#Daisy Berkowitz x reader
OH BY THE WAY I had a new idea for a twiggy Ramirez x reader fic...
I’ve been daydreaming about the concept of a smut fic where like twiggy wears one of his dresses and some makeup and him and the reader pretend like he’s a girl while they’re having sex? idk how to describe it without getting graphic but it’s been in my mind for a while. Idk what kind of kink that is tho. gender play? Who tf knows. either way that’ll probably happen soon so be on the lookout for that
I’ve also got an idea for a Daisy Berkowitz x reader fic where Marilyn and the other guys in the band all have a crush on the reader but she picks Daisy and they act all mean to him and the reader gets pissed off and kicks their asses. Lemme know if that sounds interesting!
@chalkboardgirl15 you’re on my daisy tag list so I’ll include you here!
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chalkboardgirl15 · 4 years
-Read the signs-
Scott (Daisy)   x Female reader
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Spooky Kids era
Synopsis: In the middle of summer, you and your friends are trapped in your hometown and spend time hanging out or terrorizing your neighborhood. One of so many days of mischief ends differently than the others when you and Scott discover that you both have felt the same attraction to each other for all this time.
Tags: @antichrist-super-stoned
Also i thought you would like to read this @gxth-bxby @v-crow666
It's almost 5pm. You get to your friend Brian's house and park your car in the driveway, you can see his mother, Barbara, hanging out the washing. You get down of your car and walk towards her.
-Hi, Mrs. Warner
-Oh, hello (y / n). How are you, darling?- She says with a tender voice
-I'm fine thanks. Is Brian home?
-Oh yes. He is in his room with Scott, you can go in
-Thanks- you answer with a smile and head inside.
As you were passing the living room you could see Mr. Warner sitting on his couch, watching TV. You try to sneak to the stairs and run up to Brian's room, you know Mr. Warner's dirty jokes very well and you don't want to give him a chance to start one. So you walk really slowly, passing behind his old couch
-(y/n)!- He screams with a joyful voice (but almost fake, for some reason). 
-Fuck, how does he do that?- you say under your breath -Um, Hi, Mr. Warner. I came to see Brian
-Why don't you come and sit here with me? Those boys surely are just fooling around up there
-Well I better go stop them- You say with a nervous tone and rush up the stairs
You walk towards Brian's room, and since you know Scott is also there, you fix your hair on one of the mirrors hanging on the wall.
You stand at the door of the room, Scott is sitting on a chair and in front of him he has his 4-track recorder that his parents gave him on his birthday, Brian is sitting on his bed and holds a small microphone between his hands; they are both laughing as Brian sings a kind of rap that talks about tuna sandwiches and a girl with hairy legs.
-What the fuck are you guys doing? - You say with a laugh.
Scott looks at you and controlling his laughter he puts his finger across his lips -Shh- Brian continues with the song but he can’t contain himself and bursts out laughing. 
Scott stops recording.
-I’m sorry, man. I couldn’t handle it - Brian says, trying to recover his breath
-Don’t worry, it’s a good start. But we have to record the full version someday
You walk into the room and drop onto the bed, right next to Brian
-Your father was right about you two just fooling around- you say with a sigh
-Fooling around?! We were just recording our first complete song!-  Scott is offended by your words
-No, she’s right.- Brian slides down onto the bed and sighs as he puts his hands over his face -This summer sucks!- he growls
-Sucks more than the weekend at my grandma’s- you giggle
-Oh, don’t remind me about that, a whole weekend looking only at Scott's face. At least when you are here we can pretend we are not looking at your tits
-Well I’m sorry for not having tits to entertain you with- Scott responds
-Yeah, you should be 
-Scott with tits. I would pay to see that- you and Brian snort a laugh and Scott rolls his eyes at you, then he proceeds to unplug his recorder. 
You stare at him as he gets down on one knee and tucks the wires into his bag, admiring his brown hair and round glasses. You've had a crush on him for quite some time now, and it seems to be getting stronger, but for some reason it's very difficult for you to approach him in any way other than joking. Not so with Brian, with whom you have spent some very intimate evenings, you find him attractive and the sex is incredible, but Scott has something different, he is not like the others and you love that.
Suddenly Mrs. Warner steps at the door of the room, holding her purse in her hands.
-Brian, darling, your father and I are going to run some errands. There's cereal in the pantry, be good kids
-Mom, I'm twenty- says Brian with an annoyed face
-Be a good twenty-year-old, then. I'll see y'all later- she kisses her hand waves it.
Brian stands off of the bed quickly.
-Man, I can't believe my parents leave the house more than us, it's fucking summer, we should be doing more than just staring at the wall
-We can watch tv, I think they were going to broadcast "the exorcist"- you propose
- "The exorcist" and a bowl of cereal seem like a good plan- says Scott excitedly
-But we can watch "the exorcist" and eat junk every other day. I want to do something different or I'm going to go crazy- Brian puts his hands to his head
-Then tell us your summer plan, Warner
-And I hope it's better than eating cereal or I'm going to be very pissed- Scott warns
-Ehrm, I don’t know. I can't think when I'm locked up here.
-Let's go outside then, I have the car- you show him your keys
-There we would have started, woman. Were you waiting for me to pull out my hair to tell me you have the car?
-You guys always tell me that my car is trash!
- (y / n), I am so desperate that right now your old car seems to me like the most wonderful vehicle in the world!
-Could it have nothing to do with the fact that you are not allowed to drive because you don't have a license and that my parents no longer lend me the car after I spent the night in jail for drunk driving?
-No, Scott. It has nothing to do with it. Now please shut up.- You and Scott look at eachother and laugh. He has such a beautiful smile and is not afraid to show it, he does not try to act tough like others,
-Okay, let's go then- you say as you get up from the bed
-Yes, finally some fresh air- Brian says raising his arms and going out the door
-Come on, Scott- you invite him with a smile
-I’m after you, sweetheart- you feel his words as heavy as his voice, chills run through your body and you turn your face trying not to blush
-Hurry up!- Brian shouts from outside the house
You three get in the car. Brian takes the whole  back seat for himself as usual, leaving Scott with the only option of going in the passenger seat. You always said you prefer it that way because, unlike Brian, Scott is quiet and doesn't distract you while driving, but the truth is that you like having him a few inches from you in that bench seat.
You  drove around the neighborhood for about half an hour, while Brian looked out the back window like a little boy pointing at things and people, and Scott hummed and tapped on his  thighs to the tune of the songs on the radio like "love me two times" by The doors. 
You try not to be very obvious while you turn to see him and when he realizes he just smiles at you and keeps singing. Hell, that smile could make you crash in a second.
But that's not what makes you slam on the brakes.
-Stop! - Brian shouts from the back seat -I know  what we gonna do- he says with a huge smile on his face as he points to the street name sign.
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-”Baked st”? - You say with a confused look. 
The three of you are standing in front of the sign Brian pointed out.
-Yeah! It's amazing, it would look great in my room!- says Brian
-Woah, are you suggesting we steal it? - Scott doesn't seem convinced by the idea.
-Yes! It's exactly what I'm suggesting
-That doesn't sound very legal, man.
-Yeah, Brian, there's still a lot of light, someone could see us- you point out
-Thank you, (y / n) - Scott is relieved that you're on his side
-You'll be the lookout, Scott- you say as you pat him on the shoulder 
You and Brian laugh and bump fists.
-We're gonna get caught. We're gonna get caught and we will be arrested. I will spend another night in jail. We should have stayed to eat cereal and watch tv- Scott mutters in a nervous voice from inside your car. He is sitting behind the wheel with the engine running, prepared to be the escape driver.
-Do you want to shut up? No one will catch us if you do your job as a lookout
-I always end up in trouble when I'm with you, Warner!
-Calm down, will you? Smoke a cigarette or something
-No! Not smoking in my car - you shout in a demanding voice -Calm down, Scott, nothing will happen
Brian kneels and you climb on his shoulders, so when he stands up you are at the exact height of the sign and you can remove it with the help of a screwdriver that you had in the trunk of your car.
