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nevergoinganywherearewe · 5 years ago
Do You Even Lift, Bro? AU Episode 1
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So, Tharn, Fighter, Forth and Dean go there a lot for “bro time”...
What this actually means is: “Let’s gush about our significant others to each other because aren’t they just the most precious we are so in love.” 
Occasionally, they will also engage in regular ass trash talk about who the best boyfriend and provider is, because, let’s face it, they would. Naturally, that never leads anywhere once somebody starts to gush about their boyfriend being the best. This usually ends in some trying to one-up one another’s fanboying. Fuck being “manly”, it’s swooning time.
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marlonmezzo · 7 years ago
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Woke up and told myself it was a rest day. April Fool's, Marlon 😑 #Gymflow #gains #sundayfunday #gymspiration #dyelb #weightlifting #bulking #Roadto200 #rare #melanin #blackboyjoy #darkknight #batman #fitnessmotivation #gymrat #aprilfools (at Gold's Gym Largo - Ritchie Station)
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nevergoinganywherearewe · 5 years ago
Do You Even Lift, Bro? AU Episode 26
From an outsider’s perspective, Saifah and Zon were the definition of ‘puppy love’.
For anyone who knew them, they’re a walking disaster couple. Cute, but a huge-ass mess.
“I swear to God, if I hear them call each other dumb names one more time, I’m gonna quit.”
“...P’Fight, you don’t even work here. Besides, you give me nicknames too.”
“That is so beside the point. It’s cute when we do it...”
An incredulous snort interrupted Fighter.
“Sure thing, Mister Koala.”
In’s smile was sweet as always. Fighter blushed, feeling called out.
Tutor laughed quietly and patted his boyfriend on the shoulder.
Korn, having witnessed the exchange, walked by and dropped a kiss on the crown of In’s head, huffing in amusement at In’s impishness.
“Who are we calling names?”
Forth’s shark-like grin demanded answers as he joined them, thirsty for gossip as per usual.
In decided to fill him in on the subject matter.
“We were talking about Saifah and Zon usurping Fighter from the ‘cutesy nickname throne’ and P’Koala not being able to deal with it.”
Forth cackled.
“Koala? Seriously?”
While Tutor was usually the first to tease his own boyfriend, couple-loyalty won out.
“Seems like I know him better than you then, Forth. Besides, you can’t tell me that you of all people don’t use nicknames. Not when you call Beam ‘Wifey’ every chance you get.”
Forth laughed.
“Of course I have nicknames for Beam. Doesn’t mean I use all of the good ones in public.”
Beam, who had overheard the last bit of their conversation and never one to pass up riling Forth up, walked by casually and nonchalantly shared with the class:
“Darling and Sweetheart casually, Honeybunch and Snookums when he’s feeling sappy, Doc and Babyboy when he’s horny and My Sun and Stars when he really wants something.”
With every word that left Beam’s mouth, Forth got more and more indignant, while every other face lit up in amusement.
By the time Beam was almost out of earshot, Forth shouted an affronted “BABE!”
“You ate the last watermelon snack Pharm made, even though I told you I was saving it...babe.”
Forth took one look at the gleeful faces of the others and bolted after his boyfriend. It seemed like he had some serious grovelling to do.
After making fun of Forth seemed no longer fun without him actually present, the talk returned to the initial topic of Saifah and Zon.
“Compared to what we just learned, I would say Mister is rather tame,” In reasoned after Zon called out “Mister Saifah” for the umpteenth time in the past 20 minutes.
They were sorting through a delivery of protein bars and checking the item list to make sure everything was accounted for.
“Pass me the last box of bars? The sooner we get this done the sooner we can be out of here, my best Zon.”
Ae, victim to listening to their entire conversation, made fake gagging noises and walked around the counter to clear out the empty cardboard boxes.
“Get a room, you two!”
Zon blushed, both at Saifah’s words and Ae’s complaint, while Saifah just wiggled his eyebrows.
From the office behind the counter, Knock caught Ae’s sentiment and warned “Do not tell them to get a room, Ae, or they’ll fuck in the storage room!” in a voice way too loud for private conversation.
Korn’s head popped out from behind the wall separating the front desk from the office area to add “...again.”
