howlingday · 3 months
Jaune: You know what would be crazy?
Nora: If you made me pancakes for the rest of our lives because you make THE BEST PANCAKES EVER?!
Jaune: I was gonna say get married, but yeah, that works!
Nora: Wait, really? (Gasps) Infinite pancakes for all of eternity... (Gremlin cackling) ALL FOR ME!
Nora: You, sir, have got yourself a wife~!
Jaune: (Smiles)
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turkeyinnovember · 3 months
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I did some organizing and heres the crew and the crimes they’ve committed. let me know if I’ve missed anything and maybe if someone wanted to like make the crime list meme 🫡
note: very small amount of it is hc, I tried my best to keep to canon. additionally, “sexual assault is defined as causing another individual to be subjected to sexual contact without consent”, so the crime in Den’s list refer to her being in charge of the Rick and Morty episode. similarly, some of these crimes are super technical, like some breaking and entering crimes & child neglect was due to the scenario and not of the character’s free will, sooooo
also like man if we gave kristine more time I wonder how much more crimes she’d commit
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zph1nx · 2 months
City of angels
That's what they call us right?
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Recreyo Percy Jackson au again baby!!
So yeah after that definitely not horrible time at summer camp I got a lil inspired and literally made a whole new pjo au,I kinda hated the first one since I made that one before I reread the og series—I still didn't read the HoO series since I don't have the books yet— but here have this one since I thankfully brought my entire lightning thief series to camp (without my parents knowing) to keep me distracted.
[Cabin 12 ]:
Den or Denise is the demigod daughter of Dionysus and is the current head counselor of cabin 12 after her half brother pollux resigned the title a while after Castor's death. she is one of the oldest campers at camp, she was brought to camp by her adoptive mortal parents after monsters kept attacking her at the age of 5, there she was immediately claimed by her father and became one of the 3 members of the Dionysus cabin.
[Cabin 7 / Cabin 8 ]:
Chilly and Ivan are technically dizygotic—half siblings, chilly was born a day before Ivan. although they don't share mortal parents.
Chilly is a demigod daughter of Apollo and a huntress of Artemis, she came to camp at the age of 6 along with her younger half brother ivan, the two met after their father pulled some devine strings to get them to camp, during where they met the trio: Luke castellan, Thalia grace and Annabeth chase.
Ivan like his sister is also a demigod, a son of Apollo and is the co counselor of the Apollo cabin, reining along side his younger half brother will solace. Before the Apollo cabin was leveled down to only 3 surviving campers (+ 2 since chilly and Ivan)—during Manhattan, Ivan was one of the few Apollo cabin members that worked as the medics of camp (before getting replaced by will solace).
[Cabin 6 ]:
Curt is the current head counselor of the Athena cabin (sorry malcom) and came to camp before the start of the lightning thief. like all children of Athena, curt is a prodigy, smart enough to become head counselor and becoming one of the 6 demigods in the "prophecy of 6" hes also a roman legacy of Pluto/hades.
[Cabin 4 ]:
Kristine is a demigod daughter of Demeter although most campers would sometimes mistake her as a demigod of the Hermes cabin do to her personality, which isn't as far off as like Curt she is also a legacy, a legacy of the god Hermes, although unlike the son of Athena, she is a Greek legacy, not a roman. Kristine is also one of the newer campers at camp half blood, coming to camp only a month after the battle of Manhattan.
[cabin 10 ]:
Christian is a son of the goddess of beauty herself Aphrodite and is the co counselor of the Aphrodite cabin, ruling besides his half sister Drew tanaka (like I said, I haven't read heroes of Olympus so yeah, no piper yet) he's also one of the 'rare' kind of demigods of the Aphrodite cabin, being gifted with charmspeak he mostly uses the gift to mess with the other cabins and pull pranks on each cabin without ever getting caught.
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no-thoughts-only-soup · 8 months
To Secure / Risk It All
Chapter 8
Aka Curt has another panic attack.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
It was impossible. It had to be some sort of cruel prank. Because there was no way Chilly Panda was alive.
He wanted to believe she was. That despite all that happened, all evidence saying otherwise, that she had somehow escaped their clutches. Maybe she had somehow called upon her raptors. Maybe she had lived through it, and they hadn’t noticed. Maybe-
A chorus of cheers erupted throughout the room.
