#DEI HR strategies
bethechangehr · 9 months
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We provide the best DEI HR strategies in New York providing a Clear Path with AAA Roadmap To DEI based on research, psychology, and HR best practices.
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Lack of DEI Expertise Holds Some Organizations Back.
When discussing (DEI) Diversity Equity Inclusion strategy with organizational leaders still without one halfway through 2022, the reason they haven’t done so usually involves a lack of expertise within the organization.  Leaders understand the overwhelming business case for DEI, they just don’t have certified DEI experts within their HR or Organizational Development departments qualified with DEI strategic planning.
Gain Executive Commitment:
Establish a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Executive Council: 
Conduct Thorough Assessment of the Current Status of DEI:
Establish Strategic Priorities, Goals, and Objectives:
Establish an Implementation Plan to Reach Goals:
Develop Data Standards and Benchmarks for Measuring Progress and Holding Leaders Accountable:
Measure Results and Adjust Efforts as Necessary: 
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
The Karamel-uh entity, great respecter of The Science™ and pharmaceutical industry cash, has decreed the unvaxxed unhireable in recent campaign staff position postings.
One such posting, located here, for a “National Booker” — tasked with “managing day-to-day relationships with media bookers,  and developing strategies to increase the visibility of campaign spokespeople and surrogates across TV networks, radio, digital streaming programs, podcasts, and more” — reads (emphasis added):
Can you imagine the hell on Earth of trying to reason with a paper-pusher in the HR Department for a President Harris campaign? How DMV-level fat, how gender-diverse, how colorful does one have to be to gain such employment?
Back in the day, in 2021 — when Karamel-uh was serving as the most unpopular vice president in American history after being plucked from obscurity because of her melanin and vagina because the Brandon entity promised the rabble a black lady VP — she proclaimed a death toll from COVID in the United States alone (population 350 million give or taken fifty million illegal aliens) of 220 million, deploying the brand of DEI math they do in public schools nowadays.
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othersystems · 10 months
Here is my IN/OUT for 2024
cultural nostaliga moving from bush years to obama years
this isnt just in pop culture/fashion but in general outlook.
polyester and pleather
puffy sleeves
overly complicated patterns
small sunglasses
crop tops and boxy fit tops
lime green
bright pink
middle part
"soft speak" and "hr speak"
"identity" through group
"personal brand"
butter yellow
charcoal gray
electric blue
large polka dots
wide stripes
metallics, silver and gold foil
lace replacing mesh
mid length fur coats
slim fit long cut shirt
shirts with text on them
furry winter hats with flaps
low waisted skinny jeans
wedge shoes
side part
interest and nostalgia for DIY culture
luxury/martini going out culture replaced by "the hang out spot" more middlebrow/diner culture (but not the dive/fake grit and americana/nostalgia of the mid 2010s)
cozy interiors: not minimilist or maximilst. overstuffed striped and plaid fabric couches
more serious: palestine renders both of the "fashionable" poitical outlooks adopted in the early 2020s unfeasible: reactionary partier apathy but also corporate DEI/branded identity culture that uses diversity and identity as a means of self promotion as well as things like "writing a soft poem" as a political response.
nostalgia and attempts towards: direct action and grassroots organizing, interest in the occupy movement. general gravitation away from apathy but also from the "my personal being is revolutionary" and instead to the collective. but not in the "communism as aesthetic" of the late 2010s, which was also personal identity based
A large number of people not interested in that move to be baldly careerist and drop any hint of interest in “activism” when it no longer works as a strategy for personal promotion
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empxtrack · 19 days
Creating a Truly Inclusive Workplace in 2025
In 2025, building a truly inclusive workplace is not just a goal but a necessity for companies that want to thrive in the ever-evolving business environment. As organizations adapt to changing employee expectations and global shifts, inclusivity is becoming a core value that drives innovation, engagement, and success. Recent HR trends for 2025 show a strong focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), reflecting the growing awareness of creating an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered.
In this blog, we’ll explore recent HR trends in 2025 that are transforming how companies approach inclusivity, the strategies they are implementing to foster diverse and inclusive environments, and how HR software is playing a crucial role in this process.
1. Shifting DEI from Policy to Practice
In 2024, we saw a heightened focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as a fundamental aspect of workplace culture. Many companies introduced DEI policies and hired diversity officers to ensure their organizations were reflecting societal values. However, in 2025, the emphasis is on shifting DEI from policy to practice. It’s no longer enough to have policies in place—organizations must ensure that these principles are fully integrated into everyday business operations.
Creating a truly inclusive workplace means going beyond compliance. Organizations are focusing on inclusivity in recruitment, onboarding, career development, and leadership representation. Companies are taking a data-driven approach, using HR software to track key metrics such as the representation of underrepresented groups, pay equity, and promotion rates. By turning these insights into action, businesses can ensure that inclusivity is not just a buzzword but a lived experience for all employees.
2. The Role of HR Software in Advancing Inclusivity
HR software is playing a critical role in advancing inclusivity in the workplace. Recent HR trends for 2025 highlight the increasing use of technology to create equitable systems that eliminate bias in various HR processes.
For example, AI-powered HR software can help companies create more inclusive recruitment processes by reducing human bias in candidate selection. These platforms can anonymize resumes, ensuring that hiring decisions are based solely on skills and qualifications rather than unconscious biases related to gender, race, or ethnicity. Additionally, HR software can automatically screen candidates for diversity goals, helping companies create balanced teams from the outset.
