#D. Florea
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jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years ago
Fotbal : La un pas de EUROPA ! FCU Craiova reuseste în șase ani din Liga a 4-a să joace pentru calificarea în cupele europene..
FCU Craiova a ajuns în șase ani din Liga a 4-a să joace pentru calificarea în cupele europene prin victoria din aceasta seara impotriva echipei din Voluntari… FCU Craiova a fost la 90 de minute de play-off dar a castigat play-off-ul Superligii iar in aceasta seara a reusit sa fie la un pas de EUROPA! FCU CRAIOVA a reușit să marcheze primul gol al partidei în minutul 36, atunci când Chițu a…
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entomoblog · 7 months ago
Apis florea — Wikipédia
See on Scoop.it - Insect Archive
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Apis florea - Wikipédia
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Un nid d'abeilles naines. Répartition géographique L' abeille naine, Apis florea , est une espèce d' abeilles d' Asie de petite taille (environ un tiers de la taille d'Apis mellifera ). Son aire de répartition s'étend des rivages de la mer d'Arabie à l' Indonésie, à une altitude inférieure à 500 m.
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Un nid d'abeilles naines. Répartition géographique L' abeille naine, Apis florea , est une espèce d' abeilles d' Asie de petite taille (environ un tiers de la taille d'Apis mellifera ). Son aire de répartition s'étend des rivages de la mer d'Arabie à l' Indonésie, à une altitude inférieure à 500 m.
  Version du 24 avril 2024 à 19:53
Actualité en relation
  → Colonie d'espèces d'insectes envahissantes découverte pour la première fois en Europe : des abeilles naines rouges sont arrivées à Malte - Free Press, Пред Heures 17 https://www.slobodenpecat.mk/fr/kolonija-na-invaziven-vid-insekti-otkriena-za-prvpat-vo-evropa-crvenite-dzhudzhesti-pcheli-pristignaa-na-malta/
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lesser-known-composers · 2 years ago
Antonín Reichenauer (1694-1730) - Concerto for Cello, Strings and Basso continuo in D minor - Allegro ma non troppo ·  ·
Musica Florea · Marek Štryncl
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notamasqueradebreach · 4 years ago
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Heeeyyy it’s been downright forever since I’ve been on tumblr, let alone post anything here. It’s been some years. I noticed that one of the things that never got uploaded here was the picture that goes with the last one I posted on here!
So here, two years late, is Westley’s twin, Lester!
Lester Florea-Hart is an “Anarch” Tremere (barely. He only joined because of Margaret). From Titalia’s perspective, Lester is absolutely the last kind of person you’d want to be a vampire, and never planned on Embracing him, but it was either Embrace him or live with the fact that she’d accidentally killed her and Lucien’s son. 
By “last kind of person that you’d want to be a vampire”, I mean that he was a gleefully sadistic psychopath *before* getting a Beast. Pre-Embrace, he served as a hunter for his mother’s meals, harvesting the blood off of victims and often times taking his violent urges out on them because why not? They’re just food. Post-Embrace, he grew to resent Titalia even more for having lied to him about the nature of what she was (even though Wes had hinted at it) and loathed at the idea of having to follow rules and be humane. He broke out of the facility Titalia was keeping him in to teach him how to handle his vampirism and escaped to Madison, where Westley was still mourning the loss of his brother, and proceeded to stalk him for a few months, until he found the location of his mother’s new chantry- which he started using as a dumping ground for the corpses of his victims. 
Titalia doesn’t do well with mutilated corpses, and Lucien had been getting exhausted at constantly having to dispose of bodies, and so Titalia sent Lucien to hunt Lester down to get this shit under control. Lucien decides it’s time to tell Westley that his brother is not technically dead and fills him in on what had been going on the for last year, gaining Westley’s help to deal with the stalking disaster that was Lester.
Together, they capture Lester. Titalia wants her childe dead, knowing that no good can come from someone who only finds pleasure in others’ misery, but Lucien begs her to keep Lester alive, and she agrees on the condition that Lucien keep Lester apart from anyone he can harm. So Lucien puts the dungeon underneath their new chantry to use and locks Lester away.
