#DOL Anon
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cyberpunkboytoy · 2 months ago
dol anon back and JUMPING FOR JOY!!!! i'm so curious what love interests you liked and which soft end you got (i have a guess but đŸ€«) and everything. pls. also i'm begging for you to drop your pc design i'm sure they're so cute <3 there is so much to do in dol i don't even know where to start sometimes, like the entire cooking system was just added a couple weeks back and i have barely touched it out of fear lol
I am still definitely early in discovering everything, as splitting time between files is hindering forward progression, but I still have plenty of thoughts đŸ’Ș (especially bc I've also been scouring the wiki)
My trial run PC is a lovely lady named Mela, who I don't currently have a good screenshot of. Imagine a dead anime mom in a happy flashback, that's her. Anyway, she's So Fucking Clumsy, exceptionally talented at tearing her clothes on every school desk, tree, gust of air... she's so fucking expensive. Mela, please.
Mela was me playing safe (largely being devoted to school), and I put my fucking life on the line trying to complete my science fair project only to get hunted by Eden. I made a separate save file just to see through Eden's bad ending, and ended up really enjoying her as a love interest—btw, why is ALL the fan art of Eden a dude??? She's obviously hottest as a huge scary woman. I kinda want to draw her.
I'll likely continue Mela's regular save state (didn't get past week 2 of normal life), but it was moreso training wheels and exploration than roleplaying a character I'm actually attached too.
My other current file is playing as my OC Dulce, who is a perfect fit for this game. There are so many other Dulce-esque characters already written in, the biggest being Whitney (all Whitney fanart is SOOO Dulce to me). I haven't met the ranch hand yet but he's apparently an alcoholic, which also reminds me of Dulce. Dulce is gonna slut it up & drink & do delinquent shit & dance, very excited to see where it goes. Probably is gonna try to pursue Whitney bc they are matchies.
I'm gonna make other PCs too, there's so much to investigate. Sydney, for example, absolutely fascinates me. So fucking cute, but also such an obvious little creepazoid. And SOMETHING is going on with him, but idk what yet. So many fucking red flags. Corruption kinks aren't usually interesting to me but I desperately want to see where that goes, too.
Robin is very cute. Sydney & Robin are currently my two favorite love interests, bc I'm honestly a sucker for vanilla romance. Kylar is a yandere & I don't enjoy yanderes so I'm not excited about him. I have a future playthrough in mind to pursue Avery—he reminds me of Fujieda Slow Damage (which is funny to me, bc this game feels like the perfect enclosure for Towa Slow Damage. Who i might play as). Also I'm really mad the Ivory Wraith isn't a love interest, she FASCINATES ME and I love how she talks and I want her so bad.
Miscellaneous thoughts: all the teachers need to be fired immediately and I hate the forest with my entire being.
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devotion-disorder · 3 months ago
Skulduggery really does help a lot in the game. And for incomplete it should be the same as it was before, that known NPCs can get the PC pregnant. But, what I learned was that the pills that Harper gives you for passing out so much. When I kept taking those, my PC got pregnant and kept saying how the father was Harper's Serum and I even got the feat where you get pregnant while being a virgin still. I hope to see Harper react to this in the future ;_; I was over the moon to learn this! I really wanted to share this, thank you!
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WTF IS HE PUTTING IN THE SERUMS AND PILLS.............................. (thank you for telling me this anon!!!! harpernation has been fed)
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littlebunno · 8 months ago
That IMMENSE Whitney art you did? Where he looks completely unhinged? Absolute perfection, friend. I think about it often. Dunno if you've ever been asked, but what was the process like doing that piece? How long does something like that tke? Did you set out to make him look batshit crazy (and hot as fuck)? What are your thoughts on Whitney?
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I think the answer I would reply to you was already on by my art, and Thank you so much ! <3
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mass-angel-exodus · 3 months ago
For me, male robin x male kylar it's just * sigh * something else ♡
I feel like robin and kylar would get along pretty good if they weren’t competing love interests. They have a couple things in common. I just don’t think Robin could match his freak. I know that gamer sex make the room smell so pungent it would be considered a biohazard though.
