#D) what euphoria genuinely looks like (the final version)
so I just discovered that euphoria has the funniest art timelapse I’ve ever recorded. Now you can see me and my indecisive artist ass captured in 4K 😅😅😅
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picnokinesis · 9 months
AHHH the last chapter of part 6. I held my breath for a sec when I realised the paralells of BOTH hallucinations using the name John not the Doctor. In the Doctors chapter hallucination!Koshei calls her John in the flashback and now Koshei calls his hallucinations John, too ahhh the parallels!! And then the part with him getting ready and him describing his dysphoria/euphoria when wearing the dress. It was written so soft that I forgot that it was still a murdering and manipulative bastard (1/2)
(2/2) And then Koshei saying "Someone has to have a sense of style around here". I squealed because I remember you put that quote in a tumblr ask about I think it was anterograde AU? And I loved that you put it here too. And then the scene with Gat where he thinks about how he controls her to and she has no idea. It makes me think of a parallel where the predator has no idea that they are actually the prey, so that was amazing. I loved the flashbacks but Im worried what happened at the barn?
Ahhh oh my days!! I'm so so happy that you enjoyed the chapter! :D I've wrote the first segment (right up until he leaves the first room) waaaay back in like, January this year? So I've been sitting on at least THAT much of it for that long. The rest got written mostly in July, and maaaaaaan it was such a blast, so finally being able to have other people read it and react to it is so so great! <3
Regarding the name thing - yeah!! It's because the name John has become so synonymous for both of them of that history between them. For the Doctor, it represents the person that she was before that she's now forgotten - the teenager who went by that name. Whereas for Koschei, she's using the name for this version of the Doctor that she has stuck in her head, the version that she's been hallucinating/vividly imagining in order to keep herself sane when in bad situations - and, back in those times, she didn't KNOW that the Doctor wasn't going by John anymore, right? So as far as she knew, that was what the Doctor was called. And, as she says in the chapter.....old habits die hard.
Also SKSKSK the sense of style thing!! I genuinely forgot that I used that in the tags of that post (I actually had to go rooting through the anterograde tag to dig it up lol) and it's so funny because, without a doubt, when I wrote those tags I was thinking of the scene in the last chapter in my head, because even BACK THEN, I knew that line was going to be in it HAHA - it was one of those key moments that I was really looking forward to writing hahahah. Also, yknow - same blorbo, different context. But SSKSKKS oh my days yeah it's like: diversity win!! The vengeful maniac who's haunting the narrative is genderfluid!
Also I looove the stuff with Koschei and Gat, so I'm so glad you love it too!! I really love Koschei's like....tendency to give herself little 'projects' that usually mean needling someone until they break SKSK because she wants to see who they are underneath. But so much of it comes from her desire to be in control in a situation where she can't be, right? Like, she can't leave this place, and it's been heavily insinuated that when she is allowed to leave, it'll be in a body bag sksk, and she is VERY AWARE of this and cannot STAND it. Her need to be in control (whilst also wrestling with and revelling in her own chaotic and erratic nature) pretty much defines her - and so she does this powerplay where she like, tries to rile people up so much that they attack her in a way that's lowkey flirtatious SKKSKSK but then pulls the rug out from under them and I'm lowkey obsessed with her about that. Like go off, babe <3
Oh I posted and the forgot to say anything about the barn. Not that I'm gonna say anything about the barn. But yes. The barn sure is there!
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louisupdates · 2 years
Live Review: Louis Tomlinson World Tour
29 July 2022 at HBF Stadium, Mount Claremont (Perth)
Review by Sheldon Ang
Photos: Sheldon Ang Photography
The sonic god has struck a deal with the great Walls of uncertainly. After two years in hibernation, the pilgrims of an enigmatic cult cast their eyes, ears, spirits and hysteria towards a single direction.
“Perth, this is the last show of the Tour (in Australia)…me coming here as a Brit and still playing a sold out to this show makes it the best day of my life…you guys are f–king amazing …”
At twenty five past the hour, the 30-year-old singer songwriter from Doncaster graced the stage in a Burberry shirt to the rambunctious decibels of a RAF Tornado, thanks to the collective vocal amplifiers of teenage cohorts of present day and yesteryears.
Setlist opener We Made it from the Tomlinson’s debut solo 2020 album Walls was a symbolic spark to the night in more ways than one after a successful world tour, selling out in global arenas across America and Europe including the iconic Wembley Arena – which was a significant night given it was where four other young men interwoven with him by X Factor in 2012, forming One Direction. Drag Me Down from 1D’s 2015 album Made in the A.M was performed soon after, sparking the first of the three One Direction tracks of the night.
