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m4g0rtz · 2 months ago
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Today's polish makes me feel like I have Elsa fingernails. ❄️☃️ It has a blue jelly base but you can barely see it because it is packed with a fuscha to gold to green shifting shimmer. That bright green shift, which you can see best in the video, was probably my favorite part of this polish. I even like how much visible nail line it shows. It's definitely there, but the shimmer is so strong you barely notice it. This is Glass Slipper from Cuticula.
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bodyboxspain · 2 years ago
Es el bestseller de Mia Cosmetics, el SOS Magic Nails 💅 ¡El endurecedor de uñas más fácil y cómodo de aplicar!
Su fórmula es incolora, transparente y vegana en base agua. Se trata de una formulación que ayuda a endurecer, restaurar, y promover el crecimiento de la uña a través de los siguientes activos:
✅ Neonyca: ayuda a restaurar la condición general de la uña.
✅ Vitaminas F y E: ayudan a mantener la hidratación y a proteger la placa ungueal y las cutículas de las agresiones externas.
✅ Silanediol salicylate: emoliente, ayuda a promover un crecimiento saludable.
✅ Pistacia oil: ayuda a nutrir y fortalecer la placa ungueal.
✅ Sodium hyaluronate: ayuda a conservar el contenido de agua en las uñas.
Modo de uso:
Aplicar todos los días sobre las uñas limpias y desnudas (sin esmalte)
Cubrir toda la superficie con el pincel
Se puede aplicar sobre las uñas y las cutículas.
🎁 Incluído en formato venta en la Bodybox Marzo y disponible en la Tienda Bodybox.
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despiertabelleza · 3 months ago
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blogmmmonteiros · 10 months ago
New hair SOS Reparação Home care- Resenha
Segundo a marca: O shampoo sos reparação foi elaborado para purificar e limpar os fios que sofrem diariamente agressões diárias como poluição, ar condicionado, químicas e fontes de calor, que deixam os cabelos opacos, fracos e sem vida. A queratina, arginina e o blend de ativos hidratantes atuam profundamente no córtex e nas cutículas capilares, promovendo refrescância e regeneração. A máscara…
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lesmotsdemoi · 6 months ago
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Christine’s Nail Art Therapy 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻
My A2Z Untried Challenge in the Wild!
Mani # 47 Last of the C Brands
Cuticula Link in the Park
Kingdom of Legend, 2021
Perfect backdrop for monstera leaves
🪴 Stamping Plate
Hit the Bottle Match It Up
Clear Jelly Stamper 129
🪴Stamping Polish
Maniology Lilypad
Painted Polish Midnight Mischief
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chroniclingworlds · 10 months ago
United by a waxy cuticle covering their bodies, these Plantimals are larger and roam further than their relatives the Radiglossa. This diverse group encompasses varieties that are quite animal-like, with fairly advanced sensory systems, as well as others that have secondarily evolved to be entirely stationary in their adult form. These Plantimals expel their gametes into the air and rely on wind to spread them.
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Pictured: the bullseye Plant-snail, one of the few species of Plantimals found in the southern hemisphere.
The Plant-snails are abundant and diverse, living all across the northern hemisphere and even in the south. They may also be the most intelligent of the Plantimals, displaying curiosity towards other creatures. They are commonly found around drinking wells and seem to have little fear of the Xaraka. Some Xaraka even consider them somewhat akin to pets and often have an affectionate relationship with them. Despite their name, the plant-snails are some of the fastest moving of the Plantimals (excluding the Serrata) and can cruise along at a speed of 6 feet per hour.
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Pictured: the emerald Fanback, native to the plains around the Moonland Peaks.
Larger and less widespread than their close cousins the plant-snails, Fanbacks inhabit the plains of the north. Instead of a flat carapace, they have long, rigid projections that increase the photosynthetic surface. They also have the longest proboscis of any Plantimal, proportionally speaking. Able to extend up to five times their body length, this proboscis can reach much deeper subsurface water than the plant-snails, allowing the Fanbacks to stay in one place while their smaller relatives have to seek water elsewhere.
Pinnacle Beasts
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Pictured: the gold-leaf pinnacle beast, which roams the semi-arid plains along the fringes of the Canyon Fields.
These huge creatures have forgone the traditional carapace in favor of fleshy, waxy leaf-like appendages. Looking like a shambling mass of plant with a large foot underneath, these Plantimals have long inspired legends and lore. Although they may not move for months at a time, whenever their aquifer runs dry they will begin to slowly migrate under the cover of darkness until they find a new water source. Living on the plains, they often roam between seasonal watering holes and large groups of them will seemingly appear overnight around pools.
