#Custom motorcycle helmet visors
motorbikeuk · 1 month
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juniefruit · 7 months
☆- biker bf minho -☆
y'all, happy almost friday. winter gloominess is kicking my butt fr. p.s, I like motorcycles, so this is totally not self indulgent...
word count: 946
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Before you met, he was closed off and not really all that personable. His friends pestered him about it, too. He would never go back to living like that, though. Just looking at you brings a smile to his face without him realising it. Has he gone soft? Just for you. One thing he loves you for is that you understand his humor. He’s naturally sarcastic and witty. He can let his guard down around you and truly be himself. He knows when it’s time to joke around, or when to just chill out and take it easy.
Bonus points if you have a bike of your own, he would eat that up. Like, you get to go on little motorcycle adventures together? Sign him up. He loves when you can ride side by side looking cool af. 
Granted, he also loves having you on the back of his bike. He tries to act like having your arms wrapped around his waist doesn't affect him, but of course it does. He’s a sucker for physical touch, perhaps even touch starved before you started dating. When he has to speed up and he can feel your arms tighten… he has got to stay focused on the road. 
He looks absolutely godly in his tight leather riding gear. The jacket hugs his torso and shoulders just right, and the pants… (redacted)
If you have your own gear already, cool. If you don’t, he would love to go shopping with you to find something. It has to be perfect (his own words), because safety is the most important thing. 
So there’s this thing called a Cardo, but there's other brands too. It’s like a bluetooth speaker you can put inside your helmet, it can play music or act as a microphone. He got you one immediately. He couldn’t wait for Christmas, or Valentines, or your birthday. He’s too impatient for that. He enthusiastically ran up to you one day, with the box in his hand. For you!! He exclaimed. He helped you set it up, and afterwards, to test it out, he insisted you try talking through it in separate rooms. He was all smiles and giggles for the rest of the day. 
He’s not big on PDA, but he’s fine with holding hands or wrapping his around your waist in crowded spaces. Also, he definitely puts his hand on your lower back when he has to squeeze by or grab something near you, muttering a small ‘excuse me babe’. 
When you’re riding seperately, he will try to annoy you through the intercom. He’ll spew dad jokes, or honestly just make random noises. Until he figures out you muted him and he gets whiny and upset. You pull up to a stop light when he flips up his visor hastily. “Yah! y/nnie, did you mute me? What if I had something suuuper important to say?” 
Even though you constantly tell him to be careful… He knows his limits. As a biker, it’s in his blood to do at least a couple risky things a week. Whether it was a dare, or just to show off, he will pop a wheelie on the road. A couple times a month, he meets up with his other biker friends just to hang out. At first, you were intimidated. I mean, being surrounded by 8 biker dudes doesn’t sound too inviting. Minho promised they were nice, or at least some of them tried to be. He begged and whined, promising to take your share of cleaning the house for a week. When you finally complied, it really only took about 15 minutes but to Minho it felt excruciating. Minho gave you a soul crushing hug while repeating thank-you’s for a good while. Lucky for you, they were actually quite nice, but they take some getting used to. 
He definitely custom ordered sticker packs of his cats to plaster onto his helmet. He was so ecstatic when they came in the mail, and he spent the rest of the day showing off his newly decorated helmet to you. 
He definitely sends you funny videos or selfies of him in his gear while he’s out. He’s a victim of “helmet confidence”. Meaning, as long as nobody knows who he is, he’s 100% doing funny weird shit. It fuels something in him when he sees you flustered or embarrassed, it’s just a part of his nature. 
Motorcycles do require a bit of regular maintenance (if you want them to run properly) and over the years, Minho has learned how to do repairs on his bike at home. It’s cheaper than always going to the shop. He’s well versed in what his bike needs. He’s always offering up his help for your own bike. On bright spring days, the garage to your condo is pulled up, and the bikes are parked in the driveway. The bright green leaves are practically glowing as they shimmer against the blue sky. Minho’s got on a tank top and shorts; with a few tools by his side. When he calls you over, it’s because he made the executive decision to show you how to fix this one specific thing he’s working on.  You lean in close to him. His teaching voice is soft but firm as he’s always checking to see if you’re still paying attention. You’re more so paying attention to the way his biceps ripple when he moves, or the tiny sweat droplets forming on his brow. 
I would like to think that his motorcycle would be all black with a few mint/teal accents. It’s a sports bike, something along the lines of a Ninja or GSXR.
If you like drabbles like this, check out my masterlist :3
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Marc Marquez had just completed the first round of the MotoGP race at Mugello, leaving the crowd roaring with excitement. His Honda RC213V performed flawlessly, and Marc felt the adrenaline coursing through his veins. The race had been intense, but he was confident about his chances in the next round. As he walked back to the paddock, he felt a sudden urge to visit the restroom.
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Marc slipped away from the crowds and entered the secluded bathroom area behind the pits. The noise of the roaring engines and cheering fans faded as he stepped into the quiet, dimly lit restroom. He was just about to close the stall door when a figure in a pit stop worker's uniform suddenly appeared behind him.
"Sorry, Marc," the worker muttered.
Before Marc could react, he felt a sharp prick in his neck. His vision blurred as he turned to see the worker holding an empty syringe. Marc's knees buckled, and he collapsed to the floor, the world around him turning dark.
When he came to, Marc found himself tied up, his mouth gagged. He was still in the restroom, but his racing gear was missing. The pit stop worker was standing above him, holding a strange scanning device that emitted a soft blue glow. The worker’s appearance began to shift, morphing before Marc’s eyes. In moments, the worker's face transformed into an exact replica of Marc’s own. The imposter smiled, a chilling mirror image.
The fake Marc then methodically began putting on Marc's racing leathers, boots, gloves, and helmet, each piece fitting perfectly as if custom-made for him. Marc struggled against his bonds, trying to shout through the gag, but it was no use. The imposter had planned everything meticulously.
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"Don't worry, Marc," the imposter said, adjusting the helmet visor. "I'll take good care of your motorcycle. And your life."
With a final glance at the real Marc, the imposter left the restroom, leaving Marc tied up and hidden in the stall. Marc could hear the distant roar of the engines starting up again, signaling the beginning of the next round. Panic surged through him as he realized the enormity of what was happening. An imposter was out there, pretending to be him, racing under his name.
Suddenly, Marc heard footsteps approaching the restroom again. Hope surged within him, thinking someone had noticed his absence. But as the door opened, his heart sank. Three men entered, their expressions cold and determined. They were dressed like pit crew, but Marc didn’t recognize them.
One of them, a tall man with a scar across his cheek, sneered down at Marc. “Looks like the boss was right. He said you’d be here.”
The men quickly untied Marc, only to bind his wrists and ankles even more securely. Marc thrashed and tried to yell through the gag, but it was futile. They hoisted him up, carrying him out of the restroom.
Marc was dragged through a series of back corridors, away from the bustling paddock area. They finally reached a storage room at the far end of the complex. It was dim and cluttered with old equipment. The men shoved Marc into a metal chair and tied him securely, making sure he couldn’t move.
“Make sure he stays quiet,” the scarred man ordered one of the others, who immediately produced a roll of duct tape, silencing Marc further.
Satisfied with their work, the men stepped back. “The boss said to make sure no one finds him,” the scarred man said, casting a final glance at Marc. “He’s got big plans, and there’s no room for two Marc Marquezes.”
With that, they left, locking the door behind them. Marc was left in the dark, his mind racing. The realization hit him hard: the imposter had allies, and they were intent on making sure the real Marc Marquez never resurfaced.
Out on the track, the fake Marc continued the race, flawlessly mimicking Marc’s style and movements. To the outside world, nothing seemed amiss. The crowd cheered as “Marc” sped off, ready to dominate the next round.
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In The Low Light- Chapter 2
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Photo credit and source unknown
Notes: tumblr is fucking testing my patience with this. This will be about the 6th time I’ve tried to make this post, so if the formatting is weird I am going to break something. Quality control by @365granitegirlx thank you Professor Wolfie, you’re a saint and a lifesaver. Anywhoozle, this one has me allllll up in my feels. Enjoy!
Masterlist (please read first)
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Tags/warnings/etc: Biker!IV x Fem!OC, disordered eating habits but you have to squint, smoking, aggressive words of affirmation, sweet sugary fluff that’ll make you diabetic
Word count: 2368
Summary: IV takes some time over the week to show Sadie that she can trust him, he drives her home from work, and he asks her on a date.
