#Cyber security company India
msrscorp · 3 months
Green Energy Company India
MSRSCorp aims to be a pioneer in the green energy company India. Through our research and development efforts, we are continuously exploring new technologies and solutions to make renewable energy more accessible and efficient. Join us in our mission to create a cleaner and greener future for generations to come.
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planikumar · 2 years
Top cyber security Company In India
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Data security involves addressing susceptibility affecting your operating systems and network, including servers and hosts, firewalls and wireless access points, and network protocols.
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serverlt1458 · 2 years
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ranismita1144 · 2 years
Kratikal, India's leading cyber security organization, offers CERT-In Empanelled Security Auditor cyber security services. We offer VAPT and security compliance services.
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mezzy-1 · 11 months
@eviethelesbian once again thank you for the Headcanon List. Also shoutout to @darthladyofillusions because I included ur OC :)
Harbor is a history professor dating Astra, the archeology professor.  Both of them met on a trip to a site in India
Both of them reached for the same the brush at one point and they laughed it off later
Both of them are excellent teachers in their own way.  Varun has a habit of going on tangents about stories and is super nerdy about his subject.  Efia’s classes are fun and her energy is infectious
Cypher has a family and does cyber security for the University.  Nobody knows his actual name.
Nobody knows him that well but when he comes out of his office he’ll say hello to anyone nearby.  He goes home quickly though and usually avoids working late.
Cypher’s office is full of pictures of his family, drawings from his daughter, screens, and the scent of imported Moroccan teas
He and his wife and kid see the students off when they graduate, and all of the students are amazed to realize that this guy has such a good family life.  (They thought he was a no-life kinda guy)
Liam ‘Brimstone’ Byrne is the university’s Dean and basically runs everything as much as possible for the good of the students.  Tariq and him are the brains and guiding hand of the university
He retired from the military after he was given an educator’s license and became a professor of tactics at a military academy.  He then took his skills elsewhere and turned the college into what it is now
Liam keeps the students at the forefront of any policy changes and takes an interest in professors that are considered brilliant but difficult to work with.  He’s an expert of recruitment and reining in the right people
Has snacks in his office for students but they can only get them if they complete a pull-up on an pull-up bar he has in his office.  One arm only.
Sabine worked at R&D at a pesticide company but is the only Organic Chem teacher that the Valorant U could get.  Somehow is a good professor despite hating students and no general teaching
She doesn’t really hate them but it isn’t a good idea to get on her bad side.  It’s rumored she poisons the students she hates.  
Stared daggers into the first person (Jamie), to make a Breaking Bad reference and since then nobody brings it up
Classes with her are pretty tense but if a student actually tries and gives their all, she’ll notice and be kinder to them.  Especially students who study chemistry.  Double for O-Chem.
Sabine’s style of teaching could use work, but when she tries to explain complex ideas she’s genuinely in her element.  She once explained how tetrodotoxin and nerve ion channels worked to Zyanya’s little sister 
Zyanya is a professor for sure, probably the best Spanish teacher ever.  Beyond terrifying to new students
She will not let students forget proper accents and grammar, and god help the people that do.  Somebody once forgot their homework and Zyanna was literally this close to killing them
Her Spanish is specifically Mexican, and that extends to the class through some of the words she teaches.  Especially bits in culture and authenticity
Zyanya’s idea of testing people is borderline an interrogation.  10 minutes of extensive and stern conversations and multiple pages of writing.  People say it feels like their souls have literally been drained
Students come out of the classes fluent or scarred for life
Ling is a professor of medicine and completed her PHD around the same time Viper completed hers.  They were amazed to see each other teaching
She does Tai Chi for relaxation but did at one point learn Kung Fu while living abroad in a monastery for a couple of years.  She once broke a board in front of her class just to prove it
Hosts meditation hours during finals week and her office hours are always super useful for all of the medical and nursing students.  Calming as hell to anxious people
Tala got a scholarship via cross country and another from basketball, and wants to major in physical therapy.  She also got a job doing late night shifts at the library as security.
Hazal is in a band called Nightmare.  Her and several other introverts got together and started one.  Only perform in the most obscure venue.  She can play bass REALLY WELL
Tala found out and now shows up to every performance the band has.  If it weren’t for the lights flashing red and blue, you could see Hazal blushing when she spots Tala in the crowd
That’s how she met Hazal.  Tala was approached by her because Hazal wanted to study late and the two became acquainted
Both of them love the late nights that they share and Hazal is always at one of Tala’s games.  Tala picks her out of the crowd every time, and at the end Hazal always kisses her 
Mateo is a veterinary student and is everyone’s friend.  Except Iselin because some of his patients got into her office once and trashed her latest project model
He keeps fish, dogs, lizards, cats, and nearly everything else.  At one point he was in charge of a project that kept some monkeys around at one point 
The animal counterparts are a chameleon (Dizzy), a Chinese High Banded Shark (Thrash), a bullfrog tadpole (Mosh), and an Axolotl named Wingman
He has a crochet version of his (radivore) crew, courtesy of Omen being bored one day
Mateo is a Gen Z kid, and his vocabulary beyond salvaging
Jamie is an English major, I mean, obviously
Everyone likes Jamie, he brings a certain energy to everything he does and it resonates well with people.  His writing has a level of power and rhythm that makes it both easy to listen and layered
He is a songwriter, and poet, and even has a collection of published short stories.  His mums are proud.  His scripts are also incredible and his goal is to get his own musical to Broadway 
When Jamie is in a play, it’s usually as the protagonist or the main antagonist.  It is wonderful to see him on stage, especially because he’s trained as a Shakespearean actor
Tayane is THE art student and the reason most of the faculty drinks.  And also the reason why most of the students drink too
Absolute ragers getting thrown anytime Tayane is involved.  This woman does not stop until the sun is up
Her graffiti portraits are inspired, colorful, and almost always on government property or university property.  Brim started commissioning her in order to stop her from painting everything
The commissioned murals are a lot better for her, and gave her legal access to make huge projects on some of the older buildings
One of the walls is a silhouette of a woman with big circular glasses, geometric pink and yellow patterns around her, and surrounded by flowers
Vincent Fabron is the art teacher and Viper HATES him.  He’s also that one teacher an unreasonable amount of people of have a crush on
He was a tattoo artist while taking art lessons in France, then moved into high class art.  His gallery pieces gained a lot of attention and he gained a lot of money from them.
Now he teaches art, and has done graphic design for many upscale companies.  His own business card has won awards from design and art societies though
Omen is a guy in a scarf and hoodie that is somehow in everyone’s classes.  He crochets in the back sometimes.
Texts notes at 4am to anyone who needs it and is incredibly nocturnal.  He doesn’t need sleep he needs friends
Students never remembered or learned his name, so they just started calling him Omen after the laptop brand he uses
Erik ‘Breach’ Torsten is a coach they brought in and actually manages a paralympic team.  May have criminal past according to some of the athletes he manages
He will scream at people in Swedish during games, practice, going over strategies, and if he sees them in public.  Friendly but so loud
His prosthetic arms were a courtesy of the university’s science program.  They were partially a gift and partially a test to see what they could do.  Erik made sure that he could flip people off with the arms
Iselin the professor of Industrial Design, and she is the most stern professor ever.  At times she works for a wilderness recreation company and does product design for them.  
She is very organized, and her lecture presentations are always available, she lists the pages to read, dates for every assignment are posted a month in advance
Iselin’s a professional and rarely eases up, but the few times she’s been out with the other faculty she’s been surprisingly fun.  Especially with Ling for some reason
Kirra is a Biology professor that has so many plants in her room.  Has a parakeet, dog, and fish tank at home too.  Does wildlife photography on the side.  
