ramp-it-up · 2 years
If The Fates Allow
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Paring: Andy Barber (Drew) x Reader (Muffin)
Word Count: 3.4 K
Summary: Andy did you dirty and you are done. Can he convince you to give him your heart again?
Warnings: 18+ As always, MINORS DNI, SMUT, RPF. Not Beta’d. All mistakes my own. Tons of Angst, hurt, pining, and bitterness. Secret relationship, employee relationship, drinking, jealously, dancing, mistletoe, arguing, apology, that love thang.  Allusions to blow job, car sex, desk sex. Oral (f receiving.), fingering, squirting, allusions to p in v, breeding kink. Daddy Drew kink.
A/N: This is for #DJ’sAllIWant4KChristmas and based on  this very detailed ask. This is a companion piece to The Trouble With Love Is.
I no longer operate a taglist. Follow @rampitupandread to be notified when I post.
I Do NOT consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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When you showed up at the staff Holiday party looking like a million bucks in a shimmering gold dress, and killer heels, Andy was appropriately speechless.
You’d curved him, looking right through him as he stopped at your table to wish you Happy Holidays. You didn’t even spare him a smile.
Andy was shook. 
He went to the bar to knock a couple back and get up the courage to try again.
You were bitter.
You were in full on savage mode. 
And Andrew Barber was the cause.
You sat with Stephanie, who was in her second year of law school and glad for the break. She was lit, on her fourth drink and you weren’t far behind. You were both shit talking about Andy, who was watching you two out of the corner of his eye from his perch at the bar.
“Look at him. He ain’t shit.”
Steph side eyed you.
“You’re acting like you’re his wife? She’s the one who should be bitching about him.”
“You are soooo muthafuckin right, Steph. I. Am. Not. His wife.”
“Yessssss. Girl what is up?” 
Stephanie was worried now.
“He ain’t got a wife,” You mumbled into your drink.
Steph didn’t hear you.
You thought back to the fall when his divorce was final.
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Andy had spent the night with you. The entire night! You’d awakened in his arms and felt lighter than air. You made him breakfast and started scrolling your phone for restaurants for that evening.
Andy watched you on your phone and nodded at you as you were scrolling.
“What are you up to, Muffin?”
You grinned at your boyfriend.
“Drew… can you pull some strings and get us in o ya tonight? Pleaseeeee?”
You made your best pouty face for him, which he normally couldn’t resist. He swallowed his food and took a drink, eyeing you warily.
“You know we can’t go out in public, Baby.”
Your face, and your stomach, dropped. But you got up and sat on Andy’s lap.
“What? Why? You’re divorced now. We’re free, Drew…”
Fear bloomed in his chest as Andy accepted your kiss and held your chin between two fingers.
“Yeah. The divorce is final, but we need to lay low, just for a little while longer, honey.”
You pouted and Andy’s heart twisted. It was too much to hope that he could have everything he wanted so suddenly. No, he had to be careful, temper this newfound hope that was within his reach.
“But, Drew…”
Andy lifted your chin and started kissing down toward your cleavage while reaching under the shirt of his that you were wearing. 
“I am divorced, but not everyone needs to know that right now. And we still work at the same firm. It could mean your job. Or mine. Or both.”
“Just a little while longer…” 
You whined. 
“Shhhh, Muffin.” 
Andy started to knead your breast as he kissed your neck. His voice was deep and his dick was hard as you sat on his lap.
“Now, what do you want for takeout tonight?”
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You laughed into your glass.
“Just a little while longer.”
Stephanie gave you the gas face as she got up. 
“You need some water. You’re becoming a surly drunk.”
You just rolled your eyes and watched as Stephanie stepped next to Andy at the bar. He looked over to your table and you stuck your tongue out at him.
You were thinking of how the ‘little while’ turned from days, to weeks, to months, and how now here you were, four months later, and no one even knew that Andy was divorced, or that you had given a year of your life to that man. 
At the bar, Andy caught your display of ire and cleared his throat. It was the first communication you’d had in over a month. You had blocked him on everything, including changing the locks at your apartment just before Thanksgiving, the last time you asked him to go public with the relationship. 
