#Cyclohexanone Pricing
chemanalystdata · 5 days
Cyclohexanone Prices | Pricing | Trend | News | Database | Chart | Forecast
Cyclohexanone Prices, a vital chemical in various industrial applications, has seen fluctuations in its pricing over the years due to several factors that influence the global market. As a key raw material for producing nylon and other important chemicals, cyclohexanone prices are closely linked to supply chain dynamics, market demand, and the cost of raw materials like cyclohexane and benzene, which are used in its production. To understand the trends and determinants of cyclohexanone prices, it is important to consider several variables that have shaped the market's landscape, including crude oil prices, environmental regulations, industrial activity, and geopolitical tensions.
One of the primary factors affecting cyclohexanone prices is the cost of crude oil. Since cyclohexanone is derived from petroleum-based chemicals like benzene, any fluctuations in the price of crude oil can have a direct impact on the cost of production. When crude oil prices increase, the costs of producing benzene and cyclohexane also rise, leading to higher prices for cyclohexanone. This correlation means that industries using cyclohexanone are particularly vulnerable to shifts in global oil markets. The volatility of crude oil prices, influenced by geopolitical issues, supply chain disruptions, and OPEC's production decisions, makes forecasting cyclohexanone prices a challenge for industries that rely on its consistent supply.
Get Real Time Prices for Cyclohexanone : https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/cyclohexanone-1136
In addition to crude oil prices, the supply and demand balance in the chemical industry plays a significant role in determining cyclohexanone prices. Global demand for nylon, one of the primary products made from cyclohexanone, has a direct influence on its pricing. When demand for nylon in sectors such as automotive, textiles, and electronics rises, the need for cyclohexanone increases, leading to upward pressure on its prices. Conversely, when demand for nylon slows down due to economic downturns or shifts in consumer preferences, cyclohexanone prices may soften as the market experiences a surplus. The cyclical nature of demand in these end-use industries often contributes to the price volatility observed in the cyclohexanone market.
Another important factor is environmental regulations and policies aimed at reducing emissions and promoting sustainability. Many countries have introduced stricter regulations on the chemical industry, particularly regarding the use of hazardous substances and the environmental impact of production processes. These regulations can affect cyclohexanone producers, leading to increased production costs due to the need for cleaner technologies or more stringent waste management practices. The cost of compliance with environmental standards, particularly in regions with strict policies, can lead to higher cyclohexanone prices. However, in markets where these regulations are less stringent, producers may be able to maintain lower prices, creating a disparity in global pricing based on regional policies.
Geopolitical tensions and trade policies also play a critical role in influencing cyclohexanone prices. Political instability in key regions that supply raw materials for cyclohexanone production, such as the Middle East, can disrupt supply chains and create uncertainty in the market. Trade tariffs and sanctions can further complicate the global trade of cyclohexanone and its raw materials, leading to price increases as companies seek alternative suppliers or face delays in shipments. For example, if a major exporting country faces sanctions or political unrest, the resulting reduction in supply could lead to a spike in cyclohexanone prices as buyers scramble to secure alternative sources. On the other hand, favorable trade policies and stable political environments tend to support lower and more predictable prices, benefiting industries that rely on cyclohexanone.
Technological advancements and innovations in production processes can also impact cyclohexanone prices. The development of more efficient methods for producing cyclohexanone, such as improved catalysts or more sustainable production techniques, can lead to cost savings for manufacturers. These savings can be passed on to buyers, resulting in lower market prices. Conversely, older, less efficient production methods may lead to higher costs, particularly if they require more energy or raw materials. In addition, the adoption of circular economy practices, where companies seek to recycle or reuse chemicals in their production processes, can reduce the overall demand for virgin cyclohexanone, thus affecting prices.
Global economic conditions are another significant determinant of cyclohexanone prices. During periods of economic growth, industrial activity typically increases, leading to higher demand for chemicals like cyclohexanone. This can create upward pressure on prices as manufacturers ramp up production to meet demand. In contrast, during economic downturns, such as the one experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, industrial output often decreases, leading to a drop in demand for cyclohexanone. As a result, prices may fall as producers adjust to lower levels of demand. The recovery of the global economy following such downturns can also influence cyclohexanone prices, as industries rebound and demand returns.