-Brian, stay still, if you drop me I'll kill you
-Sorry, but the last time I carried you on my shoulders was that night when you forgot your keys and ended up with your dog biting my balls
-Haha! That's his way of saying he loves you!
-Whatever it was, since that day I can't stand being near a dog
-Don't be a crybaby ... oh, is that a doberman?
-Oh shit, where?! - Brian staggers with fear
You laugh out loud.
-That´s not funny!
-It was for me!- you're almost tearing with laughter
Scott rolls his eyes and sighs -Can you hurry? If you guys don't get in the car on time I won't mind leaving you behind
-But it's my car!
-Well ... maybe I'll wait for you- he gives you a small smile
- * cough * Get a room
-Shut up, Brian, or I'll drop this on your huge head
-Guys, I think someone’s coming ...- says Scott worried
-Calm down, I'm almost done, there's one last screw left- you say without taking much importance
-Oh oh, cop car. Guys, cop car!- Scott shouts through the window
-What?! - Brian screams
-Done!- You say with a smile of triumph and  almost fall when Brian takes you off of his shoulders. 
You both rush to get into the car and Scott speeds in the opposite direction to the cops
Brian, as always in the back seat, looks through the window to make sure you were not seen and are not being followed, then he collapses into the seat and bursts out laughing.
You and Scott look into each other's eyes and laugh a little, then join Brian in his loud laugh.
-That was incredible, I think I peed in my pants- says Brian trying to catch his breath
-You almost threw me, man! - You shout from the passenger seat
- I'm sorry, I panicked!
-Scott, are you okay? Your hands are shaking- you ask
-I'm fine. I'm fine, don't worry- Scott can't erase from his face the big smile that has appeared as a result of the feeling of being almost caught.
You stare at him and you feel your heart pumping like crazy and you're not quite sure it's still due to the thrill of your successful robbery.
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The sun has already set, it is still a warm summer night. You drive through the neighborhood with the windows down letting in the cool wind, and with stupid smiles of satisfaction on your faces, without saying a word.
You go back to Brian's house and see his parents' car at the entrance.
"Shit, they're back," says Brian, rushing to open the car door and close it behind him, he leans against the driver's window to look at you both. 
-Come tomorrow and you will see this beauty hanging on the wall of my room. - He says holding the sign and then he enters his house, leaving you alone in the car with Scott.
There is an awkward silence for a few seconds after Brian is gone.
-Well, I think I should go home now- Scott puts his hand on the door handle, turns to you and looks at you over his glasses -It was a great afternoon, it wouldn't have been if you hadn't appeared- He gives you a last half smile -Well, good night (y/n), hope to see you tomorrow- he opens the door
-No, wait ... let me take you home
-Do you want to take me home?
-Of course, I'll let you drive - you say tapping the steering wheel
-You've convinced me!
You really enjoy the drive to Scott's house, he just keeps making you laugh by telling you the story of the night he was arrested, making silly voices as he impersonates the cops who pulled him over.
And he takes advantage of the moment to do some other imitations of people you know, and cartoon characters. You just can't stop laughing.
When you are close to getting to Scott's house, he stops the car near an alley.
-I will stop here so my parents don't see us, if they find out that I've been driving they will kill me
-Oh yeah, no problem. That way you could also stay for a while to chat- you are really enjoying his company and you don't want to stop being by his side
-I guess I can, it's not my bedtime yet- You both laugh
-You're so funny
-"Oh, thank you, I appreciate it" -he says faking his voice like a talk show host, and you laugh again.
-Really, why have we never had these talks?
-What do you mean?
-Yes, you and I, we have never hang out together, why is that?
-Are you serious? I think the reason is pretty obvious
-It’s not so obvious for me. Why don’t you tell me?
-Well, it's because whenever we go out, I'm the first to be back home, whether you drop me or I leave so that you can, I don't know, take care of any "matter" you have
-What? What are you talking about? - You look at Scott with a confused expression
-Come on, you know what I'm talking about ... don't make me say it- he rolls his eyes and you look at him without being completely sure what he means
-You mean...?
-Um, yeah- he says raising his eyebrows. You drop your jaw
-He told you about that?!
-Of course he told me- he sighs with annoyance- you already know him
-When-when did he tell you?
-The weekend you were at your grandma's house ... I would like to say that he brought it up for conversation because he was bored and wanted us to talk about something but I know he likes to brag about those things
-I'm going to kill him- you say clenching your teeth
-No... I mean, you don’t have to, there’s no reason for you two to hide those things from me, if you feel something for each other, I..- 
-What? I don’t feel anything for Brian! It was just sex…
-”Just sex”? what does that even mean?- he chuckles and you cover your face with your hands
-I mean… Well, he’s attractive but he can also be a total asshole. And we had sex a couple of times but it’s not like… I don’t like him and I totally don’t “love” him
-It´s ok, I was just saying that if you were trying to have some kind of relationship… I'm ok with that
-Well you don’t need to ‘cause there’s no “relationship” nor will be. I only had sex with him because, well there aren't many guys available, you know? And apparently I'm too bad at letting the boys that I like know that ... I like them
-Really?- he arches his eyebrows
-Yeah, believe it or not- You say with sarcasm
-Well I think any guy you send a hint that you like him and if he doesn't get it then he's an idiot and you shouldn't be wasting your time with him
You snort a laugh 
-You think that?
-Totally. Of course.
You look at him and laugh
-What? What’s so funny?
-No, nothing- you stop laughing and look down, trying to avoid his gaze
-Really? Come on, we already discussed your stumbling  with Brian, that is surely the most embarrassing thing in your life, and now you are going to hide something from me and tell me that it's "nothing"? Come on, tell Dr. Love here
-Oh my god, don't call yourself Dr. Love! - You burst out laughing as you cover your face with your hands
-Ok, I will not. But come on, you were the one who  wanted us to talk, now talk- he bumps your shoulder
You take a long breath
-Is just that… I really don’t know how to tell you this. I got into this by myself and now I don't know how to get out- you laugh nervously
-You are scaring me. I'm not gonna let you drive me home again…
-It's that, when I was talking about the guys I like, I was ... really ... talking about you ...
Scott stares at you and is silent for a few seconds.
-I’m sorry, what?
You laugh again and avoid his gaze
- (y / n) I need you to repeat that, I think I did not hear you well
You raise your head and look at him with your eyes tearing a little
-I was talking about you, Scott. You are the guy that I like
Scott leans back and readjusts himself on the seat
-Wow, I wasn't expecting that
-Yeah, well …
You both remain silent, trying to assimilate what just happened. After a few seconds Scott takes a long breath, opens his mouth but he has trouble organizing his thoughts
-(y/n)? Can I...Can I ask you something?
-Yeah, of course
-And it’s ok if you don’t want to answer, I understand
-You say you like me ... but if that's the case, why have you been sleeping with Brian?
You sigh heavily
-Well, Scott, it's quite simple really. You see, it's because you are you, and I, well, I am me ...
-I'm not sure I understand that
-You're an amazing boy, Scott. You are kind, you are talented, you are intelligent, you are very funny without having to make fun of others
-And is that a bad thing?
-No! It is not at all!
-So? I don't understand
-It's that you're VERY good, Scott. So good that you deserve someone just as good as you ...
- Seriously?
-Seriously. And I deserve guys like Brian, I don't mean Brian is a bad guy but hey, you said it yourself, "we know how he is"
He throws his head back, looking at the roof of the car
-I guess I'm screwed, then ...
- Why do you say that?
He turns his head towards you, still leaning on the seat
-Because (y / n), during all this time, I have only been attracted to a one-single-girl
You notice his hand moving along the seat, getting closer and closer to yours. You can already feel it with the tips of your fingers, it's like an electric shock that runs through your entire arm. You look up and he's looking you in the eye.
