#DES Pune University
des-pune-university · 7 months
Why Pune is the Perfect City for Aspiring Business Leaders, Economists, and Psychologists
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Pune, a vibrant metropolis nestled in the heart of Maharashtra, is rapidly becoming a beacon for aspiring professionals across various disciplines. Its rich cultural heritage, combined with a modern educational ecosystem, makes it an ideal breeding ground for future business leaders, economists, and psychologists. This city, known for its academic excellence and innovative spirit, offers a plethora of opportunities for those looking to pursue a BBA course, a BA in economics, or an MA in psychology. Let's delve into why Pune stands out as the perfect city for nurturing talent in these fields.
Thriving Educational Hub
Pune is often referred to as the "Oxford of the East" due to its wide array of esteemed educational institutions. The city is home to numerous colleges and universities offering accredited programs in business administration, economics, and psychology. For individuals eyeing a robust start in the business world, pursuing a BBA course in Pune can provide a solid foundation in business principles and management techniques essential for becoming a successful business leader.
Economics enthusiasts will find the BA economics course in Pune an enlightening pathway to understanding the intricacies of the economy, both on a national and global scale. The curriculum is designed to offer insights into economic theories, policies, and their applications, preparing students for a range of careers in economics, finance, and policy-making.
Aspiring psychologists will discover that Pune's educational institutions offer comprehensive MA in psychology in Pune programs. These programs are tailored to equip students with a deep understanding of human behavior, mental health, and cognitive processes, setting a strong base for a career in counseling, research, or clinical psychology.
Industry Connections and Internship Opportunities
Pune's thriving industrial and IT sectors offer ample internship and employment opportunities to students. This practical exposure is invaluable for business, economics, and psychology students alike, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. The city's dynamic economic environment fosters connections with leading professionals and industry experts, enhancing the learning experience and opening doors to future career opportunities.
Cultural and Social Diversity
Pune's cultural and social diversity provides a vibrant backdrop for personal and professional growth. This diversity encourages an open-minded approach to learning and problem-solving, an essential skill for business leaders, economists, and psychologists. Engaging with different cultures and perspectives enriches the academic experience, fostering empathy and understanding, which are critical qualities for professionals in these fields.
DES Pune University: A Gateway to Excellence
At the end of this exploration of Pune's academic and professional landscape, it's crucial to highlight the role of DES Pune University in shaping future professionals. The Deccan Education Society (DES), with its Pune University affiliation, stands out for its commitment to providing quality education in business, economics, and psychology. The institution's well-curated curriculum, experienced faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities create an enriching environment for students. DES Pune University not only focuses on academic excellence but also emphasizes the development of soft skills and ethical values, preparing students to be responsible leaders and innovators in their respective fields.
Pune offers a unique combination of educational opportunities, industry exposure, and cultural diversity, making it an ideal city for aspiring business leaders, economists, and psychologists. Whether it's through a BBA course, a BA in economics, or an MA in psychology, students in Pune are equipped to tackle the challenges of the modern world and make significant contributions to their fields. DES Pune University embodies this spirit of excellence, serving as a beacon for students aiming for the pinnacle of success in their careers.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 6.22
217 BC – Battle of Raphia: Ptolemy IV Philopator of Egypt defeats Antiochus III the Great of the Seleucid kingdom. 168 BC – Battle of Pydna: Romans under Lucius Aemilius Paullus defeat Macedonian King Perseus who surrenders after the battle, ending the Third Macedonian War. 813 – Battle of Versinikia: The Bulgars led by Krum defeat the Byzantine army near Edirne. Emperor Michael I is forced to abdicate in favor of Leo V the Armenian. 910 – The Hungarians defeat the East Frankish army near the Rednitz River, killing its leader Gebhard, Duke of Lotharingia (Lorraine). 1527 – Fatahillah expels Portuguese forces from Sunda Kelapa, now regarded as the foundation of Jakarta. 1593 – Battle of Sisak: Allied Christian troops defeat the Ottomans. 1633 – The Holy Office in Rome forces Galileo Galilei to recant his view that the Sun, not the Earth, is the center of the Universe in the form he presented it in, after heated controversy. 1774 – The British pass the Quebec Act, setting out rules of governance for the colony of Quebec in British North America. 1783 – A poisonous cloud caused by the eruption of the Laki volcano in Iceland reaches Le Havre in France. 1807 – In the Chesapeake–Leopard affair, the British warship HMS Leopard attacks and boards the American frigate USS Chesapeake. 1813 – War of 1812: After learning of American plans for a surprise attack on Beaver Dams in Ontario, Laura Secord sets out on a thirty kilometres (19 mi) journey on foot to warn Lieutenant James FitzGibbon. 1839 – Cherokee leaders Major Ridge, John Ridge, and Elias Boudinot are assassinated for signing the Treaty of New Echota, which had resulted in the Trail of Tears. 1870 – The United States Department of Justice is created by the U.S. Congress. 1893 – The Royal Navy battleship HMS Camperdown accidentally rams the British Mediterranean Fleet flagship HMS Victoria which sinks taking 358 crew with her, including the fleet's commander, Vice-Admiral Sir George Tryon. 1897 – British colonial officers Charles Walter Rand and Lt. Charles Egerton Ayerst are assassinated in Pune, Maharashtra, India by the Chapekar brothers and Mahadeo Vinayak Ranade, who are later caught and hanged. 1898 – Spanish–American War: In a chaotic operation, 6,000 men of the U.S. Fifth Army Corps begins landing at Daiquirí, Cuba, about 16 miles (26 km) east of Santiago de Cuba. Lt. Gen. Arsenio Linares y Pombo of the Spanish Army outnumbers them two-to-one, but does not oppose the landings. 1907 – The London Underground's Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead Railway opens. 1911 – George V and Mary of Teck are crowned King and Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 1911 – Mexican Revolution: Government forces bring an end to the Magonista rebellion of 1911 in the Second Battle of Tijuana. 