#Current affairs capsule
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class24 · 1 year
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rambleonwaywardson · 4 months
Clegan Astronaut AU - Part 3
AU Summary: the boys as modern day NASA astronauts. Taking place in 2025, Bucky is about to head to the moon as mission commander of Artemis III while Buck is back-up commander and CAPCOM at NASA. Established relationship (obnoxiously in love).
Author's Note: Uh oh, the chapters are getting longer. Hope y'all will stick with me because I have plans for these boys. Heads up, this chapter does contain some expressions of homophobia. Also there's no new terms that I think need defining here, but I'm thinking of creating a term definition post for those I've already used.
‘John Egan and Alex Jefferson to make history as first queer and black representation on the moon’ 
‘Artemis III crew ready for liftoff in one month’
‘So three bachelors and a homosexual walk into a bar, er, a rocket…’
‘NASA targeting November 6  launch’
‘NASA’s diversity campaign’
‘What having a gay man in the space program means for the future of America’
‘NASA press conference gets heated after probing sexuality questions’
‘Biddick goes after reporter to defend fellow astronaut’
September 30, 2025
Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX
As NASA’s Artemis Public Affairs Officer, it is Marjorie Spencer’s job to relay information about the Artemis program to the public as well as to coordinate press events between the media and the crew and/or mission control. As Public Affairs Officer, it’s her job to wrangle a bunch of rowdy astronauts and convince them to play nice with the press, even when the press doesn’t play nice with them. With this particular crew, it can, often, be like wrangling a bunch of rambunctious, highly opinionated, and incredibly stubborn teenage boys. Or a bunch of selectively trained dogs whose selective training just happens to be whatever they feel like remembering in the moment.
A lot of people don’t truly appreciate how, as Public Affairs Officer, it is Marge’s job to make these boys – ahem, grown men – look presentable to the public when behind the scenes they are the bane of her existence. In the most loving way possible.
Public Affairs Officer, however, is only one of her jobs.
As Best Friend, her job often includes the emotional damage control that flies high above a PAO’s paygrade. 
As she finishes up welcoming a room full of reporters to Johnson Space Center, she reminds them that this will be the last press conference that the astronauts will take part in before starting their pre-launch quarantine process in just a few weeks. They will have another pre-launch press conference while in quarantine a couple of days before they board the Orion crew capsule, before they strap themselves to the top of NASA’s most powerful rocket ever created.
“Please welcome NASA’s Artemis 3 crew,” Marge says smoothly. “Major John Egan, mission commander. First Lieutenant Curtis Biddick, lunar module pilot. Dr. Robert Rosenthal, crew physician. Alexander Jefferson, mission specialist.”
One by one, the crew members, dressed in their NASA flight suits, walk up onto the small stage at the front and take their seats behind the table, which is emblazoned with the NASA logo. They each have a gold astronaut pin on their flight suit collars, signifying the fact that they have already successfully flown in space. These four men are some of the most qualified people currently in the space program, and they were hand-selected two years ago to fly this mission. Together, they have logged nearly 1,000 hours of training for Artemis 3, including crew module sims, lunar module sims, zero-gravity EVAs in the neutral buoyancy tank, and lunar terrain sims. In five weeks, that training will be put to use for the chance to put the next human footprints on the moon.
At first, the questions are typical, what the crew is prepared for. They’ve been answering similar questions through much of the training process. How does it feel to be going to the moon? What will each of their roles be on the mission? What kind of training have they been doing? Do they feel prepared? What does it mean for each of them to be on this mission? What do they think it means for the general public and for the future of science? For the space program? For Bucky and Curt, how does it feel to be the first men since the 70s to step foot on lunar soil?
The crew answers them all genuinely and professionally. They joke with the reporters, a trait that has made them endearing to much of the public. They wax poetic about flying to the moon and how they’ve all dreamed about it, how they’re honored to be a part of something so grand, what they hope it will symbolize for people all over the world. They say exactly what the reporters, and the public, generally want to hear. 
Until they can’t. Because at some point, no matter what you say, to someone somewhere it will never be right. 
To be honest, Bucky often stops listening to the reporters names and affiliations during these things. So he isn’t sure who asks this question, but he perks up when the man says “This question is for John Egan.” Bucky nods and the man goes on. “This crew has become well-known for being a crew of young bachelors, except for you. You’re getting married in just a couple weeks, correct? To Major Gale Cleven, also a NASA astronaut.”
Bucky nods again. “Yes, that’s correct.” 
“Do you or Major Cleven have any concerns about you going to the moon just days after the big day?”
Bucky smirks. “Well, which big day are you referring to? The wedding or the launch?”
The reporters in the room chuckle quietly. “The wedding,” the man says.
Bucky tries not to roll his eyes. You get married and suddenly it doesn’t matter that both spouses have been professional and highly trained adrenaline junkies for years before this. “Of course, there’s always concerns when it comes to hurling yourself off of a planet,” he replies. “But Gale and I have been through this together, more than once. We know the risks, and we support each other 100%. The only thing that will be different is I’ll have a wedding ring with me.”
As reporters clamor to get the next question, Marge points and a woman stands up, introducing herself. “Major Egan,” she starts. Two in a row. Bucky clenches his jaw, worried he knows where this press conference is about to go. “How do you think coming out as a member of the LGBTQ+ community affected your role within NASA and within the Artemis program?”
Bucky takes a quiet but deep breath. “My sexuality has never been a secret,” he answers. At least, it hasn’t been since high school. And yet the media still aren’t comfortable with words like gay or homosexual or queer or even LGBT. When they do say these words, it’s almost hushed, like it’s something terrible. “It wasn’t a secret when I flew on the ISS two years ago, and it isn’t now. My qualifications and experience, I think, speak for themselves as to why I am on this mission.”
“Do you consider yourself a role model for the queer youth of today?” Someone jumps in.
Bucky hears Curt stifle a laugh beside him, and he almost smiles himself. “I’m not trying to be any sort of role model or anything,” he says honestly. “God knows you could find better than me. But I am an Air Force pilot, I am an astronaut, I am an engineer, and yes, I am also going to marry a man next month. And that man has been the love of my life for over a decade. So if those facts can somehow align to give others the opportunity to dream, to believe in themselves and in a better future, then I’m glad.” He glances over at Marge, who looks a little wary of where things are heading, but she gives him a thumbs up for his answer.
“So this isn’t just a publicity stunt in NASA’s diversity agenda?” another reporter asks. At the same time, someone throws their hand up and says “what kind of message is NASA trying to send by putting you on this mission?” 
The questions and excited mumbling of other reporters jumble into some cacophony of muddled sound, and Bucky bites down on the inside of his cheek to keep from saying something out of line. Because as a public figure, anything he says now will be ‘out of line.’
Another reporter stands up, unbidden, before he can even think of an appropriate answer to either of the questions he was able to hear. “For the rest of the crew,” he calls out, before Marge can direct him to take his seat. “How do you feel about having a gay man in the spacecraft with you?”
Bucky can taste blood as he bites down harder. Marge steps up on stage in a hurry, saying something about that being enough questions about Major Egan’s personal life, and any further questions should be directly mission related.
But Curt has already moved to stand up, and Rosie and John simultaneously reach out from either side to push him back down. Alex leans forward at the other end of the table, intent on putting that question to rest with a facial expression that is as close to a glare as can be managed without getting called out for being ‘unfriendly’ by the media. “This crew is like family,” he states with an overwhelmingly exaggerated sense of calm. “John is one of the best pilots NASA has. We are all proud to call him our friend and our commander.”
Marge, now standing firmly next to Alex at the end of the table so she can moderate more directly, nods at him in approval. As she moves to select someone for the next question, though, one of the reporters near the front scoffs and not-so-subtly mumbles something under his breath that leaves Bucky dazed, his ears ringing. Next thing he knows, Curt’s chair is clattering backwards as he shoots to his feet – “What did you say? What the fuck did you say!” Rosie is holding him back from jumping the table with all of his grip strength, and the newsroom is erupting in shouts from the reporters. Questions and insults fly across the room, directed at one another and at Bucky, too. He just sits there quietly, his elbows on the table and his chin resting on his folded hands, letting the words slap him in the face and settle like stones in his chest. He forces himself to stop biting down on his cheek, and watches numbly as security barges into the frenzied crowd to begin escorting reporters out of the room.
When Rosie finally releases his grip, Curt grabs his chair and sits back down with an angry grunt, shaking his head. “Stupid fucks,” he mutters. Marge ends the press conference after that.
As the room is cleared, the crew is shuffled out of the newsroom and into Marge’s office down the hall. She sighs and puts her head in her hand, pacing the room, her heels clacking methodically on the tile. The men stand quietly in a line, looking anywhere but at each other. Finally, Marge takes a deep breath and looks them each in the eye. “Well,” she says. “That could have been… well. That was bad. Okay, that was bad.” She looks at Bucky. “You did great, John. Thank you for how you handled that. I’m so sorry. We’ll figure out a way to handle this better for your pre-launch press conference.”
Bucky just nods. “Yeah,” he says distantly. “Yeah, no big deal.”
If we’re lucky the fag will die up there.
“It’s a big fucking deal,” Curt mutters angrily. They’re used to this kind of thing by now; between John, a gay man, and Alex, a black man, the crew has become overwhelmingly and depressingly aware that the world has not yet changed quite enough to escape derision over difference being normal, over people existing outside the boxes that society has designed. They deal with it, they move on, they do their job. But today was more… well, it was just more than usual. Like the closer they get to launch, the more the media is concerned about all the wrong things. And the more comfortable they are with voicing it. 
“It’s fine,” Bucky insists. “Nothing that I haven’t heard before, really.” He can hear it in his own voice, though: He isn’t sure how much he believes himself.