It’s not until two years later that Lester finally steps out of his solitary confinement- Westley had taken up care of him after their father’s murder, and the living twin had mentioned to Margaret, their mother’s girlfriend at the time, that he had a brother living underneath their home. Mortified, Margaret works with Lester and eventually convinces Titalia to let him leave the cell. 
Shit only gets worse from there :D 
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eddiesblr · 4 years ago
Hi!! 💜
hi alexi :D
all alone in a danger zone don’t tell the gods i left a mess hey, all you out there, wanna sing this out i fell in love, i fell in love babe, are you hurtin’?
city lights by blanche
heroes by måns zelmerlöw
yodel it! by ilinca ft alex florea
el diablo by elena tsagrinou
je me casse by destiny
city lights by blanche still one of my all time favorite eurovision songs!!! i was so proud she represented my country :’)
send me a ‘hi’ and i will put my playlist on shuffle, write down the first line of five songs, and give it to you as a poem
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i-r-readcomics · 4 years ago
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New X-Men
Volume: 1 #123
Writers: Grant Morrison
Pencils: Ethan van Sciver, Tom Derenick
Inks: Tim Townsend, Danny Miki, Scott Hanna, Sandu Florea
Colours: Hi-Fi Design
Covers: Tony Harris, Ray Snyder, J. D. Mettler
Featuring: Beast (Hank McCoy), Cyclops (Scott Summers), Emma Frost, Phoenix (Jean Grey-Summers), Wolverine, Xorn (Kuan-Yin). Professor X (Charles Xavier), Angel Salvadore, Stepford Cuckoos, Cassandra Nova, Empress Lilandra, Gladiator (Kallark)
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puppyluver256 · 5 years ago
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Some people do self-insert content with romantic intentions at all times, but me, I just wanna have this giant Russian muppet be my kooky uncle. He's certainly old enough to be one of my parents' older brother if we're going by his Twitter birthdate. ;P So yeah, this was kinda a different sort of self-indulgent because I'd remembered what lilies (and by that extension, other types of flowers) represent in my original series Theia Historica, or at least in the in-universe nation Prismari because this type of symbolism is done differently all over that world, and the significance of lilies to Habit's backstory and to getting the best ending, so I just decided to throw the queer flowers on us so we can be cute and habby. :D I still need to finalize my notes on what flowers equate to what identities, but I do have quite a bit figured out, especially enough for my personal representation and my headcanons toward Habit. Anyway, here they are:
lilies - asexuality, with Habit having his iconic tooth lily (you could make the argument that it's a pale orange, and I made orange lilies represent aces with romantic attraction to one gender, but tbh it looks more cream to me and I really need to figure that out because cream is too close to white and Habit's no aro-ace which is what white's for) and me having a stargazer lily (general asexuality or an ace with an undetermined romantic orientation) tulips - homosexuality, or in this case homoromanticism, cuz Habit’s a gay man (gay dudes get pink, lesbians get blue, and I forget what gay nbs get because it’s been a while since I looked at my notes directly...) and we’re all pretty well aware of this by now geraniums - transgender/nonbinary, Habit getting blue for trans man and me getting purple for nonbinary (nb peeps actually have two, purple and yellow, and while purple is more common for genderfluidity specifically they are interchangeable for anyone with an nb gender identity)
Please keep in mind that I started writing the Prismari flower code before learning any real-world flower language, and it's not like anyone in Theia would follow real-world flower language except maybe those from Florea, so if I made the flowers on our heads say anything weird I apologize. ^^;
(Also that shirt I'm wearing...may or may not be in this house right now. I can't know for certain, but we did recently receive a pair of packages from Teespring that I was not allowed to open. And while I did keep my promise on that I know I'm the only one who's wanted anything from Teespring in this house and what those two things I wanted were, sooooo... :3c )
Commissions ~ Redbubble ~ Patreon
~If you like, please consider reblogging to show your friends!~
Dr. Boris Habit © LimboLane My persona and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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reverienne · 5 years ago
Top 5 awfully catchy songs and/or Top 10 bird species! ;D
Thank you so much, Ola! ❤️
There are very few songs I like and couldn’t listen to on a 1 hour long loop so I decided to interpret “awfully catchy” as Eurovision because “awfully catchy” is the definition of all the Eurovision bops.
