marilynmonroefanfics · 4 months
Scary Love
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Y/N, much to the disdain of his father, had convinced his mother to let him spend some days with his grandmother, Demeter.
Zagreus and Macaria were also not happy about it, however as they player major roles in the underworld, they could not accompany him. They did give him some advice.
“Just take this enchanted dagger with you.” Zagreus spoke, hiding the weapon in his brother’s tunic.
“If someone tries to pressure you, just do as we practiced” said Macaria.
The youngest son of Hades was very well received by his grandmother, who was very happy to see him. The other gods were also enthusiastic, specially his new best friends, Athena and Artemis.
Y/N spend the first few days catching up with everyone, Apollo sang him songs, Hermes brought him gifts from his travels, he also did flower crowns with Dionysus, so on and so forth.
With Athena and Artemis, Y/N travelled the known world, playing chess with Athena was always fun and he bonded with Artemis over their love of animals.
There was only one god Y/N could not befriend, that being Aphrodite, whispers ran throughout Olympus that the Goddess of Beauty had been dethroned. Aphrodite didn’t help herself by leading a life of debauchery, not at all leading a life of virtue and, in an irony of destiny, not respecting the sacred bounds of love she herself represented.
One early morning, the young prince witnessed the arrival of Ares, God of War, who was followed by two unknown men, all in bloody armour.
The God of War only gave a small nod of acknowledgment, speaking swiftly.
“Deimos, Phobos…” Ares spoke, his voice full of authority. “…meet Y/N, God of Seasons, Prince of the Underworld, youngest child of Hades and Persephone.”
Deimos and Phobos greeted the young prince, however, the latter could only notice their unusual auras and empty eyes.
In the next days Y/N could feel himself being observed, as if two pairs of eyes were watching him from the shadows. Flowers and little cards could also be find on his bed, with sort messages such as “I love your eyes” or “You have my heart”
The next few encounters with Deimos and Phobos were always the same, with few words exchanged and the two gods in their bloody armours.
One particular day, Y/N was pitiful of the two brothers, he had offered to help clean their armours, they seemed very dirty and uncomfortable.
To his surprise, the two brothers accepted, taking an opportunity to ask the young prince for help cleaning themselves, in particular their cheeses and arms, which they would flex at any opportunity, making Y/N giggle.
From then on, the try spent even more time together, Ares became quite annoyed at this, as his sons weren’t fulfilling their duties, which mainly meant fighting alongside their father.
It was clear to everyone the two brothers were in love with the young prince, but no one dared to say so. As the two circled Y/N like to guard dogs. Or in Persephone’s own words “sons of Cerberus”
Persephone knew of her son’s conflicted feelings, and simply advised “follow your heart…but do remember this has great consequences.”
“What do you mean mother?”
“Silly boy, you have the sons of the God of War at your mercy, the best warriors in the world, who give their father great victories…you can sway them as you please, they are yours to command, love is a powerful force.”
“What…what if I can’t choose between them?”
His mother laughed “I suppose you get two handsome hunks instead of one!”
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christnarr · 4 days
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tactile sign language, since i imagine in my head dedmos is mute and sanford had his vision messed up. theyre complaining
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n1ckelpistol · 11 months
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imjustheremam · 1 year
Here's my request!
How would the yandere madcom main four treat a reader who's pretty shy and unaware of their obsession?
Oh wow i never thought I get a request but LETS DO THIS!!
Warnings READ REAAAAAD!!!:this is Gender Neutral, there will be Swearing, Obsession, Possession Manipulation, Threats, Punishment, Kidnapping, Isolation, Violence, Mentioned threats of choking and/or drugging and actual choking and drugging, spoilers . Also I suck I doing yandere but I'm learning, oh and body parts and burning skin!!
Ok let's get to the point 2bdamned is a sadistic, manipulator and also the type to experiment on people.
He is the type of yandere to isolate and drugged them if they were being a bad little grunt.
You met him by getting hired to be a medic for the main 3, since he had enough of them getting killed or injured.
But you being unaware of his obsession, makes this worse for yourself but better for himself. And you being shy is kinda cute to him, even if you lost a limb or something you still look cute to him.
