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halaldua · 1 year ago
Powerful Duas for Marriage Problems for Happiness
Navigate the complexities of marital life with potent Islamic duas. Seek solace in dua for difficulty in marriage, address issues with powerful prayers, and discover duas for marriages with problems. Invoke Allah's blessings for a happy marriage, learn duas to remove problems in marriage, and find serenity with prayers to fix marriage. Embrace the divine guidance for happiness in marriage in the article: https://halaldua.com/dua-for-marriage-problems/
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islamicspecialistforloveback · 10 months ago
Wazifa for Agree Your Parents For Love Marriage
Love is a beautiful emotion. If you are in love, then first of all congratulations. Islamic Magic For Love Marriage Immediately You are one of those few lucky ones in this world who get to experience the magic that is love. Not everyone can say proudly that they are in love. If you are reading this article, then chances are you have decided to take your love to the next step and decided to tie…
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surahdua786 · 2 years ago
Benefits Of Reading Surah Ar-Rahman
Benefits Of Reading Surah Ar-Rahman “Surah Ar-Rahman” is “The Chapter of The Beneficent” or “The Chapter of The Most Merciful.” It is the 55th chapter of the Quran and is known for its emphasis on Allah’s mercy and blessings upon His creation. There are many benefits of reading the Surah Rahman wazifa. These benefits are only experienced by the people who recite this chapter regularly. People…
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suhyla · 1 month ago
I get your point, I really do. But I also believe there’s a reason why there’s such emphasis on the dua made by an oppressed person especially if the person who was oppressed has all the power to hurt them but they chose to let go for the sake of Allah. In a way it’s still asking Allah to give them justice and leaving it to Him. I say this as someone whose father divorced her mother and married her sister. My father’s life went downhill since and he’s never been really happy and his now wife, my aunt puts him through hell and my mother remained single all her life raising me and my siblings. My mother, a very dignified woman, still allowed my father to remain in our lives and not let their differences (if you can even call it that) dictate our relationship. She never sought revenge and even prays for their better marriage seeing the hell that they go through but every single time, I visit my father I HATE HATE HATE seeing them laughing or happy even if it’s only for a moment. I wish my mother made dua against them. I wish she punished them through legal courts or something. My father still tries to force his decisions regarding our marriage in our lives and acts like this saint. His wife tries to steal our rights as his kids in his property. In a way Allah has delivered justice, but even then they never realised their mistakes, still don’t think either of them did anything wrong, never apologised, genuinely tried to make amends, still act entitled and find a way to make their betrayal seem as something noble. Our lives would be so much easier without their involvement. My father abandoned my mother and siblings, divorced her with deception and waltzed off with his new wife and had a new son in less than a year. Him, his wife and his son all hate each other and there’s no peace in that household hit it’s still not enough because that woman finds a way to ruin my marriage proposals, usurp the rights of me and my siblings, ruin our reputation in our father’s side of the family and still has the AUDACITY to tell us that we will suffer (Lord forbid) at the hands of our husbands, the way my father made her suffer when it was HER CHOICE to steal her sister’s husband and ruin her life and our lives.
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Your mom sounds like an amazing woman Allahuma barek and certainly, seeing the difference in the two households, I see that Allah has in fact saved her.
It’s natural to feel anger and bitterness in this circumstance, I don’t blame you. However from what you say, they don’t really seem happy at all. Peace of mind and a peaceful household are extremely rare and valuable blessings from Allah. Allahuma barek, it sounds like your mom has been blessed with that and isn’t tying her happiness to whatever happens in her sister’s household. I understood why when you mentioned that she even makes duaa for her sister. Making duaa for someone who hurt you is extremely difficult and this is a testament to her pure heart. In return, alhamdullilah Allah removed anger and bitterness from her heart because they truly only hurt the heart they’re in. I’ve experienced this personally. Anger and bitterness only eat you up from the inside, you feel much lighter and are able to live your life with much more peace when you remove yourself from harmful situations and leave people to Allah.
However it seems like your aunt is actively intervening in your life and causing direct harm to you by blocking marriage proposals. In this case, I highly recommend asking Allah to remove her from your life and protect you from her harm, and repeat hasbi Allah wa nimal wakeel to remind yourself she cannot stop your rizq from coming to you, it is completely in Allah’s hands. Whatever’s written for you will reach you and no one can stop it from reaching you.
