biffhofosho · 1 year
RE: Neo Seoul Update
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Hey, babe, rather than just answer in the comments, I figured I'd share it here since I have a few people who probably have the same question.
The short answer, @sandiegokpop, is haha, um, no, nothing definite... 🙃 LOL SORRY I AM FAIL.
The longer answer is "kind of"??? By the end of the year for SURE.
So, here's the deal. I made some mistakes when I first published Neo Seoul that I typically don't allow myself to make, but my muse, at the time, got cocky. She thought that because it was all planned in my brain already that it would be easy to get from A to B since it was only four oneshots. She was wrong. >.<
Typically what I do is write the entirety of a novel/multichap before I publish, which is why I can afford to do the weekly updates (PTT took 8 months to write before I even published the first chapter, and STS took over a year). I did not do that with Neo Seoul, hence all your suffering, I'm so sorry. 🤦‍♀️
Also, I am usually writing a half dozen things simultaneously so the muse stays entertained and does not leave me. I did a word count tally a few weeks ago, and I'm at well over 650k of MX smut... WTF IS WRONG WITH ME LOL. 🥴
So as I finish up the final installment for NS, I promise to keep entertaining you. I have a mammoth HW oneshot due out in the next couple of days, several October oneshots that I'm pushing for my spoopy series again this year, a Ki xmas exes-to-lovers fic, and a Kyun multichap and a HW multichap that we won't see until next year no doubt (plus, several other pretty far-along pieces that haven't even been discussed and could drop at any point the muse sees fit).
Like a real ding dong, I took that writing hiatus for a couple of months, and it super duper set me back in my scheduling. >.< It's never the plots that take me so long to write so much as it is the smut itself. I try my absolute best to make each experience feel fresh and unique to the characters, but that takes soooooooooooo much time omfg. I never want to bore y'all! I like to be different as much as I just like to explore because I want to have a little something for everyone.
Your interactions help me trust that I'm achieving my goals, so thank you for always checking in. Just know that I
leave you hanging with Neo Seoul. There shall be no abandoned works on this blog.
There's no way I can cope with the enlistments without copious amounts of storytelling. I write almost every day since it helps me feel connected to them (and also, I'm a dope and a sap and a true delulu).
So I'm sorry I can't get it to you the way I usually do , but I will continue to work my absolute hardest to bring you something engaging and innovative and satisfying (and, hopefully, hot af, let's be real).
(Told you this was the long answer haha)
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flocholate-chip · 4 years
imagine comforting floch after he has a nightmare n petting his hair while he clings onto you im going to be ill i love him sm
Omfg literally imagine though. It’s late and the window is slightly cracked and the room is chilly, and you have the blanket pulled up over your shoulder on the verge of sleep. The door startled you when you hear a soft bang, and then you realize somebody is knocking on the wood. They sound so hesitant and unsure. You’ve been at the yeagarist base as a ‘prisoner’ for about a week now. I put parentheses on prisoner because you aren’t even sure if you can consider yourself one. You’re given almost full reign of the base, simply because for reasons you can’t understand, the devoted charismatic ginger is so so desperate that you see his point and join his side. He could care less if the others agree with them, he’ll mow them down, and yet for some reason it’s so important to him that you agree with him. You don’t get it, but what can you really do?
And then you find yourself laying there questioning which buttfuck yeagarist is knocking on your door so late. It surely isn’t an emergency. There would be more shouting outside, or the knocks would be more urgent at least. The knocks seem so light the person might as well not even be trying to wake you up, which defeated the whole purpose of wrapping their knuckles on the wooden door in the first place.
None the less you find yourself getting up, pulling on your robe as you adjust the silk of the outfit you’re wearing. (Depending on your gender preference that could be a nightgown or maybe you’re just a really classy homie rocking a silk button down. You know? Feel yourself.)
You don’t even bother tying the thick fluffy robe completely around your waist, as you don’t feel you have time. By the time your bare feet had hit the floor to make their way to your door the knocking had already slowed. And by the time you were at the door, adjusting the silk of your sleepwear to make sure you were presentable, the knocking had completely stoppped.
Your hand brushes against the cold metal of the handle, tainted by the chilled air, and you shiver slightly before pushing down on it and pulling open the door to the sight of....
You stare for a moment in shock and confusion at the empty doorway, blinking a couple of times before clearing your throat, muttering a soft
“What the fuck...?” Under your breath as you barely stepped out into the hallway, looking down both ways. If you saw no one... you were going to assume you were being fucked with, or this place was haunted as fuck.
You looked left and the hallway was empty... so you looked right,
Just in time to catch a sliver of ginger hair attempting to quickly disappear around the corner.
So you stepped out just a little further into the hall, squinting slightly in the dark before stepping out after the person. You just needed to get close enough to see who was fucking with you and then-
Your hand hit their shoulder, whipping them around quickly, which they didn’t seem to like, as they quickly flinched away. You weren’t sure how you’d moved fast enough to catch up with them already but, god speed you know?
None the less, when you saw the face of the person standing before you, you were left momentarily shocked, trying to piece together what the fuck was happening.
