#Déli pályaudvar
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hicapacity · 11 months ago
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Alkotás street, Déli pályaudvar , Budapest, Hungary [EU], ahol a sok pitty pang ma!
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nemesbarna · 9 months ago
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3d Environment in different lighting scenarios, inspired by the building of Déli Pályaudvar. I love this station, it is the best in the whole city, such a shame the state it is in these past years :( These were also made in 2021 for a university course :)
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palkerekfy · 1 year ago
Menetrendváltozás: 2023. nov. 28-30. és a hétvégéken
A személyvonatok és a sebesvonatok helyett Balatonkenese és Balatonfüred között autóbuszok közlekednek reggel 7 és délután 3 óra között. A buszok egyes helyeken 160-420 méterre állnak meg a vasútállomástól. Balatonalmádiban és Káptalanfüreden van a legnagyobb távolság. Balatonkenese és Székesfehérvár (illetve Budapest) között elvileg változatlan a menetrend, de a buszozás miatt késések…
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Traintober Day 1 - Dawn
Gonna tag @mavcsoport
(I love this boy sm please help him-)
A drabble under the cut!
Siófok is just waking from its slumber. The cold October sun paints the streets, buildings and the sky in pink, then orange, and finally yellow as it rises above the horizon. Car horns, screeching tires, the ever louder chatter of passersby break the silence.
Suddenly, a jingle, and then... "TÓPART InterCity vonat érkezik Budapest Déli pályaudvar felől a harmadik vágányra és indul tovább Nagykanizsára. A vonat csak Zamárdi, Balatonföldvár, Balatonszárszó..." and it goes on, listing stations for what feels like an eternity. Then, that unforgettable shriek. The first InterCity of the day had just pulled into the station. Probably a Szili, as these InterCity trains tend to be pulled by them.
Next to the station is a rusty little tank engine, Hektor, as he calls himself. He sits between tracks 1 and A, all but forgotten by the city he once loved. His peaceful rest, however, is interrupted by the sound of metal against metal as the InterCity comes to a stop on track 3. The previously quiet train station is suddenly filled with noise as children and adults alike flood the station as they go on their way.
It's to this noise and jarring sunlight that Hektor awakens, blinking against the sudden brightness. Most engines pull goods or passengers, some even going abroad to Croatia. And all Hektor gets to do is watch while he's slowly eaten alive by the rust.
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Déli Pályaudvar - Southern Railway Station
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This brutalistic station used to be filled to the brim with little shops and people. It has become very run-down and nowadays it just smells like piss. It's a centre for public transport with many different stops for different vehicles-like trams, trains, busses, metro(I don't care about you, you american and english folk, learn and use the international word). Most people who pass this place tries to leave as fast as possible.
From an architectural stance I love it, but the piss smell, oh my.
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zeroz2ro · 4 months ago
Sajnos Lázár alól teljesen kiszaladt a talaj .. "A magyar kormány Debrecenre mint társfővárosra tekint, és továbbra is részt vesz a fejlesztésében. Debrecen néhány év múlva utolérheti, vagy meg is előzheti Budapestet, és olyan jelentőségű várossá válhat, mint például Hamburg." Aha! 1.8 millió lakos (agglomerációval együtt 3 millió) vs. 200 ezer lakos. "A kormány magánbefektetők bevonásával újítana fel tíz forgalmas pályaudvart. Budapesten a Nyugati, a Keleti és a Déli pályaudvart, de Kelenföld is bekerülhet a projektek közé.  MÁV és a kormány által kiválasztott magánbefektető egy közös projekttársaságot hozna létre, amelyhez a magyar vasúttársaság a beruházáshoz szükséges fejlesztési területet adná. A projektben szétválasztanák a vasúti és kereskedelmi funkciókat, emiatt vonzó lehet a beruházás a magánbefektetőknek is. " Minden bizonnyal rohanni fognak a magánbefektők a többszáz milliárdos pályaudvar-felújításnak! A Nyugati lesz a magyar "Wien Westbahnhof"! Akkora biznisz, dőlni fog a profit!