In terms of practical advice that may be helpful, I also recommend figuring out what boundaries you can place between you and her. Such as not sharing information with her, not spending time with her, avoiding her to the best of your ability to protect yourself from her harm. For the sake of your mental health. And have you heard of the Gray Rock method? It’s a way to deal with abusers/manipulators and a big part of it is having neutral reactions and not showing that you’re upset or angry. Some individuals like to push your buttons because they enjoy seeing you upset and knowing they have power over you. When you have neutral reactions around them, they don’t get to feed off your emotions and reactions. Because if she can see that you’re upset and angry because of her, it reinforces that she has power over you. But if you are able to interact with her only in a neutral, bored manner, you aren’t giving her anything to feed off of. Does that make sense? You can find more information online if that’s something that you’d like to try.
This doesn’t mean that you pretend she doesn’t anger you. It just means you don’t let her know that she does. When you’re alone, especially in your duaa, I want you to express all the anger, bitterness you feel to Allah. Just describe it to Him. Complain to Him. Tell Him how it hurts. Allah will hold you and heal you in the ways you need. Express all your emotions to Him, but when interacting with people you know don’t care about you, keep yourself neutral and invest your energy and emotions in people you actually feel safe with, like your mom.
May Allah heal you, protect you and your mom from anyone with bad intentions, replace all your grief with joy, and give you ease ya rab.
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kesacamelya · 2 years ago
Bicara Tentang Pernikahan #7
Malam ini (28/05) adalah focus group discussion yang menjadi kelas terakhir dari Campfire Session: A Baby Step of Marriage Preparation dari Pre Marriage Talk. Ada beberapa catatan penting dari pertemuan ini:
Pasangan harus kuat dan saling jaga satu sama lain pada "peperangan yang tidak terlihat." Setiap keluarga punya ujiannya masing-masing. Tugas seorang suami adalah melindungi istrinya apabila ada hal-hal yang mungkin memicu "peperangan" (khususnya) dengan keluarga besar. Tugas seorang istri adalah memberikan dukungan kepada suami. Tadi pagi ga sengaja lihat spanduk yang tulisannya closer friendship, stronger partnership yang menurutku sesuai dengan pertemanan seumur hidup dalam pernikahan.
Komunikasi dan kompromi adalah dua hal paling dasar dalam pernikahan. Perbedaan life style, kebiasaan, karakter (dan masih banyak hal lainnya) kalau tidak dikomunikasikan dan dikompromikan akan bisa jadi konflik di kemudian hari. Ketika memilih untuk menikah dengan seseorang, pastikan bisa menerima sepaket kelebihan dan kekurangannya, karena setiap paket ada konsekuensinya masing-masing. Sebagai tambahan, di Bicara Tentang Pernikahan #2, ada bahasan sedikit tentang komitmen dan saling memaafkan dalam pernikahan.
Terlepas dari kekurangannya, tugas seorang suami adalah memastikan ia dan istrinya (dan keluarganya) untuk bisa masuk surga bersama. Berat juga ya jadi laki-laki~ Tugas seorang istri yang "hanya perlu taat" kepada sang suami agar bisa masuk surga mungkin terlihat lebih mudah, tantangannya ada pada diri sendiri untuk "menurunkan ego" apalagi kalau yang ngakunya alpha woman hehe. Namanya juga ibadah seumur hidup, tentu tantangannya akan lebih berat. Selalu berdoa agar Allah beri kekuatan dan penjagaan untuk menyelesaikan tugas suami dan istri ini.
Selalu ingat, dia mungkin available tapi bukan untukmu. Buat yang masih high quality single, insya Allah, jangan tautkan hatimu pada seseorang yang belum pasti. Kita sudah siap, dia belum tentu siap. Dia sudah siap, tapi siapnya bukan buat kita. Kita menantinya, belum tentu dia menuju kita hehe.
Terakhir dan yang paling penting: bagian kita sebagai manusia adalah memberikan ikhtiar terbaik dan biarkan semua berjalan sesuai keridhaan Allah. Ini mah ga cuma tentang nikah, tapi berlaku untuk semua hal. Terdengar mudah, namun praktiknya sangat sulit untuk dilakukan. Sebagai manusia, kadang suka lupa kalau Allah sudah punya rencana untuk kita. Ranah kita sebagai manusia adalah berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk mencari ridha-Nya.