“We’re six now ya’ll!” Den cheered loudly, patting the monitor.
“There is SIX of us and 5 dozen of THEM.” Christian laughed.
Ivan rolled his eyes, though he couldn’t keep a straight face. “Damn, you couldn’t even stay dead?”
- Bitch. -
- 凸(⊙▂⊙✖ ) -
“They couldn’t even kill off Chilly.” Kristine pointed out with a giggle.
“Yeah why the hell did we go through all of that if you’re not even dead?” Christian joked, leaning in closer and tapping on the screen.
Ivan floated next up to him. “Bruh does that mean I died for fucking nothing?”
“Don’t forget Curt having an actual panic attack.” Den pointed over her shoulder at Curt.
At any other time, he would have joined in. Joined in with the laughter. Joined in with the jokes. But it felt like all energy had been sapped away from him, leaving him with just enough to keep standing.
She’s alright. They were still laughing and joking. She isn’t dead. They felt so far away. You didn’t fail her. Everything still felt so heavy.
Den shoved Christian aside. For whatever reason, the action snapped him out of his thoughts. Gathering whatever he still had left, he stepped closer. Kristine took a step aside to let him get closer, and he caught a glimpse of her face.
A smile on her face, but it didn’t reach her eyes.
Was it a pang of guilt? Of remorse for ever helping the Foundation? Was it longing? For being more than a replacement for a lost friend? Was it a feeling of being an outsider? For not being able to understand some of the inside jokes? Or was it a mix of many things?
Curt didn’t know and he chided himself for trying to pry. Those weren’t his feelings to figure out.
“But where are you Chilly? From where are you typing this?”
“Yeah, how the hell do we get out?” Ivan asked.
That was a bit of silence. And finally typing.
- actually… -
Curt felt immense dread in his stomach.
- I’m really dead -
The air around them felt cold. Oppressive.
“Wh-“ Ivan began, but Chilly was already typing again.
- they ran a bunch of tests on me. dunno why and I don’t remember what exactly killed me, but I died. been haunting the facility since -
Curt swallow some spit into his dry throat. “Y-you… they tested you because you’re an SCP like us. To see if you could survive i-if you’re not in a scenario…”
- well clearly not :P -
He couldn’t laugh. He knew she was trying to lighten up the atmosphere, but he couldn’t bring himself to laugh.
He wasn’t alone in that. The closest was a slight, clearly forced smile on some of them.
“So,” Ivan interrupted the silence “are you a ghost like me now?”
- nah it’s different -
- it’s like -
Stop. Backspace.
- well -
- I’m kinda like a more cliché ghost? I can’t talk to u guys outside of this computer, I’m pretty much invisible, I dunno -
Heavy. It felt heavy. The air felt heavy.
A hand grabbed his wrist, grabbing Curt’s attention. He glanced over. Den still had her eyes on the screen, but the hand she had wrapped around his wrist said all that needed to be said. He choose not to address it, letting her keep him grounded.
It allowed him to focus. “Wait, maybe we can fix this. If you join us, maybe you’ll go back to life after we close the scenario.”
“Could work.” Ivan noted. “But we need her body too, right?”
“Chilly, you know what happened to your body?” Den asked her.
- not really. I was drugged the fuck up for the whole thing -
No. He refused.
“Kristine,” he turned to her, “do you have any idea where it could be?”
She shifted around a bit, eyes looking in his direction but not really meeting his eyes. “No, I wasn’t allowed near the research stations…”
- curt, arent YOU the b-class? shouldn’t YOU know? -
“Do you think I would ask if I knew!?” He snapped at her, then leaned forward to type at another computer. “Come on, there’s gotta be a way to figure it out…”
The screens flicked from camera to camera, each adding to the growing pit of dread in Curt’s stomach. Every camera he checked, there were armed guards. There had to be something. Anything. They wouldn’t—
“Curt,” Den’s voice called out to him “they probably got rid of her body. I don’t wanna be a downer but—“
“They wouldn’t.” He cut her off. “Her body would be too valuable for that. T-They’d research it…”
“But that’s against the safety rules!” Kristine argued.
“Well clearly Snee doesn’t care about any damn rules!”
Come on, come on! It couldn’t be gone, it should still be there somewhere! He could still fix this, he could-
Christian grabbed his arm. “Dude, stop for a sec.”