He grimaced and looked away. You stood there for a moment, mouth opening and closing confusedly like a fish out of water. You caught your breath then, and took in a gasp of air, preparing to use it to go off on him and ask him why he was playing such a cheap prank as ding dong ditching. Didn’t he have better things to do???
But then- you stopped yourself, one finger pointed out in front of your face and mouth hanging open as if you were about to begin to make a statement but... you couldn’t. You were caught off guard by something else.
Maybe you had just connected that he flinched when you first touched him. Or maybe you were finally questioning why his cheeks were so red. His eyes were puffy.... nose just as red as his flushed cheeks. He was biting his lower lip slightly, brows furrowed. Both of his fists were clenched at his sides tightly. His ken doll cut of ginger hair was... messy. It was parted at an odd direction to the left, part of it sticking up at an odd angle as if he’d just rolled out of bed.
The closer you looked... come to think of it. His green military jacket looked hastily thrown on.... the uniform underneath softer than usual.... sleep where? Were his shoulders shaking???
Your hand dropped slowly back to your side as you watched his face. He refused to seem to want to meet your gaze. So, for a moment you both just stood there in silence before you finally softly muttered,
“Floch??” You tried to be careful with your tone. You weren’t sure what state the self appointed captain was in.
He took in a deep breath, and then suddenly blurred out.
“So do you hate me? Or what??”
You stared in absolute awe for a second as you tried to process the word vomit that had just been thrown at you. Finally, squinting slightly in confusion you murmured,
“What? No- i don’t hate you floch... what are you doing though it’s late? Surely you’re not outside my door at three in the morning to ask me if i am fond of you or not.”
“So you don’t hate me?” He dodged your question.
“Why won’t you listen to me then? Nothing is working out right now- these battles are going to shit and it seems like we’re loosing and-“
You’d never seen him like this.
“These people are relying on me!” He continued,
“They’re relying on me to be eren’s voice! And I’m only trying to do what’s right for the sake of Eldia and i really can’t keep fighting this hard without-“
“Floch- what the hell are you-“
“I need you!” He spat.
“All you do is deny me but i need you, don’t you get that?”
You found yourself silent again, standing there staring at the ginger in shock, you had no idea how to process what you were hearing.
“I need you like you were there for me four years ago....” he whispered. And finally he made eye contact with you, and you noticed the fresh glaze of liquid on his lower lids. The way it made his golden brown eyes glisten in the moonlight coming from the small hall window. His lip was trembling, his voice cracked.
“I lost everyone... y/n.... and you were the ONLY one that was there for me? Why- i don’t know, you had so many other things to do and you chose to stick by me.... i need you like that again.... please... tell me you’ll stand by me again.”
“Floch...” you were quiet for a moment, trying to find your words, and then you spoke.
“You’re one of my closest comrades-“ at the word ‘comrade’ you watched the light leave his eyes a little bit, and you stumbled to reword your sentence, not quite sure where you went wrong.
“You know I’ll always stand by you- even if i don’t support what you-“
“I need you more than i needed you then-“ he interrupted you.
“I wanted you more then... but.... i need you more now.”
“Floch- what in the world are you talking ab-“ you could barely get a word in with the ginger being as worked up as he was.
“I need you more now! I need you in a different way!”
“Floch!” You whisper hissed, reaching out and slapping a hand over his mouth. He let out a muffled shout, which you aggressively shushed.
“What has gotten into you, do you want to wake up everyone in this base?!?” You hissed. He was quiet for a moment, glancing back and forth from your hand to your eyes. You cleared your throat and then in a calmer tone, very gently whispered.
“I don’t know what you mean by a different way, Floch i need you to really explain to me what you need from me because i can’t help you if you don’t explain to me what the fuck is running through that muddled little mind of yours....”
“Y/n....” he whimpered slightly, looking desperate if not almost hopeless.
“You’ve been my only real friend for years.... always sticking around me and staying with me when things were at their worst. Defending me.... caring for me... you’d have to understand where i get off wanting more out of this relationship.”
“I mean... maybe?” You muttered.
“But- I’m not sure I’m following. You’re ranting frantically and By the walls you’re shaking like a leaf.... why don’t we get you some tea and then you can explain to me what-“
You were cut off by something warm pressed against your lips, and you fought for a moment before realizing it was the ginger’s desperate... and awkward attempt at kissing you. It wasn’t... the best kiss you’d ever had in regards to technique but... something about it still set your body on fire. Within seconds, without even thinking you’d thrown your arms around his neck, gently pulling him closer. His whole body shuttered at your welcoming invite his romantic advance and he tilted his head slightly to deepen the sloppy kiss. He was simply desperate to feel you on his skin. You weren’t pushing him off... after weeks of your avoidant behavior you weren’t pushing him off. You weren’t telling him to get the fuck away from you. He felt his knees buckle slightly, but he didn’t think it was that big of a deal until you’d gasped. He only then realized his lips weren’t on yours anymore, and he was leaned into you awkwardly, topped over on his knees in front of you.
“Floch....” you muttered softly, slipping a hand around to gently support him before he fell completely over.
“Woah woah.... you never explained why you’d been crying. What’s going on... are you okay?”
He cleared his throat, tiredly resting his head against your stomach as he tried to grab his bearings again, grunting out in embarrassment,
“Sorry i just.... i.... i had a nightmare is all... it’s not that big of a deal... listen... um.”
