boxndlxsschxos · 4 years
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                                                                                 HOLY. GUACA. MOLE.
Hat Lady wasn’t even fucking lying. Vi REALLY DID bring the older woman down to Zaun for a few nights on the WILD SIDE. Stomach twisted instantaneous with the thought, ferocious growl resonating deep in Jinx’s throat, razor sharp teeth quick to CUT & BLEED her gums -- The pain a WELCOME DISTRACTION. (The blood, too...) No one neeed to think about HOW WILD the nights between the Sheriff and Fathands got; It only mattered that Jinx’s nights were the WILDEST. Unfortunately, for the electric blue minx, excitement had been proven evermore of a STRUGGLE to come by. In fact, the only thrills that seemed WORTH CHASING right now were sitting at the bar across from her. But one wanted to punch a hole in her head and the other... ALSO wanted to punch a hole in her head -- Only with a SNIPER RIFLE. Tonight, maybe driven by the very arousal that had brought her to this club in the first place, the LATTER seemed more inviting. But how did she get rid of the girl with the MONOLOTHICALY HUGE HEAD? Simple: A small CHEM-PUNK DISRTACTION right when the stupid pink-haired bitch went to the bathroom. They’d keep her... SUITABLY DISTRACTED for at least... eh, four seconds? Maybe less. No matter: It’d be a little bit longer than she’d ever be able to anticipate while she got to chat with Cait. And judging from Piggy’s temper problems. She’d also be given ADDITIONAL NOTICE of when to split. Hopefully Cait would be willing to go with her. “Psht. As if.” Yes. Even JINX had to scoff at that level of delusion. Still, a girl could dream! “So. Can I getcha a drink? Maybe a nice refill? Perhaps a dance? Or take you on a Zaunite bar crawl?” All words spoken ABSENT IRONY, and as if the crazed lunatic hadn’t just approached one of the leading marshalls for a city that wanted her DEAD OR ALIVE for more Hexes than Zaun had ever seen. More Hexes than even the LEARNED ARTIFICERS could possibly count. More Hexes than CLAN MEDARDA would even see in their DREAMS. Talk about a FUCKING THRILL!! “And don’t worry, I don’t gotta steal nothin’. I get drinks on the house here for annoying the shit outta YOUR boring ass topside!”
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