-And that girl is you.
You feel your face turning completely red, your heart is racing, you are short of breath.
Time seems to move so slow.
-I think I'm having a heart attack- you say under your breath
- (y / n) Are you okay? - He gets closer and sits right next to you, his knee touches yours and he puts his hand on your shoulder. You have your eyes on the ground and your hair covers your face -I shouldn't have told you all that, I'm sorry- 
He leans in front of you and brushes your hair from your face with his fingers -It's just that we were being so sincere that I thought ... I don't know what I thought, I let myself go. Please look at me-.
You feel your body vibrating, trembling. The rhythm of your heart has not calmed down. And your mind is spinning.
You can see Scott's face out of the corner of your eye. You have never been so close, and you don’t know if this will be the only time. Your only chance.
- "Fuck it" - you say in your mind and raise your head. You both look into each other's eyes for a few seconds, you lean towards him and slowly seek his lips with yours. He doesn't move or say a word, just closes his eyes and receives the pleasing touch of your mouth.
His lips are so soft and sweet. Almost unreal.
Kissing him feels like an explosion inside your head, you can almost see the flashes. 
You take him by the back of his neck to bring him closer to you, you don't want a single space between your lips. He responds by putting his hand on your thigh, gently grabbing you, like trying to convince himself that you really are there.
The kiss begins to get more intense, you gently suck on his lips a little and you can feel the tip of his tongue touching you, but you know he is too shy to dare to do it. So you go and gently insert your tongue between his lips as you grab him by his shirt. He lets out a slight moan and reaches up to grab you firmly by the hip.
The feel of his hand grasping you feels so good that you tilt your head back and bite your lip. Scott can't take his gaze off of you, his breathing is fast, with his hand still on your hip, he pulls you towards him and makes you end up sitting on his lap.
You look him in the eye, he puts both hands on your hips and you give him a devilish smile to which he responds the same.
You run your hand over his chest. He looks at you with a smile and bites his lip. You lean over him and start kissing his neck, he raises his hands to your waist and his thumbs touch the bottom of your breasts. He moans a little and you pull back. Without taking your eyes off his, you take your hands to the end of your shirt and take it off. He stares, wordlessly, at your body, one of his hands goes up your belly and stops before touching your bra. He sees you again in the eyes and licks his lips, more than a look of desire, you can see tenderness on his face.
You put your arms behind your back and untie the clasp of the bra, gently lower the straps of each of your arms and drop it. He takes a deep breath and you bend down to kiss him again, pressing your lips firmly against his.
He moves his hands forward slowly, his fingertips running up your bare back giving you chills and making you shiver, and that's where he tucks his tongue into your mouth and gently grips your breast with one of his hands.
You moan and you can feel the warmth between his legs, so you bring one of your hands to his waist, raise his shirt with your index finger, and play a little with his belt before you unbuckle it. He rushes in and helps you take his pants down to his knees. You bite your lip and run one hand over his underwear. He is hard. 
You start moving your hand up and down over his clothing. He lets out a groan, closes his eyes, and tilts his head back.You give him a sloppy kiss while still stroking him. Scott puts his hand on your lower back while moaning. You stop kissing him and pull back. 
-You want me to…?- You say as you put your hands over the buttons of your trousers
-Please…- he says under his breath
You start unbuttoning them and he pulls them down, leaving you only in your panties.
He runs the tip of his index through the line of cloth that passes just below your belly, you take his entire hand and lead him inside.
 He gasps, he feels a little scared but much more curious to feel your body, so he works his way down with his fingers and touches you gently. You groan and start to feel more and more wet as his fingers get inside of you, you can't control it. You start pulling down his underwear and he takes his hands off of you. You take his bulge with your hand and stroke it making him close his eyes again. You take off your panties and get closer to him, sitting on his lap. He puts his arms around you, down your lower back, and kisses you.
-I guess today we will only do illegal things
-Does that bothers you?- you answer with a seductive voice
-Not at all- he smirks
You bring one of your hands behind you and between your legs, take hiss length with your fingers, positioning it just below you and slowly insert it into yourself. You push your hips down to get him fully inside.
You both moan loudly with pleasure. Scott has a huge smile drawn on his face. You put your hands on his shoulders and start moving your hips up and down, you can feel how he tightens you with his arms and he starts to thrust himself against you, faster and with more force than you were doing. You squeeze his shoulders and dig your nails into them a little. His body slams against yours, you can feel him getting  out completely and back in with ease. Your legs start shaking, you can feel that you are very close, you don't want this moment to end but you are about to, so you kiss him one last time and feel his deep breathing on your lips. You arch your back and press your lips together tightly to contain your loud moan of exasperation. Scott growls and you feel a wetness running down your thigh. 
You drop your body onto Scott's. Your head rests on his shoulder and he lovingly caresses your back. He looks at you and approaches to give you a tender kiss, at the end of which he smiles.
You remain silent for a while, for the moment you do not have much to say, the contact of your bodies shows your feelings.
Scott puts his hand on your head and brushes your hair from your face.
-You know? I feel very lucky today- he says
-Totally. I did a lot of things today that I never imagined ... like running away from the police
You laugh a little
-No, seriously, I feel very lucky, and I don't want to abuse that fortune, but if I don't do this I think I won't be able to forgive myself
-What happens?
- (y / n) Would you go out with me someday?
You blush and hide your face on his shoulder
-Of course I will go out with you
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
Hey There, Demons - Marilyn Manson x Reader [Smut]
Synopsis: You, drummer for the Spooky Kids, aka the Dumbass Idiots, decide with the band to go ghost hunting in LA one night after a show. Bad idea for the most part, good idea for the sole reason of finally putting you and Manson together in a dark room. Feelings? What are those? 
Notes: Spooky Kids era! I’ve been watching a lot of Buzzfeed Unsolved, so here you go. Also features a bit of Twiggy x Pogo for good measure. 
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"I don't believe in ghosts."
You toss a napkin at Brian. "Poser." You're all sitting in an airport, waiting for your flight from Jacksonville to Los Angeles for a show tonight.
He grins. "Nah. I'm just bullshitting, of course I do. I mean, I've never seen one, other than that whole Necronomicon thing when I was a kid, but half of me thinks that was from drinking bong water.” 
“Yeah. Well. Imagination is a beautiful thing." 
He licks his lips. "Especially when I'm jacking off."
"Gross," you mutter.
"That's not what you said last night."
"You wish," you huff.
"Cool it you two, we all know you're banging," Pogo calls out, and starts making high pitched moaning noises. You (and everyone else in the band) looks at the keyboardist, wondering if it'd attract even more attention to tape his mouth shut. "Ah! Ah! Ah!”
Jeordie joins in. “Oh, god! Oh, Brian! Yes! What a big dick you have!"
"All the better to fuck you with," Brian plays along. Jeordie climbs into Brian’s lap.
"Stop it, big boy, you're turning me on!"
"I don't sound like that," you mutter.
"Ohhh yeeeeah," Jeordie groans out a climax, and Daisy scoffs, slipping on his sunglasses to avoid the odd stares you're getting.
"I'll have what he's having."
"Unless... Brian is the one taking it," Pogo muses, "That's possible." He drops his voice. "Mmmm. Bette, make me your bitch!"
"Yeah, I just love it when (y/n) gets the strap on out and destroys my ass," Brian grumbles. You blush a little, but hide it under a laugh.
"Again. You wish."
“Am I the only one who finds it very hard to believe (y/n) would put out for Bri?” Jeordie asks. It’s Brian’s turn to toss something at his best friend.
“We all know if she had good taste in men, she’d be fucking me already.”
You hold up three fingers. “Read between the lines.”
You and Brian had been skirting around one another since you had joined the band. You had known Jeordie since working at a crappy part time job at a used record shop with him, and had met the others when Brian had moved to Florida from Ohio, which was a few years ago. They had gotten this band together with another drummer who called himself Sarah Lee Lucas.