And the last time he said no.
Andy missed you like crazy. And he was worried. But he was sure that you’d be back. He was planning on asking you to meet him after the party when Stephanie stepped up to the bar.
“Merry Christmas Stephanie. You and Y/N having a good time tonight?”
Steph looked back over her shoulder at you and shook her head.
“I’m trying Mr. Barber, but Y/N is being a little difficult.”
The bartender delivered two waters to Stephanie.  
“I’ll get her right, though. Merry Christmas, Mr. Barber.”
Andy watched as you started drinking the water. Neal sat down beside him. 
This fucking guy.
“That’s a prime piece right there. I’d like to get up in there.”
Andy glanced where Neal was looking. Your table.
“Stephanie’s pretty cute.”
Andy knocked back his drink and prepared to get up and relieve himself of Neal’s company.
“No. I mean, Y/N.”
Neal looked at Andy, who couldn’t tell if Loguidice was rattling his cage on purpose. Neal leaned in.
“C’mon, tell me you’ve never imagined bending that ass over your desk.”
Andy didn’t have to imagine that. That was how you two got together, one late night at the office. 
But he didn’t want to hear it coming out of Loguidice’s mouth.
“Do me a favor and shut the fuck up. Spare me your twisted fantasies, Neal.”
Andy retreated across the room as people started to dance. He stood on the wall and watched as Neal got some liquid courage and went over to get rejected by you.
Except he didn’t get rejected. You took his hand as he led you to the bar to get a drink and then to an isolated corner. 
Andy’s head was about to explode. 
You may have been just a little tipsy, but you knew what you were doing.  
You were in a corner with Neal Loguidice, flirting up a storm, laughing at all of his jokes, and loudly.
You knew that Andy was standing there like everything was alright. And why wouldn't he? You were no one to him, right? And no one even knew he was divorced, did they?
After all, the last year meant nothing to him, even though you played wifey and he played you cheap, keeping you his little secret.
That’s what you screamed at him the last time he saw you. Andy had tried to make you see how much you mean to him, but fear outweighed his feeling. 
Andy was wary of going public with you.
You were weary of being the side chick to his ego.
But when he looked up, he saw you, in a dark corner of the restaurant, being chatted up by Neal Loguidice. 
Andy saw red and he swore that steam was rolling out of his ears. He started to advance on you two, but you took Neal’s hand and led him to the dance floor, allowing him to pull you close as the slow song blared from the DJ’s speakers.
His heart dropped and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. The sight of you in someone else’s arms, in Loguidice’s arms, made him feel like an idiot. 
An idiot who let you get away.
Suddenly, it didn’t matter what everyone thought. All that mattered was you.
He got an idea and went to speak to the DJ, a hundred dollar bill in his hand. The music abruptly changed to the cha cha slide and you and Neal stood there awkwardly at the suddness of the transition.
He moved through the dance floor amid the crowd of people moving in unison. You glanced over and grimaced. Trying to keep a straight face as Andy managed to keep up with the footwork.
You’d never danced with or near him before, other than swaying in your living room, because he never took you dancing.
That made you angry again and you looked over at Neal and gave him a sexy smile, just because you knew it would piss Andy off.
You didn’t notice until it was too late, that with each turn of the dance Andy was manuevering you right where he wanted you.
When the song ended, he was able to cut you off from Neal and the rest of the dancers.
You were between Andy and the edge of the bar, and he was reaching up for something above you on the little portico in the area. 
You smirked at him when you saw what he was holding.
“Well, look at that, Y/N.”
Andy held it out to you, smirking.
“Is that mistletoe?”
There were people around, so you knew he was full of shit. You put your hands on your hips to challenge him.
“Are you– are you pulling down mistletoe, Mr. Barber?”
Andy looked at the plant in his hand as if he’d never seen it before.
“I guess I am. I must want to kiss you very badly.”
You were stunned. You looked around and you caught Stephanie raising her eyebrow at you and at Loguidice glaring at you both.
“I’m tired of you jerking me around. Do it. I dare you.” 
