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khabarsuvidha · 9 months ago
कर्मचारियों का महंगाई भत्ता शून्य होगा या मिलेगा 54% का लाभ, जानिए क्या फैसला लिया जाएगा महंगाई भत्ते को लेकर : 7th Pay Commission DA Hike
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News Desk | 7th Pay Commission DA Hike : कर्मचारियों के महंगाई भत्ते को लेकर लगातार कुछ न कुछ नया सुनने को मिलता है जिसमे कुछ ही समय पहले कर्मचारियों के महंगाई भत्ते को बढ़ाने की खबर के साथ कहा गया था की बढ़ी हुई महंगाई भत्ते का लाभ मार्च के आखिरी में दिया जाएगा लेकिन कर्मचारियों को इसका लाभ अभी तक नहीं दिया गया है वही अब खबर आ रही है की क्या कर्मचारियों का महंगाई भत्ता शून्य हो जाएगा ।
महंगाई भत्ते को लेकर है कर्मचारियों में दुविधा
��र्मचारियों के महंगाई भत्ते को 4 फीसदी बढ़ाया गया था जिससे की उन्हे 50% महंगाई भत्ते का लाभ मिलेगा लेकिन जब-जब महंगाई भत्ते को 50 फीसदी किया जाता है तो सातवें वेतन आयोग के नियम के अनुसार महंगाई भत्ते को शून्य किया जाता है साथ ही में अब इसी बात को लेकर कर्मचारियों को दुविधा है की उनके महंगाई भत्ता शून्य किया जाएगा या 54% इजाफा किया जाएगा जिसके बारे में सरकार ने अभी तक कोई भी जानकारी नहीं दी है । आंकड़ों के मुताबिक महंगाई भत्ता पहुंचा 50.84 फीसदी तक इसी के साथ अगर कर्मचारियों का महंगाई भत्ता बढ़ाया जाता है तो उन्हे बढ़े हुए महंगाई भत्ते का लाभ जुलाई महीने में दिया जाएगा साथ ही में AICPI के जो आँकड़े है वह 138.9 तक पहुच चुके है जिससे की महंगाई भत्ता 50.84 फीसदी तक पहुंच चुका है इस आँकड़े को जनवरी 2024 के डेटा के लिए जारी किए गए थे जिसके बाद से लेकर अभी तक कोई भी अन्य आंकड़ा पेश नहीं किया गया है । महंगाई भत्ता कीया जा सकता है चेंज महंगाई भत्ते को लेकर फरवरी, मार्च,अप्रैल, मई और जून के आँकड़े आने को बाकी है जिसमे अगर इन महीनों के आँकड़े पेश किए जाते है तो महंगाई भत्ता निश्चित तौर पर बढ़ेगा जिसका फायदा कर्मचारियों को तुरंत तो नहीं दिया जाएगा लेकिन इसका लाभ जुलाई के महीने में दिया जा सकता है जिसके बाद अगर महंगाई भत्ते को शून्य भी किया जाएगा तो भी कर्मचारियों को 4 फीसदी महंगाई भत्ते का लाभ दिया ही जाएगा । Read the full article
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bougainvillea-and-saltwater · 3 months ago
for the oc/ship ask: 13 and T for jia and miraak! you can pick any of the author questions if you’d like!
OOOH thank you for these, my friend!!! Thank you for asking about my beloved idiots...🥰
☀️ask game!☀️
Okay, for 13 & T, I'm going to guide you in this post!
