#DBH headcanons
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quezzzs · 1 day ago
Markus headcanon:
While although he can be a little bit of a flirt and tease, the moment someone is physically bolder with him Markus instantly starts to buffer.
Hand to hand contact? His thirium pump beats faster
Holding his chin? You can see comical heart shape pupils in his eyes
A hug from behind/holding his waist? Brother is dead on the floor
That man may be good at words of affirmation, but it's painfully obvious to see that he's touch starved too. The way he has to do some contact while reassuring someone? He isn't aware consciously but he craves physical touch
Lowkey, he becomes hella awkward and it's funny as hell. The revolution leader, the one that broadcasted a speech for all of Detroit to see, the same android who gain his kind's freedom within barely a week, who could kill if he wanted to is stammering and fumbling his words because someone he finds attractive decided to take the first step instead.
tl;dr - WE NEED MORE bottom SHY MARKUS
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iwonderwh0 · 16 hours ago
Hank's spiritual beliefs is something that is rarely talked about but it's one of the aspects of his character that is really interesting to me. His suicidal ideations coexist with his doubts and concerns about the possibility of the afterlife or the lack thereof. Especially it is interesting to me what happens to them in the version of the events Connor keeps dying in front of him and coming back as if nothing happened. It challenges his idea of life and death when he stops to consider androids as living beings because the implications of having both androids being alive and the possibility of bringing them back from the dead as if death means nothing aren't exactly favourable for his views of the existence of afterlife, which from CyberLife Tower scene where he dies, we learn is something that he believes in. His faith in many ways keeps him going because part of him believes that when he all of it will finally be over, he'll get to see his son again and so he speeds up the process as much as he can. Even in time of playing Russian roulette the first time we learn he plays it, I think he does it with an afterlife in mind. He says he just doesn't have a guts to do it, but I think he also sees it as a loophole: it's not a suicide if he's just playing a game of chance. He doesn't directly kills himself in case he gets shot -- there's a plausible deniability that it was caused by luck, God's permission if you will, not him.
In the event of him coming to the rooftop to confront Connor, he knows that there's a huge risk of him not making it out alive but it doesn't stop him because even in case of his failure, he gets to die fighting for something he thinks is right and hence increases chances of his afterlife being something other than eternal damnation that many christian religions promise to those who commit suicide through more direct means. In this sense, him coming to the rooftop is him playing his game of chance again but this time with actual stakes and something to fight for. Whether he'll stop this Connor or dies trying he'll get what he wants.
Which, leads me to the scene of him actually committing suicide. I think in this ending he no longer believes in any afterlife for himself or anyone else, or God, or humanity as a whole or a better future. He comes to conclusion that androids are in fact people, but he doesn't like people (as a whole rather than individuals--to those he may feel sympathy) and thinks of them as an overall lost cause. There's no hope for them, or him. Before Connor drives a nail into the coffin of his spiritual beliefs about the scarcity of death he could at least grasp for his hope of afterlife. Connor coming back from the dead as if it means nothing combined with mind boggling cruelty of the world around him he observed over the course of last years culminating within the last week of his close contact with the deviants has taken this faith away from him. And this is precisely why he finally kills himself. I believe, in the moment he does it, he believed there'd be--as Connor said--nothing, and he prefers this nothingness to living another day in a pointlessly cruel place he sees neither hope or God nor meaning.
I don't think this time he was playing russian roulette. I think this time his gun was loaded.
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asukaindetroit · 1 month ago
I headcanon that the reason Connor says "I like dogs" to Hank, having probably never encountered a dog before, is because someone told him when he was activated "Your name is Connor" and so he android-googled "Connor" and found out it means "lover of hounds." So essentially, what he actually means when he says "I like dogs" is "My name is Connor." Sound familiar? And then he meets an actual dog in the form of Sumo, who is not just any dog but One (1) Whole Hugeass Beast Among Dogs, and he seems very unsure in a "they told me I like these things; do I actually like this? This is a lot of animal. The fish was more manageable!" way. Until he tentatively experiments with petting Sumo once he settles down and is like, "huh, okay, this is a Good Boy and I would commit atrocities for him; obviously they were right. I am Connor." (Like I know it was part of his Human Integration ProgrammingTM to say he liked whatever Hank liked, but the way he spits out that line in particular is an absolute riot if you think about it harder.)
