#Cynthus nautica
izroulia · 4 months
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Sirens: Lana (24) and Cynthus Nautica (25)
Last seen June 14 1991 bound for Izroulia portal hub.
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izroulia · 1 year
Izroulia bonus chapter
This is a little bonus backstory that I couldn’t really fit into the actual book. It goes a little deeper into Aries’ parents and Momo.
July 1st 1990
“Lana shut the fuck up, are you kidding?”
“Nope! I’m pregnant, MOMO I’M HAVING A BABY!”
Screaming in joy, the best friends leapt into each other’s arms and squeezed each other in a tight hug. Lana wasn’t exactly actively trying for a baby, but she and Cynthus had decided that if it happened, then it happened and they’d roll with it. But something about it actually happening made it seem so much more exiting and joyful. It was much too early to tell the sex of the baby, but Lana didn’t care what her kid was. She just wanted a healthy and happy child.
“I better get to be the cool god mother” Momo said.
“Duh, that’s why I’m here. To tell you you’re going to be the godmother. If for some reason me and Cynth are out of action you’re the next of kin” Lana replied.
“That I can do. Holy shit Lana you’re having a freaking KID!”
The siren was already thinking of names, nursery ideas, looking for patterns to make baby clothes. And her fiancé was already out getting wood to make a custom crib with. They were thinking a sailor themed nursery, perfect fit for a siren. So a crib shaped like a little boat? That’s be the cutest thing ever.
“Did Cynthus have a heart attack?” Momo snickered.
“In a good way yes, you should have seen that absolute baby. Literally sobbing he was so exited” Lana replied.
“Seems like deep down he really did want that baby”
“I think he did, hey got his wish. 10 weeks in”
Momo still wasn’t in a relationship, and she didn’t really feel the need for one right now. Not when she was going to be on full time baby helping for her two best friends soon anyway. She was overjoyed for them, she’d known Lana since highschool and Cynthus joined the group only about a year later. They’d all be so close, Momo didn’t mind being the third wheel because they all got along so well and were genuinely such deep friends.
“Any names or too early?” Momo asked.
“A few. Rhiannon, Tessa, Lux for a girl. Maybe Lucian or Atantic for a boy. But honestly I have a soft spot for gender neutral names” Lana explained.
“You know how they say mothers can tell the gender before the baby is born? Maybe that’s why. Maybe they’ll end up both” Momo joked.
Oh how ironic that joke would end up in the years to come…
“Haha, maybe. I don’t really have any guy feelings but then again, it’s early. But for androgynous names there’s Fawn… or maybe Aries” Lana said.
“Ooh Aries is good” Momo replied.
“Cynthus did the math, they’ll be born in Aries season so he thought it’d be a good candidate”
“It is, I say Aries. Or maybe Rhiannon if it’s a girl”
There was so much to do. Get all the supplies, tell the family, pick a name, go to all the check ups, build the nursery… but even with all the work and pregnancy symptoms to deal with. Lana was still practically jumping out of her skin. She was going to be a mother, and the father was the love of her life. And the godmother? Her best friend. She felt like absolutely nothing could stop her, being her down or wipe away her smile.
July 1st 1991
“Everything is in the crib, we didn’t have much time so it’s a bit if a mess. But it’s all there… everything you need to raise a baby” Cynthus said, a numbness in his voice.
“Cynth there has to be someth-“ Momo said.
“There isn’t… it’s too dangerous to take a newborn through a portal. Let alone an unstable one. If things work we will be back… promise”
Momo looks over at Lana, clutching the sleeping baby to her chest, sobbing her eyes out. It’d only been 4 months. 4 months with her baby, and now she has no choice but to say goodbye. She knew Momo would take care of her child, but she’d gone through 9 months of pregnancy and excitement waiting for the day she got to meet her baby. And after all that… only 4 months together.
But she had no choice. At the rate Merfolk wee being killed, it was either run or die. And a newborn just can’t go through an unstable portal… it’d kill them instantly.
Cynthus turned to his fiancé, tears in his eyes as he pulled her and his baby into a hug. He wanted to scream, but he tried to keep it together for Lanas sake. He placed a kiss on the babies cheek, threatening to break down.
“Daddy will be back ok? I promise…” he said.
Lana took a breath, she look one more look at her baby and kissed their forehead.
“Be good for mama Momo ok? I love you guppy, I’ll come back one day. I promise” she sniffled.
With tears in her eyes, Momo took the sleeping child, and pleaded with her gaze at her best friends to stay. She knew they couldn’t, but she wanted them to stay so bad. If Agnemetra didn’t cease the throne… this never would have happened.
“Momo, I love you. Take care of my baby” Lana said.
“I will… I promise” Momo replied.
The group hugged one last time, and hardly able to keep it together Lana and Cynthus got into their car and pulled out of the driveway to the portal centre. Hoping that if they were lucky, they could get out with their lives.