1. Esc 2013. Alyona Lanskaya - Solayoh.2. Esc 2014. The Common Linnets - Calm After The Storm.3. Esc 2016. Laura Tesoro - What’s The Pressure.4. Esc 2017. Illinca & Alex Florea - Yodel it!5. Esc 2019. Miki Núñez - La Venda.
(Esc 2015 and Esc 2018 were excluded because the winning songs were actual bops.)
In no particular order, though the mallard rightfully gets its first place, penguins and flamingos may forgive me.
1. Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos).2. Emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri).3. Chilean flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis).4. Stock dove (Columba oenas).5. Mute swan (Cygnus olor).6. Great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major).7. European robin (Erithacus rubecula).8. European herring gull (Larus argentatus).9. Great tit (Parus major).10. House sparrow (Passer domesticus).
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eddycurrents · 6 years ago
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For the week of 24 June 2019
Quick Bits:
Action Comics #1012 keeps a number of plates spinning with the Invisible Mafia, Leviathan, and tying in events in Superman, while bringing back a character who we’ve not seen for some time in the DCU. Some great layouts and art from Szymon Kudranski and Brad Anderson.
| Published by DC Comics
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Age of X-Man: X-Tremists #5 is the explosive conclusion to this mini from Leah Williams, Georges Jeanty, Roberto Poggi, Jim Charalampidis, and Clayton Cowles. We get Jubilee’s perspective on the end, as they all collectively remember what came before, what was taken from them, and the nightmare that they’ve been placed in and forced to participate. Damn good stuff.
| Published by Marvel
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Amazing Spider-Man #24 is a lot of Peter avoiding dealing with things in a rational adult manner and some weird stuff with Mysterio and the new villain who has been haunting the series for a while. My guess is that it’s Ned Leeds, but his true identity is still hidden for the moment. Pretty good for a buffer issue.
| Published by Marvel
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Angel #2 is another entertaining issue from Bryan Edward Hill, Gleb Melnikov, Gabriel Cassata, and Ed Dukeshire. There’s another nice split as we see a bit of Angel’s past as he reforges a slayer as his “axe” and then a dive into the current evil plaguing the kids in social media. Wonderful reveal of Lilith’s “true form” as well, great design by Melnikov.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Ascender #3 is harrowing and breathtaking. While Andy and Mila try to run in the present, we get more information on what happened with them and Effie in the time between Descender and now. Gorgeous, stunning artwork from Dustin Nguyen.
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Bad Luck Chuck #4 concludes what has been a fun, but weird, series from Lela Gwenn, Matthew Dow Smith, Kelly Fitzpatrick, and Frank Cvetkovic. And it ends with a pretty epic battle between cops and nuns.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Black Panther #13 begins the next arc of “Two Thousand Suns” and T’Challa’s attempts to contact anyone back on Earth. Daniel Acuña returns to provide the art and it is beautiful. The effects as T’Challa attempts to calculate a communication path to Earth with the various planets and such are amazing.
| Published by Marvel
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Detective Comics #1006 begins a new arc guest-starring the Spectre, with art from Kyle Hotz and David Baron. The Corrigan/Spectre joining sure works different than it used to. Interesting mystery with the Spectre cult and great art.
| Published by DC Comics
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Ghost Tree #3 takes a few nice moments of quiet introspection and reflection from Brandt and Arami, as well as exploring more of Brandt’s grandparents life, before ramping up the tension with the demon. Beautiful artwork from Simon Gane, Ian Herring, and Becka Kinzie.
| Published by IDW
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Justice League Dark #12 has huge ramifications as “Lords of Order” rages on. Stunning artwork from Alvaro Martínez Bueno, Raul Fernandez, and Brad Anderson. Also Tynion gives us a fascinating rumination on magic between Batman and Wonder Woman.