1918 – The Hammond Circus Train Wreck kills 86 and injures 127 near Hammond, Indiana. 1940 – World War II: France is forced to sign the Second Compiègne armistice with Germany, in the same railroad car in which the Germans signed the Armistice in 1918. 1941 – World War II: Nazi Germany invades the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa. 1942 – World War II: Erwin Rommel is promoted to Field Marshal after the Axis capture of Tobruk. 1942 – The Pledge of Allegiance is formally adopted by US Congress. 1944 – World War II: Opening day of the Soviet Union's Operation Bagration against the Army Group Centre. 1944 – U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs into law the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, commonly known as the G.I. Bill. 1945 – World War II: The Battle of Okinawa comes to an end. 1948 – The ship HMT Empire Windrush brought the first group of 802 West Indian immigrants to Tilbury, marking the start of modern immigration to the United Kingdom. 1948 – King George VI formally gives up the title "Emperor of India", half a year after Britain actually gave up its rule of India. 1962 – Air France Flight 117 crashes on approach to Pointe-à-Pitre International Airport in Guadeloupe, killing 112 people. 1965 – The Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea is signed. 1966 – Vietnamese Buddhist activist leader Thích Trí Quang was arrested as the military junta of Nguyen Cao Ky crushed the Buddhist Uprising. 1969 – The Cuyahoga River catches fire in Cleveland, Ohio, drawing national attention to water pollution, and spurring the passing of the Clean Water Act and the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. 1978 – Charon, the first of Pluto's satellites to be discovered, was first seen at the United States Naval Observatory by James W. Christy. 1979 – Former Liberal Party leader Jeremy Thorpe was acquitted of conspiracy to murder Norman Scott, who had accused Thorpe of having a relationship with him. 1984 – Virgin Atlantic launches with its first flight from London to Newark. 1986 – The famous Hand of God goal, scored by Diego Maradona in the quarter-finals of the 1986 FIFA World Cup match between Argentina and England, ignites controversy. This was later followed by the Goal of the Century. Argentina wins 2–1 and later goes on to win the World Cup. 1990 – Cold War: Checkpoint Charlie is dismantled in Berlin. 2000 – Wuhan Airlines Flight 343 is struck by lightning and crashes into Wuhan's Hanyang District, killing 49 people. 2002 – An earthquake measuring 6.5 Mw strikes a region of northwestern Iran killing at least 261 people and injuring 1,300 others and eventually causing widespread public anger due to the slow official response. 2009 – A Washington D.C Metro train traveling southbound near Fort Totten station collides into another train waiting to enter the station. Nine people are killed in the collision (eight passengers and the train operator) and at least 80 others are injured. 2012 – Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo is removed from office by impeachment and succeeded by Federico Franco. 2012 – A Turkish Air Force McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II fighter plane is shot down by the Syrian Armed Forces, killing both of the plane's pilots and worsening already-strained relations between Turkey and Syria. 2015 – The Afghan National Assembly building is attacked by gunmen after a suicide bombing. All six of the gunmen are killed and 18 people are injured. 2022 – An earthquake occurs in eastern Afghanistan resulting in over 1,000 deaths.
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sugarbydesign · 2 years
Portfolio (2015-2018) | Editorial Design
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Este é o portefólio que criei na conclusão da Licenciatura de Design. Melhorei-o mais tarde e utilizei-o para candidatar-me ao Mestrado de Design da mesma universidade. É importante destacar que este portefólio encontra-se só em Português, tem páginas intermédias mais pequenas sempre que necessário e inclui a primeira edição deste projeto. Censurei contactos antigos.
This is the portfolio I created when I was finishing my Bachelors Degree in Design. I later on improved on it and used it to apply to a Masters in Design at the same university. Of note is that is in Portuguese only, has smaller pages in between whatever I deemed appropriate, and includes the first version of this project. Old contact information has been censored.
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* Thank you to Soraia Tavares for taking the cover photo.
* Font Champagne and Limousines was designed by Lauren Thompson.
* Mockups by Pune Design and Zippy Pixels. Currently, the mockup used for Íntimo is unknown.
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spiritual123 · 3 months
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Rudolf Steiner
Prolog la o „Filosofie a libertății”
#RudolfSteiner #Antroposofia #Антропософия #Anthroposophy #Anthroposophie
Rudolf Steiner critică influența predominantă a filosofiei lui Kant asupra gândirii contemporane, argumentând că aceasta împiedică dezvoltarea unei concepții satisfăcătoare despre lume și viață. Kant susține că temelia lucrurilor, aflată dincolo de percepția senzorială și rațiune, nu este accesibilă cunoașterii umane, limitând astfel cercetarea științifică la domeniul experienței.
Steiner respinge această viziune, afirmând că impulsul de a căuta esența lucrurilor este inerent naturii umane și esențial pentru orice activitate științifică. El susține că adevărul nu este o simplă reflecție a realității, ci un produs al spiritului uman, care creează un domeniu nou de cunoaștere ce completează lumea senzorială. Omul este un participant activ și creator în procesul universal, iar cunoașterea este componenta cea mai desăvârșită a acestui proces.
Steiner argumentează că legile morale nu sunt impuse din exterior, ci sunt produse ale libertății personale. Idealurile morale sunt norme pe care fiecare individ și le prescrie liber, respingând ideea unui imperativ categoric extern.
Lucrarea sa dorește să contribuie la dezvoltarea unei "Filosofii a libertății", care subliniază importanța personalității umane și oferă o justificare filosofică pentru științele moderne. Steiner își exprimă recunoștința față de profesorul său, Karl Julius Schroer, și prietenii săi, familia Specht și Roza Mayreder, pentru sprijinul și influența lor asupra dezvoltării sale intelectuale.
Rudolf Steiner prezintă scopul lucrării: de a analiza profund actul de cunoaștere și de a formula corect problema cunoașterii, oferind și o soluție. El critică epistemologiile bazate pe deducțiile kantiene, susținând că acestea nu pot rezolva problemele cunoașterii. Steiner recunoaște contribuțiile lui Johannes Volkelt, ale cărui lucrări asupra noțiunii de experiență au facilitat formularea precisă a conceptului de „lucru dat.”
