigh.
"Wow, okay, this is getting interesting" you muttered, leaning back on the couch like Helders had done earlier. The three men to your left looked at each other in surprise, waiting for an answer, while you've been thinking, looking at the frontman.
"Certain Romance," you easily stated, "I want this one"
"Your wish is my command, Miss Boogie," he joked without any hint of smile, standing up "you guys remember how to play it, don't you?"
The guys looked at each other dumbfounded, unable to find words for such a drastic change in the behavior of the vocalist, but after a discordant series of affirmative nods, they received a condescending smile from him.
"Well, that's great, there's still time to rehearse. I propose Sheffield!" Alex said solemnly, thrusting his hands into the pockets.
"Al, ru ok?" Matt raised an eyebrow in disbelief.
"All right, man" Turner said artificially.
"This house is a circus indeed" swirled through your head. Alex's behavior was defiant. Emerging into conflict. Literally a minute ago everything was peace and quiet, and now he, like a proud peacock, was arranging a show for you at the level of a cheap soap opera.
"No, but seriously, let's even organize a lottery, since Y/N has such an influence on the setlist" Alex didn't let up.
"Come on, pipe down, you suggested it yourself" Nick intervened carefully, not wanting to stir up the smoldering coals of the conflict.
"And I think all of you are into this idea, aren't you?" Turner didn't raise his low, heavily accented baritone, but the underlying toxicity in his tone was evident, "oh, even better, let's ask our Italian friends for advice! Let's get their opinion and her video as well".
"Alexander, smoke?" you stood up decisively from the couch, grabbing your purse and phlegmatically glancing at the wooden cider box you'd probably have to leave in the studio. But you couldn’t leave the guys in such an atmosphere, so out of courtesy you promised to return again.
"Y/N, no problem, see you before Bristol! Send the screen to our group, 'cause I'm getting jealous for these Italians" Matt gave you an encouraging wink in the end, and you certainly promised to do it tonight.
"They'll kill each other"
"He doesn't stand a chance"
Jamie and Matt said at the same time as the door closed behind you.
Alex imposingly walked ahead, not hurrying anywhere. He politely said goodbye to the security guard, noting that the rental period had already come to an end. Almost bowing, he opened the door to the street for you, artificially gallantly holding it with his hand, still making a show from every gesture, which for some reason made you feel disgusted. You were counting on working with middle-aged men, accomplished musicians, but it feels like you are talking to teenagers.
Damp cold air from the river hit your red cheeks, which made you wrap yourself in a jacket more tightly. Alex took out a pack of Marlboro, offering you one, but nodding to himself, removed it, remembering your words a week ago practically at the same place.
"Well?" he said with a cigarette in his mouth, lighting the filter.
The sky was overcast with a milky haze of fog, which wasn't uncommon for these places, a weak wind was blowing, but not a single sound from the road was heard, which made you hear sparks from ignited tobacco hiss like champagne bubbles, falling on the asphalt.
Alex exhaled noisily, squinting at you with his eyes. His face was faintly lit by the flame of a cigarette, but even in such low light, it was noticeable that his gaze was completely blank. "Amazingly indifferent and deep eyes at the same time. It's impossible to tell anything from them" you thought. Or maybe he was like this only with unpleasant people to him, who you apparently were. You can’t even imagine the way these eyes changed on stage "Where are you real, Alexander?". But instead of asking this, you just threw your head back, tiredly closing your eyelids, showing with your whole appearance how absurd the situation is.
"Alex," there wasn't any visible point to call him Mr. Turner even though you were annoyed "I thought we made a deal, didn't we?"
"Really? When?" his voice sounded even more affected than in the studio, despite the fact that now the man spoke rather quietly and slowly. Or maybe even a whisper would be loud in this ringing silence.
"I just don't understand what the problem is" you continued, as if you didn't hear his words.
"I don't see it either, Miss Y/S"
You raised your eyebrows high as you asked a silent question, which made Alex smirk slightly. Taking a puff, he began to explain to you with the intonation of a parent teaching a child not to put his fingers in the socket.
"Listen, I won't hide it, you brought some chaos to our tour. This is different from your direct duties though - to solve all the problems on our way. But you're a stranger who stirred up our peace and foundation. I was initially against this idea, but James left me no choice. You are undoubtedly an educated young lady, and probably from a moral point of view, I sound like a scoundrel now-"
"You sound unprofessional, Alex. You only make me feel contempt, and I don't care about any moral side"
The frontman looked at you from under his brows, taking out a second cigarette in a row from the pack, waiting for a further reaction, but inside you was a frozen magma that didn't want to break out, muffled by self-esteem. For now.
His words contradicted his behavior. In the morning he carries your boxes and asks for a song advice, and in the evening he gives out this shit. If women's logic is ridiculed by society, then men do not have it at all.
“You know what, when James offered me this job, I was damn excited and proud that I would be working with a team like yours. I was on a cloud nine. But you, Alex, you're just a spoiled boy in the body of a 37-year-old man who hasn't overplayed his ambitions and thinks that his subtle nature is so fragile to understand that you need to hide behind the facade of an asshole so that normal people with good intentions don't crawl into your soul. You are cowardly and arrogant!"
You were breathing heavily, and the words "fool fool fool" stretched on repeat in a red line behind your eyes.
You didn't even understand how they escaped from your lips, absolutely thoughtlessly. You even instinctively wanted to raise a hand to cover your mouth, but pulled yourself back in time, deciding to play to the end. Show after show.
Alex hadn't raised a cigarette to his face during your tirade, so that the wick was almost dead in his fingers. You intensively looked at each other without stopping, and at some point it seemed to you that fear flashed in his pupils. Fear of the revealed truth. However, they were covered with a thick veil of indifference to what was happening in a second, and he finally took the last puff, throwing the butt right on the road.
"Miss Y/S, it seems that you have to go" the musician said unemotionally.
You took one last burning look at his features and, without saying a word, turned around towards your car. How ironic, a week ago you left each other in roughly the same sequence of activities - studio, cider, parking lot, but under completely different circumstances.
Slamming the door shut, you sharply revved, not bothering to warm up the engine, and drove out of the parking lot with a clang of tires. Burning tears of resentment gushed from your eyes, covering the already foggy road in front, but you didn't pay attention.
Your cooperation has just begun, and you have already swept on an emotional swing. Only in the morning you were driving in a car towards the sun and rejoicing at the warm words of your dad, and in the evening you return home, wiping the salty paths with the back of your hand from your face.
You were never embarrassed by tears, you cried out almost all of them during a divorce, but if they dripped from your eyes today, then there was a reason for that. Your parents taught you that after rain there is always a rainbow, after tears there is always peace of mind, you need to be able to live through any emotions in order to turn them into your power later.