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Pictured: the northern Shingleback, native to the oases north of the Western Rise.
Like the Pinnacle Beasts, these Plantimals are large and lack a true carapace. Instead, they have overlapping waxy scutes that cover their body. Living in the more consistent interior plains and forests, they do not need to travel as often as their relatives and instead only move if they sense a major disturbance in the environment (such as flooding or fires). They have a thick, fleshy proboscis to keep themselves anchored in the ground, and frequently burrow their foot partly into the soil as well to reduce the amount of soft tissue exposed to potential predators.
Moon Trees
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Pictured: the black-trunk Moon Tree, found in the subtropical jungles of the southern Moon Sea.
At first glance, these could easily be mistaken for ordinary trees. But with their blue-green color and rigid leaves, they stand out from the red plants around them. These are fully stationary Plantimals, having evolved to be far more plant-like than their relatives. Living around the Moon Sea and permanent pools, they have no need to move as they have constant access to water. With a long, large root to drink and anchor them into the ground, their foot has shrunk to almost nothing and the elongated carapace makes up most of the body. They also lack most of the sensory organs of their more mobile counterparts, aside from the light-sensing organs on their leaves. Due to their lack of mobility, they are more susceptible to attacks from the Serrata and other animals.
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x-jupiter-xo · 8 days ago
Necesitoooo hacerme una manicure mis cuticulas se ven horribles
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kdicas · 3 months ago
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Alicate de Cutícula Profissional: Segredo para Unhas Impecáveis https://simplesmentebeleza.com/alicate-de-cuticula/
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lxwqyws · 5 months ago
i love unhas curtinhas com a cuticula arrumada e base
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communitymanagerandorra · 5 months ago
Comprar Alicate Uñas | 3 Claveles en Gran Farmacia Andorra líder en Parafarmacia en Andorra.
• El Alicate Uñas 3 Claveles Ref. 12135 es una herramienta de acero al carbono forjado en caliente y superpuesto, con un tamaño de 11,5 cm y un acabado brillante. Está diseñado para facilitar un corte limpio y preciso de las uñas de manos y pies, gracias a sus bocas curvas que respetan el crecimiento natural de la uña.
• Cuenta con un muelle y anclaje para un manejo cómodo y seguro, y está disponible a un precio exclusivo en Gran Farmacia Andorra, ofrecemos entregas en España (Península y Baleares) y en Europa. #farmaciaandorrana #farmaciaandorraluxury #granfarmacia #granfarmaciaand #farmaciaandorra #farmaciaandorre #andorralovers #cuticula #cuticula #3claveles #parafarmaciaandorrana #lamejorfarmaciadeandorra #lamejorfarmacia
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daily-anna · 9 months ago
como cuidar das unhas
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oie beninas
no post de hoje vou dar dicas de como cuidar das unhas, trazer alguns produtinhos legais e algumas ideias de esmaltação
espero que gostem
minhas unhas são compridas naturalmente pq puxei minha mãe, mas sempre tive q deixar elas cortadas porque durante o colegio militar eles possuiam como norma obrigatória. agora que estou na faculdade de medicina, não é muito bom deixar elas grandes porque podemos acabar machucando o paciente em alguma manobra. no final, acabei me acostumando com elas curtinhas.
mas isso não me impede de cuidar delas adoro pintar elas com cores neutras e deixar elas bonitinhas (acho elegante)
removo o esmalte com removedor de esmalte SEM acetona é muito importante não ter acetona porque ela resseca a unha
o segundo passo é cortar, eu prefiro usar unhex do que tesourinha
depois de cortar, gosto de lixar com a parte clara da lixa de unha voce também pode dar uma polida com aquelas lixas mais macias
essa parte é opcional, mas eu acho que a unha fica mais bonita sem cutícula, então eu uso amolecedor de cutículas e deixo minhas unhas de molho em um potinho de agua
depois de amolecidas eu corto as cutículas com um alicate de unha, eu uso uma rosa com cheiro de morango é muito bom hehe é muito importante tomar cuidado nessa parte porque voce pode acabar arrancando uma parte que nao quer, principalmente na mão não dominante. com calma e prática fica melhor
o proximo passo é usar uma base que fortaleça as unhas, eu uso uma da colorama, mas existem umas casca de tartaruga, unha de cavalo com nomes engraçados que também ajudam
agora é a parte da esmaltação, voce escolhe a cor e pinta alguns esmaltes pedem mais de uma camada pra chegar a cor desejada
por cima do esmalte voce usa um top coat (a maioria é vendido para unha em gel), eu uso um da risque da emabalagem preta
algumas meninas usam spray secador de unha, eu espero secar naturalmente
por fim voce limpa os cantinhos depois do esmalte secar bem (serio!!!) eu uso palitinho de unha e um pouco de algodao molhado de acetona.