Kirra protested in college and was arrested once for sabotage.  So she is totally chill with people missing class for stuff, and gives extra credit for students involved in causes
Goes on wilderness expeditions with some students for a class and memorized several survival books worth of information and knows every plant, animal, and fungus she comes across
Klara is an engineering major and Tayane just comes to those classes because she can.  It usually results in the equipment being plastered in stickers and paint.
They met when Tayane decided to tag the garage that Klara was keeping her final project in.  Both of them sort of caught feelings as soon as they saw each other
Klara fell so damn hard, and realized this while Tayane was doing a kegstand.  Klara whispered ‘she’s perfect’ mindlessly and then realized Sunwoo was right next to her
Sunwoo finished what was in her cup, patted Klara on the back, and said ‘good luck’ before walking away and pretending she didn’t hear
Her final project has been her ‘Lockdown’ which is basically an EMP crossed with a massive DDOS hack.  It went off once and downed the college’s internet for a week.
She’s going to switch it to something a little less destructive at this point, and Tayane is helping her brainstorm.  Currently it’s a robot but she’s trying to figure out what to make it do
KAY/O is Tariq’s gamertag.  The man is a CS:GO fiend and has crazy flashes due to muscle memory
Liam and him are MARRIED.  I’m not budging on this one and you will find me dead in the ground before I let this go
Tariq’s good at a lot of random stuff and doesn’t help out too much at the college but is well-known as the ‘guy who Brim allows to help grill things’ because nobody else is allowed
Helps Liam plan out things for the students and assists in any sort of set up that he can do
Ryo is studying Japanese History and works as a mechanic at a chop shop.  It is shady as hell over there but Yoru will hook people up if needed.  They definitely steal parts though
He takes business classes and there’s a real chance he might double major.  His business acumen and aggressive nature would make him the ultimate CEO
Sasha is the professor that most students simp for, and he teaches Russian Language classes.  Throws things at students that don’t pay attention and rarely misses
He has an owl nesting outside of the window to his classroom, he named it Matrioshka after the nesting dolls.  It had owlets so it seemed fitting.
His babushka lives out of the country but gets a continuous stream of gifts from him
Sasha is that one professor that has a weird story for everything in his room.  The bow he has? killed a grizzly bear with it.  Glass eye on display?  It was a gift from a glassmaker that was caught with illegal firearms.  Weird rock?  It was at the sight of a historic battle and has a bootprint in it
Has SO MANY books from Russian writers he reads in his off time.  Also does archery at a cabin he has in the woods.
Nobody could handle Novikov at the cabin, the sheer hotness of him splitting firewood, bow hunting, and chopping trees would send people into a simp coma
At the end of the year, he writes each student a short note in Russian telling them something worthwhile.
Sunwoo is an amazing sprinter and also amazing at darts.  Loves adding photos to the corkboard she has in her dorm
She isn’t really sure what she wants to study at the moment or even if she wanted to go to college.  Gotta love families pressuring college on their kids right?
It isn’t as depressing though, she shows real talent and enjoyment in studying Business but surprisingly is leaning towards learning Journalism as well
She writes stuff for the school paper, a blog, and even has a (somewhat inspired by people around her) science fiction story.  She hasn’t thought of a name yet.
It’s about secret agents that fight against an alternate dimension that tries to steal a powerful crystal from them.  It’s quite popular with the people who she let read it and people are constantly asking for updates
Sunwoo is trying, and hopefully she’ll manage to find somewhere she can feel comfortable
Kayra is studying botany, and started a garden in one of the common areas.  At first it was small but cute, then after a few weeks the flowers and bushes spread outside of the garden and overtook the common area.
It's now her favorite place to get away from people because trellises were added in and nobody can see through the vines.  There’s a chance she keeps patio furniture in the garden too
Has been living in an apartment with Hazal.  Tala has been the only one in there and says its overrun with houseplants and hanging lamps.
(@darthladyofillusions I hope this is accurate to some extent)
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nividawebsolutions · 7 months
How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Future of IT Services
In an age dominated by technological advancements, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a revolutionary force, reshaping the landscape of IT services globally. As businesses strive to stay ahead in the digital race, it becomes imperative to understand the transformative power of AI in the realm of Information Technology. In this blog post, we explore how Artificial Intelligence is not just a trend but a fundamental shift that is redefining the future of IT services.
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Embracing AI for Enhanced Efficiency
1. Intelligent Automation:
AI-driven automation has become the cornerstone of IT services, streamlining processes, and significantly reducing operational costs. Nivida Software, as a leading IT company in India, recognizes the pivotal role of AI in optimizing workflows and increasing overall efficiency.
2. Predictive Analysis:
Nivida Software leverages AI algorithms to analyze vast datasets, enabling proactive identification of potential issues and predicting trends. By staying ahead of challenges, our IT services ensure a seamless experience for clients across Gujarat and Vadodara.
Delivering Precision with AI-Powered Solutions
3. Customized IT Solutions:
As an innovative IT company in Gujarat, Nivida Software understands the diverse needs of businesses. AI allows us to create tailored solutions that align with the unique requirements of our clients, ensuring maximum impact and value.
4. Enhanced Security Measures:
The integration of AI in IT services goes beyond efficiency; it's about fortifying digital landscapes. Nivida Software employs AI-driven security measures to safeguard sensitive data and protect against evolving cyber threats, setting new standards for IT security in Vadodara. Pioneering AI at Nivida Software
5. Cutting-Edge Development:
Nivida Software is at the forefront of AI development, constantly pushing boundaries to create innovative solutions. As an IT company in India, our commitment to staying ahead in the technological curve positions us as a reliable partner for businesses seeking cutting-edge IT services.
6. Nurturing Talent:
The future of IT services lies in the hands of skilled professionals. Nivida Software invests in talent development, ensuring that our team remains well-versed in the latest AI advancements, delivering top-notch services across India, Gujarat, and Vadodara.
Artificial Intelligence is not merely a technological evolution; it's a paradigm shift that is reshaping the future of IT services. Nivida Software, as a forward-thinking IT company, embraces AI to deliver unparalleled solutions to clients in India, Gujarat, and Vadodara. The journey towards a digitally transformed future begins with Nivida Software – where innovation meets excellence in IT services.
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mnrsolution · 21 days
Recruitment Agency In India
IT Recruitment Agency
MNR Solutions is a leading IT Recruitment Agency. We work with companies all over the Technology industry that match all your hiring needs.
Cyber Security Recruitment Agency
The cyber security recruiting agency can provide skilled candidates to companies who need to increase defences against their breaches.
EV recruitment Agency
MNR Solutions is a leading EV recruiter in India. We employ seasoned professionals to negotiate fierce competition and draw in skilled individuals.
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tajmirror · 2 months
Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Car By Taj Mirror Company
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Taj Mirror Company's Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Car is an amazing opportunity to visit one of the world's most iconic monuments in a single day. Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Car This tour is great for those who have limited time but want to see the Taj Mahal.
The excursion begins in the early morning with a comfortable pickup from your hotel or a predetermined place in Delhi. A skilled and courteous driver will accompany you in a well-maintained, air-conditioned vehicle, assuring a smooth and enjoyable travel to Agra, which is roughly 3-4 hours away.
When you arrive in Agra, you will be greeted by your professional tour guide, who will lead you on a fascinating tour of the Taj Mahal's history and architecture. This UNESCO World Heritage site, created by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, is a Mughal architectural masterpiece featuring magnificent white marble inlaid with precious stones.
After visiting the Taj Mahal, the group continues to the Agra Fort, another UNESCO World Heritage site. For years, the Mughal rulers' principal residence was this towering red sandstone fort. Your guide will explain the fort's history and strategic importance.
A delicious lunch at a respected local restaurant follows, where you may sample traditional Indian cuisine. The journey next continues to the Tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah, sometimes known as the "Baby Taj," another stunning specimen of Mughal construction.
After a day full of historical treasures and cultural encounters, the tour closes with a relaxing journey back to Delhi. You will be dropped off at your hotel or another predetermined place, bringing an end to a great excursion.