If we’re lucky…
Rosie pats him on the shoulder. “Like Alex said, we’re family. We’ve got your back, and we won’t tolerate this shit.” Bucky tries to give a little half smile. 
…the fag will die up there. 
Marge nods and checks their schedule on her tablet. “Let’s, um, let’s all take a breather, okay? We don’t have any major press engagements until right before launch.” She looks up at them, and she fights a frown when she sees the varying states of anger, frustration, and dejection on their faces. She knows it’s not her fault, but it’s her job to coordinate and moderate these events. She tries to smile reassuringly instead. “I’ll work with each of you on your own interviews and media appearances over the next few weeks, but I need you boys to focus on the mission. I’ll take care of addressing how this conference ended, and I’ll work with public relations to make sure we can avoid things getting out of hand in the future.” She knows she has a strongly worded email from the director of the human spaceflight program – or possibly even an impromptu meeting – coming her way any minute. She has to work out how to tidy up this mess, but it can’t be her priority at the moment.
She hugs Alex, Rosie, and Curt as they exit her office. Then she looks at Bucky, who has barely moved at all. “Hey,” she says, putting a hand on his shoulder. 
He glances up at her before looking back at his shoes. “Hey.”
“You okay?”
Bucky shrugs, but doesn’t answer for a long, long moment. “I should be,” he finally sighs. “I’m used to it, really. It’s been the same since my astronaut candidacy was announced. Hell, it’s been the same my whole life.” He scoffs. “I don’t know. It just feels… worse somehow, this time.”
He looks up at Marge again, and Marge feels her chest tighten at the tired sadness in his eyes. Even the toughest men she knows have never been bullet proof. She pulls him into her arms and lets him hold on for as long as he needs as he tries to keep himself together. 
If we’re lucky…
“You’re one of our best,” she tells him quietly as she rubs his back. “Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.”
“I know,” Bucky says, but his voice chokes on the words. “I…” He holds onto her tighter, and he can’t bring himself to say anything else. 
If we’re lucky…
When he lets go, Marge squeezes his arm. Her assistant knocks on the door then, here to tell her that Neil Harding, the director of the human spaceflight program, wants to see her in his office. She thanks the woman and takes a deep breath. “Okay,” she tells Bucky. “I’m going to work on cleaning up this mess. But once I do, I’ll meet you at yours for some good old fashioned damage control.” Damage control meaning drinks, snacks, and general mayhem. Bucky kisses her on the cheek, thanks her, and watches her strut out of the room, off to fulfill her third role: certified badass.
Just minutes after Marge leaves Neil Harding’s office, Gale finds himself outside the very same door, wondering why he’s been summoned out of the blue in the middle of his work day. He’s greeted by a woman who he hasn’t seen in years, looking as prim and proper as ever even in her European Space Agency flight suit.
“Sandra?” He asks. 
She turns around and smiles politely at him, that charming and yet almost disarming way she always does. “Gale! Wow, it’s been some time hasn’t it?”
Gale nods, but eyes her carefully in confusion. “Sure has. Nice to see you again.”
Sandra looks unphased though, exactly as he would expect her to. This woman could be faced with a dead body or three or ten – and probably has been – and wouldn’t bat an eye. She is, perhaps, the strongest woman Gale knows, and NASA really is full of strong women. “How are you?” she asks. “And how’s John? Or, Bucky I believe is what people call him around here. You Americans and your funny nicknames.”
“Good, good,” Gale says. “He’s going up on Artemis 3 in November.”
Sandra puts a hand on his shoulder and almost looks… sad? “Oh I know. It’s all the buzz, isn’t it?”
Gale arches an eyebrow, not quite sure what she’s getting at. Before he can say anything, though, the door to Neil’s office opens and the man himself is ushering them inside. 
“Gale! Sandra! We have a lot to cover so get on in here.”
When Marge finally lets herself into Buck and Bucky’s home with a spare key, armed with ice cream and alcohol, she stops short as she walks into the living room. She leans against the doorframe, one hand on her hip and the other holding the groceries. It’s only 4pm and Bucky, who went home early after the whole fiasco with the media, is slouched down low in the middle of the couch, bundled in an old Yankees sweatshirt with Pepper curled up at his side, her head in his lap. The news is on, a clip from their press conference earlier. A reporter is talking in depth about the incident, and the entire “controversy” over NASA’s “agenda.” As he watches, he doom-scrolls on his phone, and Marge knows he’s digging himself into a deep, deep hole filled with social media comments. His eyes are red, but his face is dry.
“John,” Marge says. He looks up at her and smiles weakly. She motions towards the TV, where the reporter is now reading an official statement from NASA, saying that the organization supports Major John Egan and the entirety of the Artemis 3 crew 100%; that the crew was selected based on merit and capability; that each member has been extensively trained and has shown that they are highly qualified and prepared for a lunar mission; and that NASA stands by all of their astronauts and employees, regardless of identity, and will not tolerate attacks of any kind such as those that occurred today. 
Bucky watches the report blankly before shifting his eyes over to Marge. She sighs before walking over to the coffee table, where she sets down the bag of groceries and picks up the remote. The TV clicks off. “Enough of that,” she says. When she collapses down next to Bucky and Pepper on the couch, she peeks over at his phone. Social media comments, sure enough. Supportive and detrimental both. She plucks the phone from his hand and turns it off, placing it face down on the coffee table. “And enough of that.”
John just stares at it on the tabletop, idly stroking Pepper’s ears. He won’t look at Marge, so she reaches over across Pepper and places a hand on his shoulder. “John, look at me.”
He does, and he takes a deep, shaky breath. He opens his mouth to speak but closes it again, biting down on the inside of his lip. Pepper licks his hand. He takes another breath and looks Marge right in the eye. “There’s death threats,” he says. When Marge just frowns, he rubs a hand over his face. “For me. And for Gale. Not many, thank God, but they’re there. I read them.” 
“Oh honey,” Marge says sadly. She gets up to switch to his other side, so she can wrap her arms around him properly. He lets himself settle into the embrace and closes his eyes, letting his most trusted friend ground him on one side and his dog on the other. 
“Thank you for issuing that statement,” he mumbles. 
Marge lays her head on top of his. “Harding wants to talk to you tomorrow, and he wanted me to tell you that the human space flight program fully supports you and always has. I think he wanted to give you some space today. Once you’re up for it, we’ll bring the whole crew in to discuss how to handle this in the future.” Bucky gives a small nod of acknowledgement. “You know it’s not really about you, right?” Marge asks. “Those things that people are saying. It’s entirely about them. None of them know you, and no one can, in any meaningful way, deny that you belong on this mission. This is about their own problems and their own prejudices. You,” she squeezes him harder, “have done everything right.”
Bucky is silent for a long time, until finally he says, “I don’t really want to talk about it right now.”
“Alright,” Marge says easily. She leans away and looks at him, grinning. “Time for some damage control.”
By 6:30pm, Gale can’t get the door of their house open fast enough. He hasn’t heard from Bucky all day and needs to tell him about the meeting with Harding. When he gets inside, though, he’s greeted by loud music pumping through their stereo speakers. As he walks into the living room, he takes in the sight of half empty cocktail glasses and beer bottles, open ice cream cartons and abandoned spoons, a bag of chips and a plate of fruit, and the throw pillows strewn all over the floor. He pauses in his tracks, staring at the carnage as his excitement drains rapidly from his body. 
Damage Control. 
Pepper runs out of the kitchen to greet him, tail wagging so hard her whole body goes with it. Gale tilts his head and smiles at her. Throwing his keys on the coffee table next to Bucky’s abandoned phone, he crouches down and scratches under Pepper’s collar. “What happened, Pep?” He asks her. 
She just bumps his hand with her wet nose and spins around once before trotting off back to the kitchen. He follows her tentatively and peeks through the kitchen doorway, where Bucky is sitting on the counter while Marge stands, leaning back against the center island across from him. There’s flour and dirty cooking utensils everywhere, and it smells like tomato sauce. 
Marge looks down at Pep and then up at Gale. “Hey there,” she says. 
They’ve been laughing and singing and dancing all evening, but when Bucky looks up and sees the hesitant half smile on Gale’s face, the furrow in his brow, he knows Gale has already figured out that something is wrong anyways. The smile falls from Bucky’s face at the same time it falls from Gale’s. “Buck,” he says, but it barely pushes past his throat as a whisper. 
“What’s wrong?” Gale asks. He looks from Bucky to Marge and back. “John?”
Bucky shrugs and averts his eyes, watching Pepper instead as she flops down dramatically on the tile floor. “I’m fine,” he says. 
“Come on, John,” Gale sighs. But Bucky won’t look at him, so Gale looks at Marge instead. 
She brushes a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Some things were said at the press conference today,” she supplies. “We had to end it early, with security pulling some reporters from the room.”
Gale frowns. “What kind of things?”
“Mostly about John’s sexuality. And your relationship. They were pretty innocent at first, but-“
“If we’re lucky the fag will die up there,” Bucky bites out. Gale feels frozen in place. He blinks, shoves his hands in his pockets, takes them out again. “There’s been worse online,” Bucky adds. 
“John,” Gale says quietly. He steps forward, one hand outstretched, but he stops short when Bucky crosses his arms protectively over his chest. 
“It’s not a big deal,” Bucky says, ducking his head. They both know that’s not true. ‘Damage Control’ isn’t for things that aren’t a big deal. Bucky shrugs. “At least, it shouldn’t be a big deal. Hey, I’m used to it right? I just gotta keep on going.” He laughs bitterly, but when he looks up at Gale, the hurt on the other man’s face squeezes his chest all funny and he looks away again. Then there’s a warm arm around his back, a hand on the back of his head. He feels Gale standing in front of him, and he lets his head fall forward to rest against his. Slowly, he lifts his arms to wrap around his fiancé, and he grips the fabric of his shirt in white-knuckled, shaking hands. 
