#Cyst Excision
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ottawadermcentre · 1 month ago
Cyst Excision (Removal)
Many people develop lumps and/or bumps directly under their skin. This can of worry to some, but with a proper assessment, we can diagnose the bump if needed and assure you of how we can remove it for you. In most cases, these lumps and bumps are harmless cysts. You may even have an above-skin surface mole you’d like removed. To learn more about cyst and mole excision, read on.
What is Cyst Excision?
Let’s first determine what a cyst is. A cyst is a sac-like pocket of membranous tissue fluid, air, or other substances. Cysts can grow almost anywhere on the body under the skin. When removing a cyst, it is imperative to remove the entire sac, so it does not fill up again. If bothersome, cysts can be removed using excision.
The surgeon will use one of the following methods to remove your cyst. The approximate cost for cyst removal with a surgeon starts at $1,300 and $800 with a family doctor. Cost may vary depending on the complexity of the cyst.
– Conventional wide excision is not the most preferred but will be used if the cyst is large. This is a longer incision made in the skin, by a surgical scalpel to remove the entire cyst. The incision is stitched when finished.
– Minimal excision is preferred as it leaves minimal scarring. Your surgeon will use this method only when they can ensure that they can remove the entire cyst. 1-2 stitches will be used to close the incision site once removed.
– Laser with punch biopsy method is performed by creating a small hole with a laser. Then the contents of the cyst are completely drained, and the walls/sac of the cyst are removed later. This usually requires no stitching and the scar left behind is minimal.
After your cyst is removed, our provider may give you antibiotic therapy in pill, cream, or ointment form to ensure you do not get an infection. In most cases, a scar-reducing cream or ointment will also be provided.
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zet-sway · 2 years ago
my cyst has been removed
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dermaqure · 2 months ago
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Sebaceous Cyst and Lipoma Excision in Bangalore at Dermaqure
Are you dealing with sebaceous cysts or lipomas? At Dermaqure, our experienced dermatologists provide safe and effective treatment of sebaceous cyst and lipoma excision in Bangalore.
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drmuffazzalrassiwala · 6 months ago
Pilonidal Sinus Treatment in Indore | Dr. Muffazzal Rassiwala
Looking for pilonidal sinus treatment in Indore? Contact +91-8851463446 for expert care by Dr. Muffazzal Rassiwala. Schedule your consultation for effective treatment options. 
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oberonwinston · 6 months ago
When is Surgery the Best Option for Treating Pilonidal Cysts?
Pilonidal cysts, found near the base of the spine, are often painful and troublesome, requiring attention to alleviate discomfort and prevent further issues. Filled with debris, hair, and tissue, these cysts can become inflamed, causing severe pain, swelling, and drainage. While noninvasive treatments might offer temporary relief, pilonidal cyst excision is frequently the only effective long-term solution for persistent cases. For more information on managing and treating pilonidal cysts, visit When Is Surgery Best for Pilonidal Cyst Treatment.
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daniellalloyd · 1 year ago
What You Need to Know About Pilonidal Cyst
Are you suffering from the discomfort and pain caused by pilonidal cysts? Dr. Allen Kamrava, a highly respected specialist in this field, is here to answer all your burning questions. In this informative video, he addresses the most frequently asked questions that patients like you have. Find out everything you need to know about Pilonidal Cysts in this informative video.
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femmepoodle · 1 year ago
hi! i know i don’t usually make very many personal posts here, but i need some help. i am a 27 year old femme lesbian and my health has not really been good for awhile now.
i saw an endometriosis specialist today, and he has determined i need surgery to remove a large cyst that is affecting my body’s gut motility and possibly remove other endometrial lesions that could be in my abdomen. to put it simply, i’m not really able to eat very much right now because food is not moving through my intestines the way it should due to inflammation. the clinic i’m going through does not take insurance, so i am paying out of pocket.