You haven't seen the boys since that evening until today's early departure for Bristol. Of course, you communicated on all sorts of organizational issues during this time and there was no visible tension, especially since they didn't hear about your quarrel with Alex. You were more than sure that he would not tell his friends about that incident. This is what infringes on him, and therefore makes him weaker, which he couldn't allow.
All these days you have wondered what was the reason for such a sharp behavior, however you couldn't really delve into yourself. Why exactly you were crying - from resentment, overstrain or just an emotional outburst, it was also difficult to understand. Perhaps all together. Over the past month, from your first conversation with Ford to recent events, your life has changed 180 degrees, so it's no surprise that your psyche gave a little glitch.
You've comforted yourself with routines though — setting Grapes up with a friend until your next visit to London, inviting your parents over for dinner to tell you all the details, packing your suitcase for the tour, checking out all the technical stuff, and almost forgetting what kind of adventure you're packing for.
And now, without any idea of the nearest future, you were sitting in a black Mercedes Sprinter between Marcus and James Kerr, Ben was in the passenger seat in front, Steven was riding with the group in the bus. It was only 8 am, you were sleepy, only at the last moment you didn’t forget to remove eye patches before going out, you didn’t even put on makeup, so you sat in the wide sunglasses, even though the sun wasn't visible through the tinted windows of the car.
It seemed that everyone was relaxed, easily communicated with each other and knew exactly what each would do upon arrival at the venue. Unlike you. The schedule was pretty clear - check-in at the hotel, lunch, departure for the soundcheck and then free time for the management and the band, but very busy time for the technicians. Of all this, the most sensible thing was to drink plenty of wine at dinner and walk around the rest of the day in a relaxed state of mind, but those were only pitiful thoughts of creeping fear. Deep inside you were sure that everything would be fine, it couldn’t be otherwise, because even if you didn’t know how to do this or that task, the guys knew their duties, and they physically couldn’t play the concert badly.
"Hey, Y/N, you kinda took working with us too seriously" Marcus snapped you out of your thoughts with his mocking tone.
"I'm sorry, what?" you asked, turning to him.
He touched the bridge of his nose with his index finger and chuckled. It took you another couple of seconds to figure out what he meant, so he took advantage of your confusion to explain "you now going to wear glasses in the dark as well?"
The reference to Alex was read transparently, so you imperceptibly flinched and pointedly removed them, as if not wanting to be associated with him at all.
"No, no, I just didn't have time to do my make up" you honestly admitted, shrugging your shoulders ingenuously.
"Oh, I'm sorry, we-" the guy looked around at all the passengers, "we don't understand this here"
You laughed slightly, at the same time relaxing, and asked him a question that had been of interest to you for a long time.
"Why don't you have women in the team? I mean at all"
Instead of Marcus, Ben decided to answer from the front seat, apparently as the eldest among you.
“It didn’t happen on purpose, but later it became kind of unspoken rule. We are here like on the fishing, you know? We leave our wives, spend time within our male company, it’s like an alternative branch of your life, you do quality work here, you feel needed, while no one owe you nothing and you feel absolutely free in your actions, understanding thoroughly those who are around you"
"Are you aware that this is how a normal team should work, regardless of gender? It sounds somehow sexist. Am I really embarrassing you in actions?" you smiled slyly, anticipating the denouement.
"Actually, besides you, we have 3 other women in the team.." Marcus embarrassingly chipped in.
"Guys, don't bother yourself with excuses, I knew who I was messing with" you laughed, crossing your legs. Marcus looked at you dumbfounded, but said nothing, and James just chuckled softly at the window.
"Well, if you knew that, then you also should know about our tradition, right, guys?" Ben began in a conspiratorial tone, exchanging glances with the guys.
"Um, about what?" you arched an eyebrow in disbelief.
"The newbie is signed up for the after-party. Tonight is your first concert, and after that we go to the bar, the drinks are off you! We're equal here" Ben imperturbably continued to scan your reaction with a fox-eye, waiting for an answer. It's not that you're greedy or unable to pay, but to buy drinks for the whole team...
And as if ahead of your question, the man added "enough management and the band".
As if it changed the essence. But you couldn't refuse, so you mumbled something affirmative, getting a roar of male hoarse laughter in response, and starting to laugh at yourself. You appreciated in people, especially males, this ability - to make a woman laugh. In a time of constant change and stress, finding someone who will make you forget about it was very important.
The rest of the road was spent in the same good mood, and these conversations did help you to forget about your anxiety due to upcoming events. Upon arrival, all the management team and the band settled in the hotel. As James promise, you've been given a private suite overlooking the most beautiful park in the city center. But due to an unknown coincidence, you lived not on the same floor with the attendants, but through the door from the group.
Matt carried your things to your room and you agreed to meet for lunch in 20 minutes.
Since you were able to miraculously did a make up even in the car, thanks to the sensitive driving, now you decided to change into more presentable clothes in which you will be at the concert.
Without changing the habit of choosing clothes carefully and for a long time, you took off your hot sweatshirt, remaining in only sweatpants and starting to go through the whole suitcase in search of those things that would match your mood. You had a couple of looks planned, but today's unexpectedly warm weather changed your plans a little, so you confidently took out a black leather skirt and a white blouse.
A piece of matter fit all your forms perfectly, so you were satisfied with the choice, spinning in front of the mirror by the bed. The black bodice harmonized perfectly with the skirt, and the crazy idea of ​​staying only in it, without putting on anything, flashed through your head like a bullet, but flew out just as quickly as soon as you heard the muffled thud of heels on the carpet outside the door and a muttered "Jamie?" at your door followed by a knock. You hysterically shouted "No!" exactly at the moment when the door opened without a click.
"Shit, Y/N!" Alex, not having time to properly enter your room, but having clearly noticed you in a compromising way, abruptly recoiled, remaining in the corridor, but not completely closing the door so that he could hear you, but not see.
"God! What a mess" you pleaded, rushing to the door. You stuck out only your head, meeting the eyes of the musician, who was discomposedly staring at you point-blank.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"Why are you naked?"
You asked at the same time, shouting over each other.
"This is my room! And I'm not naked!"
"Where's Jamie? I thought he was at 312" Turner asked, a little bewildered, clearly embarrassed.
"I have no idea where Jamie is. How did you even get in?" you were still half-dressed, hiding most of your body behind a wooden door.
"I knocked, but it turned out that it was not slammed at all"
"What the fuck? Maybe Matt didn't close when he left," you muttered more to yourself. You clearly saw the question “What did Matt do here?” that arose in Alex’s head, but which he never voiced. Clearly realizing that the dialogue could not be continued in this form, you abruptly switched the subject, trying to tear his eyes from your neck.
 "I was changing for dinner anyway, so see you there" you sharply slammed the door in front of him, not wanting to go into details, and tiredly leaned your head against the wooden surface from the inside.
"Crazy" you heard quiet along with receding soft steps.