With this new found fuck up he was having to face, he was quickly considering the option of just retreating and not having to face the fact that he just kissed you and collapsed.
“Maybe i should just go back to my room and we can talk about this tomorrow over tea? I-“
“Floch.... no.” You sighed quietly, slipping a hand gently around his torso.
“Come on.... come sleep in my bed.... it’s okay.”
He was still for a moment, contemplating, before nodding.
Your room was still cool, but he found comfort in the chilly air even after he took off his jacket, exposing his arms to the cold. Sliding into the bed against your warm body seemed to ease every ounce of cold in the room, and he welcomed the offer to gently nuzzle his face into your plush chest, soothed by the sound of your heart beat.
“So this is why you’ve been so intent on keeping me around, huh?” You joked softly as you gently brought a hand up to card through his hair.
“Because you love me?”
Your smile dropped from smug to adoring, however, when he softly responded with only a sleepy,
“Mhm.... i... love you.” Into your chest, muffled by your skin. Gently, you curled yourself around him, pressing a kiss to the top of his head as you wrapped your leg around his torso to pull him closer.
“I love you too flochy....” you whispered softly as you carded your fingers through the ginger’s soft locks, stopping to gently toy with his adorable bangs.
“Get some sleep...” you sighed as you shut your eyes, feeling him hug you tighter.
“And you’ll still be here when i wake up?” He questioned hesitantly, to which you softly replied,
And when sunrise came, you were, face still buried in his hair, breathing softly. He needed you more than you expected, but you still had no problem coming in clutch. After all, it wasn’t always easy to love him, but for him it was worth it.
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murfeelee · 6 years
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Yule Vacation - Pt9: The Stag and Doe Party
“I'm getting married in the morning / Ding dong! The bells are gonna chime! / Pull out the stopper / Let's have a whopper / But get me to the church on time! ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ 
Agron’s family celebrates Galatea marrying her late husband’s brother, Awun. 
Ugly Sweaters Party, Part Two! ^0^ Shout out to @simsmidgen for telling me about these awesomely awful sweaters! (X)
Gorgeous Dutch lot by Fredbrenny at TSR
This effing post almost didn’t get made, lemme tell you. I couldn’t figure out for the life of me how to throw a party -- either the game kept having the option greyed out (cuz apparently on Community Lots you can only throw parties at the park or a LN EP lounge, wtf?) or that my sims didn’t know enough people to invite -- even though they know everyone in their effing household!? o_O
Finally, I realized it was because I had Master Controller installed, and was clicking the wrong menu -- you’re supposed to click Party Guests, omfg! (X X)
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bebaexoexo · 7 years
Shit Oh Sehun did in 2017
-Mistook Jeonghan (svt) for Johnny (nct)
-Movie date with suho
-Slayed at the gaon chart award show with a solo dance
-Paris vacation/date with suho
-Got called best dressed man at a Louis Vuiton catwalk and then proceeded to spend the next day walking around Paris with a hood, baseball cap and a cowboy hat on his head all at one time
-Revealed his bed time snuggle routine with Suho, no shame attached
-Was supposed to debut as an Actor Oh in February, but didn’t…
-Was supposed to debut as an Actor Oh in March, but didn’t…
-Got an award for being himself (popularity award)
-Was supposed to debut as an Actor Oh in April, but didn’t…(NoT EvEn a FRackin TraIleR)
-Waved to a tablet instead of the camera, tried to play it cool by continuing to do so
-Posted about his big chilli… 0.0
-Got 15 points on a drawing game while everyone else got over 100 (he drew love hearts and wrote ‘I’m sorry’ for everything and still couldn’t accept being last)
-Howled because of sour pickles
-Members accuse him of being the prime suspect when food goes missing in the fridge, he agrees
-Used binoculars the wrong way round and couldn’t understand why he couldn’t see (Suho to the rescue and an embarrassed osh as a result)
-Gets driven around by big brother chanyeol
-CAN SING (might as well be in exo’s vocal line)
-Biyak Biyak 4 lyfe
-Rubbed his head on a random guy’s stomach (who looks like he’s his sugar daddy)
-Made suho sad because he didn’t go to a premier with him, but went to a festival with Chanyeol and guy whose stomach he rubbed his head on
-Danced (????) at said music festival. By dance I mean chicken fingers at the crowd wtf @ exo’s main dancer
-Can ya tell iv given up on the debut of Actor Oh
-Graced his instagram with such artistic pictures of rice, spoons and cereal
-Only one ft BoA returns
-KING OF SPOILERS sehun the cereal rice (kokobop) poster
-KING OF SPOILERS PT2 dancing the dance with kai can you all please stop this isn’t good for me
-Comments ‘is this exo’s official account?’ On exo’s official account
-“What did you do in preperation for this album?” “Loyalty”
-Passionately talked about eel reproduction
-“Favorite fruit?” “Water with ice”
-Gave flowers to the members because he’s their cute baby omfh (it was a punishment but same thing)