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redjade · 1 year ago
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Budapest Hungary District I, Déli pályaudvar train station December 2023 » https://linktr.ee/jdpix
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fovarosiblog · 8 months ago
Ezt a feliratot nézegeti három (!) rendőr a Déli pályaudvar előtti aluljáró térben.
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hatezrip · 2 months ago
Néha szeretek a metró legvégében utazni, mert innen lehet jól látni, hogyan kanyarog a szerelvény. „Mint egy hatalmas kígyó...” – mindig ezt gondolom. És innen lehet jól megfigyelni az embereket is.
A legtöbben a telefonjukra szegezik a tekintetünket. Elvégre mind idegenek vagyunk. Miért keresnénk egymás tekintetét...?
Te azonban minden utast ismersz. Tudod, hogy hívják a telefonozókat, a telefonálókat, a részegeket, a másnaposokat, a betegeket, az időseket, a fiatalokat, a zsebtolvajokat és a kollégistákat. Tudod azt is, hogy honnan jönnek, hová mennek. És ismered a napjaik számát.
Én pedig arra gondolok, mi történne velünk, ha a metró a Déli pályaudvar helyett a Te Színed elé vinne minket...
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beneztemleneztem · 5 months ago
tudom, ironizálsz, csak eszembe jutott, hogy a Kádár-korszak egyik ritka jó darabja az Erzsébet híd (még a Budapest szálló és a Déli Pályaudvar ugrik be.)
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Dusk on the Danube, Budapest, 1938. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.
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greenbagjosh · 2 years ago
Saturday 1 August 1998 - Hot day in Budapest - ride on the Földalatti - Chain Bridge - Buda Castle - What is so special about Pillangó utca - drinking a Dréher along to Romany music
Saturday 1 August 1998
Guten Morgen!  Jó reggelt!  Dobré ráno!
Twenty years ago today, I do something quite unusual.  I visit a new country in its physical form, and visit another new country through the radio airwaves.  And this is actually possible.  How and where?  More will be told in a bit.  Here is the overview - wake up, have a shower (40 ATS fee with towel), have breakfast - take the tram line 51 to Westbahnhof - In the rail pass, write 01 on top and 08 on the bottom - Board the first class train to Budapest, leave about 10 AM - About 11:30 AM cross from Nickelsdorf (Austria) to Hegyeshalom (Hungary), get passport stamp - 1:30 PM At Budapest Keleti Pályaudvar, board bus to youth hostel - Check in to hostel, walk to the "Ferenciek Tere" metro station.  Take M-3 to Déak Ferenc Tér - take M-1 "Földalatti" to Hösök Tere (Heroes Square) and admire the pillars and Angel Gabriel statue - take M-1 to Mexikói Út, eat something unusual at Burger King then back to Vörösmarty tér, buy Hungarian CDS at record shop near the Vigadó, and buy a funny souvenir T-Shirt - Walk along the Lánchid (chain bridge) across the Danube from Pest to Buda, take funicular to Buda Castle - Observe the castle and eastward view across the Danube, even see Parliament, pass by St Matyas church - take shuttle bus to Moszkva Tér and M-2 to Déli Pályaudvar, have sandwich and soft drink - take M-2 to Batthyáni tér, ride HÉV suburban train to Szépvölgyi út and back. - take M-2 to Pillangó utca, sun was starting to set, back to Vörösmarty tér - Chicken dinner at Vigadó and a Dréher beer, and Romani music including xylophone and violin - Take M-1 and M-3 back to Ferenciek Tere, walk to hostel, try to go to sleep in hostel dorm room. And that was all for that Saturday.  But here is the more comprehensive story, feel free to read along.