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ersatz-ostrich · 7 months ago
DBH Headcanons: Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Removed
Connor, RK900, Markus, Simon, and Gavin x gn!reader
Some headcanons about what it would be like to be taken care of by some of the characters of Detroit: Become Human while recovering from getting your wisdom teeth removed. Inspired by, well, getting my wisdom teeth removed.
[A/N]: I got my wisdom teeth out a while back and it honestly wasn't as bad as I'd heard from other people. My mouth tasted funny for a while, though.
Chances are, you’ve already briefed him on your wisdom teeth procedure and everything that happens before and after
By the time the actual surgery rolls around, he’s downloaded every bit of information about pre-op and post-op
And he’s not going to hesitate to bother you remind you about everything
“Don’t forget to wear comfortable shoes and clothing.” “Y/N, you can’t have any food or water 8 hours before the surgery.” “Y/N, please refrain from strenuous exercise in the 24 hours before your surgery.”
When you come out of surgery loopy on anesthesia, he sits with you in recovery and tries to talk you through it (even though you don’t remember a lick of what either of you said)
I’d say he’s a mother hen post-op, but more like a worrywart type
He’d buy all kinds of liquid foods for you and is constantly asking about your pain levels
Gets a lot of weird looks in the supermarket while he’s checking out the soup aisle
“That’s not a domestic android I’ve ever seen…”
He’s definitely on top of your antibiotics schedule, and if you need it, pain meds
Makes sure you’re regularly irrigating the wounds if you need it 
If you’re ever worried or insecure about swelling and discomfort post-op, Connor is there to smother you in kisses
As a deviant, he isn’t as much of a mother hen as Connor, probably because he’s more self-assured in his ability to take care of you as well as your ability to take care of yourself when you can
He wouldn’t hover as much as Connor but he’d definitely download information about the procedure before you go
Coming out of the operation, you knock out again for a bit in recovery and Nines insists on staying with you, covering you with his jacket and letting you rest your head on his shoulder
If Connor got weird looks while in the supermarket buying things for you and picking up your prescriptions, Nines sticks out like a sore thumb
Like he’s clearly not a domestic/service android so he confuses a lot of shoppers and employees as he browses the aisles and fills his basket with cans of soup, oats, and ice cream
“Why on earth is a police investigator android buying soup on a Friday morning?”
If you’re in pain, he’ll do everything to comfort you
Pain meds, ice cream, cuddles, your comfort movies and shows, anything for you
He doesn’t seem outwardly clingy or affectionate but he’s such a softy
This obviously isn’t his first rodeo
If you’re scared going into the surgery, he’s with you all the way until the nurses put you to sleep
Cruises through post-op no matter what state you’re in due to the sedative
At home, he’s got you covered
No need to break out the cans of mush—he’s got you covered with homemade soups, the softest scrambled eggs you’ve ever had, soft pasta dishes, you name it
With Markus, you’ll never miss a dose of antibiotics
If you’re in pain, worry not
Markus has your pain meds, blankets, and infinite cuddles
He’ll have your favorite flavors of ice cream on hand
Straight out of the tub if you feel so inclined
He might not be a caregiver like Markus but he was once a domestic and childcare android
Calms your nerves going into the operation and when you’re all woozy post-op he’s right by your side
Coming out of the operation, it doesn’t matter if you look like if Alvin the Chipmunk got into a fistfight and lost—Simon’s there to shower you in kisses and envelop you in hugs
Like Markus, you’ll never have to worry about the liquid and soft food diet
If the pain’s too much, Simon will be your arms and legs for the time being
He’s a wizard with chores and errands
It’s like you never even got your wisdom teeth out
Would totally take off work to help you recover
Which, given how competitive he is at work, would probably seem like an anomaly to his coworkers
“I’ve never seen Reed take off for more than a day or two at a time. Shit, he’d come into work sick so long as he wasn’t actively dying,” Says Tina
“I’ve had to wrangle that fucker into his car more times than I can count to prevent him from coming into work injured,” Grumbles Fowler
“Hopefully he’ll take this time to rest as well as take care of someone else.”