Andy tossed the mistletoe on the bar.
“If you say so.”
Then he moved forward, pressing you up against the wooden column and caressing the side of your face. You shuddered at this first touch in over a month. His thumb moved over to trace your bottom lip and you opened slightly, full of anticipation.
“I’ve missed the hell outta you, Muffin.”
And then he did it. Andrew Barber kissed you in front of about 185 people at the staff Klein Law Firm Christmas party. 
You moaned in the back of your throat and moved your hand up in his hair as he went to town tasting you and re-exploring your mouth with his tongue. His hand moved down the side of your body and ghosted over your ass, but returned to your waist.
When it was done, you rested your forehead against his.
“Holy shit! Andrew is Drew!”
Stephanie was shocked.
Loguidice glared at you two and stalked out of the restaurant.
“Will you come talk?”
You looked at Andy’s extended hand in front of all these people and you had to accept. He was being fully honest for the first time in a while.
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You sat outside Andy’s new condo and argued. 
With Andy. 
And with yourself.
Every time he tried to apologize, you rejected it. 
You pulled out your phone to call an Uber, fully sober and not willing to settle for less than you were worth.
“I don’t know what I was thinking, coming home with you. You still ain’t shit, Drew!”
Andy dropped his head, and then looked back up at you.
“I know. I don’t deserve a moment of your time.” 
Andy bit his lip, intoxicated by being this close to you again.
“But please, just come up and we’ll talk. That’s all.”
You two stared each other down, neither one of you believing what Andy had just said.
“I’m not sucking your dick, Drew.”
Andy put his hands up in defense and laughed.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
Then he looked up in the air.
“Well… that’s not true. Have woken up more than once with ruined sheets like a schoolboy because of you.”
You cleared your throat. 
“Do we need to talk in the car?”
You gave him full attitude. Andrew Barber was not going to get in that easily.
“Sure. This car holds lots of… memories.”
Andy’s eyes roved you and the interior of his Audi.
You flashed back to when Drew turned you out in the driver’s seat. Shit. You couldn’t escape the ways and places you two had sex.
You rolled your eyes. 
“Fine, let’s go up.”
You moved to open the door and Andy said, “Ah ah ah…”
You sat back and waited with anticipation as Andy came around and opened the door for you. The electricity when he took your hand was just annoying at this point. And the way that he held it, in the elevator, gently rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb was not a turn on.
Not at all.
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When Andy opened the door to his place, you walked in and surveyed the layout. It was very nice, if bachelor pad bare.
“Nice place.”
“It’s made much nicer with you in the space.”
You were still resistant to him, trying to keep your heart hard.
“So… I mean… what? I feel like this is an alternate universe or something.”
Andy’s world was upside down. He ran his hand through his hair and stared at you.
“What do you want to talk about Andrew? I told you I’m done.”
Andy was pressed.
“D’you want something to eat?” 
Andy looked at you and licked his lips. You were beginning to hunger, but not for food. Then you remembered why you were here. You straightened your spine.
“I was about to eat at the party, but then you made a scene. What’s up with that, Drew?”
Andy smiled at your nickname for him. Maybe there was hope. He gestured for you to sit down.
You took off your coat and handed it to him after he took off his jacket. You sat on the opposite end of the couch from him.
“I’ve made some decisions about my life. I’m tired of running from my feelings.”
Andy looked you straight in the eye. You felt he was telling the truth.
“I’ve treated you badly, like you were just a side piece and not worth me shouting my love for you from the rooftops. That’s what tonight was about. I’m done being a fool.”
You crossed your arms, silently considering what he was saying.
“I just don’t know if you’re done with me.”
“I said I was, didn’t I?” You snapped back.
Andy scooted closer to you.
“Yeah, that’s the thing. You clearly kissed me back at the party. And you agreed to come here with me, then you came up. Your actions seem to indicate otherwise.”
“Don’t cross examine me, Mr. Barber.”
Andy chuckled, his gaze moving around your face and settling on your lips.
“Can I just ask one question?”
You knew it was dangerous, but you assented anyway.
“Do I still have your heart?”