Taj Mirror Company's Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Car is a well-organized, hassle-free method to witness the timeless grandeur of the Taj Mahal and other Agra attractions. It provides an ideal combination of history, culture, and comfort, making it a must-see for any visitor to India.
CrowdStrike is a renowned cybersecurity firm that specializes in endpoint protection, threat intelligence, and cyberattack response services. CrowdStrike, founded in 2011 by George Kurtz, Dmitri Alperovitch, and Gregg Marston, has quickly established itself as a powerful force in the cybersecurity market. The corporation is based in Sunnyvale, California.
CrowdStrike's core product, the Falcon platform, uses AI and ML to detect and respond to threats in real time. The technology gives extensive visibility into endpoint activity, enabling enterprises to quickly detect and remediate any security breaches. Falcon's cloud-native architecture provides scalability and ease of deployment, making it a popular choice for businesses of all sizes.
CrowdStrike's role in detecting high-profile intrusions, such as the 2016 Democratic National Committee (DNC) hack, is one of its most notable accomplishments. The company's competence in threat intelligence and incident response has made it a reliable partner for both government agencies and private-sector businesses.
CrowdStrike's business strategy is subscription-based, with several service tiers to meet different corporate demands. This concept has been successful, as the company's revenue has grown rapidly and its customer base has expanded abroad. CrowdStrike went public in 2019, reinforcing its market position.
The company's commitment to innovation is demonstrated by continual updates to the Falcon platform and the incorporation of new technologies to battle increasing cyber threats. CrowdStrike's focus on proactive threat hunting, along with its comprehensive threat intelligence capabilities, enables enterprises to stay ahead of adversaries.
To summarize, CrowdStrike has evolved as a cybersecurity leader thanks to its cutting-edge technologies, strategic threat intelligence, and effective incident response. Its Falcon platform continues to set industry standards, equipping enterprises with the capabilities they need to defend against complex cyber threats.
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palmoilnews · 2 months
Global cyber outage grounds flights, hits banks, telecoms, media July 19 (Reuters) - A global tech outage was disrupting operations in multiple industries on Friday, with airlines halting flights, some broadcasters off-air and everything from banking to healthcare hit by system problems. American Airlines AAL.O, Delta Airlines DAL.N, United Airlines UAL.O and Allegiant Air ALGT.O grounded flights citing communication problems. The order came shortly after MicrosoftMSFT.O said it resolved its cloud services outage that impacted several low-cost carriers, though it was not immediately clear whether those were related. "A third party software outage is impacting computer systems worldwide, including at United. While we work to restore those systems, we are holding all aircraft at their departure airports," United said in a statement. "Flights already airborne are continuing to their destinations." Australia's government said outages suffered by media, banks and telecoms companies there appeared to be linked to an issue at global cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike CRWD.O. According to an alert sent by Crowdstrike to its clients and reviewed by Reuters, the company’s “Falcon Sensor” software is causing Microsoft Windows to crash and display a blue screen, known informally as the “Blue Screen of Death”. The alert, which was sent at 0530 GMT on Friday, also shared a manual workaround to rectify the issue. A Crowdstrike spokesperson did not respond to emails or calls requesting comment. There was no information to suggest the outage was a cyber security incident, the office of Australia's National Cyber Security Coordinator Michelle McGuinness said in a post on X. The outages rippled far and wide. The travel industry was among the hardest hit with airports around the world, including Tokyo, Amsterdam, Berlin and several Spanish airports reporting problems with their systems and delays. International airlines, including Ryanair RYA.I, Europe’s largest airline by passenger numbers, warned of problems with their booking systems and other disruptions. In Britain, booking systems used by doctors were offline, multiple reports from medical officials on X said, while Sky News, one of the country's major news broadcasters was off air, apologising for being unable to transmit live. Banks and other financial institutions from Australia to India and South Africa warned clients about disruptions to their services, while LSEG Group LSEG.Lreported an outage of its data and news platform Workspace. Amazon's AWS cloud service provider said in a statement that it was "investigating reports of connectivity issues to Windows EC2 instances and Workspaces within AWS." It was not immediately clear whether all reported outages were linked to Crowdstrike problems or there were other issues at play.
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scarlettblogs · 3 months
Outsource Bookkeeping Services to India: A Smart Business Move
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In today’s competitive business environment, companies are constantly looking for ways to streamline operations and reduce costs. One effective strategy is to outsource bookkeeping services to India. This approach not only provides access to skilled professionals but also offers significant cost savings. Let's explore why outsourcing bookkeeping services to India can be a game-changer for your business.
Why Outsource Bookkeeping Services?
1. Cost-Effectiveness
Delegating your bookkeeping tasks to an external provider can result in significant financial savings. By choosing to outsource bookkeeping services to India, businesses can reduce overhead expenses associated with hiring in-house staff, such as salaries, benefits, and training costs. Indian firms offer competitive pricing due to lower labor costs, providing high-quality services at a fraction of the cost.
2. Access to Expertise
India is known for its vast pool of highly skilled and qualified professionals. When you outsource bookkeeping services, you gain access to experts who are proficient in international accounting standards and practices. These professionals are equipped with the latest tools and technologies to ensure accurate and efficient bookkeeping.
3. Focus on Core Business Activities
By outsourcing bookkeeping services, companies can focus more on their core business activities. This allows management and staff to dedicate their time and resources to areas that directly impact growth and profitability, such as sales, marketing, and product development.
Benefits of Outsourcing Bookkeeping Services in India
1. High-Quality Services
Indian bookkeeping firms are known for their commitment to quality. They employ stringent quality control measures and adhere to international accounting standards. This ensures that the financial records are accurate, reliable, and compliant with regulatory requirements.
2. Scalability
Outsourcing bookkeeping services in India offers flexibility and scalability. Whether you are a small business or a large corporation, Indian service providers can scale their services to meet your specific needs. This flexibility is particularly beneficial during periods of growth or seasonal fluctuations in business activity.
3. Time Zone Advantage
The time zone difference between India and Western countries can be leveraged to your advantage. By outsourcing bookkeeping services to India, you can benefit from round-the-clock operations. Work can be completed overnight, providing you with updated financial information by the start of your business day.
How to Choose the Right Bookkeeping Service Provider
1. Experience and Expertise
When outsourcing bookkeeping services, it’s crucial to choose a provider with extensive experience and expertise in the field. Seek out companies that have a history of success and favorable reviews from their clients. Ensure they have experience in your specific industry and are familiar with relevant regulations.
2. Technology and Security
Ensure the service provider uses the latest accounting software and technologies. Data security is paramount, so choose a provider that implements robust security measures to protect your financial information from unauthorized access and cyber threats.
3. Transparent Pricing
Opt for a service provider with a transparent pricing model. Avoid firms with hidden fees and unclear contracts. A clear understanding of the costs involved will help you make an informed decision and avoid any unexpected expenses.
4. Communication and Support
Effective communication is essential when outsourcing bookkeeping services. Choose a provider that offers reliable customer support and maintains clear and consistent communication channels. This guarantees that any problems or questions will be handled quickly and efficiently.
Outsourcing bookkeeping services to India is a strategic decision that can offer numerous benefits, including cost savings, access to expertise, and improved focus on core business activities. By carefully selecting the right service provider, businesses can enjoy high-quality, scalable, and secure bookkeeping services. Embrace this opportunity to enhance your business efficiency and drive growth.
In summary, outsourcing bookkeeping services to India is not just a cost-saving measure; it is a smart business strategy that can lead to improved operational efficiency and long-term success.
