#Dallas Energy rates
lovelytsunoda · 2 months
heatwave // mick schumacher
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summary: sticky, sweaty days are no fun at all
pairing: mick schumacher x fiancée reader
prompts used: laying in bed all dayyy together with fans on & when one loves to cuddle and the other hates feeling sticky & "i know the weather is hot, but you're so much hotter, babe" ".... why did you have to be so cringe--
warnings: mentions of heatstroke, mentions of sex
authors note : I know I said I had no inspiration but I guess that was a bold faced lie because now I have some?
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the ceiling fan spun in lazy circles, sheer curtains drawn shut and a small portable fan set on the nightstand. the two young lovers were drenched in sweat, despite not having left the bed (or gotten up to anything rated above a pg-13) all day.
the heatwave was a killer, and although they had been warned about the impending inclement weather to the dallas are, neither one had listened.
“ew, mick, your top is soaked through, take it off!”
“so is my skin!” he shot back with a laugh, shaking his head so that droplets of sweat flew off his soaked blond locks. “how’s that going to make any kind of difference?”
“it just will!” his fiancée whined from the bed, where she was lying on top of the sheets in nothing but panties and a grey robbed tank top. “I am literally dying here.”
laughing to himself, mick flopped down on the bed and reached for the tv remote, placing one warm hand on his lovers thigh. it felt like a branding iron on her skin, the simple sweaty contact becoming all too much.
“stop, stop! you’re too hot, I can’t take it!” the shout was followed by the rustling of pillows as she tried to find one that still had a cool side, pressing it over her face in an attempt to cool down
still laughing, mick sunk down on the bed next to her, nimble fingers raking his sweaty hairs away from his eyes as he joined his lover in staring at the ministrations of the ceiling fan.
“you know, this weather is hot, but you’re so much hotter, babe.” mick mused drowsily, turning to face yn.
the woman he loved. the one he was going to marry. there were only a few months now until the wedding, only a few things left to do.
if they could survive this heatwave, that is.
“mick,” she started, pausing for a second as she pulled the pillow away from her face, ready to hit him with it. “what do you have to be so cringe?”
“because you looove me.” mick laughed, leaning over her sweaty body to press kisses all over her face
“mick, you dog!” she shouted in between giggles, fighting the urge to curl her body around his, especially knowing how hot and sweaty she would become if she allowed herself to sink into his loving embrace.
she shoved mick to the side, using the last of her energy to sit up in bed, the gurgle of her stomach echoing throughout the room.
“uber eats?”
“uber eats. and nothing too heavy, the heat will kill my appetite pretty fast.”
moving to the edge of the bed, yn got up and slowly stretched out her sore limbs. she didn’t deal with heat well after having gotten heatstroke watching mick race in singapore a few years prior, hence why she had barely left her bed all day, allowing mick to do yard work and cooking and such.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this,” she started “and it’s likely the only time I ever will. please go and get the ice bath from the garage and make it as cold as humanly possible.”
micks eyes lit up, a devilish smile crossing his features. at the sight of his mischevious grin, yn regretted her decision almost instantly. her lover swept her off her feet, carrying her fireman-style to the garage. she sat on top of her dads old work bench as she watched mick set up the ice bath.
typically, she avoided ice baths like the plague. she found them far too cold, as if she was single handedly reentering the ice age.
but with heat like todays, that seemed to be the perfect answer.
she watched mick set up, his back muscles and shoulder blades moving under his toned skin. “water should be cold, I’ll run inside for some ice.” that smile. that damned cheeky smile. “do you want a swimsuit, or do you want to go skinny dipping. let me tell you which one I would prefer-“
“stop. please. it is too hot for sex today.” she whined, gesturing for him to come closer. “just dump me on the cold water. I want to feel something other than heatstroke.”
mick laughed, picking her up again. “babe, you do not have heatstroke.”
“you don’t know that!”
still laughing, mick leaned over the ice bath and slowly began to lower his lover into the icy water. as the cold water began to touch her, she squealed, flinching back.
“it’s easier if I just drop you right in!”
“well, what are you waiting for!”
with a hearty grin, mick dropped her into the water, stepping back to avoid the splash back.
“holy fuck!” she moaned “god, that feels good.”
“um, excuse you, you never moan like that when I’m the root cause of pleasure.” mick joked, pretending to be offended
she held up her hand, sinking further into the water. “hush. I’d like to meditate in this chilled water, in peace.”
mick knelt next to the ice bath, reaching to playfully tug on her nose. “the ice bath fits two. have room for one more?”
she laughed, turning to kiss him softly. “come on, romeo. of course there’s room for two, we just might need more ice.”
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puzziepoppin · 1 year
lovelovelovelove thinking about being dallas winston's gf.
cw: mostly just fluffy relationship stuff, mentions of sex; no detail, loosely curtis!reader, not edited and written on a small amount of energy so exscue any grammar mistakes😭
-sleeping in at bucks until the sun is shine so brightly through the blinds you can't see anything but the rays hitting his face in such a perfect way spotlighting all of his usually rock hard features that have turned soft while he sleeps.
-dally is a FULL time stomach sleeper though. and when he finally gets some good sleep he sleeps hard. so if you want to cuddle up close to him don't excpect him to spoon with you. he'll hold you while he sleeps on his back once in a while, but the most you can usually get on from that boy is an arm slung around your body.
-and he is NOT a morning person. the second you inch to sit up hes mumbling with his morning groggy voice and thick accent for you to get back in bed. even if you have work or school or just have to pee. DO NOT expect him to let you up.
-he seems like a real hard-ass but i like to think he has his softer side for you but only when your alone. can't let the gang know you've made him gone soft.
-and if your a curtis girl just expect for darry to be even harder on you once he finds out your dating tusla's certified delinquent. it's all outta care for you and love. he doesn't want his family getting separated from him, and knowing how much time dally spends in the cooler has dar just a tad worried that your gonna get caught up in it sometime.
-and we all know dallas winston fucks. so in the beginning darry will definitely be a bit suspicious of dally only using you to get his dick wet. but once he sees a how dally acts around you he starts to soften up a bit. just don't let darry catch you with dally in your bed doing the devils dance. or any clothes removed for that matter.
-on the topic of fucking and touching. dally is big on pda but in his own way. he's not the type to spin you around and pick you up after he gets outta the cooler. but he knows how to be romantic. he's just more of a touchy feely (vampire on the neck) kinda guy. your friends and darry especially will always have a comment on the new hickey that's accumulated on your neck or how it looks like dallys eating your face off anytime you make out. but dal is just passionate with his kisses. passionate and hungry. if he feels the need he can add a bit of gentleness in there just gentle isn't a normal word in dallas winston's vocabulary.
a/n: more self indulgence but this time it's with my new fictional bf. no, i haven't finished reading the outsiders so DONT mention any deaths to me. and death is so bleh anyways i like to imagine a world where they all live and johnny never killed the soc and darry never hit dally. anyways maybe some more rated r coming soon babes😘
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dreamwatch · 3 months
Spoilin' for a Fight
Written for @corrodedcoffinfest
Day #8 - Prompt: Band Politics | Word Count: 920 | Rating: T | CW: language, lot's of language! | POV: None | Pairing: None | Tags: Transcript, band fight, arguments, petty bullshit, our babies are divas now! | AO3
Transcript of recording made backstage at Corroded Coffin concert - Starplex Ampitheatre, Dallas, TX, Aug 5th, 1996
Eddie Munson (Lead guitar & vocals): You were off.
Jeff Williams (Lead vocals and rhythm guitar): Where are the black towels?
Gareth Jones (Drums): Excuse me?
EM: Your timing was off!
GJ: Yeah, time for the old man to get his ears checked.
JW: Don’t we have a dozen black towels on our rider?
EM: My ears are fine, your timing however—
GJ: You’re going senile, you can set your watch by me.
EM: Yeah well that’s not much use to me if you’re playing in a different time zone, is it?
Matt Morrison (Bass): There’s no Cherry Gatorade either. And your timing was definitely off, you were throwing me all over the place.
GJ: Well maybe it wouldn’t be if he wasn’t out there playing like Yngwie fucking Malmsteen! See that? That’s a grey hair I didn’t have when you started that solo. I was worried I’d never see my kids graduate.
EM: So you admit you were off?
GJ: You know, sometimes you’re a real (inaudible)
JW: Jesus Christ. Calm down, dude.
GJ: I’m calm! 
MM: And there’s no Sprinkle Spangles. 
EM: You have one job - keep the fucking time. That’s it. Not that hard, man. 
GJ: Oh, not that hard? What are you, Neil Peart now?
EM: I couldn’t be any worse than you. 
GJ: Go fuck yourself, Eddie.
JW: Gareth! Come on.
(Sound of door slamming)
MM: Let him go, he was pissing me off as well.
JW: You weren’t exactly on top of things yourself, man.
MM: I beg your pardon?
EM: I could hear your bass.
MM: You’re supposed to hear it!
EM: I don’t need to hear that much of it!
(Sound of door opening)
GJ: And if we’re critiquing one another, you were flat and Jeff was pitchy as hell. And Matty, there are four strings on a bass, try using the other three.
EM: Yeah, sure, whatever.
JW: Nothing wrong with my vocals, dude. Stick to your own lane. And Eddie’s right, your timing was all over the place tonight.
MM: You know something, I’m going to make sure my amps are right up tomorrow night, drown you assholes out completely.
GJ: I wasn’t off!
MM: The Bud is warm. What the fuck is up with this venue, man?
EM: We give you a solo slot to show off your chops, when it’s my solo just do your fucking job. 
GJ: You give me a solo spot so you can all take a piss! Let’s not pretend it’s some gift from the band to me, you want a bathroom break.
MM: To be fair, the audience needs a bathroom break, too.
JW: Not helping. And Eddie, he’s right, that solo was longer than we planned.
GJ: Thank you. There’s only so many hours a man can listen to that shit before he loses concentration. 
EM: It was the same solo I played in Houston.
MM: It was definitely longer.
EM: Well even if it was, and it wasn’t, your supposedly professional musicians. If I’m improvising, and I wasn’t—
JW: You absolutely were—
EM: I wasn’t! But even if I were, you should all be able to adapt and keep up with me. All you have to do is stay in the groove. You were like fucking… he was doing some weird fucking jazz thing out there, for God’s sake. 
GJ: I was trying to keep us all awake! You should be kissing my feet, I was bringing much-needed energy to that shitshow. Did you see the audience? They looked like they were all on fucking Ambien!
EM: Fact remains, you are a drummer. You have one job - keep time. 
GJ: Oh that’s my job? I just keep time?
EM: Yes?
GJ: I bring nothing else to the table?
(Long pause in recording)
MM: You make great lasagne.
(Laughter can be heard)
EM: You do make great lasagne.
JW: I’m pretty sure he buys that in.
GJ: Oh fuck you, I do not!
MM: Did anyone find the black towels?
EM: Just use a white one for Christ’s sake.
JW: We have them on the rider—
EM: It literally doesn’t matter!
MM: It’s the principle, dude! Today it’s black towels and Cherry Gatorade, Tomorrow it’s your Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Oil shampoo.
EM: If that ever happens, the venue is blacklisted. That’s no joke.
JW: I need to talk to Phil (Jackson - Band Manager), I’m fucking done. I need my black towels.
(Sound of door opening)
MM: Ask him about the Gatorade! A man could die of thirst here.
GJ: There’s water right there, dude.
EM: And Bud.
MM: But I want Cherry Gatorade. Why is that so hard to understand? It’s on the rider for a reason. I need hydration after—
EM: Then drink the fucking water!
GJ: How much hydration can you need? You stand in one spot all night!
MM: I beg your pardon?
GJ: Am I wrong?
MM: Yes! You are!
EM: I’m staying out of this one.
(Sound of door opening)
JW: Okay, towels are coming, they were in another dressing room.
GJ: Fucking amateurs, man.
MM: What about the Gatorade?
JW: Shit. Forgot, sorry.
MM: Son of a bitch. 
EM: Can someone explain to me what the fuck is wrong with the water?
GJ: Wait a second… some fucker’s recording this!
(Sound of tape clicking off)
End Transcript
If you're an Iron Maiden fan... you know what this is from!
Also - I might retcon Matty's last name at some stage so if you see it change... no you didn't!
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natlacentral · 2 months
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Ian Ousley
Ian Ousley recalls sitting on his parents’ bed, switching on the television, and completely transporting to a different, magical land: the land of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Like many other early 20-something-year-olds, he grew up with the show. “Avatar was one of the things that pushed me into wanting to do martial arts,” he reflects, “My parents were so sick of me pretending that I could bend stuff [laughs].” 
Some years later, Ousley received the news that he would be a part of the live-action rendition of the now highly-rated Netflix series — a very full-circle moment for the young actor that he describes as emotional. But this time around, viewers are given a glimpse of the Avatar universe through a new light. Departing from the original animated form, the actors in this new iteration all faced the challenge of translating these quirky characters to real life.
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“Luckily enough for me, I had tons to pull from based on the animated version. Asking and answering those questions for Sokka was really important to me. Like, what was my relationship with my dad before he left? What was my relationship with my mom like? I dove into some things that the animation doesn't explore all the way,” he expands, “Music and costumes were great access points for me as well. Putting on that costume while I'm listening to music was really helpful. I would journal a lot as Sokka every morning too.” 