As for picking an author question, I'm gonna go with this one:
🔥 - First time writing romance/spicy scenes, and how you felt about it
OKAY, SO. While Jia and Miraak kissed relatively ‘early’ in their story, their more suggestive scenes are more of a slow burn. It will take Some Time. The first more romantic/intimate scene that I wrote and absolutely adored is actually in chapter 17, A healer’s caress. It’s the chapter where Jia sings to Miraak and professes her love with a song. There’s a deep vulnerability in her eyes as she sings at him, it’s just spellbinding, looking at him through the mirror as she braids his hair, even if Jia’s voice is a bit off-key and she’s very anxious in that scene. But Miraak is able to feel that intense emotion of reallyreallyreally starting to fall in love with her, and he can’t contain himself any longer… Here’s the snippet:
He rises above her, only a few inches away, her slightly wider-for-her-face eyes looking up at him, and he thinks her twinkling gaze flickers for just a tiny instant towards the doorway, as though she mentally debates whether to flee him or not—but she doesn’t back away. She moves closer instead, her cheeks more flushed than ever, her lips parted with the passion he dreams about every night—and Miraak knows what to do. His arm curls around her waist and pins her against him, his lips collide and close around hers, and a moan escapes her—it is soft, like the feeling of her lips, like the fabric of her dress underneath his fingers as he strokes the small of her back, like her warm cheek he has cupped most lovingly with his other hand. Her own wavering hands slide around his neck and into his hair, which she braided not a minute ago, and remain there buried, almost tightened into fists, as she opens her mouth in his gentle insistence, her lips tentative, her tongue hesitant, mirroring his movements. Gods help them, how much they could lose themselves in each other.  Like a blind man savoring his world, Miraak’s hands glide down her thin neck, tracing the skin of her shoulders, uncovered by her gown as they are, and the tips of his fingers locate carved, jagged dragon claws on her left shoulder blade. He feels how her flesh has been mercilessly dug up, how her tendons and bones could be almost exposed from the inside if not a healer’s hand hadn’t mended the wound. He gently stops their kiss with a forehead embrace and looks down at her healed white-colored but still horrifying scar, his thumb brushing against it. He knows it’s the World-Eater’s keepsake; he doesn’t comprehend how he holds such an understanding—he just feels it in his bones. “I wonder,” his husky whisper thunders, and along with their heavy breathing, it’s all that is heard in the room, “where does this scar end?” His palm hovers like a leaf above her chest all the way to her pelvic bone and ceases its movement there. Their eyes meet—his are smoldering afire, and hers nervous, uncertain. “Show me,” he rasps, pleads. “Show me—I want to see. These scars,” guilt and shame shortly etch themselves on his face, and he doesn’t bother to hide them; they’re there, bare and pristine, for her to sate by them, “should have been mine, nunon dii; hin faaz los dahik do zey. Zu’u los vobalaan, sahlo mun, a deserter of destiny—” Her hand flies to his mouth, her fingers grazing his lips, and she stops his words. She slowly turns around and has no uncertainties anymore when she consents to his plea and whispers back, “My bodice. It has fastenings down the back.” She doesn’t feel him immediately, for he is unconfident himself and doesn’t quite know how to act, somehow failing even the slightest strength of his hands, his courage forfeited. Until his fingers, now their turn to be nervous, unsteady, and uncertain, begin to unlace the hooks, one after the other, and Jia feels the bodice of her dress loosen on her torso. When he’s done, she senses his tentative knuckles momentary caressing the scarred skin of her bared back, as if sanctifying her every burning and sparking, every whip-lashing and rod-thrashing, before his tense hands come to slip into her frock, closing about her waist and letting the corset completely drop down her shoulders and to the floor. She senses his hot breath kindling her neck, the curls drooping on her nape likewise aflame, and Jia, not wearing her heeled boots, has to stand on her naked tiptoes in order to lean her head back on his shoulder and her body into his embrace.  
They don’t do anything more than her exposing her upper body and its scars to him, but still... One of my favorite intimate scenes so far. 💖
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art-o-bart-o · 4 months ago
Maxwell, Northern, Jackson, Chike, Astron, Stefan, Sternal, Selene, Yaasmin, DaHike, and Verdadero
RIP (rest in piss):
Hans Hawkeye
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chezuuuuuu · 1 year ago
'diko rin talaga masisisi na hindi niya masabi dahik private life niya 'yun
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hincadoychulladedo · 1 year ago
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Daniel Noboa en su primera entrada a Carondelet como Presidente Electo de los ecuatorianos.