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tubetrading · 4 months
ERP Trends 2024:  What Engineering and Manufacturing Industries Need to Know
As we navigate through 2024, the landscape of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems continues to evolve, presenting both opportunities and challenges for engineering and manufacturing industries.  Companies in this sector, especially those in key industrial regions like Maharashtra, Mumbai, Pune, and Gujarat, must stay abreast of the latest ERP trends to maintain competitive advantage and operational efficiency.  In this blog, we’ll delve into the significant ERP trends of 2024 and their implications for the engineering and manufacturing sectors.
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1.    Increased Adoption of Cloud-Based ERP Solutions
One of the most significant trends in ERP software for engineering companies in Maharashtra and across India is the shift towards cloud-based solutions.  Cloud ERP offers several advantages over traditional on-premise systems, including lower upfront costs, greater scalability, and enhanced accessibility.
Benefits of Cloud-Based ERP:
Cost Efficiency:  Eliminates the need for expensive hardware and reduces IT maintenance costs.
Scalability:  Easily adjusts to the growing needs of a manufacturing company in Gujarat or an engineering firm in Mumbai.
Accessibility:  Provides access to real-time data from anywhere, facilitating better decision-making.
Leading ERP software companies in Pune are increasingly offering cloud-based solutions tailored to the needs of local engineering and manufacturing businesses.  These solutions support remote work and ensure business continuity in an increasingly digital world.
2.    Integration of AI and Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are revolutionizing ERP systems by providing intelligent insights and automating routine tasks.  For ERP software for engineering companies in Mumbai, integrating AI can enhance predictive maintenance, optimize supply chain management, and improve production planning.
AI and ML Applications in ERP:
Predictive Analytics:  Helps foresee equipment failures and reduce downtime.
Supply Chain Optimization:  Enhances demand forecasting and inventory management.
Process Automation:  Automates repetitive tasks, freeing up human resources for more strategic roles.
ERP solution providers in Pune are at the forefront of integrating AI and ML into their systems, enabling companies to leverage advanced analytics and improve overall operational efficiency.
3.    Emphasis on Cybersecurity
With the increasing digitization of manufacturing processes, cybersecurity has become a critical concern.  ERP systems, being the backbone of business operations, are prime targets for cyber-attacks.  Engineering and manufacturing companies in regions like Gujarat and Maharashtra need robust cybersecurity measures to protect their sensitive data.
Key Cybersecurity Features:
Data Encryption:  Protects data during transmission and storage.
Multi-Factor Authentication:  Enhances user authentication processes.
Regular Security Audits:  Ensures continuous monitoring and improvement of security protocols.
ERP software for engineering companies in Maharashtra must incorporate these advanced security features to safeguard against data breaches and cyber threats.
4.    Enhanced User Experience (UX)
User experience has become a critical factor in ERP adoption and utilization.  Modern ERP systems are focusing on intuitive interfaces and user-friendly designs to ensure that all employees, regardless of their technical expertise, can effectively use the system.
UX Improvements:
Intuitive Dashboards:  Provide real-time insights and easy navigation.
Mobile Accessibility:  Ensures that users can access ERP data on-the-go.
Customization Options:  Allow users to tailor the system to their specific needs.
ERP software companies in Pune are prioritizing user experience in their solutions, making it easier for engineering and manufacturing firms to train their staff and increase productivity.
5.    Internet of Things (IoT) Integration
The integration of IoT with ERP systems is another trend transforming the manufacturing industry.  IoT devices collect vast amounts of data from production lines, equipment, and other operational areas, which can be analyzed by the ERP system to optimize performance.
IoT Benefits in ERP:
Real-Time Monitoring:  Provides immediate insights into production processes.
Predictive Maintenance:  Schedules maintenance activities based on equipment condition rather than time intervals.
Enhanced Quality Control:  Monitors product quality throughout the manufacturing process.
For ERP for manufacturing companies in Gujarat, IoT integration offers a significant advantage by improving efficiency and reducing operational costs.
6.    Sustainability and Green Manufacturing
Sustainability is becoming a critical focus for manufacturing companies worldwide.  ERP systems are evolving to support green manufacturing practices by tracking and optimizing resource usage, reducing waste, and ensuring compliance with environmental regulations.
Sustainable ERP Features:
Resource Management:  Tracks energy and material usage to minimize waste.
Regulatory Compliance:  Ensures adherence to environmental laws and standards.
Sustainability Reporting:  Provides detailed reports on sustainability metrics.
Engineering and manufacturing companies in regions like Mumbai and Maharashtra can benefit from ERP solutions that incorporate sustainability features, helping them achieve their environmental goals and enhance their corporate reputation.
7.    Modular and Flexible ERP Solutions
In response to the diverse needs of engineering and manufacturing firms, ERP solution providers in Pune are developing more modular and flexible ERP systems.  These systems allow companies to select and implement only the modules they need, which can be easily scaled and customized as their business grows.
Advantages of Modular ERP:
Cost-Effective:  Pay only for the features you need.
Scalability:  Easily add new modules as your business requirements evolve.
Customization:  Tailor the system to fit specific operational needs.
This trend is particularly beneficial for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the engineering and manufacturing sectors, enabling them to adopt ERP systems without the burden of high costs or complexity.
8.    Focus on Customer-Centric Manufacturing
ERP systems are increasingly supporting customer-centric manufacturing practices, where production processes are aligned with customer needs and preferences.  This approach enhances customer satisfaction and drives business growth.
Customer-Centric ERP Features:
Custom Order Management:  Handles unique customer requirements and specifications.
Enhanced CRM Integration:  Integrates with customer relationship management (CRM) systems for a holistic view of customer interactions.
Real-Time Order Tracking:  Provides customers with real-time updates on their orders.
Manufacturing companies in Gujarat and engineering firms in Maharashtra are leveraging these customer-centric ERP features to improve their service levels and build stronger customer relationships.
9.    Advanced Analytics and Business Intelligence (BI)
Advanced analytics and BI are becoming integral components of modern ERP systems.  These tools provide deep insights into business operations, helping companies make data-driven decisions and improve performance.
Key BI Features:
Data Visualization:  Converts complex data into easy-to-understand charts and graphs.
Dashboards:  Offer a real-time overview of key performance indicators (KPIs).
Predictive Analytics:  Forecasts future trends based on historical data.
ERP software companies in Pune are incorporating advanced analytics and BI capabilities into their systems, empowering engineering and manufacturing firms to gain a competitive edge through better insights and informed decision-making.
10.  Globalization and Localization Support
As engineering and manufacturing companies expand their operations globally, ERP systems must support multiple languages, currencies, and regulatory requirements.  Globalization and localization features are essential for companies operating in diverse markets.
Globalization Features:
Multi-Language Support:  Accommodates users from different regions.
Multi-Currency Handling:  Manages transactions in various currencies.
Compliance with Local Regulations:  Ensures adherence to regional laws and standards.
ERP solution providers in Pune and other industrial hubs are enhancing their systems to support global operations, enabling companies to seamlessly manage their international business processes.
The ERP landscape for engineering and manufacturing industries is rapidly evolving, driven by advancements in technology and changing business needs.  Companies in Maharashtra, Mumbai, Pune, and Gujarat must stay informed about these trends to leverage the full potential of ERP systems.  By adopting cloud-based solutions, integrating AI and IoT, prioritizing cybersecurity, and focusing on sustainability, businesses can achieve greater efficiency, competitiveness, and growth in 2024 and beyond.
For engineering and manufacturing firms looking for the best ERP software for engineering companies in Maharashtra or ERP for manufacturing companies in Gujarat, it is crucial to partner with leading ERP solution providers in Pune who understand the unique challenges and opportunities in this sector.  Embracing these trends will not only enhance operational efficiency but also drive innovation and sustainability in the engineering and manufacturing industries.
By staying ahead of these ERP trends, companies can position themselves for success in an increasingly digital and interconnected world.  Whether you are an engineering firm in Mumbai or a manufacturing company in Gujarat, the right ERP system can transform your operations and pave the way for a prosperous future.
