leftxtoxthexwolves · 3 years
I still remember that one kidnapping case. It must've been before the Guard Department was founded, and Wei Yenwu had decided to clean up Lungmen. This kidnapping was the big thing in that campaign. The kidnappers were really something. They had serious firepower, enough to wipe out all our detectives. If we screwed up, they would've killed the hostage and all our effort would've been for nothing. The hostage's grandfather was a tough old man who seemed to be Victorian nobility. I think the kidnappers had some reason to go after this kid and it wasn't ransom. They wanted their story to be streamed to the public so Wei Yenwu would look weak. They weren't just ordinary kidnappers. It wasn't that simple. The rescue mission was planned by Wei Yenwu and this kid's grandfather. They used a secret special ops team. It's beside the point, but that team was the prototype for the Guard Department's Special Inspection Unit. There were a lot of tabloids and novels written about them. Anyway, they pulled it off. The ringleader was executed and most of his accomplices were killed on the spot. The hostage? She was just a little girl. The kidnappers clearly didn't think about how traumatic the experience would be for her. She didn't end up seeing anything gruesome. She saw a Lungmen police officer rushing out. She saw the heavy Christmas snowfall. She saw the street lamps and the Christmas tree outside the abandoned building. That's pretty good. I hope the officers left a good impression on her. How do I know all this? Some old police officers told me about it. Everyone's really proud of that mission! Hey, don't ask me! I got nothing to hide. --A Lungmen Guard Department supervisor
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