Damn. That was such a sweet fucking question.
You just gulped and stared at Andy, growing warmer with each second. It was all so intense. The energy was thick.
Andy moved closer.
“Where is your heart, Muffin?”
Your eyes half lidded at the nick name.
“I hate you, Drew.”
Andy moved even closer, and was reaching for you.
“I know. And I deserve it. But that wasn’t the question.”
You closed your eyes. 
“Let me tell you where my heart is.”
You took a deep breath, opened your eyes and looked at Andy.
“At first it was infatuation. From the moment you stepped foot in the office. I mean, the way you look, that body.”
Andy looked at you and then shook his head. 
“Then, when we started hooking up, I convinced myself it was just sex. I hid my feelings from myself, until you took up residence in my heart. Right here.”
Andy took your hand and placed it on his chest. You could feel his heartbeat. 
“And through everything, you’ve been there for me when it mattered. I love you Y/N. I know I’ve said it before. But I want you to know it all over again.”
You were caught up in the story Andy’s deep tenor was telling. But it wasn’t a story. You knew it was the truth.
“So. If you’ve taken your heart back from me, I want to ask for it back. Are you willing to trust me with it again? I promise I will try to heal what I’ve done, and celebrate you as the queen you are. My queen.”
“Oh, Drew.” 
You drew in a shuddering breath.
“Fuck it. You still have my heart. But I still hate you a lil’ bit.”
Andy chuckled, heart light at your admission.
“Understandable. I want to do so many things with you. Take you out, maybe have your help with decorating this place…”
You looked around. 
“You definitely need it.”
Andy slid on the floor and was on his knees before you. 
“And one day. Maybe you can sleep over… indefinitely…”
You were giddy at the prospect of what you wanted for so long. But you were still reticent. You bit your lip.
“Now why would I be sleeping over, Mr. Barber?”
Andy’s eyes were dark blue now, and he was reaching for you after your flirty response.
“I would hope that you would be so tired after all the orgasms I’m gonna give you that you just pass out naked on my bed.”
Andy’s hands went from your ankles to your calves to your thighs, pushing the gold fabric higher.
“Hmmmm. Big talk, Andrew.”
Andy leaned over and kissed you, gently teasing your lips open and sweetly tasting your tongue. You soft moan made him hard as a rock.
“Do you trust that I won’t hurt you again?”
You caught your breath after the kiss, getting lost in his eyes.
“No. You’ve just got to prove it.”
“Right now I’m going to prove what I said about the orgasms. I’ve been dreaming about sucking the shit out of your clit and eating you out until you squirt.”
“Fuck, Drew….” 
Your whine told him all he needed to know. His hands moved up to the apex of your thighs and you squirmed slightly away from him.
“Where are you going? I told you, don’t run from me again. C’mere.”
He beckoned to you with his finger.
“Bring that ass here.”
You bit your own finger and smiled. Daddy Drew was back. You scooted down so that your ass was in his hands. He felt you up with his fingers.
“Oh shit, Muffin,” He felt the thong in your ass.
Then he looked down as you lifted your skirt the rest of the way so he could see your gold covered cunt. 
“For me?” 
You giggled and nodded.
“You shouldn’t have.”
Andy reached down and pulled your thong to the side, staring at you for the longest.
“A sight for sore eyes.”
Andy was actually whispering to your pussy as he started rubbing it with one thumb on top of you and the other coming in from the bottom to play in your wet, soppy hole. You started moving your pelvis.
“Ah. You’re desperate are you? You given what is mine away to anyone eles while we were apart?”
“No, Daddy. Have you?”
Andy didn’t hesitate.
“You own me baby girl,” said Andy as he lowered his mouth to lick up your slit.
“You always will.”
Andy rotated his palm and held you open with the other hand as you watched him eat you out. He fulfilled his dream of sucking your clit until you saw stars, and crooked his fingers just right to get you to squirt, as only he could.
Andy basked in it, then took off his wet shirt and the rest of his clothes before he divested you of your dress. You were limp, trying to recover from his ministrations as he picked you up, threw you over his shoulder and took you upstairs.