Por Pablo Albán Rodas, 3 de noviembre de 2023
La premura de los medios y politólogos en ocasiones apura los pasos y genera desfases con los acontecimientos. Así se provoca un vacío en la opinión susceptible de llenar con toda clase de especulaciones. Algún pensador ya dijo que el vacío no existe: está lleno de ideología.
En el proceso se ponen a prueba las artes clarividentes o se insinúa una virtuosa relación íntima con las fuentes, con el poder, todo tras bastidores, off the record. Algo que abona más a la incertidumbre. Eso se ve en artículos y en posts que hablan de la reedición del pacto de la impunidad Lasso-Correa-Nebot, esta vez, involucrando al futuro Gobierno.
Antojadiza decimos en primer lugar porque la repetición de episodios en el transcurso del tiempo es imposible: todos son eventos originales, singulares, únicos, irrepetibles; una verdad aceptada por la ciencia política y corroborada una y otra vez por la experiencia.
Pero, más allá de lo que concierne al proceso de conocimiento, la noticia se vuelve arbitraria, pues no corresponde a la naturaleza del gobierno de Noboa: presentar una nueva generación política en ruptura con la vieja práctica política. Los que otorgan una naturaleza perversa a la gestión pública en democracia, resignan la acción política al lúmpen: lo concibe como un espacio delincuencial, donde el que no cae, resbala. Para completar el cuadro, es el reino de la impunidad.
Y el escepticismo se comprende: los casos de delincuencia organizada, al amparo de la política y de la gestión pública, proliferan a diestra y siniestra.
Las caras nuevas de los asambleístas de ADN, las declaraciones del presidente electo de que su gabinete no estará conformado por quienes actuaron en gobiernos anteriores y que la edad promedio está entre los 40 o 41 años, mantienen la expectativa sobre las acciones de esta generación de políticos. Es uno de sus retos principales.
Al momento, Daniel Noboa ha dicho, para tranquilizar algo a los ansiosos, que de su equipo de ministros y secretarios de Estados está definido el 85%. Algunos nombres fueron adelantados desde hace varios días y se publicitan en la página oficial del futuro mandatario: Sonsoles García ministra de producción y comercio exterior; Iván Carmigniani secretario de comunicación; Roberto Luque ministro de Transporte, Franklin Palacios ministro de Agricultura y Ganadería, Gabriela Sommerfeld Ministra de Relaciones Exteriores.
La prudencia con la que maneja este tema da cuenta de la responsabilidad en definir perfiles adecuados para su proyecto. También es una precaución ante la prensa y los políticos de oficio y los despechados, pues conoce de su habilidad para buscar “la quinta pata al gato” y desfigurar a los anunciados la víspera.
En este ámbito, la acción del presidente intriga: es justo y necesario decir que los comentaristas y opinadores políticos no pueden hasta hoy descifrar la presencia de Alberto Dahik en Carondelet, durante el acto protocolar de inicio de la transición.
Una advertencia (no clarividencia): Noboa se propone romper los esquemas, habrá que aprender a asimilar las sorpresas, sin los consabidos atavismos. El Gabinete tendrá que conformarse antes de que termine este mes. La fecha para la posesión, según el Consejo Electoral, está prevista para el 30 de noviembre o el 1 de diciembre.
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memes-at-tetes · 2 years ago
Noong second day of school nung grade 7, pumasok ako ng late sa school kasi hindi ako ginising ni mama. Pagpasok ko sa classroom binati ko yung guro. Ang Sama ng tingin saakin ng mga tao sa classroom. Hindi kasi ako pumasok nung first day pero kilala ko na yung mga kaklase ko dahik magkakakilala naman kami nung elementary. Pagkatapos nun ay nagmadali akong lumabas sa classroom at nagpaumanhin, hanggang ngayon naaalala ko pa rin ang hiya na naramdaman ko
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*ang mga grade 8 nung nakita ako*
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bendwill · 10 days ago
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A ROLL OF THE EYES. He knew she was likely right, yet he could not help but scoff imagining pleases and thank yous in the face of a dovah. Few dragons, if any, he had met in life cared for mortal courtesies... Or so he believed. Perhaps it was that the notion of trying it himself felt rather foolish. She had a way with words he did not. Genuine words, that was.