If you were in a relationship with him... idk probably manipulate you alot...but anyway
your pretty shy right, Yeah no when you are around him, you get extremely shy/nervous because not only he looks intimidating but this dude tries to have a conversation with you, like out of thin nowhere...
He hardly talks to you so if he ends up speaking prepare your legs to get wobble like jelly because this man just pops out like jumpscare (joke: "I love a kind a women that would actually just kill me" "HUH!?")
But of course he's a yandere so he's going go isolate you in his lab or your room, but would never let you go to his room or outside of S.Q, except for missions.
He won't let you talk to your friends by making you work more in the lab or send you on dangerous missions just to make you stay with him longer, and you only thought he needed help when he doesn't actually need help... ok maybe but not really.
when you try to patch hank or the others, he would join In to "help" you while glaring at hank or the others, and hank seems to know 2bdamned obsessions over you but you don't know that..
Sometimes he would drug you for being bad or failing a mission by faking saying it's medicine for your pain or for your injuries.
Remember when I said he would experiment on people, I wasn't lying he would do it, especially on you but not too much, he would drug you and take you to his private lab for no one can watch him do it... it's only you and him...
But when you do find out 2bdamned gives up and shows is true side as he hreatens you by using drugs or some fuck up shit, but only if you try anything funny...
Sometimes would purposely remove your stitches and let you bleed out until your close to passing out or death...
2bdamned will manipulate your friends to turn against you, just to make you trust him instead of those your so called friends
So he treats you like a lover until you become aware and rebellious
But he won't lie he loves a kinda women/guy that Would actually just kill him
"You can only trust me... my dear... only....me"
Oh boy this man is hard to tell if he's obsessed because his yandere is the same only he kinda clingy when things don't go his way
He is the type of yandere who is delusional but also steals small things from you and make a shrine(jebus lord what the fu-)
Now if you were in a relationship with him, you wouldn't even notice him being a yandere or anything until you spot a shrine("deimos what is that in your room..." "your smoothie")
Deimos is good at hiding things(kinda) from everyone including from 2bdamned... but 2bdamned will finds out like a stalker he is.
When 2bdamned hired you, deimos was the first one to talk to you and when you stuttered or looked nervous, he immediately thought he met an angel as you get flustered and nervous.
Everytime you Two go on a mission he would make small flirts and compliments as you get flustered like a red tomato.
But deep down those compliments and flirts is a demonic pyro-maniac ready to burn your love ones to ashes...
This dude already knows your unaware and he thinks your shyness and you being really unaware about this, is really cute and innocent...
This guy omg is the one who will never leave you alone, but hey atleast he doesn't kill your friends...until they catch him In the act...
Deimos knows how to manipulate your friends, he's 2bdamned 2.0 but little stupid...
When your talking to your friends, deimos would glare at them, but wouldn't go further than that, unless you leave them...
Deimos, would try to brush off Sanford, since Sanford knows Deimos more than anyone and he is aware of the obsession going on...
Honestly Sanford will feel bad for you and can't stop this situation anymore... your on your own buddy
Now remember buddy. Deimos is a pyro-maniac, so he also has punishments in his sleeves...
However you become aware when you find him killing your friends and boy oh boy you better be faster than him because he's a menace now...
If this grunt ever managed to catch you, your fucked(no not like that) I meant your gonna get punished,this dude will burn your skin, he even will make a burn mark on your skin to show you been very naughty grunt....
Now if you keep being naughty, deimos will kill one of your friends as punishment and you if keep going he might just kill ever friend you have...
He hates when you act rebellious but he does like you to cower in fear, it reminds him of your shyness
He constantly threatens to kills, choke, you and more...
If there one thing both 2bdamned and deimos have in common is definitely isolating you in a room...
"C'mon firefly is not that hard....your mine and im yours.... forever"
Oh lord.... now Sanford is a torturer and sadistic...I think... but lord have mercy on you because you ain't escaping honey...
He's the type of yandere to torturer and chop your leg off but hey... doc can't have that so consider yourself lucky...
If you were in a relationship with him, Sanford would've been nice to you but rude to ti others except for deimos... he's cool...
