#Daima rules
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cuttyclowngirl · 2 days ago
DAIMA EP.20 (Spoiler)Review/theories(yes, still)
• So, I've been watching every episode 3 times each since this show started streaming, & I gotta say, aside from the fact I'll definitely be rewatching the whole show from time to time, I can't help but think about how this is probably the last dragon ball related project Akira Toriyama was in any way involved in. That unmistakable charm has clearly been very hard to replicate for Toei post Z. Plus, there's the odd coincidence of Daima ending a day before the anniversary of his passing. I think I'll cherish this show deeply.
• Good golly, there's so much to talk about! Man, the animators were going all out to top what we got in the Super Broly movie! (There was surprisingly less Naotoshi Shida than I expected)
• Goku was pulling out every combo he could think of. & flexing his booba. AND BLOWING A HOLE THROUGH A MAIN VILLAIN! This Super Saiyan 4 form was on that early Z movie Goku time. Ruthless. Also, no opening this time. But the song did play for the ED.
• I was wondering where King Gohma's scepter went...
• That brief underground fight between Goku & King Gohma looked like an even more colorful version of that trippy in-between dimensions place Gogeta & Broly fought in for a bit. Hope the put it in a game.
• Give it up to Masako Nozawa, she was probably either 86 or 87 while recording these episodes & still screaming like a BEAST.
• Cool that we saw a 2D version of the ring everyone was fighting in as Goku powered up before winding up his Kamehameha. So cool that it shot straight through the Demon Realm layers. The water pouring in was a nice touch. The afterglow on Goku's fingers was sick.
• While it's kind of a shame Piccolo did less than Glorio in this show, CLUTCH KING KUU, BABY!!! I was accidentally right to call him that before. Yay me.
• The way the Third Eye was destroyed was so ridiculous. (Affectionate) Classic Toriyama.
• Kitty mouth Piccolo!?
• I somehow feel worse for Degesu, if only for the fact that he has to live with a lout like Gohma. Being non-infanticidal & easy to laugh at aside, Gohma's scummy, petty & bratty.
• Almost had me with that Goku raising his hand bit. Hail King Kuu!! Wise beyond his years. (Bro's like, 2 days old)
• The return of the "Super Saiyan bargain sale" joke! Aaaand, no explanation as to why Goku doesn't use SSJ4 post Daima. Plus no name-drops for currently unnamed characters, but I'm sure the Kakarot dlc will fill in plenty of gaps. (That game loves it's flavor text & whatnot)
• Ultra Vegeta?! (Do they know...?)
• I loved the moment between Neva, Dende & Piccolo. Sounds like Neva won't be lonely anymore.
• Lmao, Panzy making Vegeta wave.
• I knew they were gonna do that "checking in on characters via special illustrations in the credits" thing. Chi-Chi's outfit is so cute! +How'd I not notice that before?) Plus Trunks & Goten got new rad outfits I'd love to see on their adult forms. Also, I guess the Tamagamis gotta go find their D balls themselves.
• Well, we never got to see the bug-fusion, but we got to see that pleasant medi-bug shopkeeper lady again. That Bulma but clashes with the bits from the Super Hero & Super Broly movies, but whatever. Also, holy extra frames, Batman! So smooth.
• Classic Toriyama joke. An all powerful, legendary item that had a massive impact on the very history of an entire realm, can be bought in a shop in the middle of NOWHERE. I love it.
• In conclusion, I love Daima with all my heart. I might delete these reviews a few months from now. No point in them taking up space on this blog, dead in the water.
• Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to reading the OG Dragon ball manga.
"Tackle life with as much energy as Goku! I'll try to do the same."
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alesshi · 1 month ago
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Get your way fast with this easy technique!
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thegoddamnedmagpie · 2 months ago
She be dragon on my ball till i dai-ma
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dailycupofcreativitea · 3 days ago
There are 3 reasons why Vegebul stuff annoys me in modern DB:
(Before you read: POV me begging the Vegebul fans for mercy before being destroyed for this post):
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1) It feels like an overdone gag, like the Beerus/Whis loving food gag. It happens so many times it feels cringe for both Bulma AND Vegeta. WE GET IT, you're MARRIED!