After a couple of long, silent minutes, nothing but their careful breathing passing in the air between them, Bucky takes a deep breath. “Wow, way to put a damper on this little party, huh? Let’s uh, let’s go back to the part where I don’t have to think about this tonight.”
They both know they’ll have to talk about this later, but Gale nods and lets go. Bucky grabs tightly to his hand, though, wanting a tether to stop this feeling of drifting away. 
Marge motions for them to go back out to the living room. “Pizza in the oven. I’ll bring it out in a minute.”
When she does eventually follow them into the living room, carrying a tray of pizza, she walks in on them dancing in the middle of the room to “Can’t Help Falling in Love” by Elvis as it plays over the speakers. Bucky smoothly twirls Gale around before pulling him close again, and Marge is, not for the first time, in awe of the pure adoration that passes between the two of them. “Shouldn’t you save your first dance song for your actual wedding night?” she asks as she sets the pizza on the coffee table next to Bucky’s phone, still upside down, and Gale’s keys. 
They slow to a stop and look at her. Bucky shrugs. “Gotta practice so I don’t trip over myself and embarrass my bride.” 
Gale blushes and half-heartedly mumbles “stop calling me that.” 
Bucky grins. “What? My bride?” He gently pulls Gale down onto the couch with him, wrapping an arm around his waist and kissing him on the temple. “But I love the way it makes you blush.”
Marge gags dramatically and tells them to eat their pizza. 
As they’re polishing it off, even giving Pepper her own little piece, Gale licks his fingers and says nonchalantly, “I have some news.”
When he doesn’t go on, Marge rolls her eyes. “Care to share with the class?”
Gale is quiet for a second, but then a grin spreads across his face as he looks at both of them. “I’m going to the moon earlier than we thought. Artemis 4.”
Bucky jumps up so fast he bangs a knee hard on the table and Marge has to lunge forward to keep the pizza tray from falling to the floor. Pepper jumps up in alarm as Bucky spins to face Gale, ignoring the pain shooting through his leg. “You’ve been home for-“ he checks the clock on the wall. “An hour! And you didn’t say anything until NOW?”
Gale shrugs sheepishly. “There were more important things-“
“No!” Bucky cries. “No… Wait. How in hell did you get yourself onto the A4 roster?”
Artemis 4 is planned to launch in just over a year. Crew selection had been made months ago. Gale rubs the back of his neck. “Well, the two ESA astronauts that were supposed to go got bumped cause of health concerns. ESA was able to put in one other astronaut, but NASA wanted a more experienced pilot in the lander. Harding called me in today.”
“Gale, that’s amazing!” Marge says, crawling across the couch to hug him tight. “Oh my god, this is so amazing. Congratulations!” She’s in part already thinking about the press coordination and social media posting that this necessitates, but holy shit that can wait for now.
When she pulls away, Bucky reaches down and wraps his arms around Gale’s middle, pulling him up from the couch and spinning him around. Then he kisses him hard and spins him again, Gale laughing as he yells for Bucky to set him down. “What!” Bucky exclaims. “You gotta get used to being helpless in the air again, you’re going to the moon!”
Gale rolls his eyes as Bucky sets him down. “Who did ESA toss into the thick of it?” Bucky asks. 
“Sandra Westgate.” Gale raises an eyebrow as he says this, watching for Bucky’s reaction. 
It’s Marge, though, that jumps in as Bucky tries to process that. “No way, Croz’s old flame?”
Bucky shakes his head, trying not to laugh. Harry Crosby, Houston’s best flight dynamics officer, had spent a hot summer a few years back – before he and his now-wife Jean got back together after a bit of a break – gallivanting about town with Sandra Westgate. She’s top class, one of the best astronauts in the European Space Agency. Gale is lucky to be flying with her, really. But damn. “Does… does Croz know?” 
Gale nods, chuckling. “Yeah, he knows. Saw him gaping at her like a fish as I showed her around this afternoon. They’ve both moved on, but…”
“Awkward,” Marge cringes. 
“She’ll be sticking around Houston for the next year, starting in a couple weeks,” Gale explains. “To train with us.”
“Plenty of time to un-move on,” Bucky muses. 
Marge throws a pillow at him, but he dodges it and watches as it crashes into a fake plant in the corner of the room. “Don’t say that!” Marge reprimands. “Croz and Jean are very happy together you ass.”
Bucky shrugs. “Sorry.” He looks at Gale, who is still standing facing him. “Now don’t you go getting any ideas either. Sandra’s a strong and lovely woman.”
Gale cups the back of Bucky’s neck and kisses him softly. “I would never,” he whispers, before he falls back onto the couch. Bucky collapses next to him, grabbing Gale’s hand again so he can fiddle with his fingers. 
They look at each other, and Bucky presses his lips to Gale’s knuckles. “I’m so proud of you.”
“I’m proud of you, too.”
Marge takes one last bite of pizza. “It’s sickening how in love you two are.”
Gale smiles shyly. “Always have been.”
Bucky smiles back at him, but too many thoughts are swirling around in his head, and he feels the words choke and fizzle on his tongue.
Part 4
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SpaceTime -- A brief history
SpaceTime is Australia’s most popular and respected astronomy and space science news program – averaging over two million downloads every year. We’re also number five in the United States.  The show reports on the latest stories and discoveries making news in astronomy, space flight, and science.  SpaceTime features weekly interviews with leading Australian scientists about their research.  The show began life in 1995 as ‘StarStuff’ on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) NewsRadio network.  Award winning investigative reporter Stuart Gary created the program during more than fifteen years as NewsRadio’s evening anchor and Science Editor.  Gary’s always loved science. He studied astronomy at university and was invited to undertake a PHD in astrophysics, but instead focused on his career in journalism and radio broadcasting. Gary’s radio career stretches back some 34 years including 26 at the ABC. He worked as an announcer and music DJ in commercial radio, before becoming a journalist and eventually joining ABC News and Current Affairs. He was part of the team that set up ABC NewsRadio and became one of its first on air presenters. When asked to put his science background to use, Gary developed StarStuff which he wrote, produced and hosted, consistently achieving 9 per cent of the national Australian radio audience based on the ABC’s Nielsen ratings survey figures for the five major Australian metro markets: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.  The StarStuff podcast was published on line by ABC Science -- achieving over 1.3 million downloads annually.  However, after some 20 years, the show finally wrapped up in December 2015 following ABC funding cuts, and a redirection of available finances to increase sports and horse racing coverage.  Rather than continue with the ABC, Gary resigned so that he could keep the show going independently.  StarStuff was rebranded as “SpaceTime”, with the first episode being broadcast in February 2016.  Over the years, SpaceTime has grown, more than doubling its former ABC audience numbers and expanding to include new segments such as the Science Report -- which provides a wrap of general science news, weekly skeptical science features, special reports looking at the latest computer and technology news, and Skywatch – which provides a monthly guide to the night skies. The show is published three times weekly (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and available from the United States National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio, and through both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
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yeowangies · 1 year
Blood Stains
CHAPTER X: If I bleed you'll be the last to know
PAIRING: Raditz/F!Reader RATING: Explicit CONTENTS: Canon Divergence AU, Slow burn, Smut, Enemies to Lovers. WARNINGS: Explicit sexual content. WORDCOUNT: 4791
You freeze in place. It has been a month since you had that argument with Raditz. What is he doing here? Even when weeks went by, you’re not sure you’ve cooled off enough to handle this yet. Or at all, since you were positive you would never see his face again.
I feel like it's been a year since I've updated this, but it's only been a little over a month. I wrote this chapter like two months ago, and as I was reading this to check if everything is as I want it to be, I realized that I've written something that I wish I had in my life. I'm not gonna go too deep into this but it was weirdly comforting.
Again, I won't know when I'll post the next chapter, I'm currently busy with a lot of irl stuff, but hopefully it's gonna be in less than a month this time!
The lyrics in the title is from Taylor Swift's Cruel Summer. Enjoy!
You can check the tag #*bs if you wanna see the previous chapters.
A confrontation like that was not how you wanted to end things with Raditz. Because it was definitely over after that. You’re certain you won’t see him again. 
You feel it in your bones, he likes staying with you and being with you. He has slept so much better the second time around, and he hasn’t been so tense. What he said hurt and you are still angry, so angry, but it was your fault he stormed out like that, you shouldn’t have said anything. You shouldn’t have talked to him as if he was going to break.
Then again, remaining silent didn’t feel right either. Even if you had agreed to only sleep together. 
It was stupid to think you wouldn’t get attached. You never expected this affair to last for as long as it did, which wasn’t even that long to begin with. You even got to know him during his short stay, and even before that when he was staying at Capsule Corp; you know him too much for someone who you were just going to share a bed with every once in a while. 
Lust was how all of it started, but it has transformed into something more, even if you don’t even want to acknowledge it yourself.
Would all that actually change anything?
You purposely had avoided the topic of his stay here on Earth, or about the Saiyans, before that day. But he said some things and you couldn’t keep your mouth shut. Nothing feels right, and you feel like punching a wall. Which would probably hurt less than when you slapped him, it’s like his face was made of steel. 
You know for sure Raditz won’t ever come back, and you get more used to the idea as days pass by. It doesn’t hurt any less, though, and your heart feels tight whenever you dwell on it. 
“I’m staying at Kame House for a few days, do you wanna come along?” Bulma asks over the phone one afternoon, in a cheery tone.
