#Daimos and Daikaiju
discipleofmothra · 1 month
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My 10mm Samurai preorder from Wargame Atlantic came in today. I'm so excited I have to share somewhere.
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The box has 4 copies if this frame. I love these sculpts. Most if my sub 15mm (non mech) minis are in metal, and the detail on these hardplastic sprue blow them away. The calvary in particular looks gorgeous. There's a bit of 'void fill' on the three unit close combat strip, but at this scale and compared to most of my metals minis it's not bad at all.
As for why I wanted this set so badly...
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I've been kicking around the ideas for a "Daimyo and Daikaiju" game for years now. Having WGA of all companies release the exact minis I needed to make this happen just seems like kismet. No more excuses, time to get writing and play testing.
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Thanks Manny G!
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