Steiner speră să depășească subiectivismul epistemologiilor kantiene, demonstrând că forma subiectivă inițială a imaginii despre lume este doar o etapă intermediară, depășită în procesul de cunoaștere. El consideră că experiența, pe care pozitivismul și neokantianismul o proclamă drept sigură, este de fapt cea mai subiectivă. Prin aceasta, Steiner pune bazele idealismului obiectiv, diferit de idealismul absolut al lui Hegel, căutând în procesul cunoașterii motivul scindării realității în existență dată și noțiune, văzând mijlocirea realității în procese subiective de cunoaștere.
Steiner menționează că a prezentat anterior aceste idei într-o lucrare din 1886, "Linii fundamentale ale unei teorii a cunoașterii în concepția goetheeană despre lume," subliniind diferențele esențiale de metodă față de prezenta lucrare. El încheie introducerea listând lucrările relevante pentru teoria cunoașterii, subliniind că nu va prezenta în detaliu operele filosofice ale clasicilor.
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maharghaideovate · 3 months
Top Institutes Offering MBA in Hospital Management Correspondence Courses
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Hey there, future healthcare hotshot! Thinking about boosting your career with an MBA in hospital management correspondence course? Smart move. Let's dive into the best schools, what makes their programs stand out, and how to get started on this exciting journey.
Top Schools for Your Hospital Management MBA Dream
1. Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning (SCDL)
   - Situated in the Oxford of the east, Pune
   - Known for rock-solid distance learning programs
   - Offers a mix of online lectures and practical projects
2. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)
   -The largest open university in India, with the biggest  alumni network
   - Offers a postgrad diploma that's pretty close to an MBA
   - Super affordable, making it accessible to many aspiring managers
3. Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research
   - Their curriculum focuses on the current trends in healthcare.
   - Known for its industry connections and guest lectures from top healthcare pros
4. Amity University Online
   - Blends flexibility with a packed curriculum
   - Offers virtual labs and simulations for a hands-on feel
5. Sikkim Manipal University Distance Education (SMU-DE)
   - Great for folks already working in healthcare
   - Provides a good balance of theoretical and practical knowledge
Getting In: What You Need to Start Your MBA Journey
1. A Bachelor's Degree: Any subject works, but healthcare-related is a bonus. Even if you studied literature, you're still in the game!
2. Work Experience: 2-3 years in healthcare or management helps. It shows you're serious about the field.
3. Test Scores: Some schools want CAT or MAT scores. Don't panic – many offer their own entrance exams too.
4. Application: Usually online, with your certificates and work history. Pro tip: Get your docs in order early to avoid last-minute stress.
5. Chat with the School: Some might want to interview you. It's your chance to shine and show your passion for healthcare management.
Making Your MBA in Hospital Management Correspondence Work for You
• Do Your Homework: Check out each school's track record. Are their grads landing sweet jobs? Don't be shy – reach out to alumni on LinkedIn for the inside scoop.
• Scope the Syllabus: Look at the course list. Does it cover the skills you need? If you're tech-focused like Raj, make sure there's enough IT content.
• Support Matters: Good programs offer mentoring and career help. Ask about alumni networks and job placement services.
• Count the Cost: Some programs are cheaper but might skimp on quality. Balance your budget with your career goals.
• Time It Right: Think about when you'll study. Can you handle the workload with your current job? Be realistic to avoid burnout.
Visual Aids to Spice Things Up
Imagine a graph showing job growth in hospital management over the last 5 years. It's climbing faster than a kid on an ice cream sugar rush! Or picture a pie chart breaking down the key skills employers want:
• 30% leadership mojo
• 25% finance wizardry
• 20% healthcare policy know-how
• 15% tech savviness
• 10% patient care experience
Wrapping It Up: Your Next Steps
An MBA in hospital management correspondence is your golden opportunity to a impactful career in healthcare leadership. It is not about the degree but the career opportunities it opens and the confidence it builds in you. Blindly rush and select any course, no way; take your time and do your research into the course to allow you to dominate the healthcare management world.
So, are you prepared for the next step? Start exploring those school websites, reach out to grads for their two cents, and picture yourself making big decisions that improve patient care and hospital efficiency. Your future in healthcare management is calling – time to pick up and dial into success!
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arvikajain1234 · 3 months
Top French Language Courses: A Comprehensive Guide
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Learning French opens doors to a world of opportunities, from enhancing your career prospects to enriching your travel experiences. Pune, with its vibrant educational landscape, offers a plethora of options for those keen to master this beautiful language.
In this comprehensive guide, we explore the top French language Courses in Pune, highlighting their unique features and benefits. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to advance your skills, there’s a course for everyone.
Why Learn French in Pune?
Pune, often referred to as the “Oxford of the East,” is renowned for its educational institutions and cosmopolitan culture. The city provides an ideal environment for learning French, with numerous institutes offering courses tailored to different proficiency levels. Additionally, the presence of multinational companies and a growing expat community makes Pune a prime location for acquiring foreign language skills.
Top Institutes Offering French Language Courses
1. French Tree
French Tree Provides flexible French language courses suitable for working professionals and students. With a focus on practical language skills, this institute is a popular choice among learners in Pune.
Courses Offered: Beginner to Advanced
Duration: Varies based on course type
Mode of Instruction: Online
Special Features: Personalized learning plans, native-speaking instructors, flexible timings
2. Symbiosis Institute of Foreign and Indian Languages (SIFIL)
SIFIL, a part of the renowned Symbiosis International University, offers well-structured French courses. The institute boasts a strong reputation for its academic excellence and student support services.
Courses Offered: Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma
Duration: 3 months per level
Mode of Instruction: Classroom
Special Features: Interactive teaching methods, state-of-the-art facilities, experienced faculty
3. Alliance Française de Pune
Alliance Française de Pune is the most prestigious French language institute in the city. Known for its high standards and experienced faculty, this institute offers courses ranging from beginner to advanced levels. The curriculum is designed in line with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.
Courses Offered: A1 to C2 levels, DELF/DALF preparation
Duration: 3 to 6 months per level
Mode of Instruction: Classroom and online
Special Features: Cultural events, French library, conversation clubs
4. Pune University — Department of Foreign Languages
The Department of Foreign Languages at Pune University offers a range of French courses, catering to both casual learners and those seeking formal qualifications. The university’s legacy and academic environment make it a preferred choice for many.