Performance management is another area where HR software is making a difference. With continuous performance tracking tools, businesses can evaluate employees based on real-time data, helping to eliminate biases that can occur in annual reviews. Moreover, feedback loops and employee sentiment analysis help HR teams identify issues related to inclusivity and address them proactively.
3. Recent HR Trends in 2025
As the workplace continues to evolve, hybrid work models have become a permanent fixture in the landscape of work, following trends seen in 2024. However, inclusivity within hybrid and remote work environments presents unique challenges. In 2025, HR leaders are focused on ensuring that all employees—whether they work remotely, in-office, or a combination of both—feel equally included in company culture and have access to the same opportunities for growth and development.
One way organizations are achieving this is through the strategic use of HR software designed for hybrid work management. These platforms facilitate seamless collaboration and communication between remote and in-office teams, ensuring that all employees stay connected and engaged. By providing virtual spaces for team collaboration and feedback, HR software ensures that employees who may not be physically present in the office are not overlooked when it comes to promotions, professional development, or participation in key projects.
Another major trend is the use of virtual DEI initiatives, such as online inclusion training programs and virtual mentorships, to ensure all employees, regardless of location, can actively participate in diversity and inclusion efforts.
4. Personalization and Belonging: Key Elements of Inclusivity
One of the HR trends in 2024 that is continuing into 2025 is the focus on personalized employee experiences. A truly inclusive workplace must cater to the individual needs of its employees, recognizing that everyone has different preferences, challenges, and goals. Companies are increasingly offering personalized benefits packages, flexible work schedules, and tailored development programs to ensure that all employees feel supported and valued.
HR software plays a vital role in personalizing the employee experience. These platforms can collect data on employee preferences, work habits, and career goals, allowing companies to offer personalized recommendations for development opportunities, wellness programs, and work-life balance initiatives. Additionally, AI-driven learning management systems can create individualized learning paths for employees, ensuring that everyone has access to the resources they need to grow and succeed.
Creating a sense of belonging is also key to an inclusive workplace. Employees need to feel that they are part of a community where their contributions are recognized and valued. In 2025, companies are using employee engagement tools within HR software to foster community-building and ensure that employees feel connected to their teams, regardless of their location.
5. Addressing Bias and Ensuring Equity
One of the most challenging aspects of creating an inclusive workplace is addressing unconscious bias and ensuring equity across all HR processes. In 2025, organizations are using HR software to tackle these issues head-on. AI and automation are particularly useful in eliminating bias from critical HR functions, such as recruitment, promotions, and performance evaluations.
For example, AI-driven recruitment tools can help ensure that job descriptions are gender-neutral and inclusive, attracting a diverse pool of candidates. These tools can also analyze data from previous hiring processes to identify patterns of bias and recommend corrective actions. Similarly, pay equity analysis tools within HR software help organizations track compensation trends and ensure that employees are being paid fairly, regardless of their background or demographics.
6. Mental Health and Well-Being as Part of Inclusivity
Recent HR trends in 2025 emphasize the growing importance of mental health and well-being as part of creating an inclusive workplace. Inclusivity goes beyond ensuring diversity in hiring—it also involves creating a supportive environment where all employees feel comfortable bringing their whole selves to work. Companies are expanding their well-being programs to include mental health support, flexible working hours, and access to counseling services.
HR software helps organizations manage these programs by offering wellness tracking tools, mental health resources, and feedback mechanisms to monitor employee well-being. By collecting data on employee stress levels, work-life balance, and overall satisfaction, HR teams can make informed decisions on how to improve their well-being initiatives and create a more inclusive environment for all.
Creating a truly inclusive workplace in 2025 is about more than just hiring a diverse workforce—it’s about ensuring that everyone, regardless of background, feels valued, supported, and empowered to succeed. As the recent HR trends in 2025 highlight, inclusivity is now deeply integrated into the core of business strategy, and HR software is playing a pivotal role in making this transformation possible.
By leveraging HR software to track diversity metrics, eliminate bias, personalize employee experiences, and support well-being, companies can create environments where every employee feels like they belong. In this evolving landscape, organizations that prioritize inclusivity will not only attract top talent but also foster innovation and drive long-term success.
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By: Ryan Ruffaner
Published: May 21, 2024
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion has taken America by storm. It’s in almost every public school, college, corporation, and organization you can imagine, including pharmaceutical companies, entertainment companies, and even the United States Department of Defense.
To its critics, DEI represents an insidious Neo-Marxist virus infecting the culture of the West, one that could spell the doom of democracy, critical thinking, and Enlightenment values, leading to the death of the West and America with it.
To its advocates, it is a clarion call to fight what they believe is the greatest struggle of our era—racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia, along with all other forms of identity-based injustice. It is sword, shield, and holy book in the fight for so-called social justice.
Those less zealous yet still supportive of DEI believe that surface-level diversity, particularly of race, ethnicity, and gender, can lead to positive workplace outcomes, such as better leadership. For example, HR consulting company Zenefits recommends that companies “prioritize hiring executives, directors, managers, and other senior leaders from diverse backgrounds,” which includes factors like “gender, gender identities, ages, abilities and special needs, races, sexual orientations, religious backgrounds and beliefs, cultures, and nationalities.”