Inevitably the fan frenzy had reached full One D craze mode, as most were reciting the gospels of Walls with over 4,000 of the rowdiest but the most beautiful sounding backup singers from Perth. Some were on their knees, sipping and twirling in a concoction of euphoria and hysteria, while others were on shoulders, holding love infested placards hoping to capture the attention of Louis. Everyone else was on their feet including those in the upper reaches.
A bevy of young fans on pole position mentioned they had been camping at the doorsteps of HBF Stadium since 2 a.m., or almost 20 hours before T minus zero – certainly a worthy mention considering Perth had been drenched by a cold and wet spell of wintery blast. Another fan made the disturbing decision to miss her grandfather’s funeral in Sydney, which would normally be a satirical reason for not missing out the AFL Grand Final, but “You got to do what you got to do” – which probably sums the catastrophic obsession for one of the pillars of One Direction.
Louis Tomlinson and his band dazzled the night through a rock-esque sonic rendition through booming bass, drums and kicks accompanied by scintillating end to end riffs – which is not surprising considering his influences were the likes of Oasis, Kings of Leon and Catfish and the Bottlemen – with the latter two were given a shout out through the cover of Beautiful War and 7, followed by two more One Direction hits in Little Black Dress and Through the Dark, before ending the night with Kill My Mind.
So gone are the preconceived and presumptuous notions where members of boy bands are no more than exquisite looking props to charm the hearts of teenage fans. Yes, Louis is a good-looking English lad, but boy can he really sing and perform. The singer songwriter – who had written over 30 songs for One Direction, propagates an immense talent with the knack to translate personal experiences into lyrics, oozing the je nais se quois enshrouded by the palpable sincerity while performing the likes of Two of Us, Walls, Always You, Defenceless and Fearless. His time at One Direction had undoubtedly provided the superfluous world class training for stage presence – which clearly resonated on the night as he homed his craft by being engaging – without being corny.
While the album Walls is not something that you’d dance to, the live performance version is a different beast from another dimension, engraving Louis Tomlinson as a genuine world class solo artist in his own right.  
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askmyboys · 3 years
Levi Snider
I guess, trigger warnings would be death/torture/violence mentions???
| Name: Levi Myers Snider
| Nicknames: Lev or Sni are the only nicknames but these are more so titles some have called him “The Coyote” or a much simpler one “Dice”
| Gender: He/Him
| Age: 34
| Height: 6’3”
| Species/Race: Human
| Hair Color: Caramel Brown (his hair is like,, a slicked back Pompadour)
| Eye Color: Lava Gray (he’s got a scar going over his right eye but he seems to still be able to see out of it)
| Skin Color/Body Type: He’s very pale and he’s pretty average, a bit on the muscular side but nothing too wild
| Appearance: His main outfit is a white suit with a long sleeved black shirt underneath it, he also wears a dark red tie, he wears black pants to match and some black and white oxford shoes, he has a few rings he wears on his fingers, one is a simple silver skull ring, then he has a dice ring, and the main ring though is a golden locket ring (its heart shaped too) and you wanna know whats in there? ...A fucking picture of h i m s e l f. He also has dice earrings he wears as well, he doesn’t have razor sharp teeth BUT he does seem to have fangs! He doesn’t have claws though or any kinds of inhuman features, just a plain ol human man- He does have a LOT of scars lining all over his body, there is no prominent one outta all of em except maybe the one that stands out on his eye n such but other than that, he’s pretty beat up.
| Personality: What can be said about Levi? Well, lots actually, for the basic gist he’s an absolute bastard of a man, he’s narcissistic as all hell about himself and seems to ONLY care about himself (maybe that’s true? Who knows, you’ll have to find out) He’s snarky and sarcastic a lot of the times, and I won’t deny he’s borderline sadistic and cruel, I mean he DOES murder people after all, his favorite weapons seem to either be a baseball bat or a cane, but on the rare occasion he will use one of his knives, he loves the torture aspects as well if he gets the chance! He’s very flirty too like, even if you are his victim he might legit start flirting with you outta the blue before swinging something against your head, he’s a heartbreaker though- he doesn’t care about love or none of that, the only things he loves is himself, murder, torture, and makin money too! (a big time gambler) he just flirts to mess with people and that’s it, if you flirt back he might be surprised but I doubt it’d change the outcome.
Despite being a murderer and 100% a criminal, whenever he sees an animal abuser… He seems to go ballistic at them especially, he doesn’t even give them a chance before swinging his cane over their head n caving their skull in, he’d then take the animal- no matter how small it is and try and get them a home, if nobody wants then fine he’ll take the animal! He has a bigger place than all these dumbasses anyways! If I had to say the only thing he cares about aside from himself is animals, and that’s because he has his own pets back at home, he has four pet rats actually so he’s especially soft toward rats/mice, if you show him pictures of rats/mice that’ll easily get him distracted from talking about himself and how great he is and he’ll focus on them instead, talking about how rats are so fuckin cool! So cute and precious!