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Daenerys matched him step for step, footprints in the snow creating an almost-symmetrical ring towards a seemingly inevitable centre. He finds he thinks less before he responds when they speak to one another in this tongue. Miraak had associated the language with lying once, but with her it is nothing but honesty. “Dahik ein stin los aan malur do fos mur hei ful zokeyr.”
He was a biased sort. It was something he valued so highly in himself. Higher than anything else. He knew what it was to be without it. But... Somehow, he feels there is more to what she says. A challenge, a dare. Deeper than that. A want to be wanted. One that pulls at his own.
“I have no need to do it. Hei fund daal wah zey, ol zu'u wah hei.” Miraak intones as he reaches forth, voice confident. Not to steal but to curve a hand along her jawline, tilting her head further upwards as distance closes. “But I would gladly steal you from the world if it was what you wanted. If only that meant I could remain with you.”
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ㅤㅤㅤ❝ 𝐇𝐄  𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐒  𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐋  𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇  𝐅𝐎𝐑  𝐌𝐄.  You'd  be  surprised  how  far  simple  words  like  please  and  thank  you  can  get  you at times,  ❞  she  grins.  He's  never  been  the  most  diplomatic  of  the  two  of  them.  Such  is  the  spirit  of  a  true  dragon;  diplomacy  is  a  mortal  concept.  But  his  gift  of  intimidation  certainly  helps  in  the  right  circumstances,  and  his  imposing  stature  more  than  makes  up  for  what  she  lacks.  Dany  quite  likes  him  like  this,  truth  be  told;  proud  and  dangerous,  as  he  was  born  to  be.  And  ever  covetous  of  what  is  his.
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ㅤㅤㅤShe  falls  in  line  with  Miraak's  steps,  their  circling  paths  bringing  them  closer.  A  dance  of  two  dragons.  Her  eyes  remain  upon  his  own,  a  challenge  in  her  amethyst  hues  to  answer  his  threat.  ❝ If  you  wanted,  ❞  Daenerys  repeats  in  the  common  tongue,  a  brow  quirking  as  her  chin  lifts  defiantly.  ❝ Ruz  fos  los  helt  hi,  waan  nii  los  ful  vahk?  ❞
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net4news · 4 years ago
Dearness allowance for central government employees hiked to 28% from 17% - Net4News
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NEW DELHI: The Centre on Wednesday approved an increase in dearness allowance (DA) given to central government employees from 17 per cent to 28 per cent. The hike will be applicable from July 1, 2021, Union minister Anurag Thakur said. It will directly benefit around 48.34 lakh central government employees and 65.26 lakh pensioners, he added. Last year, the Union Cabinet had approved a 4 per cent increase in DA for government employees and pensioners to 21 per cent. This was to be effective from January 1, 2020. However, in wake of the pandemic the disbursement of DA at increased rates was suspended along with DR for the pensioners. Three installments of DA for central government employees and DR for pensioners, due on January 1, 2020, July 1, 2020 and January 1, 2021, were frozen. In a written reply to the Rajya Sabha, Anurag Thakur had said that central government employees and pensioners will get full benefits of DA starting July 1, with all three installments being restored prospectively. The increase in DA from July 1 will only be effective from that day, which implies that the employees would not get any arrears on non-revision of DA for previous period. (With inputs from agencies) Source link Read the full article