As a kid, Ousley reflects that he would actually mimic the actions of Prince Zuko, the anti-hero of the fictional series. He laughs when thinking of the irony of pretending to be Zuko but ending up playing Sokka, one of the less intimidating and more misunderstood characters on the show. “He wants to be a warrior so bad. And he wants to be valued so badly. He wants to have something to offer, but sometimes he doesn't always feel like he has the physical capabilities for that,” he continues, “So there's a really beautiful story there, I think with him finding ways to be helpful to his friends and the mission of saving the world — without having to be the muscle, even though he so badly wants to be.” 
In many ways, Ousley found it easy to shapeshift into Sokka for this project. “His sarcasm really brings things together. He's so complex and so funny. I joke a lot too, especially to deflect things. So I feel very tied with Sokka in that way,” he shares. But there were surely some challenges to channeling this character, like maintaining his air of comedic relief, as the threshold for comedy in animated television is much higher. Characters can launch off of cliffs or battle with larger-than-life villainous creatures, with little to no consequences. “Everything's weightier in our show because it's real. You're looking at a real little 12-year-old dealing with saving the world. You're looking at a real Katara and a real Sokka. But I was very passionate about keeping the comedy on set.”
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While on set, Ousley and his castmates fostered a family bond not unlike the bond of all of the young characters in the series. “We feel so lucky to mesh with each other as a family unit. I think it came really easy 'cause we spent so much time together, on set, but also off,” he expresses, “Gordon is just like Aang in real life. He's just an energy ball and you feel like he's gonna save the world in real life too. Kiawentiio is just such a force in her own way. And then you have all the guest stars too, which I could go on and on about, but I just feel really blessed. I also shadowed a lot of the directors while I was on set because that's something that I am passionate about wanting to get into.” Ousley even lived with his castmate, Dallas Liu, for the duration of filming, sharing that the two fostered a close-knit brotherly bond.
When Ousley isn’t on set, he taps into another form of self-expression through fashion and design. During the SAG-AFTRA strike this past year, he joined forces with two of his friends, Ryan Sullivan and Hunter Baker, to help with the design and creative direction strategy for their vintage-inspired brand Kalo Soil. But this medium of artistry isn’t a novel one for the young actor; he’s been into sketching and designing for years now. “I started a clothing brand when I was 15 and was just making hoodies and embroidering stuff in the fashion district of DTLA. I had fashion internships with a professor from FIDM, so it's been a passion of mine forever,” he reflects. When he isn’t filming or feeding his interests in the realm of fashion, he flexes other creative muscles, sharing that writing or journaling provide moments of decompression for the 21-year-old who has been moving in the fast lane since he moved to LA as a teenager.
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Between his diverse roles, Taekwondo, and creative outlets, Ousley has a pretty full plate. But he carves out the necessary time to unwind and take it all in. “I've always needed a creative outlet, so I'm constantly sketching and designing stuff just for fun. I've been doing that since I was 15 and it feels effortless at this point. I can always channel whatever I'm feeling into those things. I also love writing, so I try to stay consistent with that — songwriting, poetry, and essays — all of it. I journal a lot too. I spend time with God. I just try to stay rooted in the things that I can control with so many different things going on.” 
Staying rooted in his life is important to the multi-talented actor, but he still looks ahead in the hopes that his career in Hollywood will continue to flourish. A smile flashed across his face when alluding to directing, a skill he’d like to hone in the coming years, but he maintains that his heart really does lie with the current project that he spent the last year dedicating himself to. “The thing that I'm looking most forward to is to continue the show. We all love the show so much, so season two and hopefully season three would be the goal. Sometimes in busy cities like New York or LA, people want to move on quickly. But I think that we all have found a really fun home here, so I would like to enjoy that for a little bit.”
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Just before concluding our Zoom call, Ousley indulged us by answering the hard-hitting questions — I mean, it felt almost unnatural not to ask. “[Laughs] My favorite character from Avatar is Apa. There's no other answer that should be allowed.” And though he masters Sokka’s playful humor and personal intricacies, he shared that if given a chance to occupy the grand Avatar: The Last Airbender universe, he’d definitely be a part of the water tribe. “That’s a hard question,” he posited, “Gliding on the ice and playing around with water powers looked so fun in the animated show — so I’d go with that.” 
Netflix’s highly-anticipated series, Avatar: The Last Airbender is now streaming, and has been renewed for another two seasons.
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alwaysmychoices · 1 year
Vending Machine Confession
Synopsis: Having decided to also leave Edenbrook, Ethan is now racing against Charlie to see who can leave the hospital first. But as they're barreling towards self destruction, they have a chance meeting by the vending machine...
Chapter 40 of the “with and without” series
Previous Series: “a weekend with dr. ramsey”
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x MC (Charlotte “Charlie” Greene)
Words: 3.0k
Rating: Teen (language)
Also available on AO3 & Wattpad (link in Masterlist)
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Ethan hated goodbyes.
He hated drawn out farewells and lingering endings. He’d never been one to hesitate when it was time to go. Ethan hadn’t noticed the change until now – the hesitance in his limbs and the dread in his chest. He wasn’t comfortable on the precipice because he had too much to lose now.
Or maybe he had too much to lose.
Perhaps for the first time since he’d met Charlie, Ethan was free from the shackles of indecision. He knew exactly what he had to do, and as he barreled towards self-destruction, it felt like the only right thing he’d done in a long time.
Naveen told Ethan to give it a few days before acting on his decision to leave Edenbrook. You might regret it, Naveen politely cautioned. Until now, Ethan’s devotion to Edenbrook had been unrelenting, unforgiving, and undying. He sacrificed everything to the altar of his career.
He'd sacrificed Charlie in the name of saving her.
It was a cautionary tale as old as man’s arrogance.
But now it had an ending.
The final chapter had been written, and there was ease in certainty. Even if the conclusion was devasting, at least he knew when it would happen. His ego destroyed him, and now it was a quiet, sneering companion in his grief – reminding him of all he could have achieved if he’d been brave.
Faced with mutual destruction, Ethan had the pleasure of pulling the trigger first. As long as Charlie maintained her corresponding threat to destroy her career, Ethan would gladly do the same. It was a small consolation, but it was his to seize. A final sacrifice – his magnum opus of self-sabotage and poor conflict resolution. Ethan ruined Edenbrook for Charlie, and if he could do nothing else, he owed it to Charlie to give her the dream back.
Stubbornness was their chosen vice. Together, they’d buried themselves in the name of burying the other. Now, there was no escape.
The worst part was that, despite the fights that preceded these lonely nights, they’d never stopped loving each other. Neither saw the other as irredeemable – foolish, inconsiderate, and frustrating, maybe, but not irredeemable. Circumstances ruined them, but the relationship itself was still painted in streaks of gold.
Gold that seeped into the red rage and gray despair.
Gold that kept Ethan up late into the night – pacing a lonely apartment until he could no longer look at the space he once shared with Charlie. Ethan was a man on the run, but he didn’t know where he was going. So, he worked until he didn’t have enough energy to think.
Ethan gazed at the Boston skyline and wondered if any other skyline would feel so lonely. New York? Chicago? San Diego? Dallas?
He had offers from every city. All it would take was a mild display of interest, and he would be whisked away to a new life. His Rhode Island roots recoiled at the possibility of life in the blazing heat, but the broken pieces of his soul longed for anything unfamiliar and untainted. Change could be good, he thought, if for no other reason than it would let him sleep at night.
Idly, his eyes drifted to his laptop screen – waiting for the email he knew was coming. He’d sent out his interest. Now, he just had to wait for an eager recruiter to claim the fist interview. Wherever it was, he’d go – sunny, dark, rainy, hot, whatever. Selectivity required too much from his frayed mind.
For a moment, he imagined a world where the email never came. What would feel worse – the blow to his ego or his failure to make the grand sacrifice?
But of course, the email arrived. To those followers lucky enough to admire him from afar, Ethan was still a god. By the luck of the draw, a hospital in San Diego was the first to claim him. Only a few minutes later, it would have been a medical school in Chicago.
Hot and sunny, Ethan frowned. Not his comfort zone. But who was he to challenge fate?
When Ethan finished reading the email, he didn’t feel relieved. It just felt … final. Sad, even. Like the final chapter of a book he never wanted to finish.
For a moment, he allowed himself to picture a new life in sunny San Diego, but the vision was just as cold as a bitter Boston winter – colder, even. Because she was here. And nothing could ever come close to the warmth he felt when she stood by his side.
Ethan pressed “reply” but typed nothing. Again and again, he started to draft a polite yet brief acceptance, but no words came.
Ethan frowned, wiping his face with exhaustion. It was too late to write, he thought. It was too late to do anything. Realistically, he should have been home hours ago. A wise man would have tried to get what little sleep remained before he commuted back to this dark office, but Ethan recoiled at the thought of going home alone. So, he decided to stay. Hopefully, he’d work himself into exhaustion and be too tired to think.
Encouraged by the promise of something sugary to get him through the slump, Ethan gave himself a well-earned break to visit the vending machine. He traced the familiar path quietly, appreciating the gentle hum of the night shift. He liked how the hospital ignored him at night. It was a welcome reminder that Edenbrook would outlive his legacy.
Even on an empty night like this, Charlie was a specter lurking in every corner, but he never expected to actually see her there – tiredly straightening a crumpled dollar bill so she could trade it for a box of Sour Patch Kids. The same candy he’d intended to buy, a bad habit inherited from many a long night by her side.
Ethan froze, watching with wide eyes as she just … existed. How long had he been standing there? A second? A lifetime? Danger prickled at his skin, reminding him of the sins they’d shared in these hallowed halls.
“For fuck’s sake,” Charlie groaned, ignorant to her observer. Giving up on her unsalvageable dollar bill, Charlie pounded her fist on the glass, hoping for a miracle. Of course, the machine stared back at her, unmoved. Her candy was still out of reach.
Without thinking, Ethan stepped toward.
“Let me.”
It wasn’t until Charlie turned around that Ethan realized he’d been the one to speak.
Charlie stood, mouth agape as Ethan placed a crisp collar bill in the machine and punched in the code for her favorite candy. When he turned to hand her the box of sugary gummies, Charlie still hadn’t moved. Equally shocked at the sudden proximity, neither stepped back. She was so close he could smell the coconut on her hair…
They were silent – consumed by the closeness. Charlie breathed him in, cataloguing every new line on his face. It didn’t occur to her that he was doing the same. What would it feel like years from now, when the contours of their faces had changed without the presence of the other?
Finally, Charlie spoke, “I can’t.”
Ethan chuckled quietly, “Yes, you can.”
Charlie’s lips parted, prepared to put up a fight, but then she decided she wanted the candy more than she wanted to yell at Ethan – though, admittedly, it was a close call.
“Thanks,” Charlie mumbled as she clumsily accepted the cardboard box. Once it was in her hands, she knew it was her turn to leave, yet she lingered. The longer she stayed, the harder it was to pull away.
Ethan felt her growing absence like a bleeding wound. Just before she was out of earshot, he blurted out, “I’m sorry.”
Charlie froze.
Accept it, a voice demanded, let this be the end.
But she didn’t. Instead, she bitterly coughed out, “You should be.”
“I know.”
Charlie whipped her head around, unsure if she was shocked or angry. Could it be both?
“You know?” she repeated quietly.
Clearing his throat, Ethan awkwardly explained, “I’ve always respected you and your career, Charlie. I just… I just wish my actions showed that.”
Charlie’s jaw tightened – of course he was fucking self-righteous enough to give a speech like that. Ever respectful Ethan who couldn’t fathom her making her own decisions about her career. A thousand angry retorts populated her mind, each fighting for the honor of being the biting remark to remind him of his sins. Yet, she delivered none of them. They were each too vulnerable, touching a part of her too raw to unleash without opening a door to her soul. She’d found safety in distance, and she didn’t trust herself to test the depths.
“You’ve been an asshole,” Charlie crossed her arms.
Despite himself, Ethan chuckled.
“I know,” he smiled bitterly, “I’ve always been an asshole, but I never meant to be one to you.”
A sharp, sudden intake of breath. And an unmistakable smile creeping across her lips. She stared at himself for a long time, so long that Ethan almost forgot they’d been engaged in a conversation moments earlier. How could she respond to that? She didn’t want to punish his apology with cruelty, nor did she want to reward it at the risk of undoing all her hard work to distance herself. And could that even be described as a real apology?
“I know,” she whispered to both of their surprise.
She didn’t absolve him, just acknowledged him as something other than a mythical enemy – rather a misguided and damaged man bumbling through unfamiliar love. And fuck that might have been worse.
He is close enough to touch, she thought. She indulged in the fantasy where she ran into his arms. It doesn’t have to mean anything, a tempting voice whispered, You can still hate him in the morning.
But she wouldn’t. It was a dangerous game – one she would always lose.
One she was probably already losing.
Charlie was caught between a desperate desire to forgive him and an insistent shame that she was so easily drawn back to him. With equal measure, she wanted to curse his name and drag him back to her bed. Before she could do either, she turned on her heels and raced through the halls – retreating to her hidden corner where she’d been working late into the night to avoid the memories haunting her empty bed.
Ethan watched her go. It wasn’t a surprise, yet some part of him expected her to turn around. When he realized she wasn’t coming back, he gazed at his reflection in the vending machine light. It was the same empty expression that followed him back to his office, where he spent an ungodly amount of time trying to will himself into productivity. Any attempt to work himself into a stupor was ruined when she broke through his haze.