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mariacallous · 8 months
An indictment from the US Department of Justice may have solved the mystery of how disgraced cryptocurrency exchange FTX lost over $400 million in crypto. The indictment, filed last week, alleges that three individuals used a SIM-swapping attack to steal hundreds of millions in virtual currency from an unnamed company. The timing and the amount stolen coincides with FTX's theft. Meanwhile, in a letter obtained by WIRED this week, seven lawmakers have demanded the DOJ stop funding biased and inaccurate predictive policing tools until the agency has a way to ensure law enforcement won’t use them in a way that has a “discriminatory impact.”
In Florida, prosecutors say a 17-year-old named Alan Winston Filion is responsible for hundreds of swatting attacks around the United States. The news of his arrest was first reported by WIRED days before law enforcement made it public. It was the culmination of a multi-agency manhunt to piece together a trail of digital breadcrumbs left by the teenager. In Ukraine, unmanned aerial vehicles have been powerful tools since the Russian invasion began in February 2022. But as the war rages on, another kind of unmanned robot has increasingly appeared on the front-lines: the unmanned ground vehicle, or UGV.
For months lawyers affiliated with an India based hacker-for-hire firm called Appin Technology have used legal threats to censor reporting about the company’s alleged cyber mercenary past. The EFF, Techdirt, MuckRock, and DDoSecrets are now pushing back, publicly sharing details for the first time about the firm's efforts to remove content from the web. It’s a dangerous world out there, so we’ve also got a list of some major patches issued in January that you can use to update your devices to keep them secure.
And there’s more. Each week, we highlight the news we didn’t cover in-depth ourselves. Click on the headlines below to read the full stories. And stay safe out there.
China’s Hackers Keep Targeting US Water and Electricity Supplies
For years Western security officials have warned about the threat of China collecting data about millions of people and the country’s hackers infiltrating sensitive systems. This week, Federal Bureau of Investigation director Christopher Wray said hackers affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party are constantly targeting US critical infrastructure, such as water treatment plants, the electrical grid, and oil and gas pipelines. Wray’s testimony, at a House subcommittee on China, came as the FBI also revealed it removed malware from hundreds of routers in people’s homes and offices that had been planted by the Chinese hacking group Volt Typhoon.
“China’s hackers are positioning on American infrastructure in preparation to wreak havoc and cause real-world harm to American citizens and communities,” Wray said in the public appearance. “Low blows against civilians are part of China’s plan.” The FBI director added that China has a bigger hacking operation than “every other major nation combined,” and claimed that if all of the FBI’s cyber-focused agents were assigned to work on issues related to China, they would still be outnumbered “by at least 50 to 1.”
While concerns about the scale of China’s espionage and cyber operations aren’t new, the US intelligence community has been increasingly vocal and worried about critical infrastructure being targeted by Volt Typhoon and other groups. “The threat is extremely sophisticated and pervasive,” NSA officials warned in November. In May 2023, Microsoft revealed it had been tracking Volt Typhoon intrusions at communications and transportation infrastructure, among other critical infrastructure, in US states and Guam.
The FBI and DOJ, also revealed this week that they remotely removed the KV Botnet malware from hundreds of routers infected by Volt Typhoon. The impacted routers, from Cisco and Netgear, were mostly at the end of their life, but were being used as part of wider operations. “​​The Volt Typhoon malware enabled China to hide, among other things, pre-operational reconnaissance and network exploitation against critical infrastructure like our communications, energy, transportation, and water sectors,” Wray said. It isn’t the first time US officials have obtained a court order to remotely wipe devices infected by hackers, but the move is still rare.
‘Untraceable’ Monero Transactions Have Been Traced, Police Claim
Since the first cryptocurrencies emerged more than a decade ago, there has been the assumption that the blockchain-based digital currencies are anonymous and untraceable. They are, in fact, very traceable. Researchers have shown how people can be linked to the transactions they make and law enforcement have used the techniques to help bust illicit dark web markets and catch pedophiles. There are, however, still some privacy-focused cryptocurrencies that appear to be less traceable than Bitcoin. This includes Monero, which is increasingly being adopted by sellers of child sexual abuse materials.
This week investigators in Finland said Moreno-tracing helped reveal the identity of a hacker who allegedly attacked psychotherapy company Vastaamo in 2020, stealing thousands of patient records and threatening to leak them unless people paid a ransom. Investigators from the Finnish National Bureau of Investigation claim they used heuristic analysis to infer where funds were moved to. The investigators did not reveal the full methods of how they allegedly traced the Monero payments, however, they add to the growing body of evidence that cryptocurrency tracing firms and investigators may be able to track the currency.
Russia Likely Behind a Spike in GPS Interference, Officials Say
Planes flying over Europe have faced a spike in accuracy issues with GPS systems used for navigation in recent months. The head of Estonia’s Defense Forces has claimed that Russia is likely the source of this interference, according to an interview with Bloomberg. “Someone is causing it, and we think it’s Russia,” Martin Herem told the publication, adding that Russia may be testing its electronic warfare capabilities and “learning” the most effective tactics. Across Europe, and particularly the Baltics region, there has been a reported increase in GPS jamming, with Finland reporting large interferences in December and pilots repeatedly reporting issues with their navigation systems.
Vault 7 Hacking Tools Leaker Joshua Schulte Sentenced to 40 Years
In 2017, the Vault 7 leaks exposed some of the CIA’s most sophisticated hacking tools, including how the agency could compromise routers, phones, PC, and TVs. Joshua Schulte, a former CIA engineer in the agency’s Operations Support Branch who prosecutors identified as being behind the data breach and responsible for leaking the materials to Wikileaks, was convicted in numerous trials in recent years. Schulte, who denied the allegations, has been sentenced to 40 years in prison for the espionage and also for possessing thousands of child abuse images. Judge Jesse Furman, sentencing Schulte, said he had caused “untold damage to national security.” In June 2022, The New Yorker published this comprehensive investigation into the data breach and Schulte’s troubled history working at the agency.
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ASATA Statement on Palestine | October 2023
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ASATA members joined hundreds of protesters in front of the Israeli consulate in San Francisco on October 8, 2023.
The Alliance of South Asians Taking Action stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine in the face of the current escalation of violence unfolding in Gaza and the West Bank. Over the last two weeks, ASATA members looked to the leadership of Palestinian activists in the San Francisco Bay Area who continue to lead protests that lift up the unrelenting resistance of those living under violent occupation. 
As we mobilized for direct actions and joined the call for Palestinian liberation, we also deepened our understanding of how the state of Israel’s settler colonial tactics are proliferated and being replicated in the Indian government’s violent occupation of Kashmir. As part of a diverse South Asian Diaspora, ASATA members clearly see the close relationship between Hindutva (Hindu Nationalism) and Zionist ideologies. As South Asians, we challenge all forms of imperialism. Thus, we oppose Zionism, a settler colonial project displacing indigenous Palestinians, resulting in the world’s largest diasporic refugee population. 
The current close relationship between India and Israel has enabled a security regime where India has adopted Israeli tactics of collective punishment (such as the arbitrary revocation of residency and citizenship rights, arbitrary detention, statewide suspension of internet, etc.) in its occupation of Kashmir.  The deployment of the Israeli hacking software Pegasus to spy on Indian journalists, lawyers, activists, academics, supreme court judges, opposition politicians, and many others must be seen in the context of the announcement by India and Israel that cyber security is a key area of cooperation between them. The NSO group, an Israeli firm that’s an expert in cyber surveillance, has in effect abetted the Indian government’s surveillance of its own citizens as it has done in a dozen other countries.  