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hungrytundras · 6 years ago
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Its been so long since I’ve drawn my favorite ball of feathers and anxiety
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khabarsuvidha · 10 months ago
महंगाई भत्ते को लेकर कर्मचारियों के लिए जारी किया गया बड़ा अपडेट, इस महीने दिया जाएगा महंगाई भत्ते का लाभ : DA Benefit
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News Desk | DA Benefit : कुछ ही समय पहले केन्द्रीय कर्मचारियों के महंगाई भत्ते को बढ़ाया गया था जिससे कर्मचारियों को डीए में 50 फीसदी का लाभ मिलने वाला है, केंद्र सरकार ने कर्मचारियों के डीए को बढ़ाते हुए कहा था की इसका लाभ मार्च के अंत में दिया जाएगा लेकिन इसका लाभ अभी तक कर्मचारियों को नहीं दिया गया है ।
इस महीने दिया जाएगा लाभ
कर्मचारियों के बढ़ी हुई महंगाई भत्ते का लाभ मार्च महीने में देने की बात कही गई थी जिसमे उन्हे मार्च के महीने में लाभ नहीं दिया गया है जिसके बाद कर्मचारियों को उम्मीद थी की इसका लाभ अब अप्रैल में दिया जाएगा लेकिन अप्रैल का महिना भी समाप्त होने वाला है इसी बीच खबर आ रही है की कर्मचारियों को अब बढ़ी हुई महंगाई भत्ते का लाभ मई महीने में दिया जाएगा । मार्च में बढ़ाया गया था महंगाई भत्ता कर्मचारियों के डीए को 7 मार्च को बढ़ाने के साथ ही यह भी ऐलान किया गया था की कर्मचारियों को 3 महीने के एरियर का लाभ दिया जाएगा इस एरियर का लाभ कर्मचारियों को मार्च की सैलेरी मिलने के बाद देने जाने की बात सरकार ने कही थी इसके साथ ही डीए में चार प्रतिशत की बढ़ोतरी की गई थी जिससे की कर्मचारियों का डीए 46% से बढ़कर 50% हो गया है ज��समे कर्मचारियों के डीए को 1 जनवरी 2024 से बढ़ाया गया है इसका मतलब है की कर्मचारियों को 1 जनवरी के हिसाब से महंगाई भत्ते का लाभ मिलने वाला है । मूल वेतन का आधा हुआ डीए कर्मचारियों का डीए बढ़ने से उन्हे काफी राहत मिली है क्युकी अब उनका डीए मूल वेतन का आधा हो गया है जिससे उन्हे लाभ मिलने वाला है इसके साथ ही उनकी सैलेरी बढ़कर मिलने वाली है और कर्मचारियों के एरियर का भी लाभ किस्तों में दिए जाने की बात कही गई थी इसके साथ ही सरकार का कहना है की कर्मचारियों के डीए बढ़ने से सरकार पर लगभग 13 हजार करोड़ रुपए का खर्च आएगा । Read the full article
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kam post bl lebnene lezim a3moul abel ma tsiro ya tes2alo lal translation ya ta3mloule unfollow.
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santoshgd-blog · 5 years ago
The enhanced DA would be given to the state government employees with retrospective effect from January 1, 2020.
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morihaus · 4 years ago
Rumors spread quickly to the north, finding their way to his ear. The southern men, they say, have taken arms against their elven rulers, and the gods side with them; they say Kyne rallied them and sent forth a son of storms, who sailed through the skies and spoke like thunder, and their queen is her warrior-priestess. This all seemed to run the gambit from dubious to uninteresting to Ysmir, Dragon of the North, but one rumor did reach him, and did catch his attention, an excited murmuring among the chieftains, talk of an invincible warrior and champion to the revolt, a savior of men, enemy of elves, a god who walks.
"Shor has returned." They say.
And at this, Ysmir blows to the south, to the far distant fort at Heldon bridge, where the Paravanics make camp with the Nords of Kreath. He sees the tribes of the south eating and drinking with the Nords, who look to him with awe when they see him, and in hushed tones inform their southern neighbors of his reputation. His form is imposing without it, he towers over all in the camp as he searches for the subject of such strange rumors. A man in gleaming armor, smoother than even the finest elven craft, wearing a long white mane of hair; he sees a man of this description at the head of a bonfire, regaling chieftains of some vivid tale of blood and glory, of which they were enraptured.