He left the hospital in defeat, entering his apartment like a fallen fighter. A drink in hand, Ethan milled about his home, touring a thousand possibilities of what could have been.
This is the end. So why doesn’t it feel like it?
He heard the clock tick, but only now did he realize that it had always been lurking in the wings. Ethan was always going to fuck this up, if just because he didn’t trust himself to do anything else.
A lifetime of “what if”s flashed before his eyes – what if he hadn’t pulled away in Miami? What if he’d picked her over Edenbrook the first time? Or the second time? Or any of the days that followed? His many regrets flashed before his eyes in a torturous but fleeting succession. But one remained, whispering his deep-held shame until his ears rang.
When he couldn’t handle it any longer, Ethan downed the rest of his glass and dialed a familiar number.
“Ethan?” Naveen’s voice was tired on the other line. For a brief moment, Ethan was embarrassed he’d woken his friend at such a late hour, but curiosity killed any courtesy he may have bestowed by letting Naveen go back to sleep.
“Hey, sorry to wake you,” Ethan grimaced.
“No worries… is everything okay?”
“Yes,” Ethan swallowed.
Just ask, he hissed at himself.
“I wanted to warn you,” Ethan began, ignoring the angry roar when he evaded the real reason he’d called. “I’ve been offered interviews. I’m going to accept them.”
“Oh…” Naveen’s voice fell.
“I wanted to tell you first. I know how gossip spreads.”
“Right, of course,” Naveen murmured.
“Well… I should let you sleep then,” Ethan cleared his throat uncomfortably.
“Oh, I suppose,” Naveen’s voice was detached. He didn’t know how to be present in such an unexpected conversation. It was one thing to lose his friend of ten years. It was quite another to watch Ethan march himself to exile and ruin the best relationship he’d ever had. Despite all the theatrics, Naveen never thought it would come to this.
Ethan didn’t hang up.
His heart pounded.
His chest ached.
His throat tightened.
If I don’t ask, I’ll never know, he thought.
But maybe it was best that way.
“Actually, that wasn’t why I called,” Ethan blurted out.
Naveen’s eyebrows raised, too shocked to mutter out a polite response.
“A year ago, if I’d come to you and said that I was in love with Charlie and wanted to be with her, what would have happened?”
“A year ago?” Naveen thought carefully. His friend deserved honesty. Brutal honesty. “I would have asked if you were sure. Told you to think about it for a few days. The board would have hated it. The legal liability, not to mention the public scandal, would be debated for weeks. But I would have been at every meeting, fighting for you both. In the end, I think I could have talked them into a compromise – Charlie reassigned to different supervisors. On a good day, I could have kept you both on the diagnostics team. On a bad day, one of you would have had to step down.”
“But we would have been together?”
Naveen knew he should have hesitated. Softened the blow. But Ethan needed full impact.
Deep down, Ethan already knew. That’s why he never asked.
“Even with Bloom?”
“You can never plan for Bloom, but with the right HR paperwork, I don’t see what he could have done.”
Ethan winced.
“Do you think… Would it have ruined her career? To be marred by my scandal?”
“Maybe,” Naveen confessed, “But it’s a long career, Ethan, and people have survived worse.”
“Ten years ago, would you have let me do it?” Ethan clenched his glass, “If I’d been Charlie, would you have let me risk it?”
“Ten years ago, no.”
A bit of redemption, but it felt hollow.
“But ten years ago, I made a lot of mistakes. I built a champion, but if I had to do it over again…” Naveen sighed, suddenly weighed down by decades of mistakes, “I wouldn’t have made you in my image, Ethan. And if I have any parting wisdom, I beg you not to make Charlie in yours.”
Ethan flinched.
It was one thing to know that he was a monster made by his own hand. It was another to hear another acknowledge it.
A lineage of damaged mortals begging to be gods. It was fitting that they rose so high only to fall from the stars.
Then there was Charlie – the last of their line. Still growing. Still forming. Still making the mistakes that would fracture her. Perhaps Ethan would be one of them.
“You always said we’re insatiable,” Ethan shook his head, “You. Me. Charlie, too. We always need more. Do you think we could be satisfied with anything less?”
“Maybe not,” Naveen frowned, “But I like to think so.”
A long, clouded silence enveloped the duo.
“You still have time, Ethan,” Naveen’s sentence was more of a plea than a reminder.
Stay, he urged, Stay for her.
Ethan shook his head, “I’ll assign Tobias to my cases in the morning. I’ll stay for the transition, but…” I have to go, he thought.
Naveen didn’t try to hide his sigh, “Alright. Good night, Ethan.”
A few moments later, when Ethan contributed nothing else to the conversation, Naveen ended the call, but Ethan remained still. Seconds dragged to minutes. Hell, they probably dragged to hours.
A lifetime in each passing moment.
A better ending to the story.
Devastated but finally convinced of his role as the villain in Charlie’s epic, Ethan sent an email accepting and scheduling an interview in San Diego at the end of the week. He spent the rest of the night shoving his current life into a suitcase, praying that there was some semblance of a new life on the other side.
Separated by more than distance, Ethan and Charlie wandered through the dark night, evading their grief and wishing they could have one more night together. One more call. One more smile. Longing and grief went hand in hand – lovers in a past life.
If Ethan had gone quietly into the night, Charlie still violently stumbled through it. All she could think about was Ethan. Seeing him awakened something she’d purposefully tried to bury. She didn’t trust herself to be close to him, and she certainly didn’t trust herself to spend one last night in his embrace. But the idea consumed her. She needed him like she needed air. It was a punishment and a pleasure. She had to have him close to her, if just to scream in his face.
Losing but the battle but perhaps winning the war, she abandoned the safety of her secluded nook and marched straight to his office. With only a moment’s hesitation, she knocked twice – once insistently, once timidly. No answer.
Twice more – both insistent.
No answer.
Frustrated by his apparent silence and their continued separation, she barged into his office and found the space empty. He had already left…
Embarrassment and rejection stung Charlie’s eyes, blurring her view as she hurriedly closed the door behind him and retreated to the safety of her quiet, empty bedroom miles away.
As she showered off the feeling of his presence, she told herself this was a single moment of weakness. She’d be gone before she had her next relapse. Yet, even as she climbed into bed, she knew that wasn’t true.
They were inevitable, for better or worse.
Unless one of them ran away first.
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gothcsz · 5 months
𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒇𝒂𝒓𝒆 / Chapter VI.
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PAIRING: Javier Peña x Original Female Character
SUMMARY: The highly anticipated state fair performance. Here's what I envision Paloma singing: Gunpowder & Lead - Miranda Lambert, One Way or Another - Blondie, Poor, Poor Pitiful Me - Linda Ronstadt, Edge of Seventeen - Stevie Nicks. [ mini playlist ]
RATING: 18+ Mature topics such as sex, drugs, murder, the occult, religion, cannibalism and other triggering matters will be explored in this body of work. Minors DNI.
CHAPTER SPECIFIC TAGS: The interrupted right before kissing trope is strong with this one, i think most of this is considered fluff, they're still pining after one another, other things that I'm probably forgetting.
DISCLAIMER/WARNINGS: The Javier Peña referenced in this body of work is solely based off of the character that appears in Netflix’s Narcos and not the actual person. Very canon divergent and I will tweak things as I see fit to compliment the narrative of this story. While efforts have been made to be accurate in terms of canon timeline, a lot of details will be fictionalized.
A/N: as promised, here's the other chapter for the week! i had so much fun writing this and expanding on their dynamic omg… first of all a little commotion for miss paloma…. the icon that she is! also couldn't help myself by having javi wear that sexy ass blue shirt in this… he is just so handsome… i need him BIBLICALLY i fear! i hope you guys enjoy reading, i have so much planned for this fic and it's going to get really messy here soon (: i might even post a lil moodboard for it. anyways feel free to drop any type of feedback/support on this blog or ao3. i'd really appreciate it <3
♰  read on ao3. ♰
♰  playlist | pinterest | series masterlist ♰
Finally, it’s the day of her long awaited state fair performance and Paloma is absolutely overflowing with anticipation, her energy bounding through the house like a whirlwind.
The night before was a restless blur, nerves and excitement intertwining to steal away her sleep. 
She had read a variety of newspaper articles to get more information on the fair itself. She uncovered the staggering scope of its annual attendance; a revelation that both fueled her trepidation and determination.
Her heart pounded like distant drums as the reality set in: hundreds, no, thousands of eyes would be fixed upon her. The prospect thrilled her to her core, yet it also stirred a profound stage fright.
Rarely does she feel said stage fright; memory of her last instance dating back to when she was fourteen, trembling as she took the stage at The Whiskey Fox for the very first time. Since then, her journey has been a voyage of calm seas, and now, as she’s grown into her own, Paloma is enveloped in a sense of serene confidence.
It’s understandable that she’s apprehensive about transitioning from a smaller venue to a stage at a grander event. There’s a tinge of sadness in her heart knowing that her father wouldn’t be there to accompany her. He’s witnessed her artistic evolution firsthand and has always been her staunchest supporter. Her number one fan.
Unfortunately, duty calls and with Jessica Valdez still missing; he was needed here.
On the other hand, Javier’s presence was not as essential, and Romeo practically burst with joyful relief when Paloma revealed that he would be her companion all the way to Dallas.
Just as she had expected.
Earlier in the morning, before heading off to the station, the sheriff had popped into her bedroom to wish her luck. With a tender gaze, he doted on his daughter, expressing his pride in her and, in his own unique manner, even offered a subtle apology for his recent behavior. As always, she embraced his understanding with ease, and in that moment, the weight of apprehension that had been bearing down on her lifted, replaced by a sense of relief and reassurance.
She’s currently stationed in her bedroom, sitting at her vanity and meticulously rolling her thick locks into velvety rollers that she intends to keep in place throughout the entire four-hour journey to the city. Her face is bare, dressed in a tank top and shorts and she doesn’t plan on doing much to her appearance until they make it to the fairgrounds.
As a soft rumble fills the air, she casts a glance out of her bedroom window, her lips curling into a smile at the sight of Javier’s truck rolling into view.
Fuck, she reflects on the unexpected bravery it took to ask him to join her. While her primary concern was appeasing her father, she also couldn’t deny the appeal of spending time with him.
Despite her bold and flirtatious gestures, Paloma is sure that if the opportunity to actually fuck him ever arose, she would be overcome with nerves. Don’t get her wrong; she longs to indulge her selfish desires and surrender to him completely. Yet, the thought of not meeting his expectations casts a shadow of doubt over her.
Oh, for fucks sake, Paloma— when have you ever cared about living up to a man’s expectations?
She scoffs at herself, bobby pin between her teeth as she rushes down the stairs to answer Javier’s knocking.
“I am on time, right?” He quips, his voice carrying a playful tone from the other side of the screen door since the wooden door that usually blocks it is wide open.
“Sure are. I’m the one that’s runnin’ behind. Don’t worry— just gotta get my damn hair rolled up and we’ll be ready to go. You can come in.” She motions for him to enter, pausing in the hallway that stretches toward the foyer. She steals a moment to glance at her reflection in the mirror, deftly sliding the bobby pin into her hair to secure the roller in place.
As Javier crosses the threshold, the screen door emits a reluctant groan, briefly stirring the awareness that they are alone once more in the house. However, her attention remains steadfast on ensuring that her hair is perfectly secured, leaving no room for wariness to take hold.
His gaze lingers on her figure and a gentle flush spreads across her cheeks and down her neck as she becomes acutely aware of the extent of her attire’s exposure. The lack of a bra allows her breasts to sway with every subtle movement, her nipples prominent against the fabric.
“Need help gettin’ anything into the car, nena?” With a casual lean against the wall where the mirror hangs, he directs his question to her.
“Yeah, it’s all in my room.” She spins on her heel, striding towards the stairs, with him silently shadowing her steps. The realization dawns on her that he will soon enter her room, prompting her eyes to widen in alarm as she takes in the chaotic scene before her— it looks like a fucking tornado has run through the space.
She doesn’t have any time to block him from seeing it though, and she bites down on her tongue and mentally curses herself for not cleaning up as she got ready.
Considering how frantic she’s been all morning, of course she hadn’t stopped to think about tidying up.
“Sorry for the mess… it’s been a morning.” She grumbles and Javier can’t help but be amused.
Surveying the room from the doorway, he takes in the entirety of the space, his broad figure remaining at the threshold. Posters adorn the walls, each reflecting her eclectic tastes. From the timeless southern charm of Dolly Parton to the ethereal melodies of Fleetwood Mac and the vibrant rhythms of Donna Summer. Their presence doesn’t surprise him. Instead, they offer a window into her personality, providing insight into her interests and preferences.
Javier tries not to analyze her by the things she has in her bedroom, yet he finds himself irresistibly drawn in.
It’s a facet of his innate curiosity.
He notices the scattered articles of clothing, a digital piano tucked away in the corner, and her bed left invitingly tousled. He can’t help but imagine how soft her sheets must be, laced with the natural smell of her. 
Amidst the wall space left by absent posters, her bedroom is adorned with an array of framed personal photographs, each encapsulating cherished memories from childhood whimsy to high school triumphs, and all the moments in between.