It was your only meaningful conversation with the singer, since that evening. You understood that it couldn’t go on like this for a long time, but at the moment you didn’t have any ideas how to fix the situation. So you just finally put on the look you chose, after checking that the door was locked, then decided to add a black headband, and being satisfied with your appearance, went downstairs.
After lunch, the whole team went to the stadium, where the technicians had already set up half of the equipment. The guys immediately went to the sound check, and you and Steven went to meet Ashton Gate management. It seemed like there was still plenty of time before the concert, and you thought you would have a few more chances to double-check everything, but in the turmoil that was going on behind the scenes, this turned out to be impossible.
To be honest, you were overwhelmed by what was happening. The soft music, people around, the sun rays moving towards the sunset - this whole scene that was unfolding before you as you unexpectedly stepped onto the empty stage a few minutes before the crowd was let into the stadium looked surreal and incredibly familiar, as if you had been here many times before. The noise and chaos behind you contrasted with the tranquility in front of your eyes. The empty space that was about to be filled with a crowd in just a few minutes brought both excitement and serenity. These were the moments that seemed unreal, but made life worth living.
The show was about to start, and you stood next to the dark staircase, where the guys from the dressing room were soon to come up. Leaning on the railing, you nervously twirled a lock of hair around your finger. You went through all the items on the checklist in your head, checking off each one mentally, but something still bothered you.
Your unfinished conversations and evasive behavior were weighing on you. You felt guilty, knowing that as his manager, you had behaved tactlessly, driven by emotions. It ate at you from the inside. You decided that you would talk to him today, apologize and put this issue to rest once and for all.
Suddenly you noticed a flickering light from the security, which meant that the group is entering the stage, and you turned sharply, both wanting and fearing to see them. As always, looking luxurious, these four men made their way up to the platform, remaining unnoticed by the audience.
"Good luck, guys! I'm buzzing as hell honestly" you tried to sound confident, but your voice trembled on the last word.
"Miss Y/S, is it just me or are you worried about us?" Nick lightly touched your shoulder in a reassuring gesture.
"Well, it's my first time with you" realizing how ambiguous that sounded, you interrupted yourself with a laugh.
"Oh, you'll love it, babe" Matt mimicked a voice from a cheap adult movie, tossing a stick in the air. It seemed like he could find the right words in any situation, and in the future, you would highly appreciate this skill.
All this time, you were glancing at Alex out of the corner of your eye, trying to read his emotions, but he calmly adjusted the folds on his unchanging dark blue jacket and stretched his neck with turns left and right. Seeing that the guys had moved a little away from you, you looked at your watch, estimating that you had 5 minutes maximum, and whispered to yourself "now or never".
"Alex!" you called him out loudly, trying to outshout the crowd "I wanted to talk, I know it's not the most appropriate time, but-"
"Y/N, forgive me, okay," the man unexpectedly began, barely approaching you. For the first time, you saw genuine excitement in his eyes, here, in the darkness of the backstage area of a 30,000-seat stadium. For some reason, only now you clearly feel the difference in height between you two. He looked down at you patronizingly. Maybe it was because of his heels or the knot of nerves in your stomach that made you feel so small in your attempt to hide from his penetrating gaze.
"I've been a complete jerk and acted childish from the very beginning. You didn't do anything to deserve such treatment. I don't want our tension to affect the group and our work in any way, so I admit my guilt"
You stood in shock, slightly opening your mouth. You absolutely did not expect such a turn of events, so your entire improvised speech evaporated from your mind instantly. He suddenly smiled softly, raising an eyebrow, as if asking 'well, what now?' Still not believing what you heard, you nodded your head almost automatically.
"Y-yes, you were a jerk indeed. But I also didn't behave entirely correctly, my first impression wasn't great either," you sighed in frustration, recalling your memories, "I suggest we start over, huh? Hi, my name is Y/N, I'm your new tour manager, nice to meet you" and to confirm your words, you gracefully extended your hand to him.
"Nice to meet you too, I'm Alex Turner, sort of singing here," he shook your hand with an energetic movement. His palm was dry and steady, causing a pleasant warmth throughout your body, "just business then?"
"Just business indeed. And a little bit of music" you said, more relaxed, smiling with all 32 teeth, still holding onto his hand.
"Deal, Miss Y/S"
For a moment, the roar of fans faded away for you, and you only saw the outlines of his pupils in the semi-darkness and his fingers firmly holding yours. However, your fragile moment was promptly ruined by-
"Al, c'mon!" Jamie impatiently called, and your hand felt the gusts of wind instead of calloused skin of the frontman. You watched him walk away in his waddle manner, as he suddenly turned and shouted, winking "By the way, nice lace".
 It took you a couple of seconds to understand what was said, and when the meaning of his words reached you, you exclaimed in indignation "You, motherfucker!" almost stomping your foot, but your cry was lost in the wild roar of the crowd, as the guys were already on stage.
It was a miraculous sight. Four men made people go into ecstasy just with their appearance - this is the phenomenon of the Beatles, and they were proof that rock and roll is alive. As long as they are alive. Every strum on the guitar strings, every touch of the lips to the microphone, every drumstick strike, every hair flip was special in their performance, they themselves were special.
You were fascinated, to say the least. When the performance came to the last song before the encore, Body Paint, one of your favorite songs from the album, that was definitely made to be played live, you were out of words. The whole song built you up to the climax, to the outro that every time was a pure jamming and improvisation. And you literally exploded in ecstasy when Alex started walking around the stage, unable to stand still from the knocking down energy. He closed his eyes in languor, biting his lips, screaming, throwing out his arms, and you couldn't take your eyes off. You weren't dancing or jumping, you were inseparably watching his every movement, arms folded across your chest. Your mouth was agape against your will, and your eyes eagerly punched a hole in the frontman. This is a unique performance, it's something that is hard to explain without feeling it for yourself. You were made up of his music, you literally felt these waves inside your veins, your brain wasn't able to comprehend what was happening, it was like a catharsis for all of you. And you definitely didn't want to be saved.
Suddenly Alex turned his head to your side, continuing to play some divine riff outlining the Van Gogh fields on the guitar strings. His hair was tousled, shirt unbuttoned, but his jacket fitted perfectly. He rested his eyes on your figure, smiling with one corner of his lips, and you looked at each other for good seven seconds which felt like eternity. You were sure that everything was clear in your eyes, and even if he stood next to you and heard you, you wouldn't be able to utter a word.
What you definitely didn't expect when your eye contact was broken and Alex walked to another side of the stage, that tears would involuntarily flow from your eyes. "What the hell..." you wondered aloud, quickly removing the salty tracks from your cheeks. In fact, you perfectly understood why you were crying. From a sense of greatness. The greatness of music, human synergy and the power of unity. It was too much for you, too strong emotions to bear. It was excellent, it was the taste of life, thanks to which you still were here. "God, if you exist, bless this band, they are saints" although it sounded ridiculous and naive, you seriously were ready to pray for the talent of these guys, for the ability to make other people feel alive. You were in your place, you did everything right, you were cruising the victory. Today he convinced you.