But even this more moderate brand of DEI falsely correlates leadership ability with diversity status and runs the risk violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  Rather than treating each person as an individual with unique attributes, this brand of DEI relies on dubious claims that a person brings benefits to an organization merely by virtue of possessing certain identity-based characteristics. Supporters of diversity-based initiatives therefore often embrace the same kind of broad generalizations about race, sex, and other identity characteristics that civil rights laws were meant to counteract.   
Diversity researchers Alice H. Eagly and Jean Lau Chin are typical of scholars who attempt to justify DEI initiatives based on broad assumptions about identity. In arguing that surface-level diversity leads to better leadership, they say that “leaders and followers from diverse identity groups generally face some degree of pressure to behave like leaders from the majority group” while continuing to “express their own cultures to some extent” and this increases their multicultural competence while explaining some of the challenges that hold minorities back.
These claims rely on two fallacious assumptions that certain characteristics flow necessarily from a person’s identity. First, the authors assume that leaders and followers from “diverse identity groups” feel pressure to behave like the leaders from majority groups because these leaders are from a “majority” group, not because these leaders are in a position of authority that these “diverse” people may want to move into one day. It’s common for people to imitate the behaviors of those they want to be like or those whose benefits they wish to attain. This is why professional speakers study famous speakers and speeches, artists study great artists and art, writers study great writers and writing, and businesspeople study the entrepreneurial strategies of startup titans. We imitate that which we wish to become, and this isn’t necessarily predicated on race or gender.
The second assumption is one that we see far too often: that race and culture go together. Race can be correlated with culture in some cases, but it isn’t all the time. A black man born and raised in Houston, Texas is going to have a very different culture and “lived experience” than a black man born and raised in Ghana or London. A Hispanic woman born and raised in New York City is going to have a very different culture and “lived experience” than a Hispanic woman born and raised in Guatemala or Spain. And a white man born and raised in Nebraska or Oregon is going to have a very different cultural and “lived experience” than a white man born and raised in Sweden, South Africa, or Italy. Race doesn’t always correlate with culture.
Eagly and Chin continue with more broad and unsubstantiated assumptions about identity, saying non-white leaders “may be especially concerned about integrity and justice as they relate to the inclusion and fair treatment of individuals from diverse identity groups.” Although this may sound like a reasonable assumption on the surface, it assumes that these non-white leaders are concerned with inclusion and fairness rather than gaining competence, wealth, power, authority, prestige, or other benefits, let alone that they’ve personally experienced based exclusion and injustice that would make them uniquely sensitive to other minorities’ needs. This assumption also is blind to the fact that there are millions of non-minority people concerned with inclusion and justice for people of “diverse identity groups,” as evidenced by all the white people who fought to abolish slavery and secure civil rights for minorities and continue to fight for “racial justice” and “social justice” today. It is also blind to all the “diverse” people who have committed horrible crimes against other “diverse people,” such as Idi Amin (aka the Butcher of Uganda), Pol Pot, and Mao Zedong, as well as every Hutu who participated in the Tutsi genocide, every non-white person who owned a non-white slave, and every non-white soldier who has ever fought in a civil war against people of the same “diverse” group, to name a few.
Eagly and Chin’s claims include many other unsubstantiated generalizations about identity: that “executives from sexual minority groups might be especially adaptable and therefore embrace change;” that minority leaders may gain certain advantages from their “ability to modify and switch between minority and majority perspectives depending on their immediate cultural context”; that people from minority groups sometimes engage in a “strength-based rhetoric” which may involve “explicit claims that their group’s way of leading is better than those of the heterosexual White man who traditionally have exercised leadership;” and that “individuals belonging to diverse identity groups are often good leaders [because] the experiences that such individuals have had because of their differences from the majority group do confer special qualities.”
All of these claims rely on broad generalizations about beneficial leadership characteristics that supposedly flow from identity.  But we have evidence that the surface-level diversity that Eagly, Chin, and others like them are obsessed with does not necessarily contribute to good leadership on its own.
For example, in a rebuttal to Eagly and Chin, University of Maryland researchers Kristen M. Klein and Mo Wang provide four reasons why surface-level diversity does not equate to strong leadership.
First, we shouldn’t assume that just because someone belongs to a certain identity group they’ve automatically been a victim of discrimination. 
Second, the diversity leadership fallacy assumes that individuals who have experienced discrimination experience long-term consequences to their well-being, but this is not necessarily true either. 
Third, the diversity leadership fallacy assumes that those who have experienced discrimination have integrated these experiences into their life in positive, constructive ways—specifically in ways that improve their leadership abilities—rather than in negative, destructive ways, such as becoming bitter, resentful, or hopeless.  And finally, the diversity leadership fallacy assumes that a person’s surface-level characteristics expose them to more character-building adversity than non-surface-level characteristics, such as growing up in a low socioeconomic background or a single-parent household. But of course this mistakenly assumes that a white person from an impoverished single-parent household surrounded by drugs and crime would have faced less character-building adversity than a black woman who grew up in a safe, wealthy community with two loving, supportive parents. 
You cannot measure the adversity or discrimination a person has experienced purely by their surface-level characteristics. Further, there is no correlation between a person’s surface-level characteristics and the content of their character, or the competency of their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Those who suggest there is a connection are not destroying negative stereotypes, as they may claim. They are merely switching negative stereotypes to a different identity group and continuing the cycle of ignorance and resentment. 