Courses Offered: Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, MA in French
Duration: 1 to 2 years
Mode of Instruction: Classroom
Special Features: University accreditation, extensive library resources, research opportunities
5. The Institute of Spanish Studies
Although primarily focused on Spanish, this institute offers well-regarded French courses. The Institute of Spanish Studies is known for its innovative teaching methods and engaging curriculum.
Courses Offered: Beginner to Intermediate
Duration: 3 to 6 months
Mode of Instruction: Classroom
Special Features: Small class sizes, interactive sessions, focus on conversational skills
Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a French Course
1. Course Structure and Content
When selecting a French course, it is essential to review the course structure and content. Look for courses that cover all aspects of language learning, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Ensure the curriculum aligns with internationally recognized standards like the CEFR.
2. Teaching Methodology
Effective teaching methodologies can significantly impact your learning experience. Opt for institutes that employ interactive and immersive teaching methods, including multimedia resources, role-playing, and real-life scenarios.
3. Faculty Expertise
The expertise and experience of the faculty are crucial for effective language learning. Choose institutes with qualified instructors, preferably native speakers or those with extensive experience in teaching French as a foreign language.
4. Flexibility and Accessibility
For working professionals and students, flexibility in class schedules is a key consideration. Many institutes offer weekend and evening classes, as well as online learning options, making it easier to balance learning with other commitments.
5. Additional Resources and Support
Access to additional learning resources, such as libraries, language labs, and conversation clubs, can enhance your language skills. Institutes that offer cultural immersion activities, such as film screenings, workshops, and social events, provide a more holistic learning experience.
Benefits of Learning French in Pune
1. Career Advancement
Proficiency in French can significantly boost your career prospects, particularly in multinational companies and industries such as hospitality, tourism, and international trade. Pune, with its growing corporate sector, offers ample opportunities for French speakers.
2. Academic Opportunities
Learning French opens doors to higher education opportunities in Francophone countries. Many universities in France, Canada, Belgium, and Switzerland offer scholarships and exchange programs for students proficient in French.
3. Cultural Enrichment
French is not just a language; it’s a gateway to a rich cultural heritage. By learning French, you can access a wealth of literature, art, cinema, and music, enhancing your cultural knowledge and appreciation.
4. Travel and Social Connections
Knowing French can greatly enhance your travel experiences in French-speaking countries. It allows you to communicate effectively, navigate new places with ease, and connect with locals on a deeper level.
Choosing the right French language course in Pune is a significant step towards mastering this global language. With numerous high-quality options available, you can find a course that fits your needs, schedule, and learning preferences.
Whether you aim to advance your career, pursue higher education, or simply indulge in a new cultural experience, learning French in Pune offers countless benefits.
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adypy-00 · 4 months
B Des Programs: Preparing the Next Generation of Innovators
In today’s fast-paced, ever-evolving world, the need for creative problem solvers and innovative thinkers has never been greater. The Bachelor of Design (B Des) programs are at the forefront of cultivating such talent, providing students with the tools and knowledge to become the next generation of innovators. These programs, offered by top design colleges in India like Ajeenkya D Y Patil University (ADYPU) in Pune, play a pivotal role in shaping the future of various industries through design education. The B Des courses are integral in fostering innovation by blending creativity with practical skills, thus preparing students for the challenges of the modern world.
Comprehensive Curriculum
The curriculum of B Des programs is designed to cover a broad spectrum of subjects, ensuring that students gain a well-rounded education. Courses include user research, where students learn to understand and analyze user needs and behaviors; wireframing and prototyping, which teach the skills necessary to bring ideas to life; and visual communication, focusing on the art of conveying messages through visual content. This holistic approach guarantees that students have a strong understanding of both classical design fundamentals and the most recent technological developments. Multidisciplinary learning is emphasized, allowing students to integrate knowledge from various fields and apply it to their design projects.
Hands-On Learning
Practical experience is a cornerstone of B Des education. Students engage in workshops, labs, and studio work, where they can apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. This hands-on approach is vital for developing practical skills and gaining insights into the design process. Real-world projects and case studies are integral parts of the curriculum, enabling students to work on actual design problems and devise creative solutions. Collaboration with industry experts and participation in live projects further enriches the learning experience, providing students with invaluable exposure to the professional world.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Top design colleges in India, such as ADYPU Pune, are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities that enhance the learning experience. Students have access to cutting-edge tools and technology, including advanced design labs, prototyping studios, and digital media labs. These facilities provide an environment where students can experiment, innovate, and bring their ideas to life. Having access to such resources is crucial for developing the technical skills and confidence needed to succeed in the competitive design industry.
Industry Collaborations
Collaborations with leading design firms and companies are a significant aspect of B Des programs. These partnerships provide students with opportunities for internships, which are essential for gaining practical experience and understanding industry dynamics. Internships also have a positive impact on career prospects, often leading to job offers upon graduation. Guest lectures and mentorship programs with industry professionals offer additional insights and guidance, helping students navigate their career paths and stay updated with the latest industry trends.
Focus on Innovation and Creativity
B Des programs foster a culture of thinking creatively and innovatively, encouraging students to explore unconventional solutions and perspectives. Competitions, hackathons, and design challenges are regularly organized to stimulate creative thinking and problem-solving skills. These activities not only hone students' design abilities but also prepare them to tackle real-world problems and societal needs through innovative solutions. The emphasis on creativity ensures that graduates are equipped to drive change and make a significant impact in their chosen fields.
Global Exposure
Global exposure is another key component of B Des programs. Many top design colleges offer study abroad programs and international collaborations, allowing students to gain a global perspective on design. Engaging in global design competitions and conferences offers students further chances to exhibit their skills and connect with professionals on an international scale. Exchange programs with top design schools worldwide further enrich the educational experience, exposing students to diverse cultures and design philosophies.
Experienced Faculty
The faculty at top design colleges like ADYPU Pune are experienced professionals with extensive industry and academic expertise. Their knowledge and experience provide students with high-quality education and mentorship. Personalized guidance from faculty members helps students navigate their academic journey and develop their unique design identities. Additionally, faculty involvement in cutting-edge research and development ensures that the curriculum remains relevant and up-to-date with the latest industry trends and advancements.