When you got hired by 2bdamned himself, Sanford was the second to speak as he thought your nervous and Suttering words was funny and adorable...
When you go on missions with him, he mostly either show off, and be loud as always but also... watching you
You only assume that he was just protecting you since you were the support of the team...
Now Sanford isn't a stalker but he would stalk you when you go out somewhere he doesn't know...
If you have friends Sanford will watch and if they get too close to you, Sanford will join in while glaring at them when your not looking..
Now even Sanford can make mistakes like one time he tried to enter your room just to see you and you woke up
Lucky for him, he knew how to lie and you were convinced... ("Sanford why are you in my room..." "I had a nightmare..." "oh")
Now Sanford is like a of one those slashers killers like he kills your friends one by one in the most gruesome way and you won't even know it until Sanford said something really creepy
This is probably how you get aware of his obsession...
Now deimos will notice and try to tell Sanford what he's doing Is creepy and very uncool but Sanford will try to reassure him or brush it off...
Deimos will actually help you but Sanford will catch on and will try different methods for deimos won't be a problem...(he doesn't want to hurt deimos)
Now Sanford may be dumb but he's NOT stupid... this grunt has his own ways to punish and capture you...
If you try to escape prepare to have a broken leg for a damn week that will feel like a month... and punishments are the most freakiest thing ever... ok not that freeky but its fucked up....
Sometimes will bring one of your friends, alive and torture them infront of you as you either cry, beg, or try to stop him... but it doesn't matter because he won't listen...
Don't even try to manipulate him, it won't work....
All this wouldn't have happened,if you just stayed unaware forever....
"My dear don't be scared...just let me love you... and I'll be....nice..."
Hey yeah you...come over here...yeah a little closer... haha now now get a little closer....yeah right there....
*proceeds to bitch slap you* how the FUCK!!! ARE YOU UNAWARE OF THIS!!!
This dude doesn't even hide it, so how are you unaware of this situation your in...
Ok hank is possessive and obsessive towards you and if you were in a relationship with this dude prepare to no longer see your friends or your boss because he going yo send them to the other place...
He will think your either so innocent or just fucking stupid, hank is the type to stalk and straight up enters your room and watch you sleep, just like Sanford only he straight up just stands there...
When you got hired by 2bdamned like the others, hank was the first one to leave the room because well, he doesn't like to tolerate a weaklings(ouch)
But after some time he begins to like your shyness, you remind him a small scared kitten...
so just like 2bdamned, Hank also makes you extremely shy, not only because he talks out of nowhere, he always behind you or straight up in a place where you won't even think he'll be in...
For example:
You: *drops something on the floor*
You: *Goes to reach it*
*a hand grabs you*
You: *Screams*
Hank: I can't get up...
So yeah that motherfucker could be anywhere. Yet you still unaware of this, God your either dense as fuck or even more stupid...
Now at this point everyone knows hank obsession over you, Sanford will most likely to take you on his missions on purpose, same for deimos only he drags you to other section, that hank isn't allowed to enter...
Now 2bdamned doesn't care but would make sure hank doesn't plan on anything to harm or do something to you...after all your one his workers
But how do you find out he's obsessed with you, simple... Project Nexus...
When Sanford and deimos try to reason with hank, he of course doesn't care. But when you try to reason with him, he still didn't care but will show his full obsession over you as you cringed and felt disturbed...
Now we know how this ends, but if hank won he would had let you live but if you try to stop him futher, say bye bye to your legs honey...
But since Sanford and deimos won, you try to distance yourself away from hank but my man is going to make you suffer
Because now that you know, hank would ultimately make sure your his now and only his... your shy attitude is now a cowardly attitude....
Hank will choke you nearly to death as he gives you dead threats as he holds you against the wall...
Oh no trying to call your friend's for help yeah... think again because they will leave you to die, oh honey you thought they would help you against a wanted man? Aha your really funny buddy
Now torture isn't his style vur if he needs you to obey he won't hesitate, my man while Stab, cut even nearly kill you but of course doc comes in like "goddammit hank" and you get saved hurray...
OH wait... he works for doc...FUUUC-
You wished you stayed unaware but also wished you haven't been born....