As Klein and Wang point out, “a substantial body of research on deep- and surface-level diversity in the workplace has repeatedly shown that whereas the negative impacts of surface-level diversity decrease over time in workgroups, deep-level similarity (e.g., in values, goal orientations, and personality) consistently predicts positive workplace outcomes (e.g., turnover, job attitudes, team performance).”
While it’s true that some surface-level traits tend to vary with deeper-level qualities—women tend to rank higher on average in the personality trait of agreeableness than men—this doesn’t mean that these traits always vary together, that they have a strong relationship with one another, or that one causes the other. We cannot derive deep-level qualities, such as beliefs, attitudes, values, and skills, from surface-level traits and use these as proxies in employment decisions. Yet this is exactly what many DEI supporters propose.
Hiring and promoting employees, especially for leadership positions, based even in part on surface-level diversity causes enormous harm. Why should employees trust or accept the outcome of a hiring or promotion decision if they know that one of the qualities under scrutiny is an arbitrary characteristic unjustly treated as a competency? Why should people remain committed to an organization if they realize that the trajectory of their future is partially based on surface-level characteristics they can’t change?  Would you truly feel valued as a whole, multi-faceted human being if you knew or suspected that your organization assessed your qualifications based on the color of your skin or your sex? And how could you trust the people around you if you knew that they, too, may have been selected because of their surface-level qualities, not their competence?
However well-intentioned DEI initiatives may be, they rely on fundamentally flawed assumptions and broad, unfounded generalizations about identity, which reinforce old negative stereotypes and create new ones. Competence, not identity, should be the primary criteria for hiring, promotion, and leadership, not arbitrary surface-level qualities like race, ethnicity, or gender. 
Every time an organization encourages people to divide themselves by these surface-level characteristics, the organization entrenches stereotypical thinking and all but guarantees negative organizational outcomes. We shouldn’t encourage people to shackle themselves to stereotypes and call it liberation. Instead, we should hire and promote people based only on their job-relevant experience, knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that have real value. 
We should train leaders to foster shared organizational values, goals, and attitudes among their subordinates which will contribute to deep-level similarities within their teams and the organization over time. We must look beyond the surface and stop pandering to those who would trap us in outdated thinking wrapped in a shiny new public relations pitch.
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pureconsultantde · 8 months
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Website: https://www.pureconsultant.de/de/beratung/project-management-office-beratung/
Address: Hohenstaufenring 57a, 50674 Köln, Germany
Pure Consultant bietet professionelle PMO-Beratungsdienstleistungen an. Unser erfahrenes Team von PMO-Beratern steht Ihnen zur Seite, um maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zu entwickeln und eine effektive PMO-Transformation in Ihrem Unternehmen zu ermöglichen. Wir bringen umfassende Expertise im Bereich PMO Consulting ein, um individuelle Strategien zu entwerfen und die Effizienz Ihres Projektmanagements zu steigern. Unsere Fokussierung liegt darauf, Ihre Organisation durch effektive Schulungen und praxisnahe Anleitung auf dem Weg zu einem effizienten PMO zu begleiten.
Provenexpert: https://www.provenexpert.com/pcg-pure-consultant-gmbh/
Xing: https://www.xing.com/pages/pcgpureconsultantgmbh
Trustpilot: https://de.trustpilot.com/review/pureconsultant.de 
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/organization-guest/company/pcgpureconsultantgmbh
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schraubd · 2 years
DEI's "Psychology" Double-Bind
The NYT has an op-ed today regarding DEI programs -- and in particular, the scant research suggesting that they actually, you know, work.
I'm familiar with some of the research in this area and while I could quibble on the margins, the core point is more or less accurate. There is fairly robust research evidence that establishes implicit bias is prevalent in our society, but there is not much in the way of verifiably effective interventions that combat it. Many DEI programs which purport to address implicit bias and other forms of prejudice are at the very least not proven to actually have an impact on the problem they purport to address. Finding an intervention that reliably and durably alters discriminatory attitudes (particularly implicit ones) is somewhat of a white whale for the social psychology profession. But in the meantime, the lack of evidence that many DEI programs tailored towards altering attitudes are effective suggests that a ton of time and money is being wasted.
Given that, the article makes the following suggestions:
So what does work? Robert Livingston, a lecturer at the Harvard Kennedy School who works as both a bias researcher and a diversity consultant, has a simple proposal: “Focus on actions and behaviors rather than hearts and minds.”
Dr. Livingston suggests that it’s more important to accurately diagnose an organization’s specific problems with D.E.I. and to come up with concrete strategies for solving them than it is to attempt to change the attitudes of individual employees. And D.E.I. challenges vary widely from organization to organization: Sometimes the problem has to do with the relationship between white and nonwhite employees, sometimes it has to do with the recruitment or retention of new employees and sometimes it has to do with disparate treatment of customers (think of Black patients prescribed less pain medication than white ones).
The legwork it takes to actually understand and solve these problems isn’t necessarily glamorous. If you want more Black and Latino people in management roles at your large company, that might require gathering data on what percentage of applicants come from these groups, interviewing current Black and Latino managers on whether there are climate issues that could be contributing to the problem and possibly beefing up recruitment efforts at, say, business schools with high percentages of Black and Latino graduates. Even solving this one problem — and it’s a fairly common one — could take hundreds of hours of labor.