Would record the stuff you say coming out of sedative in post-op for the memories (and for you both to laugh at when you recover)
I don’t see him being as great of a cook as Markus or Simon, but he’s definitely able to cook to support himself and you
Of course, he’d get you all the ice cream you want
He knows what it feels like to be in pain and cranky so he does everything he can to either comfort you or give you space to get through it
If you wanted it, he’d cuddle with you while you spend the day reading or watching your comfort shows and sipping on smoothies (no straws allowed, of course)
To anyone getting their wisdom teeth out soon, good luck! To anyone recovering from the surgery, feel better soon! Hope you enjoyed reading this silly little compilation of HCs! See you next time x
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starryeyedstray · 2 months ago
i think it's funny that connor is his most sarcastic and bitchy when you follow the machine route
when trying to fool someone into thinking he's a human: *sarcastically* "If I knew you were coming, I would've brought some donuts."
when hank tries to stop him on the roof: "What's up, Lieutenant? Ran out of whisky so you came here looking for trouble instead?"
literally anytime hank isn't doing his job he's like maybe you just QUIT because your PERSONAL ISSUES are fucking up the investigation
and then there's also sixty having a whole ass villain monologue calling connor a disappointment
it's like cyberlife decided that connor's default personality is to be a bitch
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multi-fandomedfreak · 2 years ago
Dating them would include // DBH Headcanons
Authors note: I miss my DBH boys, what more can I say?
Characters: Connor, Markus, Hank, and Ralph
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️: Mentions of making out and mentions of Ralph getting a little too silly (aka having one of his anger outbursts)
🪙 Connor 🪙
-many, many, many, MANY forehead kisses
-Mans is like, 6ft, so chances are he might be taller than you and therefore would love to give you forehead kisses
-He especially likes to kiss you on the forehead as a way to say goodbye and hello
-Loves it when you kiss him along his jaw or neck. And when I say he loves it he LOVES IT
-Mix that with petting/massaging his scalp and watch him absolutely m e l t
-Love language is touch and I will die on that hill
-He loves any type of touch. Especially hugging you from behind or just anything that involves wrapping his arms around you
-He doesn’t mind cuddling but not for too long because he likes to move around
-Will brag about you when given the chance to literally anyone that listens
☮️ Markus ☮️
-Acts of Service. I will also die on this hill
-He looooves doing things for you, he doesn’t care if you can do them yourself
-If he’s taller than you he’ll deliberately put things on the top shelf just so you ask him to help you
-Definitely either carries you out of bed in the morning for breakfast or just brings the breakfast to you
-If you like doing things yourself tho, he’ll reluctantly back off and just give you encouraging words on whatever it is your doing
-Definitely an encouraging bf
-Whatever it is that you do, he’s your #1 fan the whole way
- Loves to play you some piano and if you’re interested in learning, he’ll teach you his favorite songs
-A little bit of a cuddle bug
-His favorite spot to cuddle you would definitely be in front of a fireplace, it’s just so serene
🐶 Hank 🐶
-He’s such a grump that admitting his love language would take a while
-Buut his love language I feel like would be words of affirmation
-I feel like this man just adores it whenever you compliment him or just praise him in anyway
-tries to hide the fact that he likes the praise fails miserably
-He’s. So. Awkward about it. By ‘it’ I mean everything
-Awkward about talking to you when he had a crush on you, awkward about showing affection once you two got together, ect.
-But once you two progress through the relationship, he gets more comfortable with you
-You knew he was completely comfortable with you when he pulled you to sit onto his lap
-Only does stuff like this when your both alone tho
-Mostly because he can get pretty handsy when you both are close like that
-Especially if your making out
-Not a huge fan of PDA so the most he would do is a quick peck on the cheek or a hand on the small of your back
🌿 Ralph 🌿
-One word. C l i n g y
-He just loves being around you. Once he got past the fear of meeting you for the first time, he just can’t seem to leave you alone
-Of course he’ll give you your space if you ask but if you don’t make any indication you want him to leave you alone. He won’t
-When you two are in private, he’s cuddling with you, sitting you on his lap (or vice versa), kissing you
-Or just chillin beside you, enjoying each others presence
-In public I feel like the most he’ll do is hold your hand or hug you
-He gets extremely flustered doing any other couple-y stuff in front of people
-Loooooves gifting you all types of plants
-And loves making flower bouquets for you whenever he gets the chance
-And if you get him a plant of some sort? He looks like he might explode from excitement
-He may have one of his outbursts every now and then but he always apologizes afterwards
-It’s really sweet seeing him try to get better at controlling his outbursts because he knows how they upset you
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loustilldraws · 17 days ago
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I watched Twilight for the first time as a joke for Valentines week and this cursed idea has haunted me ever since. It took forever to actually execute, but I'm happy to say I've survived my first digital comic.