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Robin the type of guy to fantasize about having a yandere boyfriend/girlfriend and then start tweaking out when said yandere boyfriend does in fact act like a yandere boyfriend
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hakusins · 12 days ago
don't have blog but love art is okay if draw whittney a4 sorry for english
♡ Send me a DOL Character/PC + Expression! - Deeppink-man Expression Meme (OPEN!)
Hi there!! Thank you for the request and it's alright!! Your english is just fine!!
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hehehe he looks like a strawberry
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fraternum-momentum · 2 years ago
Get you a guy that can do both. [if the mp4 file doesnt show up, click here !]
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degrees-of-seracchii · 27 days ago
this took a millennia to make cause i kept getting distracted and gathering screenshots to back my points up was incredibly time consuming
but it has been done. anon from how many days ago i hope you are happy
A little of Pure Sydney's flaws
There will be two parts to this cause on god this is long. On this part I will be exploring flaws that tend to be a bit more visible with pure Sydney
This is in no way a complete analysis, I definitely have missed many more of Sydney's flaws, and because Tumblr is a bitch and a half, I regrettably cannot jam as many screenshots from the game/its codes as much as I would like. But I hope this post could act as a good point of reference regardless for any fans of Sydney, or people looking to explore more of their character out there!
Continuing under the cut.
What’s the deal with Sydney? What’s wrong with them, what are their flaws and what make the relationship between them and the PC so toxic?
Well ain’t there just so much to unpack.
In short, Sydney at their core is a spineless, directionless, malleable individual that important influences in their life can easily shape, be it their family, the Temple, or the PC.
Sydney, as they are today, was raised with beliefs upheld by the temple. Something they are deeply religious, devoted and grateful for. However, as we all know, some of those values can be extremely morally questionable.
Speaking of deeply devoted let’s start with Pure Sydney, shall we? 
Victim blaming tendencies
One of the ideals Sydney was raised with is their extremely victim-blaming mindset. Which I have shown here
2. Lust and internal conflict
Something else that fascinates me greatly is that regardless of their state, Sydney is always tempted by the PC. PC’s existence and presence alone are pushing Sydney towards the pit of sinful desires no matter if they are Pure or Corrupted. 
The first thing that comes to mind is when accepting their confession results in a decrease of Sydney’s Purity stat: 
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The notion of accepting Sydney’s affections is seen as an encouragement for them to fall towards sin. 
Being in a relationship with PC means they are constantly fighting their own urges and desires. Being taught their entire life that these feelings are wrong, Sydney suffers from tremendous guilt. Even when promised and permitted by the Temple, Sydney still finds physical intimacy with the PC sinful:
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These just go to show how deeply buried Sydney is in the Temple’s teachings, unable to stray from it. Which is a perfect segue into their next flaw
3. Attachment to the Temple and blind faith.
Even from the latest confessional scene added, Sydney clearly cares about PC’s wellbeing and displays great concern for them, almost breaking out of the ideals they were raised with just to defend their beloved. But they are not quite there yet. They still seek out for the Temple when they are faced with these doubts. They think that they are doing something wrong for prioritizing the PC’s best interest over the Temple’s teachings. 
Sydney is INCAPABLE of detaching themselves from the Temple. The Temple is just such a big part of Sydney’s character that no matter what, they will side with the Temple before they think about the PC when forced to make that choice. 
And in a way, Sydney’s blind faith is encouraged by the Player for choosing to keep them Pure. The PC is essentially acting as another shelter, shielding, “protecting” them. The PC never expressed that they wanted a change of mindset from Sydney, so Sydney never had a change in mindset. 
And if you played the new confessional event, you would know that you as the player never had the option to either. This might have been intentional. But I will expand on that later. 
More showings of Sydney’s blind faith can be found in littler events while praying with Sydney in the Temple, where they would turn a blind eye to fellow followers being punished:
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A bit more about their attachment to the Temple I have also mentioned here.
4. Superiority/Saviour complex
Another aspect of Sydney that people talk about, but I don’t think quite enough, is how aggressive they can get, specifically towards those they deem as sinners. This is a trait shared among both states of Sydney.
