villagerpvp · 4 years
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Exploring custom generated dungeons can be a great way to earn some good loot and gain exp to conquer the wilderness!
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DD: ADBK Y-Dragon Head
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The Electric Dragon Jet
Voice Actor: 
Dee Bradley Baker
The Kindred
Biography: Mechanicalchaser's blueprints were combined with some of Metal Dragon's body structure to create Y-D-H747, otherwise known as Y-Dragon Head. About the size of a horse, this mechanical mount can fly as fast as a supersonic jet, and is known for raining electric lasers from his mouth to stun opponents.
YDH and his brothers have the ability to combine into each other to create various combat forms. This is courtesy of their creator, Trap Master, a Machine monster studier and somewhat deranged genius. To ensure they wouldn't be simply reprogrammed by Perfect Machine King and Jinzo, Trap Master gave them each free will by using the spell Soul Release to give them some of his own.
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cyborgvillager · 9 years
Bub Bub Bubbions - First Impression
Bub Bub Bubbions – First Impression
  Balls in a bottle!!! “Bub Bub Bubbions is a fast-paced aim-and-swipe arcade game. Can you win out the ballz!? Series coming soon for #Bubbions !! #BubBub#Bubbionsgameplay #gaming#indie #freepcgames#commentary #singleplayer#action #gamerforlife #pcgames#arcade #crossyroad #Iosgames#MightyGames #playthrough#walkthrough…
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DD: ADBK X-Head Cannon
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The Heavy Artillery Commander of the Wasteland
Voice Actor: 
Daran Norris
The Kindred
Biography: After several years of fighting the Perfect Machine King's army, the highly eccentric Trap Master finally managed to obtain the blueprints for some of his other generals. Catapult Turtle proved a highly successful take on the Labyrinth Tank model, and now he gained those for Launcher Spider, Pendulum Machine and Mechanicalchaser.
Each one built a new, free-willed automaton that could steamroll some of the more simple-minded drones used by PMK. In the case of Pendulum Machine, his blueprints gave birth to X-H-C900, also known as X-Head Cannon.
Because of Pendulum Machine's savagery in battle, Trap Master chose to give X-Head a gentler personality, almost knight-like in terms of honor and civility. However, he remains a powerful opponent that can blast the top of a mountain with just one Twin-Cannon Blast. Trap Master also added the precaution of giving X-Head and his brothers the power to combine into various forms to keep the enemy guessing.
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DD: ADBK Cipher Soldier
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The Kinetic Lawman
Voice Actor: 
Scott McNeil
The Kindred
Biography: Sure as night follows day, the Machinations has another former member that was twisted into one of their own from a former human existence. This one is a relatively recent entry that served as a lawman working in the army as a gunnery sergeant in the shrubland town of Gun Shell.
Unfortunately, he was one of many fighters killed during an invasion led by Launcher Spider and Metalzoa. He was made a mechanical 'lawman', seeking out and destroying illegal settlements in their territory. This naturally put him in the crosshairs of the former Machination experiments living out there.
As one could guess from his Tribe, he would eventually be taken in and be given back his humanity thanks to the intervention of the locals in Silicon Village. He resumed his new vigilante status, but instead liberating areas under the control of Perfect Machine King and his generals.
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DD: ADBK Gadget Soldier
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The Clockwork Titan
Voice Actor:
 Richard Newman
The Kindred
Biography: After the reprogramming of Cyber Commander, Perfect Machine King became rather angry with Robotic Knight and Jinzo for their failure. Fortunately, Jinzo 7 had a backup plan. Recently, Gear Golem and Sword Slasher discovered a fallen soldier during a raid on the Wasteland city of Arcdune. He was far tougher-looking than Tristan, and would be the perfect Machine warrior once properly modified.
Their subject was originally a captain of the guard named Richard the Ripped, after his rather impressive midriff. When the raid began, he tried defending the children by using his muscular body to break Kamakuri Spiders with little effort. However, Gear Golem managed to get the drop on him and broke his skull and spinal cord with his spiky body.
When he was turned into a killing machine, the newly christened Gadget Soldier had only one goal ordered to him: Find and kill Trap Master with a grand platoon of Machine monsters! These included generals Slot Machine, Launcher Spider, Sword Slasher, Barrel Dragon, Metalzoa, and Pendulum Machine. All of whom advanced on Druishire with rune-proof weaponry to bypass the main Kindred shield.
