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arturocordero83 · 1 year ago
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Dæmonia Nymphe (self-portrait) by Gina Iacob
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eyed-knife · 2 years ago
Per Adonai Eloim, Adonai Jehova, Adonai Sabaoth
Metraton On Agla Methon, verbum pythonicum, mysterium salamandræ, conventus sylvorum, antra gnomorum, dæmonia Cœli Gad, Almousin, Gibor, Jehosua, Evam, Zariatnatmik: Veni, Veni, Veni.
In nomine Lucifer et Beelzebub et Astaroth
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scryfall · 3 years ago
Ista suos fortiores Semper facit, & victores, Morbos sanat & languores, Reprimit dæmonia. Dat captivis libertatem, Vita: confert novitatem, Ad antiquam dignitatem, Crux reduxit omnia. O Crux lignum triumphale, Mundi vera salus vale, Inter ligna nullum tale, Fronde, flore, germine. Medicina Christiana, Salva sanos, ægros sana, Quod non valet vis humana, Fit in tuo nomine, &c.
It makes hir souldiers excellent, and crowneth them with victorie, Restores the lame and impotent, and healeth everie maladie. The divels of hell it conquereth, releaseth from imprisonment, Newnesse of life it offereth, it hath all at commandement. O crosse of wood incomparable, to all the world most holsome: No wood is halfe so honourable, in branch, in bud, or blossome. O medicine which Christ did ordaine, the sound save everie hower, The sicke and sore make whole againe, by vertue of thy power. And that which mans unablenesse, hath never comprehended, Grant by thy name of holinesse, it may be fullie ended, &c.
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safarigirlsp · 4 years ago
Im 'certus sacris profana mentula desit ano est
omnia dæmonia, ut malit sexus ano est cubantem piis foveamus amplexibus?
postero quando sacrificium?
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