The following day I found myself replaying the interactions with Mr. Numerals. He was clearly no stranger to dangerous situations and was not to be toyed with. He was about to offer to walk me home or something. Why was he so concerned with my safety? And my biggest question: why was he being so kind to me? He was obviously wanting to get something out of this for himself, but I was lost as to what. He didn’t act like a starving animal drooling over a piece of meat. He said it himself, he may be a criminal, but he isn’t a monster. Maybe he’s just genuinely being nice for the sake of being nice… I’m pulled from my conflicted thoughts by the sound of a customer obnoxiously clearing their throat at the pharmacy counter. I spend entirely too much time explaining to the senior gentleman that he didn’t have any refills left. When he finally leaves with a dramatic huff of frustration and a few colourful metaphors, I tell the pharmacist that I’m going on a smoke break. I take my name tag off, grab my cigarettes and lighter, and head for the front doors.
As I walk along the side of the building, my gaze focuses on the sight of a familiar looking motorcycle, the rider leaning against the seat. He’s wearing the exact same thing as yesterday—helmet on, the visor pulled down. In his hands is a cheap flip phone, and his fingers move deftly across the buttons. I bring my cigarette to my mouth and light it, inhaling deeply before speaking. “I thought I told you not to follow me.” I blow the smoke from my lungs and shiver as a cold breeze blows across the parking lot.
His obstructed face turns towards me and he reaches up to pull off his helmet. Underneath is the same mask as yesterday. “I’m not following you. I swear I had no idea you worked here.” Surprise colours his voice, and his eyes reflect this. I almost believe him.
“Mmhmm…” I walk to the wall of the building and lean against it, taking another drag off my smoke. My eyes catch on his, and I hold his gaze for a few seconds. “I’d tell you I believe you, but I’d be lying.”
He chuckles slightly and breaks eye contact first. “I don’t blame you for not trusting me, however I am being honest. I’m here to make a business deal. I didn’t know you worked here.” He brings his eyes back up to mine, and I see no deception in them.
I struggle to find something to say, and before I can, my stomach growls loudly enough for him to hear it, even from several feet away. I wrap my arms around myself as another icy breeze hits my skin.
“Have you eaten anything yet?” Before I can answer, he turns to the back of his bike, opens a large compartment, and begins searching through it. He seems to find what he’s looking for and turns, walking closer until he’s in front of me. He holds his hand out, one of those high calorie protein bars in his palm, though it’s a brand I don’t recognize.
“I’ll be fine.” I shake my head no at him. My stomach growls again in protest.
“Please, I insist.” He pushes his hand even closer. “You need to eat.”
I sigh, reaching out and taking the bar from his grasp, a small smile playing at the edges of my mouth. “Thank you.” I rip open the wrapper and take a bite. It’s chocolate and some kind of dried fruit. It’s absolutely delicious. My eyes shut of their own accord as I enjoy the taste. “Oh my god…”
I hear a deep chuckle from him and feel a flush in my cheeks. I open my eyes and find him watching me, his eyes crinkled at the edges from the unseen smile on his face. I pull my eyes away and look at my feet, the warmth in my face burning even hotter now. I take another bite.
I hear a faint buzz, and he pulls his phone out of his pocket. “Unfortunately, I need to cut this short. Enjoy the last few bites, princess.” He gives me a small nod, and turns back to his bike. He picks up his helmet, but turns to look at me before he puts it on. “I like it when you smile. Your whole face lights up. It’s a beautiful sight.” With that he pushes the helmet over his head, settles into the seat, and the engine roars to life. He backs out of the parking spot, and drives away leaving me reeling from his compliment.
The next day happens much the same. Only this time when I walk outside, his helmet is off and in his hands are a to-go cup from the coffee shop across the lot and another protein bar. He hands me both when I get close enough, our fingers brushing for a second before he pulls away.
“I didn’t know what you’d like, so I got peppermint tea with a little bit of honey. And another one of those bars.” His voice is soft, with a touch of uncertainty. His eyes avoid mine, and his fingers twitch.
He’s so charming. This thought flies through my mind, catching me off guard. “Uhm- Thank you, you didn’t have to get me anything.” My voice is hushed. “It’s too kind of you.” I step away, moving to stand against the building. A harsh cold wind blows over the parking lot, and I hold the cup close to my chest to absorb the warmth. I shiver hard and my teeth chatter together.
“Actually,” he rummages through the compartment on the back of the bike again, this time pulling out a small throw blanket. “I think I did. I wanted to make sure you had something to eat, and a hot drink.” He shakes out the blanket and walks toward me. He stops directly in front of me, and holds the blanket out with an expectant look in his eyes. “May I?” I hesitate for a second before timidly nodding and pulling away from the cold wall behind me. He drapes the blanket around my shoulders, pulling the corners across my chest and I tuck them under my arms. His fingers land on my shoulders and trace down my arms lightly, and I glance up to find his eyes on me.
A few moments pass before the words tumble out of my mouth. “Why are you being so kind to me? You don’t owe me anything. And besides, you said it yourself: you don’t need to clean up someone else’s mess.” I pause as I flick my gaze between his eyes. “What do you want from me?”
His hands drop from my arms and he lets out a small exasperated laugh; he shakes his head slightly and looks up at the gray sky. “Princess, I don’t want anything from you…it’s what I want for you. And that’s your safety. As for why? Well, I feel obligated to take care of you. Lastly,” he turns his eyes on mine, and I’m captivated by the intensity there. “You are a person deserving of kindness. You are not a mess that needs to be cleaned up. Do not take what I say to a couple of idiots for what I think about you. You would be sorely mistaken.” There’s a stern tone to his voice that makes me feel like a child in trouble. “Am I understood?”
I swallow heavily and nod, my eyes glued to his.
“Words, please, princess.” His eyes are still drilling into mine, and his voice borders on frustration.
“Yes, I understand.” My voice is quiet, and I can breathe again when he finally releases my gaze from his. I study my shoes, and I hear him heave a sigh.
“I should go. Keep the blanket, you need it more than I do. I’ll see you soon.” He puts his helmet on, and starts the engine, quickly pulling out of his spot and driving away. Once again, I’m left standing playing his words over in my mind.
For the rest of the week, the pattern repeats. He hands me a hot cup of tea and a protein bar, and I pull the blanket around my shoulders. We talk about nothing special for a few minutes. He never stays for long, five minutes at most. I don’t question his motives, and I accept his offerings without hesitation. He makes kind gestures to me, and we share a few touches here and there that linger for just long enough. He never pushes any further than that.
Until Friday that is. “If you’re comfortable with it, I’d like to drive you home today. I don’t like the thought of you walking alone in the cold on such a busy street.” He’s leaning against the wall beside me this time. Today he has his own cup, and when the breeze blows just right, I’m greeted by the aroma of decadent hot chocolate.
I’m halfway through my tea, and swallow the last bite of the bar before I answer. “Sure, on one condition.” He looks at me with an odd combination of disbelief and curiosity. I hold his gaze with my own. “Tell me your name.”
He drops his eyes to the ground and laughs softly. “For now,” He looks back at me, and reaches up to his left shoulder and taps his finger on the numerals. “You can call me four. And yours?”
A small smile washes over my face. “Sadie. It’s nice to meet you IV.”
After a few more minutes of easy banter, he finishes his drink and makes for his bike, pausing and turning back to face me. “What time are you off?”
“I finish at 5:30”
He nods, and gets on his bike. “I’ll see you then.” He puts his helmet on and pulls out of the lot.
When my shift ends, I find myself filled with a strange excitement. I put on my warmer layers, and head outside to the usual spot.
He’s there waiting, an extra helmet under his arm. When I stop in front of him, he stands and flicks his visor up. “Ok, first off, you’ll have to take your hat off. It won’t fit under the helmet.” I take the woolen hat off, and stuff it into my pocket. “Now, you’ll have to tie your hair back. Or it’ll all push into your face and you won’t be able to see anything.” I pull my hair back into a low ponytail and look at him expectantly. “Perfect. This is going to feel a little tight at first, but it’s supposed to fit a bit snug. We don’t want it to come off too easily.” He places the helmet on the top of my head and gently pushes it down. Once fully on, he leans his forehead against mine, his eyes holding mine. “How’s that feel?”
“Good. A bit snug, but good.” My eyes flick between his eyes. They’re so pretty. I could look into them for hours. They crinkle at the edges with a hidden smile.