| Published by DC Comics
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Killer Groove #2 continues this excellent crime drama. The little pieces of interaction and tiny character stories throughout this issue are wonderful. Ollie Masters’ approach to the narrative reminds me a lot of Robert Altman. 
| Published by AfterShock
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Road of Bones #2 leans hard into the brutal survival aspect of travelling across Russia in winter, without much idea or sense of where you’re going. Wonderful art from Alex Cormack.
| Published by IDW
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The Silencer #18 concludes this series with a kind of stock-taking story from Dan Abnett, V. Ken Marion, Sandu Florea, Mike Spicer, and Tom Napolitano. There’s some bits about the reconciliation between Blake and Honor, but a large portion of this is Honor trying to find out information on what’s happening with Leviathan. 
| Published by DC Comics
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Stranger Things: Six #2 continues to flesh out the time before the first season at Hawkins Labs as we continue to follow Francine through her past and experiences there. There’s a wonderful feeling of dread with the glimpses of the Upside Down.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Thor #14 builds on events in War of the Realms #6 with a story that is concurrent with what happens in that book diving into the younger Thor’s perspective. Great art from Scott Hepburn and Matthew Wilson.
| Published by Marvel
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Transformers/Ghostbusters #1 is a great debut from Erik Burnham, Dan Schoening, Luis Antonio Delgado, and Tom B. Long beautifully integrating the two properties here. Cybertron as destroyed by Gozer is just wonderful, and there’s a nice bit of humour that fits well with Burnham and Schoening’s other Ghostbusters work.
| Published by IDW
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War of the Realms #6 is the conclusion to this event with Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman, Matthew Wilson, and Joe Sabino giving us a “storm of Thors”. It’s fairly epic as Thor and Malekith meet in the final confrontation, capping off one of the longest narrative arcs in Marvel that began back in Thor: God of Thunder #1 years ago. There’s more to come, but this is a very satisfying end.
| Published by Marvel
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The Weatherman #1 is a welcome return for the second volume of this series from Jody LeHeup, Nathan Fox, Moreno Dinisio, and Steve Wands. The story shifts as the team search for the clue to unlocking Bright’s memories on the one place we thought previously was all dead...Earth. Great stuff.
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Wolverine: Exit Wounds #1 is another of Marvel’s 80th Anniversary one-shots, this one presenting three stories from some of the luminary creators that have worked on Wolverine before. The standout for me is the Wolverine/Venom story from Sam Kieth and Ronda Pattison. It’s a simple Vs. story, but the artwork is gorgeous. Larry Hama, Scot Eaton, Sean Parsons, and Matt Milla & Chris Claremont, Salvador Larroca, and Val Staples provide the other two stories giving a glimpse into other stages in Logan’s past. Joe Sabino provides letters for all three stories and it’s nice to see how he adapts for the tone and style of each tale.
| Published by Marvel
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Wonder Woman #73 is a fill-in from Steve Orlando, Aaron Lopresti, Matt Ryan, Romulo Fajardo Jr., and Pat Brosseau giving us a story of Diana’s past in an alternate reality. It’s a decent tale on its own, giving a hint at something important for the ongoing story.