For example, the beach date:
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And several more.
Though, pure Sydney might be a tad worse at this. As they seem to find themselves more righteous than sinners:
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If they are the one taking confessions, pure Sydney is often more judgemental compared to the more empathetic corrupt Sydney:
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When PC as a member of the Temple is caught masturbating by Sydney, they take matters into their own hands:
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They also display a bit of a saviour complex from their opinions about the PC at low Purity:
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5. Dumb teenager
Just a small thing, but I feel like most people just brush over the fact that pure Sydney practically proposes to PC at high enough lust.
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I think I don’t need to stress just how insane it is to propose to someone you haven’t known for long. Just to what? Have sex? Loser behaviour. 
I can't wait to explore their flaws when corrupted :3
When kept pure, Sydney has so many interesting flaws that make them incredibly humane and a little irritating, but that's the charm of their character! They are deeply troubled and blinded by their own devotion that they are ignorant, a bit arrogant and even self destructive. It's what makes Sydney... Sydney and I wouldn't have them any other way.
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sydneys-sinner · 3 months ago
Hcs on Sysdney? How many alters do you think they have? What would they be like outside of pure and corrupt Sydney?
just from observing in game text, sydney appears to be a three person system at the moment: pure sydney, corrupt sydney, and a secret third sydney that seems even worse* than corrupt syd.
this phenomenon happens with a pure syd:
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but in this next screenshot (courtesy of visualnovellover), corrupt sydney experiences the same thing:
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so, to me, it feels like this possible third alter is the more violent type, which doesn't align with how corrupt syd usually acts. there's a scene you can get in the cafeteria if you sit with a corrupt syd, a student will come by and attempt to break their glasses. If PC bought them their current pair, they will fight the student. Immediately after, they say something along the line of "I don't like it when I get like that."
(Here's a screenshot of the full event via sydney's events wiki page)
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They don't like it when they get violent, even if it's to protect themself or someone else, so the possibility of Sydney enjoying hurting someone, especially someone they love, is extremely low. Ergo, i think that behavior would likely be better suited for a third alter.
sysdney headcanons yippee
-based on personal experience, sydney would definitely believe they were being possessed and try to pray it away. sydney sobbing to jordan about how they think something's wrong with them and/or god is punishing them, with jordan trying to calm them down with that tune they like.
-sydney is not diagnosed but sirris knows there's something off about them, like sometimes theyre completely out of character for themself.
-sydney doesnt remember their trauma, but i believe it has something to do with sydneys other parent depending on how young they were when whatever happened... happened. the asylum definitely traumatized them too, but it's not the initial trauma that caused their consciousness to fracture.
-pure sydney: host, ANP. caretaker potential - corrupt sydney: sexual protector TBH. perhaps another EP-aligned role - third sydney: ???. not a persecutor, their anger is directed more outwards.
-sydney dissociates a lot while they're praying, that's why they pray for so long
sydney is so fucking traumatized oh my god. there's whatever happened with their other parent, idk if a lot of people have played through the asylum content but definitely some sexual trauma along with the medical trauma. maybe sprinkle some religious trauma in there too?
thats all i can think of at the moment but if anyone wants to add anything or send asks i will always always always be down to talk about sys!sydney they are my beloved
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propertyofwhitney67 · 2 months ago
How good are the LIs taking pictures of PC?
As in, PC asks them to take some pics for her social media. Is it actually a good picture or looks more like a shaky dupe of modern art with a weird angle and a bad lightening?
-kylar anon
Whitney half asses it mostly but there are times when he goes all out
Kylar is not good at taking pictures when it comes to your social media. He purposely makes them look bad so you can't post them
Robin is pretty good at it but not the best
P!Sydney is the fucking best at taking pictures, they look like they should be in a museum or some shit
C!Sydney is the same as his pure counterpart
Alex isn't great but not the worst, they're a bit shaky but he gets it right after another try or two
Avery is the 2nd best behind Sydney
Eden is awful at taking pictures. It looks like someone taking a blurry ass picture of big foot, just the worst fucking quality
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devotion-disorder · 1 month ago
I'm so sorry for spamming your notifications from liking all of your Harper stuff, I got into the game a bit recently because of your Harper Art and now all I want is that Walking HIPPA violation to be a Love Interest. đŸ«¶ (It's a bit ironic, being a medical student and all..😭)
no worries ^_^)b i miss drawing haapa too...