You haven’t told Bulma anything about Raditz at all; keeping it a secret was for the best, or so you thought. You were regretting it a bit now, all your emotions were bottling up inside and that couldn’t be good. But you’re not ready to share everything yet.
“No, it’s okay, I… have work to do.”
“Don’t forget the Saiyans are getting here one of these days, it’d be better if you’re here when that happens.”
“I know.”
“Do you know anything about Raditz?”
You inhale sharply before clearing your throat.
“I don’t.”
“That’s so weird, he just disappeared. I would assume he left the planet, but he doesn’t have any ship, does he?”
“Not that I know of.”
“Mmh, I’m sure we’ll know what he’s been up to once his two buddies come here. I know Goku can take them.”
“Yeah… Yeah, Goku is unbeatable, right?”
“…Are you okay? You don’t sound too good…”
“I haven’t been sleeping well. I’ve been thinking about this too much.” At least that part isn’t a lie. “Don’t worry, okay? Call me if anything happens.”
You hang up after that.
It has been almost a year since Goku died. It doesn’t feel like so much time has passed. Since you’ve been trying to avoid the topic altogether when Raditz was around, you actually lost track of time until Bulma called to tell you about it. 
You’re reconsidering actually making a bag and getting to Kame House too when a loud knock on the balcony startles you. 
You freeze in place. It has been a month since you had that argument with Raditz. What is he doing here? Even when weeks went by, you’re not sure you’ve cooled off enough to handle this yet. Or at all, since you were positive you would never see his face again. 
“Open up.” Raditz’s loud voice demands from the other side of the balcony door. “Unless you want me to blast through the wall.”
Fuck. You know he isn’t bluffing. 
Breathing in deeply, you open the door ajar to look him up. He’s still as handsome as ever even when he doesn't have his usual smirk, you want to gouge out your eyes because of how furious it makes you. You lock eyes with him for a brief second before moving to the side to let him in. 
Raditz stands in front of you with his eyes fixed on your face, but your gaze is elsewhere. Now that he is here, you don’t want to apologize first. You’re hurt, but you’re still very angry too. You’re a lot of emotions together at once with him. 
“Are you not even going to look at me?” He asks, annoyed. 
You sigh, slowly, turning your eyes towards him. You can’t decipher the expression on his face, but Raditz is staring at you with such intensity you’re worried he might be seeing right through you. You avert your gaze from him after a second, unsure if you want to slap him again or jump right into his arms. 
You’re startled when Raditz abruptly takes a few steps towards you and grabs your arms, pulling you closer and leaning down to capture your lips in a kiss. A surprised noise escapes you, melting a little inside when you feel him so close after all that time. It takes a second for you to remember that you’re still upset and that you don’t actually want to give in this easily.
“No…” You murmur quietly into the kiss, pushing urgently at his shoulders to get him off. “No, Raditz, I don’t wanna do this!”
“Your body is saying otherwise.” He says with a smirk, hands sliding underneath your shirt and making you shiver.
“I don’t wanna do this when I’m mad at you!” You clarify, pulling away from him the best you can in his embrace. 
“Isn’t this the best way to make amends?” 
That smug grin of his grows wider and your face heats up, but you still roll your eyes. 
“I’m not doing this until you apologize. What you said to me hurt…” 
Raditz pulls away, frowning deeply, his hands closing into fists then opening and closing again a couple of times. You realize that he probably won’t apologize first; you wonder if he actually can apologize at all, not because he’s incapable, but maybe it’s something he has never done before. 
“Though I guess, I really hurt you too.” You say after seconds of silence, taking the first step. “I didn’t mean to talk to you that way… I’m sorry. What I said was true though, I do care about you…”
He nods, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“What am I supposed to say?” Raditz asks, with his eyes still on your face.
“I don’t know… tell me how you feel?” His frown gets deeper and you want to laugh because he looks like a petulant child who simply can’t have things his way. You offer him a small smile instead. “Do they not teach Saiyans how to apologize?”
“We do not apologize.” 
You sigh, your smile turning sour because you expected that answer. 
“It wasn’t my intention to upset you.” Raditz says, to your surprise, as he gets closer again with a smirk. “Let me show you how sorry I am.”
You huff, smiling despite yourself, when his hands reach for you again, pulling you closer by your shirt until you’re flush against him.
“You’re only saying that cause you wanna get laid!”
“I’m saying that because I want you.” He leans down to bury his face in your neck, pressing his nose to your skin and breathing in deeply. “If you do not want this, tell me to stop.”
Goosebumps form on your skin when you feel his breath near your ear, and you jolt when his hands trail under your shirt once more. 
You don’t know if that apology of his is enough, but he did say he was sorry in a way.
When Raditz realizes you won’t stop him, he removes all your clothes urgently, and you help him get rid of his as he kisses you fervently. You feel his desperation by the way his hands gripped your body, pressing you as close as possible while his lips devoured you. You had to pull away for air, but he just kept planting kisses down your jaw and neck.
You soon forget why you’ve been mad all this time, and your mind goes completely blank when he lays you on the bed and kneels down on the floor, grinning cheekily as he throws your legs over his shoulders. 
“I may not be good with words, but I know I’m damn good at other things.” Raditz purrs, tracing his lips on the inside of your thighs.
You laugh breathily because he’s obviously right, and you’re too weak to argue about whatever you were talking about before.
Whatever Raditz gets out of going down on you, you don’t know, but you don’t ponder on the thought when he coaxes you into coming twice with just his mouth in what must be record time. You’re still in haze when he crawls on top of you, kissing you gently as he pushes his cock inside you. 
“Fuck, I needed this…” He grunts in your ear, once he’s fully sheathed. “I need you. I want you.”
Raditz sets a steady yet hard pace, slamming his hips against yours. You whimper, your body still sensitive, and after a few rough thrusts you get closer to the edge again. You don’t even try to fight it or to make it last longer; after having come twice already, you’re too weak to do much. 
Wrapping your arms around him, you hold him close as your release washes over you, shuddering and letting out a stuttered moan. Raditz groans against your skin before biting down your neck, moving into you faster until his body tenses, coming inside with a guttural growl.
He practically collapses on top of you once he’s spent but you don’t mind it; it’s nice to feel him so close after so many days when you were getting used to the idea that you wouldn’t meet him again. Running your hands up and down his back and threading your fingers through his hair, you sigh contently until he rolls over to the side. 
When he pulls you closer with an arm around your shoulder and his tail on your waist, you look at him with wide eyes. He rarely initiates cuddling. 
“I thought I was never going to have you again.” Raditz confesses quietly, only for you to hear. 
“I thought you wouldn’t come back either…” You respond softly. “I didn’t want that to be the last time we saw each other. Everything I said… You shouldn’t take my word for it anyway.”
“Didn’t you say you meant it?”
“When I said I care about you, yeah, I did, but everything else… I mean, you know me enough. I come home to an empty apartment every day. Who am I to talk about how you live your life…”
Your eyes are looking at the window, fixed on the sky, tinted with dark orange as the sun sets, but you can feel his eyes trained on your face. 
“I still have a lot to apologize for, is that what you’re saying?” Raditz asks, pressing you closer.
“I didn’t mean it like that.”
He hums in response, and you shut up for once, not wanting to drag this along anymore. When he presses his nose to the top of your head, breathing in your scent, you close your eyes, relaxing for a minute, pleased that he has magically decided to come and stay for at least a little while.
“You didn’t ask me to clean myself this time.” Raditz casually says, and you snort. You’re aware that you didn’t, but you also didn’t catch any weird smell when he was close, so you don’t really care.
“I was just ignoring how dirty you are.”
“Is that so?” He shifts, moving even closer and pressing his lips to your neck again. “Do you want to take a shower with me?”
You’re only human, and Raditz is looking at you with eyes that make you want to sink and drown in them. He effortlessly carries you to the shower, and as water falls down both of your bodies, he kisses you heatedly when he slides inside you again, moving at a steady pace, and it doesn’t take long until you both come simultaneously. 
Later that night, when he’s sleeping by your side with an arm draped over your waist, tears well up in your eyes. You don’t dare to think about it, let alone say it out loud, but you know how you feel. You know well what the word is for how you feel towards him. Anxiety about the upcoming days keeps you from reveling in your feelings because you know this won’t end well. This was supposed to be just casual but you had been naive to think it could remain that way as time went by. 
Swallowing down your feelings, and telling yourself to keep quiet about them and how much it’s going to hurt once he leaves, you blink your tears away before they can spill as you press closer to Raditz, and try to sleep.
Raditz was honest when he said he thought he was never going to lay with you again. He was sure you wouldn’t want to work things out when he got to your place to talk to you, you were the one who told him to leave after all. Thankfully, he had been wrong; he figured he would have to say sorry even if he didn’t know how. But when he kissed you and your body responded to him, he knew not all was lost. He’s very aware he did the bare minimum, but apologizing is something he has never done, not like this, not when he’s actually sorry and has to show himself vulnerable to someone else. It’s comforting to know you did the same for him. 
He feels you moving more than usual when the two of you go to sleep that night, as well as how tense your body is against his. He’s close to actually asking if there’s something wrong, but you end up falling asleep at some point. 
After sharing a bed with you for so many nights, Raditz already knows you’re not a light sleeper, not like he is. He moves to press closer when he wakes up the next morning, and you don’t even notice, too deep in your slumber to respond to his gesture. He can’t see your face from his position; your back is against his chest, the faint sunlight filtering through the window highlights the line of your body, and he can smell your hair. Small benefits from lying down like  that. 