Saturday 1st August 1998 it was declared official on many Austrian radio stations - the German grammar and punctuation reform had taken effect.  And to think I was in Austria at that time too.  I woke up about 7:30 AM, went to have a shower.  To date, the only time I ever had to pay in a hotel to take a shower, was at Hotel Rustler. ?? It was not too bad, just 40 ATS for the key to the shower room and a towel.  I had my toiletries with me.  After I gave the key back, I was dressed for breakfast.  Breakfast was included in the hotel stay.  They had my favorites, namely breadrolls, butter, jams, coffee with milk, and deli meats.  I remember distinctly in the breakfast room, that someone asked in German if they were allowed to smoke.  The owner said please don't.  ???????
About 8:30 AM it was time to head to Westbahnhof, but my train to Budapest would not leave until at least 10 AM.  I took the tram line 51 to Westbahnhof, and I thought to take the U-6 a little ways up towards Michelbeuern AKH and back, just to kill time.  Otherwise I would get on a train that I would have to transfer anyway.  The train I was meant to take, it was air conditioned, had nice six-person compartments and restaurant car between first and second class.  Before boarding the train, I made sure to mark the next free spaces with 01 on top and 08 on the bottom, leaving three more space pairs. ??
The train left at 10 AM, and would make the following stops Bruck an der Leitha Nickelsdorf (border) Hegyeshalom (border) Györ Tatabanya Budapest Keleti Pályaudvar and on to Szeged, Novi Sad and Subotica in the Vojvodina region of Serbia and finally in Belgrade.
I listened to some Vienna radio stations while the train was going through the Schwechat airport area.  One song I heard was "Alles wird sich ändern" by the band Echt.  The only other time I heard it on the radio was 8th September 2000 while in Stuttgart.  FM4 was off the air as it was only an evening / nighttime channel, it was replaced by Blue Danube Radio until the switch at 6 PM.  The last I heard on that station was Paul Young's 1983 hit "Wherever I lay my hat" cover version of Marvin Gaye, then Blue Danube mentioned the border crossing wait time, and for most of the day I heard almost only Hungarian and some slavic language.
The train arrived at Nickelsdorf about 11:30 AM to check for passports.  ????????????  I received an exit stamp for Nickelsdorf, the usual Schengen stamp.  About 15 minutes later the train arrived in Hegyeshalom on the Hungarian side.  The ÖBB train locomotive was replaced by a MÁV locomotive (blue and yellow), and Hungarian customs came to my compartment to check and stamp passports.  The stamp I received was red and green.  After leaving Györ, there was a representative of the Hostelling International Hungarian chapter.  She gave information on a program that the hostels participate in, to shuttle guests to hostels in Budapest near Keleti Pályaudvar, all I would need to do, was to find the shuttle bus, and ride along.  
As for radio, between Györ and Tatabanya, I was able to pick up ?????? Slovak radio stations, cabaret comedy ??and music, as if I were actually in Slovakia and not Hungary.  One song I remember was "Vsetko Je Inak" by Vidiek.  Most of the other Slovak material was two-person standup comedy.  
The train arrived about 1:30 PM and I found the shuttle, sort of east of the station.  There must have been at least twelve people on that bus, as the Ford Transit non-turbo diesel engine was struggling to accelerate.  I did find a hostel that was fairly central, the Apáczai Csere János High School and Dormitory, on Papnövelde u. 4, open for non-students during the summer.  I had an ??eight person dorm room and access to the showers and bathroom, but no breakfast was offered.  Cafes were far cheaper than in Vienna or even Prague, so finding a place for an affordable breakfast would not be a concern.
And now would be the first time that whatever I learned for Hungarian, would be put to the test.  My only task at the time, would be to buy a day pass for the metro.  And I had to remember, despite Hungary being next to Austria, few people in Budapest spoke German or English.  When I made it to Ferenciek Tere on the M-3 line, I went to the ticket office, and tried to say "napijegy", with a horrible mispronunciation of the "gy", and I had to repeat and even point to the ticket.  The lady gave me the correct pronunciation and also a day pass for 350 Forint, punched for 1st August.  In Budapest the day passes are valid up to 12:01 AM.  