Zon’s head resembled a tomato at this stage, but Saifah was not bothered and only elbowed Zon in the side.
“Well, my dear Mister Zon, I do believe it is time we left.”
Zon huffed out an embarrassed laugh.
“I do believe you are correct, Mister Sai.”
Saifah leaned down to bump his forehead to Zon’s and gave him a private smile.
From further away, Fighter commented the scene with a long suffering “...Ugh.”
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nevergoinganywherearewe · 5 years ago
Do You Even Lift, Bro? AU Episode 21
When the gym gang ‘regulars’ started to find each other, there was many a situation that led to initial confusion. For one, what were the odds of every single one of them to play for the other team (or at least play for both, looking at you there, Forth)?
Yet another major point of confusion was a string of incidents that led gym goers such as Zon and Forth to believe that Tutor had a split personality.
Zon was more confused than usual (that is saying something considering how confused he is on the regular) when he waved goodbye at Tutor in the changing rooms only to run into Tutor in the front desk area, in different clothes, making googly eyes at Ae of all people. For a second, a range of possibilities shot into his head.
Did Fighter and Tutor have an open relationship going on? They didn’t seem the type though so he brushed it off (too timid to go up and ask, he thought he’d been studying too much or Zol’s been writing into the night again and he’s back in another novel).
Saifah was very confused himself, to say the least, when Zon arrived at his door later that evening only to say: “Sai, I think I’m going insane??” instead of “Hello.”
Saifah raised a single eyebrow: “...again? That’s like the third time this week,” and opened his arms to envelop his ridiculous boyfriend.
On a different occasion, Forth also unknowingly crossed paths with someone who certainly looked like Tutor but didn’t act like him, at least according to Fighter’s tales and from what he could tell from IG stalking the imp (Tutor’s cute, sue him, Beam agrees, they’ve surprisingly similar taste).
So, Forth didn’t know Tutor per se but he did know of him (quite a lot, Fighter tends to overshare). This was precisely why he was simultaneously confused and slightly turned on when he walked into the bathroom, only to bump into Tutor exiting one of the stalls and apologising to him with the sweetest look from under his lashes, and a timid ‘Sorry, P’.
Forth had entered the twilight zone, clearly, but didn’t think much longer about it as he’d already been running late picking up Beam from work.
It all came to a head when none other than Fighter sensed something slightly off when he strolled into the gym and noticed his boyfriend happily talking to Ae in very hushed voices.
Fighter’s fighty-senses started to tingle. Fighter couldn’t quite tell what was wrong about the Tutor he saw - the stance? The posture? The aura? ...the cheeks?
Determined to find out, he approached his boyfriend (?) and gave him a once-over, silently judging whatever he was seeing.
“You look like Tutor but....who are you and why the fuck are you wearing my boyfriend’s face?”
Pete was naturally taken aback for a second and attempted to explain but then Ae whisked him away since his shift had ended and Fighter never really got his answer. 
By that evening, Fighter was almost convinced he had daydreamed the whole exchange because that boy definitely didn’t act like Tutor would have...god, his master’s thesis was truly taking a toll on him...he’s hallucinating Tutor? He should call his boyfriend and see if he could tempt him into mutual gratification over the phone. Happy ending included.
The day that brought salvation to all the questioning and confused members of the gym was rather anti-climatic.
Pete, on his way to pick up Ae from the gym, walked right into his brother, who was just about to leave. 
Not having seen each other in a few weeks, they stopped and chatted for a bit, smack in the middle of the gym entrance hall, in full view of the functional / weights area with the gang lifting away.
Enter Zon, running after Tutor because he had forgotten his phone in the locker room, again. Upon spotting Tutor’s conversation partner, he stopped dead in his tracks and almost dropped the phone.
“Mother of God,” he shrieked, drawing the heads of Forth and Fighter who were closest.
Fighter simply went: “What the actual FUCK?”
Forth realised right then: “This bitch is a TWIN?”
Ae, having witnessed the whole shebang from the front desk, exclaimed: “Wait...you didn’t know?”
The twins looked at each other and burst into uncharacteristically hysteric laughter. 
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nevergoinganywherearewe · 5 years ago
Do You Even Lift, Bro? AU Episode 2
Forth regularly having to be spotted because he goes soft talking about Beam.