As soon as the last chords of "RU Mine?" were played and the bows to the fans were taken, the men disappeared from the deafening roar behind the dark curtains of backstage. Their hair stuck to their sweat faces, and a distinct masculine smell was coming from their shirts. The guys passed by you with exhausted smiles, unable to utter a word from fatigue, and disappeared into the darkness of the corridors.
You didn't know what to do right now. According to your understanding, your job didn't end with pre-concert organization, there were also post-concert tasks to be done. But you were so lost in emotions that you felt like you were drifting away from an anaphylactic shock.
Unexpectedly, Tyler came to you as he was the last one to come off the stage. He fraternally put a hand on your shoulder, tousling your hair with his heavy palm.
"Well, with the initiation into our hell, sweetheart. How're you?"
"Thrilled, and I want more!" you declared confidently, matching his quick pace that was pulling you further away from the frenzy of the crowd.
"Well, don't doubt that, it's just the beginning" he charmingly smiled, and you couldn't help but mirror his expression.
"Now we're going to celebrate, and you're coming with us" it sounded so authoritative that even if you wanted to object, you immediately closed your mouth, nodding in agreement. "Besides, seems like you need to unwind" you remembered.
You left the stadium only an hour later, apparently, it was a normal time for the guys to "recover". You'd made several jokes about one woman waiting for seven men and received offended and teasing looks in return. You got into the same Mercedes you arrived in that morning, and the driver took you to one of Bristol's typical English pubs that the guys loved so much.
You didn't understand their fondness for these quaint places where the sofa upholstery hadn't changed along with the owner. There were so many modern bars in the city, any of which the band could afford to rent entirely, but they paid tribute to traditions, obviously cherishing memories of their lively youth when they started playing their first concerts in similar places. Such a return to their roots after the thousands-capacity stadiums grounded them well. And the warm nostalgia, slipping across the Guinness glasses every time, was a corner of genuine joy for the guys, the only true luxury they possessed.
And overall, you didn't care where to spend money or on what. After all today's events, which felt like a whole month, you didn't mind anymore. In the morning, you looked at your apple orchard in the early mist of suburban London, then stood half-naked in a five-star hotel room in front of a world-renowned music star, and now, in the evening, you huddled next to him on an old leather couch under a red velvet chandelier, drinking a B-52.
Glasses, shots and colorful bottles flashed in front of your eyes like a kaleidoscope. Your head was spinning from the amount of alcohol, and your cheeks hurt from laughter.
"My dear mates, I propose a toast to Miss Y/S and her first concert with us! I don't know if she understands where she has ended up, but we'll make sure she has a great time with us, right, guys? To Y/N!" Matt solemnly proclaimed, rising from the table, and 8 hands, pouring drinks onto each other, reached towards the center of the table to clink glasses.
"Guys, thank you for this opportunity, thanks to James for his unplanned vacation, thanks to Steven and Marcus-" although the latter wasn't here, you decided to thank him as he had been providing you with all kinds of help during these weeks, "for their support and adaptation, and of course, to you Monkeys, for accepting me. I do like your crazy Monkey house" you joked, but it didn't negate the truth. Despite all the past disagreements with the lead singer, you felt that you were still doing everything right. And even if you hadn't gone on this adventure today, you would still feel grateful to fate for such an opportunity to be at the center of life.
"Glad to hear that," Jamie chuckled ironically, "as they say, welcome aboard"
And with these words, you all whistled, and Tom even shouted like a saloon girl from the Wild West. Your evening, or rather the night, continued until 3 am, fortunately there was no concert the next day, so you could at least sleep in a bit. You looked in horror at the amount you had drunk, trying to estimate how long it would take to recover the contents of your wallet. But you had consumed so much gin and tonic that the only thing that really worried you was how to walk straight for at least 2 meters to the bar to pay for it all.
"Drinks on me!" you declared with a mischievous smile to the group as you headed towards the bar counter.
"What, for everyone?" Matt playfully refined.
"Well, yeah," you didn't have the energy to realize his surprise, but he also didn't have the energy to argue with you, "that's no problem".
And thus, the following events spun in your head like a foggy whirlpool. Here you were finally breathing in the fresh air of the street, tilting your head towards the purple sky, then you were half-lying on someone's shoulder in the black minivan, and finally for no reason you were walking barefoot on a soft hotel carpet, but there were no shoes in your hands as well.
You didn't have any memories of walking into your room either. But in the moment, the feeling of soft snow-white hotel sheets flooded your body with long-awaited bliss. You instantly fell into the arms of Morpheus, only on the verge of consciousness noticing that someone took off the headband from your hair, which had been squeezing your head tightly, and silently closed the door.
You may be too drunk to remember each of your actions clearly, but you definitely wouldn't mistake the familiar scent of cigarettes in the room.
A/N: Oh, so much has happened in one chapter, and this is just the beginning of the tour... I decided to tell the background of Y/N for a better understanding of her actions. What do you think, maybe you want more of "Italian friends" in the work? Whose line do you want to read in more detail? Share your emotions, it is incredibly valuable to me that someone reads this work actually!
Taglist: @missbabyjay @rentskenobi @findmeincorneliastreet @indierockgirrl here it is!
*if you want to be removed or added to the taglist, feel free to ask me!
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wh0r3-for-older-men · 1 year ago
Do you ever read every fanfiction to the point that you have to pretend you've never seen it before in your entire life as to properly enjoy it?
Like lando norris? Daniel ricciardo? Charles leclerc?
Who's that? Never heard of them?
When I tell you the way I switch obsessions is insane and I don't wanna leave this one 😭😭
(Also yes it's almost midnight on a school night and I need sleep cause I'm ill and have other medical issues that are affected by sleep but who cares)
Love you guys 💗
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mme-snow · 2 years ago
Free use with Måneskin Headcanons ♡
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These are just some of my thoughts regarding how Måneskin would use a free use agreement!
