#DGE POTO 2024
lapsusophobia · 26 days
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POTO fandom presents
Dream Girl Evil: A Luciana Appreciation Week (July 21st—July 28th 2024)
Hello everyone and welcome to a new & fresh out the slammer event in our Phandom! I am excited to announce the first (and hopefully) annual edition of Dream Girl Evil: A Luciana Appreciation Week, dedicated to one of the most overlooked (and overhated) character in the Phantom of the Opera-verse. This year’s event is taking place from July 21st to July 28, a week where you can show your love for Luciana and create something amazing focused on her! The event takes place here, on Tumblr, and on AO3 since these are my only POTO associated socials.
In this post, I gathered all the necessary information & some rules you’ll have to stick to in order to participate. Please carefully go through all of them.
Now. . .
Luciana is a secondary character from Susan Kay’s 1990 novel Phantom. Phantom is a historical-fiction novel which follows the life of Erik, the infamous Opera Ghost, from his early years to his miserable childhood, his teenage years spent travelling the world, adulthood and finally his deathbed, keeping various elements from the original 1910 novel. She appears in the fourth chapter of the book and is described through her father’s perspective, Giovanni, as a 13 years old girl & his fourth and youngest daughter. She is contoured as rather impulsive, having anger issues and over all being a ‘spoiled brat’.
I believe that Luciana has potential to be more than a secondary character/ a tool designed to just fill some pages and then perish into oblivion. I want to give this character the spotlight she deserves & try to stop (at least a little) the hate she continues to receive. I am a firm believer that Luciana deserves her own moment of glory and we as artists & fans should try and acknowledge her more.
— your piece can include any other characters of your liking from the POTOverse (in fact, I highly encourage that!!), but keep it focused on Luciana and don’t make her a background character!
— any ship/ lack of ship is welcome (side note that inc€st/ pr0shipping will not be tolerated unless handled in the right manner: showing how a character has overcome such a traumatic experience or being portrayed in the rightful light, not encouraging; if otherwise it will not be taken into account)
— all forms of art are welcome (fics/one-shots, moodboards, headcannons, drawings & illustrations, comics, poems etc.) AI will not be tolerated and therefore the entry will not be taken into account
— the work/ post must be tagged with #DGE POTO 2024 here and/or on AO3 otherwise it won’t be added to this event’s tag
— dark/heavy subjects and topics are welcome with the condition of being rightfully portrayed
— smut is very welcomed with the condition of being adequately tagged
— you do not have to stick to the ‘cannon’ portrayal in Kay’s novel. feel free to develop your own version of Luciana, build her an elaborate backstory etc.; the whole point, after all, is to have fun!
— you are more than welcome to mix her cannon with any other POTO existent universe (ex: the OG Leroux novel, Yeston & Kopit’s, ALW etc.)
— if you are gonna post your writing entry on here or/and on AO3, keep in mind to properly tag your work with the adequate tags (eg: if your piece approaches sensitive topics such, please tag them properly and mention their pressence)
Here are the prompts I have made (you are not obligated to follow them!! once again, the whole point of this event is to have fun and give this character the spotlight it deserves — you can do as many/less as you want or even none):
Day 1: Persuasion
Day 2: Crossdressing
Day 3: Modern AU
Day 4: Womanhood
Day 5: Insomnia
Day 6: Garden
Or you can just post a work/illustration etc. with no prompt at all! Either way, I hope everybody is going to have fun!! <3
A master post of all the entries while be done by the end of the event (two days after 28th of July), and a collection will be created on AO3 where I will gather all the writings.
That’s it, folks! Remember to use the #DGE POTO 2024 when you post your entry, otherwise it won’t be seen/taken into account!
Until next time!
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