Recently, Sarah had left the band to pursue something else, and since banging on things with sticks isn't too hard in your books, you convinced the Spooky Kids to hand you the drumsticks as the newly christened member, Bette Davis x Jeffery Dahmer: Bette Dahmer. It hadn't been easy to convince them to let a girl in, since they’re all a bunch of juvenile assholes, but with Jeordie backing you, eventually they caved.
"Back to the matter at hand," Brian says.
"Hand job," Jeordie giggles, picking a scab off. He pouts as it bleeds.
"Later," Brian quips, standing on a chair. You tug him down before a security guard can do it, and he falls on his ass. "Ow, fuck you."
"That's what anal feels like," you say.
"You would know Bets, you probably take it up the ass from fifty guys at a time, ya fuckin whore," Pogo laughs.
"Stephen, Jesus," Daisy chuckles a little. Pogo has zero filter, and sometimes it's refreshing, sometimes it's annoying. You take your wad of gum out, balling it up, and use your hair elastic to slingshot it right in his face. The guy just picks it up and pops it in his mouth.
"You're fucking disgusting, man."
"Eat shit and die." Pogo gives you all the finger, and Jeordie speaks up, laying his head in your lap and stretching out over the airport seats.
"Someone said something about ghosts. I like ghosts. Space ghosts."
"Yes!" Brian brings it back. "Thank you Jeordie, back on track. We are all going ghost hunting tonight, after the show."
"Who died and made you god?" Pogo asks.
"God did," Brian snapped. "And when I'm god everyone dies."
"That's profound, poetry-man," you smirk, crossing your arms, "Got any more emo shit to say before Scott gives every reason why we shouldn't break into some haunted building tonight with video cameras?"
"Who has a video camera?" Jeordie asks, wide eyed, "I wanna see how big my dick looks on screen."
"It looks just like your namesake," Brian says. "Twiggy." Jeordie looks crestfallen.
"It's not that small," you assure him, "It's average, but not small."
"Yeah. I'd let you have a go, if you weren’t..." You smirk, alluding to the crush Jeordie had on another band member. He goes red.
"If Brian wasn't already balls deep in that," Pogo chides.
"I bet your dick looks like a pickle," you shoot back, sticking your tongue out.
"Wanna check?"
"Okay," Daisy blushes, standing up, "Just cause we're a band, doesn't mean we need to have an orgy."
"What was the point, then?" you joke.
"Anyway. Like Bette said, I really don't think we should be doing this tonight. If we get arrested for trespassing, what'll that do to the band?"
Brian crosses his arms. "Well I'm the leader, and I say it'd give us a cool reputation!”
"Right. Members of the Marilyn Manson family get arrested for... what, looking for ghosts? What a hardcore group of people.”
"We can tell the press we killed someone. Besides, this is the type of shit we’re supposed to do as a metal band. We gotta do dumb, risky things that make us look like bonified Satanists. Otherwise we’re just posers like the rest of ‘em.”
“No, we just have to go on a couple benders in hotel rooms with some blow and a couple tatted up prostitutes, and we’ll fit in.”
“Look, we can do cocaine off girls’ tits and go ghost hunting and still be rock stars, so shut the fuck up Berkowitz, we're doing it," Brian says. Daisy puts his hands up, unwilling to argue with him any more than he already has. So, it’s settled.
You bump your foot against Brian's, and he gives a lopsided smile, brushing the long black hair out of his face and bumping your foot back. Momentarily, his attention is diverted.
"Will someone go get Jeordie? He's pissing in the water fountain."
You look out at the crowd. This is a bigger audience than usual here in LA.
“Lots of motherfuckers came out to see us,” Bri comes by to whisper at you, parting his hair and making sure his lipstick is nice and smeared. You nod, and toss him his big floppy top hat. He sticks it on his head as you’re introduced.
“All the way from the South Florida music scene, we’ve got Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids!”
Jeordie starts the first song, Negative Three, off with a bassline intro, and you start the band off with a four count on your drumsticks, then hit the drums as Brian begins to wail into the mic.
“Give me your blood, your teeth, your high school pictures...”
You watch him, not skipping a beat on your rhythm. Daisy headbangs as you launch into the chorus, and Twiggy fiddles with his bass guitar across the stage, dressed in one of his ragdoll dresses. Pogo is to the right of you, hammering away at his keys and jolting around. You always have a good time performing with the guys, but Brian’s got your attention tonight.
He keeps looking back at you, for some reason.
You almost don’t realize the change in song and the fact that you’d been playing it, and nearly jump when Brian screams into the mic: “I bring you!”
You look away from his shirtless figure, and focus on putting on a good show with them as the crowd moshes in front of you.
After the show, everyone stops back at the motel quickly, drying off and getting changed. You all reconvene after getting into more comfortable clothes, avoid the small group of fans waiting to follow you, and get ready to leave.
“You were great tonight,” Brian says.
“Really? I nearly missed the beginning of Lunchbox,” you huff.
“Nah, I didn’t notice it. If I had, I would’ve yelled at you til you cried.” He gives a shit eating grin.
The Viper Room. The five of you stare at it. The sun has long since set after the show, and you're in front of the LA nightclub with amateur ghost hunting equipment. (AKA, anything you could find at a five and dime store on the sunset strip this late at night).
"River Phoenix died here,” Jeordie mentions.
“And Johnny Depp owns the place," Daisy remarks.
"I know him," Brian says.
"River Phoenix?” Pogo asks, stroking his beard. “Yeah? You climb into his grave often?"
"Depp, I know Johnny Depp."
"If you know Johnny Depp, then Twiggy's Luke Skywalker," Pogo scoffs.
"Like my father before me," Twiggy mumbles. 
"No, I know him! I was an extra on his show, 21 Jump Street. He's cool, we're friends."
Even Jeordie snickers at that, after emerging from his Star Wars fantasy. "Fuck you guys," Brian mutters, "If Johnny was here right now--"
"Oh, you're on a first name basis, huh?"
"If Johnny was here right now, you fucking clown asshole, he'd say hi Brian, and tell you to go fuck yourself."
"He'd say ‘hi Brian’?" you tease, and he smiles.
"Yes, he would. He's nice."
“Would he like me?”
“Anyone would like you.”
"Does he think this place is haunted?"
"I don't know," the singer hums, "I never asked."
You pick the lock, all enter, and shut the door behind you. It's pitch black, and frankly a little nerve-wracking.
"We shouldn't be here," Daisy sing songs.
"One more word out of you and we're feeding you to the ghosts," Pogo says.
"The same could be said for you," you say to the keyboardist. He shoots a dirty look your way that you can't see through the dark. "I did some reading,” you admit, and everyone turns to you. “Apparently there’s a body buried downstairs, in the crawlspace.”
“Johnny’s a killer,” Jeordie whispers in awe.
“That’s fucking rad,” Brian mutters, “I have even more respect for the guy now.”
“It wasn’t Johnny, don’t say that shit out loud in Hollywood or you’ll get sued,” you say, rolling your eyes. “So aside from the bones, the ghostly activity is downstairs in the basement, the VIP room, and by the bar.”
"I know where I'll be," Jeordie smiles, and walks over to the bar. "Pour me a stiff one River, and don't spare the rum."
Pogo sighs. "C'mon, Daisy. The odd couple are going down to the basement."
"Uh, now I think I should be the one to stay at the bar." Daisy shakes his head. "If Jeordie does, we'll have smashed bottles and cop sirens."
"Fine," Jeordie complains, shoving his red and black dreads out of his face.  
“Whatever, dude. It’s just a bunch of bullshit anyway,” Pogo mutters, “It’s like Santa Clause, parents invent ghosts and all that shit to scare kids into behaving themselves, the ever present fascism of the oppressed American youth...” Jeordie follows the ranting keyboardist downstairs, shooting you a desperate look. You just smile, giving a little good luck wave.  
“That leaves you and me in the VIP room,” you say, turning to Brian.