-*gives Kai a rose* “it fits you, you’re sexy and dark red suits you”
-Baekhyun confirms Sehuns big DIACK
-“Sehun has absolutely no interest I’m women. How do I know? Sehunnie said he has no interest in women”- Baekhyun
-Bragged about a really good noodle place, took 30+ people to eat and payed for them- but the food was disappointing
-“Say something to the EXO-L for their birthday” *sehun claps*
-*brags about his dog at every chance he gets, literal protective father to vivi* “I am a cat person”
-“We’ve been roommates for 6 years I want to cross the line”
-Producer Oh
-“I’ve arrived!” \(-°o°-)/
-Date in NYC with suho (ft the third wheel JD)
-Pulls out chair for suho
-“Its enough just to film me, suho’ s voice in the background is fine”
-Couldn’t believe that a waitress in NYC can’t speak Korean
-Theatre date with suho (ft the late third wheel JD)
-Kicks suho out of their room
-SBS power fm- more like 2 hours of sehun whinning and crying from embarrassment while suho laughs
-“I really like chocolate milk. I think it’s love”
-“Sehunnie is upset~ upset~ really really upset… huhuu” AEGAO KING WHAY
-“I’ve been having a hard time too. At times like this, we should all embrace each other. There’s something I always tell the members and that is to to ‘hug/embrace (me)’. Let’s cheer each other on, got it everyone? Cheer up always and yea, that’s it” and this is why we love our baby
-Sehun irl- “I love all my hyungs to the moon and back #se-rang-hai-yo” Sehun in manwha- “who cares”
-LA date with suho
-“Let’s goo” \(^o^!)__
-Just sehun trying to control his face while riding the drift car
-King of being HOT, calm and panicking at the same time when their car stalled
-Also Oh Sehun driving someone hold me
-Heart-shaped sweatpatch on his back
-“Excuse me… sir… ketchup ketchup yahh… thank you”
-“The hardest time isn’t when we have a lot of schedule but when the members have different opinions (argue). It saddens me a lot”
-Me me da
-Fan- “do sehun and i have something in common?” Sehun- “we’re human”
-Las Vegas date with suho
-Volunteers suho to go sky diving first like the little shit he is
-Wears a dress shirt and leather shoes to sky diving
-Acts like he isnt shitting himself on the zipwire
-Shamelessly wore nothing underneath an easily unzip-able hoodie
-MC Oh
-“Who is the scariest hyung?” “All of them”
-Tries to prank suho by putting a sticker on him, fails misrebly and then loses the sticker
-White suit blue shirt
-Chanyeol saying Sehuns voice is so good he wants to produce him PLEs
-Hello councellor MC’s @ seho “stop touching eachother are you guys coming out right now?”
-Sehun @ LVTN
-Gets customised bags from LVTN
-Sehun @ Moncler (also makes the CEO come out just to take pictures with him we love a powerful man)
-Peace signs in his pockets when hes told not to do it
-Doesnt follow seungri back on insta because aesthetics
-Omfg okay elyxion antics begins here
-Wrote and co produced his solo In At thE CONCERT COZ WE LOVE A TALENTED KING
-Lovingly strokes suhos face during touch it
-Comforts kai, upset because he made a mistske in his solo, during cmb
-Danced to ka-ching with CBX
-Suho “after our concert ended at midnight yesterday, sehun and i went back to our door and boiled 20 eggs. 2 adult men peeled them seriously and ate 10 eggs”
-Kisses baekhyuns neck
-Eats pizza at the concert after holding back for months, members happy give us one last chance at seeing THE ABS
-Went crazy and got chanyeol too drunk on his birthday
-Fansites “please dont crop our watermark we work really hard for these pictures” Sehun ;)
-Cute instalive of him just trying on the filters and telling us not to be stressed and play
-“OK!! goo” *pouts*
-“Hey dog, look at me~”
-“Cheese many manyyy”
-*is just standing there posing* Photographer “youre cute”
-Didnt know it was just him, kai and baekhyun in the lightsaber mv
-“Sehunnie makes the most delicious soju” byun baekhyun
-Makes a personal training room in their dorm that can barely fit his own ass
-Supports suho at his musical despite both going through a tough time
-Struggles with the rudolph hat
-Subtly strokes suhos face on a national award show
-Make chanyeol kneel whenever he wants something from him. We love our king
-Curly haired solo on mbc gayo
-A beautiful family picture from Oh Sehun to end 2017
Cr. Lerandomexotic
I had a lot of fun making this, just thought i needed to record sehuns never ending loveble antics etc
Feel free to add whatever else i missed
Hopefully he’ll just keep getting crazier next year too, and exo themselves will grow to be greatet and stronger
Like, reblog & excel
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pharmacyfollies · 7 years
It’s Only March, I Already Need a Vacation: Pharmacy Follies
-Fucktard: "My doctor was supposed to send over a prescription for Folic Acid for my dad."
Me: "We haven't received anything yet. If you just came from there, it can take a little while for us to receive it."
Fucktard: "OMG, he really needs it."
Me: "I'm looking in his profile and see he has a refill for it. I can fill it."
Fucktard: "Yes, fill it. He really needs it."
Me: "Ok, we'll have it ready at 2:15."
Fucktard: "You mean, you can't give it to me now?"
Me: "No, we have to fill it and we're rather busy today."
Fucktard: "But it's only for Folic Acid."