Curt pulled his arm back.
“Oi, don’t fucking ignore me.” Christian said, grabbing Curt’s shoulder and forcefully turning him away from the computer. “Listen to me. I know you want to help Chilly, we all do! But we can’t help anyone if we get recaptured. We have to get the hell out!”
“AND LEAVE HER BEHIND!?” Curt roared at him.
Christian flinched from the sudden loud yell, and Curt took the chance to pull his arm away from his grasp. He glared at all of them.
“If we don’t get her out now we may never get that chance again! What the hell is wrong with you guys, am I the only one who fucking cares about her!?”
“Do you?” Christian snapped at him. “Or are you just trying to fix your ‘mistakes’ so you can stop feeling guilty?”
The silence was deafening. A knife wouldn’t be enough to cut through the tension. Everyone’s eyes were on Curt.
He wanted to reply. Make some snapping remark that of course he was doing this for Chilly. That of course he wasn’t doing this for some stupid sense of guilt. For making up to the fact it was his—
But the nasty part within him muted him before he could speak.
He has a point, doesn’t he?
So instead, he turned back to the computer. “…Both. And does it matter, the end result is still the sa—YEOUCH!”
An electric shock went through his hand, not strong enough to numb his arm, but still enough to sting. He shook out his hand. And then he saw Chilly typing.
- curt, leave it. it’s ok -
“Wha- No, its not ok!”
- no really. because, actually… -
There was a long pause.
- I’ve been thinking of taking a break from the group anyways -
He couldn’t breathe.
“Chilly…” Den whispered softly.
- it’s not because of you guys! I dunno how to best explain it, but it’s like, wanting to rediscover myself??? do some soulsearching??? trying to fuck around on my own and seeing what happens? if that makes sense??? -
Ivan raised an eyebrow. “You sure it’s not because of all the bullying?”
The computer vibrated with laughter.
Den grinned and tried to nudge Ivan’s ghostly form. “We’d bully you out first.”
- absolutely (๑´• .̫ •ू`๑) -
- but fr don’t worry about me. ( ͒꒪̛ཅ꒪̛ ͒) if anything I can now go literally fucking anywhere I want and if I wanna be alive again we’ll just infiltrate this bitch -(๑☆‿ ☆#)ᕗ -
Den’s eyes sparkled. “Dude you can haunt a Starbucks.”
As Den, Ivan and Chilly laughed and teased, Curt felt like he was slipping. Everything felt like it was fading away. Their voices felt like they were melting together. The room felt like it was tilting.
No, no, no, he couldn’t fall into another attack now! They were on borrow time, at any moment the guards could barge in and—
But he was losing control. He was losing control. He was losing control. Losing control. Losing control. Control. Control. Control control control control control control control “Hey.” control control control control control control control control control control control control “hey!”
Christian moved into his vision. “Do you need to sit down for a moment?”
Curt stopped, his breath still uneven. His eyes flickered towards the others. They were still talking, but he caught the occasional glances they snuck at him. He stumbled back a little, getting some distance from the situation.
Almost without a single sound, Christian joined him, gently helping him breathe through it. Bit by bit, he pushed down the fear and panic once more.
He was definitely gonna throw up once they got out. If.
No. He steadied himself. We are going to get out. We will get out… or die trying.
And with a last deep breath, he locked eyes with Christian. The question went unspoken, but so did the answer. He stepped forward, interrupting the conversation between the others.
“It won’t be long before Snee finds us. We need a plan, stat.”
Ivan bit his lip. “We can’t get out through any of the exits. Maybe we could try a window.”
“We’d first need to get out of the panic room though.” Den pointed out. “Chilly, are there any guards heading in our direction?”
The computer was still for a moment.
- yeah, there’s a few getting close. doubt y’all are getting out without a fight -
Den crackled her knuckles upon hearing that, but Curt cut her off. “There is no way we can barge through so many. It’s too dangerous.”
“Do we have a choice though?” Ivan questioned.
“Wait, wait, wait!” Kristine suddenly shouted, raising her hand in the air like a desperate student. “If we can pretty much create whatever we want, why don’t we just make a teleporter?”
There was a silence of more than 10 seconds as everyone gaped at her.
Curt sunk to his knees, covering his face with his hands. “OH MY GOOOOOOOD!”