“That it does,” he replies, licking his lip ring. “Just don’t try to hold my hand. That’s sick.”
“If you touch me, I’ll scream,” you retort, and walk ahead of him. He admires your ass with the flashlight, and you smile a little.
Downstairs in the basement, Pogo starts banging on the walls.
“Hello! My friends, my ghoulish friends! My... ghoulfriends, if you will. ANYONE WHO’S GOT THEIR BONES BURIED BACK HERE, MAKE A NOISE! Fart or something!” He swings his arms around.  
“Did Johnny Depp kill you?” Jeordie asks, eyes wide. He twitches at a car honk outside.
Pogo bounces up and down. “Come attack me, bones! Make me one of you! Come on, murder me and bury me, daddy! I’m into that kinky shit! I am here for the taking!”
“That sounds a little forceful,” Jeordie whispers.
“On my part, or their part?” Silence.
“Good point.”  
They keep walking around, and Jeordie trips on something. Pogo keeps banging and yelling obnoxiously. “GOBLINS, GHOULIES, FROM LAST HALLOWEEN! AWAKEN THE SPIRITS WITH YOUR TAMBOR—hey Jeordie, what the fuck are you doing on the ground?”
“I just like the taste of carpet,” Jeordie retorts, sarcasm apparently not evident enough for Pogo to catch it.  
“Jesus, what are you on? I want some.”  
“Help me up?”  
“Yeah, yeah,” the mad clown mutters, and leans down. Jeordie takes his arm, and the two look at each other for a few seconds, the flashlight beneath them illuminating the specks of dust floating through the inch or so between their faces. “Uh...” Pogo whispers, deep voice grumbling.
“Yeah,” Jeordie swallows, and the two stand again, looking away from one another.
Upstairs, you and Brian enter the VIP room.
“Hey there demons, it’s me. Marilyn Manson,” he says, “This is my concubine, Bette Dahmer. Scare us.”  
You glare at him. “Actually, scare me. You can just kill him.” The two of you look around with the flashlight a bit, inspecting the dark wallpaper and decor.
“This is kinda spooky,” Brian admits.
“It’s nice,” you say, stroking the dust off a lamp, “Very gothic. I can see why movie stars like this place.”
“Yeah.” Brian turns the flashlight on and off, finally setting it on a small table and letting the beam keep the room dimly lit. “Lots of old Hollywood glamour. You’d fit right in.”
“Yeah, you’d look pretty in an old Marilyn Monroe dress. Or at least one of Jeordie’s.”  
“What if Marilyn Monroe came here?” you giggle.
“Hey, Mar! Thanks for the name!” Brian calls, “If we get rich and famous, we’ll give you the royalties!” You lounge out on one of the couches, and he eyes you. “You could be sitting on a ghost right now,” he says, “You could have a ghost inside you.”
“You could be sitting right on his big ghost cock.”
“That’s hot.”
“You could have me inside you too, if you wanted.”
“Y’know, I think we’ve been on the road too long,” you laugh, “Pogo’s jokes are getting to you.”
“It’s not the jokes.”
“Yeah, well. If I’m starting to look hot to you, you must be delirious.”
“Nah... I really do think you’re hot, Bets.”
He sits next to you, and you look over at him. “Seriously?”
He ducks his head. “Yeah.”
“I... feel the same way. I mean, I was never ever gonna tell you, cause soon, with any luck, we’ll be big rock and roll stars, and you-- well, you know how it works. You’ll have a million groupies, you’ll be drowning in free pussy.”
“Fuck the groupies. I want your pussy.”
You laugh. “You say that now.”
“Yeah, I do. Til someone better comes along, which I doubt will happen.” He lifts his eyes to meet yours. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you all night. It was weird onstage—usually I can hide it, but tonight... I don’t know. You sitting there, in that top, with your eyes... you were just...” He looks down again, his old shyness coming back. You don’t know what to say. You can only stare at his lips.
Over at the bar, Daisy sits patiently, watching the glass he’s set on a napkin. “Hello, ghosts. It’s me, Scott. You can call me Daisy if you like. If you can hear me, move the cup.”
He stares at the cup. The cup does not move.
Downstairs, Pogo and Twiggy are awkwardly trying to continue their ghost hunt without talking about the moment they just had.
“So, uh, so ghoulies. Where ya from?” Pogo shouts. “Is SATAN in the room with us? We are BIG FANS, sir.” Jeordie starts giggling about something. “What is it?!”
“I just heard a bang above us.”
“That means the demons have come out to play, Jeordie-boy!” Pogo cackles, hopping up on a booth seat and drumming the ceiling.
“No. It means Bette and Manson are screwing around,” Twigs laughs. Then his face gets dead serious. “What if, uh...”
“What if what?” Pogo glances over suspiciously.
“What if... they weren’t the only ones?”
You gasp, standing up and staring at the shattered lamp that had just fallen off the table. “Oh my god. That wasn’t me.”
“Wasn’t me.”
“They’re totally gonna think we’re screwing around up here.”
“Maybe we are,” Brian gets up too, tucking his hair behind his ear.
“Y-you wanna?” you back up. He nods, and falls on top of you on the other couch.
At the bar, Daisy sits, staring at the cup. He patters his fingers on his knees. “It’s okay, ghosts,” he says, smiling politely, “I can wait.”
He stares at it some more. The cup does not move.
In the room, you reach your hand up Brian’s back underneath his black t-shirt. “Fuck, I can’t believe we’re doing this.”
“Shut up and take my pants off.”
“Don’t tell me to shut up. Take your own pants o... ohhh, god, yeah.” Brian reaches up to massage your breasts, and you throw your head back, undoing his fly.  “How long have you wanted to do this?”
“Since the day I walked into the dumb record shop and stole that David Bowie EP.”
“What the fuck?! I got fired for that!”
Downstairs, Pogo runs a hand over his smooth bald head. “I don’t know, man. This sounds very gay to me.”
“I mean,” Jeordie scuffs his shoe on the ground, “It doesn’t have to be. Or like, it could be. If you’re cool with that.”
“If I’m cool with being a homo?”
Pogo looks up at Jeordie, and sighs. “For you?” He glances around the dark, creepy basement, then back to the bassist. “I could be cool with that.”
Daisy changes tactics. “Here. Don’t like moving cups? That’s okay, neither do I sometimes. Let’s try this again.” He smiles. “What’s your name?”
“Oh, god... Brian!” you moan from the VIP room.
“Br... Brian!” Daisy says, excitedly, standing up. “You have the same name as my friend! Oh god... okay, um... how did you die, Brian?”
“Get inside me,” you groan, and Brian takes his boxers down, kissing you as he sinks into your tight heat. The two of you moan, base instincts taking over.
“In... inside you?!” Daisy repeats, eyes lighting up at the apparent paranormal activity he’s discovered. “Oh! You died from an overdose, just like River, didn’t you? You had too many narcotics inside you!”
Downstairs, Pogo steps forward, and swallows. Jeordie closes his eyes, and waits. Suddenly, a car screeches through a red light outside, and Jeordie practically jumps into Pogo’s arms, forcing the two together at the lips. Pogo’s eyes fly open, and Jeordie’s close again, enjoying the kiss. They break away, and stare at one another. Pogo swears, and goes in for another kiss.
“Harder,” you whisper, wrapping your arms around the singer’s neck. He pushes his hips in faster.
“You like it rough, sweetheart?”
“Yeah Bri, I like it rough, yeah...”
He reaches down, finding your sweet spot. You arch into him, scratching your nails up his slender back. He keeps pounding into you, and grunts into your neck.
“Baby, baby, baby...”
“Do you have a message for me, or for any members of our band?” Daisy asks, and lowers his voice conspiratorially. “You know... some insider’s industry tips?” He winks.
“Goood, you’re so fucking good!”
Daisy raises his eyebrows. “I... well thank you! Thank you very much, we really try to reach people with our music.”