The desire to stay like this, with his nose buried in your hair and an arm wrapped around your waist while the sun rises, is unfamiliar and confusing, yet not entirely unwelcome. Since he never actually had sex and slept with someone before, especially not as many times, he’s not sure how normal it is to feel this way, but it brings him a sense of peace that he has never experienced before. The closest feeling to this one was the one he got after purging a planet, like satisfaction from having finished a job, and knowing he could relax for a bit. Yet at the same time, it’s unfair to compare the two, they were similar, but nothing alike. 
Saiyans rarely mated for life, but it wasn’t completely uncommon. Raditz is well aware, his parents were one of the few mated couples on the planet. But it had been a long time ago, and the image of everyone else he may have known is fuzzy. Is this how his parents felt when they were with each other? 
He knows he’s become quite fond of you; after you told him to leave last time and the prospect of never touching you again sank in, how important you are to him became much more obvious. But what's more surprising is that it doesn’t bother him at all. 
Except for the fact that Vegeta and Nappa are coming to this planet God knows when. Raditz has lost track of time a long time ago, all he knows is that they are getting here someday. 
He remembers well that he was looking for the Dragon Balls too. For immortality, or something. He’s been rethinking that wish for a few days now, but there isn’t any alternative that satisfies him. 
His focus shifts when you stir, humming softly as you wake up. You look comically startled to see him staring at you when you turn to him with sleepy eyes. 
“Hey,” You mumble, clearing your throat, “You should have woken me up if you were awake.”
“Why?” His tail that has been draped over your hip tightens, holding you closer to his body. 
“I don’t know, aren’t you hungry, or bored?”
“I’m not.” Raditz chuckles; maybe he’s a little hungry, but he rather stays like this. “You snore when you sleep and that’s pretty entertaining.”
“I do not!”
“Yes, you do. Pretty loudly.”
“Well, you snore too, and even louder!”
You’re looking at him with drowsy eyes, rosy cheeks, and messy hair; he can’t resist.
Laughing quietly, Raditz brings the hand on your waist up to your cheek to stroke it, pulling you closer towards him and gently pressing his lips to yours. You make a surprised soft noise and squirm in his arms, making him smile into the kiss, completely pleased with your reaction. He plants another brief kiss before pulling awake, and you stare at him with wide eyes.  
“Why did you do that?” You ask shyly, blushing deeper. He’s not sure why you’re blushing, you had kissed each other before, plenty of times. 
But he’s never kissed you just because, with no intentions of sex. 
Raditz remains quiet, only staring at your face for a little while before you move to sit up.
“I should get up… I’ll make breakfast.”
Your cheeks still have a faint pink hue as he watches you walk out the room towards the bathroom. 
You stare at him more often than usual during the morning, while he eats, and he usually wouldn’t mind it, but you’re not even saying anything that would explain why you keep your eyes trained on him with such intensity. 
“You keep staring at me, girl, what are you thinking?”
“I didn’t realize I was… Sorry.”
Raditz grunts in response, noticing that you look embarrassed for being caught. He doesn’t get it, though. 
“I don’t like it when you call me ‘girl’.”
“What? Why? You are a girl.” He frowns, confused.
“I am but I’m not a child, I’m a woman.”
“I’m well aware of that.”
“How old are you, anyway? You look around Goku’s age.”
“I don’t know.” Raditz replies after some time. 
“You don’t know how old you are?”
“No. I was seven when Planet Vegeta was destroyed. I stopped counting after that.”
You look sad for whatever reason; he doesn’t get that either. 
“Goku was sent here as a baby…” You start after some time, thinking out loud and locking eyes with him. “Do you remember how old you were when he was born?”
“I was six.”
“So, a year later, your planet was destroyed?”
“More or less, yes.”
“Mmh… Goku was 24 when he died-”
“Can we stop talking about Kakarot?”
“-and he would have been 25 by now. And you’re 6 years older than him. So you’re 31.”
Raditz blinks, unsure of how to react. 
“You’re not that much older than me then, I was a bit worried.” You smile cheerily. 
“You were worried?” 
“A bit, yeah. You could have been 100 years old for all I know. But I’m glad we are close in age.”
“Is age that important? How old are you?” He eyes you up and down; he doesn’t have any concept about how humans age, but you look young. 
Do humans stay young for a long time, like Saiyans? Doubtful. Saiyans were built like that to fight for decades, but humans do not do that. 
“I’m 28.” You smile wider, resting your arms on the table and leaning closer. “You also seem like a Scorpio.”
“The fuck are you talking about?”
“It’s a human thing, according to when you were born, you have certain personality traits.”
“You humans sure have a lot of free time on your hands.” 
Raditz yanks your chair closer to his with his foot, making you jolt, obviously surprised, but you keep talking. 
“Yeah, well, we were never involved in intergalactic wars. But I’m not sure if you’re more like a Scorpio or a Gemini…”
“I don’t know what any of that means.” 
He effortlessly picks you, making you sit on his lap and holding you close as his lips find your neck, pressing kisses up your jaw. 
“You can be a Scorpio because you’re a little stubborn, among other things…” You giggle when he presses his nose to the skin under your ear, taking in your scent. “Or a Gemini because you’re mischievous, and a little tense…”
Raditz isn’t really paying too much attention to what you’re saying, he’s too preoccupied with how your body feels, how soft your skin is, and how sweet your smell is to respond to your words.
“You’re not listening to me…” You say, quietly and breathily, as he sneaks a hand underneath your shirt.
“I’m busy.” He nibbles your jaw, and you shiver slightly in his embrace. “I don’t understand a word you’re saying anyway.”
Capturing your lips next, you’re finally silenced as he kisses you ardently, digging his fingers into your flesh to press you as close as possible. You hum contently, kissing him just as eagerly, and Raditz feels his chest tightening with adoration. 
It’s a strange sensation, being aware of his affection for you, and the affection itself, having never experienced anything close to it. He could spend hours just sitting there, kissing you, touching you, and even more. 
When he pulls away to take off your shirt, Raditz notices that the sky has turned pitch black, leaving your apartment in the dark. It’s morning, the sun was out just a minute ago. You gasp when you notice it too, and you stiffen in his arms. Looking at your face, even in the shadows, he immediately can tell that you know what’s going on. 
“What is this?” He asks, staring at you. 
He hears you swallow as your hold on his shoulders tightens, but you don’t answer. 
Raditz stands up, helping you stay on your feet before he walks to the window to look outside. There’s nothing going on besides the sky being completely obscured. He focuses on detecting energies, but there’s no one who catches his attention. 
The darkness only lasts a few minutes before the sun is out again, just in the same spot it was before. He has been on Earth enough to know that hasn’t been a common occurrence on that planet. And there isn’t any moon for it to be an eclipse.
When Raditz turns to look at you, you seem upset, with your brows furrowed and mouth slightly open. 
“You know what’s going on. Tell me.” He wants to sound demanding, but he has grown too soft to even raise his voice at you.
You open and close your mouth a few times, and he waits patiently for an explanation, but before he can get one, your phone rings. He’s about to tell you to ignore it, but you quickly turn to pick it up. His eyes follow you, and he listens in to your conversation (as he usually does when you talk on the phone with someone).
“Oh, hi, Bulma… Yeah, I saw. I figured it was you. So Goku is back? Tomorrow? But that’s a month early! Yeah, I know. I’ll be there. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Raditz watches as you hang up, and slowly, very slowly, turn to him. You still look distressed as you lock eyes with him. 
“The Saiyans are getting here tomorrow.”
He couldn’t hide the surprised look on his face. Tomorrow? Has it been a year? No, that’s why you said ‘that’s a month early’. It hasn’t been a year, but he has lost track of time to even notice how long it’s been. He’s been too distracted.
“And… They brought Goku back to life. Now you can’t use the Dragon Balls…” 
Raditz frowns. He wanted the Dragon Balls to make a wish (immortality, was it?) but he doesn’t really care about that anymore. 
You’re looking at him with big eyes, and he understands why you seem so upset now. 
When Raditz takes a few steps forward he isn’t really thinking, he just knows that he wants to touch you and feel you close more than ever before. You’re startled by how fast he lunges towards you, and you even gasp when he kisses you. He presses you against the telephone stand, almost tumbling it over, but he really doesn’t care, wrapping his arms tightly around you. He kisses you as if he hasn’t been kissing you the past few days, the past few months, with intensity, tasting your lips and every corner of your mouth.
“Raditz-” You call for him against his lips, clinging to his shoulders. “Wait-”
“I don’t want to wait.” He practically growls, gripping your waist so tight he regrets it, thinking he might have hurt you, but you only hum in response. “I don’t want to talk. Just…”
At a loss of words, he trails off, but luckily you don’t try again. 
You only moan his name, and the occasional curse, when Raditz presses you against the mattress moments later, moving in and out of you at a slow pace, kissing you heatedly the entire time, swallowing down all your noises and all the words that escape your lips. He groans your name against your skin every time he comes, holding you close, knowing this time that he will have to let you go once tomorrow arrives. 
When he decided that this situation with you was just a distraction in what could only be considered a ‘pause’ in the usual pace of his life, he hadn’t been thinking clearly. He feels like he’s bleeding inside again, for different reasons now. 
Raditz stays in bed with you for most of the day (he still knows you’re human, and you can’t possibly keep up with him if he were to actually fuck you all day long, and you both need to eat anyway). For once you don’t talk too much, and he realizes he actually likes it when you do, when you ask him questions or when you quip a witty remark at him. 
He doesn’t know what he’s going to do tomorrow. 
“You’re not going to go there, are you?” Raditz asks you the next morning, eying you up and down as you sit on the bed, tying up your shoes. 
“No, I’m going to be at Kame House.”
“That pink house where we met?”
He nods. He doesn’t know why he even asked, if something were to happen to the planet, it wouldn’t matter where you are. 
“I’ll take you there.”