even if you aren’t able to donate, just sharing is super appreciated. thank you so much. 💞
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zeussim · 12 days ago
i hope you're well! i've missed seeing you around here. how are things going? <3
I am doing so well, all things considered. I don't remember if I posted about this, but almost immediately after my cyst excision last year, my mom was diagnosed with atypical Parkinsons and brain damage due to stroke. And it's been A LOT. I've finally found a way to put a healthy distance between me and all that while processing my own diagnosis and all that happened. And then I got a new job and I've just started my thesis. And yeah, everything has been a lot but I feel like I'm floating on the water now and enjoying the feeling instead of gasping for air while fighting for my life 😅 That was a lot for a very short question dkfkfndkks well how are you? 😂🩷
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a-life-in-medicine · 3 months ago
I excised the cyst of the patient, I sutured it up and closed it up but on the rounds, the patient will say on the phone: “let’s talk later, the nurse is here now.” 🙄
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rulemakingrat · 10 months ago
i’ll make this as brief as possible.
i have had menstrual bleeding for 15 weeks straight.
i was on norethindrone (combo pill birth control) for years, which was prescribed by my endometriosis specialist. when i began having severe breakthrough bleeding, i didn’t think anything of it- it’s just endo, right?
after bleeding heavily and passing clots for two weeks, i contacted my regular OB/GYN APRN. she seemed unbothered by my issue and suggested changing my birth control to Yaz (different combo pill). i was reluctant, because my actual endo specialist had prescribed me the original birth control because he liked it most for endo control. but whatever… i’d take the chance to stop the bleeding.
two more weeks of bleeding (now at four total). i contact my OB/GYN again and she says my bleeding is totally normal and i should wait 3 more months to “wait for the birth control to kick in”.
i immediately made an appointment with a new endometriosis specialist, as the aforementioned one moved to cancer care and i could no longer see him.
to see this new endo specialist, i have to have a transvaginal ultrasound, which is understandable. during the excruciatingly painful process, a cyst on my right ovary was found. but that’s not all.
they found adenomyosis and a cyst on my right ovary.
in one week, i get a wombo combo of a procedure: total hysterectomy with excision of endometriosis, appendectomy, and cystoscopy.
my mental and emotional health has been a roller coaster. i’m incredibly angry at my OB/GYN for dismissing me and just putting me on another birth control instead of investigating my symptom of month long bleeding.
actually, i’m not angry. i’m indifferent. i feel indifferent about everything knowing that an organ that feels so essential to my own womanhood is leaving me. but i’m also glad i’m losing my uterus. it has made me rethink what makes a woman a woman. i’m also glad i’m losing this damn thing that has made me bleed and cramp like insane since age 11.
point is: if something seems wrong with your reproductive system and your provider doesn’t listen to you, get a second opinion if you can.
i know i’m glad i did.
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ashyronfire · 1 year ago
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Title: Excision Rating: M Characters: The Hollow Knight, cameo of the Radiance Warnings: POV Second Person, Gore, Self-Harm, Suicidal Ideology, Spiraling Thoughts
(An unthinking, unfeeling thing should not feel nostalgia—and you are failing again by doing so.)
Author’s Notes: For @slimeshade <3 Inspired by its work execution, which you should read, it's incredible.
Read on Ao3 or Tumblr below the cut.
There is pressure underneath your shell, and it undulates rhythmically in time with a pulse that you do not have. The weight of it presses lead-heavy into your joints, circulation cut off, and the feeling is not unlike being branded. You are no stranger to pain and yet the acid rolling through your veins is a nauseating thing, tossing you around like a buoy within a storm. You shiver, the white-hot pain a sharp contrast to the cold of the void within you, cold as a winter night.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
You focus your vision. Yours is a prison that keeps you locked away within an eternal nightmare of white marble shot through with aurum veins; your awareness of the waking world is a thin thing at best, most often only rising to prominence when your traitorous mind decides to remind you of what you have lost.
(An unthinking, unfeeling thing should not feel nostalgia—and you are failing again by doing so.)