“Good.” He drops a wink at me, and leans back. His deft hands reach for the chin strap, fastening it under my jaw. Lastly he reaches up and pulls my visor down, then his own. “And we are good to go. Ready?”
I nod, “ready.”
He gets on first, and I climb on behind him. He shows me where to rest my feet, and I hesitantly hold onto his sides, suddenly overtaken by shyness. He turns his head towards me. “You’ll want to hold on tight, love. Don’t worry, I don’t bite.” I can hear the smile in his voice. I slide my arms around his middle and lean further into him. I catch a little of his cologne, and the heady scent leaves me breathless. I feel one of his hands come to rest on my forearm for a moment.
He asks me my address, and I freeze for a moment. Anxious thoughts flit through my mind but I push them down before answering him. The engine roars to life and we pull out of the lot.
The ride is short, much shorter than it would be to walk. When we pull into the parking lot of my apartment building, I feel a little disappointed that it’s over so quickly. We climb off the bike, and he takes off my helmet for me. I can’t stop the wide grin that consumes my face, and my cheeks hurt. It’s been a long time since I’ve smiled this much.
He takes his own helmet off, and his eyes have those little crinkles at the edges again, and my fingers twitch with the desire to gently brush over them. He’s so beautiful. “I’d like to take you on a proper date sometime. I hope that’s not too fast.”
My cheeks flush, and my eyes drop to the ground for a second before flicking back to his. “No, that’s not too fast. And I’d love to.” My face still hurts from the smile plastered across it.
He places a hand over his heart, closes his eyes and tilts his head back, while releasing a relieved sigh. His knees bend slightly before straightening again. “You just made me the happiest man alive, princess. How does tomorrow night, 7 pm sound? I’ll pick you up here?” He looks down at me, and his eyes are sparkling.
“That sounds perfect, I’m counting down the seconds.” He nods at this, and I take it as my cue to head inside.
As I go to walk past him, he catches my hand in his. I look at him, surprised by the prolonged presence of his skin on mine. His eyes lock onto mine, and he pulls my hand up to the mouth of his mask, pressing the hard material into my knuckles. I can hear the soft kiss behind his mask. “Goodnight, Sadie.”
My breath shudders a little, and my response comes out as a whisper. “Goodnight, IV.”
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keanuquotes · 1 year
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The Enduring Appeal of Keanu Reeves He battles evildoers in 'John Wick 4,' manufactures two-wheel pieces of art, and is worshiped by the internet, but Keanu Reeves swears he's just a normal guy. And he’s got the scars to prove it. Ky HendersonMar 15, 2023 9:00 AM EDT It’s easy to look cool when you’re riding a motorcycle, but it’s hard to look cooler than Keanu Reeves on a brisk, sunny afternoon in Los Angeles. He rests his left hand on his thigh and steers with his right, which gooses the throttle as he weaves around slow drivers. He wears a form-fitting black canvas motorcycle jacket that accentuates how trim he is—even more fit than he appears on-screen—and a beat-up Shoei helmet. He leaves the visor up, choosing instead to shield his eyes with sunglasses the Terminator might wear to a Hamptons garden party. Reeves looks at home and at ease on a motorcycle. He looks cool.
At a gas station stop, he suggests switching bikes. We’re each riding cruisers made by Arch, the motorcycle company Reeves co-founded with designer Gard Hollinger in 2011. The company produces high-end, highly personalized production bikes; I’m on a 1s, the company’s new $100,000+ sport cruiser. Reeves is on an older model, KRGT-1, but it’s his personal Arch, a true one-of-a-kind. It's the only Arch ever painted YK Blue, a color Reeves and Hollinger commissioned based on the ultramarine pigment famously mixed by mid-century French artist Yves Klein. Reeves says all that’s left of the paint is in a tiny can stored somewhere at Arch in case the bike’s paint ever needs touch-ups.
Which it most certainly would if, let’s say, some idiot were to put the bike down in front of a horrified Reeves while riding down the Pacific Coast Highway. Thankfully, there’ll be no lowsides today. Although the bike is beefy, with a 2,032cc V-twin powerplant, it’s easy to maneuver and comfy as a BarcaLounger.
Keanu Reeves stands in motorcycle factory holding blue mug Brian Bowen Smith
Reeves eventually leads us back to Arch’s factory building, which is nondescript from the outside but artfully decorated inside using shipping containers to separate working areas. Metal fabrication is done behind one; customer bikes are lined up in another with technicians hard at work. After Reeves dips outside for a cigarette—the 58-year-old both looks like a much younger man and smokes with the frequent abandon of one—he leads us to a small conference room.
“I like meeting people, but I’m a little reserved,” he warns as he settles into an office chair, looking far less comfortable than he did on a motorcycle. “How much of my private life do I want to talk about? I don’t know. Otherwise, let’s hang out.”
When Reeves was growing up in the Yorkville neighborhood of Toronto, he was consumed with existential thoughts. He discussed death a lot more than the average 11-year-old, for instance—but not because he wanted to die. He just wanted answers to big questions. Perhaps not entirely unrelated to his interest in mortality, he was also obsessed with the biker gangs that periodically motored into the neighborhood. It wasn't pods of dentists letting loose on weekends. It was leathers, patches, menace—the whole deal. And Reeves loved it.
“They looked exotic,” Reeves says. "They looked to me like they were free. Plus the bikes were cool and sounded great.”
Despite his childhood fascination, Reeves was in his early 20s before he first rode a motorcycle. It happened at a movie studio in Berlin—where else?—when he saw a woman on an off-road enduro bike in a parking lot. He approached her and asked if she’d teach him to ride, which she agreed to on the spot. (If you’re wondering why a woman would do that for a total stranger, search “Keanu Reeves in the 80s” in Google Images.)
Not long after he got back to Los Angeles, he bought a 1973 Mk2a Norton Commando, having long admired the classic brand. That bike currently sits in the Arch shop, which is notable for two reasons: One, few longtime riders are lucky enough to be able to hold onto their first bike. Two, over the years Reeves has…suffered some mishaps.
“Yeah, I’ve fallen off a few times,” he admits of the accidents he’s had on a variety of bikes. He takes a swig of water, then corrects himself. “Not ‘fallen off.’ Crashed. I’ve got a couple of hit-by-cars. A couple of going-too-fast. I’ve laid a couple of bikes down but I was riding in the winter, so that’s not really ‘crashing.’ That’s about it. The usual stuff.”
He’s broken ribs, knocked out teeth, sliced his leg open so deep that bone was visible. His most spectacular accident occurred in 1988, only a couple years after that day in Berlin. Reeves was riding alone at night in Malibu’s Topanga Canyon when he took one of the twisties too fast. By the time he came to a stop, he was lying on the pavement wondering if he was about to die. As you know, he didn’t—but he did fuck himself up pretty bad.
“I ruptured my spleen,” he says matter-of-factly. The widely reported version of the story goes that he needed the organ removed, but Reeves says it’s still intact. “They sutured it up and put a Band-Aid on.” He has a gnarly scar running vertically from his sternum down to his belly button, but in the right light it just ends up accentuating his abs because, well, he’s Keanu.
Reeves first met Hollinger through a mutual acquaintance about two decades after that crash, when Reeves wanted a custom sissy bar—basically, a backrest for a passenger—added to his 2005 Harley Davidson Dyna. Hollinger, who at that point was a relatively well-known, well-respected customizer with his own small LA shop, wasn’t interested.
“I knew I could build him the world’s most expensive sissy bar,” Hollinger says, “but I also knew it wouldn’t be satisfying for either of us.”
Instead, Hollinger spent the next five years completely reimagining the bike. He’d work in spurts, changing or adding something, then handing the bike back over to Reeves for months. By the time the bike was finished, Hollinger says, about the only parts of the original Dyna still remaining were the engine and the serial number on the chassis. Today that bike—a chromed-out ride fit for Mad Max—is displayed in the shop, the inspiration for what eventually became Arch.
Keanu Reeves on motorcycle wearing black canvas jacket and sunglasses Brian Bowen Smith
Eventually being the key word. When, during the long process of modding the bike, Reeves first suggested to Hollinger that the two team up to start a motorcycle company, Hollinger didn’t have to think about his answer.
“I knew what a tough business it is, what a challenge it would be—and that it would not be a great investment,” Hollinger, now 63, says with a laugh. “It was a wonderful motorcycle I built and it was wonderful getting to know Keanu, but starting a motorcycle company sounded like a horrible idea.”