Sebagai penutup, mau berbagi kutipan yang semoga bisa jadi penguat dalam penantian:
You can only get married, when Allah wants you to, and you can only marry, when Allah bless it for you. No matter how hard you try or how many proposals come, it will only happen when Allah wills. — Anonymous
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maigamal · 1 month ago
The Importance of Istikhara Dua for Marriage: Seeking Divine Guidance
Marriage is one of the most significant decisions in a person's life. It affects not only your present but your future as well. Many individuals seek guidance from Allah when they feel uncertain about making such an important choice. One of the best ways to seek clarity is through istikhara dua for marriage. This prayer is designed to help individuals make the right decision, especially when faced with doubts or confusion regarding a marriage proposal.
Istikhara is a special supplication in Islam that allows a person to turn to Allah for help when faced with difficult choices. The meaning of Istikhara in Arabic translates to "seeking goodness," and it is a way to ask Allah to guide you toward what is best for you, whether it's a marriage proposal or any other life decision. The dua is meant to seek divine guidance and wisdom that goes beyond human reasoning.
What is Istikhara Dua for Marriage?
The istikhara dua for marriage is a prayer recited by those who are unsure about whether to proceed with a marriage proposal. When someone is unsure if the person they're considering marrying is the right choice, or if marriage at that time is the best decision, they can perform Istikhara to seek Allah’s help.
To perform Istikhara for marriage, a person must first offer two voluntary Rak'ahs of prayer, after which they recite the Istikhara dua. This dua is simple yet powerful, and it asks Allah to guide the person to what is best, whether that is a successful marriage or a decision to move on from the proposal.
The Dua for Istikhara
The actual words of Istikhara dua for marriage are as follows:
اللهم إني استخيرك بعلمك واستقدرك بقدرتك واسالك من فضلك العظيم، فإنك تقدر ولا اقدر وتعلم ولا اعلم وانت علام الغيوب، اللهم إن كنت تعلم ان هذا الامر خير لي في ديني ومعاشي وعاقبة امري او قال عاجل امري وآجله فاقدره لي ويسره لي ثم بارك لي فيه، وإن كنت تعلم ان هذا الامر شر لي في ديني ومعاشي وعاقبة امري او قال في عاجل امري وآجله فاصرفه عني واصرفني عنه، واقدر لي الخير حيث كان ثم ارضني
In English, this translates to:
"O Allah, I seek Your guidance through Your knowledge, and seek Your power through Your might, and ask You for Your immense grace. You have power and I do not, You know and I do not, and You are the Knower of the unseen. O Allah, if You know that this matter is good for me in my religion, my livelihood, and the outcome of my affairs, or if it is good for me in my immediate and future matters, then decree it for me, make it easy for me, and bless it for me. But if You know that this matter is harmful to me in my religion, my livelihood, and the outcome of my affairs, or if it is harmful to me in my immediate and future matters, then turn it away from me and turn me away from it. Decree for me what is good, wherever it may be, and make me content with it."
How to Perform Istikhara for Marriage
Make Sure Your Intentions Are Pure: Before performing Istikhara, ensure that you have a sincere desire to seek guidance from Allah, and that your heart is open to accepting the outcome of His guidance.
Perform Two Rak'ahs of Voluntary Prayer: After the obligatory prayers, offer two units (Rak'ahs) of prayer. This is recommended as a way to prepare spiritually before making your supplication.
Recite the Istikhara Dua: After completing the two Rak'ahs, recite the Istikhara dua with sincerity. You can repeat this dua multiple times if needed, asking Allah for clarity and the best outcome.
Trust in Allah’s Wisdom: Once you've made the dua, trust in Allah’s plan. It’s important to understand that the answer to your Istikhara may not come immediately or in the way you expect. It could come in the form of events, feelings, or circumstances that will guide you toward the right decision.
When Should You Perform Istikhara for Marriage?
The best time to perform Istikhara is when you're facing a decision and feel uncertain or conflicted. For instance, if you’ve received a marriage proposal, and you're unsure whether to accept or decline, Istikhara can help provide peace of mind.