For the unenlightened, this is based off of the scene where Edward appears in Bella's bedroom in the middle of the night, but unlike Cullen the Coward vanishing as she turns on the light, Nines is a freak who sticks around for a proper stare-down.
I hc Nines as being particularly strange, assuming a world where he is awakened post-revolution and has no prior history to fall back on or to guide his actions. He knows what he was built for and not much else, so the figuring-things-out part ends up being awkward at best and highly unnerving at worst.
Anyways, I hope this is still funny (I've spent so much time on it that I've become numb to any humor in it), and I'll be back on with hopefully smaller projects for a little while moving forward.
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nowaygraham · 10 months ago
Headcanon that Elijah Kamski designed the RK800/900 serie based on Gavin's tastes in men, using an old drawing he did of the "ultimate perfect boyfriend" back in high school and mixing it with features of his latest crushes, just to piss off his baby brother who hates androids, knowing they would end up invading police stations.
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connorology · 20 days ago
hank and connor are both the type of people to be way too competitive about board games and end up getting into genuine arguments with each other over them
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deadpoetyogurt · 9 months ago
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this guy would either cook up the most bomb food ever or burn the house to ashes trying
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quezzzs · 5 days ago
Connor headcanon:
if he ever had his own place, he'd definitely buy his own aquarium and have the same fish species as the one he picked up in the first chapter. Would absolutely give it the upmost care and attention than any fish owner would do.
ALSO, I bet he would name each fish in the tank after the ones he cares about and will mourn over their little deaths.
Hank: What's got you depressed today?
Connor: Markus just died
*Hank slowly turns his head to the DPD tv as he watches a live speech of Markus on the screen*
Hank: uh huh...
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iwonderwh0 · 8 months ago
I want you to speculate what kind of family Hank is coming from. Did he have both parents growing up or were they divorced or someone was missing? Was/is he close to them? Were they more of a respected authority/punishing hand/embarrassment/friends to him? Were there any siblings? What are your headcanons?
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asukaindetroit · 27 days ago
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Let's talk about this one scene where Connor makes this really, really weird expression while talking to Gavin. The breakroom scene earlier in the game has him making really bland, polite expressions, except for the adorable confused face he makes if Gavin walks away without taking the coffee he made (which, rude, why waste coffee?) This, though, this is so curious in that it's so off-kilter. His task is to get rid of Gavin so he can go find the clues to Jericho. He's saying things to try and achieve that goal. But then Gavin threatens him, and there's the snarky bromance line you could go for, but this. This is actually the most interesting bit of this scene. Because just for a split second here, just a blip, he kind of halfway looks like maybe he wants to sneer at Gavin and give him a piece of his mind in return. It gets shut down really quickly, and he never completes whatever facial expression he's going for before it's overridden, so it ends up just being a really awkward flash of his teeth. But what I'm getting at is that this is an intriguing glimpse into Connor slowly deviating, a facial indication of that destabilizing software. The social relations protocols can't keep up. Programming says feed Gavin a story that'll get him out of there. Connor-the-person behind the red wall wants to tell Gavin to go die in a fire. There's conflict. It looks weird. He's so close to deviating here, panicked that he can't complete his mission.
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chtoblin · 4 months ago
Headcanon on how Nines literally considers Connor his big brother, and because of that follows him around everywhere to gain abilities/ wisdom/etc. from him, since he himself was created by Cyberlife relatively recently (even though his program has literally all the skills and knowledge he needs, lol).
Cyberlife: progress doesn't stand still, and that's why we created the RK900, to deal more effectively with deviants and—
Connor: WRONG!
Connor, hugging Nines: you made a little brother for me.