Reeves didn’t relent. As the pair became better friends—and as the motorcycle continued to take shape—they’d have long conversations about the realities of starting the company. Hollinger would show up to their discussions with pages of questions written on a legal pad, but what gradually eroded his hesitation was the thoughtfulness with which Reeves described the experience of riding a motorcycle.
Finally, nearly convinced, Hollinger asked Reeves to boil everything down to one reason why they should do something as seemingly crazy as starting a motorcycle company. The actor came up with it on the spot—a reason Hollinger immediately understood, which allowed him to envision the company and its worth as an opportunity to do something meaningful and long-lasting.
“Because,” Reeves told him, channeling the mortality-obsessed 11-year-old kid gawking at dudes on motorcycles, “we’re going to die.”
Related: 2023 Arch 1s Sport Cruiser Is the American (V-twin) Dream
There have been many jokes made over the years about Reeves being a dummy, but after spending about 8 seconds with the guy it’s obvious he’s keenly intelligent. I mention that I read lots of sci-fi and fantasy books as a kid, which prompts him to ask whether I have opinions on several titles, followed by recommendations to read several others.
Thing is, his idiosyncratic public persona—which is sort of like Ted (not Bill) if Ted were a little more shy and a much better dresser—isn’t an act. Reeves isn’t trying to fool his critics or fans. And he isn’t really putting on an act in an attempt to prevent people from knowing who he is. He’s just this very singular, introspective, likable person who happened to become a pop culture icon.
All of that said? He can be pretty goofy. His physical mannerisms are sometimes at odds with what he’s saying, like he’s being controlled by feuding puppeteers. He speaks haltingly, stopping and starting and stopping again, often all in the same sentence, as he considers what exactly he wants to say or, just as likely, what he doesn’t want to say. More than once over the course of an afternoon he giggles—yes, giggles—at something he says or thinks, placing his cupped hand over his mouth like a theatrical school child hiding laughter; the gesture is as strange as it is endearing. He's somehow both laconic and verbose, calm and keyed up.
Although Reeves has long been known as “The internet’s boyfriend,” he’s currently dating—sorry, internet—acclaimed visual artist Alexandra Grant. The pair first collaborated on the 2011 book Ode to Happiness after having known each other previously; in the following years they collaborated on other projects and co-founded the small book imprint X Artists’ Books. Their romantic relationship began about five years ago but only became public knowledge two years in, when they arrived at a red carpet event together.
When asked about Grant, Reeves leans back in his chair as though trying to put both metaphorical and literal distance between himself and the idea of discussing his personal life.
So, uh, maybe it’s best to make it about bikes: What’s Grant’s opinion of Reeves’ (occasionally injurious) motorcycle fixation?
“She used to have a motorcycle, so she’s fine with it,” Reeves says. Then he pauses, as he so often does, seemingly considering whether to say anything more. “She hasn’t ridden in a while.”
Despite his lifelong love of bikes, Reeves hasn’t ridden them much in his movies. There’s a brief scene in the landmark 1991 indie film My Own Private Idaho. There’s some riding in 1996’s Chain Reaction, including one scene in which he manages to outrun an exploding hydrogen reactor. He’s technically on a bike in John Wick 3 while battling bad guys, but that was all done while stationary in front of a green screen. He has no interest in shoehorning Arches into his movies, though a couple of Arches are featured in the futuristic 2020 video game Cyberpunk 2077, in which he also played a major role.
Reeves says there’s a brief motorcycle scene in the upcoming John Wick 4, a movie whose eventual existence might have been laughed at when the original film debuted. Despite the series’ current status as an unstoppable franchise juggernaut, it originally wasn’t even planned as a franchise—and it certainly didn’t appear destined to be one after John Wick received a somewhat tepid theatrical reception in 2014.
“It had some success in the theater, but it really became more popular in second viewings,” Reeves says. “So the studio asked if we wanted to do another one.”
Reeves does more than just kick unbelievable amounts of ass in the movies; he’s also had a hand in plotting out the sequels. The genesis of the third and fourth installments, he says, took place while he and director Chad Stahelski were on the road promoting the second and third movies, respectively.
“Generally, Chad and I cook ’em up while we’re doing press tours,” Reeves says. “We talk about what we’d do next if the current film does well. I’m like, ‘I want to ride a horse and do a horse chase!’ And Chad says, ‘Yeah, we can do it in Central Park!’”
Reeves says he doesn’t know what comes next for him, but John Wick 5 will almost certainly be an option—if he wants to do it. He’s currently developing a TV series, and maybe he’ll make the motorcycle road movie he’s long thought about making. He’ll also no doubt continue riding bikes and growing Arch because he loves doing both.
He says he may continue BRZRKR, the comic series he co-writes. He won’t stop helping others via his philanthropy (he declines to discuss other than to say it’s “in health and the arts”). And he’ll burnish his already-glowing reputation as, in his words, “a pretty respectful and considerate person,” because that’s how he likes to treat people.
“I’m just,” Reeves says as his mouth curls into a smirk and his arms shoot out in front of him as though he’s pleading to be believed, “a normal guy.”
via keanuworld
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blurple time.
finally finished this~ months after he appeared 😅
you can tell there's a bit of a punk/industrial vibe infusing the whole design. i also drew from various details in the comics, and other random things like bulletproof leather jackets.
closeups, ramblings, (and a version with a cape) under the cut:
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i was originally not planning to add a cape cause i wasn't sure if i could make it work and tbh. still not sure. i like the way the purple cape looks from behind but the inside is like. idk. if it's purple then it looks weird, but the black feels off to me too... I don't think any of the other colors would work.
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oh also i decided this glows in the dark (predictable as always)
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Helmet's been through some sketches and stuff, spent a while figuring out the mechanisms and so on and settled on this design in the end.
Obviously you can see here the top is leather, it's based on a combo of a motorcycle cowl (with an angled zip you can just see there, and then the shoulders from an armored motorcycle jacket i was looking at. then the blue is meant to be a (heavily) modified like, boilersuit or whatever those are. mechanic's jumpsuit.
Plus all the spikes. Obviously there's no spider-punk in this setting but I like the aesthetics, and I like giving Hobie like a little thing of his own in terms of hobbies/interests so I thought adding that punk aspect would be fun, esp as it ties into his whole thing with being unsure of himself and being a little different and so on.
the lenses are one piece each, just with different colors of film on them, like you see on a variety of custom motorcycle visors. used chrome silver for the white "eyes," which i think would look cool and matches the metal hardware. very reflective. hobie prob won't be the only design with chrome/mirrored lenses for reflective purposes (thinking about the hobgoblin) (well. technically peter will also have aluminized lenses at one point but that's a spare mask for fires, not a main look)
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earlier concept which i drew on my phone actually lol. some of this i obv jus copy-pasted cause it was fine as is, other stuff got tweaked, like i ended up changing the lens shape to look a little more like the comics and i did end up scrapping that shape for the faceplate/chin.
and you can see there i edited a pic from the comics playing with what colors i wanted to use. i liked the steel blue that showed up in some of the older painted art from the Prowler's earliest appearances, and I felt like I wanted to give him a color other than purple and green, though I didn't wanna ditch the purple either, so I ended up with this kind of neon blurple + navy combo that I liked a lot. And the silver too.
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back of the jacket and helmet. Didn't originally plan on adding all those spikes but then I was sketching this out and I was like, oh... that would look cool... so i committed!! i like how it looks.
Originally I also had no logo/symbol on the front of the chest so I decided to put one on the back. Then I ended up adding that flat panel to the chest and added the symbol there too, and decided to keep the back one as well. i can def see a 19 year old being like, hell yeah... sick... people will definitely take me seriously now. and you know what. he's right.
i will admit i ended up a little dissatisfied with the story i told involving the Prowler in the linked fic, but... I also probably shouldn't have tried to wedge it between like five warring subplots. But it was like, the spot that made the most sense. If this was a cartoon I think it would be a like... 1-2 issue special focused more on him. And also peter would jump out the window. (The real tragedy that I didn't include cause it's hilarious, poor Hobie XD)
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Anywho. Is this mechanism needlessly complex? Perhaps. I tried to simplify it at one point but then the more I thought about it the less the simplified version worked so I stuck with the OG idea here. I mean, i guess I could have ditched the locking mechanism entirely but i thought it would be fun if the helmet was self-locking! I also wanted a way for it to rotate/go visor up even with the spikes, thus it being a pretty large rotating faceplate with the spikes on it instead of elsewhere. not that he ever puts it up in the fic. peter just takes hobie's helmet off there 😂
He's also wearing a balaclava under there which I didn't bother really drawing, mostly to protect his hair (which I put in twists for related reasons of helmet-wearing) (I briefly had been considering braids but then, well, ATSV and Miles G. happened and I said, well now I cannot do that XD) (I mean I COULD have but I wanted to do something else here lol) Anyway. The idea here is that it's a kind of slide lock with a spring-loaded peg that slots into the holes, and the square hole with the square peg locks the faceplate in place and prevents it from rotating, but when the square peg is in the round hole, the faceplate can rotate freely. The only wrinkle here would be that Hobie has to pull on both locks simultaneously or as close to it as possible or he'd risk cracking the helmet (i assume? stress and pressure etc.)