The Israeli government’s alliance with and support of the BJP’s Hindutva agenda is part of a longer history where it has exported its violent policies and military tactics to South Asia in order to suppress resistance movements there. For example, The New York Times has reported that as early as the 1980s, Israeli intelligence agents trained their Sri Lankan counterparts in their fight against Tamil groups. Israeli human rights lawyer Eitay Mack has raised questions about Israel’s more recent role in war crimes committed during the Sri Lankan civil war, and has called for criminal investigations into the involvement of Israeli companies, officials, and individuals. 
India’s embrace of Israel is polarizing the Indian-American diaspora, and has exacerbated the islamophobia of those who subscribe to the toxic ideology of Hindutva. The US-India Political Action Committee (USINPAC) is modeled after AIPAC and the AJC, and the Hindutva lobby’s use of the accusation of “Hinduphobia” to shut down critical discourse is inspired by the Zionist lobby’s success in silencing critics of Israel’s policies by weaponizing charges of anti-semitism.  
The BJP’s fearsome “IT Cell” is a massive disinformation machine that amplifies Hindutva propaganda through an army of paid employees and volunteers that flood social media with fake news, and through a large-scale use of bots that power harassment and trolling campaigns. Many accounts known to push Hindutva content are now being used to spread disinformation about Hamas while continuing their systematic spreading of islamophobic content. 
Indeed, as documented by BOOM, one of India's most reputable fact-checking websites, India is now one of the largest sources for disinformation targeting Palestinians negatively. We call on fellow South Asians in the diaspora to condemn the demonization of Palestinians, and ensure we do not contribute to the spread of disinformation and anti-Muslim hate. 
We take inspiration from the women of India’s National Federation of Dalit Women (NFDW) who have declared their solidarity with Palestinians —  invoking the “historic oppression” and “systematic dehumanization” that both communities have faced. 
We are also in solidarity with the many anti-Zionist Jewish groups and individuals both within Israel and world-wide that are opposing the Israeli state’s attacks on Palestine, and its long standing policy of apartheid against the Palestinian people.  
We call on our fellow South Asians and South Asia- led organizations in the United States to reject the “both sides” argument that invisiblizes the experiences and dignity of the Palestinian people. We call for an immediate ceasefire and end to the ongoing siege and genocide in Gaza. We call on the US to stop arming the Israeli apartheid regime with billions’ of dollars worth of weaponry. And finally, We invite our communities to embrace the ways our histories of anti-imperialist struggles are connected so that we may build power and protect our communities against anti-Musilm hate violence and state-sponsored terrorism. Free Palestine.  
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beststocksbroker · 1 year
Trading is related to buying and dealing with securities to make silk stockings based on daily price changes. However, if you want to trade in the share request, you should have a good grasp of the fundamentals of share trading. Investing is essential these days, as more than savings is required to beat the odds and fulfill all our financial goals. Trade is a primary profitable concept involving the buying and selling supplies good and services and the compensation a buyer pays a dealer. In another case, trading can exchange goods and services between parties. For example, trade can be made between directors and consumers within a company.
Trading is related to buying and dealing with securities to make silk stockings based on daily price changes. However, if you want to trade in the share request, you should have a good grasp of the fundamentals of share trading. Investing is essential these days, as more than savings is required to beat the odds and fulfill all our financial goals. Trade is a primary profitable concept involving the buying and selling goods, supplies, and services and the compensation a buyer pays a dealer. In another case, trading can exchange goods and services between parties. For example, trade can be made between directors and consumers within a company.
Highlights of trading
 1. Trade involves the exchange of goods and services substantially in return for money.
 2. Trade can happen within a country or amongst trading nations. In the case of transnational trade, the proposition concerning relative advantage speculates that trade benefits all parties; however, critics contend that it leads to a position within countries in reality.
 3. Economists recommend free trade among nations, but protectionism like tariffs might present itself because of political motives.
Types of Trading Platforms in India
 When performing seamless stock trading without encountering the fences of time and distance, using the best trading platforms for stock trading is relatively apparent. One can do online trading through 3 virtual interfaces that are given below.
 There are mainly three types of online trading platforms in India that top dealers and investors exploit.
 Mobile- Based
 Browser- based
 Desktop- based
 1. Mobile- based Mobile App
 As its name represents, this type of trading platform can be suitable to use through smart phones. Over time, the rapid penetration of mobile devices in India has made this trading platform the best online platform in India 2023. The significant reasons are ease of usage, portability, and no physical barriers.
 2. Browser-based/ Web
 A browser-based trading platform can be on a web browser like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. This platform is suitable when smart phones and desktops aren't accessible.
 For example, if you're from home without a laptop, your trading account can be entered through a web cyber surfer. However, it is usually believed that this type of trading platform is slower than a desktop-based trading platform.
 3. Desktop-based
This platform can be downloaded and installed on a desktop or laptop. Though this is undoubtedly the best trading platform in India, you can use if you're between those traders and investors who desire to place quick buy/ sell orders.
The known thing about this trading platform is that consumers can use shortcut keys to carry out different activities like F1 to buy and F2 to sell etc.
Goods Fundamental characteristics of a best trading platform In India
·         Quick continuous execution
·         Front line and sharp innovative highlights
·         Top-level security
·         Simple to-utilize interface
·         Simple arrangement of exchanges.
List of Best Trading Platforms in India:-
Zerodha Kite  Trading Platform
ICICI Direct All-in-1 App
FYERS ONE Trading Platform
Sharekhan Trade Tiger
Angel Broking Speed Pro
Trade Station Trading Platform
Trade Eye Trading Platform
Upstox Pro Trading Platform
Trader Terminal (TT)
10.   NSE Now Trading Platform
1. Zerodha Kite
Zerodha Kite is the flagship trading platform of Zerodha, a leading reduction broker in India. Known as one of the best trading platforms in India, it is connected using next-gen technology to match the different requirements of all types of investors. In addition, the platforms offer a wide assortment of features like charting tools, data widgets, integration with third-party apps, etc., to make trading simple and quick.
1.    Multiple Market Watch
2.    Comprehensive charting with further than 100 pointers and six map orders
3.    Floating Order window
4.    Progressive order types are similar as classes with detector entry and cover with limit entry
5.    Unified instrument search for quick search over 90,000 stocks and F&O contracts
6.    Live ticks, quotes, and order admonitions
7.    Ideal integration with Quant tool for carrying out fundamental analysis using geste
8.    Analytics
9.    Mixing with other investment apps erected by Zerodha consorts
1.    No extent for strategy backtesting
2.    Separate after office with the name Zerodha Q
3.    Brokerage Charges – Zero brokerage charges, RS 20 per order for intraday
4.    Website – Zerodha Kite
2. ICICI Direct All-in-1 App
 The ICICIDirect App is an advanced trading and investing platform designed to simplify investment and trading. The simplified UI and UX make the investment process a breeze. Get access to over 50 products and services across all product categories.
 Taken as one of the best trading platforms in India among traders and investors, the operation strives to do online trading a lot easier and quicker for users.
1.       Analyze your app's live data and F&O, NSE Nifty 50, & BSE Sensex charts to know your investment status.
2.       Please get the latest news, movements, and trends to assess how they affect your investments.
3.       Offers multiple watchlists of various investment products like shares, stocks, mutual funds & IPO to track your being and future investments.
4.       Use your curated watch list to place your buy and sell orders in your chosen share request securities in seconds.
5.       On the exclusive charting tool, compare various scrips, track ongoing and upcoming events, corporate actions, etc...
6.       Make guided investing decisions after assessing trending, expertly curated investment ideas.
7.       Generate instant limits with the shares in your DEMAT account.
8.       Get instant money in your account within 5 minutes of dealing shares withe-ATM
9.       Use MTF( Margin Trading Funding) to buy stocks now and pay latterly anytime within 365 days at seductive interest rates.
10.   Apply to the rearmost IPO in a few simple ways with the enhanced user experience and interface.
11.   Build low-cost, long- term and diversified portfolios with the One Click Equity.
·         Many features similar to Flash Trade and Easy options have yet to be available (Available on ICICI Direct Markets App). However, it'll be available shortly.