2) No other couple gets as much "couple screentime". It's often said that "DB/Toriyama isn't good with romance" except Bulma and Vegeta are apparently exempt from this rule. Why the focus on Bulma and Vegeta, when Goku/Chichi, Gohan/Videl, Krillin/18 and others have ample opportunity for screentime? The others are often written more nuanced/slice-of-life, meanwhile we get professions of love from Vegeta/Bulma all the time
3) It sets them as a standard to which all other couples look worse ("look how perfect they are, how perfect of a husband Vegeta is, how sexy of a wife Bulma is, not like "hur dur what's a kiss" Goku")
3) It flanderizes Bulma as "Vegeta's wife". It really bothers me that one of Bulma's main roles seems to be Vegeta's personal cheerleader now, that is usually done very publicly. The episode in Daima with the bath thing was my 13th reason. The only scene I really like is when Bulma hugs Vegeta and cries in the DBS manga. In watching and reading the DB manga, yes Bulma is written to be irrational and hot-headed but she's also quite calm, cool, intelligent, multi-dimensional. She's also the victim of flanderization in DB Super. I say this all with LOVE for Vegebul, which I actually do like throughout the Android saga (for how resistant he was to it) and Buu saga (for how much love he showed he really had for them). I like what Bulma does to Vegeta's character, I just hate how it's COMPLETELY overdone now.
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rrougarou · 12 days ago
I had an idea for a himbo Ma-oh魔王 (JRPG demon lord) type character for a while now and I just recently started trying to put him down on paper. My current head cannon is he’s the orphaned son of a Daima-oh大魔王 who lives in a ruined castle and rules over an army of slimes. What do you think?
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tobiasdrake · 3 months ago
In Dragon Ball Daima, when Goku says he "wasn't really involved" in raising the kids, I chuckled bc. Yeah. That's true. But also, that's not really a bad thing??? As someone with a dad who was around more often, but who was actually a POS at various points, I WISH my relationship with my dad was as pleasant as the one Gohan and Goten have with Goku. Do you similarly feel the debates about Goku as a father are tired and way overblown?
I... can't really agree that the existence of parental abuse is a solid argument in favor of parental neglect.
But setting that aside, the thing about Goku is that. Like. As a husband and a father, he kinda sucks. In predictable ways. There's nothing special about the ways that he doesn't live up to the expectations of his family role. It's exactly the way you would think he wouldn't live up to it if you've spent more than five minutes in conversation with the guy.
He's an absentee dad with no marketable skills beyond punching fish out of a lake and no motivation to seek employment. He spends all day pursuing his favorite hobby. His son isn't as interested in it as he'd like and so they struggle to connect and misunderstand each other, but they both love each other nonetheless even if they lack common ground.
That's it. That's what his parental shittiness boils down to. He's a deadbeat who'd rather do katas in the backyard all day than obtain a steady income. Sometimes he disappears for months or years at a time to go where the winds of martial arts will take him. He's never really risen to the challenge of his marital and familial role. Never allowed his life and mindset and personal ambitions to change in the ways that would be expected of a parent.
And. Like. Yeah. That's Son Goku. Is anyone surprised that he kinda sucks at this? Literally his complete understanding of marriage when he started was "You and Chi-Chi will live in the same house." That's it. Those are his wedding vows: He will share a house with Chi-Chi.
And he's been mostly successful at it. There are a couple black spots even on that meager expectation. Yardrat, mainly.
But as a general rule, once the Discourse Engines have had their say, anyone who just "kinda sucks" will inevitably wind up being the rope in a tug-of-war between "ABSOLUTE MONSTER WORST EVER" and "DID NOTHING WRONG".
This is just what happens. When two sides start fighting over something and getting defensive over a long period of time, the opinions slowly slide towards increasingly extreme caricatures of what the original argument was about. After a certain point, any amount of nuance becomes a concession to the enemy.
It's a valid criticism to say that Goku is neglectful and self-absorbed. It is not a valid criticism to say that Piccolo or Vegeta are better fathers than him.
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"Man, I'm a WAY better Dad than Kakarot." ~TeamFourStar Vegeta, Dragon Ball Z Abridged, intentionally ironic.
Part of this does, in fact, roll up to Dragon Ball Z Abridged. I don't think they originated the Bad Dad Goku discourse but they certainly escalated it. Company CEO and one of the three head writers KaiserNeko has talked multiple times about how throwing so much fuel on this particular fire is one of his regrets as a creator.
Which is why the show went to great lengths to reverse course in its final season, but the damage was already done. And the result is two very entrenched sides, one built around the idea that Goku is unforgivably monstrous as a parent and the other around the idea that Goku's a perfect dad actually and y'all should shut up.
Meanwhile Goku himself just... kinda sucks at parenting in predictable ways that are consistent with his established character.
See also: Avatar Aang.
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spiracchi · 3 months ago
Ep. 10 of Dragon Ball Daima
This show CONSISTENTLY keeps fixing the gaps in lore that I've wanted fixed for years and they keep doing that in one fell swoop. There's definitely more to be revealed as the show goes on, but right now I am in desperate need of gushing over the lore in the show.
1st off: Namekians being demons AGAIN.