| Published by DC Comics
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Other Highlights: Avengers #20, Battlestar Galactica: Twilight Command #5, The Beauty #27, Bone Parish #10, Books of Magic #9, Canto #1, Conan the Barbarian #7, The Crow/Hack/Slash #1, Dark Red #4, Deadly Class #39, Diabolical Summer, Dial H for Hero #4, Dick Tracy Forever #3, Doctor Strange #15, Eve Stranger #2, Fantastic Four #11, Fight Club 3 #6, The Flash #73, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #8, GLOW #3, The Goon #3, Head Lopper #12, High Level #5, Invader Zim #44, Isola #8, Kick-Ass #15, KISS: The End #3, Magnificent Ms. Marvel #4, Major X #5, Marilyn Manor #1, Martian Manhunter #6, Marvel Comics Presents #6, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #40, Mr. & Mrs. X #12, Punk Mambo #3, Punks Not Dead: London Calling #5, Redneck #21, Rick & Morty #51, Runaways #22, Spawn #298, Spider-Man Annual #1, Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Darth Vader #1, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge #3, Steel Cage #1, Stone Star #4, Summit #15, Superior Spider-Man #8, Teen Titans: Raven, Thanos #3, Thief of Thieves #43, War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas #4, War of the Realms: The Punisher #3, War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men #3, X-Men: Grand Design - X-Tinction #2
Recommended Collections: Breakneck, Coda - Volume 2, Fearscape - Volume 1, Hardcore - Volume 1, HP Lovecraft’s At the Mountains of Madness - Volume 1, Interceptor - Volume 1, Joe Golem: Occult Detective - Volume 3: The Drowning City, Man of Steel, Old Lady Harley, Outcast - Book 3, Relay - Volume 1, Shock - Volume 2, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra - Volume 5: Worst Among Equals, Starjammers, Tony Stark: Iron Man - Volume 2: Stark Realities, Usagi Yojimbo - Volume 33: The Hidden, Wasted Space - Volume 1, West Coast Avengers - Volume 2: City of Evils
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d. emerson eddy enjoys frozen cheesecake bites.
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the-teddy-bear-butch · 3 years ago
sorry it took me so long to reply my love! I remembered that i forgot to eat dinner so i went off to do that but i'm back with random facts!
from what i could find, sign offs go all the way back to the bible. “Going as far back as the Bible, the Epistle of Paul in the Apostle to the Colossians closed: ‘This salutation by my own hand--Paul. Remember my chains. Grace be with you. Amen.’
"If there were ever a best seller for closures that survived the centuries, Macauley said, it would have to be: “Your most obedient and most humble servant,” as used by Thomas Jefferson to the newly elected President, George Washington. A slight variation, appearing in a letter from the duke of Buckingham to King George I in the early 1600s, said: “Your Majesty’s Most Humble Slave and Dog . . . Steenie.” although initials and abbreviations were common too!
this piece ends with sign offs being a dying art with technology yada yada yada i call bullshit because here i am using them
now for a fact about this sign off :D
When English speakers first started using the term cordially, it carried a more impassioned sense than it does today. Its earlier sense was “with the deepest feeling” or “heartily.” This reflects its Latin root word, cor, meaning “heart.” The word now conveys more of a congenial tone than a sentimental one, but it registers as more formal and old-fashioned than many of the terms on this list,
[with the deepest feelings and thanks for letting me info dump] cordially - el
p.s i don'y mind if you info dump right back at me
So sorry it took me so long! I was so indecisive about what I wanted to info dump about lol
That’s so interesting! Those are such lovely sign offs, it’s a shame it’s seen as a dying art. I wish I was half as eloquent as those writers, truly. We should definitely bring them back!! <33
Cordially has always been a favorite word of mine. Is it weird to have favorite words? It’s just such a lovely word full of such meaning
We were talking about bugs, and I’ve developed an interest in bees specifically! I still would prefer they don’t buzz around my face, but they’re such lovely, fluffy lil dudes, and they’re so important!
People talk a lot about saving the bees, but we really need to be focusing on Asian bee species! There’s a total of 9 honeybee species, and of those, only one is European, but most conservation efforts in the past have focused on them. The other 8 are all from Asia. European honeybees are used most often in beekeeping, to the point of being introduced in non native areas, but they’re more susceptible to disease and can bring harmful diseases to at risk Asian bee species, which isn’t good for the environment.
Asian honeybees are super important in their environment because they’re prey species for some animals and they’re vital pollinators. They’re always culturally important to indigenous communities that rely on their honey.
The European Union actually defines honey as the substance produced by the one European bee species, which really undermines the poor hardworking little Asian honeybees, and their honey is just as good! It’s subtle differences between species, but it’s essentially like differences between fine wines!!