Lastly, the availability and pricing of substitutes can influence the market for cyclohexanone. If alternative chemicals or materials that can perform similar functions to cyclohexanone become more widely available or cheaper, the demand for cyclohexanone may decline, leading to lower prices. Conversely, if substitutes become more expensive or face supply shortages, industries may rely more heavily on cyclohexanone, driving up its price. The interplay between cyclohexanone and its alternatives is an important consideration for industries looking to manage costs while maintaining product performance and quality.
In conclusion, cyclohexanone prices are influenced by a complex interplay of factors, including crude oil prices, supply and demand dynamics, environmental regulations, geopolitical issues, technological advancements, economic conditions, and the availability of substitutes. These factors contribute to the price volatility seen in the market, making it essential for industries that rely on cyclohexanone to closely monitor global trends and adjust their procurement strategies accordingly. By understanding the drivers behind cyclohexanone pricing, businesses can better navigate the market and make informed decisions about sourcing and production.
Get Real Time Prices for Cyclohexanone : https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/cyclohexanone-1136
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namansharma0950 · 5 days
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シクロヘキサノン(Cyclohexanone) この化合物はナイロン、溶剤、コーティングの製造に広く使用されているため、価格は繊維、プラスチック、化学薬品などの業界で重要な役割を果たします。シクロヘキサノンの価格動向を監視することは、下流の用途に携わるメーカーや企業にとって不可欠です。コストの変動は生産予算や市場の動向に直接影響を与える可能性があるためです。
シクロヘキサノンの価格に影響を与える主な要因の 1 つは、主にシクロヘキサンとベンゼンである原材料のコストです。シクロヘキサノンは、原油から得られるシクロヘキサンの酸化によって生成されます。したがって、原油価格の変動とシクロヘキサンの需給バランスは、シクロヘキサノンの価格に直接影響します。たとえば、原油供給の混乱、地政学的緊張、精製能力の変化は、シクロヘキサンの価格の変動につながり、シクロヘキサノンの生産コストを上昇させます。
サプライ チェーンと生産能力も、シクロヘキサノンの価格に大きな影響を与えます。生産施設がメンテナンス中の場合、または輸送のボトルネックや原料の不足などのサプライ チェーンの混乱が発生した場合、シクロヘキサノンの供給が制限さ���る可能性があります。この限られた供給により、特に需要の高い市場では価格が上昇する可能性があります。さらに、規制遵守や環境問題による生産削減は、全体的な供給にさらに影響を及ぼし、価格変動の一因となる可能性があります。
シクロヘキサノンの需要は、主に下流の用途、特にナイロン業界で、ナイロン 6 の重要な前駆物質であるカプロラクタムの生産に使用されています。ナイロンの世界的な需要が増減すると、シクロヘキサノンの需要も増減します。自動車、繊維、包装などの業界はナイロンの消費に大きな影響を与えるため、これらの分野での自動車生産の増加や繊維需要の増加などの変化は、シクロヘキサノンの価格の対応する変動につながる可能性があります。
世界的な経済状況も、シクロヘキサノンの価格に影響を与えるもう 1 つの要因です。経済成長期には産業活動が活発になり、シクロヘキサノンなどの材料の需要が高まる傾向があります。逆に、景気後退期や不況期には、製造業や建設業の減少により需要が低下し、価格が安定または下落する可能性があります。為替レートは輸入に依存している地域での価格にも影響を及ぼします。現地通貨が弱まると、輸入シクロヘキサノンのコストが上昇する可能性があるためです。
リアルタイムでシクロヘキサノン(Cyclohexanone)価格: https://www.analystjapan.com/Pricing-data/cyclohexanone-189
Call +1 (332) 258- 6602 1-2-3 Manpukuji, Asao-ku, Kawasaki 215-0004 Japan
Website: https://www.analystjapan.com
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endrusmithreal · 8 months
Cyclohexanone Prices, Trends & Forecasts | Provided by Procurement Resource
Cyclohexanone is a colourless to pale yellow liquid that is an organic molecule with a unique and pleasing peppermint-like odour. Its chemical structure includes a six-membered ring cyclic ketone, including a carbonyl group (-CO-).