Me: "Yes, that's exactly why it's put in to be picked up later. Folic Acid isn't considered important like antibiotics or pain medication for someone who just got out of the ER."
Fucktard: "He really needs to take this! It's really important!"
Me: "He hasn't taken this since August and it's not considered an emergency life dependency medication."
Fucktard: "You know, I work at ********. If a patient wants a medication right away, we give it to them right away!"
Me: "You want to have it transferred to your pharmacy so he can get it right away?"
The look on her face was truly a Kodak moment.
Me: "So do you want me to transfer it out or do you want to get it at 2:15? I have other people to take care of."
Fucktard: "Just fill it! I'll be back later!"
Yeah, that's what I thought.
-Asshole: "I'm here to pick up my medication."
Me: "Ok, Medicaid didn't cover this. They consider it an OTC item. If you want to get it, it's $84."
Asshole: "What do you mean, they don't cover it?"
Me: "What part did I lose you at?"
Asshole: "How can it not be covered? I really need this!"
Me: "Hydroquinone is a skin lightener. It's not a medical necessity. That's why they don't cover it."
Asshole: "But I really need it!"
Me: "You can buy it, however, it costs $84."
Asshole: "I'm not paying for that! I don't have that kind of money! That's why I have Public Aid!"
And while she's running her cock holster, I"m looking at her ride up and down.
Asshole: "What?"
Me: "I'm just checking out that sweet Infiniti SUV you're driving. Oh, so what were you saving that you don't have that kind of money to pay for a skin lightener?"
She had a confused look.
Me: "Look, Medicaid doesn't cover this. If you want it, it's $84. If not, I have other cars behind you. What will it be?"
Asshole: "I'm going to call my doctor to have him change it to something that is covered."
Me: "You do that."
I need a vacation from this joint.
-It happened. I knew it would. I finally snapped at someone for showing me their expired insurance card. I truly can't take this level of fuckery any more.
Wank Pot: "I'm here to pick up my prescription."
Me: "Do you have a new insurance card?"
WP: "Yes."
Me: "I need to see it."
She hands me the old insurance card.
Me: "I need the NEW insurance card."
WP: "I haven't received it yet but you can use this one."
Me: "No, I can't because it's expired."
WP: "But I haven't received my new one yet."
Me: "So let me get this straight. You know you have new insurance starting on January 1st. You haven't received a new card. It's almost MARCH. Why haven't you called the insurance to get a new card or at least get the billing information?"
WP: "I didn't know I'm supposed to get that myself."
Me: "Well, who do you think is supposed to get that for you?! This is YOUR insurance. This is YOUR responsibility. I don't understand why it's going on 3 months and you have NOT gotten this corrected. What are you waiting for?!! Right now, your medication is over $500. I suggest you get on the phone and make a phone call to get the billing information unless you want to pay cash price!"
WP: "Who am I supposed to call?"
Me: "Whoever your new insurance company is."
WP: "I don't know who that is."
Me: "I can't help you. You need to find out that information and when you get it, come back and we'll update everything."
I had to walk away. I feel kinda bad that I snapped but for fuck's sake!! I deal with this shit ALL FUCKING DAY!! Am I the only person, if I discovered that I have NOT received a new insurance card by January 1st, that calls the insurance company or goes online to their website to get the billing information ASAP so it have it ready when I seek medical attention? What in the fuck are these ding dong's waiting for? Next year for that new card to come in?!! Jesus molested in a manger!!!
-This is EXACTLY how I be looking and walking when I start my shift. Pissed off and extremely hesitant about the fuckery I'm about to be involved in, LMAO!!!
-Just when I thought I experienced it all, this level of fuckery occurred....
Me: "Can I help you?"
Asshole: "I left my prescription at home so can you call my doctor to get it for me?"
Me: "Left it at home as in you're from out of town and you forgot it?"
Asshole: "No, I went to the doctor today. I went home and I forgot to bring my prescription with me. I don't feel like going back home so can you call the doctor to get it?"
Me: "Was it a new prescription or a refill for something you've had?"
Asshole: "It's an antibiotic. It was new."
Me: "Ok, I'll let the pharmacist know and when she gets a chance, she'll give the doctor a call."
Asshole: "How long is that going to take?"
Me: "Well, she's taking care of some other issues so she'll add it to her list."
Asshole: "Can you ask her how long it's going to be?"
Me: "She's on the phone right now so I'm not going to interrupt her until she's done with that conversation."
Asshole: "I'm asking because I have other things to do."
Me: "If you want, you can come back later. I'm sure we'll have the prescription by then."
Asshole: "I'd rather get the prescription before I do my running around."
Me: "As soon as she's off the phone, I'll let her know what's going on so she can call your doctor as soon as she can."
Asshole: "Can't you call?"
Me: "No. Only the pharmacist can take in a new prescription."
Asshole: "Can't you ask her how long it's going to be?"
Me: "You see that woman standing there with a phone next to her ear? That's the pharmacist. As you can see, she's engaged in a conversation. I am not going to interrupt her while she's taking care of someone else. As soon as she's off the phone, I will relay the message."
Asshole: "Since you won't call the doctor, I'll call myself!"
She steps away to make her phone call and I start taking care of the other patient's in line. As I'm taking care of someone else, she comes to the counter and says....