“What the fuck are you blabbering about?” Pogo mutters on the stairs, wiping Twiggy’s lipstick off his chin. Daisy beckons them over.
“Shhh! Watch this. I’m sorry I ever doubted you guys... the spirits are so active in this place! Forget making records. We could be mediums!” Jeordie joined Pogo over by the bar as Daisy went on. “Okay—if you’re here with us now, give us a sign.”
There’s a loud bang, followed by a creak and a faint gasp. Jeordie and Pogo look at one another, actually a little bit freaked out by the response. Then comes the “communication.”
“I’m coming, oh-- I’m coming!”
“Where?!” Daisy cries, “Show yourself, come!” Pogo sighs, and Jeordie falls to the floor, laughing.
“I think they already did, pal.” The keyboardist raises his painted on eyebrows, and points to the VIP room. You stumble out, hair messed to hell, and Brian comes out behind you, buckling up his belt. Daisy stares at the two of you for the longest time, before getting up and walking toward the door.
The rest of you go to walk out, deeming the place a paranormal dud, when a gust of wind blows behind you. Brian’s about to turn around, accusing Jeordie of leaving a window open or something, but there’s nothing there. Then, everything happens at once. Daisy’s cup tips over the side of the counter and shatters. The door to the VIP room slams shut, and you all start to hear thumping footsteps coming up the stairs from the basement.  
You and Brian grab at each other, running out first while laughing. Pogo shoves Jeordie over and bolts out. A few seconds later, he runs back in, grabbing the bassist by the hand and dragging him out too. Daisy stays, getting out the video camera. Brian walks back in, guiding the guitarist out calmly, and closes the club’s front door with a click.
“Hey uh, Bri?” you say, taking his arm. He grunts, putting an arm around you. “Next time you see your friend Johnny Depp... maybe don’t mention that we fucked in his haunted club. Kay?”
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Dating Daisy Berkowitz Would Include:
@headoverhiddles (lemme know if you want an NSFW alphabet for him, babes)
Permanent Taggers: @smokeandmirrorz @holyjunkie @overlyobsessedfangirl @slashevilsister
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Scott constantly getting teased by Brian and Jeordie for finally managing to get a girlfriend, and Brian constantly asking you embarrassing questions like how big Scott’s dick is and if he’s a quick shooter.
Laying on his bedroom floor and listening to rock records while he plays along to them or just air guitars them like a goof.
Always inviting the rest of the band to your house for dinner; you make great spaghetti, and they all jokingly call you “mom”, much to Daisy’s chagrin.
Awkward-but-sweet displays of affection, like him randomly buying you bouquets of flowers and giving you little boxes of chocolate. He also likes to win you stuffed animals at claw machines and circus games. He also tries to be romantic, writing you love notes(again, awkward but sweet)and setting up fancy candlelit dinners for you. He’s not a great cook, of course, but it’s the thought that counts.
Really random but laidback dates, like getting ice cream cones at McDonald’s or going to shops on mainstreet or going out and vandalizing public property. These are usually double dates with Brian and Missy, and Twiggy tags along too.
Him inviting you to the band’s practices, because he wants you to see him doing a good job and be impressed. He tries to show off a bit when you’re around, but usually fails(you think it’s cute, though.)
Sweet, gentle, loving sex where he showers you with praise and affection and tells you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you.
Him eating you out at least once a day(he literally loves it.)
Sleepy morning sex <3333
Lots of spooning(sometimes he’s big spoon, sometimes he’s little spoon.)
Him being a total cuddle bug; he’s always holding your hand or has his arm around your waist, and he loves to cuddle after sex and at night before bed. He likes to rest his head on your chest while you rub his back or soothingly play with his hair.
Him learning all of your favorite songs on the guitar so he can perform them for you(you always clap and cheer at the end!), and also learning lots of cheesy love songs for him to serenade you with(Careless Whisper, for example).
Him sometimes needing reassurance that you actually like him and find him attractive and that you aren’t gonna leave him for someone better.
Saturdays are spent smoking weed with him on the couch while sharing a pint of ice cream and watching kids cartoons.
Helping him with his hair and makeup before concerts and music videos.
You and him being really affectionate in public, to the point where Brian and Jeordie fake-gag and tell you both to get a room.
Him putting his head in your lap and dozing off while you play with his hair, and vice versa.
The two of you exploring abandoned houses and private property together and taking creepy but aesthetic polaroids of each other. He also carves your initials and his into trees and planks of wood in the houses with a pocketknife.
Him doing the thumb-rub thing every time he holds your hand.
Coming with him to concerts and standing on the side of the stage to support him throughout the whole thing; he constantly looks over at you and smiles and winks and does over-the-top guitar moves for you.
You being his shoulder to cry on when he leaves the band after they start tormenting him; you promise to stick with him no matter what, and help him get through that period of his life.
Giving Jessicka the idea to let him join Jack Off Jill.
Him wanting to ride in the shopping cart every time you go to the store.
Baking cookies with him at 3 in the morning, which turns into dancing to music and eventually slow dancing to a romantic song.
Him writing you really sweet, slightly awkward love notes at random times on slightly wrinkled pieces of notebook paper(he always includes cute little doodles!)
Basically it’s an incredibly healthy and sweet relationship and he’s the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for🖤
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Dating Marilyn Manson Would Include:
@skin-slave hope you enjoy!
Permanent Taggers: @smokeandmirrorz @holyjunkie @overlyobsessedfangirl @slashevilsister @julessworldd @agroupiewhore @comawhxte666
@headoverhiddles figured you’d like this ;)
TW: Mentions of the sexual abuse that Marilyn received as a child by his teenage neighbor.
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First off, Marilyn would always come up with the weirdest fucking dates that you could possibly imagine. He knows all of the best underground clubs, and all of the most obscure restaurants, and probably has the connections to get into them all, completely free. He also would take you to any museums or aquariums or places like that that you wanted to go; he really likes art museums and exhibits. These are the most normal dates you’ll ever go on; the weirdest ones include hanging out in graveyards and cemeteries together(this usually turns into fucking on the graves), going to masquerade/fetish parties, and going to hardcore sex shops together.
Marilyn would randomly give you gifts, for no other reason than to make you smile. These could range from normal-ish(black roses, dark chocolate, etc.) to weird as fuck(odd pieces of jewelry and strange old antiques that may or may not be haunted). He’s got an odd taste when it comes to those kinds of things, but it keeps thing exciting. He’s also prolific at writing love notes, as surprising as it is.
You and Marilyn would always be the best dressed couple at any event, or even just out in public. He’s always in his cool wigs and clothes and makeup, like a true star, and you’ve got a fashion taste that’s just as great as his. The two of you would go shopping together at cool old shops, and he’d help you with your makeup. He’d buy you elegant ballgowns and velvet dresses and cool corsets and all kinds of gothic clothing, and you’d look like an elegant- sexy-vampire-goth-queen because of it.
You come to all of Marilyn’s shows to support him, and you stand off to the side of the stage and dance to the songs, maybe even starting your own one-man mosh pit. He finds it to be so funny, and it definitely distracts him a bit sometimes.
After dating Marilyn for some time, you definitely become good friends with the other members of the band, particularly Twiggy, who’s like your partner in crime. The two of you cause all kinds of trouble, just absolutely reaking havoc on everyone backstage. Twiggy will also third-wheel some dates with you and Marilyn, usually high as fuck, just out of pure boredom.
Marilyn, despite his stage persona, enjoys quiet nights at home with you most of the time; he’s not always as insane and loud as he is when he’s on stage and performing. Sometimes, he’ll just want to order some pizza or takeout, and then sit on the couch with you and watch some kind of art film or comedy. He can be very relaxing to be around.
Marilyn will actually be quite clingy and affectionate with you, contrary to how most people would assume him to be. He’s constantly holding you and kissing you on your lips and cheeks and nose and forehead and knuckles, just always being close with you. This is because he likes affection, but also because he wants others to see that you’re his girlfriend, and only his. He’s a very, very clingy guy.