Request for Real-Time Cyclohexanone Prices: https://procurementresource.com/resource-center/cyclohexanone-price-trends/pricerequest
The molecule is extremely reactive and combustible, fiercely reacting with strong acids and oxidising agents. It readily dissolves in organic solvents like ethanol, acetone, methanol, and ether.
Key Details About the Cyclohexanone Price Trends:
Procurement Resource does an in-depth analysis of the price trend to bring forth the monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly information on the Cyclohexanone price in its latest pricing dashboard. The detailed assessment deeply explores the facts about the product, price change over the weeks, months, and years, key players, industrial uses, and drivers propelling the market and price trends.
Each price record is linked to an easy-to-use graphing device dated back to 2014, which offers a series of functionalities; customization of price currencies and units and downloading of price information as excel files that can be used offline.
The cyclohexanone price trends, including India Cyclohexanone price, USA Cyclohexanone price, pricing database, and analysis can prove valuable for procurement managers, directors, and decision-makers to build up their strongly backed-up strategic insights to attain progress and profitability in the business.
Industrial Uses Impacting Cyclohexanone Price Trends:
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Cyclohexanone is mainly employed as a solvent which facilitates the production of various compounds like caprolactam, adipic acid, and hexamethylenediamine, which are all used in nylon making. As the nylon market is witnessing rapid demand due to its application in end-use industries, like textile, automotive, and packaging, it will also boost demand for cyclohexanone. The chemical also works as a solvent to produce a few medicines, insecticides, and other chemical compounds. Other factors furthering the market expansion include a rising population, lifestyle changes and the increasing demand for food and agricultural goods.
Key Players:
Honeywell International Inc
News & Recent Development
29th May 2023- The cyclohexanone benchmark price reached 9320.00 RMB/ton, from the previous 9510.00 RMB/ton declining by -2.00%. This decline was caused by weak feedstock benzene prices, frail demand, lower transaction focus, and high availability of product availability.
About Us:
Procurement Resource offers in-depth research on product pricing and market insights for more than 500 chemicals, commodities, and utilities updated daily, weekly, monthly, and annually. It is a cost-effective, one-stop solution for all your market research requirements, irrespective of which part of the value chain you represent.
We have a team of highly experienced analysts who perform comprehensive research to deliver our clients the newest and most up-to-date market reports, cost models, price analysis, benchmarking, and category insights, which help in streamlining the procurement process for our clientele. Our team tracks the prices and production costs of a wide variety of goods and commodities, hence, providing you with the latest and consistent data.
To get real-time facts and insights to help our customers, we work with a varied range of procurement teams across industries. At Procurement Resource, we support our clients, with up-to-date and pioneering practices in the industry, to understand procurement methods, supply chain, and industry trends, so that they can build strategies to achieve maximum growth.