The battle was fierce, with both sides' best fighters duking it out with each other. Celtic Guardian fought Pendulum Machine, Gilford the Lightning squared off with Sword Slasher, Buster Blader battled Launcher Spider, Rude Kaiser fought Slot Machine, Magician of Black Chaos battled Barrel Dragon, Flame Swordsman attacked Metalzoa, and Trap Master performed a showdown with Gadget Soldier himself.
One by one, the Machines were bested by the Kindred's finest fighters, but Gadget Soldier managed to put up a great fight with his artillery. He had cornered the mad trap master, but just before he could fire his rocket launchers, a blade-like limb sliced part of Gadget Soldier's flesh. This distraction was caused by the ever-reliable Strike Ninja, and this was enough for Trap Master to attack with an EMP Strike and immobilize the  giant.
After some modifications, and some healing magic from Time Wizard, Richard the Ripped had his free will restored, and thanked the Kindred by joining their ranks. He hopes to have other Machines join their side, and even managed to capture some minion bots and reprogram them for a more benevolent purpose. Among these include the Dharma Cannon named Oni, and a Blast Juggler named Fling.
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DD: ADBK Cyber Commander
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The Cyborg Commando
Voice Actor: 
Phil LaMarr
The Kindred
Biography: Although the Machinations are a formidable force, they're not without their problems. Most notably, despite Perfect Machine King's efforts to make flawless Machines, every so often, some soldiers end up reprogrammed by those crafty enough to pull it off. The repeat offenders in that regard are the Kindred, who've captured and saved the lives of several monsters. Among those saved include today's fighter and protector, the Cyber Commander.
Originally known as Tristan of Redstone, he was formerly a friend of Zelda Georgina, also known as Command Knight. However, he was among those killed by Robotic Knight and his fellow generals Launcher Spider and Metalzoa. But what they did next could be considered sick and unforgivable.
See, Robotic Knight had been experimenting on organic subjects to make minions for the Perfect Machine King, and after the success of the Jinzo brothers, he made several more Tristan included. Put simply, he made Tristan into a war machine, armed with rocket launchers, and a bazooka among other weapons.
However, this particular story has a happy ending; as upon Trap Master's addition to The Kindred, he began a counter-campaign against the Machinations, capturing and reprogramming those under their control. It took some time, since the brainwashed cyborgs could be hard to restrain, but it worked! Tristan was among the first to be reformed, and upon gaining his old memories, he swore to defeat the Machines that made him into a monster. As of these days, he's among those who use their knowledge on the Machinations to free locations under their control.
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DD: ADBK Mind on Air
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The Undead Supercomputer
Voice Actor: 
Susan Blu
The Kindred
Biography: It's not just the more maligned Tribes that handle strange combination monsters like the Jinzo brothers or Newdoria. As shown with Cyber Commander and Gadget Soldier, the good guys have quite the arsenal of mechanical oddities. Such is the case with Maia of Silicon, otherwise known as Mind on Air.
Called that for her vast Cloud Atlas Memory Bank that forms as a protective brain bubble, Maia was originally an ironically mindless Zombie woman conjured by the Undead Hordes. She was tasked with using some experimental mind prediction powers to anticipate her opponents next move, combining this with her fast speeds to be an unstoppable fighter for Pumpking's army.
However, no one counted upon the Illusory Gentleman, a Spellbinder and wandering sorcerer, to fall in love with this undead lady. Believing her to be just a pawn in Pumpking's game, he managed to capture the Zombie, and took her to see the Lady of Faith and Master Kyonshee. These two in particular are among those whose ability to open the minds of other monsters is renowned among those in the Duelscape. It took some extra help from Cipher Soldier, but they managed to not only restore the Zombie's free will, but also enhanced her by heightening her powers via mechanical attachments.
She had little memory of her former life before becoming an undead slave, but she had one name clear in her head that she went by: Maia. Although not a Spellbinder, the newly dubbed Mind on Air is usually consulted for Machination and Undead Horde-related issues, and lives in a small village for fellow cyborgs called Silicon Village.
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