“Next stop on the tour is my bedroom, and my bed that I bought with you in mind. And the mostly empty walk in closet, because I know your clothes will take up more space than mine.”
You giggled as you were deposited on a king sized bed with the softest duvet ever. Your eyes widened and so did your legs as Andy pumped his massive dick. How you’d missed it.
“And no condoms allowed in this house. You’re gonna take this cum until it’s dripping out of your pores, by god.”
You opened your legs even wider as he descended toward you, three fingers already inside you to stretch you out.
“Yes, Daddy Drew…”
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Reblog for the sake of love!
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elocinnicole · 2 years
Pairing: Daveed Diggs x Black!Reader [Lauren Taylor] (College AU) Rating: 18+ MINORS DNI smut (phone sex, mutual masturbation, fingering, oral f receiving, unprotected sex, overstimulation) Summary: Daveed offers his girlfriend some relief as she prepares for finals. AN: Hey! How y’all doing, ya girl is back! I had so much fun writing this I hope everyone enjoys! This is for DJ’sAllIWant4KChristmas22. So why not return with a Daveed Diggs smut? I hope everyone had a great Holiday and Happy New Year to Everyone!!!
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
Word Count: 2.4K Prompt used: 13 "You didn’t think I’d let you spend Christmas alone, did you?”
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December 2003
Lauren sat in her dorm, Erykah Badu playing on her iHome speaker, studying at her desk. She has Fall Semester finals approaching, and she feels like she’s at her breaking point. She’s in her senior year as an Architectural Studies Major and counting down the days until graduation. Her concentration was broken by her phone ringing. She quickly ignored the call as she diligently continued her sketch for the first part of her final project. Lauren was determined to finish her sketch despite the busy day she had. Not only did she do her work study, but she also had gymnastics practice today, to say she was tired would be an understatement. Her phone rang again, and she instantly hit decline. Whoever was calling her would have to wait.
When she was about to put the finishing touches on her sketch, her phone rang again. Frustrated she slammed her pencil down and answered the phone.
“Hello?” She greeted her voice laced with venom.
“Damn, you ain't check your caller ID?” Lauren tried to hold back the smile that was trying to form but she couldn’t help herself.
“You know you wanna smile, Lo.” Lauren’s boyfriend Daveed said through the phone.
“Hey, babe. I’m sorry I’m just trying to get this to work.” She responded not taking her eyes off the blueprint she was working on. She placed her phone on speaker and returned to working on the blueprint.
“You working on that blueprint still?”
“Yeah, I want it to be perfect.”
“Don’t stress yourself out, you already sent me a picture. It looks amazing.” Daveed insisted, his voice heavy and low
“What you doin’ you sound tired?”
“I’m good, are you alone?” Lauren raised her eyebrow at the question.
“Um, yeah, Jamila and Kaitlyn are at the library and Alyssa left Monday. Fucking English major.” She lamented
“So that means you by yourself?”
“Yeah, you already asked me that. What’s going on?”
“I want you to stop working on your blueprint.”
“What? Babe, no I told you before I need to get this done I have gymnastics practice tomorrow.”
The tone of his voice made her stop, she rubbed her thighs together in anticipation and arousal.
“Yeah,” she breathed
“Get on the bed for me.” Lauren quickly grabbed her phone and climbed onto her bed. “You in bed?” Lauren nodded forgetting for a split second that he couldn’t see her, she heard him chuckle and mentally slapped her forehead
“Can you use your words, babe?”
“Where’s your vibrator?” Lauren rolled her eyes at her boyfriend’s question
“It’s not a vibrator, it’s a massager.” She stressed
“Then why you keep it under your pillow?”
“For when my leg cramps up at night.”
“Oh aight” Daveed replied unconvinced “What you wearin’ right now?”
“My blue shorts, the ones you like, and your Track shirt. Do you want me to take it off?”
“No, leave it on. I’ve been missing you, Lo.” Daveed breathed into the phone
“I miss you too D,” Lauren moaned into the phone, while she caressed her breasts
“Whatchu doin Lo?” Daveed asked her but they fell on deaf ears as she started to pinch and pull on her nipples “I didn’t say you could touch yourself, Lo.” Lauren sighed before reluctantly removing her hands from her breast.