Career Preparation
B Des programs provide comprehensive career services and placement assistance to help students transition from academia to the professional world. Crafting a professional portfolio throughout the program is essential for preparing for a career, as it demonstrates students' abilities and projects to prospective employers. Alumni success stories highlight the program's effectiveness in preparing graduates for successful careers, with many alumni making significant contributions to the design industry.
Emphasis on Sustainability and Ethical Design
Incorporating sustainable design principles into the curriculum is essential in today’s world. B Des programs emphasize the importance of sustainability and ethical practices in design. Courses on sustainable design and socially responsible design prepare students to create solutions that are environmentally friendly and socially impactful. Projects focused on sustainability encourage students to consider the environmental and societal implications of their designs, promoting a more responsible and conscious approach to design.
B Des programs are instrumental in preparing the next generation of innovators, equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and experiences needed to excel in the design industry. By providing a comprehensive curriculum, hands-on learning opportunities, state-of-the-art facilities, and global exposure, these programs ensure that graduates are ready to tackle the challenges of the modern world. The role of design education in driving future technological and societal advancements cannot be overstated. Prospective students are encouraged to explore B Des programs at top design colleges in India, such as Ajeenkya D Y Patil University in Pune, to embark on a journey of creativity, innovation, and professional success.
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marianeaparecidareis · 5 months
Salmos 9:9: "O Senhor é um refúgio para os oprimidos, um refúgio em tempos de dificuldade."
15 de maio de 1944.
Antes dessas manifestações, ao longo da minha vida, mesmo quando fui eu que me afastei DELE por ser extremamente imperfeita, senti meu DEUS perto de mim.
Senti que era vigiada por ELE e que cada boa Ação minha, cada Oração e cada Sacrifício eram imediatamente aceitos por ELE.
DEUS estava lá, Curvado sobre mim, justamente para colher de mim essas migalhas de Bondade.
Mesmo que DEUS não atendesse aos meus pedidos, ELE sempre me deu a sensação de que estava perto de mim porque sua Paz estava em mim, ou pelo menos ao meu redor, e tive a sensação de que nunca estava sozinha.
Tudo isso agora desapareceu. Deus não existia mais para mim, estou completamente vazia. O céu não existia mais. Para quem eu poderia orar?
O paraíso parecia um mito para mim. O firmamento, além do qual imaginamos a existência de DEUS e seu Paraíso, era para mim desabitado…. Eu estava rezando para o Nada….
Quem não viveu isso não sabe o que é o horror. Em outras ocasiões, senti que DEUS existia. Mas para me amaldiçoar. Eu acho que é o que os condenados experimentam quando vêem seu DEUS no Julgamento Privado e quando eles O vêem no universal. O terror de DEUS como alguém que pune e amaldiçoa aqueles que O ofenderam.
Quem ainda não passou por isso também não sabe o que é.
Hoje, domingo, por exemplo, não recebi nenhum ditado. Mas sinto que O Paraíso está ao meu redor e sou serena e sobrenaturalmente alegre.
Sinto que a minha Oração se eleva A DEUS e que o meu Amor troca beijos com O Amor de DEUS….
Mil sofrimentos, mas esta união com DEUS, mesmo que oculta, é algo que não causa prostração, mas alegria. É como alguém cego em uma sala. Ele não vê nem ouve nenhum som ao seu redor. Mas ele sabe que se precisar de alguma coisa basta gritar baixinho, e há alguém por perto que virá em seu auxílio imediatamente, e isso o encoraja. Não sei se estou conseguindo passar a impressão certa.
Penso – e tenho certeza de que não me engano – que este quarto, no qual estou sofrendo muito porque não é o quarto onde tanto vezes o Paraíso se manifestou à minha indigência,[345] se tornará querido para mim se os olhos de meu Senhor brilhe nele.
Mais do que querido – Sagrado.
Mas já adoro um pouco porque agora estou sentindo A Paz dele aqui. E ouvi as palavras de JESUS e de MARIA SANTÍSSIMA. Eu não conseguia isso antes. Odiei nos primeiros dias e tive medo…. Eu não senti DEUS aqui.
E se não sinto DEUS, tenho medo de tudo.
[345] Ela teve que deixar sua casa em Viareggio por causa de uma evacuação. CAUSADA PELA GUERRA.
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blogynewsz · 1 year
Unveiling the Future: Deccan Education Society Breaks Boundaries with the Launch of its Own University
The Deccan Education Society (DES), a well-known educational organization in the state, has recently established its own university in Pune, called Deccan Education Society Pune University (DESPU). Currently, the university offers 21 different programs across five schools. One notable feature of DESPU is its specialized cell for corporate relations, which aims to provide 100% placement assistance…
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des-pune-university · 7 months
Deccan Education Society: Excellence in Pune's B Tech & PG Diplomas
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Pune, often dubbed as the "Oxford of the East," has been a pivotal hub for higher education in India. Amidst its educational glory, the Deccan Education Society stands out as a beacon of academic excellence and tradition. Founded with the aim of creating a literate, enlightened society, the Deccan Education Society has etched its name in the annals of educational history. Today, it opens the doors to a plethora of opportunities for aspiring engineers and professionals through its distinguished B.Tech and PG Diploma courses, particularly in the sought-after fields of Computer Science and Electronics & Communication Engineering.
A Legacy of Enlightenment
The Deccan Education Society Pune University is an emblem of educational heritage, reflecting the vision of its founders to impart quality education to all segments of society. This prestigious institution is not just a name but a legacy that has been nurturing minds and fostering innovation for decades. Its commitment to excellence has made it a preferred destination for students aiming to excel in the realms of technology and engineering.
B.Tech Computer Science Colleges in Pune
For tech enthusiasts dreaming of diving into the world of programming, algorithms, and systems, the B Tech in Computer Science colleges in Pune affiliated with the Deccan Education Society offers an unmatched curriculum. These institutions are renowned for their cutting-edge laboratories, experienced faculty, and a dynamic learning environment that encourages practical learning and innovation. Students are prepared to face the global challenges of the IT industry, making these colleges a prime choice for aspiring software engineers and tech professionals.