I have no intrinsic quarrel with this. Instead of looking for "bad brains" and trying to fix them, focus on tangible actions and outcomes. If your company has too few Black and Latino people in management roles, instead of trying to root out the deep-seated biases in your executives and HR staffers, just get to work directly on the problem.
But this anti-psychology turn is interesting for one particular reason: it flies in the face of the prevailing conservative formulation of what discrimination is: namely, discrimination occurs if and only if one can prove the presence of malign intent by a discrete decisionmaker. Unless someone holds racially discriminatory attitudes, there cannot be said to be racial discrimination at all. From that framework, which holds out psychology as the exclusive prerequisite of discrimination, it makes sense that an anti-discrimination initiative would have to be psychologically-inclined as well. And indeed, focusing on actions and behaviors in absence of establishing bad psychological intent is an anathema to the conservative (and, often, alt-liberal) framework -- that way lies "racial balancing" or "equality of result" or any number of terrible ghouls which are supposedly the patrimony of the progressive DEI edifice.
And so we have a double-bind: first, prominent political and social institutions (to say nothing of legal precedents) say that the only cognizable way to speak of discrimination is through psychological -- bad motivations. Then, when DEI professionals accordingly work within that framework and try to address the problem through psychology, they're pilloried because such interventions, it turns out, are only dubiously reliable and don't directly correlate with fixing the "actual problem" of underrepresentation of social outgroups. Which is fine as far as it goes, except that when DEI tries to pivot back to the "actual problem" without the baggage of wading through conscious and subconscious attitudes, they're lambasted as crying "discrimination!" without proof, since only psychology is said to generate valid evidence of discrimination in the first place. It's an impossible situation. 
via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/DbUAcKR
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philearning · 3 days
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Recruitment Analytics for an Academic Publishing House
In the rapidly evolving landscape of scholarly publishing companies need committed individuals with the right talent to help grasp the intricacies of the field.
At PHI Learning, our hiring process is designed to ensure we bring on board individuals who are not only skilled but also aligned with our mission and values. Our meticulous hiring process ensures that we help onboard individuals who are genuinely interested so as to create a mutually beneficial relationship between the company and the new hire.
We believe that our stringent process is helpful to everyone — the company and the new entrant, who, we know, must be looking for a suitable place to invest their efforts in too!
The Hiring Process at PHI Learning
Our recruitment process begins with advertising vacancies through social media, job search websites, and online newsletters. Once interested applicants send us their CVs, these are thoroughly reviewed and shortlisted. The process involves:
An initial email interaction
A telephone interview
An in-person test for relevant roles
A final in-person interview at our office
During the interview, candidates are introduced to our company, products, mission, and culture. They are asked about their commitment to our vision, their knowledge and experience related to the publishing industry, and their passion for the industry. These questions are asked across all touchpoints during the hiring process - via the phone during the initial telephonic interview, via email, and during the in-person interviews to ensure compatibility with the role.
At this stage, it is impractical to emphasize the candidate’s commitment to the role — both from the perspectives of the interviewer and the interviewee.
Many-a-times suitable candidates who appear quite energetic, knowledgeable, and carrying a fresh perspective, lose out when asked about the company and its products.
Remember, your interviewers are, after all, making the effort to conduct this interview because of how invested they are in the company and its success. If they didn’t care about the company as much as you care about the skills you have written about on your resume, they wouldn’t be here interviewing you!
So impress your interviewers by talking about what matters to them the most.
In our company, during the hiring process for an editorial assistant role, a promising candidate — impressive qualifications and creative hobbies but lost out because she failed to provide relevant information about our company. Despite her potential, she was not selected because knowing about our products is crucial in a role where understanding the books and syllabi is essential.
At this stage, it is helpful to provide information about the company’s products through your own prior research and link it to how the skills you have developed are relevant to the development of the company’s products.
At PHI Learning, we advise candidates to demonstrate a genuine interest in the company as this shows their commitment and understanding of the role.
Leveraging Recruitment Analytics
Interested in learning more about recruitment strategies to ensure your company has hired the right talent to meet its aims and objectives?
PHI Learning’s title HR Analytics: The Future of HR offers a comprehensive overview of HR analytics, vital for HR professionals aiming to enhance their strategic capabilities. It covers key aspects such as recruitment, performance management, employee engagement, and DEI analytics, along with ethical considerations and practical tools like employee attitude surveys and KPI dashboards. The book provides valuable insights into predictive analytics, machine learning, and statistical modeling, addressing both ethical and legal aspects of HR analytics. It highlights emerging trends such as Agile HR Analytics and emphasizes the need to stay updated.
The above example outlines just one out of many criteria - commitment to the company values - which may be important to recruiters. This book equips HR professionals with essential tools and knowledge to effectively utilize HR analytics so that they can hire appropriately aligned individuals.
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humancollectivenz · 3 days
Human Collective - the essence is in the name: Everything You Need to Know
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I launched my consultancy with a focus on uniting people and collaborating with businesses to integrate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) strategies into their organisational DNA. Creating an environment where differences are celebrated and embraced, and where everyone is treated equitably, just makes sense.
Human Collective has grown and evolved alongside the clients I work with. My primary motivation has always been helping businesses to prepare for the future. Working closely with boards and senior leadership teams, I've enjoyed crafting / refining business strategies, coaching leaders to deliver operationally and ensuring people practices align effectively with business goals.