It's important to perform Istikhara when you've done everything you can in terms of considering the situation logically and emotionally. Don’t rely solely on the outcome of the Istikhara dua, but also use your judgment and the wisdom you’ve gathered from family, friends, and experts. The dua serves as an additional layer of guidance, helping you make the best possible decision.
Signs of Allah's Guidance After Istikhara
While performing Istikhara, you may not always see immediate results. However, Allah’s guidance can manifest in different ways:
Peace of Mind: You may feel a sense of calm and clarity, or a sense of ease in making the decision.
Obstacles or Challenges: If things seem to be consistently difficult or blocked in a way that feels unnatural, this could be a sign that the path is not right for you.
A Change of Heart: Sometimes, after performing Istikhara, you might feel a shift in your heart or an instinctive feeling that helps you decide whether to move forward or step back.
The Power of Patience and Trust in Allah’s Plan
Istikhara is not about forcing a specific outcome. Rather, it's a way to put your trust in Allah's wisdom. Sometimes, the answer may not come right away, or it may not be in the form you expect. But always remember that Allah knows what is best for you, even when you may not understand the reasoning behind His guidance. Patience, faith, and trust are key components of the process.
The istikhara dua for marriage is a beautiful and spiritual way to seek Allah’s help in making one of the most important decisions of your life. Through sincere prayer and trust in Allah’s plan, you can feel more confident and at peace with the decision that lies ahead. Whether the decision leads to marriage or another path, Istikhara helps guide you toward what is best for your future.
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loveduaghar13 · 2 months ago
Dua for Marriage Proposal Acceptance
Warmest wishes to our beloved readers. Dua for marriage proposal acceptance is a deeply meaningful way to seek Allah’s help and blessings when looking for the right life partner. Marriage is one of the most important decisions in a person’s life, as it lays the foundation for a lifelong companionship. For many Muslims, having their marriage proposal accepted is a moment of great happiness and fulfillment. However, the process of finding the right person and gaining acceptance can often feel stressful and uncertain. 
Maulana Rizwan Khan, our great scholar, has helped many people who are facing difficulties in their lives. With his guidance and Allah’s blessings, they now live happy, peaceful lives. If you have any questions or problems, you can contact Loveduaghar for help from our scholar Rizwan Khan.
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islamicloveduas · 3 months ago
Dua For Muslim Marriage
As-salamu alaykum to all my dear readers. Allah may bless you and have peace upon you. Today you are here searching for the dua for muslim marriage which means you are following the path of Allah and the rituals of Islam. On this special occasion of your life, I hope Allah will bless you through this dua we have taken for you.
This dua for marriage not only helps you by tying two should onto the marriage thread but also makes you understand its importance in Islam. How to perform this marriage, what are the rituals and beliefs behind the Muslim marriage, and a lot more to know?
Let’s get into this blog and find out about this dua along with a lot of knowledge of our religion and how we can honor our religion. Read this article with total concentration and read it completely with good results of the dua. Do not skip any point which can be a helpful one and read it with patience and faith in Allah.
Importance of Muslim Marriage
In Islam, a lot of importance is given to marriage and its practices. In this paragraph, you will further understand the importance of Marriage and why is it important.
According to Islam marriage is not only restricted to the platonic relation of husband and life. But also physical involvement is the most important aspect of this marriage according to the Quran.
Marriage is very important also for sexual intercourse with your partner. It is believed that when your partner is clear (after mensuration). The must for a physical connection is pure.
Build a strong relationship between both the families of girl and boy. Marriage not only binds two people but it also binds two families together for a lifetime.
The prayers also get strong. Because after marriage there will be two people praying rather than a single person. The dua will get more effective after the marriage.
Rituals of Muslim Marriage 
The beautiful occasion of Muslim Marriage known as Nikah with the blessing of the loved ones and with the shower of blessings of all dua takes place as all other marriages. Every person who is there whether it’s your guest or a family member blesses you with the dua for Muslim marriage.
This marriage is only successful when you find a Muslim partner who loves you and follows your Islamic religion. Besides this dua, another dua is performed by the Imam after the completion of the marriage proposal and its ceremony. Also said to be after the nikah. 
