#DCPF 2017
deancaspinefest · 8 years
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Thank you so much to all the wonderful writers and artists who took part in the first annual Dean/Cas Pinefest! 
This challenge has been a pleasure to run, and that’s all thanks to you. Details for the second DCPF Challenge will be announced later this year. 
Until then, if you haven’t already, please take a look through all these amazing fics & artworks below. You can also find the challenge collection here on Ao3!
...And You Can Leave Your Wizard Hat On fic by tikistitch with art by kuwlshadow
Along My Restless Palms fic by @sass-master-stina with art by winchester-reload
Alrighty Aphrodite fic by dreamsfromthebunker with art by thevioletcaptain
Back the Way You Came fic by tellthenight with art by shinychimera
Call to the Bullpen fic by darcydelaney with art by stopwatch
Chasing Life fic by zerostumbleine33 with art by feministcastiel
Colder Weather fic by shannonkind with art by keylimedean 
Forget the Sky fic by loversantiquities with art by guineapwheek
If You Get Lost, You Can Always Be Found fic by winjennster with art by delicirony
Illimitable Isles fic by sandares with art by mycolour
It’s a Long Life to Always Be Longing fic by superhoney with art by entirely-the-wrong-sort
Leave Me in the Mountains fic by carrieosity with art by peanutbutterthenjelly
Longing For Home fic by teacass with art by nonexistenz
Looking for a Sign fic by emwebb17 with art by dragonpressgraphics 
Looking For Group fic by @knittedgauntlets with art by @thebadwolfgoddess  One plus one is less than three (1+1 = <3) fic by shadowcat221b with art by izulkowa
So Much Tangled Thread fic by thevioletcaptain with art by sketchydean
Someone Who’s Feeling For Me fic by ellispark with art by shinychimera
The Exception To Every Rule fic by mittensmorgul with art by horrorfemme
The Ocean Between Us fic by noxsoulmate with art by made-of-stardusts 
Wayward Pines and Buttercream Dahlias fic by microespressos with art by purzelndesbaeumchen
You’re Not Alone fic by wordsintothevoid with art by xnormalityworksx
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Leave Me in the Mountains by Carrieosity
Art by Peanutbutterthenjelly
for Pinefest 2017
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made-of-stardusts · 8 years
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Art Masterpost for The Ocean Between Us by noxsoulmate.
Summary: Living a hermit life, Dean Winchester didn’t need much. The only things important to him were his position in the business that was once owned by his family, his boat, and his friendship with Castiel, Charlie, and Gabriel. If only there wasn’t a whole ocean between them, then maybe he could even give his feelings for Castiel a chance.
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thebadwolfgoddess · 8 years
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Art Masterpost for “Looking for Group” by Athaclena 
Dean Winchester is in love with his best friend, a man he has never met, who goes by the handle AngelofThursday. Problem is, Thursday values his privacy and refuses to meet. Dean buries himself in his work at his bakery Slice of Pi and in computer games, desperately trying to move on from a man he can never have.
James Novak has problems of his own. Trying to cling onto what sense of security he can, he drifts around the city from café to coffee-shop to bar, using their wi-fi to keep his online footprint anonymous. He falls in lust with The Beautiful Man at his favourite coffee-shop, Study/Break, and turns to his best friend The_Michaelsword for advice.
A two-person love triangle for the digital age.
Note: The Elvish has a translation. Have fun guessing! 
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deancaspinefest · 8 years
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Title: Along My Restless Palms
Author: Sass-Master
Artist: Winchester-Reload
Rating: Explicit
Length: 28k
Pairings: Dean/Cas
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Tags: Canonverse, Dreams, UST, Pining
Ever since Cas started staying in the bunker, Dean’s been having these crazy dreams—dreams that feature him and Cas in absurd, tawdry scenarios like something out of a filthy paperback. Dean chalks it up to exhaustion, or some monster messing with his head, anything to ignore the real cause: Cas in his personal space, in various states of undress, and, wow, way more muscular than Dean would’ve expected.