Sliding the lock forward also slides the whole plate forward, which lets me (in theory) have a flush, smooth silhouette while still allowing it to come forward enough to push up. It's not vacuum sealed or anything though. But it does have like... air filters and a voice modulator and some other things. MOST of the suit is super low tech and doesn't require electricity but the helmet probably has batteries or something. (peter's new webshooters at this point are also battery powered lol)
Helmet is pretty typical fiberglass construction with foam pads inside. Idea there is that Hobie made a lot of this stuff using campus workshop resources like autobody or machining shop on campus, for stuff like getting fiberglass, having a space to work in, making polycarbonate lenses etc. Though it's totally possible to do fiberglass work at home too. (peter also uses campus resources for his lenses specifically btw)
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Gauntlets!!! Uhhhh ngl very difficult. Trying to design armored gauntlets that don't look like knightly armor is very hard for me cause I always just google reference pics of knightly armor. LOL. I think these came out alright. There's a hint of motocross influence there too (though really even in modern days armor is armor so there end up being shared traits) The gloves ended up being mostly leather with some armored parts, though there is probably some inner armor which is not visible. The claws I left bare since you would not be able to sharpen claws coated in plasti dip—
oh yeah the purple color on all the hard parts is plasti dip, which is basically rubber paint.
The wrist gauntlets are very very very loosely based on a guy's grappling rope web-shooter thing which you can see in this youtube video: link. though i didn't wanna just rip him off so i mostly just said, alright, tubes and a harness—which the prowler already has in the comics anyway, albeit smaller. so really it's pretty much like the comics anyway.
Right wrist has the green laser dazzler, both have grapples, left wrist has EMP (not pictured) which Hobie uses in the scene I have him and Peter fight except then I realized recently I didn't actually explain what that was or how it was working 😂 I probably should have done that scene from Hobie's POV in retrospect. It's an EMP though and it scrambles Peter's spidey sense via interference/signal noise.
(electromagnetic signals being responsible for several cases of irl "hauntings" —> spider-man's haunted)
waist utility belt... I like the way the silver belt on the old art looks! So I decided to make these hard silver hinged cases instead of soft pouches (originally were soft but I changed my mind while coloring) — IDK if these really are metal or if they're just fiberglass with chrome paint lol but either way, shiny chromey, hinged to open, the insides are probably padded... buckle is actually metal though.
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Boots—modified snow boots. These are loosely based off of a real thing btw: link to blog post
The silver things are the magnets. Gauntlets are probably also magnetic but those are not visible like the boot ones. I also read some comments saying certain kinds of electromagnets would be preferable for something like boots but ultimately, IDK how to draw that, so I just drew it like they look in jen foxbot's prototype.
There was some other stuff I initially planned on including that didn't make the cut, aside from the cape. I was toying with stuff like a jetpack (or really, a jump jet), gliding/wingsuit, etc. but... I didn't use any of those. Kept it simple and streamlined for the most part. so no gliding for this Prowler, but hey, he's got magnet boots.
maybe in the future if Hobie ends up with an Iron Man-esque collapsible suit, perhaps he'll be able to fly, but for now, he's a college student making a supervillain persona so he can keep himself from getting evicted...
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And his face!!! cutie :3 loosely inspired by Greg Eagles' face (the voice actor for grimm from billy and mandy) Not that ATSV had no impact on this design but that was the main thing. Twists to keep his hair protected in the helmet under the balaclava etc. and something he can do himself, and then a twist out afterward.
plus you can see the nose rings I mention in Creep here.
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clodsiremom · 2 years
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from @sagittariatrifola
It's mid-afternoon in Paldea, the sun is high in the sky and Geeta is standing in her office. Under normal circumstances she might choose to open the nearby window to catch a breeze, but currently the weather is a bit too chill to accommodate it.
Geeta hooks a gloved pinky into her sleeve, pulling the fabric back to reveal her steadily-ticking watch. Half past the hour. Rika should be on her lunch break. Perfect.
The trek is a fast enough one, and planned in advance. A surprise. She's in and out of the room in under a minute, leaving behind a pristinely-wrapped box. The wrapping paper is a familiar teal green, flecked with silver and wrapped with a matching silver ribbon.
Inside the box lies a motorcycle helmet, commissioned to match the hand-picked paper. Teal green with triangular accents in Rika's favored earthy color.
There's a card as well, its simple and to the point. "A helmet to match your motorcycle. Happy Holidays Rika." Its short, but written with earnest intent.
Munching on half of a sandwich (definitely Larry’s), Rika makes her way back to her desk from her lunch break. A neatly wrapped present is sat on her desk. Inside is a helmet and a simple note. No indication as to who the gifter was, but that handwriting was familiar to her. It was Geeta’s.
The helmet is a custom made one. Color matched her motorcycle exactly, not a shade different. The little triangle accents harkened to the jewelry she always wore. The visor was tented and polarized to keep the sun out of her eyes. She checked the compatibility with her comms and it was completely compatible. 
Geeta had done significant research and the gift was perfect. Rika couldn’t be happier. She would have to sneak a thank you to Geeta the next time the opportunity arose. That’s if they let her.
She slides the card into one of her desk drawers. This one has very few things in it. A drawer only for keepsakes. This belonged in there. She sat the helmet to one side of her desk. She would test it out after work. A joy ride was overdue after all.
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goldencoastriders · 2 months
Safety Tips for Riding Motorcycles in San Diego
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Riding a motorcycle is an exhilarating way to explore San Diego's stunning landscapes and vibrant cityscapes. Whether you're a local rider or visiting, it's crucial to prioritize safety to ensure an enjoyable experience. At Golden Coast Riders, we're committed to providing top-quality motorcycle rentals San Diego and ensuring our customers ride safely. Here are essential safety tips for riding motorcycles in San Diego.
Preparing for Your Ride
1. Choose the Right Gear
Wearing appropriate gear is the first step to a safe ride. Ensure you have:
Helmet: A DOT-approved helmet is mandatory and can save your life in an accident.
Gloves: Protect your hands from the elements and potential road rash.
Jacket and Pants: Wear durable, abrasion-resistant clothing.
Boots: Choose sturdy, non-slip boots that cover your ankles.
Eye Protection: Use a visor or goggles to protect your eyes from debris and wind.
2. Inspect Your Motorcycle
Before hitting the road, inspect your motorcycle to ensure it's in optimal condition. Check the following:
Tires: Ensure they are properly inflated and have adequate tread.
Brakes: Test both front and rear brakes.
Lights: Verify that all lights (headlights, tail lights, indicators) are working.
Fluids: Check oil, coolant, and brake fluid levels.
Chain/Belt: Ensure it’s properly tensioned and lubricated.
3. Understand Your Motorcycle
Familiarize yourself with the controls and handling of the motorcycle you’re renting. At Golden Coast Riders, we offer a variety of motorcycle rentals to suit different riding preferences, including Harley Rentals San Diego. Take a few moments to get comfortable with your rental before you start your journey.
Riding Safely on San Diego Roads
1. Follow Traffic Laws
Adhering to traffic laws is fundamental for safe riding. Remember to:
Obey Speed Limits: Speed limits are set for your safety. Adjust your speed according to road conditions.
Use Signals: Always use hand signals and turn indicators to communicate with other road users.
Stay in Your Lane: Avoid lane splitting and weaving through traffic.
2. Stay Alert and Avoid Distractions
San Diego's roads can be busy, especially in urban areas. Stay vigilant and avoid distractions:
Keep Your Eyes on the Road: Scan ahead for potential hazards.