Everyone around him descended into hysterical laughter, Den and Christian even throwing in a “looooser!”, and even Chilly displaying a large L on the screen.
“Ok, ok, I am holding this one against you dude.” Christian laughed.
Curt sighed deeply. “I am so fucking done y’all.
The laughter finally faded enough for Curt to stand up, sigh, and look at Kristine.
“Alright Kristine, how do you wanna do this?”
She thought, but only for a split second. “Can our teleporter be a 2004 Toyota Accord Sedan?”
It immediately prompted another round of giggles and chuckled, and even Curt felt the corners of his mouth move. “Sure, sure. Everyone, stand back a bit.”
Once everyone had made room, Curt spoke: “Alright, so Kristine summons her trusty teleporting 2004 Toyota Sedan…”
The car popped into existence, pushing all of them back even further.
“Shotgun!” Den immediately yelled, followed by Christian pouting over it. Kristine cheered and made her way over to the driver’s seat.
Curt was about to join, but then paused. No. He had to say it. He turned to Chilly instead.
“Chilly,” he began, his heart feeling as heavy as lead “I know I’m not directly responsible for what happened to you. But maybe if I had stepped up sooner, figured it out sooner, then maybe we could have escaped before your death. I’m…” his voice cracked “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t prevent this.”
There was a break in the storm of laughter. All eyes were focused on him and Chilly. Waiting for what she’d say.
And she finally typed.
“I…I…” he stuttered.
- curt, I don’t blame u for shit so stop being such a sad sack about it -
She didn’t blame him. She wasn’t mad. She could’ve been. She should have been.
But she wasn’t.
- not even I’m blaming you so stop blaming urself already dumbass -
He took a deep breath… and smiled. “Thank you.”
Curt suddenly felt something warm against his chest, wrapping itself around him. And even though he knew how stupid he’d look, he hugged back.
It was gone before he knew it, but Christian next to him shifted, grinning ear to ear as held up one crooked arm, akin to how he would sling his arm around his neck. “Girl I better hear on the news how you haunted the White House.”
“You gotta get on an episode of Ghost Hunters.” Den laughed, and then grinned as Chilly’s spirit hugged her next.
When she moved on to Ivan, Curt could finally get a glimpse of her.
She was happy.
Ivan ruffled her head, or at least that’s what he intended, complaining how he was gonna get the full buttmonkey treatment. “Now I don’t got you to divert some of it, they’re all gonna focus on me now.”
And finally, Kristine held up her hand, only a little awkwardly. From the way she beamed, Chilly gave her the high five.
“I’ll bully them in your place.” She proudly vowed.
There was a quick moment of warmth again as she quickly phased through all of them…
And she was gone.
Curt exhaled slowly. And jumped as a loud BANG sounded from the door.
“Ok we gotta get the fuck outta here.”
“Kristine take the wheel!” Den yelled as she jumped into the passenger’s seat, Christian still complaining as he got into the back.
Kristine got into the driver’s seat with a laugh, and Curt went to sit right behind her. Ivan of course couldn’t actually enter the car, but he hang onto the roof anyways.
The door broke down just as Kristine started the car. Curt flipped them off. And a second later, the car and all those inside vanished from the room, and from the facility.
I was gonna end the chapter somewhere else originally, but I’ve tortured you guys with my absences enough.
Wil edit properly once I got time.
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simps-mcgee · 1 year
got re-obsessed with Spooky and decided to draw them all :) (I ran out of room for Kristine so I made a sorta joke thing? to make up for it kind of)
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and Kristine
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ashhrrrr · 1 year
Curt ranting to Recreyo-Chan about how 1. One of his friends just got revived 2. None of them know how to gaslight fr 3. One of them has frikin amnesia or sumthin 4. THEYRE ALL IDIOTS (/Curt cares and worries for them fr)
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Was originally gonna draw Recreyo-Chan as well but yknow too lazy TwT
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animatedlily · 1 year
Smol Jellybeens
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template source (i unfortunately have no idea where the original is)
a lot of fellas :DD
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rubbishfox · 1 year
I'm still trying to get comfortable drawing humans
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xisipstea · 2 years
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CYPHERINA!! She’s so pretty I’m actually in love- there was a comment that pointed out she was a gyaru in the ai ep which makes sense with her personality, but that’s not her style- so I found a gothic version of being gyaru called Goshikku! I also found this adorable outfit on pintrest as well as these shoes which I’ve been dying to draw on someone for a while!!