But if it’s just physical lust that’s the cause, then that’s an easy fix, right? No big deal. There’s definitely nothing else that his subconscious is trying to tell him. Absolutely not.
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deancaspinefest · 8 years
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Title: Longing For Home
Author: teacass
Artist: nonexistenz 
Rating: E
Length: 48k
Pairings: Dean/Cas (Sam/Eileen)
Warnings: canon divergent, canon-typical violence
Dean rarely visits the bunker. He knows Sam’s got enough people to spend time with in there, even though they’re all just a bunch of librarians. But then a hunt goes wrong, Dean breaks a leg, and is forced to stay with his brother and all his new research buddies while he recuperates. Soon it turns out it wouldn’t be half as bad if it weren’t for Sam’s constant nagging, all the boring nerd duties they put him on, and the annoyingly good-looking new guy who seems to know exactly how to get under Dean’s skin.
A story diverging after season 2 in which Sam doesn’t get stabbed and instead moves into the bunker to become a modern Man of Letters, Dean doesn’t sell his soul for him but continues to hunt, while Cas is not an angel but still pulls Dean out of hell. Not literally, though.
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deancaspinefest · 8 years
Title: Alrighty Aphrodite Author: hit_the_books Artist: thevioletcaptain Rating: Explicit Length: 38k Pairings: Dean/Cas (brief Cas/Meg, brief Cas/Crowley) Warnings: Homophobia, alcoholic John Winchester, sexual harassment, non-consensual kissing
Dating apps can be an absolute nightmare, but Castiel Novak isn’t giving up on the dating game as he wrestles with creeps, moving house and starting a new job in Lawrence, Kansas. Maybe it’s time for Castiel to realize that love can be found a lot closer to home.
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deancaspinefest · 8 years
Title: If You Get Lost, You Can Always Be Found Author: @winjennster Artist: @delicirony Rating: Explicit Length: 25k Pairings: Dean/Cas Warnings: April Kelly & 9.03 mentions
Days after I’m No Angel, Castiel finds himself exiled from the safety of the bunker. The money Dean gives him runs out all too soon. Luck, or perhaps divine providence, lands him on the Amish farm of Jacob and Lydia Bieler. The Bielers take Cas in. Despite the Amish’s general distrust of outsiders - Englischers - the strange man who can understand their language and isn’t afraid of hard work seems a natural fit amongst them. Castiel thinks he might just go ahead and stay - the farm seems like a good place to heal his broken heart, and maybe forget who broke it.
Meanwhile, Dean finds himself so wracked with guilt, he can’t stand to see his own face in the mirror. He doesn't know what's worse; the fact that he threw Cas away or that Sam’s unwillingly - and unwittingly - possessed by an angel. Charlie comes for a visit and decides to stay, and it takes her no time at all to call Dean on his bullshit. With her help and encouragement and a plan to deal with the angel in Sam later, Dean and Charlie set out to find Cas and bring him home. But when they find him, Dean’s surprised that Cas doesn’t want to come home, leaving Dean to face some difficult truths about himself - and how he feels about Castiel.
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deancaspinefest · 8 years
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Title: So Much Tangled Thread Author: @thevioletcaptain (imogenbynight) Artist: @sketchydean Rating: Explicit Length: 37k Pairings: Dean/Cas (Sam/Eileen, Charlie/Gilda) Warnings: PTSD, war, plane crash, references to homophobia, sexual content
In 2008, Dean takes over his late grandfather’s tailor shop in Normal, Illinois, and discovers an old leather flight jacket in the attic. A hand-painted set of wings on the back, the name Novak, and a three-quarters sewn circle of red cotton are the only clues he has to the jacket’s origins, and he enlists his historian brother to help him find the owner.
It doesn’t take long for Sam to trace the jacket to Lieutenant Castiel Novak–a pilot who lived in Dean’s apartment until his mysterious disappearance a few years after WWII–and what little information they find about him is fascinating. The guy was a stone cold badass. A stone cold fox, too, if the grainy old newspaper photo is anything to go by.