Contact Us:
Company Name: Procurement Resource Contact Person: Chris Byrd Email: [email protected] Toll-Free Number: USA & Canada – Phone no: +1 307 363 1045 | UK – Phone no: +44 7537 132103 | Asia-Pacific (APAC) – Phone no: +91 1203185500 Address: 30 North Gould Street, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA
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sinolandchem-leo · 9 months
己内酰胺 (epsilon-Caprolactam) CAS: 105-60-2 化学式: C6H11NO Caprolactam (Hexamethylenediamine adipamide) is an organic compound with the chemical formula C12H22N2O2. It is a colorless crystalline solid, soluble in water and organic solvents. The following is an introduction to the properties, uses, preparation methods and safety information of caprolactam: nature: 1. Caprolactam is in solid state and is a colorless crystal with a special amine odor. 2. It has good solubility and is soluble in common solvents such as water, alcohol, benzene and ether. 3. Caprolactam can be polymerized into nylon 6,6 at high temperatures and has good thermal stability and mechanical properties. use: 1. Preparation of nylon 6,6: Caprolactam is an important intermediate in the preparation of nylon 6,6. Nylon 6,6 is a high-performance synthetic fiber material widely used in knitwear, plastics and engineering plastics. 2. Dye auxiliaries and surface treatment agents: Caprolactam can be used as dye auxiliaries and surface treatment agents in dye, leather, fiber and other industries to provide excellent properties such as improving color, solubility and wear resistance. Dear Sir/Madam, I'm Leo from Sinoland Chemical, we are suppliers in China. Company/ Brand Name: QINGDAO SINOLAND INTERNATIONAL TRADE CO.,LTD Office Address: Sunshine Building, No. 61, Hong Kong Middle Road, Shinan District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China Services:Chemical,import and export — Our website: www.sinolandinfo.com/index.php — Description: We very much hope to cooperate with your company and look forward to hearing from you. We can provide you with the chemical raw materials you need We can provide you with the most competitive market prices We can negotiate to provide you with samples. We also support customized outer packaging. — Best regards! Leo-Liu  Sinoland-Foreign Trade Specialist QINGDAO SINOLAND INTERNATIONAL TRADE CO.,LTD whatsapp: (+86) 15963011049 Email Address: [email protected]  [email protected] Vk:https://vk.com/sinoland_leo OK:https://ok.ru/profile/590080353479 Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091550494905 Linkedin:https://www.linkedin.com/in/Sinoland-Chem-leo Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@Sinoland_Chem_Leo Tiktok:https://www.tiktok.com/@leoliu_wanl Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/liunuo_95 Twitter:https://twitter.com/HelloWorld_Leo Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/sinolandchem-leo Tel: (+86) 15963011049 QQ: 742270500 Viber: (+86) 15963011049 VK: (+86) 15963011049 WeChat: WanL_Leo_Chem Skype: Live: .cid.5887eedeaeca7883 #chinasupplier   #chinafactory  #export  #china  #christmas  #festival #china #chemical #supplier #export #factory   #chemical #organic #compound #nylon #dye  #auxiliaries #surface  #treatment #agent #gear #bearing #pipe #medical  #instrumental #electrical  #insulation n#material #Capron #cyclohexanone #isoxime#cpl #105-60-2 #white  #flakes #particles #melting #resin #fiber #artificial  #leather #pharmaceutical  #raw  #materials #improve  #colors #solubility #wear  #resistance #instagram  #facebooklive  #twitter  #inspiration   #linkinbio  #tiktok  #youtube  #vk   #ok
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wxwlchem · 2 years
Cyclohexanone is also a key component in the production of antihistamines, polyester, and synthetic resins, as well as an important catalyst. Additionally, it is used to dye silk, clean metals, and remove stains from clothing. The paints and printing industries, in particular, use cyclohexanone as a significant chemical solvent.
Wuxi Wanli Chemical co., Ltd special supplying Cyclohexanone since 2010. We have a good relationship with big national factories. Our supply capacity is 2000mt/year. Our price is very competitive. We export our material to  Japan, South Korea, Israel, USA, European countries, Middle east countries and so on, totaling more than 30 countries.
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indianpetrochem1 · 3 years
On August 20, 2021, trading sources reported a fall in cyclohexanone prices in the Chennai chemical market. It is confirmed that cyclohexanone prices fell due to delicate regional demand and shortage of supply in the imported market. The current price of cyclohexanone (domestic intact) was at Rs.170/Kg, a fall of Rs.5/Kg, from the previous price of Rs.175/Kg.
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lisaw2022 · 2 years
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Best Price Good Quality  2-(2-chlorophenyl)cyclohexanone CAS:91393-49-6
Wirck: lisafeng  
Whatsapp:+86 18205416511  
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chemanalystdata · 3 months
Cyclohexanone Prices Trend | Pricing | Database | News | Index | Chart
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 Cyclohexanone Prices, a crucial intermediate in the production of various industrial chemicals, has experienced significant price fluctuations in recent years. The cost of cyclohexanone is influenced by multiple factors, including raw material availability, production costs, market demand, and global economic conditions. Cyclohexanone is primarily derived from cyclohexane, which in turn is produced from crude oil. Therefore, the price of crude oil plays a pivotal role in determining the price of cyclohexanone. When crude oil prices rise, the cost of producing cyclohexane and subsequently cyclohexanone increases, leading to higher prices for end users. Conversely, when crude oil prices fall, there is often a corresponding decrease in cyclohexanone prices.