Asshole: "My doctor's office is on the phone!"
Me: "I'm taking care of someone else right now, it's going to be a moment."
Asshole: "How long is that going to take?!"
At that point, I put her on ignore. I'm not entertaining that level of bullshit. I'm taking care of my patient and she makes the grave mistake of saying....
Asshole: "Did you hear what I said?"
Me: "Yes, I heard what you said and I answered you. Do you need me to repeat it? I'll use smaller words if necessary. Due to patient privacy, I need you to step away from the counter."
Asshole: "My doctor's office is on the phone!"
Patient: "You can go and help her because it's obvious there's something mentally wrong with her!"
I damn near died when my patient said that but here's where the fun begins...
Me: "Put your phone on speaker."
Asshole: "You can talk on my phone."
Me: "I'm not handling your phone. You either put it on speaker phone or I'm not helping you at all."
After huffing and puffing, she puts it on speaker....
Me: "Can I help you?"
Nurse: "Yes, what's the issue with her prescription? She says you won't fill it."
Me: "The issue is we can't fill her prescription because she left her prescription at home."
Nurse: "Oh. So why doesn't she go home and get it?"
Me: "That's a good question. Why don't you ask her that? You're on speaker phone. She can hear you."
Nurse: "We gave you a prescription to bring to the pharmacy. Why are you calling us?"
Asshole: "I left it at home and don't want to drive back home to get it. Can't you just call it in?"
Nurse: "The whole point of giving you a prescription was so you can take it to the pharmacy. Whatever. As soon as the doctor is done taking care of his patients, I'll speak to him and see if he'll call it in."
Asshole: "How long as that going to take?"
Nurse: "It's probably going to be a while."
Asshole: "Can't you just ask him to call it in now?"
Nurse: "No. He's in with a patient. If you can't wait then I suggest you go home and get your prescription."
Asshole: "I don't have time to do that!"
Nurse: "And I don't have time to deal with you right now. You have a good day."
And that's when she hung up the phone.
Asshole: "I can't believe this! This is ridiculous! You all are USELESS!!!"
And she stormed off. Me and my patient are just looking at each other trying to wrap our minds around that shit. WTF is wrong with these idiots?! OMFG. I'm fucking done for. I can't no more. God help me.
-As a mother, I know it can be distressing when your child is sick. However, when you come rolling up to the pharmacy acting like your kid is the Golden Child and you're seeking the Sacred Crossdagger of Ajanti, it's going to go down like this....
Me: "Can I help you?"
Idiot: "I'm here to pick up a prescription for my son."
Me: "Ok, it looks like the doctor just sent it over. If you'd like to wait, it will be 20 to 30 minutes."
Idiot: "This is an emergency! He's really sick!"
Me: "Considering it's for Amoxicillin, I know he's sick. However, if it were a real emergency, your doctor would've sent you to the ER instead of the pharmacy. Because I have other patients ahead of you, who also wanted to wait, the wait time is 20 to 30 minutes."
Idiot: "Can't it be done sooner?"
Me: "If it could be done sooner, I would've told you a shorter wait time."
Idiot: "But it's for a child!"
Me: "You see all those little people in the waiting area? They're children too. They're also sick and waiting on prescriptions. If you'd like, feel free to plead your case to their parents. If they agree that your child is more important than their own, I will push your child's medication to the front. Otherwise, it's 20 to 30 minutes."
And $1000 says she waited longer than that to see the Dr. For those who work in Dr's offices, do you also deal with this bullshit? How does that play out? Inquiring minds want to know.
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kaibaibou · 8 years
SHINee World V in Dallas
ho boy. y’all. Y’ALL. that’s right i said y’all it’s dallas hello
i don’t know where to start. ok no wait yes i do. @ikimashou and i had front row center seats. FRONT ROW. CENTER. let me tell you, it was absolutely insane. i could touch the stage with my hand. I WAS TWO FEET AWAY FROM THE STAGE.
so i’m at center stage, glowing taemin sign and lighstick in hand. alanna has her glowing jonghyun sign, we’re so ready. and then it begins.
Here is my long ass fan account. i’m so sorry. i wanted to write everything so i never forget. ps i’m a taemin stan so......... yeah i wrote a lot of things about taemin.
hitchhiking begins, we’re ALL chanting “OH OHHHH O-O-O-O-OH” and then the curtain rises and SHINEE IS STANDING RIGHT THERE. I WAS F;KAJSD;FLKJ;S SCREAMINGGGGGGGG
y’all know taemin is my ult bias #2 right so like. i see him and i just got this crazy adrenaline through my veins like he was RIGHT THERE. key start singing and taemin sings after that and i fucking lost it. i lost. it. i was going SO HARD. SO. HARD.
y’all they were right. there. two feet away from me. i could see the beads of sweat on their faces. holy shit. hoooooly shit.
so for a full week before the concert i practiced the fanchants because i was slacking in that area, so the next song was why so serious and I WAS FUCKIN READY
onew was just an absolute joy and ray of sunshine to see, especially up close.... just the sun itself.
MINHO WAS HIS USUAL DASHING PRINCE SELF. holy shit i can close my eyes and picture minho two feet away from me spittin some rhymes i consider myself ultimately blessed.