Speaking of clinginess, Marilyn can get pretty jealous sometimes; he doesn’t tell you what to wear or anything like that, as he loves to show you off to other people so they see what they’re missing out on, but if someone starts flirting with you or checking you out, he’ll definitely get a bit pissed off. Usually, he just has you sit in his lap and he makes a big show of doing stuff like kissing your lips and neck and grabbing your boobs and stuff to show whoever it was that you’re already taken.
Whenever you and Marilyn do anything romantic, like little dinners or taking hot baths together, there will always be two things: elegant candles, and black rose petals. He’s a romantic at heart, and his number one priority on any date is to make you feel special, so he always goes out of his way to add those little touches.
Okay, not saying it would happen for sure or anything, but if the two of you ever got married, your wedding dress would be black, and that’s that. You’d also have a dramatic black veil, too, and the wedding would be super spooky and gothic, with elegant candles and weird-looking food.
Seeing as he’s a famous industrial rock singer, and he’s seen as super dark and shit, people would expect Marilyn to only listen to scary goth music, and he does sometimes, but that’s not all he listens to; When it’s just you and him in the car, he will absolutely get down to any pop music from the 90s and early 2000s. I’m talking like Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Rihanna, all of that stuff, he absolutely loves it and the two of you have the most amazing dance parties while in the car.
Marilyn is a horny bitch, and the two of you would fuck so many times a day, with quickies before and after his concerts, and blowjobs at random times during the day. You’re always a little bit sore.
I can totally see Marilyn buying you a car. It would be something like a Volkswagen or a BMW or a convertible or an impala or even a hearse, and he’d probably get it in your favorite color, unless you said you don’t care about the color, in which case he would get it in black for sure.
Overall, your relationship with Marilyn is eccentric and exciting, and you never get bored around him. He loves you with every bit of his cold black heart!
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Rock Music Masterlist
@niksixx thank you for the help!
What I Won’t Write
NSFW Alphabet-Tom Keifer
Guns N Roses
Soulmates, Sort Of(Axl Rose x Reader)[Smut]
The Whole Damn World, And More(Current!Axl Rose x Reader)[Smut]
NSFW Alphabet-Axl Rose
Come Here Often?(Drunk!Duff McKagan x Reader)
NSFW Alphabet-Duff McKagan
Best Served Cold(Izzy Stradlin x Reader)[Smut]
NSFW Alphabet-Izzy Stradlin
NSFW Alphabet-Slash Hudson
They’ve Got Nothing On You(Steven Adler x Jealous!Reader)
NSFW Alphabet-Steven Adler
Hanoi Rocks
NSFW Alphabet-Andy McCoy
Watching Sunsets(Jan Stenfors/Nasty Suicide)x Male!Reader)[Smut]
NSFW Alphabet-Jan Stenfors/Nasty Suicide
NSFW Alphabet-Michael Monroe
NSFW Alphabet-Razzle Dingley
NSFW Alphabet-Sami Yaffa
Iron Maiden
NSFW Alphabet-Nicko McBrain
Johnny Thunders/New York Dolls
NSFW Alphabet-Johnny Thunders
Dating Johnny Thunders Would Include
NSFW Alphabet-Ace Frehley
NSFW Alphabet-Eric Carr
Marilyn Manson
Sleepy(Jealous!Marilyn Manson x Reader)
Knock Em’ Dead(Marilyn Manson x Drag Queen!Reader)
Black Rose Blitz(Older!Marilyn Manson x Reader)[Smut]
Teaching You A Lesson(Marilyn Manson x Reader)[Smut]
Double Time(Marilyn Manson x Reader x Twiggy Ramirez)
NSFW Alphabet-Marilyn Manson
Dating Marilyn Manson Would Include
Pretty Little Pin-Up Girl(John 5 x Reader)[Smut]
NSFW Alphabet-Daisy Berkowitz
Dating Daisy Berkowitz Would Include
3 Deep Breaths(Twiggy Ramirez x Reader)
Leave You Low(Twiggy Ramirez x Reader)[Smut]
Needy(Twiggy Ramirez x Reader)[Smut]
NSFW Alphabet-Twiggy Ramirez
Dating Twiggy Ramirez Would Include
NSFW Alphabet-Lars Ulrich
Mötley Crüe
NSFW Alphabet-Mick Mars
Vodka-Flavored Kisses and Cookies(The Dirt! Mick Mars x Reader)
You’re The Only One(Insecure!Mick Mars x Reader)[Smut]
NSFW Alphabet-Nikki Sixx
NSFW Alphabet-Tommy Lee
Pushing You To The Limit(Tommy Lee x Reader)[Smut]
NSFW Alphabet-Vince Neil
Nine Inch Nails
NSFW Alphabet-Trent Reznor
NSFW Alphabet-Joey Ramone
Skid Row
NSFW Alphabet-Rachel Bolan
Tour Life, Baby(Joey Jordison x Reader)
Dating Sid Wilson Would Include
755 notes · View notes
Upcoming Fics That I’m Working On:
If it has a line through it, it’s been completed!
Guns N Roses:
Axl Rose NSFW alphabet
Duff McKagan NSFW alphabet
Slash Hudson NSFW alphabet
Izzy Stradlin x Reader smut fic: He gets turned on when you eat a popsicle in front of him.
Older!Axl Rose x Reader smut fic: You’re his younger girlfriend, and the media is saying a lot of awful things that make Axl feel insecure, so you show him that you love him for who he is, no matter what the paparazzi wants to say about it.
Duff McKagan x Reader smut: size kink.
Slash Hudson x Reader(no smut): You and Slash are a laid back couple, and you accidentally forget about Valentine’s Day, so Axl plans a fancy double date for the two of you, and for him and Stephanie.
Izzy Stradlin x Reader x Axl Rose threesome smut fic: Axl’s been flirting with you and teasing Izzy about possibly stealing you from him for the entirety of the tour, so Izzy fucks you senseless in front of Axl to show him who you belong to(also, Axl joins in towards the end.)
Steven Adler x Reader Hurt/Comfort Smut fic: After Steven finds out that his girlfriend cheated on him with Axl, and that it’s been recorded for a song, he’s hurt. So, he comes to you for comfort.
Izzy Stradlin x Reader Hurt/Comfort and Angry Smut fic: Izzy can usually put up with Axl’s outbursts. But when Axl decided to turn his anger on you, that’s when Izzy’s had enough.
Axl Rose x Reader Hurt/Comfort fic: An argument with Axl turns into him confiding in you about his childhood abuse as you hold him in your arms.
Izzy Stradlin x Reader Smut fic: Stephanie wants Axl to go on a date with her, but the tables for two always take forever, so they decide to make it a double date. How? By setting Izzy up on a blind date with one of Stephanie’s friends, AKA you. Izzy’s less than excited, until he sees how hot you are. Maybe the night won’t be a waste, after all.
Older Axl Rose x Assistant!Reader Smut: You’re Axl’s younger assistant, helping him out backstage. But this day isn’t like most others; Axl’s got a little problem, and it definitely requires your help, but it might be a little above your pay grade. (Hint: the problem requires you to do some work on your knees.)
Older! Slash Hudson x Younger!Reader Smut fic: You’re Richard Fortus’s 20-something niece who he brings with him backstage one night to introduce to his bandmates, including the famous Slash. Unbeknownst to him, you and Slash instantly like each other, and begin dating despite the large age difference. It’s a great relationship; the only issue is making sure Richard doesn’t find out.
Slash x Reader Song fic: Based off the song “Do I Wanna Know” by Artic Monkeys; Slash meets the reader at a bar one night and is instantly taken by her; he begins to come see her there every night, even though he knows that it will probably never go anywhere(or will it? You gotta read to find out!)
Older! Duff McKagan x Reader blurb: watching art restoration videos in bed while eating takeout.