Tharn blushes like a tomato and Dean and Fighter get these really stupidly besotted smiles that almost split their faces in half.
Fighter legit misses a week of gym for the beach getaway (fuck yes episode 9) and Tharn fucking RIBBING him the whole day he has to get back into his game and he is ... sore so sue him but Forth ... understands and Dean is too gracious to comment on the matter.
But then Pharm and Tutor come out of a yoga class from one of the rooms Korn and Knock offer for external classes. Dean and Fighter almost faint where they stand. Tharn jokes that this is the 3rd time this has happened and it’s becoming a bit of a problem.
Not that he has a leg to stand on.
The day Type comes up the stairs from the swimming pool on the lower level without a shirt on and wet hair plastered across his forehead, Tharn almost drops a dumbbell on his foot. Dean had the good foresight of spotting Tharn the minute he noticed Type coming up.
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nevergoinganywherearewe · 5 years ago
Do You Even Lift, Bro? AU Episode 24
“Everything hurts and I’m dying and it’s entirely your fault.”
Beam was grumpy. As excited as he was when first receiving Forth’s birthday present it was no match for the excruciating pain that now resided in every. single. one. of. his. limbs.
“Babe, while I usually take much pride in the accusation of making you sore, it’s just boxing. Your muscles will get used to the different movements. I’m sure it’ll already be better next week.”
Beam groaned, trying to rub some of the ache out of his shoulders unsuccessfully.
“Why do you have to be so goddamn reasonable? Besides, I know you had some ulterior motive, you always do.”
Forth smirked. Beam was right, of course. Not that he’d admit to anything but it was a treat to see Beam post workout. Even if that had not been the only reason behind giving him boxing lessons for his birthday. After all, that would be absolutely preposterous. Completely shameless. Outrageously shallow. 
...Okay, Beam was very hot when he was sweaty, so sue Forth for wanting to see it more often.
“You did really well for your first time, P’Beam,” a third voice chimed into their conversation.
Ming, in all his tall-ass puppy glory, looked unfairly glow-y after the boxing session ended. He had none of the red flush that currently graced Beam’s features. Instead, he looked like the ultimate teenaged girl’s wet dream. It was rather unfair.
Beam chugged down the rest of his water and gave Ming a small smile.
“Thanks, Ming. Once I stop hurting, I might even say it was fun. How’s Kitkat? He can’t be appreciative of you running around looking the way you do, for everyone to see.”
Ming’s smile turned up a notch and he got a wistfully whipped look about him. Forth thought it was hilarious. Beam found it rather endearing.
“Kitty is well. A bit overworked at the hospital, but that doesn’t stop him from bossing me around when he’s home. Not like I’d have it any other way.”
While Ming was fondly looking into the distance, Beam snuck his phone out and snapped a picture of his Nong. Mentally preparing himself for the volcanic eruption that would indubitably follow, he opened Line and sent the snapshot to Kit, along with a short message. 
All the while, he hoped that Forth and him would be well out of the line of fire by the time it happened.
His phone vibrated.
No such luck then.
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A short ‘ping’ alerted Ming to an incoming message.
Ming checked his phone, all colour suddenly draining from his face. He looked around, as though looking for something. He trained his eyes back on the message, silently mouthing “we?”
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Beam, in the meantime, showed Forth the reason why Ming just went very very quiet.
Forth snorted. 
“Feisty one, isn’t he? Wanna get out of here before we become collateral damage?”
“After you,” Forth made an inviting gesture towards the gym’s exit and he made to leave but realised that Beam had not gotten up yet.
As deadpan as he could muster, Beam said: “If you think I will get up from this floor by myself, see if I let you join me in the shower.”
Forth almost leaped to his aid. There was no way he was missing out on shower time with Beam. He was not above begging.
Later, word reached them about Kit storming into the gym to collect a laughing but placating Ming, all but dragging him out by his ear, cursing under his breath all the while.
Korn and Knock were thinking about starting a Twitter account to report on all the shit that regularly occurred since gaining all these health nutty couples (and their posse) as members. It was sure to be entertaining.
...and not prone to end up in disaster at all.