Yet, it’s the family portrait resting atop her vanity that draws Javier’s eye. He strains to decipher the intricate details of the photograph from where he stands, its contents obscured by the tilt of the frame. 
Paloma, attuned to his intense focus, trails his gaze, her stomach tightening at the realization.
“Here, it’s my makeup bag and outfit. Please be careful taking this down. I spent all morning ironing it.” In an effort to divert his attention from the photograph, Paloma passes him her belongings. He carefully examines her features in an attempt at finding reason for her reaction, a half smile tugging at his lips.
“So bossy, hermosa. Don’t worry— your things are in capable hands.” He is reluctant to depart, preferring to linger and observe her as she completes her preparations, all the while mentally dissecting her character through the lens of her bedroom’s decor.
“Sorry, I’m just nervous.” She confesses, making her way back to her vanity, inconspicuously moving the photo of her, her mother and father out of the way as she returns to the tedious task of curling then rolling her hair.
“You’ll be fine. Pressure can either crush you or make you shine brighter. Let it be the latter. And hey, no matter what happens tonight— I’ll be right there cheering you on.” The reassurance flows from him without much thought, a rare occurrence for the man who typically struggles with offering comfort. There’s a naturalness to it, as if the words are drawn from some deep wellspring within him, bypassing the usual barriers of hesitation and uncertainty.
Paloma, sensing the sincerity in his gaze reflected back at her through the mirror, finds herself caught in the spell of his eyes. In that fleeting connection, she grants him a tender smile, her heart responding to his affection.
Unsurprisingly, the words bring her some ease, especially since she’s aware of how difficult it can be for him to muster up any type of verbal compassion. He’s a man of few words, after all, so each one carries extra weight when spoken.
“Thanks, cowboy, M’grateful for your support… and y’know, for taggin’ along even though you didn’t have to.” He nods at her, letting the comfortable silence speak for itself as she continues to get ready.
He senses an underlying urgency within her. Experience whispers caution in his ear, reminding him of the cardinal rule gleaned from years of female companionship: never incur their wrath while they are in the midst of getting ready. And so, he tears himself away, surrendering to the unspoken dictates of the feminine domain.
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They’re just thirty minutes away from their destination, yet she remains fixated on the changing landscape outside the window. Her claim of not leaving Seminary in over a decade rings true, evident in the awe reflected in her eyes at the sight of skyscrapers and influx of people.
Javier can’t help but find her genuine amazement endearing, particularly as she gazes out with her hair pinned up stylishly, secured by a silk scarf. The journey to Dallas spans four hours, but the lively conversation between them makes the time fly by, rendering the trip far shorter than it actually is.
Their growing closeness feels like a beautiful risk as they delve deeper into each other’s lives with every passing mile.
“Y’know, I actually do know some Spanish.” she remarked, drumming her fingers lightly against her thigh.
“I had a hunch when you never asked me to translate my sweet talking.” With an arrogant smirk, he looks over at her.
His smirk has her playfully rolling her eyes, “No puedo leer o escribir tan bien, pero entiendo y hablo en forma conversacional. (I can’t read it or write it very well, but I understand it and speak conversationally.)” In a tender twist, her voice took on a sweeter tone in the other language, prompting Javi to shift in his seat, attempting to refrain from envisioning the enchanting timbre of her words whispered intimately in the quiet sanctuary of his sheets.
“Tu acento (Your accent) … Argentinian?” He’s got a real talent for picking up languages and accents, honed through his international collaborations in the field.
Paloma just shrugged, “Your guess is as good as mine. My momma taught me and she never really talked about her life before meetin’ daddy and stuff. I never really asked questions. After she passed, I didn’t keep up with it as much as I should have.”
The pauses in their conversation are rare, occurring only when the topics of family or his experiences in Colombia arise. Javier notices her keen interest in these subjects, her curiosity palpable. While he has been guarded about delving into anything beyond surface-level details, he finds himself gradually warming up to the notion of sharing a glimpse of his past with her, if only to satisfy her insatiable curiosity.
Yet, he holds back. This wasn’t the time. He wasn’t about to cast a shadow over her spirits.
“I can’t believe this is happening.”
Paloma disrupts the tranquil hush that had settled between them, her fascination with the scenery outside pulling her into the moment.
“Well, believe it cariño because we’re not too far from the fairgrounds.” 
“It’s like... a dream. I know, I might sound naive and childish gettin’ this worked up about performing at a damn fair. It just means a lot to me. I’ve poured my heart into my music for so long and to see it culminate in this moment is just... thrilling.”
A pang of longing for her mother’s presence washes over her, silently echoing within her thoughts. Yet she refrains from uttering the sentiment aloud, keeping her yearning hidden beneath a veil of silence.
“It’s a big and well deserved step forward, Paloma.” He pauses briefly, looking over at her, “This means the world to you. You’re going to be amazing.”
Javier’s hand, warm and reassuring, gently finds hers, creating a tender connection that sends a surge of warmth coursing through her veins. The soft brush of his skin against hers ignites a gentle flutter in her chest, stirring feelings she doesn’t want to admit. It’s as if a silent symphony plays between their touch, drawing her attention away from the scenery outside and directing it towards him.
With a soft, almost imperceptible smile, she meets his gaze, finding a silent reassurance and a flicker of something more lingering in his brown eyes.
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Arriving at their designated area, meticulously mapped out in a thorough letter sent by Wendy to Paloma, she eagerly jumps out of his truck, bubbling with excitement, while he indulgently rolls his eyes at her enthusiasm.
Delighted to find the band already present and nearly done with setup, she breezes towards them despite her ridiculous appearance, exuding a radiant glow that outshines any imperfection. Her infectious happiness spreads like wildfire as she enthusiastically goes through the rundown of the gig with the group.
Javier stays out of the way, leaning against the bed of his truck. With a cigarette between his fingers and wisps of smoke curling into the air, he drifts into introspection
His mind becomes a labyrinth of memories, weaving through the tapestry of his past— the triumphs and tribulations, the moments of light and shadow. Amidst the haze of contemplation, he finds clarity in the decision that brought him to this juncture: the choice to refrain from confronting the Cali cartel.
Having spent years evading the ordinary, Javier stumbles upon an unforeseen refuge in monotony. With the weight of his taxing agent job finally lifted, he embraces the simplicity of everyday life with a newfound sense of relief.
As the days pass, Javier slowly discovers a peace he has long evaded, savoring the quiet moments that once seemed dull.
While the looming homicide cases in Seminary present formidable challenges, each one a puzzle demanding his attention, he approaches them with a newfound confidence. It’s a stark contrast to the uncertainty that had clouded his final days in Colombia.
However, amidst this newfound tranquility, there persists a secret too delicate to utter aloud. His ongoing infatuation with Paloma, a woman whose presence has become both a source of comfort and turmoil. He won’t acknowledge her significant role in his newfound ability to cope. Such complexities are best left uncharted, buried beneath the surface of their convoluted relationship.
Engrossed in his thoughts, Javier doesn’t notice when she approaches him.
“M’gonna go get ready. Sure you can survive a few hours without me?” She teases him and he exhales the smoke away from her, the aviators on his face masking the adoration gleaming in his eyes.
“I think I should be asking you that question, palomita.” The new term of endearment sends her heart aflutter, and she can’t help but feel how it resonates more when Javier says it in Spanish compared to when August had uttered it in English...
Little dove.
“In that case, no, I’d simply crumble without you.” She over exaggerates her words, punctuating them with a playful gesture and a touch of dramatic flair.
Their laughter intertwines, and her smile blooms into a radiant expression of affection.
“Órale nena, go get ready before you’re late to your own performance.” Javier indulges in another puff of his cigarette, and like the good girl she is, she saunters around the truck to fetch her belongings before heading off to the portable trailer, her makeshift dressing room for the evening.
In Paloma’s absence, he engages in conversation with the band members. Comprising three men and one woman, they share with him the story of how they met and how Paloma reignited their passion for music. The narrative resonates with her persona and innate ability to effortlessly charm those in her presence.
Javier an unsuspecting victim of this charm.
When the sun begins to set, he looks down at his watch to check the time as her lively voice draws near.
“Alright y’all, how do I look?”
Javier’s gaze falls on her. It’s as if the world around him fades into insignificance, leaving only her radiant presence to fill his senses. His breath gets caught in his chest, suspended in the awe that washes over him.
She beams with pride at the ensemble she’s meticulously curated.
A crimson leather corset embraces her waist with finesse, fashioned in the likeness of a halter top, baring her shoulders and presenting a tantalizing canvas of skin for all eyes to see. Her cleavage looks so inviting, accentuated by her mother’s cross pendant nestled against her breasts. She transformed a pair of aged low-rise jeans, adding intricate rhinestone patterns that promise to dance enchantingly under the glare of the stage lights.
The buckle on her belt is beautiful and distinguishable, an important accessory down here in Texas; she’s made sure that her boots match her attire.
Her hair cascades in perfect waves, thick and luscious, framing her face with a touch of effortless glamor. It’s been a long time since she’s had a full face of makeup on, and the strip lashes are uncomfortable against the sensitive skin but beauty is pain and goddamnit she’s stunning.
She feels the part of a super star, and her band members do nothing but boost her ego as they begin to shower her in compliments and friendly catcalls. She indulges them with a twirl, allowing them to admire her outfit from every angle.
Javier stays silent, dumbfounded entirely by how fucking hot she looks.
“I think I just saw a horsefly fly into his mouth.” One of the bandmates teases and this has Javier snapping out of it, meeting Paloma’s expectant gaze.
For a man who always has something to say, especially in the company of beautiful women, he finds himself at a loss for words.
“You look gorgeous, querida.”
She blushes, murmuring a soft ‘thank you’ as her eyes momentarily flicker down to her square-toed boots. It’s exasperating how easily he can get her flustered. The compliment isn’t extravagant, yet it strikes her deeply nonetheless.
She won’t admit that the extra effort she invested in her appearance tonight was not just for the event; but also for him. She is aware that Javier finds her attractive and it harbors this desire to unveil a new facet of her beauty to him so he can see all the types of beautiful she can be.
As the rest of the group disperses to squeeze in some last minute warm ups, Paloma saunters toward him. Her hands rest confidently on her hips as his gaze traverses the curves of her form, unabashed and unapologetic.
“I’m serious. You look hot and I know you’ll look even better when you’re up there doin’ what you’re so passionate about.” His words have her heart racing, igniting a kaleidoscope of fireworks that burst with intensity within her core.
“You’re quite the charmer, aren’t you?” 
“Only when I’m around someone as captivating as you.”
“Flattery will get you everywhere, you know.”
“Is that so?” With a contemplative tilt of his head, he gazes at her, his aviators now absent, allowing her to lose herself yet again in the depths of his enchanting eyes. “Well, in that case, I’ll have to keep it coming. After all, I can’t resist making a beautiful woman smile.”
They stand toe to toe, Paloma tilting her chin upward to meet his gaze while Javier gently inclines his head downward to meet her eyes.
As he looks down at her, the thought of planting a gentle kiss on her lips, a token of good luck, flits through his mind. Just as the impulse begins to take hold, fate intervenes and Paloma is called to the stage, leaving their moment suspended in anticipation.
“Break a leg, palomita.” He tells her, stepping back so she can make her way up the steps.
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It is both everything yet nothing she expected.
As she ascended the stage, she discerned a comforting familiarity: the typical audience size from her usual gigs back home. This recognition alone served as a balm to her nerves, reassuring her that she could handle it.
It felt decidedly manageable. Yet, as the performance progressed, the crowd swelled to such a density that individual faces blurred into an indistinguishable mass, a sea of humanity stretching before her.
With every fiber of her being, she poured herself into that performance, channeling raw emotion and passion into each note. This may very well be her first and last time gracing an event this grand, and she was determined to leave an indelible mark.
This wasn’t just a performance; it was a cathartic release, a showcase of her skills. It is no surprise that the crowd was thoroughly charmed and entertained beyond measure.
As the final note faded into the night, she knew she’d given it her all, leaving nothing but her heart and soul on that stage.
She reaches the backstage area, exuding palpable excitement and practically launching herself into Javier’s awaiting embrace. He catches her with ease, sensing the electrifying energy coursing through her as her arms wrap tightly around him in a warm hug. With her legs securely wrapped around his waist, he spins her around in a joyful twirl before gently lowering her back to the ground, their shared enthusiasm filling the air with an infectious energy.
“You did so good, hermosa.” Javier gazes warmly at her, his lips curved in a genuine smile. 
“That was so exhilarating, holy shit!” The expletives fly from her lips and this only deepens his amusement.
“Like, I almost blacked out out of excitement.” Paloma inhales deeply, her chest expanding and contracting with each breath, her heart pounding so vigorously it feels as if it might leap from her chest at any moment.
The rest of the band gathers around, exchanging congratulations and warm embraces. Paloma takes a moment to express her heartfelt gratitude, her voice tinged with sentimentality as she thanks them for steadfastly supporting her seemingly silly musical aspirations.
“Oh, that reminds me,” She breaks away from the small group, strolling over to Javier’s truck. Retrieving her purse, she rummages inside and retrieves a disposable camera she had brought along for the occasion. “Can you take a picture of us?” She asks with a gentle pout, her eyes sparkling as she looks up at Javier.