Basically, save the bees! But especially the Asian bees!
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Bonus fuzzy friend. He’s an Apis florea, or red dwarf honeybee, and one of our important little Asian bee buddies!
Your honey,
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viajes-culturales · 3 years ago
Tarde de Flamenco en la Asociación Salva (26 de marzo de 2022)
Hemos preparado un resumen del evento celebrado el sábado, una velada dedicada a la cultura española, una tarde de flamenco con invitados especiales, como D. Pedro Lorenzo de Castro (Radio Onda Vallecana), Dña. Prof. Carolina González y el grupo de baile "Sal y Pimienta" (Valentina Florea y Carolina González), y el joven bailarín Alejandro Linares (@alexdanceroyal). 
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Además nos honraron con la presencia Laviniu Enii y Cristina Florea de la Embajada de Rumanía en España. Esta vez Cristina vino como madre, para apoyar a su hija, Valentina, que bailó para nosotros. 
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¡Esperamos que lo disfrutéis! 
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allmymusic · 7 years ago
No 31 Bach Arias
This collection of Bach arias is the first album released by Kozena under her Deutsche Grammophon contract.
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This album was made and released some eight years before the Mozart album, and voice-vise, the singer on this album could be someone else. Kozena is 24 here, and you realise the DG must have been really excited to discover her - the booklet states boldly that “a star is born”. Bach is one of my absolute favourites, but for a new recording star with no known background as an academic Bach singer, he’s not an obvious choice. It is one that works though - this album is stunning. Kozena sings with a style that is just right, clean and unadorned (Bach really has already done all the work, there’s no need to try to “make” Erbarme dich, mein Gott any more emotional than it is).
Favourite tracks: no 1 (Et exsultavit spiritus meus from Magnificat in D) is wonderful, as is Erbarme dich (no 4), but I’ll pick no 9, Zerfliesse, mein Herze from St John Passion.
Bach Arias Magdalena Kozena, mezzo Musica Florea, playing period instruments Marek Stryncl, conductor
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rudyroth79 · 4 years ago
Eveniment: Fundaţia culturală HESPERUS – 30 (29 mai 2021)
Eveniment: Fundaţia culturală HESPERUS – 30 (29 mai 2021)
Prof. Dr. Ioan Iacob – 70 La data de 29 mai 2021, Fundaţia Culturală HESPERUS (între membrii fondatori fiind unul dintre pionierii Radiofoniei Româneşti, Ing. I. C. Florea,  Secretarul General al revistei Radio UNIVERSUL, C. D. Constantinescu, poeta şi traducătoarea Maria Urbanovici, redactorul RTV Ioan Ion Diaconu, profesoara Daniela Marin, realizatoarea Radio şi dramaturgul Pușa Roth, Dr. Ec.…
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smartseo4you · 4 years ago
Chindia devine lider în play-out
Chindia devine lider în play-out
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Chindia Târgoviște a învins-o în această după-amiază pe teren propriu pe FC Hermannstadt cu scorul de 2-0 (1-0), în prima etapă a play-out-ului ligii 1. Dumitrașcu a deschis scorul în minutul 31 cu un șut pe jos de la 20 de metri. Florea a dublat avantajul gazdelor în minutul 48 după o acțiune individuală în care a driblat doi adversari și a înscris cu un șut sub transversală. Detaliile meciului Echipele de start: Chindia Târgovişte: Aioani – Căpuşă, Iacob, Celea, C. Dinu – Yameogo (Neicuţescu ’89), Raţ�� (Kocic ’75), Dulca, Dumitraşcu – D. Popa, Florea (Berisha ’79). Antrenor: Emil Săndoi; […]
Citeste tot articolul https://is.gd/ZHGmaQ
