#Currently pirates and the abandoned daycare thing both have more but none are close to actually posting yet aaaa
feralmoonlight · 2 years
Once Upon Some Bullshit... (Language! >:C) -cyoa teaser kinda
You had heard some of the horror stories surrounding this particular company before you’d ever considered applying for the job. It’s long, torrid history having been a major source for nightmarish urban legends and deeply covered true mysteries that decades later still sat around in the dusty cabinets of some forgotten small town police station as cold cases that would more than likely never be solved. It was no secret there was blood writing the history of Fredbear’s Family Diner. It was no secret that some of that blood was fresh. It was no secret that your blood was just as likely to end up as part of the next chapter. But with the economy how it was, stretching the last of your meager savings to make the bus ride out for your face to face interview,  you were more than willing to fill the need of some corporate bean counter that needed to put a live body in their recently vacated position of Daycare Assistant. With the ease of the meeting, and how fast they flew through a mountain of paperwork, it was easy to see they’d done this before. A lot. Waiver after waiver was placed in front of you, seeming to cover every possible accident that could happen in a daycare, from dealing with irate parents wanting to throw a punch (and learning if push came to shove you could swing back!), to collapsing playground equipment, choking hazards from food, drink or small toys, and a whole packet regarding injury or trauma, both physical and mental, that could happen from the human errors when interacting with the various animatronics. One for each model. The thinnest of these waivers had to be seven or eight pages long, mostly in fine print, and all ending with some variation of the concept of anything negative that happened would be your fault. That bit was… Concerning. Concerning but hey, even if you only lasted a week or two, the paychecks from here as a temp could float you for another two or three months to find a less… Well, you weren’t sure how bad working in the daycare would be, but if the turnaround was any indicator, you’d settle for a general ‘bad work environment’ for now. One last signature, and that was it. You were hired. Effective immediately. Oh boy.
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