In addition to raw material costs, the supply and demand dynamics within the cyclohexanone market significantly impact pricing. An increase in demand for products that utilize cyclohexanone, such as nylon, caprolactam, and other plastic and resin products, typically drives up prices. Conversely, when demand wanes or when there is an oversupply in the market, prices tend to decrease. Industrial production levels, including the operational status of manufacturing plants and the introduction of new production capacities, also play a role. For instance, if major cyclohexanone production facilities undergo maintenance or face operational issues, supply constraints can lead to price hikes.
Get Real Time Prices of Cyclohexanone: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/cyclohexanone-1136
The global economic environment is another critical factor influencing cyclohexanone prices. Economic growth in major industrial regions like North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific spurs industrial activity, increasing demand for cyclohexanone. Economic downturns, on the other hand, tend to suppress demand, leading to lower prices. Trade policies and tariffs also affect the cyclohexanone market. Tariffs on imported raw materials or finished products can increase production costs, which manufacturers may pass on to consumers. Similarly, trade restrictions and international sanctions can disrupt supply chains, creating supply shortages that drive up prices.
Environmental regulations and sustainability initiatives are increasingly shaping the cyclohexanone market. Regulations that limit emissions and promote the use of greener technologies can increase production costs for manufacturers, which can lead to higher cyclohexanone prices. On the other hand, advancements in sustainable production methods and increased use of renewable feedstocks may help to stabilize or even reduce prices over time as these technologies become more widespread and cost-effective.
Technological advancements and innovations in production processes have the potential to impact cyclohexanone prices as well. Improvements in catalytic processes and the development of more efficient production techniques can reduce manufacturing costs, leading to lower prices for cyclohexanone. However, the initial investment in new technology and the time required to scale up production can sometimes result in short-term price increases.
Market speculation and the activities of traders and investors also play a role in determining cyclohexanone prices. Speculative trading can lead to price volatility, particularly in times of economic uncertainty or when there is news of significant changes in market conditions. Investors' perceptions of future market trends can influence current prices, sometimes leading to price movements that are not directly related to immediate supply and demand factors.
The pandemic caused disruptions in global supply chains, leading to shortages of raw materials and affecting production levels. Lockdowns and restrictions on industrial activities reduced demand for many products that use cyclohexanone, causing a temporary decline in prices. However, as economies have started to recover, demand has rebounded, contributing to price increases. The long-term effects of the pandemic on the cyclohexanone market continue to unfold, with ongoing uncertainties around supply chain stability and economic recovery.
Geopolitical events and natural disasters also influence cyclohexanone prices. Political instability, conflicts, and natural disasters can disrupt production and supply chains, leading to temporary shortages and price spikes. For example, hurricanes in key production areas or geopolitical tensions affecting oil-producing regions can have immediate and significant impacts on cyclohexanone prices.
In conclusion, cyclohexanone prices are influenced by a complex interplay of factors, including raw material costs, supply and demand dynamics, global economic conditions, trade policies, environmental regulations, technological advancements, market speculation, and geopolitical events. Understanding these factors is crucial for stakeholders in the cyclohexanone market, from producers and suppliers to consumers and investors, as they navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by this essential chemical intermediate. As the market continues to evolve, staying informed about these influences will be key to managing costs and making strategic decisions in the cyclohexanone industry.