B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering
The field of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) is at the heart of the digital revolution. Btech electronics and communication engineering colleges under the Deccan Education Society provide a comprehensive B.Tech program in ECE designed to meet the ever-evolving demands of the telecommunications, electronics, and information technology sectors. Through a blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience, students gain expertise in designing, analyzing, and implementing electronic systems, opening a pathway to a future filled with promising opportunities in both the public and private sectors.
PG Diploma Courses in Pune
Beyond undergraduate programs, the Deccan Education Society also offers an array of PG Diploma courses in Pune, catering to the need for specialized knowledge and skills in various professional fields. These courses are tailored for graduates seeking to enhance their qualifications, improve job prospects, or shift career paths. With a focus on industry-relevant curricula, these PG Diploma programs ensure that students are well-equipped to tackle the challenges of the professional world.
DES Pune University: A Pinnacle of Academic Excellence
As we delve deeper into the academic opportunities in Pune, it's imperative to highlight the role of DES Pune University in shaping the educational landscape. The Deccan Education Society's affiliation with Pune University marks a collaboration that leverages the best of tradition and modernity, fostering an environment of excellence and innovation. DES Pune University is not just an institution; it is a community of scholars, educators, and students committed to the pursuit of knowledge and the betterment of society.
This partnership enriches the academic offerings, with DES leveraging the resources, research facilities, and academic prowess of Pune University. The synergy between the two institutions amplifies their impact, creating an ecosystem that nurtures critical thinking, creativity, and a passion for lifelong learning. Students of DES have the unique advantage of accessing Pune University's vast library, engaging in interdisciplinary research, and participating in seminars, workshops, and conferences that broaden their academic horizons.
The Deccan Education Society stands as a testament to the power of education in transforming lives and communities. Through its top-tier B.Tech and PG Diploma courses in Pune, the society continues to mold future leaders, innovators, and professionals. Whether it's breaking new ground in Computer Science or pioneering advancements in Electronics and Communication Engineering, the institutions under this venerable society are paving the way for a brighter, more technologically advanced future. Aspiring students and professionals looking to make their mark in the engineering and technology fields will find the Deccan Education Society an exemplary gateway to achieving their dreams.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Events 6.22 (before 1940)
217 BC – Battle of Raphia: Ptolemy IV Philopator of Egypt defeats Antiochus III the Great of the Seleucid kingdom. 168 BC – Battle of Pydna: Romans under Lucius Aemilius Paullus defeat Macedonian King Perseus who surrenders after the battle, ending the Third Macedonian War. 813 – Battle of Versinikia: The Bulgars led by Krum defeat the Byzantine army near Edirne. Emperor Michael I is forced to abdicate in favor of Leo V the Armenian. 910 – The Hungarians defeat the East Frankish army near the Rednitz River, killing its leader Gebhard, Duke of Lotharingia (Lorraine). 1527 – Fatahillah expels Portuguese forces from Sunda Kelapa, now regarded as the foundation of Jakarta. 1593 – Battle of Sisak: Allied Christian troops defeat the Ottomans. 1633 – The Holy Office in Rome forces Galileo Galilei to recant his view that the Sun, not the Earth, is the center of the Universe in the form he presented it in, after heated controversy. 1774 – The British pass the Quebec Act, setting out rules of governance for the colony of Quebec in British North America. 1783 – A poisonous cloud caused by the eruption of the Laki volcano in Iceland reaches Le Havre in France. 1793 – Haitian Revolution: The Battle of Cap-Français ends with French Republican troops and black slave insurgents capturing the city. 1807 – In the Chesapeake–Leopard affair, the British warship HMS Leopard attacks and boards the American frigate USS Chesapeake. 1812 – France declares war on Russia, starting Napoleon's invasion. 1813 – War of 1812: After learning of American plans for a surprise attack on Beaver Dams in Ontario, Laura Secord sets out on a thirty kilometres (19 mi) journey on foot to warn Lieutenant James FitzGibbon. 1839 – Cherokee leaders Major Ridge, John Ridge, and Elias Boudinot are assassinated for signing the Treaty of New Echota, which had resulted in the Trail of Tears. 1870 – The United States Department of Justice is created by the U.S. Congress. 1893 – The Royal Navy battleship HMS Camperdown accidentally rams the British Mediterranean Fleet flagship HMS Victoria which sinks taking 358 crew with her, including the fleet's commander, Vice-Admiral Sir George Tryon. 1897 – British colonial officers Charles Walter Rand and Lt. Charles Egerton Ayerst are assassinated in Pune, Maharashtra, India by the Chapekar brothers and Mahadeo Vinayak Ranade, who are later caught and hanged. 1898 – Spanish–American War: In a chaotic operation, 6,000 men of the U.S. Fifth Army Corps begins landing at Daiquirí, Cuba, about 16 miles (26 km) east of Santiago de Cuba. Lt. Gen. Arsenio Linares y Pombo of the Spanish Army outnumbers them two-to-one, but does not oppose the landings. 1907 – The London Underground's Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead Railway opens. 1911 – George V and Mary of Teck are crowned King and Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 1911 – Mexican Revolution: Government forces bring an end to the Magonista rebellion of 1911 in the Second Battle of Tijuana. 1918 – The Hammond Circus Train Wreck kills 86 and injures 127 near Hammond, Indiana. 1922 – British Army Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson is killed by the Irish Republican Army helping to spark the Irish Civil War.
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sugarbydesign · 2 years
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Queen’s Bike é uma marca (fictícia) de acessórios femininos e sofisticados para bicicletas, destinada principalmente a jovens mulheres tanto ativas como descontraídas, práticas e elegantes. É amiga do ambiente, com o objetivo de explorar uma vertente não desportiva do ciclismo, ou seja, o uso da bicicleta como meio de transporte e lazer no dia-a-dia. A marca foi desenhada em 2016 para um projeto universitário em que o objetivo final era a elaboração do seu respetivo manual de normas.
Queen’s Bike is a (fictional) brand of feminine and sophisticated accessories for bicycles, mainly targeted at both active and relaxed young women, practical and elegant. It’s eco friendly, and its main goal is the exploration of other aspects of cycling that aren’t for competitive sport, meaning the usage of bicycles as mean of transportation and fun in daily life. The brand was designed in 2016 for an university project, where the main goal was the creation of its respective guidelines.