Momo took the baby inside, on the table was a basket of supplies. Bottles, clothes, formula, pacifiers. Next to the table the handmade crib with the rest of the supplies. She needed to set up, she had a baby to care for now.
She wrapped the child up in a sling, so she could keep them close and move stuff around at the same time. She packed all the supplies into her cupboards, and pushed the crib into her room next to her bed. She set up the mobile of sea creates she gifted to the parents at the baby shower, put the blankets with little fish and anchors on it over the mattress. And she placed the sleeping baby in their crib.
They had Lana’s black hair, Cynthus pale skin and blue eyes. A true mix of their parents. All warm and cosy in a knitted onesie, something Lana made while she was in the late stages of pregnancy and couldn’t move around as easy. Hanging off the railing of the crib was a necklace chain that held the family signet ring for the child to wear when they were older.
The boat shaped crib was pained red and navy, had a little life raft and sail on it. Where the name of the boat would be, was the name of the child.
Aries Nautica.
Momo sat on her bed, looking down at the baby who was completely unaware the danger they were in and how painful this was for their parents. Momo had a sinking feeling she may never see her best friends again, and now she had to take care of their child.
Aries would always be Lana and Cynthus’ child. But right now… Aries was her child too.
Aries was the only thing she’d have left of Lana and Cynthus… and every day they were alive in Izroulia, their life was in danger because they were born to two sirens.
Momo sighed, and everything just broke.
All she could do was cry.
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izroulia · 2 days
Oh my gods I just realised that Aries at the end of the series will be around 23. ONE YEAR YOUNGER than the age their mother was when she went missing. Two younger than their father.
YO- they’ll wake up on that 24th birthday and be struck with the realisation that their parents were set to marry and pregnant with them, then went missing three months after their birth. All at the exact age they are right now.
And Momo will have to face the fact the child she was trusted by her best friends to raise is now the same age said best friends were when they went missing. OUGH the trauma.
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izroulia · 3 months
What’s known about Aries parents so far:
Last seen on the day they gave Aries to Momo, heading toward the portal hub. It’s officially been 21 years as Izroulia: The Realms.
Said they’d come back for Aries but never did, meaning something had stopped them.
Unknown which portal they went through, but Cynthus worked as a portal guard so he’d have access to the hub. He guarded the portal to Astra, so it’s a possibility they went there.
That being said, even when the portals were shut down by Agnemetra, Cynthus had the know how to open one even if it was an unstable one.
Astra and Izroulia are allied both before and after the war, Haru re-establishing the connection. He’s requested Astra authorities look into the possibility of Lana and Cynthus being there.
Due to the circumstances of their disappearance, they’re considered missing persons. Rather than dead like most who vanished in the war are. Unless a body is found or enough time passes they’d have died of old age, they’re considered missing.
Aries and Momo are pretty sure they’re dead and have mourned them though, since Momo is sure there’s no way they’d have just abandoned Aries like that. Something must have stopped them from returning.
It’s likely they went through an unstable portal which has negative side effects, hence why they didn’t take Aries at first. Because the effects can be devastating to babies.
They weren’t found with the missing pod, meaning they likely didn’t go through to the human realm
So the questions are, what portal did they go through? And if they didn’t die in the process of trying to escape, what stopped them from coming back? Will Aries and Momo ever truly have closure?
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izroulia · 1 year
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Refs for the (most relevant) parents
Also harus mum reveal lol.
Edit: fuck i forgot the colour dots on Cynthus. Will add later.
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izroulia · 1 year
Izroulia characters:
Significant side characters edition. The parents.
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Lana and Cynthus, Aries birth parents considers missing since the war. After handing Aries over to their best friend Momo, they vanished. It’s not known if they’re alive or not, but due to the mass casualties of the war it’s assumed they’re dead. Aries got the black hair and blue yes from Lana and the strong eyebags and build from Cynthus. They planned to marry when Aries grew up a little so they could be a flower girl, but we’re never able to do that. Lana was a free spirited girl who met Momo in high school and the two often skipped classes to swim and climb trees together. Cynthus was a sporty and hyperactive man who used to compete in speed swimming. They met on a high school graduation trip and we’re immediately inseparable. Lana, Cynthus and Momo were so close people often joked they were poly for each other.
Echo, Icarus’ dad met her mother Lucy shorty after he escaped to the human realm and kept his merman side a secret for her safety. He was a fun dad who adored playing with Icarus and teaching her about the ocean. He was very involved in Lucy’s side of the family teaching Icarus Hawaiian culture and was always recording her putting on dance shows for them. He vanished one day leaving a cryptic note about not wanting to leave but having to keep Lucy and Icarus safe when Icarus was 5. Icarus got his curly hair and eyes but her mothers tan and hair colour.
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