"You're Mine and mine only... so quit being a fucking bitch and..."love" me"
Sorry for taking so long I'm still doing requests but I going to be a slower than a turtle, also I tried by best here so I hope you like if you don't then sorry for disappointing you....any way I hope you have a good day/night
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beemers-hell · 1 month
You’ve done Sanford head canons, what about Deimos?
yall know the drill!
Deimos HCs!
Around 40 ~ 45ish (same as Ford
Trans man, Bi King
Has ADHD Combined Type, and though it's not as severe as it used to be, he's still struggling with executive dysfunction. He's fine to do the work he's told to do but he needs some bribing occasionally, i.e. the Nexus Mission with the chance of visiting Burger Gils lol
The fire-lit-from-his-finger thing is the result of him undergoing minor experimentation by the agency in the past, in which his DNA and body was being modified in order to allow him to wield fire powers. The experiment wasn't very successful, so he can really only do as much as use his hands as lighters, but he can also breath fire, though it hurts his throat to do so. The plume he can produce isn't very impressive in the first place, so he doesn't pull that trick out as much as he does the finger flame thing!
Speaking of the agency, yeah he's a dissenter! He used to work as a technician/IT dude before signing up for minor experimentation, after which he got bored of the work and decided to leave after he was approached by Doc, who he'd known very briefly from when Doc was working amongst the agency as well. The rest is history!
He has shark teeth, but he wasn't born with them. He had his teeth worked on shortly after he dissented bc he thought it'd look sick, which it does, but it also comes in handy when he's in a tight spot and can't use much else but the power of biting to get out of a situation lol
Obviously he's the funny man out of the gang, and seems to have some sort of quip or remark ready to go for virtually every situation or thing they stumble across. There isn't really any deeper thing to this aspect of him, dude's just naturally funny like that. Of course, he can go from "first I lol'd then i serious'd" if the situation calls for it, but a majority of the time he'll be providing the comic relief these guys so desperately need in a state like Nevada!
Deimos has pockets on his tactical gear getup specifically just to carry his smokes in, like of course he's got shit like bandages and ammo packs in others but the ones on his shoulders are his designated cigarette pockets. Dude really needs his fix!
Post Dedmos Adventures, Deimos will eventually have the rocks and all that shit attached to him removed, but it'll take a LOOOOOOOOONG time to remove them, as Doc and Sanford would need to harvest a LOT of skin and tissue and organs and all that shit to transplant onto him. Hell, he'll never really return to how his body was pre-other place escapades. He's gonna need a lot of recovery time after all is completed (he's not like Hank lol), and he'll end up mute from not being able to have his throat and mouth properly repaired despite their best efforts (Which is fine by him, he already knows ASL on account of his line of work lol)
Like Doc, dude is a nu-metal freak, fucker loves Korn and Limp Bizkit
Unlike Sanford, Deimos is a FANTASTIC cook (and baker!) anytime it's his turn to prepare meals everyone gets excited. If the world was still normal (or as normal as Nevada was pre-fall of Nexus) he honestly could've been pretty successful as a Chef!
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sstarrfishh · 1 month
Rocky planets HC’s!!!! \(•^•)/ (be mindful these may be a lil oc)
•He has burn marks all over him from all the solar flares, he hides some of them with bandages. He’s kinda self conscious about them.
•Speaking of burn marks sometimes his feathers will get burnt he can get them out himself but sometimes needs help.
•He likes to take naps in his free time sense most of the time he’s not really allowed to go be with the other rocky planets bc of the sun.
•He’s the solar system’s messenger he delivers letters and packages across the entire system, so he knows a lot more than u would think
(he sometimes gets nosey and reads some of the letters, but only if it’s nothing too personal).
•His hair is a birds nest (it’s really messy and frizzy)
•He can go to sleep while flying
•He has 3 pairs of wings, one pair on the side of his head,on his back,and a pair on his ankles
•He wears glasses because he’s so close to the sun.
•He has sun kissed skin (lots of freckles all over)
•when he gives someone a hug he wraps his wings around them
•He has long wavy/curly hair (Which he keeps up most of the time).
•He helps Mercury pluck out this burnt feathers (when no one’s watching ofc).