Cw: established relationship, f!reader, cnc
oh, he'd be a fan
we all know how comfortable damiano is in his skin and with his sexuality (as are all of them)
i also think he'd be very experimental, wanting to try most things at least once, so when you brought up the topic he was game immediately
it didn't take long for him to cash in on the agreement, practically vibrating with excitement as he spotted that one necklace around your neck
he'd spend the day bending you over furniture whenever you were least expecting it, leaving you a shaky and drooling mess every time
i also think he'd use it in a rather exhibitionistic way, mainly using it to fuck you while you have guests in the other room, hands held tightly behind your back so you could barely muffle your moans and whines for him
while i don't think it'd be one of his top kinks, i think he'd like it
"fuck, i can't believe you're letting me do this, amore. y'know the rest of the band is downstairs, you want them to hear you being a slut for me? better stay quiet then if you don't~"
in victoria's case, i think she'd constantly be a pain
the second she sees the consent necklace she's teasing and touching you until you're practically dripping for her
then she'd bring you to the brink of an orgasm, just to pull away. multiple times.
usually she likes doing this by either eating you out or fingering you, but sometimes she'll experiment with having you ride her thigh maybe
of course she'd be clothed (at least wearing pants) while you'd be naked, making you drag your dripping cunt all over the rough denim of her jeans all while teasing you
she'd only let up after she's decided you've begged and made her cum enough
"aww, look at you, cucciola, i've barely done anything and you're already such a mess.. look at what a mess you're making on my jeans, you know how hard that'll be to get out? i don't think you deserve to cum after that"
in my opinion he'd use your agreement rather sparingly
in fact you might think he'd already forgotten about it when he first makes use of this agreement
in reality, he just needs to be a certain mood (tense, frustrated, pent up)
so he'd use free use to fuck you hard, using your body as a pliant little toy for his pleasure
he'd have your body thrown over the arm of the couch in a heartbeat, eager hands already having stripped you before
after that it wouldn't take long for him to start pounding into you, not bothering to hit any of your good spots while his fingers dug into the skin of your hips, pulling on your hair, locking you in a chokehold, sure to leave bruises all while reminding you that you were just a doll for him to fuck and use as he pleased
the feeling of being nothing but a toy had you spiraling and coming despite him not hitting that spongy spot inside of you or touching your clit
he was quick to jump onto this though, telling you how your body knew it was just meant to be used by him
"cazzo, puttana, you're so fucking tight around me. just a little toy for me to use and dump my cum in, isn't that right? my dumb little doll"
i also think he wouldn't use it often, but when he does he'd be the polar opposite to ethan
he'd just want to make you feel good, take care of you
he'd spend hours buried between your thighs, using his fingers and tongue to get you off again and again
during this he might rut against the bed, whimpering pathetically against your folds as he finally came in his pants almost purely from pleasing you
i do think he'd naturally take a rather submissive role in the bedroom, just wanting you to feel good
he'd feel bad using you to get off, no matter how often you tell him it's okay
"you taste so sweet, dolcezza, fuck- could be here all day long, please, c'mon, i know you can give me one more- just one more, micetta, please-"
A/N: hi! i've never written for måneskin before and i'm a new fan, so i hope it fits in alright!
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lovemomhatepolice · 4 months ago
victoria de angelis masterlist
navigation taglist requests
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A/N: please do not copy and translate my works! in case of any issues related to this - I invite you to discuss privately :)
I apologize in advance to everyone for so much expansion in the masterlists, but it will be so much easier for me and you to catch up, once I get it all to the state I want - I promise
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filthforfriends · 1 year ago
The Sun Is the Center of Everything
The unthinkable happens. You break up with the love of your life after 5 years together because addiction has turned him into a person you neither recognize nor like. Now you're forced to endue the pain of watching from afar until he decides to get his shit together. After months of floundering, Damiano takes sobriety seriously and theres noting more he wants than to fix things with you.
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• Author's Note 1. Checking In 2. Sentient 3. Medicinal Qualities 4. Comfort 5. Scared Enough 6. Pistachio Gelato 7. Princess (The Cat) 8. I Miss You 9. Thirty-three Days 10. Little 11. Discomforting Rituals 12. Boundaries and Expectations 13. Homecoming 14. A Perfect Silence 15. Bath Time 16. A New Normal 17. In Vivid Color 18. Not Falling 19. Northern Lights 20. Talking Dirty
21. Brave Enough See latest update: Masterlist! Get on my Taglist
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vampyboy747 · 3 months ago
Here it is. This is a little one-shot smut piece from a possible fic I might write. For context this is a Damiano x Transmale OC and I wrote it with the experience I (another transmasculine person) with my gender dysphoria. In this one shot there's no discussion of gender dysphoria. My lovely OC Marco has had top surgery, but he does not plan on having any kind of bottom surgery. He's on his steady dose of testosterone once a week.
Anyways I really hope you all enjoy. I'm thinking about making this one big story which will giving you more into the love story of Damiano and Marco...
“You know you really should let me take a run to the laundromat tomorrow. I could get all of your clothes clean again so you don't have to keep buying new outfits once a week” Marco laughed as he folded some of the new shirts his boyfriend had gotten that day. He neatly placed them on the hotel room dresser before turning around to face Damiano.
The other man looked up from the bed and raised his eyebrow and said “Who says? I don't want us getting swarmed by paparazzi. I don't want to give them another reason to be up our asses again” 
“Ah! Who said you would have to come with me? I can step outside and people don't know who I am” Marco walked over, stopping once he got in front of Damiano. He slid his hand around his shoulders, one snaking just high enough to hold the back of his neck. He loved it when Damiano let his haircut grow out a bit. It made it so much easier for him to play with his boyfriend's hair in moments like these. 
“You are not leaving without me, no. You are in a foreign city and you barely speak the language my love. I don't need you getting lost or kidnapped!” He gasped dramatically, throwing his arms around his hips and pulling Marco in closer, so he could rest his cheek against his body. 
Marco laughed and only pushed his hands into Damiano’s hair more as he happily leaned  into the embrace of the other male “Oh yeah? That’s what is going to happen? I am going to get kidnapped?” he hummed and looked down at him, moving one hand to cup Damiano’s cheek. 
Damiano looked up at him and nodded “Si, you are going to get kidnapped”
“I think you are being dramatic” Marco said 
“Okay maybe but you will definitely get lost. You almost got lost in the airport when we flew in!” the italian male laughed
Name finally accepted defeat “Ugh fine fine you win. I won't do chores for you” he laughed and rolled his eyes.
“Mh good..” Damiano said before tightening his grip on Marco’s waist and tossing himself back onto the bed, so Marco came down with him. Marco giggled and quickly had to adjust to Damiano pulling them back. He put one knee on either side of Damiano’s body and rested himself right above Damiano's crotch so he wasn't resting on it. 
Marco kept laughing as they shifted to get comfortable. “I thought you said you didn't want to do this before we went out for dinner” he said, empathizing with the word “this”. 
Damiano hummed “We aren't doing it. You are just on me.” He looked up at him with a smirk
“Oh oh oh you mean if I dont move slightly down we won't do it?” Marco rubbed Damiano’s chest gently as they stared at each other.
“If you move down? What happens when you move down?” Damiano scoffed 
“When I move down honey….” He purred and slowly pushed his body down so he could straddle right over Damiano’s crotch. Marco was still just only in his pjs and Damiano was in a pair of gray sweat pants and a t- shirt. 
Damiano bit his lip “You are still just sitting there. We aren't doing anything”
Marco nodded and slowly began to rock his hips onto Damiano's crotch. He moved himself in little circles and up and down. He could feel the warmth pool between his lips and the pulse began to start.”What's this then?”
Damiano didn’t respond at first. He just slowly moved his hands behind his head. “We still aren't doing it..”