Slash Hudson x Reader angst-fluff fic: During a heated argument, Slash says something to you that he shouldn’t have. You get angry and try to leave, but Slash can’t lose you.
Duff McKagan x Reader fluff fic: You and Duff adopt a pig together!!! :)
Duff McKagan x Reader x Steven Adler Smut fic: You and Duff have been together for a long time now, and he finally works up the courage to ask you-will you have a threesome with him and his best friend, Steven? Obviously, the answer is yes, but how will it go?
Izzy Stradlin x Reader Fluff: You meet Izzy after he becomes sober.
Older! Insecure! Izzy Stradlin x Reader Smut: Izzy’s feeling insecure about his age and the age gap between you and him, so you decide to cheer him up ;)
Duff McKagan x Reader Smut: Duff walls in on you looking at porn magazines, and wants to join in. Stuff goes down.
Current! Axl Rose x Reader Smut: You’re Slash’s daughter, and you’re having a secret relationship with Axl. Slash catches the two of you having sex.
Izzy Stradlin x Reader Smut: You and Izzy are two close friends. You’re tired of being a virgin, and you just want to get the first time having sex over with, so he decides to help you out.
Sub! Steven Adler x Femdom! Reader Smut: A self-indulgent fic of mine where Steven finally agrees to let you dominant him in bed. This was literally just an excuse for me to write Steven being all innocent and flustered and shit, btw. I won’t include pegging in this, but I’m really close to writing a pegging fic. This will have degrading, praising, bondage, and basically just you babying the fuck outta Steven while he acts all innocent and confused.
Sub! Steven x Femdom! Reader Smut: Steven likes sitting in your lap, and you like embarrassing him in front of his bandmates. So, when he’s sitting in your lap at a band practice and gets hard, you naturally decide to have a little bit of fun.
Current! Steven Adler x Younger!Reader Fluff and Smut: You’re a younger, famous singer who Steven falls in love with. He decides not to tell you, out of fear that you couldn’t possibly feel the same way, but he actually couldn’t be more wrong.
Current! Axl Rose x Daughter! Reader Fluff: Axl discovers that he has a long-lost daughter who’s been living in a group home, and decides that he has meet her.
Current! Axl Rose x Reader Smut: As was requested, this is an absolutely dirty fic; spit kink, choking, daddy kink, etc. Axl shows zero mercy, and it’s very sexy.
Mötley Crüe
Tommy Lee x Reader Smut fic: overstimulation kink.
Mick Mars x Reader Smut fic: You write him a love letter before every concert, just to boost his self esteem. This time, however, you’ve got a surprise; the letter isn’t as innocent as usual(basically, you sext him through a letter, and he has to read it in front of his bandmates.)
Oblivious!Tommy Lee x Reader Smut: You’re really horny, but Tommy, being his energetic and slightly ditzy self, doesn’t seem to be getting the hints. Guess you’ll have to show him in a hands-on way.
Mick Mars x Reader Fluff fic: Mick’s back is hurting him, so you give him a nice back massage.
Tommy Lee x Reader Smut fic: You and Tommy are a hedonistic couple with one goal: experience as much pleasure as possible without dying. Your relationship is sex, drugs, and alcohol, and that doesn’t change tonight: the two of you go to a party, get high in a broom closet, and explore each other’s bodies.
Tommy Lee Prompt Fic: “Wow, do you want subtlety to go with that makeup look? Because you don’t have any.”
Nikk Sixx Prompt Fic: “Your stamina is admirable. I wouldn’t be able to fuck ten groupies in a row and then still have the energy to get a hotdog.”
Mick Mars x Reader Smut Fic: You and Mick are taking a ride through town on his motorbike, when you decide to tease him, knowing he can’t do anything about it. Just wait til the two of you get home.
Vince Neil x Reader Sugar Daddy Headcanons
Nikki Sixx x Cheating!Reader Angst: A dark, angsty fic about you cheating on Nikki when he’s at his lowest point.
Tommy Lee x Reader Fluff: You buy Tommy some roses as a joke, but he turns out to love them a lot more than you expected him to.
Hanoi Rocks
Andy McCoy NSFW alphabet
Razzle Dingley x Reader Smut fic: kinky cuddles
Platonic Razzle Dingley x Reader prompt fic: “Your stamina is admirable. I wouldn’t be able to fuck ten groupies in a row and then still have the energy to get a hotdog.”
Nasty Suicide x Male!Reader Smut fic: Just sweet, fluffy smut!
All Members x Reader Smut fic: Literally just a gang-bang fic, not even gonna lie. You have sex with Michael, Razzle, Jan, Andy and Sami at the same time, and it’s basically the best experience of your life.
Eric Carr NSFW Alphabet
Ace Frehley NSFW Alphabet
Paul Stanley x Reader Headcanons-Headcanons about a gender neutral S/O who’s dealing with depression and can’t feel happy or sad.
Bruce Kulick NSFW Alphabet
Eric Carr x Reader Fluff: A cute fluffy fic about you and Eric having a beach day!
Ace Frehley x Reader Fluff: Just you and Ace cuddling and watching movies.
Marilyn Manson
Marilyn Manson NSFW Alphabet
Older!Marilyn Manson x Reader Smut: Hooking up before a concert.
John 5 x Pinup! Reader Smut: Reader looks like Dita Von Teese, and John sees her before a concert and decides to meet her.
Marilyn Manson x Reader x Ozzy Osbourne Smut fic: Threesome.
Dating Daisy Berkowitz Would Include
Daisy Berkowitz NSFW Alphabet
Dating Marilyn Manson Would Include
Daisy Berkowitz x Reader Smut/Fluff: Just you and Daisy doing couple shit, with a little bit of smut.
Twiggy Ramirez x Reader Angst: A songfic based off of the song Mechanical Animals; You and Twiggy are in a toxic relationship like in the song: he’s empty and unfeeling, you’re always angry and explosive, and the only thing keeping the two of you together is drug addiction.
Young Joey Jordison x Reader fic: No smut, just life on the road.
Iron Maiden
Nicko NSFW Alphabet
Joey Ramone NSFW Alphabet
Joey Ramone x Reader Smut: An awkwardly sweet fic about you and Joey being each other’s first times.
Joey Ramone x Reader Smut: Based off of the part of my NSFW Alphabet for Joey, where I mentioned his dirty secrets, which are that he likes to be rough/give orders, and that he likes red lingerie.
Lars NSFW Alphabet
Current! James Hetfield x Plus Size!Reader Fluff/Slight Smut: You think that no one can pick you up due to your size, so James proves you wrong.
Johnny Thunders
Dating Johnny Thunders Would Include
Johnny Thunders NSFW Alphabet
Bret Michaels NSFW Alphabet
Skid Row
Rachel Bolan NSFW Alphabet
Snake NSFW Alphabet
Dating Snake Would Include
Scotti Hill NSFW Alphabet
Rob Affuso NSFW Alphabet
Dating Scotti Hill Would Include
Dating Rob Affuso Would Include
Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen NSFW Alphabet
Warren Demartini NSFW Alphabet
The Beatles
The Beatles x Reader Fluff/Smut: The four guys pull a prank on you, but it goes too far and they make you cry. They decide to be sweet to you to make up for it..and by sweet, I mean sweetttttt ;)))
LA Guns
Kelly Nickels NSFW Alphabet
Phil Lewis NSFW Alphabet
Kelly Nickels x Reader Smut: Just some nice smut between you and Kelly!
Machine Gun Kelly + His Band
JP Cappelletty/Rook NSFW Alphabet
Nine Inch Nails/Trent Reznor
Trent Reznor NSFW Alphabet
Dating Trent Reznor Would Include
Type O Negative
Peter Steele NSFW Alphabet
Def Leppard
Steve Clark NSFW Alphabet
Joe Perry NSFW Alphabet
Till x British! Reader x Richard Smut: A threesome between Till, Richard and the reader; they really, really like your accent.
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