I take pride in applying my skills and expertise to foster growth and success in both people and businesses. There’s nothing more rewarding than seeing businesses and individuals taking the next step towards achieving well defined goals. Check out My Services page to see how Human Collective could partner with your business.
Overview of services My clients have wide and varying needs. For example, you may be part of a fantastic HR team, or in a standalone HR role and could benefit from specialist support. Or you could be the leader of a business with no dedicated people person. Perhaps you are an individual who could benefit from transformational coaching or could use some help with an employment issue. Regardless of your needs I’m confident that we can find a way to work together.
The commonly heard phrase that "people are a company’s greatest asset" has never completely resonated with me. In my view, people are not assets, FTEs, or resources. They are individuals, and to bring out their best, certain essential conditions must be in place. I firmly believe that an organization flourishes and succeeds when it has the right individuals in the right roles, leveraging their strengths, contributing to the mission, and aligned towards achieving common goals. While this sounds straightforward, achieving it is often challenging.
At Human Collective, people are at the core, embracing both our similarities and differences. I assist businesses in thriving by partnering with them to elevate "the people side of things," creating a workplace where individuals feel energised on Sunday evenings at the thought of Monday mornings ahead.
my approach I approach my work with curiosity, empathy, and a non-judgmental attitude, prioritizing active listening and fully understanding my clients' needs before proposing solutions. I love facilitating group discussions, guiding conversations towards productive outcomes, and when necessary, acting as a mediator to ensure positive results.
Clients often describe me as passionate, professional, experienced, pragmatic, and straightforward. I take pride in thoroughly understanding your business, your desired outcomes, and offering dedicated support throughout every stage of our partnership.
about me My professional experience: With over 20 years as a senior Human Resources leader in corporate environments across diverse industries such as Financial Services, Telecommunications, Retail, Advertising, Publishing, Manufacturing, Engineering, Recycling, Mining, and Primary Industries, I bring a wealth of experience and a best-practice approach to support your business needs. My consulting background further enhances my ability to provide up-to-date and effective solutions.
My skills and knowledge: I have extensive expertise in Human Resources, Organisational Development, Talent Management, and Change Management, among other areas. Committed to continuous growth, I recently completed studies with Stanford Executive Online while continuing my studies to become a Globally Accredited Certified Diversity Professional (CDP) through The Society of Diversity. I leverage Capgemini Change Management Training and Transformational Coaching methodologies from Coach Masters Academy to ensure sustainable and impactful change for the companies and individuals I work with.
My lived experience: I have been fortunate to work and live in different parts of the world. I have loved experiencing different cultures and connecting with people from many walks of life. I’ve heard their stories, shared their experiences and seen the opportunity to make things better for them, their colleagues and their organisations.
Giving back: I am a proud member of the Project Jonah Board and a volunteer mentor with the Graeme Dingle Foundation. Both not for profits are close to my heart and I’m delighted to be able to offer my time and experience to such worthwhile causes.
ORIGINALLY FOUND ON- Source: The Human Collective(https://www.humancollective.co.nz/)
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danielpoussart · 6 days
Beyond Hiring and Firing: Exploring the Diverse Role of HR in Business
Human Resources (HR) is often associated with hiring and firing, but its role extends beyond these functions. In modern businesses, HR is a strategic partner that drives organizational success by focusing on employee well-being, development, compliance, and more. This article explores the multifaceted responsibilities of HR professionals and their essential contributions to a company's overall performance.
Strategic Workforce Planning
One of the most significant aspects of HR today is its involvement in strategic workforce planning. HR professionals work closely with leadership teams to forecast future workforce needs, considering short-term and long-term goals. This requires an in-depth understanding of the business's objectives, industry trends, and labor market conditions.
Strategic workforce planning includes identifying skill gaps, succession planning, and determining future talent acquisition strategies. HR's role in aligning the workforce with the company's strategic goals ensures that the right people are in the right roles at the right time. This forward-thinking approach helps businesses stay competitive in a rapidly changing market.
Employee Engagement and Retention
While recruitment is a key part of HR, retaining top talent is equally important. HR professionals are crucial in fostering employee engagement, directly impacting retention rates. Engaged employees are more productive, loyal, and committed to their organization, contributing to better business outcomes.
HR fosters engagement by implementing programs that promote a positive work environment, such as recognition programs, wellness initiatives, and flexible work arrangements. Additionally, HR teams regularly collect feedback through employee surveys, exit interviews, and one-on-one meetings to identify areas for improvement. HR can significantly reduce turnover by addressing employee concerns and enhancing job satisfaction.
Learning and Development
The development of employees is a critical function of HR. In today's fast-paced business environment, continuous learning is essential for individual and organizational success. HR professionals are responsible for creating learning and development programs that help employees grow their skills, adapt to new challenges, and advance in their careers.
These programs can take many forms, from formal training sessions and workshops to online courses and mentorship opportunities. By investing in employee development, HR ensures that the workforce remains skilled, motivated, and capable of meeting the evolving demands of the business. This also boosts employee morale and satisfaction, as individuals feel valued and supported in their professional growth.
Performance Management and Career Development
Managing employee performance is a central responsibility of HR, but modern performance management goes beyond traditional annual reviews. HR professionals now implement continuous feedback systems, allowing real-time communication between employees and managers. This ongoing dialogue helps employees understand their performance, receive constructive feedback, and set achievable goals.