He looked down and hummed “We will soon” he giggled and kept grinding himself onto Damiano. He could feel his clothed lips push against Damianos' hardening cock. He slid his hands up Damiano's shirt slowly to keep his position stable. 
Damiano didn't want to give into the temptation, but he knew he was going to fall into it. He enjoyed the simpleness of it for a moment before moving his arms and placing his hands on Marco’s waist. He began to play with the waistline of his pants, watching his fingers dip into the band of other males' underwear. Damiano kept enjoying the moment until he just finally needed more. He pushed himself up and wrapped his arms around Marco’s waist, pulling him closer to his chest and only locking the straddle he had on him. The italian looked him deep in the eyes, stroking his back and sides before kissing him . He pushed his tongue into his mouth as they made out. Marco began to rock his body with Damiano’s help as they took their time not rushing it. 
Marco pulled away panting and ran his fingers through damiano’s hair “You should take your shirt off” He panted gently with a smile
“Only if you do the same” He said with a smirk 
“Fair deal….:
The two began peeling their shirts off, Marco just tossing it behind his head onto the floor and then Damiano whipping his to the end of the bed. The two admired each other as always before embracing each other once again. Their lips met, full of passion, as they held onto one another. Marco snaked his hands up to stroke over Damiano's chest. Similar to his grown out hair cut, Marco couldn't help but to fall in love with the light fuzz of chest hair on Damiano. Damiano smiled as they kissed, just letting the other boy feel around his body as he pleased. He was just starting to have fun of his own. 
Damiano pushed his hands into Marco’s lounge pants, gripping his ass from over his boxers. Marco gasped gently and giggled as he pulled away from the kiss for a moment “You like what you feel?” He asked and rocked his hips into his crotch a few more times.
“Oh yeah baby…I'm loving’ what I’m feelin’. But I think I'm going to want more soon…. And I  know that you will too” Marco gently gripped the fabric of the other man's shirt as their bodies rocked together in harmony. 
“Fuck it” The italtain mumbled, flipping them over so he was the one on top now. “We have time….” Damiano purred as he began to kiss up and down Marco’s neck.
He let out a soft moan of pleasure as he felt the other man's lips against his neck “Just don’t draw it out~” he gripped Damiano’s hair gently as he felt the other man's body move so he was in between Marco’s thighs.
Damiano scoffed gently and looked up “Don’t underestimate what I can do in our given time amour..” He moved himself down his boyfriend's body and once he got low enough he began to tug down his sweatpants. Marco lifted his hips happily letting Damiano strip his clothes piece by piece. Damiano began to kiss up and down the other male's thighs, nipping at some spots playfully. He moaned gently, squirming his hips further down trying to let the other man know he wanted more from him already. Damiano glanced up and smirked, laughing gently, before slowly tugging down his partner's underwear. 
“Oh fuck baby..” He mumbled to himself, not even taking a second after he had tossed the underwear on the floor he was up close to his lover's heat. Marco hummed gently in response and opened his legs more for Damiano, giving him access. Daniamo laid between his legs and on his side. He ran his hand up his leg and thigh before crossing over his pelvic region and right between his heat. He slowly rubbed his fingers between his boyfriend's lips before spreading them apart. 
“Fuck dami~”
“Shhh just enjoy this” The rockstar hushed him as he leaned down, licking up and down his wet folds, groaning genty at the sweet tangy taste. He took his time lapping his tongue over his partner's cunt just listening to his moans. He soon lifted his head up for a moment “Tell me when you are close okay?” He asked softly before latching his lips around his engorged clit. He swiveled his lips up and down Marco’s cocklet which resulted in a louder string of moans from the other.
Damiano was passionate yet so gentle at the sametime, making sure not to over-stimulate him too early on in their playtime. As he kept suckling at his tdick, Damiano ran his fingers gently over Marco’s entrance, letting him know his next move. He slid one finger inside of name as he continued sucking his clit. Damiano massaged gently up into his g-spot as he finger fucked up to get him warmed up. 
Marco was laying in the bed, moaning his boyfriends name mixed in with curse words. His body shivered every now and then as the waves of pleasure just washed over him. He flopped his head back and just closed his eyes letting Damiano take over the situation. Damiano added another finger inside of Marco, twisting the two digits in and out of the boy. The moans and whimpers kept falling from his lips as Damiano kept going. 
“Fuck Damiano we dont have time for all of this!” Marco groaned out, gripping Damianos hair as he glanced back down at his boyfriend.
Damiano lifted his head up, looking up at Marco. His lips were shiny with a mix of spit and the other boys wetness. “Fine, If you don’t we think we time that's fine. More reasons I can fuck you.” He pulled his fingers out of his heat before crawling back over him. He pushed Marco’s legs apart before he tugged and kicked off his boxers. He spit into his hand and began stroking himself “Fuck do you need lube baby?” He asked, panting gently, looking at the bedside table.
Marco modded and painted a bit “Here…” He said as he grabbed their little travel bottle of lube before leaning up and squirting some into his hand. Marco pushed Damiano’s hand out of the way before he began to stroke his member slowly, covering him in the lube.
Damiano let his hand fall back down next to his body as he let out a soft sigh “Fuck…” He mumbled “Hurry up so I can be inside of you.” He gently pushed Marco back down and pulled his hips up just enough so Damiano was kneeling between Marco’s legs. He scooted himself up forward, pushing his tip against his boyfriend’s wet folds “Fuck baby..” He mumbled, using a hand to keep his lips spread so he could watch his member slowly begin to push into him. Marco gasped gently and shifted his body as he was penetrated. Damiano quickly looked up when he heard the sharp sound come from his lover.
“You are okay my love…” He asked, stopping his motions and rubbed his thigh 
Marco nodded and chewed his lip “I’m more than okay. Keep going..” He reassured Damiano. 
Damiano nodded and pushed himself all the way into his warmth, feeling his body tighten and relax around his cock. He panted gently and slowly laid himself over Marco. He placed one hand next to the boy’s head and another on his hip for the time being. “Ready…?” He whispered and peppered kisses along his jaw.
“Oh fuck me already Damiano I’m ready!” Marco wrapped his arms around his neck and tangled his fingers into Damianos' hair. 
With that, Damiano slowly pulled out and thrusted back in. He kept a steady pace, pushing in and out of him. He groaned loudly as he felt Marco’s nails run down along his neck and to his shoulders. 
“Damiano..~” Marco let out another breathy moan as their bodies melted together so perfectly. 
Damiano leaned down and began to kiss up and down his neck, leaving love bites every so often. He soon began to speed up his pace, listening to the moans leaving his boyfriend's lips in response. He felt his nails dig into his shoulders which only encouraged him more. Their bodies fit together so perfectly. Their bodies moved with each other to an almost rhythmic motion, they didn’t even  have to exchange words to understand what the other person's next move was.