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The fact that Demon King Piccolo proclaimed he was the Demon King but was then was later revealed to just be an alien always had a few holes in it. The main one being, where tf did Piccolo get those demonic powers?? How the Hell did Piccolo even come up with the name of Demon King??? Now in Daima we have our answer, as Namekians are demons and come from the Demon Realm. Hell, even in this episode it's revealed that Katatsu (Piccolo and Kami's father) came from the Demon Realm and moved to Namek. The reason they all left was because "Namekians don't like to be ruled" and that implies the "ruler" in this case was the Supreme Demon King. Which is basically confirmed in this episode as Shin(Nahare) tells the story of the Namekians and how they were treated as little more than slaves when they lived in the Demon Realm due to their magical abilities. So now wtv DK Piccolo or Kami or even Piccolo Jr. Has done with magic can be attributed to their Demonic ancestry.
2nd: The God Hierarchy had been fixed!!
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I've had issues with the God hierarchy for a LOOOOOOONG time with my gripes about it getting worse and worse over time. But, somehow, Daima had managed to quell my rage. Apparently, the Demon Realm was the first place that EVER existed, and the multiverse was created after the fact by one Demon named Rymus. Rymus created the entire multiverse and many Demons left the Demon Realm in order to populate it. I'm so fucking glad Rymus exists, cuz I FUCKING HATE XENO. Xeno is just a Destroyer God and the fact that there was no creator to balance him out irked me heavily. BUT NOW WE HAVE THIS CUTIE PATOOTIE RYMUS WHO CREATED AN ENTIRE MULTIVERSE. And the rest of the hierarchy falls into place now. The system was created top down, with the big guy Rymus coming first and then the other Gods coming later. Shin says that Glind are chosen to be Supreme Kai and then live on a planet close to where Rymus is (I assume this is the land of the Kais). The issue I had was because it felt like each new series had to just keep adding levels of Godhood for some reason that muddies up the system, but now it makes a lot more sense to me. The Kai act as balancers and maintain the universe at multiple levels and ofc the best option for the job are Demons cuz they don't come from that Realm to begin with.
Ik this was a yap sesh but I NEEDED to gush about this cuz no one else ik has watched DB, much less Daima. I have SOOOOOO much more to say but imma stick a pin in that for when the series is probably over and I have the entire shoe to yap about 😋. See ya!!
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twobellsilence · 2 months ago
Anyway, speaking of Daima, I also want to touch on something I ended up cutting from my previous post because it was a bit of a tangent, but I still feel strongly enough about it to make it its own thing. And that's how much better Daima is at keeping you excited for what comes next and keeping a certain sense of urgency compared to Super despite its way lower scale.
See, one of my main problems with Super is how low stakes and predictable it was. I've bashed Super enough and thoroughly explained my point throughout this blog's lifespan so I won't delve much into it here, but I find that Daima completely fixes all of these issues and then some. It actively uses lore to better the narrative and create genuine intrigue instead of making things easier for the writers. It promotes speculation, because there are genuinely so many ways in which things could develop from here on, and even though we know Goku & Co will win at the end we have no idea just how much they're gonna have to fight for it - not only that, but they actually set up ways in which the villains could potentially kick the Z gang's ass fair and square without any deus ex machinas or dumbfuck retcons (I am looking directly at you, Potara nerf). AND they do it without making each new enemy stronger than Goku just because the narrative needs it, which means 1) power actually makes sense and 2) It provides a sense of scale as to just how strong the Real Baddies actually are. Isn't that exciting? There are ACTUAL stakes here, and they are wholly believable!
There are no Aliens with a butt for a head that could go toe to toe with a god or Some Random Ass Grey Guy in a jumpsuit that is potentially as powerful as Beerus because Trauma or whatever the hell, only regular Majins doing their best like Panzy being oppressed by beings with mysterious magical powers like Gomah. Mysterious powers that keep beings like Neva and Marba under Gomah's control but without blowing the entire known universe up. Still a tangible threat for sure, but one that is grounded and makes sense within the established rules, just like Kuu and Duu and the fact that them being part Buu opens up a lot of possibilities as to how things can play out between Arinsu, the Z gang, and Gomah, and not exclusively when it comes to fights. Does that make sense? There's strategy involved, and it really feels like the original DB in that sense.
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fandom-trash-xl · 10 days ago
One more episode after this... Yikes.
We finally get to see who gets betrayed... and it's Arinsu who loses! Turns out Glorio used the wish to grow everyone back up and give multiple VAs their jobs back for the last two episodes. Panzy was still holding Baby Dende when this happens, so he ends up holding him in an unintentional bridal carry.
Look, I'll say it and there's at least one corner of the community that I'll be tussling with- but I've never been a fan of Panzy x Glorio. But, Panzy x Dende (post-wish obviously) and the singular interaction... That's the rarepair territory I'm after.
Goku decides to reinstate the one-on-one rule, which Vegeta quickly takes an advantage of, popping out Super Saiyan 3 and a pretty bangin' Final Flash.