KEY. key looked at alanna and i at one point. :) he’s always so sweet and super sassy and his silver hair was ON POINT
ahhhh jonghyun................................... what a fucking TEASE holy shit he looked so good but more on that in a minute
oh my god i’m so happy i got black hair soft bub taemin hair holy shit he was incredible and beautiful up close. it was absolutely insane i know i just keep going on about how close i was but it was just... mind blowing. they were all so beautiful.
ok so like by song 3 alanna had like..... i don’t even know like 10 eye contacts with jonghyun????? i don’t even know. that boy was all over her and her glowing jonghyun sign that boy LOOKS FOR HIS SIGNS MAN
after song 3 when alanna started freaking out next to me i wouldn’t even pay attention to her and ask her “WHAT WHAT” like i knew what. jonghyun, that’s what. there was no need to ask.
ahhhh juliette was the 3rd song and man... i’ve been listening to that song since 2009 man JULIETTE HOOOOOOO~~~~
okay. replay. i fucking. bawled. i had to stop, i couldn’t speak and suddenly i was just a wreck. i was shaking and my eyes were a waterfall and i was just a hiccupping collapsed mess. on the one hand i hope shinee saw how emotional i got because that song is like.... it was my first shinee song, it was shinee’s first song... i’ve been listening to replay for 8 years. it just ALWAYS gets me. on the other hand, i don’t want to burden shinee thinking i’m upset so I hope they didn’t see me. they were happy tears. the happiest tears.
then it was ment time and i’m like okay. this is the time when they’re gonna start looking around for real at their fans. with my glowing taemin sign in hand i was ready.
ok sad points coming up. taemin was.............. i felt like he was not truly himself at this concert. i know he’s been sick since the start of their japan tour AND jet lagged. i could just... tell he wasn’t havin it last night.
i rarely saw him smile, he was mostly straight faced, averted gazes with the fans.... or i guess I should say me. i’m not being salty, i’m just truly sad. front row and holding a glowing taemin sign, it was obvious that he saw me. but i think i made eye contact with him like... 3 times. and 2 out of those three times he would make eye contact and then immediately look away.
i know he’s super shy :( i could tell he was in general at this concert but.... i didn’t get the feeling he was having a great time, and that broke my heart. i tried to give him as much encouragement as i could throughout the concert, shouting “taemin you go boy” and stuff like that.... waving at him whenever his eyes started getting close to mine. but... :(
during the ring ding dong-lucifer combo songs he was having major trouble with his ear pieces and like... MAJOR PROPS TO HIM because he just went “fuck it” and danced and sang without his ear pieces in. those are some INTENSE DANCES and those chords were swinging around at lightning speed. at one point taemin like flicked his wrist really really fast and hard in frustration over them and i just wanted to like.. pause time and help him untangle his chords so he wouldn’t be frustrated.... idk i wanted to give him a big hug.
now i’m not harking on him at ALL because like I said before.... i know he’s not feeling well and also tired. i’m purely just sad that he might not have enjoyed the dallas concert as happily as I had wished him to. even so, i think dallas really really showed him our love.
so needless to say throughout the entire concert i was looking at taemin for the most part, but mostly it was out of worry. i can’t help it i’m such a mama bear
key’s gucci got burned holy shit quote of the night
“yeah and my gucci got burned” taemin: “i’m not talking about that” SHUT DOWN
Hello~ hello~ not many people knew the fanchants for this song so i remember minho gently trying to teach us the fanchants. after verse 2 though he gave up, but IT’S OKAY MINHO I GOTCHU I WAS DOING IT. was very nice to hear that he knows the fanchants though, you know? i know the artists are always so focused on performing, i always wonder how much of the fans they hear.
PRISM. PRISM. HOLY SHIT. PRISM. the butt part. you know the part. yep. again front and center. view. yep. i dropped my lightstick. i’m not kidding. key’s butt and taemin’s butt are really nice up close.
SPEAKING OF BUTTS i got a good view of all of them HO BOY. LET ME TELL YOU. they have some nice butts. taemin’s was really cute is that even a thing to say? it was really cute.
ODD. EYE. i’m pretty sure i made slight eye contact with taemin at this part? i think??? at the part where they sing “youuuuu” and outstretch their hands in a square. idk. fuckin odd eye was so subtley sexy
FEEL. GOOD. there’s this part in feel good where they like..... thrust and arms come down to their crotch really fast and like. taemin was right in front of me at that part. and i died. i seriously. like stumbled a little bit? my legs legit could not hold me up i squatted or something i don’t even know
okay. it happened. taemin’s solo. GOODBYE. MORE LIKE..... GOODBYE RACHEL. when this song came out i was shook. when taemin competed on hit the stage and introduced his dance for this song. i was. S H O O K. this song and dance mean something very special to me. and here taemin comes out SHIRTLESS. AND IT’S HIS SOLO STAGE AND I. i lost it. i. lost it. i almost cried. maybe i did cry? i lost track. i was just mesmerized by him but also hyping him up so much. i’ve watched fancams and i just see me in the front waving my lightstick up and down as high and low as my arm goes.
also HE HAS A TUMMY AND THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY. i mean don’t get me wrong his abs were NIIIIIICE but. soft tummy. soft tummy makes me so incredibly happy. 