Get Real Time Prices of Cyclohexanone: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/cyclohexanone-1136
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GmbH - S-01, 2.floor, Subbelrather Straße,
15a Cologne, 50823, Germany
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Website: https://www.chemanalyst.com
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namansharma0950 · 3 months
シクロヘキサノンの価格動向: 包括的な価格データベース、ニュース、予測
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生産能力や物流などのサプライチェーンのダイナミクスは、シクロヘキサノンの価格に大きな影響を与えます。生産施設の地理的分布と、原材料の供給源や最終市場への近さは、輸送コストとサプライ チェーンの効率に影響します。物流上の課題、輸送のボトルネック、生産施設の停止などのサプライ チェーンの混乱は、供給不足や価格変動につながる可能性があります。生産効率と流通を強化するためのインフラストラクチャとテクノロジへの投資は、供給を安定させ、価格変動を緩和するのに役立ちます。
リアルタイムのシクロヘキサノン価格を入手: https://www.analystjapan.com/Pricing-data/cyclohexanone-189
Call +1 (332) 258- 6602 1-2-3 Manpukuji, Asao-ku, Kawasaki 215-0004 Japan
Website: https://www.analystjapan.com
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endrusmithreal · 8 months
Cyclohexane Prices, Trends & Forecasts | Provided by Procurement Resource
Cyclohexane (C6H12) is a colorless fluid with a mild sweet smell. It is partially soluble in water and completely in alcohol, acetone, benzene, ethanol, ethyl ether, olive oil, and carbon tetrachloride. The melting point of this volatile compound ranges around 6.47 °C and the boiling point measures around 80.7° C. It is an alicyclic hydrocarbon comprised of 6 carbon atoms formed in a hexagon arrangement. Cyclohexane is a flammable fluid, non-corrosive. The dehydration of cyclohexanol and using concentrated phosphoric acid results in the production of cyclohexane.
Request for Real-Time Cyclohexane Prices: https://procurementresource.com/resource-center/cyclohexane-price-trends/pricerequest
The key importing countries include Vietnam, India, and the Netherlands. On the other hand, the primary exporting countries are Vietnam, Germany, and Belgium.
Key Details About the Cyclohexane Price Trends:
Procurement Resource does an in-depth analysis of the price trend to bring forth the monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly information on the Cyclohexane price in its latest pricing dashboard. The detailed assessment deeply explores the facts about the product, price change over the weeks, months, and years, key players, industrial uses, and drivers propelling the market and price trends.
Each price record is linked to an easy-to-use graphing device dated back to 2014, which offers a series of functionalities; customization of price currencies and units and downloading of price information as excel files that can be used offline.
The cyclohexane price trends, including India Cyclohexane price, USA Cyclohexane price, pricing database, and analysis can prove valuable for procurement managers, directors, and decision-makers to build up their strongly backed-up strategic insights to attain progress and profitability in the business.
Industrial Uses Impacting Cyclohexane Price Trends:
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Cyclohexane is used commercially as a solvent to dissolve cellulose, ether, fats, waxes, spot removers, cellulosic, natural and synthetic resins, lacquers, and crude rubber. It is also used to manufacture perfumes, nylon 66 produced by a synthesis of adipic acid, plastics, paint, varnish remover, and much more.
Furthermore, Cyclohexane is used to make solid fuel for camp stoves, recrystallize medium glass substitutes, solid fuels, and adhesives. It synthesizes chemicals like benzene, cyclohexyl chloride, cyclohexanol, cyclohexanone, nitro-Cyclohexane, and many other chemical compounds for large-scale production. Here benzene and cyclopentane are the significant chemicals produced by Cyclohexane specifically.
Key Players:
Chevron Phillips Chemical Company
ExxonMobil Chemical Holland B.V.
Henan GP Chemicals Co., Ltd.
News & Recent Development
Date: 10 April 2023- RUDN experts to find a new catalyst that provides more efficient oxidation of Cyclohexane. The process produces adipic acid which is used in manufacturing household chemicals, food additives and other substances.
About Us:
Procurement Resource offers in-depth research on product pricing and market insights for more than 500 chemicals, commodities, and utilities updated daily, weekly, monthly, and annually. It is a cost-effective, one-stop solution for all your market research requirements, irrespective of which part of the value chain you represent.
We have a team of highly experienced analysts who perform comprehensive research to deliver our clients the newest and most up-to-date market reports, cost models, price analysis, benchmarking, and category insights, which help in streamlining the procurement process for our clientele. Our team tracks the prices and production costs of a wide variety of goods and commodities, hence, providing you with the latest and consistent data.
To get real-time facts and insights to help our customers, we work with a varied range of procurement teams across industries. At Procurement Resource, we support our clients, with up-to-date and pioneering practices in the industry, to understand procurement methods, supply chain, and industry trends, so that they can build strategies to achieve maximum growth.