agora umas dicas fora da hora de pintar - eu gosto de usar hidratante de cuticulas, deixo na bolsa da faculdade e lembro quando uso - nunca roer unha ou puxar carninha com dente, assim que ver ja corta com alicante ou unhex - voce pode usar luvas ao lavar louça, detergente resseca muito! - esmaltes da coloroma são bem cremosos e por cima fica bem bonito aqueles cintilantes da impala
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é isso, espero que tenham gostado :x
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m4g0rtz · 8 months ago
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Today's polish was beautiful. I love the turquoise base, I love the blue to green flakes and I love the tiny black flakes. And as gorgeous as it looked in the sun I thought it looked even better in the shade. This maker always does an amazing job with this kind of finish, and this one is no exception. This is Peaceful Meadow from Cuticila.
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myceliumromance · 9 months ago
It's the cuticula!
"The annelid cuticle is unpigmented and the iridescence of many annelids is caused by interference effects."
From the book chapter linked, sadly I do not have access to the full version. Frankly this was just the first result that confirmed what I already remembered from my zoology seminar - we dissected earthworms which did not have any residual mucus on them (alcohol collection), and it was the skin itself that was strikingly shiny and iridescent :)
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hi, just found your blog<3
do you know why the (earth)worm’s shiny on the right end? is it iridescence or just weird lighting because I took the photo w flash on?
It's iridescence and it's normal on earthworms, but I'm not sure if the light refraction is caused by structures in their skin or in the mucus covering their body or some secret third thing.
You can also see it on this giant earthworm here!
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fabuloushairforyou · 1 year ago
Verbeter uw haarspel met clip-in haarextensies
Als het op haar aankomt, verlangen velen van ons naar veelzijdigheid en de mogelijkheid om onze look moeiteloos te veranderen. Het bereiken van die weelderige, volumineuze lokken is echter niet altijd mogelijk met alleen ons natuurlijke haar. Dit is waar clip-in hairextensions te hulp komen. Deze veelzijdige accessoires zijn een game-changer geworden in de wereld van schoonheid en bieden een gemakkelijke en vrijblijvende manier om langer, dikker en glamoureuzer haar te krijgen. In dit artikel verkennen we de wondere wereld van clip-in hairextensions, waarbij we de voordelen, soorten, toepassing, verzorging en meer bespreken.
Voordelen van clip-in hairextensions
1. Onmiddellijke transformatie: Clip-in hairextensions zorgen voor een onmiddellijke make-over. Met slechts een paar minuten aanbrengen kunt u van kort of dun haar naar volumineuze en luxueuze manen gaan. Dit is vooral handig bij speciale gelegenheden, fotoshoots of wanneer je je een superster wilt voelen.
2. Vrijblijvend: In tegenstelling tot andere haarverlengingsmethoden zoals fusion bonding of naaien, zijn clip-ins vrijblijvend. Je kunt ze dragen wanneer je maar wilt en ze net zo gemakkelijk weer verwijderen. Hierdoor kun je experimenteren met verschillende looks, zonder dat je er langdurig aan vast zit.
3. Beschermt natuurlijk haar: Clip-in extensions zijn zacht voor je natuurlijke haar. Er zijn geen hitte of chemicaliën nodig, waardoor ze een veiligere optie zijn voor mensen die zich zorgen maken over haarbeschadiging. U kunt genieten van de voordelen van lang haar zonder de gezondheid van uw eigen lokken in gevaar te brengen.
4. Veelzijdigheid: Clip-ins zijn verkrijgbaar in verschillende lengtes, kleuren en stijlen, waardoor ze ongelooflijk veelzijdig zijn. Je kunt kiezen uit rechte, golvende of gekrulde texturen en deze naadloos afstemmen op je natuurlijke haarkleur, of experimenteren met opvallende, contrasterende tinten.