“I got you, Lo, take off your shirt for me. Play with your nipples Lo.” Daveed chuckled at the shuffling he heard over the phone. Lauren groaned as she did what she was told, she heard Daveed curse into the hone. “Fuck, babe I wish I could see you right now. Tell me how you feel?”
“It feels good…but fuck, I wish it was you.”
“I know Lauren me too,”
“Shit, Daveed.”
“Go head and see who wet you are,” Daveed said huskily
Lauren didn’t hesitate and immediately began to rub her clit, her hips began to move on their own, whimpering at how good it made her feel. She pressed two fingers inside moaning and gasping aloud.
“Daveed, I want you so bad right now.” She could hear his breath becoming heavier it was clear he was touching himself as well. Just then the door to the dorm swung open. In record time, Lauren pulled her blanket over her body to shield her bare chest.
“Lauren! Guess what the fuck happened—” one of Lauren’s other roommates Jamila called out
“You good?” She questioned eyeing Lauren,
“Uh, yeah I’m just talking to Daveed.”
“Oh, hey Daveed!” She greeted, seemingly clueless as to what was happening before she walked into the room.
“Hey Jamila,” Lauren took Daveed off speaker and held the phone to her ear.
“I’ll talk to you later,”
“Okay, when do you come home?”
“I’m staying through break, I’m taking a winter class and I have practice so I’ll be spending Christmas here.” Lauren deadpanned
“Damn, Lo. I thought we could spend some time together.”
“Me too, but we have Olympic trials coming up and I’m on the shortlist.”
“I understand, stop working on your project and get some rest.”
“Since when do you tell me what to do?” Lauren teased
“Do I need to remind you who’s in charge?”
“Maybe, I think I forgot,” She flirted back causing Jamaica to gag dramatically, Lauren rolled her eyes at her roommate
“Bye Daveed, love you.”
“Love you too.”
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“Alright, guys I have to go soon. I’ll be home after New Year,” Lauren said to her parents over the phone
“Okay, sweetie. Merry Christmas!” Overlapping Holiday greetings rang over the phone from various family members.
“Merry Christmas Mom and Dad, I love you!” Lauren ended the phone call, tears threatening to fall. This is her favorite time of the year and not spending it with her family or Daveed, was hitting her hard this year. She disliked the one person who could make her feel better, hoping to get rid of his feeling.
Lauren frowned when she was sent to voicemail after one ring. She dialed his number again and the same thing, straight to voicemail. He’s never ignored her call unless he’s texted her that he was doing work or at practice. Wanting to shrug off the feeling she went back to working on her final project for class. Maybe she’ll call him later.
She was about to call him back again when there was a knock at her door. Lauren glanced at the cooktop that was still plugged in from breakfast, she cursed under her breath. Someone must’ve snitched to the RA.
“Hold on!” she called out, she haphazardly put stored the cooktop elsewhere before walking over to her door she swung it open only to be surprised by the person standing on the other side of the door.
“You didn’t think I’d let you spend Christmas alone, did you?” Lauren jumped into Daveed’s arms, wrapping her arms and legs around him. Lauren finally unwrapped here self from her boyfriend so that he could come into her room.
“What about your family?” Daveed shrugged his shoulders
“I wanted to be with you more,” Daveed grabbed her chin and tilted her head until their lips met in a kiss.
“I have some things for you,” He said against her lips before kissing her once more.
“Oh really?”
“But first,” Daveed smirked before picking up his girlfriend and effortlessly carrying her to her bed. He leaned down to kiss her when Lauren put up her hand to stop him
“I’m still working on my project, give me like five minutes,” Daveed sighed dramatically
“You can get yourself settled then I promise you’ll have my attention.” Lauren kissed his nose before hopping off her bed and going to her work.
Daveed told Lauren he had to step out for a bit to get something he left behind and to pick them up something to eat. She didn’t realize how long he was gone until she saw the time on her phone. Just as she was about to text him, her door opened and Daveed walked in with some Target bags and takeout food.