He gestures with his hands out in front of him, Ysmir can see the death on his lips as he recounts his exploits, though unlike the Nords, his did not curve into any smile. It did not take long for his presence to be noticed, the man's unnerving golden eyes lock with his own and he becomes distracted from his story, words trailing off and becoming breath on the wind.
The chieftains turn to see Ysmir looming over the fire, and over them, and they stand from their seats only to kneel before him. This man, champion of the Nedes, rises to his feet and makes no such gesture. It's then that it is clear that he is not tall. He stands some number of heads shorter than Ysmir, closer in height to the southern men than the Nords, though his armor and countenance is nothing like theirs. The interlocking plates shine in the firelight, smooth like stalhrim, but dull gray in color.
He wears little hair on his face, save a strip of white below his lip, the same color as the mane of hair that falls to his shoulders- it's frayed and stained brown in places, elf's blood. Ysmir regards him in silence, and the whole of the camp falls into a hush as they view this meeting.
It is the Paravanic who speaks first. "You are Wulfharth." It's a question without the inflection of one. He seems stiff and serious to Ysmir, lacking a certain personable quality.
"Yes." Comes the response in a whisper that blows strands of white from his face. He doesn't blink.
"I've been told about you. They call you Ysmir, too, a name I wore once, for I've worn many." He speaks loudly, as though to reach Wulf all the way up there, but his cadence is awfully gentle for such a brutal warrior. "It is something I respect about you north-men, you understand that a man will have many names, as I have. They call me many things in Cyrod; Whitestrake, Triumph, Divine Crusader, but at my core," He places a fist to his chest. "I am Pelinal."
The camp is silent and still. Wind blows as the two warriors look to one another, content to merely stare in the space between words. For his part, Wulfharth seeks to analyze, for this man feels unlike anyone else here, or any either side of the mountains. While his eyes traveled up and down the knight stood before him, Pelinal's did not move, they seemed to bore straight through him as though imagining his insides. It is fortunate that Ysmir is not a man easily unnerved.
"Your men called me another name when I arrived." He said, interrupting what had been minutes of silence. Ysmir offered nothing but a soft exhale and a return to eye contact, and so he proceeded as Falkreath's chieftains watched on. "When I had crossed the bridge, helmet doffed, slick with blood, they called me 'Shor.'" Emotion takes to his face for the first time in this meeting, the slightest furrow of his brow at this syllable. "What say you to that, Ysmir? Do you agree?"
He seems aware, then, of why he's come to meet with him. The question lingered in the back of his mind all the while, but so far, he is no closer to reaching consensus. Pelinal's appearance is of little note, any Atmoran could tell you that the gods can take many forms, Shor was just as likely to appear as a fox than a man; this man wears himself strangely, this is certainly true, but is he divine? Even if he is, it doesn't mean he's Shor. Wulf thought he had a lot of ideas about who and what Shor is, but now, he's struggling to think of anything concrete that proves this man is or isn't Shor. He's a warrior like Shor, but he's a man; he hates the elves like Shor, revels in their destruction, but he has an elven name and fine armor like theirs; he fights alongside Kyne like Shor, but yet still, some have gossiped that he sings praises to the dragon, to Alduin, and counts him as an ally. Ysmir has yet to see this for himself, but still, looking down at the strange statue-still crusader, he only feels conflicted.
"I don't know." The words rumble out from his throat, some men- both north and south- have made space between themselves and the two warriors as they speak, the Nords forewarn their cousins of the power of Ysmir's voice, the Nedes warn them of Whitestrake's sudden and unpredictable fury in regards to talk of the gods. Only the brave generals and chieftains remain encircled around.
Pelinal blinks, and, just slightly, raises a brow. "You do not know?"