O manual informa as regras base sem ser prolixo, mantendo ao longo das suas páginas um ar airoso e elegante com um toque juvenil.
The guidelines explain the base rules without being verbose, keeping a fresh air of elegance and youth throughout its pages.
Inside (two-page spreads)
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* This was group project, in collaboration with Filipa Pereira and Soraia Tavares.
* Thank you to teachers Diogo Riobom, Gonçalo Gomes, Lígia Lopes and Rui Costa.
* The book mockups were designed by Pune Design and Graphics Fuel.
* Currently, the mockups used to display the brand within the guidelines are unknown.
* Font Champagne and Limousines was designed by Lauren Thompson.
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spiritual123 · 3 months
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Rudolf Steiner
Ga-1 – Lucrările științifice ale lui Goethe
10: Cunoaștere și acțiune în lumina gândirii goetheene
Rudolf Steiner subliniază legătura crucială dintre idei și experiențele imediate. El evidențiază mai multe aspecte cheie ale gândirii goetheene:
Ideile științifice trebuie să aibă rădăcini în experiențele senzoriale, transformând experiența brută într-o înțelegere ideatică. Obiectele trebuie integrate într-o lume unitară a ideilor pentru a înțelege cum se potrivesc în concepția noastră despre lume. Progresul științific constă în armonizarea fenomenelor individuale cu sistemul ideilor. Intelectul creează noțiuni precise despre lucruri individuale, iar rațiunea le integrează într-un întreg armonios, păstrând claritatea intelectului. Descompunerea realității este subiectivă, dar rațiunea poate unifica aceste fragmente într-o realitate obiectivă coerentă. Diversele perspective științifice și filosofice reflectă diversitatea experiențelor individuale, convergând totuși către o idee universală.
Capacitatea de a ajunge la idei universale depinde de aptitudinile personale de gândire, nu de numărul experiențelor individuale. Adevărul este perceput ca un raport între individ și lume, fiind simultan subiectiv și obiectiv. Steiner explică cum metodologia goetheană promovează o unitate a cunoașterii, integrând profund fenomenele individuale într-un context ideatic universal, depășind simpla experiență senzorială.
Textul explorează două metode fundamentale de cunoaștere: metoda dogmatică și metoda imanentă, fiecare cu implicațiile sale pentru generarea și justificarea judecăților științifice. Metoda dogmatică pune accentul pe influențele externe în determinarea adevărului judecăților, bazându-se fie pe revelație, fie pe experiența senzorială, fără a le explica complet. În contrast, metoda imanentă susține că adevărul și cauzele obiective sunt găsite în interiorul ideilor noastre, criticând realismul și empirismul strict. Concluzia subliniază necesitatea unei metode de cunoaștere care îmbină empirismul și idealismul, recunoscând ideea ca esența și fundamentul realității.
Textul examinează filosofia goetheană, evidențiind o abordare integrată și metodologică în cercetarea științifică, care depășește simplul empirism și raționalismul subiectiv. Limitările cunoașterii sunt considerate ca fiind determinate mai degrabă de capacitățile noastre actuale de percepție și de formularea corectă a problemelor decât de principii fundamentale absolute. Autorul subliniază rolul crucial al ipotezelor în explicarea realității, ipotezele valide fiind cele care pot fi confirmate prin percepții directe după eliminarea obstacolelor externe. În contrast, ipotezele care nu pot fi validate prin experiență directă nu sunt considerate relevante în știință. Importanța activității umane în contextul cunoașterii și al legilor naturale este subliniată prin comparația cu procesele naturale, evidențiindu-se caracterul distinct al acțiunilor umane, care sunt auto-condiționate și liber alese. Textul promovează ideea că libertatea umană constă în capacitatea de a fi propriul legiuitor al acțiunilor sale, în contrast cu determinismul legilor naturale externe.
În final, textul discută despre conceptul de dogmatism în diferite contexte, inclusiv în cunoaștere și în etică, subliniind că etica trebuie să fie o expresie a individualității și creativității umane, iar acțiunile morale să izvorască din impulsurile interne, nu din conformitatea cu legi generalizate.
#Goethe #Steiner #Antroposofia #Антропософия #Anthroposophy #Anthroposophie
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apexstudent23 · 1 year
Want to study in France? Apex is the best France student visa consultant in Mumbai, Pune and Aurangabad, Maharashtra. We will help you get a France student visa and admission in the best universities in France.
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France is one of the largest countries in Europe and is ringed by six countries. These countries are Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium in the northeast, Switzerland and Italy to the southeast and Spain to the southwest. Across the English Channel from France lies Great Britain. France is also considered to be the gateway to Europe and has a number of international airports, ferry services and rail routes that connect it to the continent.
The country ranks among the most popular travel destinations in the world. It has a number of amazing sights to see and boasts of cuisines only found in this part of the world. There are also some amazing natural and man-made spots for travellers to visit. The country has some of the best art galleries and museums in the world and has been a centre of art and literature through the years.
France also has some of the most amazing landscapes in the world. The beaches and coastlines of Brittany and Normandy are full of picturesque granite cliffs and wide bays. The countryside in this region is something right out of a postcard. The country has rain through the year intermittently and winters often bring snow, the rest of the year finds the temperature variable. The Pays-de la Loire region, south of Brittany and Normandy, is absolutely spectacular in its verdant bounty. The Atlantic coast has some amazing beaches with azure waters and has warm summers and mild winters. The South of France is one of the most popular regions of the country and is also the most expensive and busy areas there. This region has some of the plushest resorts in the world. Central France is also known as the heart of France and is densely populated. It is one of the main wine-producing regions in the world, with its wines being savoured around the world.
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onlinemarketing99 · 2 years
Our initiatives and programmes are accessible worldwide and have emerged as the leading showcase for contemporary technology. Our training programmes are specially created to meet the expectations of job seekers in the primary industry and to support professionals in maintaining their skills. We have been adhering to TUV Germany's ISO standards. Our training programmes have received accreditation from TUV Rheinland Germany, Jain University, the Supreme Education Council of Qatar, and the KHDA Government of Dubai. IPCS is the designated training partner of the NSDC Government of India.