In addition to performance management, HR is increasingly involved in career development. By working with employees to create personalized career paths, HR helps individuals identify their strengths, set career goals, and develop plans for achieving them. This proactive approach to career development benefits the employees and ensures the organization has a pipeline of skilled, future-ready leaders.
Fostering a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have become core priorities for HR in many organizations. HR professionals are responsible for creating and implementing policies that foster an inclusive workplace where all employees feel valued, respected, and supported. This involves recruiting diverse talent, ensuring equitable growth opportunities, and promoting a culture of inclusivity at all levels of the organization.
HR's role in DEI initiatives also includes providing training and resources to educate employees about unconscious bias, cultural competence, and inclusive practices. A diverse and inclusive workplace enhances innovation and creativity and improves employee engagement and retention. By fostering a sense of belonging, HR helps create an environment where all employees can thrive.
The role of HR has evolved far beyond the basic functions of hiring and firing. Today, HR professionals are strategic partners who contribute to every aspect of the business, from workforce planning and employee engagement to learning and development, performance management, and fostering diversity and inclusion. HR plays a critical role in driving organizational success by taking a holistic approach to managing people and aligning their efforts with business goals. As businesses continue to grow and evolve, the diverse responsibilities of HR will remain essential to creating resilient, productive, and inclusive workplaces.
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bethechangehr · 9 months
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We provide the best outsourced HR solutions in New York to help you with compliance, strategy, technology, training, DEI and consulting.
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hempclothing1 · 19 days
Unlocking Organizational Excellence through Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
At The Outcast Collective, we champion the integration of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) as core drivers of both organizational success and social responsibility. We firmly believe that a commitment to diversity is not only a moral obligation but also a strategic advantage in the increasingly globalized and interconnected business world.
Empowering Organizations Through Inclusivity
Our expertise lies in designing customized DEI strategies that align seamlessly with your organization's values and objectives. By merging quantitative data with qualitative insights, we craft solutions that foster a culture where every team member feels appreciated and motivated to contribute their utmost.
Our Comprehensive Services
Work Culture Evaluation: We conduct thorough assessments of your current workplace environment to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to enhance inclusivity.
Inclusive HR Policy Formulation: Partnering with your HR department, we revise policies to exceed mere compliance, ensuring they actively support diversity across all organizational tiers.
Recruitment Enhancement: We overhaul recruitment practices to attract and maintain a diverse talent pool, driving innovation and strengthening your team’s resilience.
Focused Inclusion Programs: Whether it’s Disability Inclusion, LGBT+ Advocacy, or Racial Equity, we offer specialized strategies to foster environments that honor and celebrate all aspects of diversity.
Why Partner with Us?
Tailored Expertise: Our team of DEI specialists brings extensive experience and a nuanced understanding of industry-specific needs, offering solutions that foster profound cultural transformation.
Impactful Results: We aim to create substantial change beyond superficial compliance, building environments where diversity is celebrated as a catalyst for innovation and progress.
Embrace a Future of Inclusivity with The Outcast CollectiveRevolutionize your organizational culture with The Outcast Collective. Reach out to us today to start your journey towards a future where diversity flourishes, equity is a given, and inclusion is the standard. Together, we will create workplaces where every voice is heard and every individual thrives.
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mindcypress1 · 21 days
What Are Human Resources Specializations?
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Every organization has a Human Resource (HR) department that manages the employee life cycle from hiring to offboarding. The HR industry regularly undergoes evolution to ensure that everything is running smooth as it should be and the workforce is content. It gives HR professionals and aspirants the opportunity to join Human Resource Analytics courses and attain new skills and knowledge. They can specialize in areas that are in alignment with their interests and scope.
In our blog, we cover some of the top HR specializations and what they consist of:
1. HR Analytics
People analytics, or HR analytics, is the application of data data analytics in human resources for decision-making. Data collection, analysis, and interpretation in relation to employee performance, turnover, engagement, and other topics are the main areas of this specialization. HR practitioners may forecast trends, understand employee behavior, and create plans to improve organizational effectiveness by utilizing data analytics in HR.
Human Resource Analytics Course: A human resource analytics course can help professionals interested in this expertise by teaching them the fundamentals of data gathering, interpretation, and decision-making. Statistical analysis, data visualization, and the use of analytics tools in HR situations are usually included in the course.
2. Talent Acquisition and Recruitment
The primary goals of talent acquisition specialists are to locate, draw in, and hire exceptional candidates for their company. A thorough understanding of hiring practices, employer branding, candidate evaluation, and onboarding procedures is necessary for this specialism. For companies looking to develop a solid and capable workforce, it is crucial. To find the finest applicants, talent acquisition specialists frequently collaborate closely with hiring managers and employ data-driven recruitment strategies.
3. Compensation and Benefits
The task of creating and overseeing an organization's pay structure, which includes salaries, bonuses, and benefit plans, falls to compensation and benefits specialists. This specialization entails creating pay policies, making sure that pertinent legislation are followed, and performing market research to ascertain competitive wage levels. These experts strive to make sure that benefits and pay are in line with the objectives of the company and the expectations of the workforce.
4. Employee Relations
The goal of employee relations specialists is to keep management and staff relationships positive. This specialism entails administering disciplinary measures, grievance management, dispute resolution, and creating a positive work environment. Strong interpersonal and communication skills are essential for employee relations professionals in order to resolve conflicts and foster a healthy work environment.