Contact Us:
Company Name: Procurement Resource Contact Person: Chris Byrd Email: [email protected] Toll-Free Number: USA & Canada – Phone no: +1 307 363 1045 | UK – Phone no: +44 7537 132103 | Asia-Pacific (APAC) – Phone no: +91 1203185500 Address: 30 North Gould Street, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA
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kunalp1234 · 3 years
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wxwlchem · 3 years
Why Wanli Chemical is One of the Most Trusted Tetrahydrofuran(THF) Supplier?
The company has its roots in chemical production following a long time of practical experience and manufacturing.  The brand is also famous among the top-rated Cyclohexanone(CYCLE) Suppliers at a much lower cost price of its products. As a reputed Tetrahydrofuran(THF) Supplier in China, Wanli chemical has gained a great number of production strategies to make itself better in the market. Not just THF, it supplies different kinds of organic solvents like Cyclohexanone, Acetone, MEK, Ethyl Acetate, Methyl Acetate, and other kinds of chemicals around the world. Wanli Chemical also has its manufacturing units and testing labs for better assurance of the quality of its products.
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indianpetrochem1 · 3 years
Petrochem sources have reported a huge fall in cyclohexanone prices in the Ahmedabad market. Excess supply of the material has led to the price fall. Current cyclohexanone prices for imported repack in Ahmedabad went down from Rs.160/Kg to Rs.154/Kg, a sharp fall of Rs.6/Kg.
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Synthetic Fiber Market to Ensure Substantial Growth for Fiber Intermediates Market
Description :
Fiber Intermediates Market: Information by Type (Paraxylene, Acrylonitrile, Cyclohexanone, Ethylene Glycol, Ethylene Glycol, Polyethylene, and Others), Application (Fabrics, PET Resin, Anti-freeze, and Others), and Region—Forecast till 2030
 Keywords :
Fiber Intermediates Market, Global Fiber Intermediates Market, Fiber Intermediates Industry, Fiber Intermediates Business, Fiber Intermediates Market Share, Fiber Intermediates Market Size, Fiber Intermediates Market Trends, Fiber Intermediates Market Growth, Fiber Intermediates Market Price, Fiber Intermediates Market Analysis, Fiber Intermediates Market Outlook, Fiber Intermediates Market Forecast
 Fiber Intermediates Market Overview:
Manufacturing of synthetic fibers is creating a demand for fiber intermediates. Manufacturing of components such as polyester & nylon, disinfectants, fabrics, plastic, and others are assisting in the expansion of the market. Its use is not limited to just one particular sector. End-user industries such as textiles, plastics, petrochemicals, and cleaning products (detergents) provide a significant opportunity for the market to inflate and fetch more revenue. The global fiber intermediates market can expect a rise by robust CAGR during the forecast period (2018-2023), reveals Market Research Future (MRFR). Their report on the same market includes segmental analysis in detail, expert inputs, competitive landscape, and drivers that can impact the market in the coming years.
Among the major factors, the constantly evolving textile industry is providing much traction. The trends in the sector are quite rapid. From clothing, furniture, and upholstery, this change is creating demand for polyester. At the same time, the furniture industry is also burgeoning and claiming significant attention from the fiber intermediates market. Multipurpose and luxurious furniture are creating space for new entrants to chip in with their innovative methods and take the fiber intermediates market forward. The production of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resin and PET film is also providing much traction to the market. Fiber intermediates such as ethylene glycol provides an effective barrier against carbon dioxide and have a high tensile strength which is getting accolades from the packaging industry. Other industries finding a significant use for fiber intermediates are anti-freeze, detergents, paints, and resins.
Fiber Intermediates Market Segmentation
The global fiber intermediates market has been segmented by type and application.
Type-wise, the fiber intermediates market can be segmented into paraxylene, acrylonitrile, cyclohexanone, ethylene glycol, polyethylene, ethylene oxide, and others.
Application-wise, the fiber intermediates market includes fabrics, PET resin, anti-freeze, detergents, upholstery, bactericides, and others.