The Budapest metros at the time, except M-1, were similar to those in Moscow, St Petersburg, and Prague.  I took the M-3 to Déak Ferenc Tér and transferred to the M-1 "Földalatti" which was in operation as early as when the Habsburg Empire still ruled Austria and Hungary.  It follows half its route in a shallow tunnel under Andrássy út.  I took the M-1 to Hösök Tere, and admired the columns, there must have been about twelve, and there is a statue of the Archangel Gabriel.  
I was getting hungry so I went farther northeast to Mexikói út, past the Széchenyi Fürdö (municipal swimming pool open year round).  There was a Burger King and I ordered something a bit different than the usual beef burgers.  They had, similar to the McDonalds McPink, the "Piggy Burger", basically a pork patty served with the usual condiments and veggies and so on.   After that, I took the entire M-1 line to Vörösmarty Tér almost on the east bank of the Danube.  I wanted to buy ???????? CDs in Hungarian, so there was a music store close to the Cafe Gerbaud.  I bought a couple, namely "Majom tango" by Quimby, "Rossz Penz" by Gjon Delhusa, "Ugyánaz a tuz" by Manhattan, and a cassette by rap duo Animal Cannibals, formed by Qka MC and Ricsipí, "Kés, villa" (knife, fork) - they started in 1989 and as far as I was able to find out, they still are together.  No I did not misuse my phrasebook in the record store à la Monty Python ?? "Eye wheel not bye zeese record, eet eese skretched!"
Around the corner there was a shop that sold typical Hungarian souvenirs, for example cheap "puszta" and a funny shirt with some guy with a few liter mugs of beer, a justifiably wide grin, and the word "BUDAPEST Hungary" on it.  I bought one in yellow, thought my photo has only the black version as visible.
After buying my t-shirt, I thought it was a good time to walk along the Danube and cross the Széchenyi  Lánchíd (chain bridge).  The Danube also has active tram tracks on both banks for an unforgettable ride.    
On the other side of the bridge, namely the Buda, was a funicular.  To ride the funicular up to the castle, required a 100 Forint ticket, and the napijegy was not valid.  At the top was the castle and part of the Habsburg-era old town.  The castle itself was built more or less on Greco-roman styling, with corinthian-order columns.  Walking northeast towards the Szent Matyas church along Szent György utca, there had to be twenty of the Hungarian flags flying, the ones with red, white and green.  Szent Matyas was a quarter mile farther along Disz Tér and Tárnok St.  Szent Matyas has its bell tower at the "south" corner closest to the street and the shorter parts are to the other directions, giving it its distinctive design.  The Fishermans Bastion overlooking the Pest part of the city across the Danube, is accessible by Szentháromság tér.  
After that, I took the shuttle bus to Széll Kálmán tér, known in 1998 still as Moskva Tér.  I took the M-2 to Déli Pályaudvar, the south long-distance rail station.  I was hungry and bought a pepperoni, salami and cheese sandwich for about 200 Forint and a can of 7 Up.  That would be enough until supper.  I think it was about 5:30 PM or so.  I wanted to take a ride on the HÉV suburban rail system, particularly the current route "H5", so I had to go to Batthyáni tér station and transfer.  
To get to the HÉV station, I had to go up one escalator level, and cross a corridor to the tracks for the HÉV, there were two or three as I remember.  The trains looked like they were from the mid 1970s to early 1980s, and looked more like the trams and Földalatti than the M-2 and M-3 Metro trains.  After the HÉV train  left Batthyáni tér, there was only one other underground station, Margit Híd Budai hídfö.  The conductor checked everyone's train tickets and also my napijegy.  I alighted at Szépvölgyi út and took a photo of the departing HÉV train.  Waiting for the return train, I think it was fifteen minutes, and I think it was 6:15 PM when I returned to Batthyáni tér.  The HÉV station is in a shallow tunnel compared to the metro.  Taking the escalator to the street, I boarded a tram line 19 and rode only to Halász utca along the Buda side of the Danube, and had an excellent view of the Hungarian parliament building.  The parliament building is very distinctive, one of the most recognizable buildings on the Pest side of the Danube.  In 1998 there were still many Trabants and Wartburgs to be seen, many in either rice pudding color or baby blue, same as prior to the reunification of Germany of October 1990.  