Soorten clip-in hairextensions
1. Synthetische clip-in haarextensies: deze zijn gemaakt van synthetische vezels en zijn over het algemeen goedkoper dan hun tegenhangers van echt haar. Ze bieden een breed scala aan kleuren en stijlen, maar passen mogelijk niet zo natuurlijk bij je eigen haar en hebben een kortere levensduur.
2. Clip-in-extensies van echt haar: Clip-ins van echt haar zijn de beste keuze. Ze zorgen voor een realistischer uiterlijk en gevoel, omdat ze net als je natuurlijke haar kunnen worden gestyled, gekruld en steil gemaakt. Ze hebben ook een langere levensduur met de juiste zorg.
3. Remy Human Hair Clip-In Extensions: Remy-haar wordt beschouwd als het menselijk haar van de hoogste kwaliteit dat beschikbaar is voor extensions. Deze extensions zijn gemaakt van haar dat zo is verzameld dat de natuurlijke cuticula van het haar behouden blijft, wat zorgt voor minimale klitten en een natuurlijker uiterlijk.
Toepassing en verzorging
Het aanbrengen van clip-in hairextensions is relatief eenvoudig en kan met een beetje oefening thuis worden gedaan. Hier is een stapsgewijze handleiding:
1. Begin met schoon, droog haar.
2. Deel uw haar horizontaal en knip het bovenste gedeelte omhoog.
3. Begin met het bevestigen van de clip-ins in de nek en werk zo naar boven toe.
4. Open de clips en zet ze dicht bij je wortels vast, zorg ervoor dat ze niet zichtbaar zijn.
5. Zodra alle extensions op hun plaats zitten, laat u het bovenste gedeelte van uw haar los om de clips te bedekken.
6. Blend en style je haar zoals gewenst.
Om uw clip-in extensions te onderhouden:
1. Borstel ze voorzichtig met een kam met wijde tanden of een speciale borstel om klitten te voorkomen.
2. Was ze spaarzaam met sulfaatvrije shampoo en conditioner en laat ze aan de lucht drogen.
3. Bewaar ze op een koele, droge plaats, bij voorkeur in een ademende tas of doos, om schade te voorkomen.
Clip-in hairextensions bieden een wereld aan mogelijkheden als het gaat om het verkrijgen van het haar van uw dromen. Of je nu lengte of volume wilt toevoegen of wilt experimenteren met nieuwe kleuren en stijlen, met deze veelzijdige accessoires zit je goed. Dankzij het gebruiksgemak, de vrijblijvende aard en het vermogen om je look onmiddellijk te transformeren, zijn clip-in hairextensions een onmisbare aanvulling op elk schoonheidsarsenaal. Dus waarom wachten? Verbeter uw haarspel en omarm vandaag nog de veelzijdigheid van clip-in hairextensions.
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lesmotsdemoi · 11 months ago
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Christine’s Nail Art Therapy 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻
Happy St. Patrick’s Day ☘️☘️☘️
☘️ Cuticula Battle of the Boxes
An unplanned #matchingmani with @m4g0rtz 💚 we both loved the look of the polish from The Polished Gamers Box January 2024 and been anxiously awaiting St. Patrick’s Day to wear it.
>>Stamping Plate
☘️ Maniology BM H05
>>Stamping Polishes
Twinkled T Lady Luck
Maniology Bam White & Nation’s Treasure
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vicgriffinn · 8 months ago
Revirou os olhos com a resposta dele "E desde quando você acha que me dá ordens, Maxwell?" ela disse com os olhos semicerrados, apesar da expressão não tão firme assim. Victoria não era durona afinal, apenas gostava de manter o controle da situação. Um, dois, três, quatro, cinco, seis, sete, oito, nove, dez. Ela contou as vezes que o indicador cutucou a cuticula no polegar, antes de mostrar o celular, mas não o entregar. "Pode pegar" ela disse, abrindo um sorrisinho de canto, mas sabendo que afastaria o aparelho se ele tentasse pegar. Ainda tentava manter a pose.
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_ Não, essa é a Kath. Eu sou o cara que dá ordens. - disse com firmeza e aproximou um passo, estendendo a mão. Precisava ser firme. Independente de com quem fosse, ele não podia se dar o luxo de ser manipulado por sentimentos, ainda mais naquele momento em que tudo o que sentia era raiva, medo e nervosismo. Menos ainda com Victoria. - Me passa seu celular. Eu quero ler essa mensagem.
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