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   Fiber Intermediates Market Regional Analysis:
 Region-specific segmentation of the global fiber intermediates market can be segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa (MEA).
The APAC market, as of 2017, is the largest market with the maximum market revenue. The regional market would continue its dominance over the review period. Textile industries in emerging nations such as China and India are providing the needed traction to the market. Major companies such as Fabindia Overseas Pvt Ltd., Bombay Dyeing, Shangtex Holding Co. Ltd, and Shandong Demian Group are based out of the region and can boost the regional market growth. As per the Indian Brand Equity Foundation, the Indian textiles market can cross a valuation of USD 226 billion by 2023 which can squarely impact the market.
North America’s growth depends mostly on the supportive government policies that provide thrust to the market. As per the National Council of Textile Organizations, the worth of US man-made fiber and filament, textiles, and apparel shipments rose by 11% from 2009 to 2016 and touched a valuation of USD 74.4 billion.
Europe’s market growth would show a rise with healthy CAGR as the packaging industry is witnessing significant growth. The rise is to match the growing demand for food and beverages. In addition, government regulations to curb landfill menace have stimulated the demand for PET-based packaged products which can surely provide a boost to the fiber intermediates market.
Key Players
Prominent players in the global fiber intermediates market are Aareydrugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd (India), Daicel Corporation (Japan), Reliance Industries Limited (India), Ferromet SA (Argentina), Chevron Phillips Chemical Company (US), DowDuPont (US), INVISTA (US), BASF SE (Germany), and Fiber Intermediate Products Company (Iran).
In 2018, BASF SE developed MasterFiber that is proving effective in the construction sector. This fiber can work well when put together with concrete and can reduce cost significantly.
In 2018, Reliance Petrochemicals enjoyed strong growth of almost USD 987 million backed by polypropylene, downstream polyester products, and fiber intermediate products.
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lisaw2022 · 2 years
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chemanalystdata · 5 months
Cyclohexanone Prices Trend, News, Analytics and Forecast | ChemAnalyst
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Cyclohexanone Prices: During the Quarter Ending December 2023
North America:
In the fourth quarter of 2023, the Cyclohexanone market in North America experienced a bearish trend, primarily due to anticipated restrictions on vessel transit through the Neopanamax locks, disrupting the supply chain. Additionally, reduced domestic petrochemical production capacity and overseas inventory cuts by major oil producers contributed to price fluctuations.
Limited Cyclohexanone inventory domestically drove prices upward, while decreased downstream demand exerted downward pressure. Improved bilateral relations between the US and Vietnam, following President Joe Biden's visit, opened growth opportunities in the textile industry, particularly garment exports.
The shutdown of Shell Chemicals Acetone and Phenol solvent unit in Deer Park, Texas, resulted in reduced US stockpiles, prompting increased imports. The latest price for Cyclohexanone DEL Texas in the USA for Q4 2023 was recorded at USD 1598/MT.
Get Real Time Prices of Cyclohexanone: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/cyclohexanone-1136
The Cyclohexanone market in the APAC region faced challenges in the fourth quarter of 2023. Destocking tendencies and rising freight rates impacted prices. Reductions in petrochemical production and overseas inventory due to major oil producers' cuts further influenced prices.
Japan experienced significant price declines compared to the previous year and quarter. Although no significant differences were noted between the first and second halves of the quarter in Japan, the quarter-ending price for Cyclohexanone-FOB Osaka was USD 1254/MT.
In Europe, the Cyclohexanone market in Q4 2023 witnessed a bearish trend. Destocking and potential freight rate increases impacted prices, along with reduced petrochemical production and overseas inventory cuts.
In the Netherlands, Cyclohexanone FD Rotterdam saw price declines in December but modest increases in January and February. Upstream production plant maintenance in October affected supply chains, while new year production plans could boost overseas demand.
Despite challenges, the Dutch textile industry showed signs of recovery, with apparel exports growing in November. The quarter-ending price of Cyclohexanone FD Rotterdam in the Netherlands stood at USD 1872/MT.
Get Real Time Prices of Cyclohexanone: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/cyclohexanone-1136
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