Nines: (・h・) ? ?
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starryeyedstray · 2 months ago
sometimes i think about the fact that (if kara is not alive) hank will go on a lunch break immediately after connor pisses him off during the "waiting for hank" chapter. like he literally shows up to work late. gets in a argument with fowler. sits at his desk for like 2 minutes. then goes on a lunch break after shoving connor against his whiteboard.
and then we show up at chicken feed and connor is there too. i can only assume that connor rode in the car with him????? like what happened between hank storming off to go to lunch and them arriving together at the food truck???? like you would presume he would drive off without connor. but iirc i think connor is in the car at the start of the chapter?? or at the very least, he's presumed to be since they ask if connor is with hank????
so did hank just grumpily sit in his car before connor shows up knocking on his window like "can i come to lunch with you?" LIKE WHAT???? the logical thing to assume is that connor took a separate taxi in this situation, but i find it much funnier to think hank storms off and connor just quietly joins him in the car and hank just let's him hitch a ride even though he's pissed off with him LMAO.
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multi-fandomedfreak · 2 years ago
Gn!reader and Connor making out in a semi-public spot and Hank is just like "OMFG PLS STOP RUINING MY INNOCENCE BOY"
Maybe hcs of every time hes caught them doing a lil too much PDA wise
(Doesn't specifically have to be making out just excess PDA, maybe Connor and reader are flirting a whole lot just whatever ur comfy with!)
Characters: Connor x Gn!Reader and third wheel Hank (poor guy)
⚠Warnings⚠: Semi-Public making out, mentions of dying (just a little)
The first time
-You and Connor think you guys are so slick
-Spoiler: you’re not
-You were both pretty new into the relationship so couldn’t keep your hands off each other
-And plus since the station barely had any people, why not sneak off with each other?
-Thinking it was gonna be for just a small while, you both are at the back of the station, smoochin’ away
-and surprise surprise
-you end up staying there long enough for Hank to actually end up getting worried
-like do you have any idea? how long you two have to be away for? for hank to get worried??
-Bc its not like he doesn't care or anything but he simply isn't used to having to actively keep an eye on you two
-but then them mother instincts kicked in after he noticed you two had been gone for a while
-He just starts asking around if anyone saw the two of you
-And happened to stumble in on you guys (poor dude screamed he needed bleach after walking in on you two)
-Lets just say that Hank kept a closer eye on you two after that
The second time
-You two have calmed down since the last incident with Hank walking in on you guys
-But of course you still had your moments with each other
-this time around you weren’t in that much of a public space (what you told yourself)
-just casually behind the Chicken Feed truck while Hank ate his lunch
-yknow, like how normal people do
-You two honestly don't really understand how it even happened
-You wanted a drink from a nearby shop since the drink you wanted wasn't sold at the Chicken Feed
- And Connor simply asked if he could tag along
-Aaand next thing you know you're both behind the Chicken Feed truck, drink long forgotten, with Connor trapped between you and the truck
-Of course, Hank gets worried again since he's a pretty slow eater so he doesn't know how you're still not back after all this time
he swears... that's it. jk jk, I'm just being stupid. anyways, he swears that you both are gonna give him a heart attack someday from how much he worries
-He tries calling you on his phone and gets confused when he hears your ringtone from behind the truck
-Time skip a few minutes later, Connor and you have red ears from Hanks grip and sulking in the car ride to the station after his lecture
-Mostly because he swears the two of you make him worried sick on purpose
The third time
-Ok. this time.
-You didn’t even try to hide it
-Like no joke, just decided to make out right there and then
-On Hanks couch.
-knowing he was about to be back in a little bit
-but heyyyy you both could’ve cared less in that moment
-A few hours earlier, you were after a suspect and one thing lead to another so all of a sudden, you were being held hostage
-So this making out was a bit justified since you almost died thinking that you were never gonna see Connor again
-And he was just as scared
-Soo both of ya just wanted to hold each other for a bit
-That’s probably why when Hank got back from doing whatever Hank does, he bit his tongue (literally) to stop a snippy remark from falling out
-He was just happy you were alive and you two were finding comfort in each other
-Albeit, a little grossed out at your show of affection
-He just cursed under his breath and went to go take a nap
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