Avoid Phone Use: Don’t use your phone while riding. If you need to make a call or check directions, pull over safely.
3. Be Visible
Make yourself visible to other road users to reduce the risk of accidents:
Wear Bright Clothing: High-visibility gear makes you more noticeable.
Use Reflective Strips: Add reflective strips to your clothing and bike.
Use Your Lights: Ride with your headlights on, even during the day.
4. Ride Defensively
Defensive riding can prevent accidents:
Maintain a Safe Distance: Keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you.
Anticipate Other Drivers’ Actions: Be prepared for unexpected moves by other road users.
Avoid Blind Spots: Stay out of other vehicles’ blind spots.
Specific Tips for San Diego Riders
1. Navigating Coastal Highways
San Diego’s coastal highways, like the Pacific Coast Highway, offer breathtaking views but can be challenging:
Watch for Wind: Coastal areas can be windy. Maintain a firm grip and be prepared for gusts.
Beware of Sand and Debris: Sand and debris can accumulate on the road, especially after high tides or storms.
2. Urban Riding
Riding in the city requires extra caution:
Watch for Pedestrians: Pedestrian crossings are common. Slow down and be prepared to stop.
Be Cautious at Intersections: Most accidents occur at intersections. Approach them with caution and be ready to react.
3. Mountain Roads
San Diego’s nearby mountains offer scenic rides but come with their own set of challenges:
Navigate Curves Carefully: Slow down before entering curves and accelerate gently as you exit.
Be Prepared for Wildlife: Wildlife can appear suddenly, especially in rural areas.
Q: What is the best time to ride in San Diego?
A: San Diego’s climate is generally mild year-round, but the best time to ride is during the spring and fall when temperatures are comfortable, and tourist traffic is lower.
Q: Are there specific laws for motorcycle riders in California?
A: Yes, California has specific laws for motorcycle riders, including mandatory helmet use, lane splitting regulations, and noise level restrictions.
Q: Can I rent a Harley Davidson from Golden Coast Riders?
A: Absolutely! We offer a range of Harley Rentals San Diego for those who want to experience the iconic ride of a Harley Davidson.
Q: Do I need a motorcycle license to rent from Golden Coast Riders?
A: Yes, a valid motorcycle license is required to rent any of our motorcycles.
Q: What should I do if I encounter a mechanical issue with my rental?
A: Contact us immediately at +1 (858) 780-6008. We provide prompt assistance to ensure your ride continues smoothly.
Riding a motorcycle in San Diego is an adventure like no other. By following these safety tips, you can enjoy the thrill of the ride while staying safe. At Golden Coast Riders, we are dedicated to providing you with the best motorcycle rentals San Diego has to offer, ensuring you have a memorable and safe experience.
Ready to embark on your next motorcycle adventure?
 Visit us at 2120 W Mission Rd Ste 250, Escondido, CA 92029, or call us at +1 (858) 780-6008. Explore our fleet and book your ride today at our website. Stay safe and enjoy the ride!
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Best Motorcycle Helmet for Beginners
Riding a motorcycle is thrilling, but safety is paramount. For every rider, a motorcycle helmet is essential. As a beginner, selecting a protective and comfortable helmet can be challenging.
In this guide, we’ll discuss important factors to consider when choosing a beginner motorcycle helmet and recommend top options. Whether you’re riding on the streets or hitting the dirt trails, this guide will help you find the perfect helmet for your needs.
Top 5 best motorcycle helmet for beginners
#1 – Bell Qualifier Full-Face Motorcycle Helmet (Solid Matte Black, Large) (7049224)
Made in the United States 
Equipped with an optional tinted shield for added style and protection
Has a blend of lightweight design and robust construction for unmatched protection
Engineered for ultimate comfort with the innovative Velocity Flow Ventilation system
Features the NutraFog II shield for hassle-free, tool-free, and lightning-fast shield replacement
Gets DOT approval and meets with the FMVSS 218 Standard
Product link: https://www.amazon.com/Bell-Qualifier-Full-Face-Motorcycle-7049224/dp/B00HLUWN34/
#2 – LS2 Helmets Full Face Stream Street Helmet
Lots of colors available to choose 
Equipped with a convenient Twin Shield System
Provides enhanced eye protection with the built-in Drop Down Sun Shield that effortlessly retracts with a simple flick of a switch
Features a DOT-approved quick-release chin strap, ensuring both security and convenience
Has an easily washable and removable technical fabric liner, maintaining the newness of your helmet 
Product link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B010FC5ZPW/
#3 – TCMT Dot Youth & Kids Motorcycle Off-Road Helmet Full Face Motocross Street Dirt Bike Mountain Bike BMX MX ATV Helmet+Goggles+Gloves
Diversity of size from S to XL
Comes with a helmet bag, helmet, goggles, and a pair of gloves
Offers a wide range of fashionable patterns to choose from
Features a stunning glossy UV protective finish and a lightweight, yet extremely durable composite ABS shell
Has the adjustable sun visor adding convenience and protection
Includes the comfortable, washable, removable, and breathable liner to ensure a snug fit
Product link: https://www.amazon.com/TCMT-Motocross-Offroad-Motorcycle-Goggles/dp/B00X9VIPMW/
#4 – ILM Motorcycle Helmet Full Face with Pinlock Compatible Clear&Tinted Visors and Fins Street Bike Motocross Casco DOT Model Z501
Available colors are innovative and unique 
Meet the standard of Safety (FMVSS-218 & DOT Safety Standards)
Includes two visors – mirrored and clear – both of which can be used with a Pin-lock anti-fog visor
Comes with two fins – mirrored and tinted black fins – giving you options for customization and style
Features a removable, washable, and replaceable inner liner along with Comtex Technology
Brings exceptional ventilation with multiple vents, while enjoying quick release and solid protection with a metal buckle
Product link: https://www.amazon.com/ILM-Motorcycle-Compatible-Motocross-Surprise/dp/B0914QV8HS/
#5 – 1Storm Motorcycle Bike Full Face Helmet Mechanic Skull: HJDJ11
Offers a lot of colors to choose from 
Made of an ultra-lightweight and study aerodynamic thermoplastic alloy
Designed with a gorgeous glossy UV protection covering
Has a 5-position ventilation channel and a 3-level top ventilation control for optimum airflow
Features heavily cushioned and washable interior to provide comfort and protection 
Product link: https://www.amazon.com/1Storm-Motorcycle-Helmet-Mechanic-Glossy/dp/B0B3112P2L/
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iammikebrown6 · 4 months
Half Motorcycle Helmets: Optimal Choice for Law Enforcement and Recreational Riders
In the expansive realm of motorcycle safety equipment, the significance of helmets is unparalleled, playing a pivotal role in safeguarding riders from diverse backgrounds, including those tasked with law enforcement duties. Among various helmet designs, the motorcycle half helmet, or simply the motorcycle half helmet, emerges as a distinct favorite. These helmets marry style with a touch of freedom that is particularly appreciated by law enforcement officers. This detailed examination sheds light on the attributes of half motorcycle helmets, differentiating them from full-face alternatives and elucidating why they are favored by police forces.
Understanding the Dynamics of Half Motorcycle Helmets
Half helmets are primarily differentiated from their full-coverage counterparts through their unique design and the level of protection they afford. While full-face helmets envelop the entire head and face, often incorporating a visor for eye safety, half helmets cover just the top half of the skull, leaving the lower face exposed. This stark contrast in coverage not only impacts protective capabilities but also significantly influences the riding experience.
Why Law Enforcement Officers Choose Half Helmets
Enhanced Visibility and Communication
For law enforcement officers patrolling streets on motorcycles, maintaining optimal visibility and seamless communication is imperative. Half helmets excel in providing a clear field of view, crucial for overseeing traffic, public gatherings, or during patrol duties. The open-face design of these helmets also aids in better interaction with peers, suspects, or the public, proving invaluable across various law enforcement scenarios.
Comfort and Efficiency
The lighter and less constrictive nature of half helmets makes them more comfortable, particularly over prolonged periods. This reduction in weight and restriction minimizes neck fatigue and increases flexibility in head movements. The simplicity in donning and removing these helmets also plays a crucial role during swift responses required in emergencies, a common aspect of policing.
Superior Hearing and Awareness
Half helmets inherently enhance the wearer's ability to pick up ambient sounds—from traffic, emergency signals, to crucial dialogues—improving auditory perception. This enhancement is vital for situational awareness, especially in the densely packed, noisy urban environments where clarity and quick assessment of surroundings are essential.