He also won’t,, necessarily kill a kid, like he’s still an asshole because if a kid bumps into him he’ll shove ‘em outta the way or if they're just in his way in general he’ll shove them away- If someone was abusing a kid? ...Well, he doesn’t much care about kids, he doesn’t really LIKE kids in fact-  BUT let’s just say he’ll pretend it was an accident when he throws something hard and heavy at the abuser like “Whoops, my fingers slipped” even if he were to hit them with his bat or cane he’d be like “Oops! Butterfingers~!” he’ll then lead the kid somewhere safe and leave them there, because he doesn’t wanna deal with t h a t anymore than need be.
| Side Facts: He’s nicknamed “Dice” for a reason, because he uses a literal dice (it can be any dice, he isnt picky) to determine how many hits he’ll give a victim, the nickname “The Coyote” just kinda comes out because he seems like a scavenger to most people, and he’s pretty damn vicious like one too tbh
Given how he’s dressed and (sure i know he just acts like it) but he genuinely DOES seem to be SOME sorta big shot around the city- He almost seems like he’s in some kinda Mafia, he seems like the Leader even but he mentions nothing about anyone else, no “family” nothing, he seems to act like he’s a one-man-band, a loner, whether he actually has a- well, he’d call them a Pack more than likely but even then it is currently unknown, and it’s even unknown if he would be the Leader, but he’s definitely a big shot- especially at the Casinos, people seem to treat him with a lot of respect and almost… Fear even?
Ofc he’s good at the ones themed up with dice because why wouldn’t he be, it’d be a bit silly if he weren’t good at games involving the very tool he’s used for so many people’s destructions! Aside from that, he seems to be good at Poker in general, Backgammon, Roulette, and Blackjack.
And even if he has an actual Mafia dude, he doesn’t seem to kill just because of business reasons, he seems to just kill for his own reasons- aka he loves the thrill of hunting someone down, he loves torturing his poor victims too I guess but chasing them down and then just catching them alone? That’s some euphoria right there babey! He doesn’t seem to give up so easily either, he’s VERY persistent when it comes to his victims, he’ll exhaust them and even himself before he’d let someone go so easily!
Finally he seems to hang around dark alleyways in the city mostly, but then sometimes you’ll find him w a y on the outskirts of the city, you’ll never find his place of residence- cause he DOES have one I mean the dude is fuckin r i c h, it ain’t nothing sUPER fancy, its honestly more so like a basic sorta home, if ya do find it, it does have some stuff lying around but it doesn’t look SUPER dirty, ofc on its own table is a large rat cage with four little rats just grooming themselves or playing or something, you’d also notice a fuckin scarred up Rottweiler bc honestly? That thing would probs tackle you down the moment you set foot in the d o o r. It won’t bite you or attack or anything not unless he gives a command, that Rottweiler’s name is Lucy by the way-
She’s honestly a sweetheart, super gentle and caring as can be ...if you aren’t trying to hurt Levi or herself or any of the other pets, she’s the protector here! There is also a Black cat that roams around here n there, its not technically his but he feeds em and lets them in when its cold out, and finally- he has two more dogs, one’s a brown and white shih tzu, the fur is pretty messy but its not matted- he would n e v e r… He brushes them as often as he can- honestly that little fucker would bite you before Lucy did, he’s a feral lil shit but still sweet and caring too, mostly toward Levi- and then a small Chinese Crested who you’d rarely see because he’s v e r y shy, and gets nervous around other people very easily.
The Black Cat he named Midnight bc that’s a classic, the shih tzu is named Rocco, the Chinese Crested is named Gizmo (sometimes Levi calls him Goober) and then the rats’ names are
The Grey one is named Remy and is super friendly, sweet, and p active- a lot more active than the others, The Black one is named Squeak (the reason being is he is a LOT more dramatic than the other ones, you can gently press a finger against him and he squeaks) and he is more reserved and sticks to himself mostly, The White one is named Roddy he’s a bit reserved but nothing too much, he mostly prefers to interact with Levi but will sometimes interact with the other rats he can be sweet n such too though, and finally…
This is the first Rat he ever really rescued actually! He’s a light brown colored one and he’s definitely getting up there in age a lil bit but for a short name he’s called Cheddar but his long name is Judge Cheddar of the Council of Cheese, the only time he judges anything? Is when he doesn’t get a tiny bit of cheddar cheese (Levi usually gives it as a treat but not,, every time, he does keep it in moderation) but that’s it for his pets, try to hurt them or do anything bad to em he WILL fucking slaughter you if you don’t die during the longer much more extended version of the torture he’s going to give ya.
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