The two only had a bit more time before they had to get ready for dinner with their friends. With that knowledge in mind and Damiano being the passionate lover he is, always wanting his partner to finish; He lifted up Marco’s thigh, pulling him closer and positioning  him just enough so he could slide into him even deeper. He used his free hand to stroke his cocklet as he sped up just enough to hear his partners change in moans. 
“Oh fuck Damiano!” Marco sobbed out in complete and utter pleasure as he let his boyfriend have control. 
Damiano panted as he grunted “Come on baby…” he groaned as he stroked his tdick in motion with his thrusts “Be good…relax…come on” He mumbled under his breath.
The dirty talk, the over stimulation, the absolute heat of the situation brought Marco overboard soon enough. His body clenched around Damiano’s as he arched his back, only pushing his body into the others. He twisted his fists into the sheets and as his orgasm waved over his body. Damiano was short to follow. He felt his walls tighten around his cock which sent his body hurtling towards his finish. He unraveled inside of Marco’s warmth, groaning and panting as he rode out his high. They both stayed there just panting for a moment to catch their breath. Damiano stayed inside of Marco as he rested.  
“Holy shit I don’t know how you can make me cum that fast..” Marco began to laugh 
Damiano laughed with him and looked down at him “I've cracked your code baby. I know what makes you tick..” He said before slowly pulling out of him. “Here hold on..” He hummed before dashing off quickly leaving Marco laying there. 
He came back with a towel and sat down on the couch and began to wipe up the inside of Marco’s thighs. “Wanna take a quick shower before we get ready for dinner?” Damiano asked
Marco nodded “Mhh yeah but not with you..” He laughed and looked at his boyfriend and got all offended at his comment.
“Whaat! Why not!” Damiano furrowed his eyebrows, resting his chin on Marco’s knee
“Uhm because we are going to end up fucking again if we shower together” He burst out laughing which caused Damiano to laugh with him.
“Alright that is true….go shower and then I'll be in after you” Damiano sighed and helped pull Marco up off of the bed.
Marco pecked his lips gently with a small giggle “I love you Dami”
“I love you too amour...” 
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littlemixer01 · 2 years ago
Some of the best Maneskin fanfiction stories across all interactive online platforms
Damiano and Victoria fanfiction
Ti Voglio bene by manebitches: Ti voglio bene | Damoria - ▪︎ - Wattpad
I fell in love with you in stages (my whole life) by luna_2399: I fell in love with you in stages (my whole life) [Official Chronological guide] - luna_2399 - Måneskin (Band) [Archive of Our Own]
Ethan and Victoria fanfiction
The middle of adventure, such a perfect start by busywastinglife: The middle of adventure, such a perfect place to start - Chapter 1 - busywastinglife - Måneskin (Band) [Archive of Our Own]
Ethan, Damiano and Reader fanfiction
Gay enough by pjisskullourful: that {superpower} bitch on Tumblr (all stories are brilliant!)
Ethan, Victoria and Reader fanfiction
Shattered by toglimi tutto: 𝔱𝔬𝔤𝔩𝔦𝔪𝔦 𝔱𝔲𝔱𝔱𝔬 — Pairing: Ethan x Vic x Fem!Reader summary: one... (tumblr.com)
At her command by till-you-scream-and-cry: 𝔱𝔬𝔤𝔩𝔦𝔪𝔦 𝔱𝔲𝔱𝔱𝔬 on Tumblr
The one where Victoria wants to watch by Amore O diamanti, demoni O santi: Amore o diamanti, demoni o santi : The one where Victoria wants to watch (tumblr.com)
Thomas, Victoria and Reader fanfiction
My partners know about each other by II tempo brucera tutti i fogli che parlan de te: Il tempo brucerà tutti i fogli che parlan di te: My Partners Know About Each Other Pairing: Thomas... (tumblr.com)
All band members fanfiction
Archieve of our own:
Never seen a girl so cruel by busywastinglife: Never seen a girl so cruel - busywastinglife - Måneskin (Band) [Archive of Our Own]
Victoria and reader fanfiction
Sunburn by damiano-mylove: Nik🔮 on Tumblr
Toxic by ethansbellissima: 𝚃𝙾𝚇𝙸𝙲 ⭑ 𝒗.𝒅.𝒂 - ♱ 𝒆𝒗𝒂 ♱ - Wattpad
Rhythm by fanfic70744: 𝑹𝑯𝒀𝑻𝑯𝑴 ~ 𝑽𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒂 𝑫𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒔 - :) - Wattpad
Damiano and Reader fanfiction
Coraline by reflectingsouls: 𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄, damiano david - 𝐦 𝐢 𝐧 𝐚 . - Wattpad
Le parole lontane by coralinerosa: 𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐞 {𝑚𝑎̊𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑛} - - Wattpad
Coraline- Damiano David by fredswhoreee: coraline - damiano david - ella. . . ! - Wattpad
Back to you by hirieth: Back To You | Damiano David - hirieth - Wattpad
"dalla luna" by cherrycola_011: "dalla luna" ▪︎ damiano david - valé - Wattpad
Quindi Marlena torna a casa by Hebewillekens: 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐚 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐚 - Måneskin - Hebe - Wattpad
You're my person by WRITINGMANESKIN: ☀️✨ 🌑 : You're My Person - A Damiano David Story (tumblr.com)
Home is where the heart is by WRITINGMANESKIN (multi-chapter): ☀️✨ 🌑 : Home is Where the Heart is - A Damiano David Story... (tumblr.com)
My sweet valentine by WRITINGMANESKIN: ☀️✨ 🌑 : Home is Where the Heart is - A Damiano David Story... (tumblr.com)
For your love by tornerai da me: tornerai da me — For Your Love (Damiano David x Reader) (tumblr.com)
I wanna be your slave by tornerai de me: tornerai da me — For Your Love (Damiano David x Reader) (tumblr.com)
Dress code by skullourful: Dress Code - skullourful - Måneskin (Band) [Archive of Our Own]
Lullaby for the dawn by filthforfriends: Lullaby for the Dawn - filthforfriends - Måneskin (Band) [Archive of Our Own]
Vita Mia by itsmaneskinbitch: Vita Mia - itsmaneskinbitch - Måneskin (Band) [Archive of Our Own]
Loving by itsmaneskinbitch: Loving - itsmaneskinbitch - Måneskin (Band) [Archive of Our Own]
Babyish by itsmaneskinbitch: Babyish - itsmaneskinbitch (orphan_account) - Måneskin (Band) [Archive of Our Own]
Stained sheets by skullourful: Stained Sheets - Chapter 1 - skullourful - Måneskin (Band) [Archive of Our Own]
Aftercare Instructions by skullourful: Aftercare Instructions - skullourful - Måneskin (Band) [Archive of Our Own]
Valentine's day by Alice_Immortale: Valentine's Day - Alice_Immortale - Måneskin (Band) [Archive of Our Own]
All band members and Reader fanfiction
Truth or dare by Marlena Immortale: Marlena Immortale : Truth or Dare (tumblr.com)
A valentine's surprise by Marlena-Immortale: Marlena Immortale : A Valentine’s Surprise (tumblr.com)
Puppet by Oro-E-Diamanti: Amore o diamanti, demoni o santi : Puppet - A Måneskin Chapter Story Updated every... (tumblr.com) (multi-chapter story)
Be my slave by asteria_lunar: Be My Slave (Måneskin Fanfiction // Damiano Victoria Ethan Thomas) - asteria luna - Wattpad
Don't ask, don't tell by till-you-scream-and-cry: 𝔱𝔬𝔤𝔩𝔦𝔪𝔦 𝔱𝔲𝔱𝔱𝔬 on Tumblr (multi-chapter)
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sassy-sofia · 5 months ago
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Olio di Sangue
Pairings: Damiano/Ethan, Thomas/Vic, past Damiano /Thomas
Description: Damiano has inherited Rome’s illicit counterfeit olive oil empire but things go awry when he faces significant threats from rival factions: a ruthless neighboring Mafia group and Inspector Luca Moretti, a relentless Sicilian cop determined to dismantle his operation. As tensions escalate, undercover operative Ethan, tasked with infiltrating Damiano’s crew, finds himself torn between duty and a growing affection for Damiano. Amidst these rivalries and internal betrayals, Damiano must navigate dangerous alliances and fierce power struggles to safeguard his empire.