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deedeeidarus · 4 years ago
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D² asal tambah stok Diffuser dengan Essential Oil, mesti tak nyempat simpan lama sebab makin ramai mula kenal dengan diffuser yang ada kat Tupperware under TruSÈNSSE harga berpatutan dan berkualiti. Aroma Diffuser 3-in-1 Florea ni ada 3 mode orang boleh guna. Pertama: Lampu Tidur Kedua: Penyeri Ruang Tamu/Bilik Tidur Bila Tukar ke Bentuk Lava wapnya sekaligus memberikan haruman & mood mengikut kesesuaian pengguna. Ketiga: Boleh ditukar mode ke bentuk Florea atau wap yang fokus menuju ke atas sahaja sekaligus memberikan ruangan sekitar juga turut mengalami sendiri haruman yang disampaikan. 𝓐𝓵𝓱𝓪𝓶𝓭𝓾𝓵𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓱 terima kasih sudi membeli sebab D² tahu tak ramai sebenarnya tahu TupperwareBrands juga mempunyai Diffuser, Penapis Air NNWFS selain hanya maklum tempat simpan makanan & minuman sahaja. #DdTupperwareTeam #NaFazTupperwareTeam #TupperwareMiri (Miri, Sarawak) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI-viTlDP6fmI807rkL_GTTv3_FC0HWrmvtTzo0/?igshid=eg9xcz5j8rg5
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ready-to-land · 5 years ago
Hoy toca insomnio y la memoria lo sabe, asi que el capitulo de hoy es “De verdad me la crei?”
-“Yo se que el es un perro, y que se metio con un culo de flacas, por eso nunca le atracaria ni estando sola, lo que pasaba cuando estabamos solteros es como un sinsabor de cuando estabamos en planes, nada mas” .... y colorin colorado alfinal terminaron tirando xd. Lo mas gracioso es que me quiere hacer creer que dejaron de hacerlo por decisión propia, cuando “JUUUUUUSTO” se le ocurre hacerle el pare cuando se entera que se tiro a otra, mira nada mas xdd
-“El me decía que tu y yo volveriamos, me lo aseguro”...Hmm claro, te consolaba dandote esperanzas con nuestra relación mientras besaba tu boca :) que tipazo
-“Si, lo hice pero fue porque tu me dejaste” Ah osea debo culparme por que te lo agarraste dias dps de terminar. Damn, mala mia.
-Osea, si paso es porque estaba medio picada - Entonces. pasó solo una vez? - No, fueron varias - Y estabas picada en todas esas veces? - no - ENTONCES PARA QUE CARAJOS ME FLOREAS CON TU “ESTABA PICADA”
-“Si pero es que tu provocaste eso y se dio” (anuncio: si quieres tirarte a alguien en menos de dos meses de terminar con tu flac@ contactame :D no se que es lo que hago pero tu si kchas)
-“Osea si se que lo hizo, pero el estuvo ahi y tu no”( creo que la respuesta ya te la dio un familiar xd)
-“Vamos a chupar en mi casa pero tranqui, seran varios amigos” ... Hmm bueno, me incomoda un poco pero no tiene nada de malo, espero que te diviertas
-“Uy, esque sus amigos lo cancelaron y tomamos los dos en mi casa, si, se quedo a dormir.” ..... Oh, sorpresas de la vida
-“QUEEEE YO? No, no paso nada con el desde hace mucho tiempo (cof dos semanas cof) CONFIA EN MI SI? SI SE SUPONE QUE ESTAMOS INTENTANDOLO DEBES CONFIAR EN MI (jajajaa xd) YO SE CONTROLARLO Y NO HA HECHO NADA” ... claro es vez no le dejaste xd
- “¿como vas a decir que si te la agarrabas te la podias tirar que te pasa?” Bueno, por lo menos no lo hice, no? Ya suponia tal inseguridad, claro, si para ese momento ya te habias agrrado al “pai” varias veces, como buscas no sentirte tan cagada? Que yo tmb hubiese hecho lo mismo, ja.
¿Como se sentirá hacer el amor luego de haber tenido una aventura? Sientes que estas correspondiendo al placer con tu pareja? O solo estas teniendo sexo?... creo tener resuelto del porque de tu molestia tal dia. (Mencione que esto y paso dos veces? En dos años distintos? Ah pero con el mismo huevon de hace 5 años xd
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