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nevergoinganywherearewe · 5 years ago
Do You Even Lift, Bro? AU Episode 6
“Tutor. Sauna. On your 7. Do not turn your head!” Fighter, naturally, turns his head. Tutor exits the sauna in nothing but a precariously low hanging towel, skin flushed and sweaty. It reminds Fighter of the previous night. Tharn and Dean barely manage to catch him as he spontaneously faints (the drama queen).
Tutor sees, rushes over and Fighter wakes up to an almost naked Tutor leaning over him. He promptly passes out again.
Fighter does get ribbed for that one but only after Dean checks on his vitals and puts him into a secure position.
Forth physically pulls Tutor away to save his bro and explains the situation. This results in Tutor doting on Fighter for three days straight, like the mother hen he is.
All of this is quietly observed by Korn and Knock who started a gym betting pool on who'd get injured first - Knock won the pool on Hot Yoga Day(TM) (...it technically doesn’t count as cheating but he did set up the hot yoga classes because he knows the instructor; a short, very loud pixie boy called Can).
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nevergoinganywherearewe · 5 years ago
Do You Even Lift, Bro? AU Episode 23
The photoshoot went well. Tutor had not expected Tine to bring an assistant (”Not an assistant. This is my boyfriend Sarawat, he offered to help set up since he was free this evening.”). But the two worked well together, other than the constant bickering. 
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Ae had to suppress a strong urge to coo at his phone when he opened the attachment. The only thing to tell the twins apart were their cheeks. Pete’s were just a tad bit rounder, but both twins had the same soft smile. Ae had a feeling Fighter might have a slightly stronger reaction than usual. Tutor rarely did “cute”.
Giddy to start planning for his and Pete’s anniversary with the money he was about to win, Ae downloaded the picture and opened his Instagram.
Hitting ‘share’ felt like the ultimate triumph. 
While restocking the water for the gym goers, Ae’s phone suddenly started vibrating like crazy. After stacking the last of the water bottles, he pulled out his phone and snorted at the amount of notifications that were blowing up on his lock screen. Before he could open them, however, he was distracted by a loud choking noise and the tell-tale ‘thump’ of a body hitting the floor.
Fighter was on his way from his warm up over to the weight section when he decided to check his Instagram feed before it was focus time again. Nothing could have prepared him for what was waiting for him at the top of the page.
He choked on his own spit and forgot how his feet worked. That led to him making acquaintance with the gym floor. Huh, he had never noticed that there was a tiny pattern on the linoleum.  
Scrabbling for his mobile, which had comically flown out of his hand during the fall, he hit speed dial and waited for Tutor to pick up. While the ringing noise filled his ear, Fighter pulled himself off the floor and went to lean against one of the windows in the weights area. Someone had some explaining to do...
‘Hey P’Fight’
‘What the hell, Tor - why didn’t you warn me?’
‘Huh? Warn you about what?’
‘I just made friends with the floor because Ae posted a picture of you and Pete. Care to tell me what that’s about?’
Laughter filled the other end of the line.
‘Guess you could say Ae won the betting pool nobody thought I knew about.’
‘P’Fight? Are you still there?’
‘Ah...yeah. Are you mad that we didn’t tell you?’
Tutor laughed again. Fighter still got butterflies at the sound.
‘No, it’s fine. You’ll make it up to me later, trust me.’
Fighter gulped.
‘H-hold on, what do you mean by that?’
‘Bye, P’Fight~'
But Tutor had already hung up.
Fighter went back to Instagram and looked at the photo for way longer than was acceptable, before adding his own comment.
Upon refreshing the feed, he saw Tutor’s comment right at the bottom and blushed.
The only thing he couldn’t quite make sense of was the key.
“Well, mark me down as scared and horny.”
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nevergoinganywherearewe · 5 years ago
Do You Even Lift, Bro? AU Episode 17
To exactly no one’s surprise, Tin does not frequent Korn and Knock’s gym because of its fantastic selection of workout facilities. He initially came for Can but stayed for the ‘gossip’, in which he obviously never participates, don’t be ridiculous. He just enjoys the people-watching from a safe distance.
But even on the rare occasions there’s no gossip or gang being dumbasses, seeing Can in yoga pants post hot yoga session makes the entire two hour trip home worth it. 
