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tauri91 · 6 years ago
Any Nuzlockers want to help me with my D&Dlocke? I need people would help to balance the rules and restrictions for each class. 
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coolronyposts · 5 years ago
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D-Locks are provide Locksmith in Royal Wootton Bassett, For more info you can visit them - https://is.gd/DLocks
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sunken-standard · 7 years ago
I started watching Sherlock just a couple of months ago and have been reading your lovely sherlolly fics. You're absolutely brilliant. It's deffo my OTP now, thanks to you. Also I'm quite confused by this one thing some ppl keep saying that "Sherlock and IA had sex in Karachi", I mean is this stated on the show or is it just a h/c? Or have I missed Something? Actually I think he's still a virgin, well, that's how I read him. And thank you, for your fics and the answer (in advance) 😊
Thankyou, and welcome to the fandom :D
Asfor the SH/IA in Karachi thing, it’s apocrypha.  It’s been heavilyimplied by BC and I think Moffat in various interviews, but it wasnever directly confirmed on the show.  My own personal feeling isthat something could have happened between them offscreen but, sinceI prefer to write virgin Sherlock, I kind of just pretend those lastfew minutes of the episode never even happened (which also makes melike Irene Adler’s character just a bit more; I still resent herrescue by Sherlock).  I mean, I recognize that his thing with her wasnecessary in his development into a real boy with grown-up emotionsand all, but I tend to hand-wave it because I don’t like it.  Ididn’t like her on a number of fronts, and years later those thingsstill don’t sit right with me (don’t even get me started on myoverall disappointment in the way they wrote the character). 
(More ranting below the cut)
Idon’t hate her, but I always react the same way to weaponizedsexuality because I’m just fucking tired of it.  It’s old, it’s beendone to death, there’s no way to make it fresh or interesting andwhat some call ‘classic,’ I call unimaginative and cliche.  The worldis ready for a female Moriarty, you know?  An antagonist that can becruel and creepy and manipulate the protagonist without getting hertits out.
Thatrant is really less about character hate than it is what I feel wascharacter assassination; they had unlimited potential for thecharacter of Irene Adler and they just jerked off all over it like ateenager with a Boris Vallejo poster.  Yeah, sure, she’s clever, andwho am I to shame a sex-worker, blah blah, but making aself-identified lesbian hot for just one special man?  Fuck thatnoise, I don’t care about sexuality as a spectrum and exceptions andany other bullshit, they can get back to me on that when John Watsondiscovers his own love for consulting dick.  And then to make that'love’ be her Achilles heel?  Weaksauce all around.  It wasn’t edgyor clever, it wasn’t flipping the script, it was all male fantasy,worse than any other episode [and that includes the explosions andthe underwater fights and stealing a goddamn boat to be pirates].  Iknow I wasn’t going to get started on it, but I’m cranky and I haveopinions.  
Ifthey ever bring her back, I hope she has zero interest in Sherlockand she doesn’t get some kind of bullshit 'redemption’ arc oranything; make her morally grey as fuck and this time, when she comesout on top, make her really come out on top with no damsel indistress garbage.
(Also,I really hope you’re a genuine anon, and not one of the weird rash ofshit-stirrers trying to kick up something between @dlock andsherlolly, because that whole thing just grinds my gears.  All myproblems with the character and writing aside, I still believe inship and let ship, and one ship isn’t any more valid than any other. I’m not trying to get up in anyone’s grill [or yacht, in this case],and my opinion is worth just as much as anyone else's—with it and$2, you can get a cappuccino out of a machine at a gas station.)
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reysplendent · 8 years ago
Fandom: Sherlock. For that ask meme :)
Thanks for the ask!!!! :D 
Favourite character: Sherlock Holmes (I’m sorry, I just love him 😢). 
Second favourite character: Jim Moriarty (Who can blame me, Andrew Scott does a spectacular job) OR Greg Lestrade. 
Least favourite character: Yeah. I knew the moment I first saw her. Sure, she’s cool and all, but I just don’t. !rene Adler. 
The character I’m most like: Molly Hooper. Insanely awkward at first meeting, but I’ll warm up to you, don’t worry. 
Favourite pairing: This might correlate to the fact I don’t like !rene, but Sherlolly. Unlikely but I see potential. 
Least favourite pairing: Again, might be because of my dislike of !rene, but @dlock. 
Favourite moment: Sherlock and John in season 4, “It is what it is.” 
Rating out of ten: 8.5/10. Give us a season 5 and I’ll bump you up to a 10. 
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nortonc123 · 5 years ago
Black Friday With the promise of a trip to Guitar Center, I got the #1 to go shopping early yesterday. It was super chill. We got some new clothes for school, and he picked out some presents for his new hobby. Going electric. So that means Amp, cord, headphones, and stand... all before new guitar. There is stuff on the cheap that has been confiscated by the police, so I put a couple of items on layaway in hopes they clear the waiting period. This is week 13: Bears over Lions. Driskoll unfortunately makes Big Mitchie look good. Bills over Cowboys. I had the under too. Saints over Birds. I had the over here ruining a perfectly good T-day ticket. Pack over G-men. Barring bad weather, I could see this being 42-21 Pack. Kitties over Skins. 10 is too much. Tease this down or better yet take the under. Ravens over Niners. Hard to bet against a team who scores on every possession.  Titans over Colts. Another great tease spot. Getting more than 7 would be key. Eagles over Fish. 80 degrees and humid in Miami. I see the fish regressing as they have in the last two weeks. Eagles might run up the score here. Bucs over Jags. Jags look like they might have quit. That means OVER. Jets over Bungles. 34 points in 3 straight? Gimmie more of the same. Steelers over Browns. Moved to 10 so the animals wont have an extra 4 hours of drinking before kick-off. Tomlin uses revenge to fire up a team like no other. Gimmie the under 40 points and over 4 sacks of the Bake-show. So Chefs over Raiders takes the late slot. It is the Raider superbowl, but it feels like another bad spot for the silver and black. Cards over Rams. Sad to see how done the Rams are with so many weeks left to play. Chargers over Donkeys. DLock gets the rock? Not sure that is good. Pats over Texans. Can the D contain this mobile QB? It will be fun to watch. Seahawks over Vikes. Seattle, now there's a team who likes the spotlight. Hopeyalikedit.
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