Since tomorrow (Sunday 2nd August 1998) the train would not leave until 12:30 PM, I had to find a place to put my clothes bag, so I had to ride the M2 from Batthyány tér to Keleti pályaudvar and see if there was a left-luggage or locker room.  The left luggage was attended, so I could go place my bag there for about 600 Forint until it was time for the return train.  It was starting to get dark, around 8 PM, and there was one last place I wanted to see, and that was Pillangó utca.  In Hungary, Poland, and also Serbia, in the summer, the sun rises and sets earlier, significantly earlier, than it does in Spain.  I think by about two hours.  In Spain for example, it can be dark until 7:30 AM and in Hungary the sun can be up as early as 5:15 AM.  If somehow the European Union discontinues the Daylight Savings Time scheme, the sun will rise as early as 4:15 AM in some locations of the Central European +1h time zone.  
Pillangó utca is the first surface metro station after the Puskás Ferenc Stadion, renamed from "Nepstadion".  This is one of the few stations on the Budapest metro that have side platforms.  You can even see the third rails on the platform edge side.  Even on the new M-4 that was opened in 2014, the third rails are on the platform side that cannot usually be seen.  I crossed the pedestrian bridge to the westbound platform and could see the sun set.  The street lights went on and it was time to head back to Déak Tér and Vörösmarty tér to find somewhere to eat.
I found an inviting place close to Vörösmarty tér and where I bought my t-shirt.  This was the Vigadó.  They had live music, particularly from a ?????? Romani band that had a xylophone and violin, for a uniquely Hungarian dining experience.  I had a Dreher beer to start, and then chicken with paprika with vegetables.  I must have stayed there for over an hour because the music was very good.  I listened to the radio only when the band went on break.
After supper, I took the M-1 to Déak Tér and the one stop by M-3 to Ferenciek Tere to walk back to the hostel.  While trying to go to sleep, I listened to the radio, even hearing the classic "Ringo" by Lorne Greene. "i knew there was still a spark of good, in Ringo ??Riiingo - Ringo??"
My roommates that night seemed to have more energy than myself, were a bit noisy until around 1 AM, made it difficult to sleep but I managed to sleep all the same.  
That is almost all for Saturday the 1st August 1998.  There was a little more I wanted to see of Budapest before going back to München, I was also able to find an excellent place for breakfast.  I got to see the most peppers in my life on display.  And then at 12:30 PM I had to go back to München.  So there is more fun for tomorrow.  Köszönom!  D'akujem!  And Gute Nacht!  
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hicapacity · 11 months ago
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"Az emberek agyafúrt aljassága, mérnökien kitervelt becstelensége idővel már nem dühít, inkább elszórakoztat, néha elkápráztat. Úgy látszik, ez az igazi emberi műfaj, ebben igazán nagy, emberi az ember: az aljasságban és a becstelenségben."
Márai Sándor
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bdpst24 · 2 years ago
Már zsebben is elfér az állomási utastájékoztatás
Az utasok a mikorindul.hu webcímen is elérhetik a vasútállomások, megállóhelyek közlekedési információit Újabb fejlesztéssel bővült a MÁV és a MÁV-START utastájékoztatási rendszere. Ezen a héten három budapesti pályaudvar, a Nyugati, a Keleti és a Déli esetében teszt jelleggel az okostelefonokba, illetve az internetes böngészőkbe is beköltöznek az állomási kijelzőkön található menetrendi…
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vagonca-rigo · 2 years ago
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megtudommagyarazni · 2 years ago
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Déli pályaudvar, 2004
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redjade · 1 year ago
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Budapest Hungary District I, Déli pályaudvar train station December 2023 https://linktr.ee/jdpix
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