Meanwhile, the consequences of Glorio's actions... Arinsu's obviously upset and even pulls the guilt card, saying she was the one to rescue Glorio from the Third Demon Realm. We get a lore drop this late and you don't elaborate at all?
But, Glorio's developed a new loyalty to the Dragon Gang, so Arinsu fires him. Not in a Frieza way. Just straight up says you don't have the job anymore. I was genuinely fearing for my boy's life for an entire week... and Arinsu's response to his episode-title-worthy betrayal is a slap on the wrist.
They really just skirt past that. Glorio meets back up with the gang, Panzy excited to see him in a very platonic way (I'm firm on this). Goku even gives him the honor of saying his name right- true cinema, I clapped. Either he got a few braincells back or thought he was making a joke by saying his name wrong, only to say it right.
We get the full sense of scale and it seems Glorio is shorter than adult Goku. Finally, a medium-height blorbo in my collection.
Vegeta's not making good headway in his fight because- ex machina- Gomah has healing hacks.
Arinsu puts Kuu's speed to work to fetch her a book on the secret of the Third Eye- there has to be a way to remove it. With his lightning fast page turning fingers, they find the weak spot, which they willingly divulge to our heroes- Arinsu's giving real "I don't care if you win, I just need Gomah to lose" vibes
The secret: hit the back of his head three times like he's some game boss. This feels like a very silly Toriyama-style idea.
Goku devises a plan to be the distraction while Piccolo finds a way to deal out the blows. Unfortunately, Vegeta's still running himself dry and his pride is preventing him from sharing.
Thankfully, Bulma steps in with her secret power: yelling to him that if he doesn't get his head out of his ass and tag out, she'll call off their shared bath times.
And it works instantly. He left the fight faster than he was moving during it.
Goku's gotta stall for Piccolo, so after doing a few stretches, he pulls out Super Saiyan 3 in the best homage way possible. Shows off all the forms, one at a time, just like its introduction in the Buu Saga- all it needed was the "this is to go further beyond!"
However, he takes it one step further and reveals that Neva didn't grant the new form, but rather he unlocked it for Goku, as he's still able to pull the transformation out of his ass pocket. Guess that means it doesn't connect to Super after all (checkmate, atheists) Still has the giant gorilla hands and it feels even more like a recolor. Worst part is the episode ends before we can even name it. I suppose it's going to be Super Saiyan 4,
Obviously, the final fight isn't going to take the whole next episode, so it seems like the fusion bugs will go unused.
Can I admit something? Late-game Daima is starting to frustrate me. There are so many concepts left on the cutting room floor and events that simply get a slap on the wrist or an ex-machina. How is it that I'm happy that we're achieving things while still being pissed off at the same time?
Is this show getting on my nerves? Yes. Am I going to see this show through to the end? Still yes. Don't worry.
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deusvervewrites · 2 months ago
Daima 11 was a riot, thanks to the encounter between Neva and the cast: apparently our guy remained behind because he expects the other Namekians to come back EVENTUALLY and someone has to hold the fort; also, he never used the Tamagami to take over the Great Demon Realm because Namekians shouldn't use their power for conflict, or so he said right in front of PICCOLO (yes, everyone reacted to that); finally, he joined the group because his Dragon Balls only work with Namekian language and Piccolo FORGOT HOW TO SPEAK IT (nevermind
Also, I've heard a couple interesting theories: one posits that Zeno and the Angels are from another realm entirely and the mortal world is ruled by them by virtue of their designs intersecting with those of the ancient Good Demon King and Rymus (the Super Majin that created the Mortal Realms on the other guy's orders), leading to some sort of deal; the other is that the ancient Good Demon King may be the phantomatic Zalama, creator of the Super Dragon Balls, based on the fact his name was left suspiciously unmentioned and it would fit the theme of his two known successors Abura and Dabura (Abra and Kadabra, with Zalama being Alakazam).
And now I'm imagining Dabura fighting with a spoon and the unnamed Demon King going around with two...
Almost forgot: Neva originally intended his Dragon Balls as a reward for Nameks that accomplished great deeds (such as the Namekian ones and the Super, the latter of which were only properly used after someone gained the right to do so by triumphing over formidable foes), but after evil Demons learned of them he created the Tamagami to insure they couldn't be misused. Or so he says. We already knows he's playing up his senility... Then again, it fits how the Tamagami are willing to let opponents leave alive if they admit their inferiority.
This definitely sounds like setup for something
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duhragonball · 4 months ago
Daima 2: Glorio
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About a third of this episode is dedicated to having the main characters react to the whole "turned into babies" thing. This is probably a good call, since the show was promoted on this gimmick, and it's worth showing off. Everyone looks super cute, and anyone who had facial hair becomes almost unrecognizable.