There’s also the added benefit of being able to accompany his Cantaloupe home after his highly sought-after hot yoga classes are over. The long-ass drives home always provide Can with the opportunity to ramble about his day as well, which is guaranteed to delight Tin in ways no one might ever expect.
Additionally, Tin is possessive as hell. (It’s the only thing he and Ae ever agree on.) He’d rather die than let anybody else see his boyfriend home looking like a whole meal, all sweaty post instructing people how to bend their bodies into simply unnatural positions - in humid conditions at that.
And for this he’s willing to take drastic measures. Cue the paper bag and towel incidents. Some found them simply hilarious (Forth, go figure), while others showed more understanding (Dean and Korn).
Many think that due to the selective application process for new members, Tin must have been one of the very few to have gotten in by association (Can) as he audibly called the gym “an actual hole in the wall” to Korn and Knock’s faces once.
They, of course, took it in stride. (They were offended™ and raised Tin’s membership fees on the spot.)
Tin noticed but actively gave about zero fucks.
Regardless, Can made him apologise because “that’s just rude”. 
Korn and Knock accepted the apology gracefully.
Tin’s membership fees did not go down.
Can’s yoga room rental charges did.
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nevergoinganywherearewe · 5 years ago
Do You Even Lift, Bro? AU Episode 19
“Come on, it’s just another week. He’ll be healed up enough for physical therapy soon.” Dean tried to reason.
“But the car rides to the gym, to work and literally anywhere are so...lonely without him, man.” Tharn countered.
“...but all you do recently is bicker?”
“Yeah but it’s basically his love language. I don’t know, I just...miss him.”
Dean shot Tharn a fondly exasperated glance usually reserved for Pharm. 
“Isn’t he just about done with recuperating? Post-OP usually doesn’t take that long, does it, Beam?”
“Depends on the surgery but since it was just a minor injury of the knee and nothing bigger, he’s about due for physical therapy, yeah. I know the doc who stitched up our little hothead, there shouldn’t be any complications that prolong your...misery.”
“Very diplomatic way of putting it, Doctor Beam.” Dean commented.
Tharn barely reacted to his well-meaning gym buddies trying to cheer him up. His mind was still with Type, at home, in bed, grumpy from the lack of movement he’s been allowed post surgery.
Type would probably sooner die than confess that half of his bad mood was due to the lack of ... physical activities he was allowed to engage in with Tharn. 
Tharn is trying to be reasonable most of the time but he’d be lying if he said he’s not affected somewhat himself. Although...the sheer amount of cuddling as of recent is rather nice.
Since Type was not able to go the gym, the gym went to him. Tharn and Type’s house has never seen that many visitors since they moved in two years ago. 
Usually, they wouldn’t be all too happy about it but Pharm had offered to cook for everyone and relieve Tharn of yet another chore. The combination of Pharm and Tharn and Type’s frankly enormous kitchen was a lethal one.
Pharm gushed about the appliances and “oh my god, Dean, do you see the amount of storage?”, needless to say, Dean took notes and had a very serious discussion about real estate with Tharn later that day.
Looks like Dean and Pharm might be moving soon.
At some point, their discussion moved from “do you know a house in the area that has a similar kitchen set-up as yours by any chance?” to “actually, I would recommend you try and keep Type away from weight lifting and send him off to the swimming pool on the lower level, much easier on the joints”.
Type still being at the gym without straining himself and barely clothed at that? The thought alone made Tharn quite agreeable.
The day Type finally returns to the gym, he’s greeted with balloons and protein bars courtesy of Korn and Knock, who were too busy to visit all that often. It’s rather endearing.
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nevergoinganywherearewe · 5 years ago
Do You Even Lift, Bro? AU Episode 10
At this point, Pharm is the only living person who has seen most of the Fightor tape because Tutor and he are tight. Dean expressed an interest in bondage play and he only trusts Tutor to show him the ropes (teehee). Fighter doesn't mind because “Pharm is baby”. Besides, Pharm promised desserts, the holy grail of promises at the gym. It has been rumoured that Korn and Knock forgo Pharm's gym membership fee in exchange for a steady supply. Forth literally described eating anything made by Pharm at some point as “having an orgasmic experience” (and he would know). Korn and Knock are inclined to agree.