 Brokerage Charges –0.1 for equity delivery
 Website – ICICI Direct
3. FYERS One
 It's the best trading platform in India for desktops and allows users to invest in stock from the comfort of their homes. It's declared Fyers the best trading software in India, with striking features that professionals and beginners can use for stock trading.
 The trading software is also known for its speed and superb performance that fluently aligns with its easy and precious features.
1.       Advanced charting point
2.       Stock screeners
3.       Offers free equity delivery trading.
4.       Advanced charting with further than 65 specialized pointers
5.       In- erected Live Scanner & Trend Scanner
6.       Accepts UPI payments
7.       Workshop on low bandwidth
1.       No access to exploration reports and trading tips
2.       Reliance on 3rd party merchandisers like Omnesys API and Trading View for charting
3.       Brokerage Charges – Flat Rs 20 or0.03 per order
4.       Website – FYERS One
4. Sharekhan Trade Tiger
 Sharekhan Trade Tiger is foremost considered the best online trading platform in India. It's a terminal-based trading software that needs to be downloaded and installed on a desktop or laptop. The application allows dealers and investors to invest across various portions – Equity, Commodity, Currency, and derivations.
1.       Easy access to reports, tips, and signatures by Sharekhan Research.
2.       Association with 14 banks for easy online finance transfer to the trading account.
3.       Admit direct share request feeds on a real-time basis across NSE, BSE, MCX, etc.
4.       Various helpful calculators include Brokerage Calculator, Span Calculator, and Premium Calculator.
5.       One-click order placement option.
6.       Pre-loaded with over 30 trading approaches
1.       No availability of 3- in- one account
2.       No version for Mac notebooks
3.       Collective funds aren't available
4.       Brokerage Charges –0.50 or 10 paise per share for equity delivery
5.       Website – Sharekhan Trade Tiger
5. Angel Broking Speed Pro
 Regarding finding the best online trading platform in India, the available options will only be sufficient with the addition of Speed Pro by Angel Broking. The trading platform is known for offering its users a single-window trading experience along with perceptive trade evaluation features.
 Another plus point with Speed Pro is the double-quick prosecution of orders and real-time monitoring.
1.       Scrip addition points for various parts, including F&O, Commodity, and Currency
2.       The combined best five – get a quick look at the top five bids for buying and selling across BSE and NSE
3.       Open Live Market in Excel with an incredible refresh rate
4.       Seamless access to insightful summaries and reports
5.       Enables customization of the interface to a specific level
1.       Not available for Mac
2.       Little scope for improvement in terms of the software user interface
3.       One needs a PC with an excellent configuration for the software to perform better
 Brokerage Charges – Zero brokerage on delivery trading
 Website – Angel One Trade
6. Trade Station
 5Paisa Trade Station App is one of the most feature-loaded and high-tech trading software top dealers in India use. This one of the best trading platforms in India is designed for predominantly active dealers. Still, it isn't like that, as this software is inversely salutary for punk dealers and investors.
1.       Despite being a reduction broker, Trade Station provides easy access to trading calls and recommendations to its guests.
2.       This trading platform from 5Paisa updates itself generally, bringing new features every time and dealing with the bugs or problems from the former performances.
3.       The trading app is set up to work indeed an introductory internet connection, which is a big plus.
4.       Option to register for the rally session
5.       Allows investors to trade in the equity member or stock request and joint finances and insurance orders.
1.       Low internet bandwidth may delay the lading of maps
2.        Only the Windows interpretation is available
3.       The app isn't responsive and can be viewed best on a desktop or laptop. However, the view may need improvement on a mobile or laptop.
 Brokerage Charges – Variable brokerage charges
 Website – Trade Station
 7. Trade Eye
 Trade Eye by Wisdom Capital is an Android-grounded trading app that allows investors to trade between several segments through one app. The app is registered with BSE, NSE, MCX, MCX- SX, and NCDEX exchange. It's considered one of the best trading software in India.
1.       A simple trading application that runs fluently using mobile internet
2.       Erected for Android druggies along with touch features
3.       Option to add multiple request watches
4.       Examiner positions in the trade book and order book
5.       Get access to various maps and specialized index tools
6.       Installation to place aftermarket order
7.       Instructional charting functionality for insightful technical stock analysis
8.       Fast, secure, and flawless fund transfer
1.       No support for iOS users
2.       Introductory interface
 Brokerage Charges – Zero brokerage charges, Trade for free
 Website – Trade Eye
8. Upstox Pro 
 This is one of the best trading software in India by Upstox, known as RKSV. Being a responsive trading operation, there's no need to download or install the app. Also, it allows a user to directly access the trading tools through a laptop, desktop, mobile, or tablet. 
 Considered one of the best trading platforms in India among traders and investors, the application strives to do online trading a lot easier and quicker for users. 
1.       Unified search tool to discover easy and complex stocks 
2.       Contact predefined watch- list of Nifty 50 and other indices 
3.       Reach NSE cash, Futures and Options, and Currencies scrips 
4.       Apply 100 specialized pointers on real-time maps 
5.       Define unlimited price cautions for quick updates 
6.       Figure a total number of customized watchlists 
7.       Advanced charting tools that standard assiduity norms 
8.       Get real-time request word to stay ahead 
1.       The specialized support isn't over to the mark 
2.        Limited features in comparison to its counterparts. 
3.       The desktop outstation of Upstox needs high speed and stable internet connectivity. 
4.       Call and Trade installations are chargeable; Upstox charges Rs 20 when placing an order through the phone. 
Brokerage Charges – Rs 20 or2.5 whichever is smallest for equity delivery 
 Website – Upstox Pro Web 
9. Trader Terminal (TT) 
 IIFL Trader Outstations is among the best trading software in India and is also known for its intuitive interface and many features. The trading platform has many shortcut keys that let dealers and investors perform various functions quickly and smartly. 
1.       IIFL Call feature – that provides intraday tips to place intraday orders 
2.       Allows the placement of AMOs (After request orders), which can get reused the coming business day 
3.       Access LIVE television which includes ET Now 
4.       Access to a daily report by the name "Weekly Wrap." 
5.       Easy fund transfer with top banks like ICICI, HDFC, Axis Bank, Citi Bank, UTI, etc. 
1.       Not available for iOS users 
2.       For those who are in need to trade in the F&O member, a written application needs to be submitted along with income proofs. 
 Brokerage Charges – Rs 20 per trade for delivery 
 Website – Trade Terminal 
10. NSE Now 
Contrary to other trading platforms developed by corresponding stockbrokers, this trading platform – Here and Now (Neat on Web), has been considered by the National Stock Exchange of India( NSE). It's one of the most stylish trading platforms in India. 
 This trading app allows investors to trade across various parts, including Equity, derivations, and currency. 
1.       Customized alerts and notifications as defined by the users 
2.       Request watch to chase stocks, cover trends, sectors, and indicators 
3.       15 maps with over 80 specialized pointers 
4.       Easy fund transfer to several leading banks 
5.       Diurnal stock tips 
1.       Comparatively tough to understand 
2.       Many stockbrokers levy operation charges for NSE NOW 
3.       A PC needs to have an excellent configuration for the operation to perform well 
 Brokerage Charges – Flat Rs 20 for intraday and F&O 
 Website – NSE Now 
FAQs about Best Trading Platform in India 
Ques- Which trading platform is best for India? 
 Answer- Zerodha Vampire is India's best online trading platform, presently operating in the stock broking script. Zerodha continuously pushes invention in its products and provides dealers with the needed products and services. Zerodha's, besides the lowest brokerage rates, boasts of a full-fledged magazine of trade products and confederated services. 
 Ques: Which trading platform offers the best advisory and stock tips installation? 