“‘Course.” Javi readily accepts the camera from her hand and steps back to make sure they’re all in frame. He snaps the photo, the flash is blinding for the split second it appears before he hands her back the camera.
“Gracias cowboy.” 
Her voice carries a playful sweetness that has him feeling like a lovestruck fool.
The band leaves to head back home, the sun now fully set as Javier and Paloma remain. Their figures casually propped against his truck, casting a relaxed silhouette against the backdrop of the vibrant fair lights sprawled out before them.
“We should get going—”
“You’re kidding, right?” Paloma interrupts, leveraging herself off the hood of the truck with a fluid motion, positioning herself directly in his line of sight. Her hands find their place firmly on her hips, projecting an aura of assertiveness.
“No…?” He answers unsurely, his gaze sweeping over her form from head to toe.
“I haven’t been to the fair since I was a kid. I just have to ride one ride... and indulge in some fried goodness... and maybe try one of those tricky carnival games,” She shares eagerly, her lower lip caught between her teeth.
She gazes at him with those bewitching eyes of hers, he silently curses himself for knowing he’ll give in.
“I dunno, princesa, it’s getting pretty late…” Fighting a fight he knows he’ll lose, he still moves forward with his opposition. The least desirable outcome from staying late would be facing an irate sheriff questioning why his daughter returned home in the dead of night instead of the earlier time she’d promised.
“Oh don’t be such a stick in the mud. We’re allowed to have fun every once and a while. If it’s my daddy you’re worried about; he’ll get over it.” Paloma draws nearer to him, her hands delicately clasped behind her back, the fusion of her perfume and innate scent enthralls him completely.
Javier can’t help but surrender to her charm.
A large smile spreads on her crimson tinted lips and she squeals, clapping her hands together before tugging him in the direction of the bustling fair.
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The first thing Paloma does is drag him over to a food stand where she proceeds to order a funnel cake, fried oreos and two way too large lemonades.
“Fried oreos?” His nose scrunches at the idea which earns him a soft slap to the arm.
“They are quite literally the best damn thing to ever be invented.” She defends the unhealthy snack, reaching into her bag to pull out money to pay but Javier stops her before she gets the chance to. 
As he smoothly glides a bill across the counter, Paloma feels a warm flush creep up her cheeks at the simple gesture. A flicker of uncertainty dances in her mind as she ponders the significance of this moment— is it possible that this is... a date?
No, certainly it isn’t. It’s an outing between two friends. He is just being a gentleman and paying for their food. No big deal, right?
In the quiet recesses of her mind, she revisits their flirty exchange shared just moments before she took the stage and the gentle display of affection that followed after her performance had concluded.
Don’t overthink it, Paloma, just enjoy the moment.
So, she pushes all those thoughts aside as they patiently wait for their order. 
“I’ll be the judge of that.” He grumbles with his arms folded protectively across his chest.
She finds herself entranced by the sight of him. His torso is adorned in a brightly colored blue shirt that accentuates his handsome features paired with jeans that sinfully cling to him. She marvels at how effortlessly he pulls off this 70s-inspired ensemble. It’s just one more reason among the many of why she finds him so irresistibly attractive.
Their order number is called and they swiftly collect their things, moving over to an empty picnic table and sitting across from each other.
“Alright, be prepared to have your mind blown.” She plucks one of the golden-fried treats from the paper tray and slides the remainder enticingly across the table to him.
Javier eyes the dessert carefully before picking one up and observing it.
“There is no way this is good for you.” He remarks skeptically.
“It’s not supposed to be good for you it’s supposed to taste good.” Paloma counters, taking a bite and emitting a satisfied hum at the burst of flavor, “If that’s the case then you shouldn’t smoke. There’s no way cigarettes are good for you.” She mocks him, a playful glint in her eye as he scoffs in response.
Following her lead, he gingerly takes a bite, his brow furrowing at the unexpected taste.
“Absolutely not,” He declares, confirming his verdict with a decisive shake of his head.
“Oh, you are so lame.” They laugh and she drags the tray over to her side, “Whatever, more for me. Just please don’t tell me you’re a funnel cake hater too.” She plops another one into her mouth, her gaze fixated on him.
“Rest assured I’m not a funnel cake hater. It was my favorite growing up. Haven’t had one in ages.” Now that, Javier easily snacks on as they seamlessly weave through conversations, trading tales of cherished childhood snacks.
Once they finish, he gathers their garbage and goes to dispose of it in a bin nearby. Upon his return to the table, his eyes sweep the surroundings, only to discover that they are no longer in solitude; a small group has gravitated towards Paloma, eager to engage her in conversation.
This puts him on edge, slightly, eyeing the interaction.
Amidst their conversation, he catches fragments of praise floating in the air, surmising that they must be members of the audience who had seen her perform.
His suspicions are proven right once they leave and she turns to him with a bright smile.
“Looks like I’m not your only groupie anymore.” 
“Oh don’t be jealous. You’ll always be my favorite.” As she rises from her seat to join him, he gently intercepts, his gaze fixating on a subtle trace of powdered sugar lingering at the corner of her lips.
“Hold on…” He murmurs, stepping closer to her, bringing his thumb up to his lips then wiping away at the spot.
A shiver jolts up her spine, her breath catching in her throat as his seemingly simple gesture sends waves of arousal rippling through her. He is driving her crazy.
“I— thank you.” She blushes, “Oh man, that means I had a whole conversation with food on my face.” Slightly embarrassed, she slaps her palm against her forehead and he chuckles at her.
“There are worst things to be embarrassed over.” He shrugs and she nods, “ So, what now miss I absolutely have to stay and enjoy the fair.” Javier teases, as they begin to walk around the fairgrounds. 
Paloma rolls her eyes, “You’re like an insufferable child.” She can’t help but comment, eyeing some of the rides until she spots the drop tower. “Ooh, let’s do that one.” She practically races over to the large structure, leaving Javi behind.
“Who’s the child now?” He murmurs to himself, trailing after her.
Standing in line together, they exchange playful jabs at the people around them in whispered tones. For the first time in a very long time, Javier finds himself genuinely laughing.
“We have to get on the pendulum ride after this. Oh, and the gravitron. I also really like those spinny swings.” As she rambles on about her beloved rides, his gaze lingers on her radiant beauty. Moreso since she’s adorned with an enchanting smile and enveloped in laughter. With each joyful expression, Javier feels a familiar tug at his heartstrings, the same irresistible pull he’s been steadfastly pushing aside since their very first encounter.
This is definitely more than just some sexual infatuation. The revelation that he harbors genuine feelings for Paloma weighs heavily in his chest. In that moment of clarity, he understands the need to consider stepping back, for the well-being of them both.
He doesn’t want to hurt her.
But for tonight, he will let himself enjoy her company and everything that entails to. He grants himself this rare luxury under the guise that it’s for her sake.
“You’re ambitious tryin’ to get on all these rides, querida. Gonna end up puking all your precious fried oreos out.” They’re at the front of the line now, and as Javier makes his remark, one of the exiting patrons from the ride hurls over and throws up in a nearby bin.
They share a look before breaking out into a harmonious laugh. She finds herself yearning to capture this perfect moment, to preserve its essence in the confines of a frame, forever etched in her memory.
“Impeccable timing, vaquero.” They board the ride together, sitting right next to one another and she swings her legs softly as the attendant comes around to make sure they’re strapped in properly.
“I’ve done a lotta dangerous shit in my life but riding one of these seems to be at the top of the list.” He tells her as they begin their ascend to the top.
“Don’t tell me a little fair ride is more dangerous than an armed drug dealer.”
“Drug dealers are predictable. Fair rides aren’t— how can you actually trust somethin’ that’s disassembled, packed away then rebuilt elsewhere. How are you so sure they build it adequately each time? You’ve seen the people who run this. It’s sketchy.”
“Sounds like you’re scared. Don’t be scared, Javi. Here— you can hold my hand.” She extends her hand, reaching out to gently grasp his, intertwining their fingers and applying a tender squeeze. He’s not scared he’s just wary, but feeling the weight of her hand in his is enough to fizzle those inconvenient thoughts away as they’re suspended in the air for what feels like forever before they finally drop.
Paloma releases a delighted squeal, erupting into a chorus of giggles as they reach the base of the ride. “See? That wasn’t too bad. The ride didn’t collapse and we live to see another day.” With a final squeeze, she relinquishes his hand and they get off the ride swiftly.
Similar scenarios unfold as they explore the other attractions; their banter punctuated by playful jabs at the people in line and Javier meticulously dissects the safety measures (or lack thereof) of each attraction. Despite his scrutiny, he finds himself thoroughly enjoying the experience alongside her.
As they stroll through the carnival game section, Javier’s eyes light up as he catches sight of a tacky looking plush snake, swiftly diverting Paloma’s attention towards it.
“Isn’t that your favorite thing in the world?” He teases, feigning curiosity, earning an eye roll from Paloma as she playfully pinches his forearm.
“Not a fan of real snakes and reptiles, you goof,” She retorts with a grin. “But I’ve got nothing against a cute little stuffed animal like that.”
“Do you want it?” He asks, gravitating towards the stand and she follows.
“What, are you gonna win it for me?” She questions with a flirtatious lilt, twirling a lock of her hair as she raises her eyebrows, a playful sparkle dancing in her chocolate brown eyes.
“I will, if you want it.”
“If I want it that means you have to win it. And you know what they say about these games…”
Their banter continues as they approach the stand. Javier reads that it’s a baseball toss bottle game and he smiles cockily.
“What do they say?”
“They’re rigged and impossible to win.”
“Well lucky for you, nena, I’ve got the best arm in Laredo.”
Paloma’s interest is piqued, her head tilting slightly as she observes him. “You play baseball?” She asks, her tone curious and attentive.
Javier hands over payment to the teenager tending to the stand, effortlessly cradling three baseballs in one hand. This has Paloma licking her lips.
Her gaze is drawn to the rugged contours and sinewy strength, imagining the delicious weight of them against her skin. There’s an electric charge in the air, sending shivers of anticipation straight to her cunt.
“I did. All the way through college.” Oh she can see him now, clad in those tight baseball uniforms. She bets his ass looks amazing in the pants.
“The more you know.” She muses, “But that was like, all the way back when baseball was first invented.” She patronizes him, never getting tired of making jokes about his age.
“Ha, ha. So funny and original.” 
“Alright darlin’ enough yappin’, let’s see Laredo’s best.” She’s fully expecting him to fumble, honestly.
Javier rolls his shoulders, stretching his arms, and Paloma’s eyes linger on the way his shirt molds to his defined muscles with each movement. His broad shoulders and flexing biceps command her attention as he effortlessly pulls his arm back and throws the ball with graceful ease.
In one fluid motion, he knocks down all the bottles.
A satisfied smirk graces his lips as he turns to meet Paloma’s gaze.
“Told you.”
She lets out a low whistle, clapping her hands together in a slow applause. “Alright, I stand corrected.” she admits with a smile.
The worker hands Javier the stuffed animal, and he extends it towards her.
“For you.”
“Such a gentleman.” She murmurs softly, pulling the prize close to her chest. The sight of her holding it with such tenderness is one that will linger in his memory for days to come.
“Oh shit.” She begins, a hint of dismay in her tone, but his concern melts away as she retrieves her camera from her bag. “Forgot to take more pictures. Do you mind gettin’ one with me?” There’s a hint of shyness in her request, and he shakes his head.
“Don’t mind at all, cariño.” He assures her with a warm smile.
She returns his smile and proceeds to ask the teenager at the stand to take their photo, who obliges, undoubtedly persuaded by her beauty.
“Alright we’ll do a smiley one then a silly one.” She suggests, stepping back to Javier’s side and leaning against him, her eyes twinkling as they prepare to capture the moment.
He doesn’t pose, instead, he gazes at her admiringly, wondering how he’ll summon the courage to distance himself from her after tonight.
She tilts her head to meet his gaze after the photos are taken, mirroring the affection in his eyes before stepping away to retrieve her camera.
Javier clears his throat, the sound breaking the carnival’s cheerful din as he glances down at his watch. The hands inch towards midnight, a reminder of the impending end to their evening. “ Los tenemos que ir (we have to go).” He says softly, his voice carrying a hint of reluctance.
She pouts slightly, pursing her bottom lip.“One more ride, please Javi. We didn’t get on the ferris wheel.”
As he’s done all night, Javier acquiesces, unable to resist her earnest plea. “You are a very persistent and spoiled little thing,” He remarks, fondness lacing his words. Her playful smile transforms into a devious smirk at his observation.
“Thank you.”
The bench-style seating on the ferris wheel feels snug, their bodies nestled close together as the metal bar rests across their laps.
Despite the attendant’s insistence that she couldn’t bring it on the ride, Paloma clung to the plush snake he’d won for her as she (politely) told him to fuck off.
At first, silence envelops them, the rhythmic creaking of the ride the only sound as they ascend to the pinnacle of it. Lost in their own thoughts, they share a quiet intimacy, their hearts beating in synchrony.
The fair lights twinkle and sway, casting a glow upon Paloma’s face. In that moment, bathed in the colorful illumination, her beauty is magnified. If that's even possible.
“What’s goin’ on inside that pretty head of yours?” Javier breaks the quiet between them, and she turns to meet his gaze.
“Tonight has been one of the best nights I’ve had in a while... and you’re part of the reason.” She confesses, her voice sincere, melting the barriers he’s long held onto.