The recent chain of events (involving cameras, people and bodily fluids) spark a debate over how much of the gym is actually monitored by surveillance cameras. Korn and Knock refuse to say anything other than “we are sticking to the appropriate laws and regulations, fuck thank you very much” in an almost offended tone. 
Sometimes Type gets really quiet during the surveillance talk. Not everyone understands why. Tharn hopes they will never have to find out.
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nevergoinganywherearewe · 5 years ago
Do You Even Lift, Bro? AU Episode 20
It was Type rather than Tharn who took Dean up on his offer to help with physical therapy in the gym’s pool area. Dean’s probably more qualified to assist in the water than anybody else Korn and Knock currently have on their pay roll and Dean’s patient but stern demeanour works surprisingly well with Type’s sometimes whiny but grateful attitude.
(Team once witnessed Type actually whining in a very familiar tone of voice: “P’Deeeeean~" but was sworn to secrecy. Type could be actually scary when he wanted to be.
Dean took it gracefully and merely responded with “Pharm does it better.”
Type: “...fair.”)
After a few weeks of aquatic training, Type’s doc finally deemed him ready to move on to more gravity-bound exercise again. The green light came just in time too as Type needed to train for an away-game (his coach did get the OK from Type’s doc on the timing).
Since Type’s little knee accident at his last match and his physical therapy sessions, he realised he needed to put in some extra work to get back to where he was strength and stamina-wise pre-injury.
Luckily, he knows enough health-nuts to ask for some much-needed advice.
Since Korn also plays soccer (and did so competitively during university as well), he agreed to coach Type at the gym and helps him work out a training regimen. He suggests working on his thigh muscles and upper body strength as well as stamina with the help of low prowler sled pushes.
Tharn was almost banned from the gym on days Type uses the sled.
His boyfriend is rather smug about it.
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nevergoinganywherearewe · 5 years ago
Do You Even Lift, Bro? AU Episode 22
“Brother mine, do you have a moment?”
Pete blinked at his twin. It wasn’t often that they approached one another at the gym to chat, other than the regular ‘hellos’ and ‘see yous’. They texted too much to have a million things to talk about when they saw each other anyway, so neither was particularly bothered by it.
“Sure, Tor. What’s up?”
Tutor grinned at Pete.
 “I have this idea. You know how we don’t have a lot of pictures together, right? So, I was thinking if you wanted to do a twin photoshoot with me?” 
Pete was a bit skeptical. Sure, the idea sounded like fun, but was there really a point in spending money unnecessarily just for pictures they could also take with their own mobile phones? 
His brother’s hesitation showed in Pete’s furrowed brows. 
Tutor remembered his short stint at the cosmetic store and, while he wasn’t a particularly gifted sales person, he knew he had to get out the big guns for this. Otherwise his little adventure with Fighter was in mortal peril. It was time to exploit one of Pete’s ultimate weaknesses.
“Listen, you wouldn’t even have to organise anything. I would take care of all of that. Besides, imagine how excited mom would be if she got a picture of the two of us that she could put up at home.”
Pete’s face lit up, bright grin crinkling his eyes.
Tutor smirked. Hook, line and sinker.
“Sounds great! When are we doing it?”
Tutor let out a sigh of relief. He could almost feel the cold metal of the master key in his hand. He had a lot of things to prepare, both for the photoshoot and for... after.
“How about coming over today? One of P’Fighter’s acquaintances is a photographer and still owes us a favour.”
Pete looked surprised at the short notice and pulled his phone out of his back pocket.
“That should work, but I need to line Ae and let him now that I’ll be home later. Should we meet in the parking lot at 5?”
Tutor gave his affirmation and both of them went their separate ways after a warm hug.
Pete went back to his session on the treadmill, a broad smile gracing his features. 
His brother walked out of the gym, feeling like a cat that got the canary. This had gone rather well. Now, he had work to do. 
It seemed like it was finally time to cash in on that favour that Tine still owed them.
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nevergoinganywherearewe · 5 years ago
Do You Even Lift, Bro? AU Episode 27
Love is a beautiful thing, and that is what’s usually portrayed in media and the likes.
But real love needs work, dedication, effort and a willingness to compromise. As much as we only ever want to see the happy moments, the good cannot be appreciated fully without there being bad times as well. It is these cracks in the pavement that show what needs working on, but they are also an opportunity to let flowers grow and make way for something that is even better than before.