It feels like a bit of waste of time, but only because the "turned into babies" thing was all we knew about the show for the year or so before it premiered, so for me this feels like we're belaboring the obvious. Yeah, yeah, we know they're babies, we've been talking about it for months. But the show has to have the moment. This is why I don't get too invested into trailers and teaser trailers and analyses of trailers, and leaks and "Everything you NEED to know about..." videos. If you spend too much time dwelling on a future release, you'll lose out on the spontaneity when it finally comes out.
It's probably worth talking about who hasn't gotten turned into babies. Well, I should clarify that. I like calling them all babies because I think it's cute and funny, but most of the affected characters are more like seven-year-olds. Anyone who was already a child is turned into a literal baby, like Goten and Trunks. Also Dende, even though he's at least thirteen by now.
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Specifically, Gomah's wish applied to the ones who defeated Buu and "all of their friends." So Master Roshi got turned into a kid, but not the waitstaff at Trunks' 9th birthday party. Ox King got turned into a kid, even though he never actually fought Majin Buu. Basically, if you can be considered part of Dragon Team, you got turned into a kid.
But Korin and the Turtle seem to be unaffected. Maybe they did get turned into children, and they just don't look any different. Or maybe the rest of Dragon Team secretly hates those guys, and so they don't fall into the "friends" category of the wish. Man, that's the sort of thing that would keep me up at night. Imagine your whole friends circle gets turned into babies, except you. There's really only one explanation for that, but you can't exactly say anything, because that'd just make it worse.
Oh, what am I worried about? Everyone likes me! I mean, everyone likes Korin and the Turtle. Yes, that is what I meant to say. Heh-heh...
Anyway, as for King Gomah, he had planned on making two more wishes, but Shenron clocks out early. Gomah's like "What the hell, man?" and Shenron tells him that the second and third wishes are for regular customers. First timers only get one wish and they just have to like it. Wait, so when he offered more wishes for Sorbet in Resurrection F, was that because Pilaf was with him? Fascinating.
Gomah's pissed because this means he can't get the Evil Third Eye, but Degesu is satisfied that they accomplished what they came here to do. Remember, Degesu didn't see the Earth as a threat in the first place. Dr. Arinsu planted the idea in Gomah's head, and Degesu was willing to go along with it, but he's probably just relieved they pulled this off without anything going wrong.
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But why not just have Neva do the same trick he used to summon Shenron in the first place? Normally, you have to wait a year to use the Dragon Balls again, but Neva's ancient Namek power allowed him to collect and reactivate the Dragon Balls immediately. So in theory he could just do that over and over again and Gomah can have unlimited wishes? Well, no, Neva says "Even I can't do that twice in a row," so I'm glad we got a limit on that ability. That's the lesson there. You can invent a bullshit rule-breaking power, but it needs to have it's own limits and rules in order to keep it from being abused. Kryptonite will neutralize Superman, but it's not like you can just run to the drugstore and buy a bunch of kryptonite.
The Supreme Kai, Kibito, Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo all go to the Lookout to find out what happened, and Mr. Popo fills them in. The Supreme Kai realizes that it must have been his brother Degesu, and Piccolo recognizes the name "Neva" from Namekian history. He was the "Legendary Namek" who stayed behind in the Demon Realm after all the others left for the outside universe. He stayed to guard the Demon Realm's Dragon Balls, but it's not clear what he's protecting them from. If he didn't want the Demons making wishes, then why did he help Gomah use the Earth's Dragon Balls today? Curious.
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Also, before Gomah's group left, he decided to take baby Dende along as a hostage. Also, as the keeper of the Earth's Dragon Balls, they believe holding Dende will make the Earth's Dragon Balls useless. I get why they'd want to do that, but I'm not sure I understand how physically removing Dende affects the Dragon Balls. When Guru was teleported from Namek to Earth, the Namekian Dragon Balls followed him there. So maybe it's like that? Or does the barrier between the Demon Realm and Earth make it so it seems like Dende is dead? The Dragon Balls become inert just like they would if Dende had died. Anyway, Neva seems to think this would go as Gomah expects, so they kidnapped baby Dende.
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And Goku wants to go to Demon Realm and get him back. There you go, that's the good guys' motivation, right there. This was the problem GT had when it turned Goku into a child. It was basically an accident, so there was no enemy to fight in that situation, and Goku basically didn't care. It doesn't seem like Daima Goku is too worried about being a child either, and that's fine. Goku's a pretty laid back guy with this sort of thing. But if turning him into a child doesn't provoke some sort of response, then why do it at all?