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Overall she looks super cute, which I’m glad! Traditional art takes so much longer than digital for me 😭
I love how you can ramble as much as you want on tumblr posts because that’s the norm here :)) slowly becoming more active
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howlingday · 2 months
Nora: You're so beautiful! You're the definition of a perfect huntsman! I love you for everything that you are and everything you're going to be!
Jaune: (Sniffles)
Jaune: You look really pretty~!
Nora: Yeah... PRETTY UGLY!
Jaune: Why?! Why can't you just take a compliment?!
Nora: I don't know!
Jaune: (Sighs) Let's try this again. You look really pretty.
Nora: Th- Th-Th-
Nora: Did you know butterflies can taste with their feet? They're so cool~.
Jaune: ...
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turkeyinnovember · 4 months
I want to request a fanart of Recreyo with their pride flags for June 1st, if you can
Take your time with this.
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i just don’t feel like this bitch of an art piece had any audacity to take a whooping 22 hrs to make…? idk is that long? havnt worked on big projects in a bit
so sorry this couldn’t come out on June 1st, a lot of stuff got in the way. also, thanks royalty for being so chill 🫡
fun stuff in this (?): i got the idea for changing the color of chrisitan’s flames midway, and I got too lazy to draw in the actual chemicals needed so now it’s just a magic potion. curt’s design now includes a earring with the same design as “RC”’s hairclip, and ivan has an earring of and “H” which stands for HR. kristine’s, um, beads defy some laws of physics… don’t worry about it. there was an alternative to christians hair color and I no joke sat for 3 minutes trying to decide what hair color to give him. dens socks are those little cat socks, it just doesn’t show the front
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zph1nx · 7 months
More of the recreyo as mlp but this time I actually put some thoughts into them!
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I'm gonna post an extra one soon too :D
If your wondering what chilly is she's basically the discord of this au.
Also Kristine and Ivan both go to ponyville for their own reasons (+Ivan is currently on leave from the park and Kristine just wants a nice place to stay at)
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To Secure/Risk it all
Chapter 7
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
They were running. Running and shooting. Running and shooting while Curt narrated it all.
“Christian shoots the three guards in front of us while Den chucks a knife at the guy coming from the right, and Ivan— SHIT!”
Curt ducked around the corner, bullets blazing past where he’d been a second ago.
Fuck, this was harder than he thought. Then again, usually when he was narrating there was no pressure or incoming danger, much less running around. This was far worse than a regular scenario. Simply narrating the enemies away didn’t work either; turns out that outside interference wasn’t controllable like their made-up mooks they usually sicced on each other. And that meant no Thanos-snapping them away. The only thing he could do was use his power to allow his friends to go on a killing spree.
“Curt? A bit of help here!” Ivan shouted, pointing at another set of guards running towards them.
Pushing aside his thoughts, Curt focused. “Ivan shoots the first guy, he explodes and takes out the rest.”
Ivan did, but then immediately turned around and frowned at Curt. “Wait how? Do the guards here just carry explosives around or something?”
Christian laughed heartily. “We’re literally getting shot at and Ivan’s all like ‘wait that’s not realistic’.”
“Wait, wait! Can I have a bazooka?” Kristine loudly asked.
“Fuck it, sure. Kristine pulls out a bazooka and blasts the guys Ivan shot at; making them explode.”
“YEAAHHHHHHH!” She whooped as a large bazooka materialized in her hands and then took a shot at more guards.
“Now we’re talking.” Den smirked. “Gimme me one next.”
Before he could, though, Den’s eyes widened and she suddenly grabbed his wrist, pulling him around the corner. Christian took down a few more guards and they all started running again.
Damn, he really should’ve let Den narrate. Not only did he continuously have to narrate everything to keep their powers working, but he and Kristine were the only ones with any knowledge of the facility’s layout. And Kristine was too busy playing shooting gallery with the guards. Meaning he was the only one to guide them at the moment.
“Den, uh, mows down the guys in front, Ivan takes — oh god — down the ones from the right. Kristine — shit — blasts behind her—“
Suddenly, Christian and Ivan pushed him down behind a few conveniently placed crates — and bullets rained above them.