“It has nothing to do with me and everything to do with you, palomita.” He responds, his arm draped along the back of their seat. Unable to resist, she leans in closer, finding comfort in the warmth of his embrace.
His smell envelops her, intoxicating her senses as she inhales the earthy musk of his cologne mingled with a hint of sweetness from their shared meal earlier.
“I mean it, Javi. Ever since you came to Seminary my life has been a lot more… fun.” She tells him earnestly, her voice barely above a whisper. Their proximity is electric, teetering on the edge of temptation, and her words only add fuel to the fire.
Her name escapes his lips like a solemn prayer, a gentle reminder of the boundaries they’re dancing dangerously close to. Their lips barely graze each other, his mustache tickling the sensitive skin above her lip.
Suddenly, the ride lurches with an unexpected jolt, shattering the tender moment between them. She swiftly withdraws, seeking whatever space their cramped confines afford her, her fingers clenching the metal bar for stability.
“Told you I didn’t trust these damn things.” He mutters, his palm clammy as he rubs it against the coarse denim of his jeans. His throat tightens with a heavy swallow.
Silence cloaks them like a heavy blanket for the remainder of the ride and even as they walk side by side to his truck.
No words pass between them.
Paloma leans against the window, mirroring her posture from the ride up, exhaustion seeping into her bones after the long day. She resists the urge to dwell on the events of the evening with Javier, instead surrendering to the pull of sleep. Her eyelids flutter closed, and soon, she drifts unconscious.
He steals a sideways glance at her, strands of hair cascading over her features like a veil. Amidst the quiet hum of the car, he catches the faint sound of her soft snores.
His shoulders slump in resignation as he replays their moment on the ferris wheel in his mind, each iteration leaving him more conflicted than before. Would they have shared a kiss if not for the technical issue?
He wants to believe they wouldn’t have; that he would have had the strength to pull away before it was too late. But the enticement of her lips, the desire to taste her, lingers in his thoughts like an unshakeable temptation.
Gripping the steering wheel tightly, he wrestles with his inner turmoil for the duration of the journey back to Seminary.
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“I’m still so upset I couldn’t go. It woulda been so fun.” Sloane remarks from her spot on Paloma’s bed, idly flipping through a magazine while her friend meticulously applies nail polish.
Days have passed since the state fair, leaving Paloma and Javier in an awkward limbo. She despises the distance that has grown between them. How could she have been so foolish as to ruin their night by coming off as strong as she had? Everything had been going perfectly until then. Had she scared him off? Was his silence a sign of disinterest?
It’s all so fucking confusing.
“Uh, hello. Earth to Paloma.” Slo snaps her fingers and this gets her attention, looking up from her hand to meet her friend’s gaze.
“Sorry, I wish you coulda been there too.” She gives her a tight lipped smile and this has Sloane narrowing her eyes at her.
“Alright, spill. What happened?”
She snorts, shaking her head and returning to the task at hand. “Nothin’ happened.”
“Lie to somebody who doesn’t know you.” She shifts from her spot on the mattress, sprawling herself on the floor in front of Paloma.
She eyes her friend briefly before letting out a sigh and twisting the cap on the polish. “Fine. I think I fucked things up between me and Javier.”
That was certainly not what Sloane was expecting her to admit, but she’s intrigued nevertheless and she turns to lay on her side, head in her hand and elbow propping her up.
“Don’t tell me you slept with him.”
Paloma’s face flushes, despite having a plethora of erotic dreams starring the man in question, “Wha— No. I didn’t. Jesus…” She mutters, attempting to blow the polish on her right hand dry. “We actually had a great night.” She can’t help the small smile that plays on her lips at the remembrance of said night.
“Okay…” Sloane urges her to continue, “For a songwriter you sure are a shit storyteller.”
Paloma flips her off and Slo blows her a kiss, “Things between us have always been flirty. It was fun at first, exhilaratin’ and what not. Then… feelings started developin’. I like him, Slo. Like him like him.” It’s the first time she’s said this outloud and the confession has her feeling lightheaded.
“Awe, my baby is growin’ up. She’s got a crush.” Her friend teases, poking at her exposed calf.
“Yeah, well, I don’t even know if he feels the same way. I mean, at first I thought he did then I… we almost kissed on the ferris wheel and he hasn’t talked to me since.”
Sloane flashes her a sympathetic stare, “Well he’s an idiot for not kissin’ you. Let’s start there.” She sits upright, matching Paloma’s stance, “Are you really surprised? Not to burst your little schoolgirl crush bubble but it’s obvious what typa man he is. Flirty, handsome, charismatic. Sex on legs— a long trail of broken hearts follow that man. C’mon, baby, you must know this.”
Paloma is keenly aware of his reputation as a charming playboy, a fact that’s far from concealed. Now, she’s flooded with feelings of foolishness and embarrassment for how she had openly pursued him. It was almost inevitable; of course, he would reciprocate her advances. After all, what man could resist when a beautiful woman is vying for his attention?
The thought that he might have lost interest gnaws at her, causing an ache in her chest. Aside from all the romantic stuff, she genuinely enjoyed his company.
She chooses not to dwell further on the topic, and her friend seems to pick up on her reluctance.
In a sudden twist of conversation, Sloane announces, “Guess who has a house now.” Paloma’s attention perks up in surprise.
“What, really? Since when?” From what she knows, Sloane and a few others have been living long term at the only motel in town. They hadn’t intended on staying in Seminary very long which is why Paloma had gotten her the job at the bar in the first place, so she could save up some money to keep trekking.
Hearing that she now has an actual place to call home brings nothing but joy and excitement for her friend.
“Since a few days ago. We’ve been so damn busy that I haven’t been able to tell you. Completely unexpected, too. Apparently some broad August used to know finally croaked and she left him with her entire estate.”
Paloma’s eyes widen at the news, “Jeez, talk about impeccable timing. I’m glad y’all got it worked out. Now you’re stuck here with me.” She jests, “When can I visit?”
Sloane taps the tip of her chin, “What about tomorrow? It’s about an hour drive from here—”
“An hour?!” Paloma interjects, incredulous.
“— and it’s beautiful . You’d love it. Don’t get hung up on somethin’ as trivial as travel time .”  
Sloane’s right, outside from the hub in town; their residence is situated in a predominantly rural expanse, making lengthy travel times like that unusual. And with her car now up and running, Paloma has a newfound sense of freedom to explore beyond their immediate surroundings.
“Fine, tomorrow sounds good. You can stay the night and I’ll drive you there in the morning.” She offers, prompting Sloane to break out into a giant grin.
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sherrachan · 7 months
My Honest Review of the Netflix ATLA Live-Action
I've seen a lot of negativity around Netflix's new ATLA live action, so as someone who has been both a fan of the animated series since it first aired, but also found a lot to love in the live action despite its flaws, I wanted to write a few (hahaha) words showcasing a non-indignant review from that perspective. I've decided to highlight three categories: what I thought it got right, what I'm neutral or biased about, and what it did not do well. And just to be VERY clear, I absolutely support anyone's right to like or dislike whatever they please for whatever their reasons are. However, if you are going around harassing, threatening, or body-shaming CHILD actors, who are in fact actual people and not fictional, please do everyone in the world a favor and remove yourself from the internet. There is literally no show on Earth bad enough to justify that kind of behavior.
For anyone not interested in reading the full review, my overall rating: 6.9/10
Let's start with what went right...
I. Love. Dallas. Liu. This is not to remotely downplay the fact that I also love Dante Basco. From what I've gleaned from interviews, it seems they had even collaborated on his performance via Zoom calls, which I wish I could have been a fly on the wall for. I've noticed a lot of blind reactors to the animated series initially find Zuko annoying and one-dimensional for most of the first season. Though this is not entirely in line with my own opinion, I can't deny that his extra depth in season 2 came a bit out of left field even to me back when I watched the series as it aired between 2005-2007. Dante himself has said he was not given any foresight into his character and thought he was playing a straight villain at first, so he accordingly acted a straight villain. Thus, contrary to some other naysaying I've seen, I don't think it was a bad decision at all to showcase Zuko's more vulnerable side sooner. Speaking of that vulnerable side, Dallas I believe has an amazing career ahead of him. In spite of some clunky writing, he manages to both sell most of his lines in an intense way I completely buy, and also he just has this amazing ability to telegraph whole paragraphs with tiny fractional changes to his facial expression even when he's not speaking any dialogue. That my friends, is called good acting. I felt his scream of rage at Zhao during episode 8 through my entire body. He has a way of capturing both Zuko's petulant teenage angst and the still-a-child energy of being stupid and needing a guiding hand from his uncle. His and Iroh's chemistry and bond was probably the single biggest highlight of the series for me. Perhaps only rivaled by the extra bit of interaction between him and Aang in episode 6, which quite literally had me sobbing and smiling at the same time, and between him and Ozai where he was banished, which just had me sobbing. I cannot emphasize enough just how well his anguish is translated on his face without a single spoken word.
Dallas is also a skilled martial artist who did most of his own stunts, and visually, it is a treat to watch him perform in that aspect as well. The Aang/Zuko spar in episode 3 had some big Jackie Chan energy and I was smiling ear to ear the entire fight.
This I know will be a less popular opinion, but Paul Sun-Hyung Lee I think brought a very nuanced performance to Iroh. While nothing can ever replace Mako's place on the most beloved character performance pedestal, I think it would be disrespectful to attempt to only replicate that performance and would come off as a caricature. Dallas and Paul had not met in person until the day they began shooting, so it takes an episode or two for them to shine as a duo, but shine they do very early on. The same clunky writing that plagues everyone's performances here and there finds no exception with Iroh, but I disagree with opinions I've seen of him being stiff and/or fake.
I feel his stiffness is being intentionally leaned into in a way that's supposed to highlight the idea that maybe Iroh is using his jovial nature to mask his pain over losing his son and worry for Zuko. It makes sense in the darker context of the live action, as we see even more clearly that he could very well have been as much of a butcher as that one Earth Kingdom soldier said he was. There's a scene in episode 4 of him while captured by the Earth Kingdom soldiers where this soldier singles him out over personal vendetta for killing his brother during his siege. While holding a massive rock over his head in rage over Iroh's seemingly uncaring attitude towards his atrocities, it is my interpretation of that pointed stare-down between the two that Iroh was trying to play the part of the villain that guy so desperately wanted to see in him. You could see Iroh's actual pain break through on his face immediately after everyone's back was turned. Thus begins the first of a series of flashbacks that ruin absolutely everyone's tear ducts, where Paul showcases just how sincere his Iroh can be. The added scenes between him and Zuko and Ozai peppered throughout I think make this series worth a watch by themselves. In my head, I've already adopted them into canon. As for where our truly laid back Uncle Iroh is to be found, though his narration in episode 6 about the "mask being who you truly are" was directed toward Zuko, I tend to think that will eventually pay off as true for himself, too.
Speaking of Mr. Fire Lord and family, Ozai has become a lot more interesting as a character to me when he's given a shred of humanity. Though we don't yet have the full picture of his motivations, you see that tiny grimace of regret as he burns Zuko's face after their Agni Kai, and I am intrigued. Again, this is not to downplay Mark Hamil's incredible performance in animated, but from a writing perspective, I've always found Ozai rather a cartoon cutout (pun intended) of an evily evil man who just wants to rule the world. Watching the cogs spin behind the scenes at the palace this early on has really added some extra layers for me. Azula benefits from this as well, as you see Ozai pitting the siblings against each other to see who will emerge the "better" heir. Zuko's motivation may subconsciously be geared more toward regaining that shred of humanity from his father moreso than his approval, in spite of what he says to himself and the viewers. But Azula is most definitely going for that approval, and I think beautifully sets up her eventual downfall into paranoia and gives them an even more tangible dichotomy in my opinion.
Ken Leung plays Zhao as a slimy little bastard in this version and clearly loved doing so. Though I was initially sort of raising an eyebrow at it, I've since decided that I am 120% in. Watching him claw his way to the top with Azula's help and piss all over anyone in his way has been extremely entertaining. I'm not even going to pretend Jason Issacs wouldn't ham it up that much, because we all know he would. In all seriousness, I think he strikes an impressive tightrope walk of being over-the-top without being too over-the-top, though I'm sure that is partially a matter of taste. I'd love to capture even half of his energy and doll it out to some of the rest of the cast, to be honest.
Omashu, Bumi, and Colliding Plots
Though I am well aware the way multiple animated show episodes' plots were smushed together was done to save limited runtime, I actually think this was very well executed in Omashu. Everyone still retained core aspects to their characters and they played nicely off each other to make one bigger plot that spanned 2 episodes. It comes down to a trade-off in either making the world feel bigger by having more side quests, or making Omashu feel more important. Though I am still undecided on if that trade-off was worth it, I can't deny that for what was done here, it played out very well. Not as well in the episode 5/6 attempt, but as episode 6 is my overall favorite episode starting at the Blue Spirit stuff, I'll leave the rest in the neutral category. Bumi's characterization specifically I know is controversial here. What I will say is that I've seen an equal number of blind reactors to the animated show who are utterly put off by his attitude as there are those that completely loved him, and literally nothing in the middle, so at least it's consistent in that regard. Personally, I find his more jaded (pun intended again) attitude suited for the tone the live action series is going for. That is to say, I think he works in the context of this version of the story, and neither would fit in if swapped. Fighting the same war and being responsible for all the lives affected by it for 100 years would damage anyone's mental health. While I personally think by the end of episode 4 that they are setting him up to tee towards a more positive outlook reminiscent of his original counterpart, I still find his attitude in the live action justifiable. I never personally found Bumi all that compelling in the animated series when he was first introduced, though I grew to love him as the story progressed and they gave him just a bit more serious dialogue. I will get into my reasoning on that later, in a more general sense.
