#Currently Kazper right now...
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grey-pastels · 2 years ago
Fandom: Six of Crows
pairing: platonic! Kaz brekker x reader
summary: reader is set on finding out what kaz' name is.
It was ten bells and the night was just getting started. This might have been a quiet time in any place but not here,not in ketterdam,not in the barrell.
I was currently leading Jesper back to the crow club after having to basically pry the cards from his hands. I had found him in one of the gambling dens,as usual. And he was losing,as usual. Normally I would've just sat next to him,letting him do his thing. But tonight I wasn't in the mood for it. I really didn't want to deal with the speech Kaz would have about him losing all the money again. He would most certainly still hold one but I was just hoping it wouldn't take 10 minutes this time. As we entered the crow club I spotted him sitting in a dark corner,his corner. He glared at us, his usual unamused glare or maybe it was just how his face was stuck by now. When Jesper spotted him he immediately looked away and made a beeline for the bar. I did not. I walked towards him and sat down. I was waiting for him to speak,but of course he didn't. He was waiting for something. Maybe an apology or maybe a simple explanation. I would not give him that,not today. If he wanted it he could ask for it nicely and I might just comply.
"Fancy seeing you here,kazper" I said mockingly.
He was staring at me. He hated it. Ever since I joined the dregs, approximately 3 years ago I had started bothering him with these nicknames. To me it just seemed improbable for someone to name their kid Kaz. I have met jespers and even inejs before. Not many but they existed. So I have made it my goal to get his name. Not for the reason others might want it. I didn't want leverage on him or his past. I just wanted him,to know him. He was a walking mystery to everyone, but not to me. I have tried many names over the years. My personal favourites include kazzie, kazper and kazpian. He didn't show a hint of emotion other than annoyance when I said them so I presumed they weren't right.
He stood up and walked up the stairs. He walked rather fast despite his limp so I had a relatively hard time keeping up. He didn't say anything yet but that didn't stop me. I followed him to his room.  When I closed the door of his office he stood alarmingly close to me. Something Kaz never does. He seemed irritated,by me.
"Why are you so set on knowing my name?"
"Well for starters,kazstration. you know mine. You know me and I know you would never admit to it but i am the closest thing to a friend you have. I am aware inej and jesper are there too but it's different with us. Inej is your faith and jesper your- well actually I am not sure what he is to you"
" You are my crow, an investment. You all are. Not more nor less"
"I don't believe that"
He leaned his head to the side in disbelief. He always hated how stubborn and blunt I can be. I would never change it. It was one of my many talents to help annoy people, annoy him especially. When we first became acquaintances he had said " if you keep that up you won't survive long in the barrel and even shorter in the dregs" I simply smiled at him and continued with my day. Three years later I was still alive and he still disagreed with my ways.
"You are my family,kaz" he almost laughed at that. And  I realised what I had said. It wasnt the fact that I called him my brother, I meant that and I wasn't ashamed of it. But it was the first time I had called him kaz in years. I am not sure why I had done it but it felt right. I needed him to see I was serious and it wasn't another joke.
He kept quiet after that. I didn't expect him to say it back. I didn't need him to. I slightly pressed my palm against his shoulder,shoving him gently out of my way. I could hear his breath hitch for a second but he calmed himself rather fast. I was aware of his aversion to touch and I did my best to avoid physical contact. But now I just needed space and I didn't have the nerve to communicate it. Why would I need to speak my thoughts when he never does? I turned around and opened the door to leave. Before I fully shut it again I spoke up again. "You won't get rid of me, not of my energy either. And one day your gonna have to admit it. Speak the truth. Say that you like me around and perhaps admit it to her aswell,she isn't as patient as me with you and i dont blame her" I didn't need to speak her name, he knew. He always did. " I will see you tomorrow, Kazimir" he made a noise. I shut the door and I was sure I had it. I had his name. I had him.
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vole-mon-amour · 3 years ago
Tagged by @captainjowl 😌❤️ Can't go without commentaries, as always.
slow burn or love at first sight // fake dating or secret dating (1) // enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers (2) // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // hurt-comfort or amnesia // fantasy au or modern au (3) // mutual pining or domestic bliss (4) // smut or fluff // canon-compliant or fix-it (5) // reincarnation or character death // one-shot or multi-chapter // kid fic or road trip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage (6) // high school romance or middle aged romance (!! 7) // time travel or isolated together // neighbors or roommates // sci-fi au or magic au // body swap or gender bend // angst or crack (8) // apocalyptic or mundane (9)
I tag: @littletentaclemonster @darthbarnes @hotchgan @voidcreature @vanwssa @lacrimalis @beckyharvey29 @eddiemoonson @moonykat @helloashrandomnessworld @a-driftamongopenstars @bihotchrights if any of you feel like playing.
Commentaries are under the cut.
(1) this (technically, both, but i still choose secret dating) can get toxic really fast so it depends on a particular couple
(2) both bc batjokes and rhack exist but yeah, i'll take best friends to lovers over anything at any given day (stevebucky supremacy <3 also kazper and moreid and hossi)
(3) modern fantasy au!
(4) listen... who said it can't be mutual pining while doing chores?
(5) i rarely find canon that shouldn't be fixed, so I'll go with this one. much more possibilities and freedom to how it should've went in canon. canon compliant is nice only when you can squeeze what you need, but then you can easily go with a fix it in the first place
(6) neither 🙄 both make me feel really bad, nauseous even
(7) i can't stress this enough. that's why i can't go with heartstopper, young royals and other nonsense. it's perfectly fine that people like them, but i'm so tired of kids and teenagers in media. currently i am screaming about two men in their 50-60 being in love & that's the content i love having. everything that starts with adult characters (25-30-35) and older. older characters finding themselves again with a younger partner that is genuinely in love with them is also great (think 'A Single Man')
(8) neither. if there's no comfort after angst, I'll scroll past both. i used to love angst, now i can't handle reading angst for the sake of angst.
(9) leaning towards mundane, but if apocalyptic is executed right, i can do that, too (hi to tlou). apocalyptic mundane works, too.
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