Wulf frowns for having to repeat himself. "No." The word blows through the camp, setting a deeper chill into the Cyrod-men's bones.
"Why would they call me Shor?" Pelinal asks as flatly as before.
Because they don't know their own gods, because they long for the living spirits of Atmora who walked the land beside them, because there is something familiar about this man.
"I don't know." He repeats, deeper and more forceful than before, sending the bonfire blowing in the breeze.
"What would it mean, were I Shor? Is this war I call you for the last? Are we on the eve of a new world? I should think not, and yes, but what of you?" The knight asks, demonstrating more than a passing knowledge, more than he lets on.
Maybe he is more of a trickster than at first thought. Like Shor was. Wulfharth grumbles to himself, holding back foolish words and questions. "I don't know." He rumbles.
"This is why you're here. Word spreads- despite my protests- and you come to meet with your god, but what is it really that brought you here? What need, what want? What is it that drove you?"
Who wouldn't want to meet their god, Ysmir thinks. Who wouldn't want to know Shor, to talk to him, to ask him a million questions? Maybe he too doesn't know his god, maybe he too longs for Atmora, maybe he too sees something familiar in this man.
Through gritted teeth, the reply blows forth. "I don't know..." And at this, the sounds of thunder surround them, and the brave men finally give way for the affairs of these heroes.
Pelinal remains resolute, and in fact, raises a hand suddenly, gesturing towards him. "You restrain yourself, Ysmir? Bah! I've heard your tongue before- your true tongue, not the languages of men, but that which they took for themselves and made killing-thunder, the dragon's-throat-in-hawk's-mouth. I understand it! Speak freely to me, Ysmir, have no fear, for we may speak to one another as equals!" And with this, he set his feet firmly to the ground, and looked expectantly to the Tongue.
With such mounting frustrations, Ysmir the Silent did speak, and no retreat could have been fast enough for the men who scattered in fear and awe. "ZU'U DREH NI MINDORAAN!" His words surged forth like a thunderclap, extinguishing the flame and blowing embers all around them, upturning tents and fleeing soldiers. "ZU'U LOST MEYZ DAHIK SAAG HON HI KOS SHOR! HI KOS MED SHOR, NUZ NI MED SHOR, AHRK ZU'U DREH NI MINDOK WAAN HI KOS SHOR!" All throughout, though lesser men were sent careening to the ground or thrown into the air by his voice, Pelinal stood firm, hair whipping behind him, boots dug into the ground beneath him as though he were one with the earth. Ysmir towers over him, fists clenched at his sides as his temper flares and his voice travels throughout the land, up and down the mountains, over rivers and streams, all heard his lamentation. "FUN ZEY WO HI KOS!"
Following his final syllables, a heart-sinking tone cries out from Pelinal's lips. It is loud and violent, like his own voice, but strikes a chord like no other Thu'um. His voice becomes the howling of the wind, the screams and foot-stomps of the soldiers, the crackling of bonfires; it becomes the rustling of grass and mighty tall trees, waves crashing along distant shores, rainfall and thunder, it is explosion, it is birdsong, it is laughter, it is screaming, it is everything he's ever heard set to the intonation of two repeating notes. It is a heartbeat. For what is the first time in many years, and one of the few times in his life, Wulf falls to his knees at the voice of another, his body trembling as the sound surrounds him, consumes him; he finds himself breathless, his heart pounding to match the timbre. The noise goes on, he can barely understand the words layered within it all. Doubled over on the ground, he can't see Pelinal close his mouth, and he can't hear it as the sound lingers on for a few moments.
He feels a hand land firm on his shoulder and looks up breathlessly. Whitestrake looks down at him with serious purpose, leaning in to whisper in his ear. "You are Ysmir, heir of Shor. The east holds your birthright. Do war with the elves, defend his creation from perversion and destroy those who would enslave it." Letting this words linger for a moment, he waits before turning and walking away, leaving great Ysmir kneeling before him, head hung in contemplation. The camp is almost deserted, the men waiting outside to be sure that the shouting is over with. Bonfires had extinguished, tents and supplies, weapons, armor, provisions, all lays strewn about in a messy circle around their meeting place, with high Ysmir laid low to the ground, watching Whitestrake disappear into their number.