Word count: 8,779 (incomplete)
Chapters: 3/?
TW: mafia au, violence, organized crime, arson, child endangerment
Additional tags on AO3
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writersblockiskillingme · 2 years ago
Dad Damaino please
Papà | Damiano David
Pairing: Damiano David x reader
Summary: You woke up in the middle of the night just so that you realize that Damiano is not with you, but don't worry. You know where to find him.
Warning/s: just pure fluff, mantion of hospitals a few times, pregnancy and babies and all that stuff, dad Damiano (yes that should be a warning itself), first time writing anything related to babies and that kind of stuff, possible grammar and spelling mistakes (English is my second language)
Author's note: Ding! Order up!🛎 Here is another Damiano fic as you requested. I really do hope you like it. It is truly the first time that I wrote anything that included this type of topics, but I hope that I did a decent job. Thank you for the request, anon. Feel free to send more requests. Enjoy!! 👩‍🍳
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You were snuggled deep in the silk sheets on Damiano's and yours bed. Once you heard the noise the first time you just started to press your face much deeper in your pillow. The softness and the warmth of your side of the bed was overwhelming. You were finally back home. Back in your own bed.
Oh, how much you missed your comfortable side of the bed. The soft, squishy pillow that felt like you were resting your face on a literal cloud. You missed the softness so much. You knew one thing for sure. Hospital beds sucked. Very much so. But, aside from all that. One thing you missed the most, one thing that you literally wanted to kill for when you were forced to lay in uncomfortable hospital bed for days, was Damiano's soft touch when you slept.
The feeling of his arm tightening around you and bringing you closer to keep you warm at night when you were practically fast asleep. You missed the feeling of his soft breathing that you felt against your neck every night. You just missed feeling his warmth and being in his safe hold in your sleep. When you slept in the same bed with him, it felt like the safest place ever. You felt like you were the safest you could ever be in the whole wide world right when you were in his arms. Speaking of Damiano, soon enough, as you steached your arm out and your fingers felt the sheets on the other side of the bed where Damiano was supposed to be sleeping, you noticed that Damiano wasn't laing in bed anymore. That's when you heard that little whining voice again, but it was slowly calming down, it was slowly getting quite and you knew what it was. You knew what was happening.
You gathered all of the strength you could so you could open your eyes. You did so with, what seemed like, a lot of effort. You than steached your arm a little bit left soaking in the feeling of the cold side of bed which Damiano occupied, but now was nowhere to be found. Yet you were sure that you knew exactly where he was. And so, with that thought, you decided that you should get up and confirm your suspicion. You couldn't help but let out a small soft groan at the thought of getting up from the bed. It doesn't matter, you think to yourself, the bed was getting colder without him anyways. You lifted the covers off of you and slang your legs over your side of the bed so you could get up. As you did that, and got up afterwards, you, once again, couldn't help but let out another soft groan from the soreness. You still couldn't believe that all of this happened just a few days ago.
You slowly, quietly started to walk out of Damiano's and yours room and down the hallway. You watched your every step, careful as to not wake her up as Damiano probably got her back to sleep. Just when you thought that you had to open the door to the room that was not so far away from your bedroom you met with a wonderful sight.
There he was. Standing in the middle of the room, his back turned to you, facing the window which showed nothing but a complete darkness that the Italian night brought with it when it decided that Sun should be pushed away for a few hours before it was time for it to go back up. Even though his back was facing you, you could see that he was holding something in his arms or rather someone. As you stood frozen by the doorway, you watched as Damiano was slowly rocking her back and forth as he sang something in Italian to her. It was beautiful. It was truly beautiful. But most of all, it was peaceful and you didn't have the heart, you just couldn't bare, to break this peace between a father and a daughter. But you didn't have to. Damiano was first to notice your presence in the room. When you saw that he noticed you, you started to slowly walk up to him as he gave you a little soft smile. You leaned over his shoulder, holding onto him as you looked at the peaceful, sleeping face of your little girl.
"What are you doing up, amore?" He whispered once you joined them. "Did we wake you up?"
"I noticed that your side of the bed was cold and when I opened my eyes I saw that you were gone." You explained as you watched him watch you with beautiful pair of crystals that your daughter stole for herself, too. "I knew that I would find you here after I heard her voice." You told him as you pressed your finger against your daughter's soft cheek as you carefully tried to not wake her up with your action.
"You shouldn't be awake at his hour. Only a few days have passed since you were free to return home from the hospital." He started to ramble, you noticed that he started to speak faster, his Italian accent getting thicker and you couldn't help but smile at him. "You must sit down right now. You must rest." He continued with whispering his worries to you and you could hold back a quiet giggle that escaped your lips.
"Amore, I'm fine. I feel perfectly fine. Still a little sore, sure." You said and you immediately noticed how he shot you a worried look at that once again so you quickly continued to explain. "But I feel fine, Dami. Truly."
"But you would tell me if something was wrong." He gave you a look, never stopping with rocking your asleep daughter back and forth. "Right?"
"Of course I would. I promise." You promised with a smile and he seemed satisfied with your truthful answer.
"Good." He told you, but he still made you sit down on the rocking chair in the corner of the room.
At that moment you realized how lucky you truly were as to have this amazing family. You had a person who loved you unconditionally and would do anything for you just like you would do the same for him. He was your everything and you were his everything. As he shot a quick look and caught your sleeping form in a rocking chair he realized that he couldn't be happier. He had you. You had him. Him and your darling daughter Marlena.
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