The source of your discomfort is readily apparent, and it has worsened since you saw it last. Your right arm is ruined, a mess of molten gold swelling out into blisters, the skin of which is thin enough for you to see the cloudy fluid flushing within. With each rattling gasp that shakes through your chest, the growths shudder and agitate themselves, wedged between chitin plates at the elbow, at the wrist, at finger joints. The worst of them all unfurls from the shoulder, blooming out into dozens of tiny orbs in varying sizes, each giving off an unearthly light.
You are reminded of the people of Deepnest. Arachnids all, they weave their eggs into cocoon sacs that the mother carries around, rotating to make sure that her growing young within never fuse together and develop evenly. When the time comes for those young to enter the world, she will sever the sac with a claw, and out they will spill, a myriad of spiderlings, of legs and eyes and chelicerae.
The Pale Gift was born that way.
What would be birthed of the cysts that grow within your shell?
Death. Only death.
You attempt to twitch your fingers but find little purchase. A sharp roil of pain flashes along your wrist, through the underside, and settles within your elbow. It scalds; you hear a faint sizzle as one of the blisters is disturbed. The membrane exterior splits and you are witness, horrifyingly, to the amber within seeping out and sliding along your shell. Your tempered void gives off steam, the pus sliding into the space where your wrist connects, and it –
It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.
You need to—
You need to do something to make it stop.
Your void lashes out from underneath your shell, twisting free from interlocking plates around your stomach. The seals that bind you flash, holding you fast; you cannot escape this body into shade form, even if you wanted to, for as long as they are intact, you are sealed, alive, as trapped as the captive in the back of your mind that laughs at your plight, laughs at your pain, laughs at the growing horror as you realize your body is breaking, breaking, break—broken. You are hopelessly broken.
Get rid of it.
You close your eyes and let your head loll back, to even your breathing out.
Most sensation has left you. You cannot feel your lower extremities. They had hurt for a time, and then that fizzled out into a numb tingling before sensation vanished entirely. The pain in your arm reminds you that you are alive, that this torment lingers—for what little good it does.
You stave off her freedom, but the burning light of morning is an insidious thing, and it matters not how resilient you are. Your body is cracked and breaking, and her escape is inevitable.
Stem the tide.
Stop the flow.
The tendrils of your void rise up around you, sinuous and serpentine. You catch a glimpse of them, lighter than the shadows that suffuse through your prison cell. You are not surprised by that. Why shouldn’t your darkness be washed out in the light? Why shouldn’t you fail even at being a creature of void?
Stop. Think. Focus.
You inhale. Your head rolls slightly, so that you can look at the infected limb, throbbing in ache.
This is going to hurt, but you are built to endure pain, and you do not fear it. It will hurt worse if you do not stop the spread of the poison through your bloodstream; it will reach your heart, sear away all that you are, and you will be little more than the puppets that she wields out in the world and you must, you must, you must prevent that, no matter the cost.
Ever have your void limbs been more dexterous than your physical ones. Like the light that creeps through dreams, sneakily promising things it cannot deliver, the void cannot be contained. It will always find cracks in the things that hold it, and a container without them will slowly erode, wearing away under its pressure. You know this.
You yourself are eroding under its might.
You wrap the end of one of your tendrils around your arm and slip it beneath the metal shoulder plate covering your shell, taking great care to mind the shivering cluster of gold buried there, like pomegranate seeds. That tendril tightens around the base of your arm, twisting on itself, pulling taut to cut off the flow of void to the limb, and the dull quivering of it reminds you that the limb is still very much alive. Natural bugs can excise limbs this way with little to no pain, but you are not a natural bug—your parentage is something far more complicated—and you lack the capability.
You are going to bleed.
Perhaps you will bleed out, you dare to hope fleetingly.
The voice in your mind whispers tauntingly—beckoning you do it, challenging your confidence, your resolve. That fallen goddess need not use words for her antagonism; she believes you too cowardly to follow through, and she assures you that it will do little good. She will have you, as she has had them all, as she always wins in the end, and dreams are eternal. She can be patient. She can wait for you to fall.