A year later, Ysmir Wulfharth would join in the eastern invasion, for reasons he would never confide in anyone.
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nirnrave · 5 years ago
another dovahzul lullaby
tumblr user @boethiah​ posted one of these many a moon ago, and it inspired me to make my own! it was fun playing around with dovahzul’s “grammar” hfglkdfhlkg
Ton krah felniirre laat nunon gein getiid Haalle do laag fen dein hi fod rovaan Hahnu do briisevu, fariik dahik maltiid Daar lein tol mu voth hind wahlaan
Daar leinu los lovaas, los rot med du'ul. Hi ofan mu unslaad razaan Zu'u hon tul hiliil, wah hokoron mul Ahrk wah hin mandro daan.
Fod tiid bo fod vopraan kent, ov: Zu'u fen ni sarein, ni saraan Lokaali(, zu’u) fen hi ontzos mahlov Ko vesey ahst oblaan
A thousand cold winters last only a second The hands of sleep will keep you safe as you wander Dream of dawn's beauty, precious for its transcience the world we created with hope/a wish
This world of ours is a song, is a word like a crown You gave (gifted) us an eternal beat (rhythm) I still hear your heart, strong against enemies (against enemies strong) And against the doom of your drum. (your drum's doom)
When the time comes to have to (must) wake up, trust: I will not hesitate, not/nor wait My love (, I) will once more embrace you In a kiss at the end
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callmeyce · 4 years ago
first tulog ko sa bagong bahay sa laguna. nakasleep ako pagka-settle namin dahik na rin siguro sa pagod. i always sleep flat because i can't sleep sideways since i have a hard time breathing. alam ko tumabi sakin brother ko.
mind you, brownout din pala since malakas bagyo. i was sleeping peacefully tapos parang naalimpungatan ako so lumipat ako posisyon ng tulog pa-sideways. paglipat na paglipat ko parang lalong nagdilim yung paligid tapos may nafeel ako sa likod ko na gumalaw at bumulong. that's when i knew that i was dreaming. imposible na brother ko yun dahil kinabahan talaga ako so di ako dumilat and i kept on pushing myself to wake up kasi ramdam kong nasa may leeg ko na talaga kung sino man yun tas bumubulong. i tried moving pero paralyzed talaga ako so i trued moaning kasi wala lumalabas na words hanggang sa pinush ko ng pinush para makasigaw ng "mommy" sa dream ko.
unti-unti akong nakasigaw at nagigising pero mumbled worlds lang in real life yung sound na nagagawa ko tapos next thing i know ginigising na ako ni mommy, brother ko and sister ko. tumakbo dim yung dalawang aso papunta sakin tapos si RT (big dog) tumalin sa kama at kinomfort ako.
idk if it's just because Nov. 1 ngayon or may something talaga sa house na 'to. pero as i said, i alwayssss have nightmared whenever i sleep in the afternoon. simula bata la ako ganun na.
ang weird lang kanina kasi sobrang lapit sakin sa dream tapos natatakot talaga ako dumilat kasi alam kong ibang elemento na yung nasa likod ko. bigla talaga nag darken lalo yung paligid tapos di na ako makagalaw.
ilang araw na ako nagkaka-nightmare. idk what's happening.
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thearmadawillrise · 5 years ago
Faal krein alok. Ful dreh pruvos do groso. Groso, kulaad. Nii los pah rinis fod hi lorot do daar. Groso do atruk hi lost drehlaan, orin to hi lost drehlaan nii perfectly folov. Kulaad do vorey wo kron dahik do hin funtaas. Dahik hi unt. Ahrk nii lost ni ganog.
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