“Sorry I took so long, I was looking for something.”
“What were you trying to find, Lauren Sid not taking her eyes off the laptop in front of her.”
“This,” Lauren turned around and chuckled when she saw Daveed holding a mistletoe
“You’re so adorable,” Daveed frowned slightly
“Adorable?” Lauren playfully rolled her eyes a she walked up to Daveed
“How does sexy sound?”
“Much better, I think you owe me a kiss.” Daveed cradled the back of Lauren's head and brought their lips together in a kiss. Tier lips still attached, Daveed forgot the mistletoe toe and picked up Lauren, not that it was hard picking her up. He walked them to her bed until they fell back. Lauren was the first to pull back.
Lauren looked up at Daveed, she shuddered at the feel of his hands gliding up the back of her legs until his hands were just below her ass. He pulled her so that she was properly straddling him
“No one’s here right”? He asked
“Yeah,” Lauren breathed suddenly feeling hot
“Good, because I want to hear you.” Lauren put both of her hands on his face and pulled him towards her. She whimpered not the kiss before seeping it. Daveed moaned into the kiss, gently biting her lip before sweeping it with his tongue. His hands moved from caressing her back to expertly undoing her bra and tossing it aside. Daveed moved from her mouth and continued down until he reached her neck and found the spot that made her pull his hair.
“Daveed” Lauren whined. In a flash, Daveed flipped them over so that he was on top. He pulled off his shirt before taking off Lauren’s. His large hand roughly palmed her breast while he sucked and nibbled the other purposely avoiding her nipple making Lauren groan
“What do you want Lo?” He asked smugly before going back to mouthing at her chest.
“Daveed please?” She wrapped her leg around him, wanting to feel him even closer
“This what you want?” Daveed put his whole mouth on her breast, sucking and biting on her nipple
“Fuck, Daveed! Ahh!” She wailed
“You sound so pretty baby,” Daveed whispered before giving her other breast the same treatment. Just as Lauren was about to find out if one could actually cum just from nipple play, Daveed stopped and pulled away.
“Fuck, you look so beautiful,” Daveed said huskily before he started kissing down her body until they reached her shorts, she lifted up so that Daveed could take them off and raised an eyebrow
“No panties, were expecting someone?” He teased
“I don’t know, maybe I was.” She teased back, Daveed smiled darkly before parting her lips and diving in using his tongue to lick up and down.
“Mmm Daveed,” Lauren eyes rolled to the back of her head when his tongue flicked over that small bundle of nerves, not that it took him long to find it. He pushed her legs so that her knees were pressing into her chest, keeping her open for him. His lips still attached to her clit, he pressed two fingers deep into her
Lauren chanting his name was much to his ears, her pussy clenched down on his fingers. He looked up at Lauren and he could’ve um right there, the way her face contorted in pleasure, the way her hands were gripping onto his hair. He finally pulled away from her clit to reach up and sloppily kiss her. Lauren moaned, tasting herself on Daveed’s lips
“You close Lo?”
“Yes, D, baby I’m so close. I wanna come,” Just as she was about one, Daveed stopped his ministrations.
“I want you to come around my dick,” Daveed sat up so that he could take off his pants and boxers. He reached over to his bag and quickly searched it before letting out a sigh
“Damn it,”
“I can’t find the condom,”
“I’m on the pill," Lauren said quickly
“Since when?”
“Last month. Merry Christmas,” Daveed grabbed Lauren’s neck and pulled in for another kiss, Lauren pulled him back down to her, she reached down grabbing Daveed’s flick to rub hit against her, Daveed started to slowly ease in, and he pushed until he was all the way in, he waited for Lauren to nod before he pulled out and pushed back in. Lauren cried into his neck, wrapping her arms around him tightly, every thrust making her whimper for more.
“D, harder,” Daveed happily obliged, putting more force behind each thrust. He reached down and hooked his arms under her knees, and with renewed vigor, he slammed into Lauren “Ahh, fuck!”