•He’s practically adopted Ceres, it started out with him just teaching them to scare Mars but over time he started to get attached him and started treating him as his he would his own moon.
•When he visits Ceres and isn’t teaching him new pranks he combs out his hair and styles it for them,sometimes even playing around with them. (tag, hide & go seek, and catch)
•He envy’s the Earths life but is kinda glad he doesn’t have any because of what the Earthlings are doing to him.
•Trans 🏳️‍⚧️
•Resting bitch face (he’s really not that mean when he wants to be)
•He has a rock collection, not because he likes to collect rocks but ceres finds rocks he thinks are cool/pretty and over time it just became a collection because he has so many.
•He hates his axis (177 degrees)
•weeping willow tree hair bc i said so
•also has sharp teeth
•Their REALLY good at card games
•When he wears his hoodie/pullover he lets Luna sleep in his hood fluff which are clouds
•Tall (the biggest rocky planet)
• Very flirty
•Likes to make jewelry
•He yaps about his earthlings as soon as he gets a chance
•He has a lot of stories about his earthlings that he tells to phobos, deimos, and Luna.
•He likes to help saturn bake sometimes
•even though he can’t cook that good (or really at all) 😭😭
•when he listens to music he blasts it. like anyone near him can hear it clearly
•He’s really smart being so close to jupiter he’s heard and learned a lot of things
•the “parent” of the rocky planets or voice o reasons most of the time
• he’s a nonchalant dread head 🗣️🗣️
•He’s a really good dad towards phobos and deimos
•He’s actually kinda over protective of them but just a lil 🤌🏾
•He uses having phobos and deimos to his advantage to cheat when playing cards with the others (they look at the others cards and tells him what cards they have,it’s why he almost never loses).
•alien 👽
•He sometimes listens in on Jupiter’s stories
.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.anyways this took longer than it should have 🤦🏾‍♀️
But what ship should i draw next??? (•U•)
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ya-killin-me-smalls · 7 months
Genuine question!!
Opinion on Sanmos?
If sanmos opinion is positive, headcannons?
oh I adore sanmos. madcom power couple that I wanna rip apart and watch decay :)
- Sanford was very much so afraid of Deimos when they first started working together. not because he seemed like a bad person but you can only watch someone fly off the handle the way he does so many times before you start to think something's wrong with them
- unfortunately, that massive capacity for violence is really hot as long as he's not on the receiving end, and in a way he feels responsible for reeling Deimos in when he goes to far
- with time, Deimos started going to Sanford for general grounding (even though he doesn't say it) because off the battlefield he finds his teammate's presence to be soothing. they go out drinking, watch TV in the common areas, and grab food at 3am together all the time
- they really just fold into each other one night, walking back to the dorms after a night out. they get to the hall where they normally part ways, but Deimos is still rambling on about something Sanford doesn't understand but is still heavily invested in, so Deimos follows him back to his room. and Sanford invites him in because it's only polite not to make someone stand for so long. and neither remember who made the first move but Deimos finishes his tangent and then there's strong arms around his waist and lips pressed to his own, and it isn't something he's ever really thought about before but it isn't something he's against, either
- this does not lead to them dating yet. it leads into really elaborate gay chicken where they don't talk about what happened, definitely wanna move forward, but neither knows if the other is okay with them making actual moves. they hold hands and snuggle and kiss anywhere but on the mouth and then play it off as "haha I won you're blushing gayboy"
- it, of course, turns into actual kissing, and escalates to competing to see who's willing to go the furthest
- spoiler alert, it's both of them and they go all the way
- it doesn't really affect the way they work, so used to months of playful "mock" flirting that everything still feels normal to them
- Sanford has a thing about picking Deimos up. it is simply the only time he feels like they're physically close enough
- which works out fine because Deimos is touch-starved even on a good day
- they don't ever really discuss the terms of their relationship because, as far as they're concerned, nothing really changes. they aren't the romantic types so really they're just partners in crime that happen to makeout and fuck nasty
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dumskullexpress · 11 months
I don’t usually make these but uhhh
🍾🥤💥Madness Combat: Restaurant Etiquette Edition🔥🍔🍖
From order of best to worst.