It’s to be expected that Dean idly wishes he could have known the man as he closes the annoyingly unfinished circle of thread on the jacket.
Less expected, however, is that wish coming true.
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deancaspinefest · 8 years
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Title: It’s A Long Life to Always Be Longing Author: superhoney Artist: entirely-the-wrong-sort Rating: T Length: 40,685 Pairings: Dean/Cas (background Sam Winchester/Eileen Leahy) Warnings: No warnings apply
Dean’s life has always been dictated by duty rather than by need. So when Amara offers to give him the thing he needs most, he doesn’t know what to expect, but it certainly isn’t this: a chance to rest, some time away from his life and his burdens. Now he’s trapped in an enchanted sleep, unable to bring himself back to the waking world.
It’s up to Sam and Castiel to gather the components of a spell that will bring Dean back to them. Through road trips, honest conversations, and a lot of patience, they’ll make sure Dean comes home. And when he does, maybe he and Castiel will finally have a chance to act on long-buried feelings brought to the surface by their enforced separation.
Canon-divergent from the end of 11.23.
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deancaspinefest · 8 years
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Posts on: February 11th
Summary: In 2008, Dean takes over his late grandfather’s tailor shop in Normal, Illinois, and discovers an old leather flight jacket in the attic. A hand-painted set of wings on the back, the name Novak, and a three-quarters sewn circle of red cotton are the only clues he has to the jacket’s origins, and he enlists his historian brother to help him find the owner. It doesn’t take long for Sam to trace the jacket to Lieutenant Castiel Novak--a pilot who lived in Dean’s apartment until his mysterious disappearance a few years after WWII--and what little information they find about him is fascinating. The guy was a stone cold badass. A stone cold fox, too, if the grainy old newspaper photo is anything to go by. It’s to be expected that Dean idly wishes he could have known the man as he closes the annoyingly unfinished circle of thread on the jacket. Less expected, however, is that wish coming true. 
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
Dean’s ready to head downstairs to wash the musty attic smell from his hands when he notices a green steamer trunk against the wall, visible now that he’s cleared so many boxes.
It’s old, battered and scuffed along the bottom. The metal latches holding the lid closed are rusted shut.
Grunting with effort, he drags it out into a patch of slanted afternoon sunlight in front of the mirror and uses Henry’s screwdriver to pry the latch. It opens with a noisy creak, and Dean’s mouth falls open when he looks inside.
“Wow,” he breathes.
Sitting on top of an assortment of vintage records is a military flight jacket. The tag stitched into the lining at the collar identifies it as property of the US Army Air Force, and Dean runs his fingers over the worn brown leather before he picks it up carefully, wary of damaging such a well-kept piece. The jacket is a little stiff at the cuffs and collar, but soft otherwise. Dean turns it over in his hands to find a hand-painted pair of wings spanning the entire back. 
Angel Eyes is written in curling script underneath them, and Dean traces over the faded letters with his fingertips.
Flipping it back over, he finds a name printed onto the left breast above the pocket, and around it is an unfinished circle of deep red embroidery cotton, thick stitches curving two thirds of the way around. He runs his fingers over it.
”Nice jacket, Novak,” he says.
One end of the thread has been left untied. In the back of Dean’s mind, he can almost hear Grandpa Henry huffing at the sight of it. He hated loose threads. Dean can relate.
For now, he leaves the thread alone and looks for any other distinguishing marks. Besides a faint stain in the lining that looks to be blood, and a small tear in the right cuff, it’s in almost perfect condition. There’s a row of what looks like seventeen flies drawn around the inside collar, and a single tiny puncture hole in the front, and Dean sets the jacket aside to dig through the trunk in the hope that whatever pin had been there might simply have fallen off.
He comes up empty, but really can’t find it in himself to mind.
Hefting the jacket up, he stands, dusts himself off, and heads downstairs. He’s been looking for an excuse to call his brother, and this fits the ticket exactly.
