#DEKU INย ๐ฆ๐š๐ข๐ง ๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ๐ž
roguesenses ยท 2 years
[ โ˜˜ ] starter for @lightbaund
The society was collapsing, and too many were eager to take advantage of the peopleโ€™s lost faith in heroes.ย 
Izuku stared at the opportunist that he had sent face first into the ground, ensuring the other was completely immobilized before turning his back. He asked the bystanders to evacuate this area, and they all wasted no time complying with his request. A few looked back at him, and the fear in their eyes stung, but not as much as it did before when he first started down this lonely path.ย 
Only one remained - a crying child. Who did she belong to? None of the adults stopped for her.ย He moved to pick her up, taking them both into the air and away from the half caved in building.ย 
The child wailed and wriggled, tiny fists of protest drumming against his chest. Izukuโ€™s eyes scanned the surroundings, looking for the girlโ€™s parents, the police or a hero he could pass her onto. Unfortunately, there was no one. The adults have all fled and the police were likely still on their way. Izuku looked down, wanting to apologize for scaring the child and soothe the girl with a few gentle words of comfort, which was something he was once upon a time good at...ย 
Nowadays, words were lost to him. Weariness felt like ice. It pricked through his skin and clawed into his flesh, froze his mind and numbed his tongue. Only his heart, still warm with determination, continued to beat with unwavered resolve.
On his third scan of the area, he spotted a familiar face. After a moment of hesitation, Izuku leaped towards his old classmate, landing before the other with a quiet thud. The childโ€™s sobs calmed somewhat as he held her out towards Todoroki. She seemed to realize that she was being transferred into a pair of safer arms.ย 
A part of him wanted to say something to his...friend, but the other part was dead set on remaining silent, wondering if Todoroki would even recognize him. Maybe it would be better if he didnโ€™t.ย 
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roguesenses ยท 2 years
[ โ˜˜ย ] starter for @multianime
His steps felt heavy, and this time, it wasnโ€™t due to the exhaustion.ย 
She wants to see you.
Those words alone should have been enough to convince him, but they werenโ€™t. This time, it took several minutes of compelling arguments from his mentor before he agreed to set foot inside these hallways. One For All was at first something he viewed solely as a gift, and later he learned it was also a responsibility. He had obligation to utilize it at its maximum and defeat the evil that was threatening the order of their society.ย 
But those thoughts could wait.ย 
โ€œEri!โ€ Izuku greeted, opening his arms towards the girl with as much enthusiasm in his voice as he could muster. He found something akin to a smile for her, because the weight on his chest was for him alone, not for a child. Eri, after everything that she had gone through, deserved nothing short of pure joy for the rest of her life, and he must try to protect that.ย โ€œHow have you been?โ€ He would like to hug her close, but was uncertain if that would be a good idea considering his current state - that hair of his had not been washed for longer than he cared to admit.ย 
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roguesenses ยท 2 years
[ โ˜˜ ] starter for @ignitionxbombโ€‹
He couldnโ€™t remember who had suggested it, or how they managed to get everyone to sit down to play this game, even those whoโ€™d typically avoid these group bonding moments. So far, the best performance had come from Kaminari, who had diligently performed a dance imitating a crab. Izuku laughed until his stomach hurt and gave his classmate a loud round of applause.ย 
Soon, it was his turn to ask.ย 
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Izuku turned to the person next to him with a cheerful smile, and then he realized who it was.ย ย โ€œK-Kacchan!โ€
Death was upon him - Izuku could smell it in the air.ย 
If Kacchan chose truth and he accidently asked something he shouldnโ€™t, heโ€™ll die. But if the other chose dare and he asked for something unreasonable he would also die! What would he even ask him to do? Surely Kacchan wouldnโ€™t agree to something like dancing or singing. He could ask the guy to drop and give him 20, but when Todoroki used that earlier for a dare, everyone seemed very disappointed and called it lame.ย 
This was stressful, and he may or may not have been muttering his thoughts out loud. The good thing was he used a quiet voice, so people didnโ€™t seem to understand what he was rambling on about. Unfortunately, that still meant he had accidentally drawn attention to himself and everyone was looking.ย 
โ€œUh...Uhhhh, right! Truth or dare?โ€ Time to find his courage, plus ultra.ย 
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roguesenses ยท 2 years
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[ โ˜˜ ] continued fromย hereย with @distortedbeatโ€‹
recap of the last episode, JIROU said:ย  โI... UH... DIDN'T see you there,โž she speaks out loud, too nervous to even be bothered by how hard it is to hear her own voice these days. an awkward, half-hearted little laugh escapes her as she finally scrubs away the remains of her tears, as if the smeared eyeliner left behind does any favors for her. โwhat're you doing here anyway? i'm fine, if that's what you're here about. just a silly dream, that's all.โž
Izuku couldnโ€™t sleep.ย 
Too much had happened in the past year and while he thought he was prepared to be a hero and do whatever it took, clearly, he still had a lot of growing in the path ahead. While his body was getting stronger, adjusting to the quirk he had been entrusted with and finding its endurance, his mind was still lacking in resilience. Otherwise, why would he toss and turn, unable to stop his thoughts from running wild.