Here the conflict is much more focused. Gomah went out of his way to turn Goku into a child because he saw him as a potential threat. And it seems that he kidnapped Dende to ensure that Goku couldn't simply undo the wish next year. So even if Goku doesn't mind being a child, he'd still want to go after Gomah, if only to rescue Dende and get to the bottom of this. It also helps that we have characters like Vegeta included in the whole babies wish, so even if Goku doesn't mind being a child, Vegeta is still highly motivated to undo the wish.
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But more importantly, by doing all of this, Gomah seems to have provoked the very response that he was trying to avoid. Degesu thought there was no reason for the Earthlings to come to the Demon Realm, and now Gomah has given them a reason. He probably doesn't think that Goku's group is capable of putting up much of a fight in this state, but they already beat Majin Buu, so underestimating them seems like a bad idea.
Rememer, Dr. Arinsu was the one who planted the seeds for this whole conflict. If she hadn't said anything, Gomah never would have gone to Earth. So was this what she wanted to happen? Maybe she was trying to set off a conflict, and then Gomah would have to keep funding her research to improve his defenses. Or maybe Arinsu was counting on Goku to eliminate Gomah, so that another king would take over and give Arinsu the funding that Gomah would not.
And I don't want to spend a lot of time bashing GT with this (I already did that last year). You can kick off a story with an accident like Pilaf's thoughtless wish, and then establish a plot device that will destroy the world like the Black Star Dragon Balls. That's valid, but it's so much better when there's an antagonist in back of the problem, someone you can chase or fight or argue with over tea.
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All right, so how do they get to the Demon Realm? According to Kibito, travel to and from has been heavily restricted for a long, long time. It's not clear who imposed the restrictions, or who Gomah had to make arrangements with for his own trip, but it's not as simple as teleporting or taking a spaceship. The Supreme Kai has an idea, and he sends Kibito to fetch the spaceship he used when he first came to this universe. He doesn't say where he came from, though. I'm guessing he and the other Kais all live in some other realm and he had to come here when he got the Kaioshin position in Universe 7. But maybe he was born in the Demon Realm, and he used this ship to leave? In any case, he believes this vessel will take them to the Demon Realm, except it's old and busted.
But that's okay, because we have Bulma to fix it. She takes a look under the hood and estimates it'll be a ten day job. So the principal cast is starting to take shape here. Goku is obvious, and the Supreme Kai has family on the bad guy side, so he has a clear stake in this. Piccolo is in because of the Namekian connection, and Vegeta wants revenge for getting turned into a baby. And we gotta have Bulma because she's the tech gal. I'm not clear on whether Kibito will tag along, but we don't see much of him in the closing credits, so I'm guessing he rides the pine for most of this story.
And this is great. One thing that always bugged me about Dragon Ball Super was how they kept loading way too many characters into every episode. They'd be fighting Frieza and Master Roshi has to be there. They're fighting Universe 6's team and we gotta check in with Jaco to see what he thinks about it all. They're getting ready to help save Future Trunks' world, but let's check in on Emperor Pilaf and see what he has to say about all this. Every time someone threw a punch in the Tournament of Power, the show would suddenly cut to the bleachers so Whis could explain why punches hurt.
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I've been trying to find a way to describe the pacing in Daima, and it feels kind of relaxed and leisurely, but at the same time, it's not padded out the way the previous anime series were. Before, Toei would often set up B-plots and side conversations to fill time, and that's not really happening here. The cast is pretty small, and we're filling the time with exposition and just sort of letting the moments breathe. Goku goes on a little side-quest to get his Nyoi'bo, and they probably could have tightened it up, or skipped it altogether, but it's just this quiet little errand, and the show lets you drink in the ambiance.
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Look at these li'l guys eating their li'l guy dinner with their mini-sized soda cans. It's great.
However, their dinner is interrupted by the sudden arrival of another Demon Realm ship like the one King Gomah used. This time, however, it's a whole other guy named Glorio, whom we saw spying on Gomah in Episode 1. He says he was tasked with recruiting Goku to defeat King Gomah in the Demon Realm. Goku's always ready to rock, but the Supreme Kai wants to know how Glorio has even heard of Goku. Glorio claims he learned about Goku from the King of the Third Demon Realm, who watched video of the Buu Saga just like Gomah. That... seems a bit curious. Later it'll become clear that the Demon Realm is divided into three worlds, so I guess it makes sense that each one has a king, and Gomah rules over them all. So the Third King might not be too happy about Gomah's reign.
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But Glorio was also there when Gomah watched his own video of the Buu Saga. So it's almost like he's telling a half-truth. Glorio also says he was ordered by the Third King to come here, but when the Supreme Kai asks if he works for the Third King, Glorio says that he doesn't. The request was sent to him in secret. Well, what does that mean?