I loved the incorporation of elements from the other media. I was incredibly shocked when The Mother of Faces name was dropped, and then again when I recognized facets from Korra, other comics, and the novels. I also loved the early focus on some of the other Avatars besides Roku, though I do tend to think Roku himself got a bit shafted, at least as it stands now. While it remains to be seen if he eventually gets the attention he deserves, seeing more of Kiyoshi and Kuruk really added to the depth of the lore for me. One of the biggest arguments I see against the live action is that it doesn't add anything to the story, to which I can only disagree. There would be no point to watching purely a 1:1 remake, and I feel that all of what I'm remarking on in this positives category is proof that I did take away many new things, some of which I treasure dearly now.
Koizilla and Yue
One of my biggest peeves with blind reactors to the animated series is them, more often that not, not grasping the significance of Aang merging with the Ocean Spirit, if they even recognize that is what happens in the first place. You'd be surprised just how many are unclear to this fact and just think it's Aang being a badass, or even that he's the one who drags Zhao under the water, in spite of the fact that you can see La set Aang down before doing this. It happens so often, I can't write it off simply as all these different people being unobservant. Whether you want to blame the writers, or Nick's censorship, or the runtime, or whatever else, it just isn't conveyed clearly enough in the animation. Though with little to back up my theories, I was always under the impression that this merge was involuntary on Aang's part, and he was not in control, which is partly why he was so terrified of the Avatar State going into season 2. Going by the live action's take, I have to walk that back a tiny bit in the sense that it is explained Aang offered himself up, but I admit to feeling vindicated with the rest.
I think the live action did better justice to this merge overall. I know I will get dragged for that, but between the added emotional weight, the screentime and (clearly most of their) budget for Koizilla, and giving Yue more of a personality, I'm happy we clearly understand what's going on and her sacrifice. Granted, her dialogue is perhaps overly exposition-y, and yet I cannot complain because evidently there was not enough exposition in the animated series to drive it home the way it did here. In a personal anecdote, my husband who watched the animated series with me but remembers nothing of it because that's just how he is, liked this final battle the best out of any episode for most of these reasons.
Speaking of Yue, Amber Midthunder did an amazing job with what she was given. No, her writing (once again my main complaint) was not the best. Her wig was wigging. I still didn't quite buy her and Sokka's attraction. But through sheer force of the actress' charisma, Yue as a standalone character transformed into someone I actually gave a shit about, which is not something I can claim of either of her previous portrayals. I like that she had more agency for herself, I like that Han wasn't just an unlovable moron there to make her sad, I liked her being a Waterbender and using all that power to make ice cream (I sure would,) I liked her dying with a tearful smile on her face. So sue me.
Onto the neutral...
NOTE: I won't be mentioning Ian's controversy surrounding his heritage here, simply because nothing has been proven one way or another and I'd rather just not get into it with only speculation to go on.
Sokka overall I think does the heavy lifting for the Gaang in this version. As mentioned several times by now, everyone suffers here and there from questionable scripting, but as with Yue, Ian Ousley's natural personality shines through plenty enough to sell it. I KNOW people love Jack De Sena and his humor and comedy delivery, heck, I love these in Jack De Sena too. I don't think it would work nearly as well in this version of the world without being total and utter tonal whiplash. Ian brings a grounded quality to Sokka while maintaining a biting sarcasm that I think still earns his place. Additionally, I found myself getting emotional at a number of his scenes, and can personally really relate to his anxieties about not being able to shoulder all his responsibility. Hence why this goes into the neutral category, I can't deny some personal bias here because of that connection.
When talking about episode 2 specifically, and the removal of his overt sexism, I have to be biased again. For the same reasons as I mentioned in Bumi's bit that are coming up, I never found this aspect to be anything other than cringey. From a storytelling standpoint, after episode 4 of the animated series, it ceases to even really be an overt thing anymore, bringing it instead to the level where it is in the live action, so I don't even think it's really that significant of a change. As to what I mean by where it is in the live action, Sokka's arc still tackles internalized misogyny, I think. Toxic masculinity can harm the bearer of it just as much as it can harm those externally affected by it. For anyone wanting to argue me on this point, I have been a firsthand witness to both my husband and multiple male-identifying friends who have been irrevocably harmed by it, so I really don't want to downplay the fact that this is still a significant character flaw. How well it was executed by the writers is definitely debatable, but as with Bumi, there's merit in the concept. There's a running theme of Sokka learning he doesn't have to be a strong warrior to still protect those he loves, and letting go of the shadow left by his father when Sokka was put in such a demanding leadership position at such a young age. It was a big loss not putting him in full Kiyoshi gear though, I will give you that.
Aang and the Overall Story
I'm torn on Aang, because though I miss a lot of his playfulness in the live action, it is also true that I often felt, especially in season 1 of the animated show, that it never seemed like all the horrific things that happened to his people affected him as much as it should have. Again, this is all up to debate on how much Nick interfered with the creative process of the animated series, or the writing, or the runtime, etc. But, in general, it just never felt like emotional scenes were lingered on quite long enough to really let them sink in a lot of the time. This is not to say it always felt that way, but after multiple rewatches over my life, I find myself more and more unsatisfied when it does feel like that. I know showing the genocide of the Air Nomads is a hot button topic, but it at least can be said that it set what to expect for the tone of the live action. I personally felt nothing but horror and sadness while watching that scene, and I think that is the intended response by the creators. Though I think the pendulum was swung a bit too far on Aang's characterization, I did appreciate him feeling more gravity towards his circumstances. I also do understand them going for "coming to terms with the present" as his arc for this season, even if I think they dragged it out a bit too long for my liking. As a side note, it should be mentioned that Gordon Cormier is also a talented martial artist who did most of his own stunts as well. Watching some of the behind-the-scenes footage of him was a real delight. And this is where I have to own up to the disclaimer I've been alluding to...I was 19 when ATLA first started airing in 2005, and thus was quite a bit beyond the target demographic at the time, so I recognize this show was not written for people my age. Regardless of its universal appeal and overall amazing execution, there are always going to be some things about the animated series I find childish or stupid that I cannot gloss over with nostalgia the same way people who were younger can. I am certainly guilty of doing so for things that were relevant during my more formative years (hello, Sailor Moon.)
Conversely, you also could say that I am more open to criticizing the parts of the animated series I don't think hold up so well, as few in number as those things are. I will say for anyone who wasn't around at the time, you are very lucky to not have been exposed to the constant fights and protest campaigns with Nickelodeon to even continue/finish the series, the annoying ways they kept sabotaging the syndication, the toxic forum threads fighting over the stupidest little nitpicks, or the equally toxic ship wars (okay, maybe still those.) You'd honestly be very surprised how nostalgic all the negativity over the live action has been, because it's practically a mirror image to the negativity over animated at the time, only now with the extra punch-shyness of having the Movie That Shall Not Be Named casting a shadow over everything.
All that being said, at last we are now on to the negative...
The Writing/Pacing
While I still hold that there are gems to be had in the live action series, this is where the show starts deducting the big points from my score. There is no doubt by most that there exists a significant writing problem on this adaptation. Most especially when it comes to dialogue, which often is clunky, exposition-heavy, rushed, or very canned-sounding. I honestly cannot place the blame on the actors themselves, as I think it is more apt to lay this at the feet of the showrunners. I'm sure there's a lengthy list of excuses, many valid, as to what happened exactly: Child acting labor laws, COVID separation, Netflix's overlords, budget, timing, etc. The fact remains that there were definitely some scenes I cringed my way through, Katara's interactions and fight with Pakku spring to mind most readily. ...Katara in general, to be honest, who got did pretty dirty in her characterization. When I see interviews with Kiawentiio where she's simply being herself, I see the energy I was looking for, so I don't think she was miscast at all. Everything has a heavier tone in the live action, so I understand where they're coming from with her starting out subdued and somewhat repressed. I appreciated the fact that they were very forthright about what happened to her mom in ways the animated show couldn't be. All that being said though, I just cannot justify why they didn't start breaking Katara out of her shell sooner or why they kept so many badly-read takes (not just with her, to be fair.) They can absolutely still keep the tone grounded while still allowing her inner fire to come through, and perhaps we will see that yet to come. I'm hesitant to blame the youngest among the cast for any perceived lack of acting skill because A) I'd sooner blame the writers and B) Yo, they're kids, and kid actors need time to develop skill.
In the matter of time, I think the series would have benefitted enormously from just a bit more of it. Ideally, like 2 more episodes to round out the main cast. I'd even take 5-10 minutes here and there per episode. One of the biggest flaws aside from the dialogue I see is a lack of interaction between our current main trio, which is where the heart of the Gaang lies. I know they CAN do it, the Fire Nation crew certainly was elevated by all the little touches here and there. I don't know why the main cast couldn't get the same treatment. This one also goes in the pile of "hope for the future," because if we do get a continuation (and I do actually hope for this,) one would expect a lot of these issues to be ironed out and for the cast to have even more experience and chemistry together to work with.
Additionally, there are a number of places where even my permanently blank-slate husband could tell things had been condensed to a point of feeling rushed. As I mentioned, though 6 is overall my favorite episode beyond this, there is no denying that Roku and the Fire Temple scene in general got shafted by pacing. It is sort of ironic that in animated I often felt that emotional scenes were rushed, but in the live action I just as frequently find myself wishing some of the slower moments of levity got their due as well. There is middle ground to be had somewhere, and once again I find myself hoping that this is another major area where we see improvement.
The negatives seem like a short section compared to the positives, but that's only because I have a harder time dissecting the parts that I can't even actively remember even after 2 rewatches. Nothing really made me actively angry at the live action enough to ramble on about at length, there were just a significant enough amount of forgettable or flawed parts of it that it hurt my overall impression. And really, calling a scene forgettable is maybe worse than calling it stupid or bad, because you can at least have a good time making fun of those.
One thing I hope people take away from this, if they bother to read this novel of a review at all, is that nothing will ever replace my love of the animated series. It's not going anywhere, and nothing can tear it down from its pedestal as proved quite decisively by Shyamalan. If I'd give animated a 9.5/10, then comparatively a 6.9/10 for the live action seems like a big downgrade, but I don't necessarily believe things have to be perfect to be worthwhile. I mean, I grew up on fantasy movies from the 80s and 90s, so I am a master at suspending expectations, trust me. It's an above-average score, simply because the things I took away from it and loved outweighed the things I didn't love. It made me ugly cry about 5-6 times, and I think that counts for something. My husband tells me he gives it a 9/10 and that he quite enjoyed himself. It is often difficult for me to get him interested in any media, because he has the attention span of a cabbage, so for him to actively ask when we were watching more was rather impressive. For these reasons, I pointedly reject the idea that the live action has no heart whatsoever, and I have reasonable hope that we will both get another season and that it will do better. EDIT: Turns out they greenlit seasons 2 and 3 the day after I wrote this. Woo!
Since he's a big WWE of the 90s fan, after the last episode, we had a fantasy casting roll for The Boulder, and that was the most we'd laughed together in months. It's a nice note to end on, don't you think?
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theblackat333 · 3 months
Rating oc headcannons
so @thezombiedraws tagged me in this, and it looked fun, so let’s go
Hugo: Hugo reads AO3
1/10 he probably doesn’t even know what it is, and if he did, he wouldn’t care for it
Ethan: Ethan chews their nails when nervous
7/10 sounds in character tbh
Eva: Eva is smart, but also very stupid
10/10 she is. She could probably perform a simple surgery on someone very easily but for the love of god don’t ask her to petsit your cat
Slinky: Slinky is the gay cousin
5/10 maybe? Their cousins are possums. Possums don’t have a concept of sexuality.
Bianca: If Bianca was presented with an intergalactic portal, they would enter without question
3/10 maybe on a good day, but most times she’s just sit in front of it for 4 hours on whether it would be worth it, and then get bored and go home
Romeo: Romeo would buy clothes from the soup store
8/10 he would. He already gets most of his stuff from secondhand stores or whatever the hell shows up on Amazon when he looks up “Cool emo red shirts”
Hunter: Hunter desperately needs a hug, but doesn’t know it, and refuses to ask for one
1/10 Nuh uh, if he wants to he’ll hug you. Bear hug you, even.
David: David has an incredible spice tolerance
2/10 he thinks mustard is spicy.
Kid: Kid has punched a hole in their wall
6/10 if he was an adult, and an American, probably.
Dallas: Dallas is not allowed to drink energy drinks
0/10 he can’t even drink, and if he could, nobody would be able to forbid him
I tag @tostawafle @dackychansworldofhoshino @theindescribable1 @arrxdrawinffourlive and @clownpalette to do this if they want, but anyone who sees it can do it too
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mullmannern · 2 years
Kade Dallas, case 000432
After missing 5 debt payments Kade was forced by the bank and court to sign a combined 10 year contract for a job rediness training program and subsequently a job as Community Work Operative (in training).