Physically incapable of leaving a mess
Orders most expensive meal available
Knows how to use a fork and knife
Wears a bib and a puts a napkin on their lap
Offers critique to the chef directly
Invests in the local business
Pays in full
Leaves a $100 tip
Orders something small but modest
Keeps cutlery neat and tidy on the table
Cleans up after himself
Compliments the chef, waiters, and dishwashers
Pays in full
Leaves a generous tip
Orders the spiciest option available
Chats up the waiter
Tries not to leave too much of a mess
Stacks the dirty plates
Has desert
Pays in full
Might leave a tip
Orders whatever looks good
On his phone most of the time
Not really involved with the restaurant staff
Wipes crumbs onto the floor
Pays in full
Doesn’t tip
Orders the weirdest or grossest food on the menu
Stabs everything with a fork, spoons are for pussies
Chews with his mouth open
Smokes in the restaurant despite no-smoking signs
Didn’t bring his wallet
Pays in pennies, or forgets to pay entirely
Forgets to tip
Gets junk food
Uses his hands, completely ignoring the utensils
Screams at the staff
Staff is too terrified to oppose him
50/50 chance pays in Chuck-E-Cheese tokens or sets the restaurant on fire.
Murders a customer on the way out
Leaves a tip
and last but not least...
Doesn’t order, just grabs a random customer’s meal and swallows it whole
Doesn’t chew
Drinks directly from the soda dispenser
Smashes kid’s birthday cake
Shoots the waiter when asked to leave
Uses a hostage as a meat shield when law enforcement arrives
Throws a grenade into the kitchen
Steals money from the register
Doesn’t tip
Honorable mentions:
MAG Agent Torture
Accidentally squishes the waiter when ordering
Too big to fit inside
Has to order 20 different meals
Agency pays for damages
Church and Jorge
Orders biggest thing on the menu
“I’ll have what he’s having.”
Has a food fight
Leaves without paying
Smites the waiter for addressing him as “sir” and not “god-emperor”
Won’t eat food that doesn’t meet his standards
Expects the entire restaurant (including customers) to kowtow before him
“What do you mean the meal isn’t free?! I demand to see this ‘MANAGER’ of yours.”
He fucking eats you
So yeah! Those are my silly restaurant hcs! :D
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doctorleviathan · 9 months
Sons Of Mars Lyrics: Well, you don't know me But I know YOU
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ghostorbz · 1 year
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They kissed right after that
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madcom-hcs · 5 months
Madness combat has me in a chokehold rn and my favorite character is Hank :D and I have some silly headcanons of mine
I headcanon Hank as being nonbinary, with preferring to use he/him and they/them pronouns. I just feel like he thinks gender is stupid, like a law they don’t understand and doesn’t care to follow it.
Another headcanon is that Hank is autistic and has trouble with eye contact without his mask and goggles on. He does like to stare but he doesn’t like when people can see his face, it makes him uncomfortable. He also doesn’t like eating in front of people, because of his metal jaw and the way it gets really messy.
So, whenever Deimos, Sanford, Hank, and 2BDamned cook something up and eat
Hank takes his plate of food to his room and eats it there, as to not make a mess in front of the other three.
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Mayncient Day 1: Introduction
Anthea, Creationist of Elpis // Constantinos, Assistant to Emet-Selch Deimos, Word of Lahabrea // Iris, Creation Follow Up
lore below the cut
Hi Hello and welcome! Have a little lore and details to my four ancients and where they started!
They grew up on Elpis and followed, mostly, in their parent's footsteps in creating and researching concepts, where they differed was picking flora over fauna. Anthea had many a great idea and wanted to so desperately make something perfect worthy of the star but never could get their creations exactly how they wanted them and even when they could it could never be replicated in the exact same manner. It was an attempt to create a flower with rainbow edges that a stray thought gave birth to what would be dubbed the Elpis flower, the most life changing flora they had created.