“Yo Curt, got a plan?” Christian yelled above the loud noises. “Cuz I doubt we’re gonna make it running around like this!”
Curt hissed as a bullet flew by a bit too close for his liking. “Front gate gotta be packed, but I was hoping to get to the garage anyways. If we can get a truck…”
“Curt, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we’re getting pinched from all sides here!” Ivan snarkily remarked, arms coiled around his gun. Not that there was an opening to shoot back.
“Kristine, if I focus on keeping us alive, can you guide us to the garage?” Curt asked her, pressing himself down to the ground as the wall behind them slowly started whittling down, showering them with bits of brick, plaster and other kinds of debris. “You also know where the garage is, right?”
Kristine stared blankly at him. “Uhhhhhh…”
Christian cut between the two of them. “Ok, not to be a party pooper, but even if we do that, we don’t know if they’re guarding that too. We could be walking into an ambush for all we know.”
Curt paused, thought, and sighed. “You’re right. We’ve got no clue on where to go. Ugh, if only one of us could scout ahead, but they’d get shot instantly…”
Suddenly, Den waved her arm, grabbing their attention, all while smiling widely. “Wait, wait! Let me stab Ivan!”
“Den! Now’s not the time!” Ivan protested. “Can you pause your murder hobo tendencies for one second?”
“No, no, I actually have a good reason this time!” Den grinned, waiting in her explanation for Christian and Kristine to finish firing back at the guards when they reloaded, and finally returning to save cover. “If one of us dies in a scenario, they become a ghost, right? So if I kill Ivan, he can go through the walls and scout ahead!”
They all paused, letting the words sink in. And then they fell into a cacophony of agreements.
“Wait, actually…”
“Oh damn, she’s cooking.”
It even swayed Ivan’s stance as he shuffled closer to her. “Alright, not gonna lie, that’s a good argument. Ok, stab me Den. Stab me like one of your French girls.”
And as they all giggled, an idea popped into Curt’s head, and he smiled devilishly.
“Actually, wait.” He interrupted them. “I’ve got a better idea…”
Ivan raised an eyebrow. “What?”
Curt grinned, and he could almost see the chill running up Ivan’s spine. “Remember how you saw SCP-096’s — the Shy Guy’s — face? Which triggers him?”
Ivan was silent for a whole 5 seconds, slowly processing what Curt said. Until it clicked.
“Oh wait, OH SHIT!”
“Close your eyes!” Curt yelled at the rest of them as his squeezed his eyes shut. “The Shy Guy bursts through the wall…”
And just as he said, there was a large noise as the wall behind them practically blew up, and Ivan screamed.
Ivan’s gonna kill me later for this. “…And KILLS Ivan!”
His words were followed by an inhuman screech. A second later, a bloodcurdling and sickening crunch of bones being violently broken. Curt could feel a warm liquid splatter onto his face. It tasted like iron.
The noises fell to a brief, chilling silence. Silence that was broken by panicked screaming and shooting a distance away. Another terrifying screech, and just like Curt predicted, the squad of guards that had been firing at them were audibly slaughtered.
But he still kept his eyes closed. He still couldn’t risk it. And he kept them closed as the sounds of the beast slowly started getting farther and farther away.
Ivan’s voice rang out. “You guys can look, it’s gone.”
And while it was an exercise of trust, Curt did indeed open his eyes. And winched upon seeing Ivan’s mangled corpse.
“Damn he really did a number on ya.” Christian offhandedly remarked, though Curt could sense the shock creeping in his voice.
“Yeah, I need to step up my stabbing game after this.” Den noted, eyes wide.
“Wait,” Kristine suddenly piped up “if we all turn into ghosts, why don’t we just kill each other and float out of here?”
Curt winced. He had thought about that option. Ever since he found out about the truth. It seemed like a good idea. But there was an issue…
“We don’t know how the resurrection works exactly. We come back to life, yeah, but what if that means we return to our bodies? If we leave them behind, that just means we’re literally handing ourselves to the foundation.”
Christian groaned. “Aw man, that means we gotta drag Ivan’s corpse around.”
Den chuckled. “He’s literally dead weight.”
They all laughed at that, and although they couldn’t tell because of the sunglasses, they knew Ivan was rolling his eyes at them. “Whatever, not my problem anymore.”
Curt rolled his eyes back at him. “Go scout already.”