 Answer: IIFL, an acronym for India Infoline, is accepted by traders as the best trading platform that offers the best advisory and free tips facility. This fact is strengthened by the company's accurate stock predictions in the past. 
Ques: Which trading is most profitable? 
 Answer: According to trade experts, Intraday trading is the most profitable because you can buy and vend stocks on the same day. It reduces threat as stocks price don't go up or down so far in a single day, and you should always use the safest and best online trading platform for intraday trading. 
Ques: Which factors make a stock broking establishment the best in India? 
 Answer-numerous stock broking companies try to deliver top-notch trading and stock advisory services to the guests, but only a many of them are suitable to stand- out impeccably. We see low brokerages, an easy-to-use interface, and varied platform presence as essential features of an excellent stock broking establishment.
Source - Choose the best Trading Platform in India 2023
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nividawebsolutions · 1 year
Top 7 Challenges Faced By IT Industry In 2023
Within the rapidly growing universe of technology, the IT companies in India assume a crucial role, persistently adjusting themselves to cater to the needs of a perpetually shifting environment. Nevertheless, the advancement of society brings forth a set of obstacles that necessitate a deliberate approach to resolution. As the year 2023 commences, the IT industry faces a multitude of challenges that necessitate careful consideration and effective measures. This blog aims to explore the primary issues encountered by the IT industry in the current year, providing insights into their consequences and possible remedies.
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1.  Cybersecurity Threats:
The escalation of cyber risks has been observed as a consequence of the widespread adoption of digital technology and interconnected systems. The level of sophistication exhibited by cybercriminals is on the rise, as they deploy advanced strategies to bypass security systems. All the IT companies in Gujarat, India, in the year 2023 are confronted with the formidable challenge of maintaining a competitive edge in the face of cyber attacks, while simultaneously prioritising data protection and securing essential infrastructure. The implementation of effective cybersecurity safeguards, regular conduct of security audits, and provision of cybersecurity education to staff are essential elements in addressing and minimising this risk.
2.  Data Privacy and Compliance:
The increasingly stringent legislative framework surrounding data privacy poses a substantial obstacle for the information technology sector. Stringent regulations pertaining to data privacy, such as the General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR), necessitate rigorous adherence. In the year 2023, the IT companies in Vadodara, Gujarat have the challenge of striking a delicate equilibrium between adhering to regulatory requirements and efficiently using data for commercial objectives. IT organisations are required to allocate resources towards the implementation of compliance frameworks, provide training to their employees, and guarantee that data-handling procedures are in accordance with the prescribed norms.
3.  Talent Acquisition and Retention:
The acquisition and retention of talent pose an ongoing problem for the IT industry, as it continues to seek and keep qualified workers. The scarcity of highly specialised skills frequently results in a disparity between demand and supply, hence engendering intense rivalry for those with such talents. Moreover, the current trends in remote work and the increasing globalisation of the talent market serve to exacerbate this challenge. In order to tackle this issue, a reliable IT company in India like Nivida Web Solutions prioritises the enhancement of the skills of their current workforce, provides enticing remuneration packages, cultivates a favourable work environment, and creates avenues for professional advancement and personal improvement.
4.  Technological Advancements and Adaptability:
The expeditious rate at which technological developments are occurring has both advantages and disadvantages for the IT business. Although these developments present promising prospects, they also present a difficulty in terms of adaptation. Keeping abreast of developing technology and enabling a smooth transition to new platforms and tools may be a demanding task. In order to effectively adapt to emerging technology, IT organisations must allocate resources towards the implementation of continual training and development programmes, which aim to equip their personnel with the requisite skills.
5.  Resource Optimization and Scalability:
The optimisation of resources and the effective scalability of operations have emerged as significant challenges in recent times. The management of resources and the scaling of operations in response to varying market needs and the imperative of cost-effectiveness can provide intricate challenges. Cloud computing and intelligent resource allocation are essential solutions that can be employed to effectively address this dilemma. The utilisation of cloud solutions by Nivida Web Solutions - a recognised IT company in Gujarat, India, allows for enhanced flexibility and cost-efficiency, hence assuring the appropriate allocation of resources.
6.  Integration and Interoperability:
The IT environment is distinguished by a diverse array of systems and applications that necessitate harmonious integration. The task of achieving integration and interoperability across diverse platforms, legacy systems, and emerging technologies poses a significant challenge. The establishment of interconnectedness is crucial in facilitating an effective and productive IT ecosystem. It is imperative for the industry to prioritise the development of standardised interfaces, utilise APIs effectively, and implement integration platforms in order to improve interoperability.
7.  Environmental Sustainability:
Environmental sustainability has emerged as a pressing issue in various sectors, encompassing the field of IT. The IT industry possesses a substantial carbon footprint as a result of its energy consumption, generation of electronic waste, and operations of data centres. In the year 2023, the sector is faced with the task of identifying environmentally sustainable solutions and adopting practices that effectively mitigate their ecological footprint. The use of green technology, the optimisation of data centre efficiency, and the incorporation of circular economy concepts are positive measures in the pursuit of sustainability objectives.
Final Thoughts:
The IT sector encounters a diverse range of issues in the year 2023, necessitating the implementation of proactive and strategic methodologies. Addressing a range of difficulties, including cybersecurity risks, talent acquisition, technological adaptation, and sustainability, is necessary in order to establish and maintain a flourishing and sustainable information technology ecosystem. By adopting a proactive approach towards innovation, allocating resources towards skill enhancement, and placing emphasis on adherence to regulations and sustainability, Nivida Web Solutions - the most distinguished IT company in Vadodara, may effectively navigate the obstacles it faces and emerge with increased resilience. This will facilitate the ongoing growth and progression of the industry in the era of digitalization.
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createbacklink · 2 years
Cyber Threat Intelligence: A Vital Tool for Protecting Your Business
In today's digital age, organizations of all sizes are vulnerable to cyber attacks that can compromise sensitive information, damage reputations, and incur significant financial losses. With the rise of technology and increased reliance on the internet, it has become increasingly important to adopt a proactive approach to cyber security. One critical aspect of this approach is cyber threat intelligence.
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How cyber threat intelligence implemented
Cyber threat intelligence is the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information about potential and current cyber threats. This information is used to understand the motives, tactics, and goals of cyber attackers, allowing organizations to make informed decisions about how to protect themselves. By staying ahead of the curve, businesses can take the necessary steps to mitigate potential risks and reduce the impact of cyber attacks.
Cyber threat intelligence is a multi-disciplinary field that involves a combination of technical, strategic, and tactical analysis. It requires collaboration between security experts, threat researchers, and data scientists to gather and analyze information from various sources, including dark web forums, social media, and other online sources. This information is then used to develop a comprehensive understanding of the threat landscape, enabling organizations to anticipate and respond to new threats as they emerge.
One of the key benefits of cyber threat intelligence is that it provides organizations with early warning of potential threats. This allows them to take proactive measures to defend against attacks, such as implementing stronger security controls, enhancing their incident response plans, and increasing employee awareness and training. Cyber threat intelligence also enables organizations to prioritize their cyber security efforts based on the most pressing threats, allowing them to focus their resources where they are needed most.
In conclusion, cyber threat intelligence is a vital tool for organizations looking to protect themselves from the ever-evolving threat of cyber attacks. By staying ahead of the curve, organizations can proactively address potential threats and reduce the impact of cyber attacks on their business. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, cyber threat intelligence should be a critical component of your overall cyber security strategy.
About DriveIt
DriveIT Technologies is a group of cyber security enablers based in India that offers cyber security services. We transform cybersecurity issues into innovative solutions that meet the needs of our clients. One of our primary strategies is to work closely with our clients to secure and optimise their critical IT infrastructure. With our assistance, the client’s IT infrastructure will be secure, redundant, stable, and recoverable, providing them with a flexible strategy to operate their core businesses effectively and affordably with the help of our cyber threat intelligence.
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