5. Learning and Development (L&D)
The primary goal of L&D specialists is to improve employee skills and competences through the design and implementation of training and development programs. Developing training materials, determining the need for training, and assessing the success of learning programs are all included in this specialism. In order to accomplish corporate goals and further their careers, individuals must have the skills that L&D experts provide.
6. HR Information Systems (HRIS)
Human resource management software, which integrates several HR operations like payroll, recruitment, performance management, and benefits administration, is managed and maintained by HRIS specialists. Technical know-how and an awareness of HR procedures are necessary for this specialism in order to guarantee system optimization and proper data maintenance. HRIS specialists are crucial for utilizing technology to optimize HR processes since they collaborate closely with IT departments.
7. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
The primary focus of DEI specialists is developing and executing policies and programs that advance inclusion, equity, and diversity in the workplace. This specialism entails creating plans to diversify the workforce, promoting an inclusive workplace environment, and guaranteeing that every employee has an equal chance to advance. DEI specialists seek to establish a just and encouraging atmosphere that honors diversity in all of its manifestations.
8. Organizational Development (OD)
Organizational development experts concentrate on enhancing an organization's efficacy via process optimization, change management, and strategic planning. In order to improve performance and productivity, this specialism entails identifying organizational issues, creating interventions, and leading change projects. To ensure that organizational structures, procedures, and culture are in line with strategic objectives, OD specialists collaborate closely with top leaders.
HR is a broad field with a wide range of specializations to suit various interests and skill sets. There is a specialization for everyone, regardless of whether they are interested in talent development through L&D or data-driven decision-making through HR analytics. Completing specialist courses, like a human resource analytics course, can equip you with the necessary information and abilities to succeed in your chosen field.
Resource: https://www.mindcypress.com/blogs/human-resource-management/what-are-human-resources-specializations
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primehrsolutions · 22 days
The Future of HR Staffing: What to Expect in the Next Decade
As we advance into the next decade, the HR staffing industry is poised for transformative changes driven by technology, evolving workforce expectations, and shifting business needs.
Here’s a look at what to expect in the future of HR staffing and how it will shape the workplace.
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1. Increased Use of AI and Automation
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation are set to revolutionize HR staffing by streamlining processes and improving efficiency.
From automated resume screening to AI-driven talent acquisition tools, these technologies will help HR professionals identify the best candidates faster and with greater accuracy.
Predictive analytics will also play a role in forecasting hiring needs and employee turnover, allowing organizations to proactively address staffing challenges.
2. Rise of Remote and Hybrid Work Models
The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of remote and hybrid work models, and this trend is expected to continue. HR staffing will increasingly focus on managing a distributed workforce, ensuring seamless integration of remote employees, and creating inclusive work environments.
This shift will also lead to a greater emphasis on digital collaboration tools and strategies to maintain team cohesion across various locations.
3. Emphasis on Skills and Competencies Over Degrees
Traditional qualifications, such as degrees and certifications, are becoming less central in hiring decisions. Instead, there will be a growing emphasis on skills, competencies, and practical experience. HR staffing will need to adapt by implementing new assessment methods, such as skills-based testing and competency evaluations, to ensure candidates possess the relevant abilities for the job.
4. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) as a Priority
Diversity, equity, and inclusion will remain at the forefront of HR staffing strategies. Organizations are increasingly recognizing the value of diverse teams in driving innovation and performance.
HR departments will need to develop robust DEI initiatives, including unbiased recruitment practices and ongoing employee support, to build inclusive workplaces that reflect a diverse global workforce.
5. Enhanced Employee Experience and Well-being
The focus on employee experience and well-being will intensify. HR staffing will be tasked with creating and maintaining positive work environments that prioritize mental health, work-life balance, and overall job satisfaction.
This includes offering flexible work options, comprehensive wellness programs, and opportunities for professional development and career growth.
6. Data-Driven Decision Making
Data analytics will become a cornerstone of HR staffing, enabling more informed decision-making.
HR professionals will leverage data to gain insights into employee performance, engagement levels, and recruitment effectiveness.
By using data-driven strategies, organizations can optimize their staffing processes, improve employee retention, and enhance overall organizational performance.
7. Talent Pools and Gig Economy Integration
The gig economy is expanding, and HR staffing will need to adapt by integrating gig workers and freelancers into the workforce. This involves managing talent pools effectively, balancing the needs of full-time employees with those of gig workers, and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations. Organizations will also explore new ways to engage and manage these flexible workers to maximize their contributions.
8. Continuous Learning and Adaptation
The pace of change in the HR field will require continuous learning and adaptation. HR professionals will need to stay updated on the latest trends, technologies, and best practices to remain competitive. This includes ongoing training, professional development, and staying informed about emerging industry trends to effectively navigate the evolving staffing landscape.
The next decade will bring significant advancements in HR Staffing Firms, driven by technological innovation, changing work dynamics, and evolving employee expectations.
By embracing these changes and proactively adapting to new trends, HR professionals can ensure they are well-equipped to manage the future workforce and contribute to their organization’s success.
The future of HR staffing promises to be dynamic and exciting, offering numerous opportunities for growth and development in the years to come.
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empxtrack · 20 days
Explore the changing HR landscape. Moreover, see how these new trends in HR will impact human resources strategies and practices in 2025 and beyond. 
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