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nopecho · 4 months ago
I can imagine Whitney teaching any subject other than maths.
Fair enough lol.
If we consider classes that aren't in game, I think he'd be a pretty good literature teacher. The catch is that he has the same energy as Gordon Ramsay.
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mass-angel-exodus · 4 months ago
Male Robin and fem whitney is a pair I definitely didn't expect to see but I really like it - cow anon
They’re not my favorite LI ship but I’m not a picky shipper. I’ll find a way to like all of them. I’ve actually drawn Robin x Whitney quite a few times before. I think their appeal is the whole nerdy gamer who’s really nice x mean bimbo alpha bitch thing.
She would NOT be good to him lmfao
Minors DNI || Age in bio BYF || DO NOT REPOST
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I made some art of them in like 2023 but it’s yuri because I’m a stupid Baka idiot stupid himejin. Or it was a request I can’t remember
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And the first time I drew them was when i was just shipping them all left and right. This is straight ASS my god
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tentacleplains · 4 months ago
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finished up the shirt cut meme ^^
eden requested by: @edenscompanion harper requested by: @pip-n-chips sydney requested by: @nightstag avery requested by: @wreckowafer black wolf requested by: anon!
requests for the hairstyle meme are still open!
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sweetestflow3rs · 2 months ago
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since it came to my attention, here is more accessible link for like... i think most of my more sexually 'explicit' art ( some are )
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corruptsyd · 4 months ago
Pure or neutral Sydney being a pervert, like pervert who is so ashamed of the fact that shes one, ie fussing over accidentally looking upskirt pc, sniffing pcs forgotten shirt or jacket, please please PLEASE see my vision
pervy pure syd
 oh she’s everything to me. she’s so desperate and overwhelmed all the time and it’s all So Much. when she finally starts to listen to her own desires, they all come out at once, and she’s powerless against her own wants. so yea she’s going to be a little freak.
when pc forgets their jacket at school, syd takes it home under the guise of returning it the next day. she does ofc, but not before she can smother her face with it while she humps her pillow
 on second thought, maybe it’s best that she doesn’t return it. if she had to see you wearing that jacket again she might combust
not being able to stop staring at pc’s tits/thighs/etc. she would never allow herself to look at pictures of hot women in magazines or in ads before because she thought it would be a slippery slope to lust, but now when you’re right here in front of her
 she can’t help it! she just wants to stare at you all day. she’ll try to convince herself it’s somehow platonic and normal and she just Appreciates Your Beauty, but when she literally can’t get the image of your tits out of her mind, she knows she is a bit fucked
i mean the canon scene of her peeking into the changing room!!! agghhhhh she’s so cute. and you know if she catches just the tiniest glimpse
 well she’s going to feel so ashamed for peeking in on you BUT she’s also going to literally treasure that visual memory. it’s gonna be on her mind 24/7. shes about to start smashing her chastity belt with hammers.
especially cute when it’s post-rite of promise syd. now that she can finally masturbate/have sex and not go to hell, she’s insatiable. but shes still got a lot of guilt and shame to unlearn so shes just unbearably horny all the time but still to nervous to really do much about it
 shes not at the point yet where she can pull you into the changing room or sit on your lap or do any kind of public teasing.
so the moment she’s alone, she is shoving her fingers down her underwear lol. but it’s so frustrating because she knows her hands will never feel as good as yours do.
it’s such a cute stage for her to be in, where she’s both Consumed By Lesbian Lust but also still deep in the guilt and shame. you can either indulge her and encourage her to take what she wants, or you could continue to tease her and see just how worked up you could get her
 both very good options hehe
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fraternum-momentum · 2 years ago
Every time you draw femSydney my sorrows dissappear, my hair is more shiny, my neurons regenerate, my lifespan increases, etc etc
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catholic school girl shennanigans
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