“Oh, I can get there myself.” You show him a small smile. “Thank you, though.”
Raditz would argue but it’s better that way. He can say goodbye to you alone here. 
As soon as you stand up, he kisses you. You get surprised every time, but you return it just the same. He glides his lips over yours, slow and sweet, as he holds your face. This might be the last time he gets to kiss you, so he makes it last until he feels you’re struggling for air. He’s going to miss that hazy look in your eyes when he breaks a kiss, the look you currently have as he leans his forehead against yours. 
Unsure of what to say, Raditz just keeps his eyes locked with yours for a while. You said before you want him to say goodbye whenever he leaves. He doesn’t want to say it, but he does anyway.
His body protests when he takes a step back, his hands on your face leaving you last. You still look distressed, and he waits for a minute, in case you want to say something.
When you don’t, Raditz finally turns to the balcony, opening the door and flying away. 
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landwriter · 2 years
about me
tagged by @verminetroglodyte merci bud! also omg thank you for your kind words i weep
Nickname: Gloam, have also seen variations of land i enjoy
Sign: I'm a Leo Sun, Pisces Moon, Pisces Rising and I understand this is "unsurprising"
Height: 5'2"
Last thing I googled: 'old english time', interpret that how you will
Song stuck in my head: my head is currently empty
Number of followers: 742
Amount of sleep: ~6hrs
Dream job: being a renowned woman of leisure
Wearing: The platonic ideal of a plaid shirt: oversized, soft, and stolen from a man five years ago. paired w/lavender sweatpants, wool socks, and hard-soled felt slippers with fluffy white hearts on them.
Movies/books that summarize you: is Hob Gadling a movie ha ha honestly this feels like the sort of question someone else ought to answer about me but couldn't do without grave insult
Favorite song: [this page has been intentionally left blank]
Favorite instrument: cello, my long lost love brief affair
Aesthetic: half my closet is négligée and half is sweaters but I make a special effort for vacations, friend visits, etc. where I usually go for the signature capsule wardrobe looks like "futch dad goes to tulum" and "i was a teenager in this town once but i'm an adult now alright just look at this coat"
Favorite authors: It's a sign I need to read more that these answers are the same I would've given like three or five years ago, but generally an enjoyer of Tom Robbins prose, Karin Tidbeck's worlds, and talking about Margaret Atwood books more than actually reading them. anyone who can write a good essay or longread. REALLY love Eleanor Davis as a short story/comix person. i think about How To Be Happy all the time
Random fun fact: I live in the sort of place where I got a phone call today because my next door neighbours got a letter for me put in their mailbox, letting me know it's in mine now. both our mailboxes are for inter-neighbour communication and gifts (i.e. potatoes). they are not the mailboxes where mail actually goes. you have to drive to those.
I tag: whoever wants to do this as long as you promise to @ me so I can be nosy!!!
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decimatlas · 1 year
Tumblr media
what’s your phone wallpaper : This (if you haven't caught up with the AOT anime, don't click, it's mild spoilers)
last song you listened to : illicit affairs by Taylor Swift
currently reading : My many outlines for my law school finals
last movie : The Conjuring (for some reason????)
last show : Ouran High School Host Club (finally got around to watching), and I started Evangelion (my friend asked me to). I feel like a time capsule right now.
what are you wearing right now : My grey Mysterio (Spidey) t-shirt, black Inuyasha sweatpants, and blue socks with sea turtles on 'em. I'm the pinnacle of fashion.
piercings / tattoos? : My ears are pierced, no tattoos yet.
glasses ? contacts? : Both, I cannot see!
last thing you ate? : Stir fry that my dad made on the wok.
favorite color(s) : Dark blue
current obsession : Shingeki No Kyojin, if you haven't noticed :D
favorite fictional character : Dean Winchester, Reiner Braun, Levi Ackerman, Anakin Skywalker. Yes, the prompt asked for one, and I listed four. So what?
Tagged by: @knightinsourarmor ◡̈
Tagging: @lvenderhze, @abernathed, @yllowpages, whoever else wants!
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muffystudies · 2 years
January 2023 Reads
I got this idea from @apricitystudies, since her monthly reading lists encouraged me to read further outside of my comfort zone, I thought I'd try the same sort of thing here
I'm dividing these lists into 3 categories:
News and Current affairs
Medical/Psychology/Public Health(I'm an undergrad psych student looking to go into public health and it's like my only personality trait at this point /s)
General Interest
Personal favourites will be bolded, with podcast links Italicised.
Without further ado, let's get into it!
News and current affairs:
Probably my favourite news story this month has been about this radioactive capsule that's missing somewhere between Perth and Newman in Western Australia (a distance of around 1200kms and a lot of it is fairly isolated). It's about the size of a 10c piece and fell off the back of a truck, I'm not even joking but if you want to read about it for yourself:
What is the radioactive capsule missing in WA used for and how dangerous is it?
Also, if you're gonna look this up anywhere else and people are joking about it (not from wa specifically but if we don't laugh we'll cry imo) you're gonna need some context:
Emu War
Clarke and Dawe - The Front Fell Off
Medical/Psychology/Public Health
Epilepsy: Lessons for clinicians from popular memes on social media
Object personification in Autism: This paper will be very sad if you don't read it
The Year I Lost Myself to Concussion
General interest:
The College Essay Is Dead
A Love Letter to Australia's Old School Chinese Restaurants
Taylor Swift is on the cusp of becoming a billionaire. Fans are debating if that's a good thing
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Shriram Pharmacy College: India’s #1 Pharmacy Training
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Shriram Pharmacy College, located in Bankner, stands as a beacon of excellence in pharmacy education in India. As the nation’s top-ranked pharmacy institution, Shriram Pharmacy College is dedicated to providing a comprehensive education that prepares students for the ever-evolving pharmaceutical industry. This blog delves into the key aspects of the college’s program and highlights what makes it a premier choice for aspiring pharmacists.
### Stay Updated With Pharmaceutical Advancements
In the fast-paced world of pharmaceuticals, staying updated with the latest advancements is crucial. Shriram Pharmacy College ensures that its curriculum reflects current trends and innovations in the industry. The college integrates recent research findings, emerging drug technologies, and modern practices into its teaching modules. This approach helps students stay ahead of the curve and equips them with cutting-edge knowledge. Faculty members, many of whom are active researchers, regularly update the coursework to include the latest scientific developments and regulatory changes, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for the dynamic nature of the pharmaceutical field.
### Focus On Hands-On Lab Experience
Hands-on experience is essential for mastering the theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom. At Shriram Pharmacy College, students benefit from state-of-the-art laboratory facilities where they can apply their learning practically. The college emphasizes practical training through extensive lab sessions, where students engage in drug formulation, testing, and analysis. This hands-on approach helps bridge the gap between theory and practice, allowing students to gain valuable skills in drug development and quality control. Lab experience also fosters problem-solving abilities and enhances students’ readiness for real-world challenges in the pharmaceutical industry.
### Master Drug Formulation Techniques
A core component of pharmacy education is mastering drug formulation techniques. Shriram Pharmacy College offers specialized courses that focus on the science and technology behind drug formulation. Students learn about various dosage forms, including tablets, capsules, and injectable solutions. They also explore advanced topics such as controlled-release systems and nanomedicine. By understanding the principles of formulation and manufacturing, students gain the expertise needed to develop effective and safe pharmaceutical products. This knowledge is crucial for careers in drug development, quality assurance, and regulatory affairs.
### Develop Strong Analytical Skills
Analytical skills are fundamental in pharmacy practice, where precision and accuracy are paramount. Shriram Pharmacy College emphasizes the development of strong analytical skills through rigorous coursework and practical exercises. Students are trained in techniques such as chromatography, spectroscopy, and microscopy, which are essential for analyzing drug substances and formulations. The ability to interpret complex data and make informed decisions is critical for ensuring drug efficacy and safety. The college’s curriculum is designed to foster these skills, preparing students for roles that require meticulous attention to detail and critical thinking.
### Participate In Internships Actively
Internships play a vital role in bridging academic learning with professional experience. Shriram Pharmacy College encourages students to engage in internships with pharmaceutical companies, research institutions, and healthcare facilities. These internships provide students with real-world exposure to the pharmaceutical industry, allowing them to apply their knowledge in practical settings. They also offer valuable networking opportunities and insights into various career paths within pharmacy. Active participation in internships helps students build professional relationships, gain hands-on experience, and enhance their employability upon graduation.
### Network With Industry Professionals
Networking with industry professionals is an essential aspect of career development in pharmacy. Shriram Pharmacy College facilitates numerous opportunities for students to connect with experts through guest lectures, workshops, and industry conferences. These interactions provide students with insights into current industry trends, challenges, and innovations. Networking events also allow students to seek mentorship, guidance, and potential job opportunities. By building a professional network, students can gain valuable advice, explore career options, and enhance their prospects in the competitive pharmaceutical job market.
### Prioritize Patient Care Knowledge
Patient care is at the heart of pharmacy practice. Shriram Pharmacy College emphasizes the importance of understanding patient needs and providing high-quality care. The curriculum includes modules on clinical pharmacy, patient counseling, and therapeutic decision-making. Students learn how to assess patient conditions, recommend appropriate medications, and offer counseling on drug use. This patient-centered approach ensures that graduates are equipped to provide effective and compassionate care, contributing to improved health outcomes and enhanced patient satisfaction.
### Embrace Continuous Professional Development
The pharmaceutical field is constantly evolving, and continuous professional development is crucial for staying current. Shriram Pharmacy College instills the value of lifelong learning in its students. The college encourages participation in workshops, seminars, and certification programs to keep abreast of new developments in the field. Graduates are prepared to pursue advanced degrees, specialized certifications, and professional development opportunities. Embracing continuous learning helps pharmacists maintain their competencies, adapt to changes in the industry, and advance their careers.