In 2008, IPCS opened its doors in Kochi, a famous port city in Kerala, India. We carried out industrial automation projects for significant clients out of a modest office.In each of our facilities, we uphold the same standards for technical excellence and organisational decorum. We are proud of our alumni because thousands of IPCS-trained professionals are employed by well-known corporations all around the world.
One of the most well-known brands in India's digital marketing training industry is Areva Digital, the division of IPCS Gobal dedicated to digital marketing. From its inception, Areva has maintained a strong position as the market leader in the training industry and it is the best digital marketing in Pune. We are happy to have produced several digital entrepreneurs across various IT Parks for more than 4000+ Candidates educated & Placed throughout the nation. Areva places a strong emphasis on practical training methods and offers free internships to all applicants as an added benefit to help them get experience in our Digital Marketing Service department, which works with prestigious MNC clients around the nation.
The company IPCS has a long history of providing services and training in industrial automation and it is  the best automation courses in Pune. The training programmes we offer are up-to-date with regards to technical advances in order to compete in the fiercely competitive fields of PLC, SCADA, DCS, HMI, VFD, Panel Design, and Electrical Controls. Our training programmes are designed to be practically oriented and geared towards both freshmen and professionals to prepare them to fulfil industry standards. The list of programmes that are specifically designed for beginners, professionals, or industry experts is provided below.
Being the market leaders in the BMS & CCTV Training segment, IPCS Global maintains its position at the top. We are fortunate to be able to offer the highest training quality and 100% Placement Assistance to all applicants because we were the first company to begin the BMS industry in South India. The IPCS BMS parts are designed to be practically oriented and geared towards getting applicants fully ready for real-world tasks as soon as they enter the sector. Candidates at BMS also have the chance to start their own businesses, as the market for such ventures has grown recently. IPCS is happy to hear that during the past ten years, we have produced a significant number of BMS Entrepreneurs around the nation.
Our ultimate objective is to exceed client expectations and establish ourselves as the leading provider of automation solutions across a range of industries. Call out to us and discover greatness from top to bottom.With a firm commitment to moral principles and business ethics, we go above and beyond to guarantee total client satisfaction. We firmly believe in the virtue of esprit de corps, or team spirit. From order receipt to product delivery, the members of this group coordinate all the operations. All throughout, a culture of professionalism and respect for one another is upheld.
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Fluid propune un circuit artistic dinamic care urmărește crearea unui context de dialog între comunitatea artistică independentă din Timișoara și comunitățile locale, pentru a pune în discuție formele contemporane de exprimare artistică, la nivel local, național și internațional. Axat pe trei componente principale, acoperind un mix de medii și direcții artistice, atât digitale cât și analogice, proiectul este structurat în jurul unei serii de activități interactive și participative cu scopul de a familiariza publicul cu diferite manifestări artistice. Astfel, cele trei direcții sunt:
1. Ecologie / reutilizare - întâlnire în comunitate sub titlul Primești și dăruiești care aduce cu sine un schimb simbolic de obiecte Uzate
2. Intersecția dintre artă și știință - prin Arta Noilor Media - Perspective, eveniment de tip expoziție / artist talk, o întâlnire cu 3 artiști new media.
3. Arta digitală prin Pixel Lights, eveniment tip open call finalizat cu o expoziție de artă digitală.
Fluid, este un proiect organizat de artouching in colaborare cu Marginal, in cadrul programului cultural național Timișoara - Capitala Europeană a Culturii în anul 2023 și finanțat prin programul Opening+, derulat de Centrul de Proiecte al Municipiului Timișoara, cu sume alocate de la bugetul de stat, prin bugetul Ministerului Culturii.
Parteneri: Facultatea de Arte și Design din cadrul Universității de Vest Timișoara; UNArte - Universitatea Națională de Arte București
Parteneri Media: Ornella Studio Design, Vivo Media, Propagarta, Radio Romania Cultural, Tvr Timisoara, Radio Timisoara
Program: Vineri / Friday - 17.02.2023
Primești și Dăruiești - întâlnire cu Livia Mateiaș, discuții și schimb simbolic de obiecte uzate. / Give and Receive - meeting with Livia Mateiaș, discussions and symbolic exchange of used objects.
H: 15:30 - 18:00 Locatie / Location - Podul de Poveste în Parcul Uzinei, Cartierul Fabric https://goo.gl/maps/quTekyhfPud2RDyE8
Sâmbătă/Saturday 18.02.2023
Arta noilor media - perspective - Întâlnire cu Sabina Suru, Andrei Tudose și Marius Jurca / New media art - perspectives - Meeting with Sabina Suru, Andrei Tudose and Marius Jurca.
H: 16:00 - 22:00 Locatie / Location - DIGITAL:CANVAS\ https://goo.gl/maps/mHRtku1SL1hL2gM97
Duminică / Sunday 19.02.2023
Pixel Lights - expoziție de grup de artă digitală, realizată în urma unui open call / Pixel Lights - group exhibition of digital art, made following an open call
H: 16:00 - 22:00 Locatie / Location - DIGITAL:CANVAS\ https://goo.gl/maps/mHRtku1SL1hL2gM97
EN: Fluid offers a dynamic artistic circuit that aims to create a context of dialogue between the independent artistic community in Timișoara and the local communities, in order to discuss contemporary forms of artistic expression, at local, national and international levels. Focused on three main components, covering a mix of media and artistic directions, both digital and analogue, the project is structured around a series of interactive and participatory activities with the aim of familiarizing the public with different artistic manifestations. Thus, the three directions are:
1. Ecology / Reuse - meeting in community under the title Give and Receive, which starts a symbolic exchange of used objects 2. The intersection between art and science - through New Media Arts - perspectives, an exhibition and meeting with 3 new media artists. 3. Digital art through Pixel Lights, a digital art exhibition generated by an open call event
The project is part of the national cultural program "Timișoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is financed by the Opening+ program, run by the Project Center of the Municipality of Timișoara, with amounts allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.
Partners: The Art and Design Faculty (within UVT - The West University Timisoara), UNArte - the National University of Arts Bucharest
Media partners: Ornella Studio Design, Vivo Media, Propagarta, Radio Romania Cultural, Tvr Timisoara, Radio Timisoara
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