I'm guessing that Glorio's not telling the gang the whole story, or he may not be fully aware of it himself. For all we know, someone like Dr. Arinsu might have sent him the request and made it look like it was the Third King who submitted it. Whatever the case, the Supreme Kai decides to go with them, partly because his brother is involved with Gomah, and partly because he's suspicious of Glorio. He shouldn't have known about them being turned into children, but he wasn't surprised to see them in this state. To be fair to Glorio, nothing seems to really get much of a reaction out of him. He's a very low-key kind of guy.
Bulma asks to study his spaceship before they go, so she can use it as a reference for her work on the Kai's ship. Glorio insists that his vessel is a "plane", so I don't know if that's the correct term for it or if he's just a contrarian. I mean, it does more than fly in space, but it does fly in space so come on. Vegeta wants to go along, but the plane only has room for three. So Vegeta will have to wait for Bulma to finish repairing the other ship and then they can follow Glorio's group into the Demon Realm later.
I like this set up a lot. I think GT had a promising set up with a trio of main characters. Again, there's a lot to be said for focusing on a small cast instead of dumping in dozens of side characters who have to compete for screen time. But GT ran into issues pretty early on, and maybe it would have been helpful to have a second trio operating independently of the first. That way if the writers got stuck, they could switch to the second group, or have them link up later on.
I don't know if this would have done GT a lot of good, but it definitely seems like a smart strategy for Daima. This way we can focus on three characters, but there's still the promise that we'll get to see more of Vegeta, Piccolo, and Bulma later. If all six of them had gone together, it would have gotten dull, because at least two of them wouldn't have had much to do. This way we have something to look forward to.
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darkcloud-kcalifornia · 4 months ago
Got a couple of random DB Daima thoughts. First off from this latest episode, if Glinds don’t naturally have gender, then how does Arinsu have boobs?
No, not why. If she feels like a woman, sure, whatever. I’m just curious about the mechanics involved here. Presumably if they grow on trees they don’t need to nurse their young, so they wouldn’t be actual mammary glands. …Unless she Frankenstein’d an actual mammal’s onto herself which I can’t rule out because mad scientist. But anyway, chemical methods probably wouldn’t work as their biology wouldn’t be set up to adjust body development to grow breasts according to the presence or lack of certain hormones. It just wouldn’t be in their DNA. I suppose it’s possible that as they are magic beings the development of their bodies might be malleable and partially psychosomatic. She has them because she feels she should have them.
Or maybe she just got implants, I dunno.
…Now I’m wondering what kind of extra features a mad scientist would give their implants.
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cuttyclowngirl · 4 months ago
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I wonder if this 4 month rule will be at least brought up by the end of Daima, all things considered. Let's be real, Goku & co. will be done with their Demon Realm adventure in under a month anyways.
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blushspatula · 6 months ago
🌻•Welcome to my blog!•🌻
Hi! This blog has been created with the intention that the artist and writer (I mean, me) can have a good time drawing and writing content that interests them or that they are hyper-fixated on, so if you are looking for a consistent fandom blog, don't be fooled, here I jump from fandom to fandom!
In any case, I hope to interact a lot with my fans/followers.
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I write/draw x reader and oc content.
I can write/draw NSFW, although being an aroace person, sometimes I will feel like writing/drawing or not.
English is not my first language, if I have serious flaws in writing, I apologize and I would like you to help me improve.
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🌾Fandoms: (In color, it means I'm more interested)
Transformers (Bayverse, TFA, TFP, Most MTMTE characters, G1 ( remember something), Beast wars.
Hellboy (Movies).
Dragon Ball (DB, DBZ, DBS, DBGT, DB Daima).
Hellsing and Hellsing Ultimate.
Vampire Hunter D.
Mononoke (2007-2024).
Your Boyfriend (Game).
Jujutsu Kaisen (jjk).
Twisted Wonderland. (Paused at the beginning of Idia's chapter)
One punch man.
Mass Effect and Mass Effect: Andromeda.
Journey to the West (Jttw).
Stardew Valley.
Portal, Portal 2.
Marvel: only Ultron character.
Star Wars: only General Grievous character.
And other more fandoms that I can't remember.
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sweetescapeartist · 1 year ago
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(Wasn't going to post this old draft, but decided to post it anyway since @/puyohero was curious about my thoughts)
Awesome! Love that Toriyama is heavily involved! Love the art & animation and the idea is interesting too.
Yes, GT did something similar. However GT sidelined most of the cast. Even Pan & Trunks kinda got sidelined when they were part of the main cast of GT. In this, it seems the other characters will play some sort of role too. Or I assume so. And they will be traveling to another realm/world. So maybe the others will go with Goku.
DB DAIMA seems to be referencing a lot of DB properties & not only GT. As pointed out here...