The Muslim marriage is done in two ways. These two aspects of nikah consist of oral and written. In the oral performance of nikah both the partners must have said Qubool hai (which means I accept) 3 times by each partner. Another is my signing the contract of marriage by both of them. Both practices make a Muslim marriage successful along with Allah’s wish.
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halalnuskhesblog · 3 months ago
Dua To Get Good Marriage Proposal
Are you feeling anxious about your marriage proposal? You're not alone in this journey. Many individuals seek the right partner, and with the Dua for Marriage Proposal, countless Muslims have experienced the blessings of a successful union. This heartfelt dua helps you ask Allah for guidance and support, ensuring that your proposal is met with positivity and acceptance. To know more, you can visit: https://halalnuskhe.com/amazing-dua-for-marriage-proposal/
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islamicspecialistforloveback · 10 months ago
Dua For Love Marriage
As-salaam Alaykum My All dear brothers and sisters, today we talk about Dua For Love Marriage. If you want Dua or Wazifa for a love marriage, then you are in the right place. Do you want to marry the love of your life? But, are you afraid that your parents or your partner’s parents won’t agree to the arrangement? If yes, then know you’re not alone. It happens to a lot of people. But don’t…
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surahdua786 · 2 years ago
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quranidualive · 3 months ago
Dua For Good Spouse From Quran
Spouse means a person with whom a person lives after marriage. Spouse can be male or female. Finding a good life partner is difficult nowadays. If the choice of the spouse is wrong, then the life of the husband and wife can pass in torment. Generally, while choosing a spouse, the temperament of the boy and girl is taken into consideration, but sometimes even after taking into consideration the temperament nature and habits, the individual chooses the wrong person for the spouse. Similarly, some people do not get the right spouse even after a long period. And in this way, the natural age of marriage of some people also passes. Therefore, if a person is not married at the right age, then due to this, the person may be deprived of the blessing of children. Remember that due to the right spouse, peace and blessings are established in one’s life forever, While people choose the wrong person for their spouse, peace and happiness in their life ends forever and such people always suffer from depression and anxiety. So in this post, we are telling you a dua with the blessing of which you will get a good spouse in 7 days. This dua is “Hasbunallah Wanikmal Wakil”and with its blessing the daughter also gets a good Marriage Proposal soon.
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islamicduaformyloverback · 4 months ago
Most Effective Wazifa to Get Quick Marriage Proposal - Qurani Prayer
Introduction:-Wazifa For A Quick Marriage ProposalReceive A Good Marriage Proposals In IslamWho Can Perform This Wazifa?Bismillah Wazifa for Love MarriageDua for Marriage ProposalDua to Receive Good Marriage Proposals In IslamWhy Perform This Dua?Frequently Asked QuestionsQuestion:- Do I need to perform this dua regularly?Question:- Do I need to read namaaz with this dua?Question:- How much time…
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yaraheemu · 5 months ago
Powerful Dua for Marriage: Overcome Marriage Delays with Islamic Guidance
Getting married is one of the most important steps in life for Muslims. Many people face difficulties and delays in finding the right partner or getting their families to agree. But Islam teaches us that through faith and dua (prayer), Allah can make the impossible possible. If you are looking to get married soon and want to overcome the challenges, there are powerful duas that can help ease your worries and lead you toward a blessed marriage.
In this blog, we’ll share some of the best Islamic duas for those who want to get married early and face obstacles. These prayers are simple, yet filled with deep meaning, and will connect your heart with Allah’s guidance.
Why Make Dua for Marriage?
Marriage is a Sunnah (practice) of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Islam encourages believers to seek marriage for companionship, love, and building a strong family. However, sometimes obstacles may arise. Family issues, financial difficulties, or simply not finding the right person can cause delays. During these times, turning to Allah through dua is an essential step.
Allah says in the Quran:
"And your Lord says, 'Call upon Me; I will respond to you.'" (Surah Ghafir, 40:60)
By making dua, we ask for Allah’s help in guiding us toward the right spouse and removing any barriers in our path.
Dua for Early Marriage
Here is a powerful dua you can recite if you wish to get married soon and face delays:
Dua: "Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqir." Translation: "My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You would send down to me, in need." (Surah Al-Qasas, 28:24)
This dua for marriage was made by Prophet Musa (Moses) when he was in need of Allah’s help. You can recite this dua daily, asking Allah to bring ease in your marriage journey. Recite this dua after every prayer and ask Allah to grant you a righteous spouse.