You tune her out. Another tendril slides under the makeshift occlusion band and this one tangles against itself for purchase. More slide over, until you have four tendrils working in tandem around your arm, and one of them has the misfortune of pressing too hard on a cyst within your elbow cavity. It bursts abruptly and your olfactory senses are immediately bombarded with the repugnant stench of sickness.
Others find the infection sweet.
That is part of the illusion: that it is as honey, thick and comforting.
You know it to be different. The milky chunks of festering rot that flow freely down your arm and splatter on the floor are proof that it, she, is nothing so benevolent. To you, the infection smells rancid, decaying flesh left in the steam of a hot spring, putrescent; you think that the interior of your arm must be slowly dissolving into sludge.
You will not surrender so soon. Even if you are destined to fail completely, you cannot—you cannot give in yet. You must do something. You must.
You pull and the pain is immediate. Muscles recoil on themselves, struggling as they are taught. You hesitate, and that makes it hurt worse—for hesitation is always death, is it not?—and your stubborn determination wins out over the fear.
The sound of the limb ripping free echoes like a scream around you, reflecting from the walls. It is followed by the wet spray of void and infection as your body gushes for all that it is worth. The liquid void quickly seizes on itself and tightens like a knot in place of where your now-detached arm should have been, and your tendrils release the broken limb, letting it fall to the floor. It lands on the infected bubbles and more filth spills free, orange-on-black, spreading outward like a stain that raises nausea inside of you.
You cannot vomit; there is nothing in you to vomit up.
Your vision blurs despite that, and you let your head drop against your chest. The mocking laughter in your head is loud in the quiet, the last words you hear before succumbing to black unconsciousness—not dreams, not her realm, but a pain induced sanctuary away from yourself and from her—cutting through you like a knife.
“If you remove every part that we have touched, shadow, there will be nothing left of you to remove at all. And that would be for the better…for both of us.”
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jaspertheshark · 3 months ago
In the vein of the last post, with some backstory first, I'm going in for surgery in January (cyst excision) and I found out through the pre-op instructions that I need to get bloodwork done first. Makes sense but I wasn't told prior to this and I called to ask them about what I needed to get done and when. Lady looked at my chart and was like ok he has orders in here for two tests, does that sound right? And I was like well no I literally just found out I need bloodwork first, he didn't tell me, this is a surprise to me, and she said ok well he has orders for x urine pregnancy test and y blood pregnancy test and I was like ???? Okay??? There's absolutely zero chance of me being pregnant though. And the lady on the phone laughed and was like haha yeah unless we renamed you Mary, right? And I could tell she heard herself and rethought that maybe she shouldn't have said that but once I processed what she said I laughed too with a little extra mustard to make her not feel as awkward and was like YES EXACTLY HAHA. It was funny for real but as a secretary who sometimes does the same kind of thing I like to lean into it where I can. I know what you're doing. I'm playing in this space with you. We are okay
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dermaqure · 3 months ago
Sebaceous cysts and lipomas are benign growths that people often have. Even though they might be painful or cosmetic, there is a correct way to treat them. Sebaceous cyst and lipoma excision in Bangalore is a highly sought-after procedure performed by skilled surgeons using advanced techniques to ensure safe and effective removal.
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newhologram · 9 months ago
After 3 years and well over a hundred appointments, I finally have a surgery date for sterilization and to diagnose/stage the endo/excise lesions/cysts. Pre-op workup is next week to officially clear me and surgery will be at the end of July. I’ve got time to plan and prepare. 🫠
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daniellalloyd · 1 year ago
How Do You Get Well After Surgery to Remove the Pilonidal Sinus?
Do you want to know How Do You Get Well After Surgery to Remove the Pilonidal Sinus? A popular and essential method to reduce the pain and discomfort brought on by a pilonidal cyst is excision surgery. Adequate care after surgery is just as important as the surgery itself in terms of healing. Visit the website right now to learn more!
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zet-sway · 1 year ago
My cyst excision still hasn't closed and I'm being so brave about it 🥲
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