I had hoped it would turn the entire cast into children and glad it happened. Now I hope we get more info about it. Because what I want is for the other cast members to get involved. Gohan & Piccolo are on a similar level to Goku & Vegeta, so then being excluded to only focus on Goku & Vegeta would be stupid. And since it is stated that this series won't be transformation heavy... what if Goku cannot transform into forms he didn't have as a child?? Or it's very taxing on the body if they can. Now everyone can get involved in the battles! Krillin has already returned to martial arts, but we can get my boy Yamcha fighting again! We might even get to see kid Ox King fight alongside kid Roshi. That would be neat!
Now what would be funny is to see a kid version of Buu. Would it be a short chubby Buu or Kid Buu/Pure Buu? Or maybe the magic won't affect him much since he can change his appearance at will. 🤔
Also, I bet there is a joke about Krillin not getting much smaller when turned into a kid again like how there was a joke in OG Dragon Ball that Krillin didn't get much taller & Krillin is upset about the statement.
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Also, the chibi reminds me of the Dragon Ball SD manga.
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Another interesting thing was the placeholder name "Magic" and the current name "DAIMA." Seems like Toriyama is possibly hinting at the Makaioshin. Evil beings with magical power, the Demon Realm being a place where magic rules over science, and the fact that THIS guy looks like a Kaioshin.
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So the little guy could be a God of the Demon Realm. Or maybe a God of Destruction of the Demon Realm. Who knows? We'll have to wait and see.
I see some Journey To The West/Saiyuki influence in here too which is good cause this is Dragon Ball after all. Goku with a Sun Wukong role, East Kaioshin (Shin) with the monk role. And maybe other characters who are inspired by Saiyuki will play roles similar to their inspirations.
Vegeta having a Sun Wukong role while Bulma has the Tripitaka role
Piccolo having a Tripitaka/Wukong role while Gohan also has the Tripitaka/Wukong role
Krillin with a Tripitaka role (maybe some Wukong role too since he also takes some Wukong inspiration) & maybe 18 takes on the role of Tripitaka in certain aspects?
Yamcha with a role referencing Sha Wujing role
Tenshinhan with a role referencing Erlang Shen
And if the Demon Realm is involved then there is more Saiyuki references. Journey to a dangerous land and fighting demons. This could be pretty cool to see.
And another thing... Goku's gi in Daima. It's becoming closer and closer to his End of Z gi.
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The untucked style of Goku's gi in Daima is similar to EoZ, but the colors are still like his iconic orange and blue gi.
In the Demon Realm, the Makaioshin & some Demon God examine Goku & his friends. They speak about Babidi and how he recruited the King of the Demon Realm, Dabura, and still failed. As well as Bibidi summoning & Babidi reawakening the evil beings Majin Buu, then Buu becoming an ally of Goku. Where a sorcerer failed, a Demon God plans to succeed. The Demon God & Makaioshin notice that Goku & company are always victorious due to their strength, transformations, and friendship that encourages each other. So somehow, they are all turned into children to make them doubt their chances of victory. And their power is nerfed too. The Saiyans might have to struggle just to turn SSJ again. I believe it will be through a spell just to be different from GT and not use a wish granting Dragon. The part that shows that a wish was made to Shenron wish was likely after they were turned into kids and they needed help in some way, or they tried to reverse the spell and it was beyond the power of Shenron.
So they venture into this new realm to fix things. Perhaps splitting into groups. Goku & Kaioshin, Vegeta & Bulma, Gohan & Piccolo, Krillin & 18, ect. Some teaming up with other groups too. Get to see stuff like Goku & Tien team up. They learn about the depths of magic & Bulma is surprised because her technology she relies so much upon doesn't matter much in the Demon Realm where magic is their technology.
At some point, they find a way to return to their actual ages and adult bodies. In the end, they confront the Demon God & Makaioshin. Of course Goku would face the main bad guy (along with Vegeta & maybe with Gohan & Piccolo). Godly power vs godly magic. Or something like that.
Now let's wait & see how wrong I am 😂
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autisticgoten · 14 days ago
daima spoilers 👍
SSJ4 baby Goku admittedly rules and it is very cool to see SSJ4 becoming 'canon'...
However I am kinda disappointed in the impetus for his transformation -- no real emotional stakes. :')
Which is admittedly the status quo for Daima so. The whole show has been very fun but it's definitely nowhere near the level of DB(Z) at its peak, imo for that reason in particular.
And then SSJ4 doesn't even seem too powerful, which makes sense I guess considering Baby Mode but it really takes any wind out of the show's sails tbh
Guessing that Glorio will betray Arinsu and wish everyone back to being adults and adult SSJ4 Goku will defeat Gomah, so hopefully that will be more fun.
With Red Porunga (I was hoping for a new dragon but he's pretty cool) alongside SSJ4 this ep really felt like a GT homage which is nice!
Honestly though, despite its flaws GT definitely had more powerful emotional moments than Daima... I don't think GT is better but they def have their own strengths and weaknesses
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