For most of their friends as well as for most strangers, Saifah and Zon seemed, on the outside, like the picture perfect couple. 
People see them and marvel at how happy they seem to be with each other every single day and start to believe they simply don't have bad days because they are literally idiots that sunshine and rainbows couple that is usually found to be touching in some kind of way, shape or form.
Besides bad grades, draining days at work and the ups and downs of living together and therefore having to get used to being in each other’s space all the time, the average person would assume that they had the couple thing figured out to a tee.
Alas, Saifah and Zon are not actually love doctors or characters in a BL novel. As regular people in a regular, if very loving, relationship, they too have to deal with emotional baggage and the occasional miscommunication or misunderstanding.
Some days, Zon wakes up feeling inadequate for no discernible reason other than that he just feels that way. On those days even the safe circle of Saifah’s arms doesn’t seem to help keep him afloat. It’s even worse if he wakes up without Saifah next to him. But the worst part about it is that Saifah, even after this long together, sometimes still tends to misinterpret Zon’s behaviour as him withdrawing because of something Saifah did. 
As confident as Saifah usually appears, deep down he is still very insecure about his advances and accidentally overstepping Zon’s boundaries. This might be born from their early days when what they meant to each other was still very much up in the air.
But it is not just internal factors that at times take a toll on a relationship.
Prior to their fitness store gig, Zon used to work as a part-time waiter at an upscale restaurant. An exclusive event eventually cost Zon his job in a rather unpleasant manner. He had stumbled over a handbag that was left too far off the chair and poured red wine all over an important businessman who would not accept any apologies or offers of reimbursement and ended up getting Zon fired to appease his wrath. 
For a time afterwards, Zon walked around with a metaphorical thundercloud over his head. Saifah did everything in his power to cheer him up, but did not succeed until weeks later, when he burned pancakes so badly they had to throw out the pan and short-circuit the fire alarm. It was the first time in weeks that Saifah had heard his boyfriend’s genuine laughter. 
The most jarring incidents, however, are the nights Zon actually wakes up from nightmares and when Saifah tries to soothe him and make him talk Zon is crying silently until he has calmed down enough to confess to his boyfriend that he sometimes has dreams about them having been nothing more but Zol's novel. 
These dreamed-up scenarios always fuel Zon’s fear that what they have now has never happened. Saifah can clearly see Zon being very upset at the thought alone which alleviates some of his own insecurities. As a result Saifah proceeds to use the one method that always works when Zon has nightmares: cuddles and soft kisses, coupled with words of affirmation.
During a particularly bad episode of nightmares and the resulting serious and somber conversation, Saifah realises that he wants to chase away Zon’s doubts about them being an item once and for all. 
If Zon still doubts even subconsciously that they are ‘it’ for each other Saifah needs to put some weight on that precious finger to make Zon remind himself that, come what may, Saifah will only have Zon and that Zon will only give in to Saifah.
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nevergoinganywherearewe · 5 years ago
Do You Even Lift, Bro? AU Episode 15
The gang might have underestimated the sweet-faced newbie (Ae) as he manages to win the bet by simply...asking.
How? Well...
Determination is one of Ae’s strongest traits. So, armed with all his determination, he outright struts up to Tutor and the conversation goes a little like this:
Ae, straight-faced: “P’Tutor, permission to speak freely?”
Tutor, confused but intrigued: “...granted?”
Ae, exhaling audibly as if bracing himself for impact: “Listen, I’m going to be real with you. I need this to happen. I don’t know what you want in exchange but would you...?”
Tutor, in a state of confusion™: “...would I do what exactly?”
Ae, almost pained at this point: “Would you be willing to do the twin clothes thing and send me a picture to post to IG as proof?”
Tutor: “...”
Ae, unusually flustered, word vomiting: “Our anniversary is coming up and I really want to make it special but you know Pete, he always outdoes whatever I plan because he’s so fucking amazing (and rich)...I...just...want to do something worthy of him, you know and-”
Tutor, surprised someone actually asking to win the bet everybody thinks he doesn’t know about (amateurs): “Whoa, slow down there, Nong. ...while I commend your ... bravery? What would you be willing to do in ... exchange for my [Tutor considers his words because he’s a cheeky little SHIT when he wants to be] compliance in this matter?”