### FAQs
**1. What sets Shriram Pharmacy College apart from other institutions?**
Shriram Pharmacy College is distinguished by its top-ranked status, cutting-edge facilities, and a comprehensive curriculum that integrates recent advancements in pharmacy. The college emphasizes hands-on lab experience, practical internships, and strong industry connections, ensuring that students are well-prepared for successful careers in the pharmaceutical field.
**2. How does Shriram Pharmacy College support students in finding internships?**
The college has strong industry ties and actively supports students in securing internships through partnerships with pharmaceutical companies, research institutions, and healthcare facilities. Students receive guidance from faculty members and career services to find opportunities that align with their career goals and interests.
**3. What practical skills do students gain from the lab sessions at Shriram Pharmacy College?**
Students gain practical skills in drug formulation, testing, and analysis through extensive lab sessions. They learn techniques such as chromatography and spectroscopy, which are essential for analyzing drug substances and ensuring quality control. These hands-on experiences prepare students for real-world challenges in the pharmaceutical industry.
**4. How does Shriram Pharmacy College ensure students stay updated with pharmaceutical advancements?**
The college integrates the latest research findings and technological advancements into its curriculum. Faculty members regularly update coursework to include new developments in the field. Additionally, students are encouraged to participate in workshops, seminars, and industry conferences to stay informed about current trends and innovations.
**5. Why is continuous professional development important for pharmacy graduates?**
Continuous professional development is crucial for staying current with evolving pharmaceutical practices and technologies. It allows graduates to enhance their skills, pursue advanced certifications, and adapt to changes in the industry. Embracing lifelong learning helps pharmacists maintain their competencies and advance their careers.
### Conclusion
Shriram Pharmacy College in Bankner exemplifies excellence in pharmacy education through its focus on current pharmaceutical advancements, hands-on experience, and strong industry connections. By prioritizing practical training, analytical skills, and patient care, the college prepares students for successful careers in the dynamic field of pharmacy. Embracing continuous professional development ensures that graduates remain at the forefront of the industry.
### Stay Connected with Shriram Pharmacy College!
For the latest updates, educational content, and insights into the dynamic field of pharmacy, don’t miss out on the Shriram Pharmacy College YouTube channel. By liking, sharing, and subscribing, you’ll gain access to expert lectures, student testimonials, campus events, and much more. Stay informed about advancements in pharmaceutical sciences and become a part of our vibrant community. Your support helps us grow and continue providing valuable resources to students and professionals alike. Join us today and never miss an update!
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nithiyanantha · 7 days
Best Mobile Apps for IAS Preparation
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Preparing for the Indian Administrative Service examination is no small feat. First of all, one needs a wellstructured plan of preparation coupled with consistent efforts and the right resources. In a digital era like this, a mobile application plays a very important role in helping aspirants. With such applications, studying material, current affairs, and other stuff like mock tests within easy reach.
These mobile apps are supplements to classroom learning for students preparing at distinguished coaching centers like PM IAS Academy, Coimbatore, and provide them with that extra mile in preparation. Let's know more about the best IAS mobile applications in helping your study plan in the blog below.
Why Mobile Apps Are Essential for IAS Preparation With the fast information and technology world, mobile applications make learning easier. Here are a few reasons why these mobile applications are required for IAS aspirants:
Access is not necessary to be at one place to access study materials, news, or lectures. You could do it anywhere and at any time, thus optimizing your study time even during short breaks.
One can opt for customized study plans and track progress in some mobile applications. Thus, a student will focus on his areas of weakness and improve accordingly.
Diverse Content: These have every possible study material, right from current affairs to mock tests, video lectures, and so on, which helps aspirants cover the entire IAS syllabus.
It is cost-effective. Although the courses for IAS preparation are costly, the mobile apps are relatively free and cost-friendly, ensuring that everyone gets to access the best education. Let's dig deeper into the best mobile apps available for IAS aspirants, especially from PM IAS Academy in Coimbatore, to enhance their preparation.
Top Mobile Apps for IAS Preparation
Comprehensive Current Affairs App Keeping oneself updated with current affairs is an essential part of IAS preparation. Apps related to current affairs provide news at the national and international levels, policies by governments, and the condition of society. These apps provide the following:
News summary on a daily basis. Editorials from leading newspapers. Monthly current affairs capsules. Quizzes and practice tests based on current events. For aspirants at PM IAS Academy in Coimbatore, these apps can work as supplements to your learning in the classrooms by providing current news update and analysis important both for Prelims and Mains.
Mock Test and Practice App Mocking tests and practice exams are the best ways to know where you stand and which part of the exam pattern is to be understood. These apps provide:
Timed Prelims and Mains Mock Tests. Detailed Performance Analysis. Sectional Tests General Studies, CSAT and Optional subjects. Practice through Mock Test Apps. So you may catch where you are going wrong, and you may concentrate on areas of improvement. The students of PM IAS Academy in Coimbatore find these apps to be very handy for simulating the actual exam atmosphere.
Interactive Learning and Video Lecture App For the student who is a visual learner, interactive video lecture apps would come as a gift. These include:
Video lectures by experts on multiple topics within the syllabus of the IAS. Interactive quizzes and discussions. Topic-wise segregation. The ease of accessing video lectures at any time makes it simpler for the aspirants in revisiting a topic or clearing doubts. Video lectures supplemented with learning in classes at PM IAS Academy here in Coimbatore cover all complexities in topics.
Previous Year Papers and Question Bank App Understanding the kind of question paper used in previous years' examinations would help crack IAS. A multitude of question papers from previous years and huge question banks are available on these apps that offer access to: Question papers of Preliminary and Mains for the last 10+ years. Questions available topic-wise and subject-wise for practice. Answer explanation and analysis for enhanced understanding. These apps can be used in conjunction with classroom coaching to ensure that the students are well exposed to question patterns and adequately rehearsed.
NCERT and Standard Books App NCERT books form the backbone of IAS preparation. Having easy access to NCERT books and other standard reference material on your mobile is very invaluable. Apps give the user: Free access to all NCERT books from Class 6 to 12. Summary of main points from standard reference books. The ability to highlight and bookmark sections which may need to be revisited again. To the PM IAS Academy aspirant at Coimbatore, these apps have turned out to be an excellent quick reference tool, carrying their textbooks wherever they want.
Note Taking and Revision App The art of note-taking is always good and with these apps, you can coordinate your revision process with: Tools that enable you to create and organize your notes. Ability to share notes with classmates or gurus. Accessing notes on any device. Capture of lecture notes and highlights taken at PM IAS Academy, Coimbatore and it will always be ready for revision on the go.
Time Management and Planner App Time management forms one of the biggest challenges an IAS aspirant faces. In addition to planner and time management apps, you can:
Schedule study time and reminders for your timetable. Divide the IAS syllabus into smaller sections. Marking daily, weekly, and monthly progress. You can thus monitor your study materials with proper time management apps along with these scheduled pre-planned study times given for CSAT preparation by PM IAS Academy in Coimbatore. CSAT is a part of IAS Prelims and there are specific apps that help aspirants prepare for the CSAT paper. They offer:
Logical reasoning and comprehension exercises Quantitative aptitude practice tests Detailed explanations and performance tracking For PM IAS Academy students in Coimbatore, these apps come as a supplement to help them feel better prepared for the CSAT paper, which usually acts as a decider for clearing Prelims.
How to Leverage these Applications while Preparing IAS It is nice to use these mobile applications, but it needs strategic use in order to get the maximum benefits from them. Here are a few tips on how one should integrate these apps into one's IAS study plan:
That can be used as complements of and not to replace the classroom learnings under PM IAS Academy in Coimbatore: Also, these apps should be used as a supplement to those guidances and resources received from the academy. Classroom training has the backdrop of an institution, while mobile applications provide flexibility and resource supplemented as well.
Maintain a Balanced Study Plan: Do not spend all your time on any app or subject. Use apps for current affairs in the morning, mock test in the day, and revision in the evening such that you are studying everything.
Fix Time Limitations: Mobile applications tend to be addictive. See that you don't spend too much time on them. Ensure you have fixed time limits for each app so that you balance your study routine.
Regularly assess your progress: Utilize the performance analytics provided by mock test applications to monitor your progress and then modify your plan of study. Share the results with the mentors at PM IAS Academy, Coimbatore, and get tailored feedback based on it.
Conclusion The mobile apps for IAS preparation are excellent tools to help you enhance your learning experience. Above all, such applications are easily availed, which further enhances your overall performance. It may clear up emergency current affairs, practice mock tests, or revise vital topics while focusing on a specific area of improvement.
However, these apps can be used only in combination with structured coaching from experts. For students at PM IAS Academy in Coimbatore, mobile apps thus provide greater access to more resources and more flexibility to meet their dreams of becoming an IAS officer.
By integrating mobile apps in your strategy of preparation, you get a step ahead in the competition, keep things organized, and move fearlessly closer to becoming an IAS officer.
IASPreparation #UPSCJourney #MobileAppsForIAS #BestIASCoaching
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ambitiousbaba · 12 days
GK Capsule for RRB PO Mains 2024
RRB PO GK/GA Capsule 2024 : ambitiousbaba.com Presenting the most demanding GK Capsule for RRB PO Mains, including Current Affairs, Financial Awareness, Static Awareness , Banking Awareness , and other Related News, etc . You can download load GA Capsule PDF from the mentioned link and take a print out of it and prepare for GK/GA section ask in RRB PO Mains 2024 exam. This RRB Mains capsule is…
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class24 · 9 months
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New SpaceTime out Monday
SpaceTime 20240826 Series 27 Episode 103
Starliner crew to return on Dragon
NASA has decided to return the stranded Starliner crew to Earth aboard rival SpaceX’ Dragon capsule because of ongoing concerns about the reliability of their Boeing spacecraft. 