my lifelong dream has been to scream “fantastic elastic” at the top of my lungs and i achieved that dream
i think the boys could definitely hear our fanchants at some points. i know they definitely could for the major hits :’) which is great because fanchants are so rare in america, most kpop concerts here no one knows the fanchants
i got real emotional at “don’t let me go” i don’t know why... i just really love that song and got super into it and was singing so passionately along with them and i hope they saw me because i was like close to tears
(by this point i’m going out of song order i forgot what it was) sherlock was absolutely amazing, it’s one of my favorite shinee dances, and holy shit it was just incredible to see up close.
we all got SO HYPE at ready or not, jumping up and down. i went hARD. SO FUCKING HARD AT THIS SONG and everyone was jumping!!!! .... except for taemin. again, he wasn’t feeling well so he kinda just... expressed his excitement less exuberantly.
i don’t remember much about savior except pointing at onew as he sang PLEASE. BE. GENTLE. god fuck me up.
VIEW!!! EVERYONE KNEW THE FANCHANTS FOR VIEW AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL. one of my absolute favorite shinee songs, it meant so much to me to see it live and for everyone to participate. i KNOW shinee heard us on this one and it was so great NOMU AREUMDAUN DAUN DAUN DAUN VIEW SHI-EE-NEE
EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this was it. this was the song i was WAITING FOR. the dance is just SO INCREDIBLE and they’re all SO AMAZING in this song i was so SO SO HYPE. i think i screamed almost the loudest i have in my life singing along to this. AND!!! so many people knew the fanchants!! which was amazing because it’s one of the more complicated ones?? but i’ve watched lots of fancams and people are chanting the names at the beginning, i’m so impressed with dallas shawols. THE PART WHERE THEY ALL GATHER TOGETHER AND ONEW IS SPINNING HIS ARMS AT THE BACK. that part. that’s the part i screamed so hard, my head started to hurt, it felt like my brain was expanding........ man i went so hard.
then there was the pause before the encore. we were supposed to sing love sick but.... :( that fanchant didn’t happen. everyone just started chanting “SHINEE SHINEE SHINEE” which is okay i guess. i wanted to sing love sick :(
1 of 1 omg. they came out in their outfits and taemin was in that yellow suit and (i saw a lot of great butt views) and alanna and i were screaming the fanchants so loud. not many people knew them but i’m POSITIVE shinee heard us few scream them. WE GOTCHU FAM. i love 1 of 1 sooooo fucking much. it made me so incredibly happy. also taemin. fucking owned this song. i hyped him up so much “GO TAEMIN GET YOUR LIFE YAAAAAAAAAS TAEMIN”. lots of that.
:’( the ending ment was so short. all of their ments were so short. i wanted them to speak longer. :( but they were so sweet.
key’s english is on point. he is SO FLUENT. D’:
minho spoke so well too!!!
onew and jonghyun didn’t really speak too much english but that is OKAY they spoke beautifully.
taemin’s so shy speaking english holyyyyyyyyyy i about lost it at his shyness
and then..... it was time for the last song... an encore. oh yes. i cried. ohhhhhhhh yes. so many tears. shoutout to my makeup setting spray for keeping that shit in place because i didn’t look like a mess by the end of the night somehow???? so many tears were shed.
okay. i fucking swear this happened. i feel it in my bones and soul. the last line of an encore, jonghyun sings “gyeolguk irwojineun du juingongcheoreom”. at the very end, when he was singing “cheoroem” ~so softly~.... the LAST LINE OF THE LAST SONG OF THE SHOW..... he looks down into my eyes and holds my gaze as he sings that and finishes singing. i..... i froze up. i just.... i had to hold his gaze, he just froze me in place as he looked into my eyes as he finished singing. i can’t begin to describe how incredibly greatful i am to have shared that moment. i can’t..... i just wanted to write it here. i have nothing to say, i’m getting emotional writing this. all i’ll say is i can picture his gaze perfectly in my mind.
and then the curtain was lowering and they stood there and i looked at taemin for the last time as long as i possibly could and then his face was covered and then his whole body was covered and then he was gone and shinee was gone and i fell into my seat and started crying.
AND THEN THEY HAD TO GO AND PLAY THAT VCR OF THEM WORKING HARD AND IT SAYS “THANK YOU & LOVE YOU” AT THE END AND THAT. THAT WAS IT. I LOST IT. i know i said i lost it a lot in this but i really lost it that time. because they were gone and it was over and it went by so fast and it was heaven :(
now i don’t have much of a voice left and am left with SEVERE post concert depression and don’t know what to do with myself. all day i’ve been sitting here just....... doing nothing. also i had to say goodbye to alanna again and i cried for that too.... back to long distance friendship again.. so everything’s over and everyone’s gone and i’m just sitting here like “holy shit did that even really happen”. 
the end
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peaceasshcle · 8 years
people: i don’t like kate. javi deserves better!! people: omg javi doesn’t even care about her!! people: omfg kate ur married back off! people: i’m not shipping with kate bc david might get mad!
me: ding dong, you are wrong! me: kate isn’t married anymore lol me: fuck david lol me: //packs kate’s bags me: //picks kate up bridal style me: //carries kate away from all the bs
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