“Babe, you taking me so well, fuck I missed you.” He grunted
“Daveed, I’m coming, I’m coming!” Lauren hit her climax, shuddering as Daveed continued to fuck her, starting to feel sensitive, she tried to back away but Daveed held her closer
“Un uh, this my pussy, take this dick,” Daveed said chasing his orgasm and wanting to push Lauren over the edge.
“I can’t Daveed,”
“Give me one more, Lo,” Daveed’s rhythm faltered before he stilled as his own climax overtook him, Lauren climaxing shortly after. They laud there shaking and trembling in the arms of each other. Daveed slowly pulled out and lay next to Lauren pulling her close to him. They sat there in silence for a while, just holding each other. The food is long forgotten sitting on Lauren’s desk. “Thank you for spending Christmas with me, it was really sweet of you to drive here.”
“I know how much you love the holidays and I didn’t want you to spend it alone. I love you, Lo, like it or not you’re stuck with me,” he joked
“I guess you’re alright.” Lauren teased
“Alright, I wasn’t alright this minutes ago, ‘Daveed, don’t stop! Daveed,” Daveed mocked with his best imitation
“Keep it up, that’ll be the last time you hear it.”
“You know I’m just playing,”
“Mhmm, you got jokes huh.”
“How can I make it up to you?”
“Hmmm, we can watch my favorite movie while we eat.”
“Lethal Weapon?”
“It’s a Christmas Movie,”
“There’s like two scenes that reference Christmas time, it’s not the premise of the movie.”
“Fine, I can straighten up in here while you heat up the food?”
“Deal.” Their lips met in a haste kiss. As much as Lauren missed her family this year for the Holidays, there’s no one else she’d rather be with at this moment than Daveed.
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Tagging: @nikole-witha-k @iknowthekoolaidflavor @ramp-it-up @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @blackpinup22 @chrisevanswife0405 @mellie-teh-goblin-queen @azxulaa @luckyfriesss @endless-romantic-stories @daveeds-wife @emilia-i @gothic-slasherfan-weeb @pinkbonnetandglasses @chattykathysquietsister @aliyahsomerhalder @cyrstalannetm @tuhnayshuh
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ramp-it-up · 2 years
Can you do a mix of prompts 1 & 2 where we revisit the Andy x Reader couple from your last Christmas Challenge (during the party where she gave him a tie). This time around, Andy is officially (and finally) divorced but no one in the office really knows yet since it’s still kind of fresh like happened back in September or something. During the time of his divorce, he and reader started to drift apart because even tho he was full on separated from Laurie he wouldn’t take reader out, take her on dates, or try and do boyfriendy things for despite her doing girlfriendy things for him. She was his little secret. Reader comes to the party and flirts with none other than Neal Loguidice (a new addition to the firm that year but just as experienced as Andy in this one) and when Andy sees this he knows he has to get reader back and fast. So he kind of dances around reader trying to get her attention, reader knows he is and does the same and finally for some “weird” reason they both get caught up under mistletoe. He tries to play it off casually and asks prompt #1, and while reader is thinking that he’s just saying it since they’re under it and doesn’t think he’s gonna take any action she asks prompt #2 with a little bit of attitude. He then kisses her with hella tongue and even has her against the frame of where they are. He smirks at Neal since everyone is basically looking at the DA (he got that position at this point, Neal is the ADA and reader falls right between the two men in working for them sometimes) and his girl. He grabs her hand and leaves. They finally talk like adults but then go back to Andy’s brand new condo and they get nasty. I mean NASTY. He even breeds reader successfully at the end of it all and wants her to be with him. Live with him and he hopes to pop the question one day too.
Okay Lil Scorpio ♏️
You’ve already written half the story, I will post the other half when it’s still the 3rd somewhere, right?
Lol! Thanks for the ask
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ramp-it-up · 2 years
As long as you’re ok with it. I was just wondering where it had went because I saw it was coming up next. I love your writing and take in whatever you put out. I know what you mean when you wanted the whole thing to be done by this week though. 😊
I'll play it by ear. ☺️
Meanwhile, I've updated the list.
Thank You, Nonnie.
#DJ'sAllIwant4KChristmas Master List.
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