i'm still salty about Mother's Basement video where he shittalked Durarara's first OP like tell me you didn't understand anything about Durarara without telling me you didn't understand anything about Durarara
"We don't find out ANYTHING about these characters from the OP" because it's a big theme of Durarara that. People you cross the street. Are not always what they first seem like. That people like Seiji who seems normal, is anything but. People like Shizuo, who seems terrifying and dangerous and angry all the time, there are more to him than that.
"main characters" about the Raira Trio are you HIGH. Did you miss the POINT. Mikado is nOT the main character. It's an understandable mistake to make, as he is our initial POV character whose eyes we study Ikebukuro through for the initial leg of the story but jesus christ the entire point of Mikado is that he Wants to be the main character, but Isn't. Celty is the driving point of the show. You could even make the argument that Ikebukuro itself is, although Narita considers Celty to be the main character
And his bitching that Anri cuts the scene for "no reason" just because Chané cut it in Baccano... have you even WATCHED Durarara, Geoff. Because I don't think you did. Anri has a really fucking OBVIOUS reason for cutting the scene and guess fucking what it's fucking FORESHADOWING OH MY GOD you complain so much about the Durarara OP not doing enough foreshadowing for you but you dismiss the most blatant one
AND YOU WERE EVEN WEIRD ABOUT BACCANO like literally where the fuck did you get the idea that the Martillos are connected to the Gandors via money. Literally where. They are completely separate crime families, linked together via ACTUAL FUCKING FRIENDSHIP??? LIKE???? THEY SPELL IT OUT AT THE END OF THE SHOW? EVEN IN THE BEGINNING OF THE SHOW IT'S OBVIOUS LUCK AND FIRO ARE FRIENDS? THE MARTILLOS ACCEPT THE GANDOR BROTHERS AS GUESTS FOR FIRO'S SAKE. IT'S NOT A BUSINESS-RELATIONSHIP.
Also you missed the literal "Ennis is a human in a bottle" shot in the OP good fucking job Geoff
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