Balancing Safety and Functionality
Although half helmets offer numerous advantages regarding comfort, visibility, and hearing, they provide less protection during accidents, especially from facial and jaw injuries. Law enforcement agencies are tasked with balancing these sensory and comfort benefits against the risks posed by lesser physical coverage.
Customization and Practical Use
Law enforcement units often modify their half helmets to incorporate features tailored to their operational needs. These enhancements may include built-in communication systems, elements that enhance visibility, and distinctive emblems that identify the officers to the public. Such customizations not only boost the helmets' functionality but also ensure officers are accessible and identifiable.
Catering to Both Civilian and Law Enforcement Needs
While law enforcement professionals require helmets that adhere to stringent safety, communication, and visibility standards, civilian riders look for helmets that offer safety, comfort, and a sense of style. Manufacturers like Super Seer provide a wide array of helmets that meet the needs of both groups. For officers, helmets are a critical part of their uniform and must meet precise requirements, whereas civilians might select helmets based on their personal preferences for leisure rides or different riding styles.
Half motorcycle helmets present a unique blend of features that specifically cater to the needs of law enforcement personnel while also appealing to recreational riders. Their design offers superior visibility and increased comfort, which are crucial for effective policing and enjoyable riding. These helmets facilitate better communication, allowing officers to interact more effectively with colleagues and the public during patrols or emergency responses. Moreover, the open design enhances auditory perception, significantly improving situational awareness, a critical factor for safety in complex urban environments.
Despite these advantages, it's important to acknowledge that half helmets do not provide the same level of protection as full-face helmets, particularly in the event of a crash where the risk of facial and jaw injuries is heightened. The decision to opt for a half helmet over other types requires a thoughtful balance between the benefits of increased sensory perception and comfort against the potential for less comprehensive protection.
For anyone considering a motorcycle helmet, whether for professional use in law enforcement or personal use in leisure activities, understanding the specific advantages and limitations of half helmets is essential. Companies like Super Seer are at the forefront, pushing the boundaries of helmet technology to meet diverse needs. They ensure that all riders, whether they are enforcing the law or exploring the open road for pleasure, have access to helmets that not only meet safety standards but also enhance their riding experience. This thoughtful consideration of user needs and continuous innovation is what sets modern helmet manufacturers apart, providing options that support both safety and functionality.
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petrajanelle · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: GMAX Black MX46 Mega Helmet & Goggles Off-Road Motorcycle ATV Youth Size Large.
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crosshelmetshop · 5 months
Motorbike Helmets
The Importance of Motorbike Helmets and the Revolutionary CrossHelmet X1
The Importance of Motorbike Helmets
Motorbike helmets are an essential piece of safety gear for any rider. They provide protection for the head and can greatly reduce the risk of serious injury or even death in the event of an accident. Whether you are a seasoned rider or just starting out, investing in a high-quality motorbike helmet is crucial for your safety on the road.
Choosing the Right Motorbike Helmet
When it comes to choosing a motorbike helmet, there are several factors to consider. The first and most important factor is safety. Look for a helmet that meets the necessary safety standards, such as DOT (Department of Transportation) or ECE (Economic Commission for Europe) certification. These certifications ensure that the helmet has undergone rigorous testing and will provide adequate protection in the event of a crash.
Another important factor to consider is fit. A helmet should fit snugly on your head without being too tight or too loose. It should sit level on your head and cover your forehead without obstructing your vision. Be sure to try on different helmets and choose one that feels comfortable and secure.
In addition to safety and fit, you may also want to consider additional features such as ventilation, noise reduction, and Bluetooth connectivity. These features can enhance your riding experience and make your helmet more versatile.
Introducing the CrossHelmet X1
If you are in the market for a motorbike helmet with advanced features and cutting-edge technology, look no further than the CrossHelmet X1. The CrossHelmet X1 is a revolutionary helmet that combines safety, comfort, and connectivity in one sleek package.
One of the standout features of the CrossHelmet X1 is its integrated heads-up display (HUD) system. This system provides riders with real-time information such as speed, navigation, and weather conditions, all conveniently displayed on the helmet's visor. This eliminates the need for riders to take their eyes off the road, enhancing safety and convenience.
The CrossHelmet X1 also features built-in Bluetooth connectivity, allowing riders to listen to music, make phone calls, and communicate with fellow riders without the need for additional devices. The helmet's advanced noise reduction technology ensures crystal-clear audio even at high speeds.
Furthermore, the CrossHelmet X1 is equipped with a rearview camera system, providing riders with a 360-degree view of their surroundings. This enhances situational awareness and helps riders make safer decisions on the road.
Where to Buy the CrossHelmet X1
If you are interested in purchasing the CrossHelmet X1 or any other motorbike helmet, you can find a wide selection online. There are many reputable online stores that specialize in motorcycle helmets, including those with Bluetooth connectivity.
When shopping online, be sure to read customer reviews and check the seller's reputation to ensure that you are purchasing from a trustworthy source. Look for a store that offers a secure payment process and reliable shipping options.
Additionally, consider reaching out to local motorcycle shops or dealerships to inquire about the availability of the CrossHelmet X1. They may be able to provide you with more information or even allow you to try on the helmet before making a purchase.
Motorbike helmets are a vital piece of safety equipment for riders of all skill levels. When choosing a helmet, prioritize safety, fit, and additional features that enhance your riding experience. The CrossHelmet X1 is an excellent choice for those seeking a helmet with advanced technology and connectivity. Whether you choose the CrossHelmet X1 or another helmet, be sure to purchase from a reputable source to ensure the highest quality and safety standards.
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brahmandtour91 · 5 months
Important Things to Take on a Motorcycle Trip
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Welcome to our Motorcycle expedition blog. This article is all about the essentials to carry on your next Bike Trip. As all trips are unique and based in different country, region, climate, so packing list must be customized as per the travel destination and your custom needs.
We have divided the Complete Motorbike Trip packing list into several categories:
Motorcycle Clothing
Full Face Helmet with Clear Visor: A good quality full face helmet with clear visor is the minimum a rider should have, as it will not only protect your head, but also your face in case of a fall and also protects the rider from cold winds while riding.
UV sunglasses: As mentioned earlier, UV rays at high altitude can be quite damaging and this holds true for eyes as well. So having decent quality UV sunglasses (Fastrack ones are available for as little as Rs.800) is quite essential.
Gloves: While a good quality riding glove like Cramster Tundra is recommended for a Trip to Ladakh, it is not extremely essential. Also, it is better to buy a normal insulated gloves than to buy those cheap riding gloves eg. Probiker/fake Alpinestars available on Ebay and at helmet shops, which neither offer protection in case of a fall, nor protect you from the elements. While leather gloves offer decent protection, most of the cheap ones let in a lot of air.
Riding Jacket: Though not extremely essential, however good quality riding jacket will not only protect you in case of a fall, but also from the elements. Buying a mesh riding jacket with detachable waterproof and warm liner eg. Cramster Breezer/DSG Jackets will not only ensure that you can wear it while riding in Ladakh, but also for local rides in the summers of India.
If you can’t buy a riding jacket, get a wind and water-resistant insulated jacket (easily available at most camping stores) Leather jackets while offering decent protection, often let in air and don’t withstand rain all that well. If you are unable to find a water-resistant jacket, get a normal one and a rain coat which is large enough to go over your jacket.
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bike-safety · 8 months
Stylish and Functional: The Allure of Modular Helmets
As a seasoned powersport bike rider, I've witnessed the evolution of motorcycle helmets from purely functional safety gear to stylish, multifunctional accessories. Among the various types, modular helmets stand out for their unique combination of style and functionality. In this detailed blog, I will explore the allure of modular helmets, highlighting how they blend aesthetic appeal with practical features to cater to the modern rider's needs.
In the world of motorcycle riding, your helmet is more than just a safety device; it's a part of your identity on the road. Modular helmets, with their versatile design, have emerged as a popular choice for riders seeking both style and function. Their ability to switch between a full-face and open-face helmet with a simple flip-up of the chin bar has revolutionized rider convenience. Let’s dive into what makes modular helmets so appealing to today's riders.
1. The Rise of Modular Helmets
Combining Style with Safety:
History and Evolution: Begin with a brief history of modular helmets, discussing their evolution from basic protective gear to stylish, multi-functional helmets.