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Tracking down the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs
A new study claims the asteroid which triggered the extinction of 75 percent of all life on Earth including all the non-avian dinosaurs 66 million years ago originated beyond the orbit of Jupiter during the early development of the solar system.
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JUICE completes the first joint Lunar-Earth gravity assist flyby
The European Space Agency’s JUICE -- Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer – spacecraft has successfully completed the first ever joint Lunar-Earth gravity assist fly by flinging itself just as planned towards Venus.
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Three more Australian satellites sent into orbit
The latest trio flew up aboard SpaceX’s transporter 11 mission on a Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 4E at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.  Transporter 11 is carrying 116 payloads, including CubeSats, microsats, and an orbital transfer vehicle carrying eight payloads.
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The Science Report
Babies born to fathers of an older age more likely to have health complications at birth.
The bacteria that can produce rigid, heat stable plastics.
Tiny volcanic glass shards found in Tasmania came from a super-eruption in New Zealand.
Skeptics guide to body language
SpaceTime covers the latest news in astronomy & space sciences.
The show is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Apple Podcasts (itunes), Stitcher, Google Podcast, Pocketcasts, SoundCloud, Bitez.com, YouTube, your favourite podcast download provider, and from www.spacetimewithstuartgary.com
SpaceTime is also broadcast through the National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio and on both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
SpaceTime daily news blog: http://spacetimewithstuartgary.tumblr.com/
SpaceTime facebook: www.facebook.com/spacetimewithstuartgary
SpaceTime Instagram @spacetimewithstuartgary
SpaceTime twitter feed @stuartgary
SpaceTime YouTube: @SpaceTimewithStuartGary
SpaceTime -- A brief history
SpaceTime is Australia’s most popular and respected astronomy and space science news program – averaging over two million downloads every year. We’re also number five in the United States.  The show reports on the latest stories and discoveries making news in astronomy, space flight, and science.  SpaceTime features weekly interviews with leading Australian scientists about their research.  The show began life in 1995 as ‘StarStuff’ on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) NewsRadio network.  Award winning investigative reporter Stuart Gary created the program during more than fifteen years as NewsRadio’s evening anchor and Science Editor.  Gary’s always loved science. He studied astronomy at university and was invited to undertake a PHD in astrophysics, but instead focused on his career in journalism and radio broadcasting. Gary’s radio career stretches back some 34 years including 26 at the ABC. He worked as an announcer and music DJ in commercial radio, before becoming a journalist and eventually joining ABC News and Current Affairs. He was part of the team that set up ABC NewsRadio and became one of its first on air presenters. When asked to put his science background to use, Gary developed StarStuff which he wrote, produced and hosted, consistently achieving 9 per cent of the national Australian radio audience based on the ABC’s Nielsen ratings survey figures for the five major Australian metro markets: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.  The StarStuff podcast was published on line by ABC Science -- achieving over 1.3 million downloads annually.  However, after some 20 years, the show finally wrapped up in December 2015 following ABC funding cuts, and a redirection of available finances to increase sports and horse racing coverage.  Rather than continue with the ABC, Gary resigned so that he could keep the show going independently.  StarStuff was rebranded as “SpaceTime”, with the first episode being broadcast in February 2016.  Over the years, SpaceTime has grown, more than doubling its former ABC audience numbers and expanding to include new segments such as the Science Report -- which provides a wrap of general science news, weekly skeptical science features, special reports looking at the latest computer and technology news, and Skywatch – which provides a monthly guide to the night skies. The show is published three times weekly (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and available from the United States National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio, and through both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
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influencermagazineuk · 3 months
Sunita Williams and Butch Wilmore Stuck in Space: What is NASA’s Plan?
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Currently, Butch Wilmore and Sunita Williams are testing Boeing's new Starliner spacecraft. Their eight-day mission has been extended to stay at the International Space Station (ISS) due to a number of concerns that have arisen. As NASA attempts to address these issues, the return date is still unknown.  Mission Specifics and Difficulties With great expectations for Starliner's successful test flight, the mission got underway on June 5. Nevertheless, the capsule ran into serious technical issues: - Five releases of helium - Five thruster failures during maneuvering - A problem with the propellant valve Due to these problems, the astronauts' eight-day stay has been extended by mission engineers, delaying their originally intended return date of June 26 to an undisclosed later date. Robert Markowitz, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Present Situation NASA just revealed that the Starliner's homecoming will be delayed once more. A return opportunity is being assessed by the mission managers following the ISS's scheduled spacewalks on June 24 and July 2. NASA's Commercial Crew Program manager, Steve Stich, stressed that the team is taking its time to guarantee safety and obtain important information for upcoming missions. With backup systems, Starliner can remain docked at the International Space Station (ISS), which is frequently referred to as a "mini city in space," for up to 45 days. Potential Solutions and Future Plans According to a source with knowledge of NASA's mission schedule, July 6 is the latest estimated return date. NASA may think about utilizing a different spaceship, like SpaceX's Crew Dragon, to safely return the astronauts home if more issues develop. Professor of aeronautical engineering at New York University Katsuo Kurabayashi stated that there shouldn't be any major worries about a very difficult rescue mission or upcoming Starliner-based missions due to the current delay. Takeaway Prior to NASA approving Starliner as a dependable means of transportation to the International Space Station, this mission will be the craft's first attempt to launch astronauts into orbit. A coolant leak on Russia's Soyuz capsule in 2022 was the last occasion NASA required an alternate return flight. If Starliner is certified, it will join SpaceX's Crew Dragon as the second American spaceship that can carry people into orbit and reach the International Space Station. NASA is making great efforts to resolve the Starliner's mechanical problems while Sunita Williams and Butch Wilmore continue their prolonged stay at the International Space Station (ISS). Though difficult, the existing state of affairs provides insightful information for upcoming missions. NASA is still dedicated to safely returning the astronauts home, whether it means finding an alternate return route or executing successful repairs. Read the full article
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avisionins · 4 months
My Advanced SBI Journey with Avision Institute Banking Coaching
Preparing for the State Bank of India (SBI) exams can be a challenging yet rewarding journey. With the right guidance and resources, success is within reach. My experience with the best SBI PO coaching in Kolkata, Avision Institute Banking Coaching played a crucial role in shaping my preparation and helping me achieve my goals. Here's how I built my strategy and advanced through the SBI exam process.
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The SBI exams are highly competitive, requiring a well-structured and disciplined approach to preparation. Enrolling in Avision Institute Banking Coaching was a game-changer for me. Their expert guidance, comprehensive study materials, and effective teaching methods provided the perfect environment for my preparation.
Build Subject-wise Preparation
One of the key strategies I learned at Avision Institute was the importance of subject-wise preparation. Breaking down the syllabus into manageable sections allowed me to focus on each subject individually. Here's how I did it:
Quantitative Aptitude: I dedicated specific days to mastering quantitative aptitude, focusing on understanding basic concepts and practicing a variety of problems. The institute's study materials were incredibly helpful in providing a wide range of practice questions.
Reasoning Ability: For reasoning, I followed a structured approach, starting with simple puzzles and gradually moving to complex ones. Regular practice helped me improve my logical thinking and problem-solving skills.
English Language: Enhancing my vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension skills was essential. Avision Institute provided excellent resources and mock tests that helped me improve my accuracy and speed in the English section.
General Awareness: Staying updated with current affairs and banking knowledge was crucial. I made it a habit to read newspapers and use the institute's monthly GK capsules to stay informed.
Increase Practice
Practice makes perfect, and this couldn't be truer for SBI exam preparation. Avision Institute is the top coaching for SBI PO that emphasizes the importance of regular practice through mock tests and practice papers. These practice sessions helped me:
Identify Weak Areas: Regular tests helped me pinpoint my weak areas, allowing me to focus on improving them.
Improve Speed and Accuracy: Timed practice sessions improved my speed and accuracy, crucial for the actual exam.
Build Confidence: Frequent practice boosted my confidence, reducing exam-day anxiety.
Learn Shortcuts
Learning shortcuts and tricks was another significant aspect of my preparation at Avision Institute. The experienced faculty taught us various techniques to solve problems quickly and accurately. These shortcuts were especially useful for:
Quantitative Aptitude: Simplifying complex calculations and saving valuable time during the exam.
Reasoning Ability: Quickly solving puzzles and logical questions using strategic approaches.
Revise with Short Tutorials
Revision is an essential part of exam preparation. Avision Institute provided short tutorials and revision notes that made it easier to quickly review important topics. These tutorials were helpful in:
Reinforcing Concepts: Revisiting key concepts and formulas to ensure they were fresh in my mind.
Quick Review: Efficiently reviewing large amounts of information in a short time.
Avoid Guess Work
One crucial tip I learned at Avision Institute was to avoid guesswork. Negative marking in the SBI exams can significantly impact your score. To minimize guesswork, I focused on:
Understanding Questions: Carefully reading and understanding each question before attempting to answer.
Skipping Uncertain Questions: If I was unsure about a question, I chose to skip it rather than risk a wrong answer.
My journey with Avision Institute which is the best SBI PO coaching in Kolkata that helping me prepare for the SBI exams. Their structured approach, expert guidance, and comprehensive resources enabled me to build a strong foundation, practice effectively, learn useful shortcuts, revise efficiently, and avoid guesswork. With their support, I was able to navigate the challenging path to success in the SBI exams. If you're aspiring to crack the SBI exams, I highly recommend Avision Institute for a guided and effective preparation journey.
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