Constantinos aka Conner
With a passion in the application of plants to the body in various forms, it was a surprise he wasn't sent to be a Word of Halmarut. Instead he found his post to becoming the assistant to the newest appointed Emet-Selch, though metaphorical guard dog was a more apt description at times. While not ideal Conner embraced the role and found his skills and detail orientated brain worked well with the seemingly random data brought up from the Aetherial Sea. It was through this job that he would meet all manner of people of the utmost importance to their society....and he never finds out that he was placed there as an attempted prank by Emet-Selch's brother Azem.
Born and raised in Amaurot not far from his cousin Hades, Deimos was always a bit of an odd one. Always over excitable, had to be moving, and always had a million questions for his older cousin Hades. The two were raised closely to a point it was just easier to call one another brother, especially when Deimos' natural talent in magic and intelligence led to him skipping enough grades to soon share a classroom with Hades wherein soon the boys were always associated with one another. Once they were out in the world as adults, Deimos set to work on setting himself apart from his brother, finding a passion in the creation and process of doing so among the Words of Lahabrea. Still eccentric as ever Deimos would run the other Words that mentored him, when Lahabrea could not, ragged. It was after his latest suggestions on adding "cuteness and more fighting features" to someone's little fluffy transformation familiar that the Words pushed him onto the current Azem that was looking for assistance on their adventure. His out of the box thinking and fearlessness impressed Azem and had her taking him under her wing to become the next Azem.
She was always the honor student it was no surprise that she would end up in a class with a young Hades who was relieved to have a class without his brother or his best friend Hythlodaeus. As assigned partners though these two both had their own opinions on how things should be done and couldn't get along to start....that is until she defended his harshness of another student with a subtle harshness of her own that the two found they had much in common. Getting closer in the classes to follow where Hades was without his other two companions, they started a bit of a relationship that came to an end with the end of required schooling. Iris had a thirst for adventure and had always set her sights on following up on the creations released into the world, that Hades never wanted to stifle and she didn't want to stifle him and his plans that he had for his life. Staying in touch the best they could over the years it would take an AU for them to end up together.
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worthitino · 2 years
I HAVE OFFICIALLY FINISHED ALL THE GOD OF WAR GAMES + LORE. THE COMICS, THE COOKBOOK, THE GAMES. so, with my new knowledge, i present a very special headcanon post.
* kratos has murals of the people he honoured in greece, including orkos and deimos. he had wanted to show the glimpses of hope of his bleak past to the realms to show things can, in fact, get better.
* he has a small festival in honour of faye! it's celebrated primarily in the old marketplaces and jötunhiem. the festival serves traditional jötnar food and it honours her victories and what she had done as the last guardian of the jötnar.
* kratos plays the lyre to mimir after many years of the head begging to hear some of his tunes. he can also play thz flute and a few other greek specific instruments.
* freya and kratos fly together when they are both falcons (as i hc'd kratos to learn 'falki' for more efficient travel). they both use this ability to watch the realms above and protect the people from potential threats.
* kratos decided to assist thrúd with her valkyrie training by being an outside source to her sparing to make sure that she begins to be more confident to fighting other people. she practically lives there now. (thank you to my friend who inspired this!! it's a huge thrúd fan.)
* when kratos blesses people, he speaks greek. he decided that his culture should be honoured despite his past. it was the gods fault, not what he was interested in as a younger man.
* his beard? oh, it is so long. it's so long and nice. very braidable!! he has a few flowers stuck in there thanks to thrúd, lunda, angrboda, sif and freya. they use it as an excuse to hang out.
* kratos, as allfather, finally takes naps. he has a little sleep. he has dreams about faye, but they're very positive after he realised that she would be very proud of him.
* when atreus comes home, the both cook together. it's one of the things they both enjoy and will continue you enjoy as father and son.
* kratos carries around helka like a baby because she makes him happy.
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outhereinnevada · 1 year
One of my Deimos headcanons as of now.
My man is a godsent Hacker and Mechanic.
give him Ikea furniture to build and he will have a meltdown.
I thought it would be funny.
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st4ticsys · 1 year
happy pride month to everyone! closeted or not, you deserve to celebrate and love yourself, doesn't matter how you identify, how many labels you use, or whether youre just questioning, you are valid, and i hope you all stay safe this pride month!
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Headcanon that Hank almost killed Deimos once because he said volleyball was boring
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