Popularity Among Riders: Explore the growing popularity of modular helmets among different types of riders, from urban commuters to long-distance tourers.
2. Versatility at Its Best
Adaptability for Various Riding Conditions:
Dual Functionality: Highlight the key feature of modular helmets – the ability to convert from a full-face to an open-face helmet, offering versatility in various riding conditions.
Convenience Factor: Discuss the convenience this versatility brings, such as easier communication, quick ventilation, and the ability to eat or drink without removing the helmet.
3. Safety Features of Modular Helmets
Prioritizing Rider Protection:
Certification and Safety Standards: Emphasize the importance of safety certifications and standards in modular helmets, ensuring they provide adequate protection.
Structural Integrity and Materials: Talk about the construction, materials used, and the safety considerations in the design of modular helmets.
4. Comfort and Ergonomics
A Focus on Rider Comfort:
Interior Comfort: Delve into the ergonomic design of modular helmets, including aspects like padding, liner materials, and overall fit for rider comfort.
Weight and Balance: Discuss the balance between providing sufficient protection and maintaining a comfortable weight, crucial for preventing rider fatigue.
5. Advanced Ventilation Systems
Keeping Cool Under Pressure:
Efficient Airflow: Explain the importance of good ventilation in modular helmets, especially for riders in warmer climates or during long rides.
Customizable Ventilation Options: Highlight helmets with adjustable ventilation systems, allowing riders to control air circulation.
6. Enhanced Visibility and Eye Protection
Clear Vision on the Road:
Visor Technology: Discuss the advancements in visor technology in modular helmets, including UV protection, anti-fogging, and anti-scratch features.
Field of View: Talk about the design considerations in modular helmets to ensure a wide field of view for safety.
7. The Style Factor
Riding in Style:
Aesthetic Appeal: Explore the aesthetic aspects of modular helmets, including their sleek designs, range of colors, and graphic options.
Customization Opportunities: Mention how modular helmets offer customization options, allowing riders to express their personal style.
8. Integrating Modern Technology
Helmets in the Digital Age:
Built-in Technology: Cover the integration of modern technology in modular helmets, such as Bluetooth communication systems, integrated cameras, and even heads-up displays.
Enhancing the Riding Experience: Discuss how these technological features can enhance safety and add convenience to the riding experience.
9. The All-Weather Advantage
Ready for Any Condition:
Weather Adaptability: Highlight how modular helmets are designed to handle different weather conditions, featuring weather seals, thermal insulation, and effective moisture-wicking.
Transitioning Between Climates: Talk about the ease with which riders can adapt their helmets to changing weather conditions during a ride.
10. Choosing the Right Modular Helmet
Factors to Consider:
Fit and Size: Provide guidance on selecting the right size for comfort and safety.
Balancing Features and Budget: Offer tips on how to balance the desired features with a reasonable budget.
11. Care and Maintenance
Prolonging Helmet Life:
Maintenance Tips: Share advice on maintaining a modular helmet, including cleaning practices, visor care, and inspecting the chin bar mechanism.
Regular Check-ups: Emphasize the importance of regular inspections for wear and tear to ensure the helmet remains safe and functional.
In conclusion, the allure of modular helmets lies in their unique blend of style and functionality. They cater to the modern rider's desire for versatility, comfort, and aesthetic appeal without compromising on safety. Whether you’re navigating city streets or embarking on cross-country adventures, a modular helmet can adapt to your needs, making your ride safer, more comfortable, and stylish. Choosing the right modular helmet is an investment in your riding experience, enhancing every journey with the perfect combination of protection and flair.
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windsorhelmets · 10 months
The Full-Face Helmet in the Diverse World of Helmets
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In the realm of protective headgear, helmets play a pivotal role in ensuring safety across various activities. Among the myriad options available, the full-face helmet stands out as a comprehensive solution, providing unparalleled protection for enthusiasts engaged in activities like motorcycle riding and motocross. Let's delve into the features and benefits that make the full-face helmet a popular choice in the diverse world of helmets.
The Full-Face Helmet: A 360-Degree Shield of Safety
A full-face helmet is characterized by its design that covers the entire head, including the face, providing a comprehensive shield against impact and abrasion. This type of helmet is particularly popular among motorcycle riders and motocross enthusiasts due to its ability to offer maximum protection for the face, head, and neck protective helmet.
One of the primary advantages of a full-face helmet is its ability to provide complete coverage, minimizing the risk of injury in the event of an accident. The chin bar, a distinctive feature of full-face helmets, adds an extra layer of protection for the lower face and jaw, areas often vulnerable in other helmet designs. This 360-degree coverage not only protects against direct impact but also shields the face from debris, wind, and other environmental factors during high-speed activities.
Enhanced Safety Features: Beyond Basic Protection
Full-face helmets often come equipped with advanced safety features that contribute to their reputation as top-tier protective gear. The incorporation of materials such as fiberglass, carbon fiber, or polycarbonate ensures a balance between strength and lightweight design, reducing the risk of neck strain during extended use.
Many full-face helmets are designed with multiple layers of impact-absorbing foam padding, strategically placed to dissipate energy upon impact. Additionally, advancements like the MIPS (Multi-Directional Impact Protection System) technology enhance the helmet's ability to mitigate rotational forces during accidents, providing an extra layer of safety Online Helmet Store.
The visor of a full-face helmet is another crucial component, offering protection for the eyes and face against wind, dust, and insects. Some helmets feature anti-fog and anti-scratch coatings on the visor, ensuring optimal visibility in various weather conditions. The ability to easily replace or interchange visors allows users to customize their helmets based on their preferences and riding conditions.
Comfort and Ventilation: Balancing Safety with Convenience
While safety is paramount, full-face helmet manufacturers understand the importance of comfort during prolonged use. Ventilation systems integrated into these helmets ensure adequate airflow, preventing discomfort and fogging. Strategically placed vents help regulate temperature and humidity inside the helmet, enhancing overall comfort, especially during warm weather or intense physical activity.
Full-face helmets also prioritize a snug and secure fit. Most models come with adjustable straps and padding to ensure a personalized fit for each user. The ergonomic design and aerodynamics of full-face helmets contribute not only to safety but also to a comfortable riding experience, reducing wind resistance and noise.
Conclusion: Embracing Total Protection
In the diverse world of helmets, the full-face helmet emerges as a symbol of uncompromising safety and holistic protection. Its comprehensive design, advanced safety features, and focus on rider comfort make it a popular choice among those who prioritize both security and enjoyment in their chosen activities. As technology continues to advance, the full-face helmet stands at the forefront, embodying a commitment to total protection for enthusiasts across various pursuits.
Read More : https://windsorhelmets.com/how-to-pick-the-best-helmet-a-complete-guide/
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sbknews · 10 months
Nishua releases new NTX-4 EVO motorcycle helmet
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The NTX-4 EVO is the latest lightweight full-face motorcycle helmet from Nishua, now exclusively available at Louis Moto – Europe’s leading motorcycle clothing and accessories retailer. Constructed of fiberglass and weighing in at just 1500g, the NTX-4 EVO offers a number of practical features making it the ideal choice for a wide range of riders, from daily commuters, to weekend leisure riders as well as those who enjoy longer riding trips. The NTX-4 EVO comes complete with removeable and washable comfort lining, an integrated sun visor as well as a clear outer visor with a Pinlock anti-fog inner lens making it suitable for all-year-round riding. Adjustable ventilation can also be found in the chin, top and back of the head, where a rear wind deflector is also positioned. Fastening is done via a simple ratchet system.
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Available in two shells and sizes XS-XXL, there are three colourways to choose from – red, black and white, blue, black and white, and grey, black and white. The NTX-4 EVO also conforms with the latest industry ECE 22.06 safety regulation, which comes into effect in January 2024. Priced at £234*, the Nishua NTX-4 EVO represents excellent value, and is available to purchase in the UK now via the Louis Moto website (www.louis-moto.co.uk). Nishua is continuing to grow its range of motorcycle helmets, which includes a line-up of full carbon helmets, as well as fibreglass touring, flip-up, full face, enduro and motocross options. For UK motorcyclists shopping any of Louis Moto’s exclusive brands, including Nishua, VAT as well as refunds on any applicable customs charges on orders made from the UK will be covered, meaning riders can enjoy shopping online without any surprise costs along the way. Free delivery to Great Britain is also available on orders over £199. *All prices correct as of the date of going to press
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