Tired of staring at his ceiling and walls, Izuku decided it was time for a change of atmosphere. He went get some water and heard a scream that had him dashing towards the common room. Had there been an attack? Did the villains infiltrate the dorms?ย 
His heart rate spiked, only to be calmed a second later by the sight of Jirou alone on the common room couch. She appeared fine, physically at least.ย 
โ€œI-I am sorry.โ€ Immediately, Izuku apologized, unclenching his fist and telling himself he could relax.ย 
She said Iโ€™m fine, which was a subtle prompt for him to not ask about what happened, right? Izuku knew was probably intruding - not everyone was okay with another seeing their tears - but he approached anyway.
โ€œDo you want some water?โ€ He extended the mug towards Jirou. Freshly poured, originally meant for himself, but he had not taken a sip yet. If she fell asleep here on the couch, maybe she would be cold and some hot water could do her good.ย โ€œI have nightmares too, sometimes...โ€ Izuku said carefully, glancing down to catch a hint of Jirouโ€™s smear eyeliner and quickly looking away.ย โ€œThey are not real, but can still be scary.โ€ He discreetly handed her a tissue.ย โ€œMy mom used to encourage me to talk about them, because once I do, they no longer sit on my chest and I can let them go. You can tell me about yours, Jirou.โ€ย 
A pause.
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โ€œO-only if you want to! I am sorry if I am overstepping!โ€ย 
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roguesenses ยท 2 years
[ โ˜˜ ] starter for @manlyselfcareโ€‹
On this fateful day, a mysterious letter arrived at the door of class 1-A. When Izuku moved to pick it up, he did not realize what chaos he was about to unleash into the universe.
The letter was not addressed to anyone in particular and it was also not sealed. After a moment of hesitation, he decided to open it under the watchful eyes of his classmates.ย โ€œLetโ€™s see...to the boy that I love...LOVE?โ€ย 
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โ€œThis is...a confession letter.โ€ He declared, slightly embarrassed that he was reading this but also could not look away.ย โ€œI love your handsome face, your strong personality and y-your manly shoulders...โ€ What on the earth was he reading?ย โ€œEvery day I bask in the light of your brilliance and wish that one day you would hold me in your-โ€ย 
Izukuโ€™s face flushed a bright scarlet red.ย โ€œI-I canโ€™t read this anymore, you continue, Kirishima!โ€ He thrust the confession letter to the boy standing next to him and pressed his hands to his burning cheeks.ย 
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roguesenses ยท 2 years
[ โ˜˜ ] starter for @ghoulsmuses
He settled down for lunch break in some dingy alley, intending to make quick work of his rice balls. They were a bit squished, but still perfectly edible. Izuku made ready to bite into one when he heard a rustle from the nearby garbage can, and immediately his relaxed stance shifted.ย 
Fist clenched, eyes bright green and seeking, he was prepared for yet another fight until he realized that it was only a cat.ย 
The feline, grey in color, walked towards him with a graceful sway. Its tail rose as it stepped close enough for a sniff. At the sight of its friendly presence, Izuku unclenched his fist.ย โ€œSorry,โ€ he apologized for his jumpiness as the cat butted its head into his hand, inviting a pet. Izuku complied readily, something warm spreading in his chest as he ran his hand across the felineโ€™s slightly matted fur.ย โ€œDo you want some tuna?โ€ There was some in his rice ball, which the cat was sniffing at.ย โ€œHere...โ€ He mumbled, tugging out a small sliver for it to sample.ย 
Perhaps the nearby cats sensed an offering was being made, or maybe this was just their hang out spot, but soon, three more strays emerged from their various hiding spots.ย 
Izuku reveled in this moment of normality - the sun was bright, there was no danger and he was surrounded by friendliness.ย 
A quiet pair of feet approached, and one of the strays pulled away from Izuku to welcome the person. A familiar face, and one that he hadnโ€™t anticipated to see again so soon.ย โ€œHey,โ€ he called out after a moment of contemplative silence.ย โ€œShinsou, long time no see.โ€
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roguesenses ยท 2 years
[ โ˜˜ ] starter for @multianimeโ€‹
The holiday season should be full of cheers, but Izuku Midoriya was sighing into his folded arms because there was something sitting rather heavily upon his chest.ย 
Izuku turned to the side, resting his cheek over his hands as his gaze shifted towards Todoroki for the sixth time this evening. Handsome - this was something he heard often about Todoroki-kun in passing, and now he thought he understood.ย 
โ€œAlright, letโ€™s do it.โ€ He clenched his fist in silent determination. Izuku promised himself that he would get this task accomplished tonight after having put it off for a whole week-and-a-half. If he waited any longer, he may end up not doing it at all, and that would be unacceptable. Setting down his still half-full mug of hot chocolate down, Izuku took his first few steps towards victory.ย 
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โ€œTodoroki-kun, can I talk to you for a minute?โ€ Fortunately, he was not intruding upon a conversation, the other looked free.ย โ€œUm...outside.โ€ Yes, it was cold, but certain conversations should not take place in front of the watchful eyes of everyone else.ย 
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