Ae, earnest, almost whispering because people are starting to notice: “Pretty much...anything you want? I know you’re not unreasonable, P’.”
Tutor, considering the request, naturally has an agenda: [P’Fight won’t know what hit him] “You manage the front desk whenever Korn and Knock are out, right?”
Ae nods.
Tutor, in a calculating tone: “...the master key, for one night. I don’t want to get you into too much trouble.”
Ae, without missing a beat: “Consider it done.”
Tutor, sly smirk no longer held back: “Pleasure doing business with you, Nong. You will have the picture by midnight. You better treat him right on your day though, yeah?”
Ae, after an audible sigh of relief, directs his most winning smile at Tutor and waiis. “Don’t forget to lock up once you’re...done here. Let me know when you’ll be needing the key.”
Tutor pats Ae’s shoulder and as they part, they deliberately ignore the numerous stares from the crowd of gobsmacked onlookers, well, mostly Forth. 
“....what the fuck did I just witness?” Fighter directs at Forth.
“No idea man, but your boyfriend is terrifying.”
“...you don’t know the half of it.”
Fighter isn’t sure what Tutor’s planning but he would lie if he said he wasn’t excited (and a wee bit terrified regardless). 
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nevergoinganywherearewe · 5 years ago
I love anything with Forth and Pete and being twins because they are so different yet so cute together! I hope y’all are having a great day!
First of all: *SORRY* This took forever (we literally have no excuse other than life getting in the way and sometimes we are lazy bastards) BUT we hope you take some joy from this little instalment of insanity - firmly set in the gym AU verse:
“What the actual fuck is a Vårsta? It sounds like a veenirial disease.” Forth asked, trying to make sense of the numerous little bits and pieces laid out before him. 
Tutor, nose buried in the Vårsta manual and completely done with Forth’s bullshit ever since they had stepped foot into IKEA earlier that same day, replied with a saccharine abomination of a smile: “Oh yeah, something you’ve got first-hand experience with?” 
Pete choked on the soda he had been drinking during this ‘friendly’ exchange and sprayed a mouthful right into Forth’s face. 
To Forth’s credit, he simply blinked, raised his hand to wipe the sticky mess out of his eye and fumbled in his pocked for a tissue or something to wipe his face with. 
Pete turned as red as a tomato and started stuttering an apology while Tutor died laughing, commenting: “Classy!”
Needless to say, Forth was not amused. 
Pete picked up on the growing tension and chided his twin with a timid “be nice”. 
Tutor, having none of it, simply raised an eyebrow and addressed his baby brother with: “Me? You were the one who literally spit in his face a moment ago.” 
Pete, flushing an even deeper shade of red, whined in protest: “But you accused him of having a veenirial disease!” 
Forth, simultaneously fascinated and disturbed by the fact that he was the grown up in this situation, tried to diffuse the conflict before it escalated and brought Ae into the mix: “Guys! Can we please just get on with it before Pharm is done with the snacks?” 
That was the breaking point for Tutor whose temper had been fraying all day. Fine. Bitchy-mode activated. 
“Oh, that’s RICH coming from you, Mister I-am-man-I-don’t-need-to-read-the-instruction-manual-I-can-make-fire-like-the-Neanthertal-I-am!” 
The scene Pharm, wanting to check on the kitchen furniture status, came into with a tray of snacks and drinks for his little crew of helpers was the following:
Tutor was holding a hammer raised over his head like an enraged Thor waiting for thunder to come to his aid. 
Forth, on the other hand, was wielding a screwdriver like a knife as if to stab someone and smack between them with his palms raised like Chris Pratt in Jurassic World was Pete, desperately trying to keep the two human-shaped velociraptors from attacking each other.
Pond, who had been roped into helping with Dean and Pharm’s move by Ae and the person who held the door for Pharm assessed the situation and came to the only logical conclusion: He backed away slowly all the while belting the Jurassic Park theme song from the top of his lungs. 
The rest of the moving crew only heard Pond’s screech of terror and three sets of feet running through the empty halls shouting profanity. 
Thanks for your support, let us know how you liked it?
J & S
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