#DSM HungerGames RP
historynhuntin · 4 years
#ANewWorld #HungerGames #DSM #RP Part One
Written by: @haymitchdsm​
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-Sitting on the front porch of a dilapidated house at what was the edge of District 12 he reflected on the past events that brought them to this day. The Capitol no longer existed like it once did. It was a brave new world, one he’d taken on without the help of alcohol. Getting help the once horrific piles of bodies that were the habitants of District 12 before Snow was over taken were properly buried. Although individual names and entire families had been lost the grave site had been dedicated to them. 
Watching as the sun set over the graveyard he smiled, the growth of green grasses and wild flowers was symbolic to what would come over time. They were no longer slaves to a merciless leader and his entourage. “Hope”, real and tangible now gave a different path for them all to take. 
Katniss and Peeta were getting the opportunity to live and raise a family, the outcome of all had made all the trials and death count for something. Now if as a people they could stay on the right path. Putting down his pen and notebook he’s eyes focused on the sunset watching it sink below the horizon and just knowing tomorrow would be a new day it made him smile.- 
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