It’s recommended to recite this dua 11 times after each Salah (prayer) or more if you feel the need. Continue this practice regularly and place your trust in Allah.
Wazifa for Marriage
Wazifa is a special form of dua that includes reciting certain verses or names of Allah repeatedly. Below is a wazifa for marriage that has helped many believers:
Start by reciting Durood Shareef (Salutations on the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) 11 times.
Recite Ya Wadud (O Most Loving) 101 times.
End by reciting Durood Shareef 11 times.
After completing this wazifa, make dua and ask Allah for a pious spouse and an easy marriage process. This should be done daily, preferably after Fajr or Isha prayer.
Dua for Marriage with Family Acceptance
One of the common challenges faced in marriage is family disagreements or difficulties getting their approval. To soften the hearts of your family members and bring them together, you can recite the following dua:
Dua: "Rabbishrah li sadri, wa yassir li amri, wahlul 'uqdatan min lisani yafqahu qawli." Translation: "O my Lord, expand for me my chest [with assurance], and ease for me my task, and untie the knot from my tongue so that they may understand my speech." (Surah Ta-Ha, 20:25-28)
Recite this dua 21 times every day and ask Allah to open the hearts of your family members and help them agree to your marriage proposal.
Surah to Recite for Marriage
Surah Yaseen is often referred to as the heart of the Quran. Reciting Surah Yaseen regularly is a highly effective way to overcome marriage-related difficulties. You can recite Surah Yaseen daily after Fajr prayer, and make a sincere dua after finishing it.
You can also recite the following part of Surah Al-Furqan as a prayer to seek a righteous spouse:
Dua: "Rabbana hablana min azwajina wa dhurriyyatina qurrata a'yunin waj'alna lilmuttaqeena imama." Translation: "Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous." (Surah Al-Furqan, 25:74)
Recite this dua after every Salah, and ask Allah for a spouse who will bring comfort and happiness to your life.
Tips for Using Duas for Marriage
Here are some helpful tips when making duas to get married:
Have complete faith: When making dua for marriage, believe that Allah will answer your prayer. Trust in His timing and wisdom.
Consistency is key: Reciting the dua or wazifa regularly shows your dedication. Don’t give up if you don’t see immediate results. Patience is part of the test.
Be sincere: When you ask Allah for help, make sure your heart is pure and your intentions are sincere. Always pray with full concentration and humility.
Ask for forgiveness: Sins can sometimes block our prayers. Make istighfar (asking for forgiveness) regularly to cleanse your heart and bring yourself closer to Allah.
If you are facing problems getting married or experiencing delays, don’t lose hope. Allah is the best planner, and through dua, we can ask for His help in finding the right spouse. Reciting these powerful duas, doing wazifas, and staying patient will surely bring blessings into your life. Keep making dua, have faith, and trust that Allah will bring the best outcome for you.
Remember, nothing is difficult for Allah. Your duas, along with a strong belief in Allah’s mercy, can make your dream of a blessed marriage come true soon. May Allah guide us all toward what is best and grant us pious spouses. Ameen.
always listening and ready to help you heal. Keep your faith strong, and don’t hesitate to reach out to Him in your moments of need. With each prayer, you take a step closer to healing your broken heart.
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recitedua · 7 months ago
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Powerful dua to break someone’s engagement or marriage proposal from the Quran
Learn how to end an unlawful relationship with the dua to break someone’s engagement. This dua is effective for terminating a forced marriage or breaking a marriage proposal. Receive guidance on performing this powerful dua from Islamic scholar Molvi Ashraf Ali Khan. Get expert advice directly from our scholar in the full article here: https://recitedua.com/dua-to-break-engagement/
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quranicwazifa · 8 months ago
Effective Dua for Marriage Proposal From Quran
Marriage is a significant milestone in one’s life, and in Islamic tradition, seeking blessings and guidance through dua (supplication) is a common and revered practice. Whether you’re seeking a proposal, an immediate marriage, or acceptance of a proposal, turning to Allah for assistance is encouraged. This article explores various duas and wazifas (recitations) to help you on this journey. Most…
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