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deancaspinefest · 8 years
Title: Someone Who's Feeling For Me Author: ellispark Artist: shinychimera Rating: Mature Length: 45,878 words Pairings: Dean/Cas Warnings: Minor violence, sexual content, language, past Dean/Lisa Dean sees her for the first time in nearly six years in some no-name town in Idaho, and it's panic at first sight.
Lisa Braeden, the one woman Dean ever actually had a shot at a real life with, back from where he buried her in his mind. And her hand is on Cas' arm like it's no big deal, like it belongs there. Cas, Dean's dorky, sweet, badass, angelic best friend, and he's just standing there next to Lisa and not moving her hand away.
Dean feels the jealousy rising, and it's not directed where he expected it to be.Because it takes this exact moment for Dean to realize — he's in love with his best friend. He's in love with his best friend, and Lisa is looking at Cas like he's the best thing since automatic rifles, and Dean is utterly fucked. Link to fic | Link to art
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deancaspinefest · 8 years
Title: Back the Way You Came Author: @tellthenight (formerly captainawesomeellie) Artist: @shinychimera Rating: Mature Length:25,381 Pairings: Dean/Cas (past Dean/Lisa; side Sam/Eileen) Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Dean Winchester knows he has a lot going right in his life–good family, friends–but he can’t seem to let go of one nagging regret. He should have left while he had the chance. Instead, he’s stuck in place wishing for someone he’ll never see again.
Cas Novak never thought he’d end up here– back in his mother’s house, taking care of her medical decisions. He planned to take care of everything as quickly as possible and get back home–until he runs into a former classmate who insists that he should go to their 10-year reunion that weekend. Cas refuses the offer until he hears that Dean Winchester will be there.
Link to fic | Link to art  Tags: tellthenight, shinychimera, pining, reunion AU, police officer!Dean, physical abuse
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deancaspinefest · 8 years
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Title: One plus one is less than three (1+1= <3) Author: Shadowcat221b Artist: Izulkowa Rating: Teen and up Length: 15021 Pairings: Dean/Cas Warnings: None
This is your typical high school love story. Or well, kind of, since these nerds are not students anymore, but the teachers. With small gifts in lockers, terrible attempts at flirting and all the joys of a great unrequited crush. It only takes a few misunderstandings, a school trip to Six Flags, some chocolate and candy and the help of their brothers to get them together.
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deancaspinefest · 8 years
Title: Looking For A Sign Author: Emwebb17 Artist: Dragonpressgraphics Rating: M Length: 70k Pairings: Dean/Cas (Charlie/Eileen, Dean/Asa Fox) Warnings: N/A
Dean can't figure out why the hot guy on the train is ignoring him...that is until he realizes that the man is profoundly deaf. After an unpleasant misunderstanding, the two become friends. It isn't long before Dean wants more, but Castiel sticks steadfastly to his rule about not dating hearing people. When Dean starts to date other people to try to get over him, Castiel starts to wonder if maybe Dean is the exception to the rule.
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deancaspinefest · 8 years
Title: And You Can Leave Your Wizard Hat On Author: @tikistitch Artist:  kuwlshadow Rating: G Length: 34k Pairings: Dean/Cas (Sam/Jess) Warnings: N/A
Dean Winchester is a student at the Chuckworts School of Wizarding Arts and Long-Haul Trucking. And he has a problem. Actually, he has a few problems: he's failing several classes, and this might put his and Sammy's scholarship in jeopardy. But his biggest problem is his rather obvious crush on a fellow student named Castiel. 
Cas is a brilliant wizard with big blue eyes, but his brothers (who all go to the school) are pretty obnoxious, and every time Dean runs into Cas, he ends up doing something ridiculously un-cool. Imagine Dean's discomfit when he is entered in the Tri-Wizard Trucking Tournament and finds out his co-driver will be none other than Castiel … who can't even drive, we should note! 
It will take everything Dean's got to go up against Lucifer and his nasty friends, save their scholarship, save the school, and maybe – just maybe – actually look awesome in front of Cas.
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