And Ivan huffed for a split second before flying through the wall. Curt narrated how they stuffed Ivan’s corpse into a backpack (a pink one with rainbows, of course) which Den volunteered to carry. Curt noted how the weight of a whole body didn’t seem to hinder her, until he reminded himself of the reality warping powers and put it to rest.
The sounds of footsteps suddenly got louder, and they booked it.
It would have been nice if Ivan could warn them ahead, Curt mused. But it was more important to know whether or not there was an escape route.
“Just how big is this place?” Den complained as she turned yet another corner.
“To be honest I never paid any attention to the map.” Kristine confessed. She briefly turned around and shot one of the guards that were chasing after them.
Christian copied her. “Curt?”
“I dunno man,” Curt panted as he tried to work out the best route “I’m starting to think they gave me a false map.”
“And why are there so many guards!?” Kristine yelled as the two she shot were quickly replaced. “Seriously I don’t remember there being this many!”
“Let’s focus on surviving until Ivan returns!” Curt half-yelled, though in the back of his mind, a small voice wondered if they could.
They were suddenly stopped when a broadcast screen lightened up. It showed a bit of static before the screen turned white, with a single black arrow pointing down the hallway.
Curt’s brain broke for a moment, but he didn’t get time to gather himself, as Kristine grabbed his hand and pulled him to that same hallway.
“Wait!” He yelled after her. “Why are we following that?”
“Because they’re helping us, duh!” She yelled back.
Curt pulled his hand from her grasp, but he kept running with the group. “And you’re just gonna trust some random ass monitor!?”
“Well, if it’s the same person who helped us last time, we can trust them, right?” Den pointed out.
But they still ran, and as the last word left Curt’s lips, another monitor lightened up, though this one did not display an arrow. Instead, it showed them a message:
- Curt has the right emotion, find the room that belongs to it.
But Christian and Den looked at each other. “Panic room.” They nodded.
And Curt… sighed. “Well, you’re not wrong…”
“Besides,” Christian smirked, ��you really think we’re gonna get anywhere with Kristine at the front and Ivan scouting ahead.”
“Nah, you got a point.” Curt conceded, also realizing everyone was getting tired. “Alright, you know the way Kristine?”
“Yes! I know some things you know!”
And they laughed as they ran, Kristine guiding them. Something tugged in the back of Curt’s mind, but it was to preoccupied by keeping everyone alive to see what it was. Only when they neared the panic room was it that Curt mentally paused, and his eyes widened.
“Guys, wait! We can’t go in! If we do we’ll be trapped like-“
But they already barged inside, dragging Curt with them, Den slamming the door shut the second everyone was in.
“…rats.” Curt sighed.
A ghostly form took their attention, shrugging. “Well, all the exits are packed, so we’re stuck here anyways.” Ivan noted. Although he said it nonchalantly, there was an tense undertone in his voice.
Kristine raised an eyebrow. “You got here quick.”
“Remember the same weirdo from the last SCP shenanigans? They told me to come to the panic room.”
“And they didn’t use a riddle?” Den questioned, until the obvious zinger got her to grin.
Christian beat her to the punch. “Of course not, Ivan wouldn’t have figured that shit out!”
Kristine and Den laughed with Christian, with Ivan pouting at them. Even Curt could feel a chuckle bubbling up from his throat, but the severity of the situation prevented him from laughing outright. They were trapped. At any moment, the foundation, no, Snee and his goons would figure out where they were. They were ripe for picking.
At that moment, just in time to stop him from having another panic attack, one of the computer screens lit up. And before their eyes, words were typed on the screen.
- Good! You’re all here!
“Dude, who even are you?” Ivan asked. “Are you with the foundation or not?”
The computer screen trilled unexpectedly, almost reminiscent of laughter.
- Come on Ivan, I know you’re not the smartest ಥ‿ಥ
The emoji caught Curt off guard, but the person started typing again.
- But did you really forget about me that quickly? (✪㉨✪)
And it hit Curt like a truck.
…No. It’s impossible.
Note: I don't end chapters based on word count. I end them on how much of punch the cliffhanger is.
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simps-mcgee · 5 months
More of Her! (Who I will temporarily call Recreyo Ma'am, until anything remotely close to canon comes out about her) Love the idea of her being a wine aunt
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I got carried away, lol
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