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Kade walked into the training compound as per the instructions of the balif and the program messages. Not expecting much work at orientation, but to his supprise, his supervisor came out hauling a bin full of uniforms and gear.
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Your uniform include a pair of communal boots. (1) Reflective coveralls. (1) Program Reflective jacket for traveling, (2) reflective T-shirts, (1) pair of reflective pants and used work gloves. When you arrive at an assigmed off site work location, you will be assigned a locker where your Uniform of the day will be in the locker.
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Now go Change in the locker room, you're already behind schedule. Get suited up in your filthy gear . You will wear them for weeks and months. They are good protection and convey unity and Professionalism. The're well worn and sweaty, still stinks from the previous operative and smells of months of wearing without washing.
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Here is your issued program ID, you will need this to access programs and resources.
Kade is Assigned to the 3A5H Highway Maintainace team for the next 3.5 months. During this time, training will begin, each evening Kade is to report to the training hall to complete lesson plans of the day and reflect on the things learned from working in the day.
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The 3A5H team is based at the municipal dump and landfill end of the Highway at exit 1. Room and board for operatives are charged at a special rate, taking out 35% of the training stipend before tax. The housing is shared with the garbagemen, waste water (sewer) operatives and a variety of sanitation workers. They live in absolute squalor and spend little time at the housing. Every night everyone gathers at the mess hall to eat company provided chicken and beef tacos. While it causes the runs, it is quite nutritious and gives the men ample protien and energy.
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As part of the Highway sanitation team, Kade the apprentice operative is responsible for the cleaniness and appearance of this Highway from North to South.
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For many people, spring conjures images of flowers blooming. For Kade on the first day of his Job tho, spring brings to mind a much different picture: trash. That’s because as the snow melts, it leaves behind thousands of pounds of litter discarded along the highway
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The reason why this is the dirtiest highway in the system is because it’s near the landfill, people litter anz trash tend to come out of the trucks as they’re on their way to the landfill.
Kade often spends all day bent down and on his knees picking trash.
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As the de-facto most junior member of the team, Kade has the esponsibilities as a roadkill collector is a job that is on call 24 hours per day.
When a roadkill is located, the roadkill collector must deal with both the body and with oncoming traffic – a dangerous feat. It’s gruesome and no words can describe the horrid stench of fresh, decaying, or maggot and blood covered carcasses.
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Kade is tasked with removing these large stinky objects. Roadkill duty means wearing additional protective clothing. Often he rubber hazmat suit itself is grosser than the decomposing road kill. The're well worn and sweaty, still damp from the previous time it waa worn, and it smells of months of wearing without washing.
Ultimately the bodies are transported to landfills, composting facilities, or in some cases soup kitchens.
Kade could not wait for this assignment to be over, but there is not much he can look forward to- the next location and curriculum is unclear to him, the work area could be anything.
Kade can only hope that the next place wont be as bad...
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mariacallous · 2 years
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After a long stretch of record-high rents, Americans are renting fewer apartments as demand in the third quarter fell to its lowest level in 13 years. 
Some renters are choosing to take on roommates, while others are boarding with family or friends. More people are opting to stay longer in their parents’ homes or moving back in, rather than pay steep rent increases, according to a recent UBS survey.
Apartment demand in the quarter, measured by the one-year change in the occupancy of units, was the lowest since 2009, when the U.S. was feeling the effects of the subprime crisis, according to rental software company RealPage. Measured quarterly, the drop in demand was the worst of any third quarter—normally prime leasing season—in the more than 30 years RealPage has compiled the data.
Meanwhile, the apartment-vacancy rate rose to 5.5% in the third quarter, up from 5.1% the quarter prior, according to property data firm CoStar.
Rents have risen 25% over the past two years, according to rental website Apartment List, pushing many renters beyond what they can now afford. Meanwhile, inflation on other essential goods, such as food and energy, is also eating into how much people have left to spend on housing. 
“It’s a signal that rent can’t continue at the same level it has sustained over the last couple of years,” said Michael Goldsmith, an analyst at UBS. “We’ve reached a point where renters are maybe willing to pull out of the market.” 
The apartment rental market looks to be cooling following a boom that started in early 2021. After the introduction of a Covid-19 vaccine, many people—especially younger people who had been living with their parents—rushed to rent in cities around the country. That boosted apartment demand and put upward pressure on rents. Some rental apartments were even subject to bidding wars.
Record high housing prices also played a role. They priced out many Americans who wanted to buy starter homes but instead have remained captives of the rental market. Home prices are now falling on a monthly basis, however, according to the latest S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller National Home Price Index.
Rental prices have started to fall on a monthly basis for the first time in nearly two years, too, while other recent data points also show that renters are starting to push back.
Shonda Austin, a home healthcare worker, and her three children moved into her mother’s house in Flint, Mich., this month after facing a 24% rent increase in Las Vegas. She hopes to return to a home of her own by March to somewhere more affordable, such as Arkansas or North Carolina, where she could potentially buy. 
“My goal is to just save as much as I can,” Ms. Austin said.
The supply of new apartments, which has grown this year in large markets such as Phoenix and Dallas, may be contributing to the drop in overall demand, because new projects add empty units to a slowing market. Economic uncertainty rooted in fears of a recession may also be contributing to lower apartment demand.
Leasing also typically eases during colder months, but analysts said the drop in demand that started earlier this year is now greater than what was expected. 
“The spring and summer leasing season was a total bust,” said Jay Lybik, national director of multifamily research at CoStar.
Yet even with the recent decline in demand, asking rents have remained near record highs. Nationally, asking rents have started to drop only slightly month-to-month, and are still up by 6% or more when viewed annually, according to several data sources. In some hot markets, they are up much more than that. In Charleston, S.C., rent is 14% higher than it was a year ago, according to Apartment List. 
To escape record high prices, more people are choosing to live rent free with friends or family, a September UBS survey found. Eighteen percent of U.S. adults surveyed said they had lived rent free with other people during the last six months, up from 11% at the same time one year ago. That was the highest share of adults living rent free with friends and family since UBS began asking the question in 2015. 
Other renters are finding roommates or splitting rent with family members. In North Charleston, S.C., 27-year-old bartender Bailey Byrum said her younger sister moved in with her at her two-bedroom rental house. Ms. Byrum said her sister had trouble finding her own place and had recently been living with her parents. 
“She has a good job… but places by yourself are like $500 to $600 out of her budget,” Ms. Byrum said. 
Some landlords are encountering resistance to steeper rent increases. In downtown Birmingham, Ala., last year, Kim McCann and her husband leased a spacious loft apartment for $2,800, a rent that then already seemed overpriced, Ms. McCann said. This July the landlord texted Ms. McCann to say she would be raising the rent by an extra $900 a month because local real-estate demand had “exploded.” 
Rather than pay $3,700 for the same apartment, Ms. McCann and her husband decided to move out in August. The loft sat on the market until at least this week, according to a listing on Zillow, and the asking price was cut twice.
“Fingers crossed other landlords come to their senses soon,” Ms. McCann said.
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
Position Available: Associate Producer, Rickey Smiley Morning Show Overview:
Syndicated Network targeting the African-American community is seeking an Associate Producer for the Rickey Smiley Morning Show.
Candidate will assist the Executive Producer with managing day to day operations including technical and administrative responsibilities as well as creating informative and entertaining material for on-air broadcast.
Position is based in Dallas, TX.
Primary Responsibilities:
Assists with generating and researching ideas, topics and guest(s) for studio and on- location broadcasts. Assist with writing material for scripts, show rundowns, call list and/ or interview questions, including timely breaking news or topics. Contribute to and making use of archives and audio resources which can be used for “Best Of” and / or “Emergency” shows. Book and pre-interview on-air guests as needed, including appropriate and timely newsmakers. Maintain compliance with local, state and federal (FCC) rules and regulations. Ensure all technical connections are secured and functional prior to broadcast. Maintain online guest booking calendar as needed. Produce content for various outside correspondents, talent/programming segments, rejoins, demos, etc. Coordinate and brainstorms creative ideas with Executive Producer, show host, staff and programming management as directed. Coordinate talent studio/broadcast needs when broadcasting from offsite location. Produce and script daily promo. Refresh/Create new imaging and drops on a consistent basis. Verify and sign studio traffic logs per REACH Media Policy, as needed. Post program content to Program’s various Social Media platforms as directed. Co-ordinate with Executive Producer/Program Director on a weekly planning calendar for show to include, but not limited to, booking guests, promotions, campaigns, interactive, programming content, and other characteristics of Talent’s Show. Provide back-up services including board operations, phone screener and/or production responsibilities for Reach Media syndicated programming as directed. Step in as backup when the Executive Producer is not available. Perform various other tasks as assigned by management. Requirements: Extremely organized and able to effectively prioritize tasks while being attentive to details. Excellent communication & interpersonal skills to work in a diverse environment. Creative problem solving to make spontaneous decisions under time constraints. High level of creativity and ability to develop show concepts. Strong knowledge of current FCC rules & regulations. Strong computer skills including Internet website navigation, competency in Microsoft Office Suite and broadcast related programs. Proficient with the use and operation of on-air broadcasting equipment and various digital editing software including Pro-Tools and Adobe audition. Flexibility to adjust work schedule as needed in order to support Reach Media syndicated show(s) demands. Flexibility to travel as requested. Experience/Education:
BA/BS college level degree in related field preferred and/or minimum five plus years relevant experience in broadcast radio or related industry experience. Professional Producer experience required. Compensation: Competitive hourly rate based on qualifications/experience.
Location: Dallas, TX. No relocation will be provided.
Reports To: Executive Producer, Rickey Smiley Morning Show
Position Availability: As soon as possible Candidates possessing the required professional experience, who display high energy and want to work in a dynamic and vibrant work environment should submit their resume along with salary requirements and references via email:
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mainshoney · 2 years
Encore energy streetlight outage map
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The Eastmark and Cadence Community Facility Districts (CFDs) were formed at the request of the property developers through the City of Mesa as a means of obtaining community funding for property development.
2 and Cadence CFD, which are all located in zip code 85212. The City of Mesa currently has three Community Facilities Districts: Eastmark CFD No. (application may take a few seconds to load) City of Mesa CFD
Southeast Mesa Land Use & Transportation Planįor Questions regarding charges on your Maricopa County property tax bill for Eastmark Assessment Areas and Eastmark CFDs, email or call 48.
Trash/Recycling for Single Family Homes.
My Utility Account Security Information & System Availability.
Payment locations and hours of operation.
Have everything installed and need to set up service? If you live in an Oncor Electric Delivery service area and already have all the electrical equipment installed, the process for activating electricity service must be done through a retail electric provider (REP). For a list of all the Texas REPs, please go to our Texas suppliers pages. Transmission & Distribution Utility companies (TDUs), like Oncor, do not manage customer service related to plans, customer accounts, billing/payments, etc. To pay your bill, you must contact your retail energy provider (REP). Their headquarters address is: Oncor Electric Delivery Headquartersħ5202 Can I contact Oncor customer service for billing and payment? Oncor customer service : Dallas headquartersĬall their corporate office phone number at 1-21 to address any customer service concerns, claims, or file a formal complaint. If you are experiencing a power outage emergency, see if customers in the area contacted Oncor to report the outage using the Power Outage Map link under the table below.Ĭheck the Oncor Power Outage Map to see if your neighborhood may be affected by a power outage and the estimated time of repair. In the case of an electricity power outage, there are a few reporting resources to turn to depending on the type of emergency or customer service issue at hand. How to report electricity outages with Oncor customer service in Texas : Oncor Electric phone number and contact list Application Submission (by Physician to Oncor)īusinesses: Energy Efficiency Identification Notice Form info/questions Oncor customer service requests / General Inquiries / Questions on the C.C. Solar Implementation / Distributed Generation Solar Implementation / Distributed Generation, Residential or Commercial Help with New Construction, Residential or Commercial You can contact Oncor customer service by the following: Oncor customer service and Oncor phone number Need customer service help not relating to Oncor's services? Your chosen Retail Electric Provider (REP) (essentially the intermediary between customers and TDUs) is standing by to assist with stopping/setting-up/transferring electrical service, billing, payments, rates, and electricity plan concerns/questions.
(Non-Residential) Applying for designation as Critical Load Public Safety / Critical Load Industrial CustomerĬall Oncor customer serivce at 1-88 to report an outage or 911 for downed power lines, both available 24/7.
(Residential) Applying for designation as Critical Care / Chronic Condition (C.C.) Customer.
Looking for solar implementation resources.
Checking the status of an on-going project.
Adding a new structure on property that needs power (like a garage) and, if digging, call 811 beforehand.
New construction consisting of one or multiple buildings.
Building a new home - in an existing subdivision or on private property.
Builders: Assistance in navigating city/town inspection requirements.
Smart meter or analog meter disconnecting/reconnecting or reporting supspected tampering.
Reporting a potential hazard involving power lines.
Electrical emergencies: power outages, downed power lines, or streetlight outage.
Is Oncor the company to contact? Reasons to contact Oncor
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share4uall · 6 days
Seal in Comfort, Save on Energy Spray Foam Insulation Dallas | Expert Contractor
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selfhelp4all · 6 days
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isaiah2964 · 17 days
Our crew is highly trained and holds top-notch certifications, proving our dedication to delivering the best spray foam insulation services in Dallas.
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nanoshoping · 20 days
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